Top 242 Difficulties Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Difficulties Quotes from famous people such as Lucy Larcom, David Whyte, Narendra Modi, Blase J. Cupich, Mia Love, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

Few parents are aware of the difficulties that beset th

Few parents are aware of the difficulties that beset the minds of the little philosophers and theologians who sit upon their knees or play at their feet; and many a parent could not comprehend the disturbance, if he were aware of it.
Lucy Larcom
One of the great difficulties as you rise up through an organisation is that your prior competencies are exploded and broken apart by the territory you’ve been promoted into: the field of human identity.
David Whyte
Indians felt despondent about Indian governance. Changing that atmosphere of gloom was a very challenging task, and I faced many difficulties in rectifying the situation and bringing back confidence and hope.
Narendra Modi
I would say that every pope has had people within his administration who have had difficulties one way or another with his administration.
Blase J. Cupich
Regardless of the difficulties we may face individually, in our families, in our communities and in our nation, the old adage is still true – you can make excuses or you can make progress, but you cannot make both! The America I know doesn’t make excuses.
Mia Love
Jammu is part of the state but the people of Jammu do not face the same kind of difficulties that we face in Kashmir.
Mehbooba Mufti
Whenever there is something revolutionary and new, there is opposition. There are difficulties in all parties, perhaps in my party, too.
Sonia Gandhi
I had the experience last year of directing my first feature while I had a 1-year-old son and while I was also pregnant, so I am now well aware of the difficulties women who are rearing children face when they’re also trying to make headway in mainstream of film.
Diablo Cody
I remember myself as an asthmatic child, having great difficulties at 7, 8 and 9 years old, falling totally in love with ‘Tarzan, Lord of the Jungle’ and dreaming of having his strength to leap into trees and throw mighty lions to the ground.
Gene Roddenberry
The exchange program is the thing that reconciles me to all the difficulties of political life.
J. William Fulbright
The Trail of Tears should teach all of us the importance of respect for others who are different from ourselves and compassion for those who have difficulties.
Joseph Bruchac
I do really like serio-comic movies that treat real difficulties in a real way.
Ron Howard
Man needs difficulties; they are necessary for health.
Carl Jung
Too much is made for us; too much is given to us – even those of us who are underprivileged. The poverty is given to us. The difficulties are given to us.
John Edgar Wideman
It’s obvious that China faces a range of demographic and economic difficulties stemming from its own population growth, and that the global community has a vested interest in avoiding the worst impacts of that growth.
Kerry Kennedy
The mistakes and unresolved difficulties of the past in mathematics have always been the opportunities of its future.
E. T. Bell
It’s the trials and tribulations that really test a person, and coming through those difficulties is what shapes a person’s character.
Johanna Konta
I like to win the difficulties, because when you win the difficulties, it makes you stronger, so I’m trying to do everything to come up to a new level.
Henrikh Mkhitaryan
There is no doubt that I, also, had long been aware of the problem, i.e. producing X-ray interferences, before the inherent difficulties had finally been surmounted.
Max von Laue
The one who turns his back on the world and its comforts and, sets out on the path that leads to the Beloved has to face countless difficulties. But he brakes them all for the sake of the Beloved.
Dada Vaswani
For me, I try to see difficulties as a way of expanding and growing as a person inhabiting this planet.
Jane Badler
Everyone has their moments of solitude, difficulties, and vulnerability.
Cai Guo-Qiang
We Are Bulletproof: The Eternal’ demonstrates that we will keep going despite the difficulties. It reveals our ego.
China is a very big and complicated country; it’s not easy to govern. But with courage and unity, China will certainly overcome all difficulties and continue to develop and move forward.
Lee Hsien Loong
Catania was a real learning curve. I grew amid difficulties. In terms of courage and ideas, a lot about my Atleti comes from Italy.
Diego Simeone
Writing, and its theatre of operation, is better than working shifts packing frozen sausages; that’s all I need to think about if I’m having difficulties.
Sarah Hall
I do recognise that, where recruitment difficulties persist, teachers can be put under great pressure.
Estelle Morris
In college, I’d gone abroad to get away from a campus where I felt I didn’t fit in. And I started writing fiction, at least in part, because it was a way to feel like I was around people, to feel the energy and hum of others’ inner lives, without the real-time frustrations and difficulties of actual relationships.
Kim Brooks
There came a time I gave up when I was overseas. No matter how many times I tried working on my visa, I wasn’t able to. When I went back to the Philippines, I still wanted to return to Canada despite the difficulties I encountered.
Coco Martin
I like the mode of business of aviation. It’s a risky business with difficulties which you can fill with innovative ideas and different things.
Niki Lauda
Everybody has difficulties in life. But if you have to win something for the country, you have to struggle.
