Top 230 Farmers Quotes

When tillage begins, other arts follow. The farmers, therefore, are the founders of human civilization.
Daniel Webster
It is time for Congress to provide relief for tobacco farmers. Since the 1930’s tobacco production has been regulated by a quota system, which required farmers to purchase quota in order to grow tobacco.
Allen Boyd
Throughout high school, I peddled my eggs, had a vendor stand at the local curb market – precursor to today’s farmers’ markets – and competed in 4-H contests and interscholastic debate.
Joel Salatin
The chief problem of low-income farmers is poverty.
Nelson Rockefeller
I think the chance of finding beauty is higher if you don’t work on it directly. Beauty in architecture is driven by practicality. This is what you learn from studying the old townscapes of the Swiss farmers.
Peter Zumthor
Never be a food snob. Learn from everyone you meet – the fish guy at your market, the lady at the local diner, farmers, cheese makers. Ask questions, try everything and eat up!
Rachael Ray
In the past 40 years, the United States lost more than a million farmers and ranchers. Many of our farmers are aging. Today, only nine percent of family farm income comes from farming, and more and more of our farmers are looking elsewhere for their primary source of income.
Tom Vilsack
Too often, farmers and producers are left out of the na

Too often, farmers and producers are left out of the national conversation on the climate crisis – or even dismissed altogether. But in reality, their expertise is a big part of the solution.
Abigail Spanberger
Cold weather probably played a bigger role in bringing back the hat, but sadly, the hat common to New Jersey guidos, South Carolina rednecks, Idaho potato farmers and Los Angeles gang bangers is the ubiquitous ‘tractor hat,’ which is derived from the cheap baseball style cap with the adjustable plastic tab.
Roger Stone
From better access to American markets for our beef and lamb farmers, to cutting tariffs on dairy products like cheese, which are up to 17 per cent, there are significant opportunities for UK farming.
Liz Truss
There are some farmers who have been terribly discriminated against by the USDA. They’ve suffered tremendous losses and pain and anguish, and they deserve to be compensated.
Mike Espy
Ensuring the San Luis Valley’s Radar data is fully integrated into National Weather Service systems will improve weather forecasting and warnings across southern Colorado for the benefit of farmers, ranchers, tourists, first responders, water district managers, and the general population.
Lauren Boebert
When coffee prices fall below production costs, farmers are often forced off their land, and they lose their homes, everything. With fair trade, farmers get a fair price for their harvest with a guaranteed minimum, so they can invest in their crops.
Nell Newman
I have had the good fortune to see how my articles have directly benefited some farmers and helped build markets for their products in a way that preserves land from development. That makes me a hopeless optimist.
Michael Pollan
The farmers in Kansas are sorely in need of a credit system meeting their special requirements, that they may more readily obtain money on short or long time for their farming operations, or that they may become owners of farms.
Arthur Capper
Texas’ and America’s farmers are suffering. As the Member of Congress representing the 10th Congressional District of Texas, I have traveled throughout our area and have seen first-hand how the drought has affected our agricultural communities.
Michael McCaul
All kinds of excuses have been given by governments for not implementing this recommendation like food price inflation. But the question is, do the farmers of this country, who constitute nearly half of the working population, also not need to eat?
M. S. Swaminathan
My uncles, who are farmers in Minooka, Illinois – I grew up with them and their pickup trucks and mustaches, and to me that was masculinity: big hairy sweaty guys who could pick up a bus.
Nick Offerman
Chapter 11 is an expensive process that does not accommodate the special needs of farmers.
Tim Holden
The richness and generosity of the human spirit I discovered in those journeys, meeting with olive farmers and people caught up in war was very humbling for me. Also, finding trees that were six or seven thousand years old made me realise what a tiny pea I am in the world.
Carol Drinkwater