Hima Das
Do not worry about your difficulties in Mathematics. I

Do not worry about your difficulties in Mathematics. I can assure you mine are still greater.
Albert Einstein
When the first settlers landed on American shores, the difficulties in finding or making shelter must have seemed ironical as well as almost unbearable.
Alice Morse Earle
I am hesitating about joining politics since I know the difficulties.
A man who dreads trials and difficulties cannot become a revolutionary. If he is to become a revolutionary with an indomitable fighting spirit, he must be tempered in the arduous struggle from his youth. As the saying goes, early training means more than late earning.
Kim Jong Il
Everything must be recaptured and relocated in the general framework of history, so that despite the difficulties, the fundamental paradoxes and contradictions, we may respect the unity of history which is also the unity of life.
Fernand Braudel
I was engrossed with the book, I was having difficulties with it, and I just didn’t notice the years were going by.
Jeffrey Eugenides
I grew up in a humble neighbourhood in Argentina called Dock Sud. From my house, about 200 metres away was a football pitch. That’s where I spent my childhood. It’s a neighbourhood where everybody helped each other because there was a lot of difficulties. There, I grew up happily, because I learned a lot of things.
Javier Zanetti
Therefore keep in the midst of life. Do not isolate yourself. Be among men and things, and among troubles, and difficulties, and obstacles.
Henry Drummond
Knowing that I might be encouraging others by facing my own difficulties is what helps me get out of bed in the morning.
Jeff Bauman
My biggest satisfaction was to learn, inexperienced as I was, that it is possible to find ways out of the deepest difficulties.
John Elkann
What I do say is, yes, children may be resilient and they have been able to deal with all sorts of difficulties they have faced, but the bottom line is this: I believe very strongly children need a mother and a father in the home.
Timothy Murphy
The things that block a writer are not the lack of words, but the same things that block all people – the difficulties of life.
Max Apple
Many difficulties which nature throws in our way, may be smoothed away by the exercise of intelligence.
Relapse happens, especially when you’re dealing with folks who are frankly the least likely to succeed based on their own pasts and difficulties. We can work with the most likely to succeed. I’m not interested in that.
Greg Boyle
One of the difficulties of a job in the, quote, ‘real world’ is you don’t really get time to shut yourself off in a room and think.
Raghuram Rajan
Half of those people who experience mental health difficulties do so before the age of 14. The problems begin early – so early interventions are essential.
Angela Rayner
Germany stands in the fight against terrorism at France’s side, united with many, many others. I am convinced that, despite all the difficulties, we shall win this fight.
Angela Merkel
I may have been in financial difficulties, but I’m not a pauper.
Boney Kapoor
Usually what is difficult for me are things that make me feel scared. That’s when difficulties rather than challenges arise.
Jenny Slate
I’ve found that there’s a lot to invigorate in any country or destination – it’s all about how you look at it. I’ve never really had any difficulties anywhere I’ve been. As an athlete, I used to enjoy being on the road and meeting people.
Bob Beamon
Mechanical difficulties with language are the outcome of internal difficulties with thought.
Elizabeth Bowen
I know I have difficulties with some verbs. But if they get me, they get me. And if they don’t understand me, they don’t understand me.
What most surprises me about Brazil is the extent of the difficulties that we create for ourselves. We create a lot of legislation to control the Brazilian state itself, that this ends up meaning that things don’t go with the speed any head of government would like.
Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva
Armchair poverty tourism has been around as long as authors have written about class. As an author, I have struggled myself with the nuances of writing about poverty without reducing any community to a catalog of its difficulties.
Leslie Jamison
Writing a book is as difficult or as easy as any other job. Everyone’s job is difficult. So to fetishize difficulties in writing as something extra-difficult or something very privileged – I don’t buy that at all.
Neel Mukherjee
Messrs. Washington and Lincoln faced enormous difficulties, but they both gave their lives to make sure America survived.
Monica Crowley
I’ve spent a great deal of time over the past decade as a caregiver for various family members. It gives me a perspective on the struggles that many New Yorkers face with illness, disability, health care, insurance difficulties, and trying to work with and also take care of family members.
Wendy Long
The music we do is for people to enjoy, dance and sing to it. Dreamers – keep on dreaming and keep working hard to achieve your goals. There are many difficulties, but what matters is to stay focused and have perseverance.
Bad Bunny
Many men owe the grandeur of their lives to their tremendous difficulties.
Charles Spurgeon
Life affords no higher pleasure than that of surmounting difficulties, passing from one step of success to another, forming new wishes and seeing them gratified.
Samuel Johnson
I am concerned because even in the past two years that were the jubilee years, I have seen evident signs which show that the people are still in great difficulties, and there are things that still need to be remedied and looked after in many areas.
Bhumibol Adulyadej
I decided blacks should not have to experience the diff

I decided blacks should not have to experience the difficulties I had faced, so I decided to open a flying school and teach other black women to fly.
Bessie Coleman
What matters to me is to find rational solutions for those that are facing difficulties so that France preserves jobs and its ability to innovate.
Emmanuel Macron
Children who open their lunchboxes and find mothers’ handwritten notes telling them how amazingly bright they are tend to falter when they encounter academic difficulties.
George Will
When children are very young, you read them books that are positive to help them go to sleep. But there comes a moment when they begin to understand the difficulties of the world. They know there are problems and the books they read should reflect that, not gloss over them.
Michael Morpurgo
We Are Bulletproof: The Eternal’ demonstrates that we will keep going despite the difficulties. It reveals our ego.
In the U.K., working-class lives are depicted with the characters’ humour, but in the U.S., people with difficulties are often depicted with pious or simply dreary lives.
Debra Granik
When you start in life, if you find you are wrongly placed, don’t hesitate to change, but don’t change because troubles come up and difficulties arise. You must meet and overcome and conquer them. And in meeting and overcoming and conquering them, you will make yourself stronger for the future.
Charles M. Schwab
I realized going back and writing and explaining in details the difficulties I had lived actually became emotional again. It’s like therapy but sometimes therapy can be painful. But it’s part of life and part of the autobiography so I’ll have to finish it sooner or later.
Jenni Rivera
One of the difficulties for me is that I’m naturally very skinny, so the problem that I have is trying to keep weight on, put weight on. I have to eat six, seven times a day, and I have to have a lot of carbohydrates to try and fatten me up so I have something to turn into muscle.
Charlie Cox
If anyone offers conjectures about the truth of things from the mere possibility of hypotheses, I do not see by what stipulation anything certain can be determined in any science, since one or another set of hypotheses may always be devised which will appear to supply new difficulties.
Isaac Newton
I tend to gravitate toward conflicted characters, and a character who is exploring chaos theory and population control and the difficulties of love and family is pretty rich.
Ed Stoppard
Leaving things behind and starting again is a way of coping with difficulties. I learnt very early in my life that I was able to leave a place and still remain myself.
Rachel Cusk
With the club now in administration and concern about where the money for land sale has gone, I know there are huge commercial difficulties to be resolved, but I hope that football will once again become the most important issue.
Anne Campbell
For all its ups and downs and challenges, I love writing. We only grow through adversity, so I welcome the difficulties, knowing bumps in the road are my greatest teachers.
Lori Wilde
At least through most of the 1960s, I basically lived in a man’s world, hardly speaking to a woman all day except to the secretaries. But I was almost totally unaware of myself as an oddity and had no comprehension of the difficulties faced by working women in our organization and elsewhere.
Katharine Graham
When I was growing up in the Forties and Fifties, you could hide your children from the difficulties of life, but today you can’t separate children’s contact with the adult world today.
Michael Morpurgo
I guess my personality is that of a modern, strong Chinese woman. I don’t believe in destiny. There are many things that can be changed. I don’t like to be defeated by difficulties. I love freedom, so when I am shaping a character, I usually do it the way I want. I always find some part of my own character in a role.
Gong Li
Difficulties are things that show a person what they are.
I’ve gone through a lot in my life, I have seen a lot of struggles and difficulties. I have braved it all and won medals for my country with my determination.
Dutee Chand
Out of difficulties grow miracles.
Jean de la Bruyere
Ten thousand difficulties do not make one doubt.
John Henry Newman
Blacks have experienced a history of victimization in America, beginning obviously in slavery and then another 100 years of segregation. I grew up in segregation. I know very well what it was about and all of the difficulties it placed on black life, and how we were truly held down before the civil-rights movement.
Shelby Steele
I have for some time now been deeply troubled by the growing difficulties faced by Christian communities in various parts of the Middle East. It seems to me that we cannot ignore the fact that Christians in the Middle East are increasingly being deliberately targeted by fundamentalist Islamist militants.
Prince Charles
What makes this story so remarkable is that throughout my early childhood I had ongoing learning difficulties, particularly in mathematics. I struggled to learn the multiplication table, and no matter how hard I tried, I simply couldn’t remember 6 times 7 or 7 times 8.
Andrew Lo
Modeling isn’t really a tough job. Acting is much harder: so much prep and changing your look and mannerisms. It’s a more difficult lifestyle being a model. I traveled all the time. Although, now I wonder, because I travel all the time for acting, too. So they both have their difficulties.
Olga Kurylenko
We are not facing great economic difficulties. The Indonesian people are faring reasonably well – just compare us to India or some other countries.
When you speak about teams who are experienced in the fight against relegation, the teams are used to handling this kind of situation. The teams who are not so experienced in this sort of thing have more difficulties to handle the pressure and the disappointments.
Daniel Farke
Never trust the advice of a man in difficulties.
The prudent see only the difficulties, the bold only the advantages, of a great enterprise; the hero sees both; diminishes the former and makes the latter preponderate, and so conquers.
Johann Kaspar Lavater
Patience and perseverance have a magical effect before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish.
John Quincy Adams
Though our trials are diverse, there is one thing the Lord expects of us no matter our difficulties and sorrows: He expects us to press on.
Joseph B. Wirthlin
Man learns through experience, and the spiritual path i

Man learns through experience, and the spiritual path is full of different kinds of experiences. He will encounter many difficulties and obstacles, and they are the very experiences he needs to encourage and complete the cleansing process.
Sai Baba
I’m not a huge Lovecraft fan as far as that goes; I think there are some stories of his that are really quite wonderful, but for the most part, I have great difficulties with his prose – and the more you know about the man, the harder it is to separate him from the work in many ways.
Greg Rucka
In looking at difficulties in the black American community over the years, it has always astounded me how much white Americans take for granted the rich and utterly decisive heritage of Western culture.
Shelby Steele
Sometimes when you have difficulties qualifying, you can still go and play a good World Cup.
Paolo Maldini
For me, climbing has always been about adventure and that involves difficulties, danger and exposure, so I deliberately set out to climb with as little equipment as possible.
Reinhold Messner
I think, in football, you have to go through difficulties.
David Moyes
It cannot be Pakistan of Quaid and Iqbal where children of the elite study in prestigious educational institutions while those of resourceless segments deprived of education due to difficulties.
Shehbaz Sharif
Our scientists grapple with the difficulties of placing a man on the moon, but the immediately troubling concern of our society is whether men of different races can sit together at a lunch counter.
Robert Kennedy
It’s all part of our journey – scars, mistakes and difficulties we’ve been through.
At our college we were taught a universal approach to find out about a person: what problems the person has, what difficulties, what personal tendencies and likings.
Markus Wolf
The French don’t seek out alliances except when there are difficulties.
Eric Rohmer
I always anticipated difficulties in order to avoid scenes.
Gloria Swanson
Humor has always been important to me. If there is a shield of faith that you can keep up against difficulties, humor is the Teflon coating.
Laurel Lea
It’s very hard to come up with ideal situations… With different moods and the difficulties of traveling around, I often play my best under the worst conditions.
Stephen Hough
There are very few things impossible in themselves; and we do not want means to conquer difficulties so much as application and resolution in the use of means.
Francois de La Rochefoucauld
I would tell most young people that in life you can go through many difficulties, but if you know what you want to do, if you can focus, and work, then in the end, you will end up doing it. No matter what happens, if you don’t give up, you will still succeed.
William Kamkwamba
I lived in Complexo do Alemao until I was 12, dealt with domestic violence in my childhood and faced difficulties in life.
Maria das Gracas Silva Foster
The left-leaning thinking that dominates the movie business follows a common liberal instinct to deny the spiritual dimension to every problem, thereby profoundly compounding the difficulties.
Michael Medved
In the journey to peace and to reunification, I always emphasize that we are not climbing just one mountain, we are climbing a range of mountains and, of course in this process, we will face a lot of difficulties. However, peace will be settled and the two Koreas will achieve reunification.
Park Won-soon
No one would feel embarrassed about seeking help for a child if they broke their arm – and we really should be equally ready to support a child coping with emotional difficulties.
Kate Middleton
If you have difficulties making a decision, choose the lesser of the two evils.
However, the difficulties and pleasures of the writing itself are similar for a novel with a historical setting and a novel with a contemporary setting, as far as I’m concerned.
Helen Dunmore
Almost one in three Americans has had some contact with the criminal justice system. When you reach that saturation point, people begin to understand, in a very visceral way, the difficulties of reentry.
Loretta Lynch
It’s normal to have early difficulties when you get a new manager with a new concept.
David de Gea
When we talk about ‘Firepower,’ we’re talking about the fire and power of heavy metal to prevail and endure difficulties. ‘Children of the Sun,’ is, to some extent, about climate change and the ecosystem… We want to deliver a message to the people without being too much of a teacher.
Rob Halford
There’s always difficulties and challenges in every life, I don’t care how much money you make, where you live… and that’s something this film speaks to.
Ryan Phillippe
I do believe in the old saying, ‘What does not kill you makes you stronger.’ Our experiences, good and bad, make us who we are. By overcoming difficulties, we gain strength and maturity.
Angelina Jolie
Even before V. P. Singh was shifted, the media was creating an impression that he was facing difficulties. This was totally incorrect.
Rajiv Gandhi
For a period of 17 years – from the age of 9 until I was 25 years old – my mother never spent a day free from domestic difficulties.
Chiang Kai-shek
All that I can say is people who represents Karnataka in the Rajya Sabha should speak our language and represent our interests. How can your neighbour safeguard your interests when he cannot even speak your language or understand your difficulties. So, it is better to have our own people.
Sudha Murty
No matter what kind of challenges or difficulties or painful situations you go through in your life, we all have something deep within us that we can reach down and find the inner strength to get through them.
Alana Stewart
There was one player who was better than Pele. It was G

There was one player who was better than Pele. It was Garrincha. He had one leg crooked, the other one straight, normal. How did he do all those things with such difficulties? He was a paralytic! And the way he played! Much better than us all!
There are two ways of meeting difficulties: you alter the difficulties or you alter yourself meeting them.
Phyllis Bottome
It’s true that I have a strong social sensibility, because – bah, because I raised thre children on my own, and I know the difficulties that can represent. All of that makes it appear that there’s a difference between Jean-Marie Le Pen’s program and mine. But the big ideas are the same.
Marine Le Pen
My parents were divorced when I was a young teenager, and I was raised by a single mother after that. So, I understand the difficulties that families have. I understand single parenting.
Michele Bachmann
All the English speakers, or almost all, have difficulties with the gender of words.
Bernard Pivot
If you just can’t seem to get ahead, you might need to check your priorities. If you’ve had difficulties setting your priorities, ask God to help you.
Victoria Osteen
People face difficulties, no matter who you are. I faced difficulties with a lot of things. I face opposition every day, but I didn’t kill myself and now, thank God, I’m here.
Nicki Minaj
If you think about the practical difficulties of having a relationship with somebody on the other side of the world, it defies all logic.
Andrew Strauss
Because the more you write the more you’re aware of the weight of your tradition and the difficulties of the form and the more you have already done that you do not want to do again.
Tobias Wolff
The end of 2016, Mariah Carey got on stage, and it was mean. The technical difficulties that she came across, now everybody think that she was lost.
Craig Robinson
There are the further difficulties of building a population out of a diversity of races, each at a different stage of cultural evolution, some in need of restraint, many in need of protection; everywhere a bewildering Babel of tongues.
Arthur Keith
Your candor is worth everything to your cause. It is refreshing to find a person with a new theory who frankly confesses that he finds difficulties, insurmountable, at least for the present.
Asa Gray
People with learning difficulties are often creative in different ways.
Leo Sayer
This is one of the benefits, as well as one of the difficulties of directing a member of your family. You know where the buttons are. You can push them if you want.
Emilio Estevez
The difficulties and struggles of today are but the price we must pay for the accomplishments and victories of tomorrow.
William J. H. Boetcker
One of the difficulties of not knowing for so long whether we were doing a fifth season or not was that we weren’t really allowed to go out shopping for work.
Claudia Black
From day one, the mission of my government based on transparency was to improve the lives of our citizens, to eradicate their difficulties owing to poor governance, and to make sure that the benefit of public services reach the lowest strata of the society.
Ram Nath Kovind
One of the difficulties of photography is that it is much better at being explicit than at being reticent.
Teju Cole
Your success and happiness lies in you. Resolve to keep happy, and your joy and you shall form an invincible host against difficulties.
Helen Keller
People down on their luck deserve the best: beautiful surroundings and well-paid professional staff to help them out of their difficulties. Why not train thousands more social workers and let them sit in on claimants’ interviews?
Sue Townsend
Concerned that others were not coming onto the summit and because I had no radio link to those below me, I began to wonder if there were difficulties down the mountain. I made the decision to descend.
Anatoli Boukreev
The highest priority of my government is to remove various difficulties faced by farmers and to raise their standard of living. The schemes of my government are not only removing their hardships but also reducing the expenditure incurred by them on farming.
Ram Nath Kovind
Reasoned arguments and suggestions which make allowance for the full difficulties of the state of war that exists may help, and will always be listened to with respect and sympathy.
Stafford Cripps
The word ‘family’ has always posed great difficulties. Until recently, high death rates for women in labour meant many stepmothers and, according to folklore, most of them wicked. After two world wars, we lost many fathers, and single- and step-parenting emerged from the rubble.
Michael Rosen
I know that one of my difficulties as an actor is to try to do too much, from all those years ago when my acting took place live on a stage. It was just my shiny face there, so you’ve gotta be super careful how much over-expressing you’re doing with your eyes and nose and so on.
Melissa Leo
We learn so much from difficulties.
Nowadays young people have great choice of occupations, hobbies, etc, so chess is experiencing difficulties because of the high competition. Now it’s hard to make living in chess, so our profession does attract young people.
Boris Spassky
When will mankind be convinced and agree to settle their difficulties by arbitration?
Benjamin Franklin
We never made attempts to say we were anybody’s role model or the be-all-end-all of what people should look up to. We have always just been very open about the fact that we have difficulties and we are messed-up people, just as our fans are.
Andy Biersack
I became obsessed with making more and more tiny things. I think I was trying to find a way of compensating for my embarrassment at having learning difficulties: people had made me feel small so I wanted to show them how significant ‘small’ could be.
Willard Wigan
As the economy faces such difficulties, more tough questions need to be asked about what the Tories would do if elected. Their ideology of free markets and small government needs challenging. That has to be part of our job.
Lucy Powell
People always say that Glasgow has had umpteen social p

People always say that Glasgow has had umpteen social problems but keeps finding ways of getting over its difficulties and transforming itself. Maybe, belonging to the city I’m able to renew myself too, and keep extending out into some new area.
Edwin Morgan
The difficulties you meet will resolve themselves as you advance. Proceed, and light will dawn, and shine with increasing clearness on your path.
Jim Rohn
When I wrote ‘Lean In,’ some people argue that I did not spend enough time writing about the difficulties women face when they don’t have a partner. They were right.
Sheryl Sandberg
Restore, without delay, the equilibrium between revenue and expenditures, which has done so much to destroy our credit and derange the whole fabric of government. If that should not be done, the government and country will be involved, ere long, in overwhelming difficulties.
John C. Calhoun
Each person makes their own choice, but my spirit is meant to stay in Iran, especially with the work that I do, and with the emotional connection I have with the country – with all its difficulties, this is why I stay.
Asghar Farhadi
As long as you are successful and winning matches, the language is no problem at all. But when the results are insufficient, the difficulties begin. At this time, a coach needs to go into more detail with his instructions, and that’s where the problems can lie.
Ottmar Hitzfeld
If you look at my career it has always been about overcoming difficulties in different places.
I was raised on John D. MacDonald’s Travis McGee series. Something about this genre – hard-boiled-private-eye-with-heart-of-gold – never failed to take me away from whatever difficulties haunted my daily world to a wonderful land where I was no more than an enthralled spectator.
Alan Furst
Where the willingness is great, the difficulties cannot be great.
Niccolo Machiavelli
It’s hard for me to talk about a legacy or a mystique. It’s my family. The fact that there have been difficulties and hardships, or obstacles, makes us closer.
John F. Kennedy Jr.
Only a great actor finds the difficulties of the actor’s art infinite.
Ellen Terry
It has been the case for some time that I have made myself dizzy thinking about the fact that the implementation of the Three-fold Program of the government, above all in the area of food and clothing, has been experiencing difficulties.
When people don’t have a hopeful vision before them or the possible resolution of their difficulties by peaceful means, then they can be attracted to violence and to separatism.
Condoleezza Rice
If I have to tell you what was and is my mission, I think UBS can be the Apple or IBM of the banking industry: companies that went from being admired to severe difficulties and to being back stronger than before.
Sergio Ermotti
I think a major cause of present Asian economic difficulties that mainly come from, you know, lack of market economy.
Kim Dae Jung
In the West, if a city faces financial difficulties, it’ll go bankrupt. But in China, cities will be subsidised by the Ministry of Finance. So some small- and medium-sized cities aren’t worried about going bankrupt. They figure the central government will help them out.
Wang Shi
People think actresses have fame and money, but they are not aware of the difficulties we undergo. People should understand that we are sacrificing so much for our survival.
A man in my situation, my lords, has not only to encounter the difficulties of fortune. and the force of power over minds which it has corrupted or subjugated. but the difficulties of established prejudice: the man dies, but his memory lives.
Robert Emmet
Even modern English people are imperious, superior, ridden by class. All of the hypocrisy and the difficulties that are endemic in being British also make it an incredibly fertile place culturally. A brilliant place to live. Sad but true.
Pete Townshend
It is one of man’s curious idiosyncrasies to create difficulties for the pleasure of resolving them.
Joseph de Maistre
To accustom the infant to get out of its own difficulties or to calm it by rocking it may be to lay the foundations of a good or of a bad disposition.
Jean Piaget
Through prayers I get the strength to face all the difficulties.
Jasmin Bhasin
If you assume away most or all of the questions or difficulties, you can persuade yourself of just about anything.
Richard N. Haass
When a script like ‘Hardflip’ comes along, with a real depiction of the rewards of a father-son relationship but also the difficulties of building one, you have my attention.
John Schneider
Love always brings difficulties, that is true, but the good side of it is that it gives energy.
Vincent Van Gogh
Michael and I had great role models. Though his father has passed away, his parents had an amazingly strong marriage, as do mine. Both weathered really tough times. For us it has been normal to stay together through difficulties. We grew up witnessing that firsthand.
Tracy Pollan
Consequently many large railroad systems of heavy capitalization bid fair to run into difficulties on the first serious falling off in general business.
John Moody
To write what is worth publishing, to find honest people to publish it, and get sensible people to read it, are the three great difficulties in being an author.
Charles Caleb Colton
We are all dwellers on this one small earth; we live one life, die one death; we have the same difficulties to contend with; we ought in common to fight the foes of ignorance and wrong.
Charles Glover Barkla
What is important is that in a capital-scarce country like India, the real interest rate needs to be positive enough to encourage healthy growth of financial savings; we get into macro difficulties when real rates on financial savings become negative for a length of time.
Urjit Patel
I try to support stories that enable us to see the difficulties in our society and the challenges we face, which is why I’ve also produced documentaries like ‘Brick City’ and ‘Serving Life.’
Forest Whitaker
My first novel was called 'Betrayed by F. Scott Fitzger

My first novel was called ‘Betrayed by F. Scott Fitzgerald,’ about the difficulties of graduating from college, the longing and mourning you feel when all your promise seems to float away.
Ron Carlson
Most of the time, we make discoveries about how difficult people are at the moment when the difficulties have actually hurt us; therefore, we are not likely to be forgiving or sympathetic.
Alain de Botton
I have been through so many grave situations. For my family and to be where I am, I have had to go through many hurdles and difficulties. But I did not lose my courage.
Rakhi Sawant
The difficulties which I meet with in order to realize my existence are precisely what awaken and mobilize my activities, my capacities.
Jose Ortega y Gasset
All the difficulties surrounding the making of ‘Mars et Avril’ actually fueled its creativity and contributed to its international success!
Martin Villeneuve
Hitherto I have courted Truth with a kind of Romantick Passion, in spite of all Difficulties and Discouragements: for knowledge is thought so unnecessary an Accomplishment for a Woman, that few will give themselves the Trouble to assist us in the Attainment of it.
Mary Astell
My mother’s feeling about men in general were always a bit of a mystery to me. She had difficulties in Puerto Rico with the men in her life. Her brothers abused her. It’s very easy to be judgmental, but more often than not, there are mitigating circumstances, and children are not usually aware of those.
Rita Moreno
All of us suffer difficulties in our lives. And if you say to yourself ‘find a way,’ you’ll make it through.
Diana Nyad
There were several possible solutions of the difficulty of classical electrodynamics, any one of which might serve as a good starting point to the solution of the difficulties of quantum electrodynamics.
Richard P. Feynman
We have to surmount the difficulties that face us and work steadfastly for the happiness and prosperity of our country.
Lal Bahadur Shastri
The emphasis so far on fiscal austerity, while to a degree necessary for the countries facing market funding difficulties, is excessive when carried out across the board.
Charles Dallara
Anyone that has a job that takes them away from home, I think, can understand the difficulties in maintaining consistency, not only with your family and those you love but with your friends.
Heath Ledger
I think the beauty of Catholicism is its consistency through both successes and difficulties. I’ve counted on my faith to give me strength through both training and competition – but also in school, with my family and everyday life.
Katie Ledecky
I’m full of fears and I do my best to avoid difficulties and any kind of complications. I like everything around me to be clear as crystal and completely calm.
Alfred Hitchcock
One of my kids was born in 1968. There were going to be political difficulties, but they were never going to have that level of hatred and contempt that my brothers and my sister and myself were exposed to.
Toni Morrison
I decided blacks should not have to experience the difficulties I had faced, so I decided to open a flying school and teach other black women to fly.
Bessie Coleman
Relapse happens, especially when you’re dealing with folks who are frankly the least likely to succeed based on their own pasts and difficulties. We can work with the most likely to succeed. I’m not interested in that.
Greg Boyle
The former conviction that these two kingdoms were wholly different in structure, in function, and in kind of life, was not seriously disturbed by the difficulties which the naturalist encountered when he undertook to define them.
Asa Gray
I have always been able to overcome difficulties during my career.
Radamel Falcao
Insurance companies, government agencies, and the pharmaceutical industry all push for mental health care that is brief, intermittent, and focused on quick fixes, despite the fact that many people struggle with emotional difficulties that can only be addressed over time using special psychodynamic skills.
Robert J. Waldinger
It does not do to use it with forms whose origin is intimately bound up with a specific material simply because no technical difficulties stand in the way.
Adolf Loos
There is no excuse for this administration shielding information about Iraq and the fact that we have great difficulties there from the American people.
Jay Inslee
Nobody, who has not been in the interior of a family, can say what the difficulties of any individual of that family may be.
Jane Austen
My motto is ‘from difficulties up to the stars.’ I got a tattoo to represent that when I used to sit in the stands at Treviso.
Leonardo Bonucci
Clever people master life; the wise illuminate it and create fresh difficulties.
Emil Nolde
Sometimes results mean something, as there are difficulties, but it depends how you play. You might not win, as you don’t create chances, or you might dominate and not take your chances.
Ernesto Valverde
Presumption should never make us neglect that which appears easy to us, nor despair make us lose courage at the sight of difficulties.
Benjamin Banneker
So South Korean ability is very much limited to handle North Korean, you know, difficulties. So we don’t want to see an immediate collapse of the North Korea regime.
Kim Dae Jung
I’m more relaxed. I know I have difficulties with some verbs. But if they get me, they get me. And if they don’t understand me, they don’t understand me.
The strong should always permit the weak and aggrieved to talk, to bluster, and scold without taking offence; and if we had so acted, and exercised proper skill in the management of our affairs, Mexico and ourselves would, by this time, have quietly and peaceably settled all difficulties and been good friends.
John C. Calhoun
So if North Korea continues present isolation, then with such economic difficulties the North Korean government must meet a very serious situation in the future.
Kim Dae Jung
The question is not, will there be difficulties and thr

The question is not, will there be difficulties and threats to our existence, but how will we deal with them and what can we learn from them. How can they become blessings to society, as a life threatening disease is to an individual, by teaching us about the meaning of our life and existence?
Bernie Siegel
As the Republican nominee, it was Romney’s job to find a way to speak to some of those groups of voters and offer practical solutions to their difficulties that both resonated with them and sounded plausible to them.
John Podhoretz
The difficulties of many European countries derive from their corporatism: state projects serving cronies and vast social protection programmes, both run by elites. These surged in the 1970s and 1980s.
Edmund Phelps
As a child I’m sure I was no different from any other human being struggling to navigate the difficulties and complexities of their childhood and adolescent years. I feel it’s a time when all of us need an escape, a place where we can leave the world behind and just disappear. For me, it was film.
Sam Levinson
We have a number of difficulties facing our nation, but I believe fatherlessness is right at the top of the list.
Tony Dungy
Difficulties mastered are opportunities won.
Winston Churchill
I remember sometimes a difficulty and I realise that it taught me something or it helped me later on. The difficulties in the past are the wins in the present.
I sometimes suspect that half our difficulties are imaginary and that if we kept quiet about them they would disappear.
Robert Staughton Lynd
I suppose I am interested in the variety of human life – how people live. I am most interested in individuals and how they respond to challenges or to difficulties or just to each other. I am curious about people.
Claire Denis
There are so many beautiful things that are a part of the world, and I’ve always looked at life that way; I’ve always tried to put on a smile and a brave front, not just for my kids but in my own life and all the difficulties that I’ve gone through.
Gloria Estefan
There are two ways of meeting difficulties: you alter the difficulties or you alter yourself meeting them.
Phyllis Bottome
For me, the moral difficulties lie in the continual pressure brought to bear on my friends and immediate family, pressure which is not directed against me personally but which at the same time is all around me.
Andrei Sakharov
Difficulties are just things to overcome, after all.
Ernest Shackleton
I feel I have been protected all my life. I am still here, for God’s sake, and a lot of my contemporaries have gone. I’m very fortunate. No matter the difficulties – and we all have difficulties – I am definitely one of the fortunate ones. If I have any really good characteristics, one is that I am resilient.
We need to have a modicum of faith in people’s common sense, creativity and will to survive and prosper even in the face of great difficulties and obstacles. If people could keep society running in the aftermath of the Black Death, they could keep it running after the U.S. government defaulted on its debt.
Robert Higgs
In his personal life, Donald Trump shows that even when a family faces difficulties, the role of the father must remain strong – his children are a testament to the fact that a father who remains engaged can overcome many odds and set children on the right path.
David A. Clarke, Jr.
Never compromise your principles, even if it leads to difficulties in the short term.
Alan Casden
I’m a professional fighter and like most professional fighters I have had difficulties with my hands in the past.
Floyd Mayweather, Jr.
A certain amount of impatience may be useful to stimulate and motivate us to action. However, I believe that a lack of patience is a major cause of the difficulties and unhappiness in the world today.
Joseph B. Wirthlin
I think all children like futsal. Making quick decisions, moving fast when you’re in difficulties on the pitch; it teaches you a lot. I’m passionate about this sport.
Douglas Costa
Apart from the scientific interest attached to my various journeyings, it has been made clear to me that human needs and aspirations differ little the world over and that no great difficulties arise in one race dealing with another when matters of scientific importance are involved.
Howard Florey
There are filmmakers who get lucky with the first film itself, and then there are some of us who have to face difficulties.
Mani Ratnam
I had to face a lot coming through this journey, a lot of sacrifices, difficulties, challenges, and injuries.
Gabby Douglas
The Confederations Cup is interesting. It served Spain very well to take part and then go on to win the 2010 World Cup. We knew the stadiums, the atmosphere, the conditions and also the difficulties of a tournament which simulated the World Cup format.
Vicente del Bosque
A pessimist is one who makes difficulties of his opportunities and an optimist is one who makes opportunities of his difficulties.
Harry S Truman