Top 25 LinkedIn Quotes

Words matter. These are the best LinkedIn Quotes from famous people such as Caterina Fake, Mark McKinnon, Howard Jacobson, Lewis Howes, Reid Hoffman, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

In building a social network, the standards and mores o

In building a social network, the standards and mores of a community are its lifeblood; one does not lightly ‘experiment’ with these, and LinkedIn is exactly right to defend them.
Caterina Fake
It’s just madness. First email. Then instant message. Then MySpace. Then Facebook. Then LinkedIn. Then Twitter. It’s not enough anymore to ‘Just do it.’ Now we have to tell everyone we are doing it, when we are doing it, where we are doing it and why we are doing it.
Mark McKinnon
This is now the way our culture prioritises. Look up ‘Steppenwolf,’ and you’ll get the band before the novel. Look up Jesus Christ, and you’ll get the musical. Look up Princess Link-a-din and you’ll get LinkedIn, the business-oriented social network.
Howard Jacobson
Not only is a LinkedIn group free to create, it can enable you to offer your professional network a vibrant, useful information resource, all while driving traffic to your site and increasing sales.
Lewis Howes
My belief and goal is that every professional in the world should be on a service liked LinkedIn.
Reid Hoffman
In this age of omniconnectedness, words like ‘network,’ ‘community’ and even ‘friends’ no longer mean what they used to. Networks don’t exist on LinkedIn. A community is not something that happens on a blog or on Twitter. And a friend is more than someone whose online status you check.
Simon Sinek
I am a huge consumer of social networks, and I utilize Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn. I’m interested and am learning more about Tumblr and other visually dominant sites.
James G. Stavridis
I hate when people send me LinkedIn requests.
Jess Phillips
I give my e-mail out all the time – my team doesn’t love that! People e-mail me or tweet at me or LinkedIn me. I’ve learned that oftentimes people just need five minutes. People just need to touch somebody real and have a connection for a moment.
Reshma Saujani
Social cohesion was built into language long before Facebook and LinkedIn and Twitter – we’re tribal by nature. Tribes today aren’t the same as tribes thousand of years ago: It isn’t just religious tribes or ethnic tribes now: It’s sports fans, it’s communities, it’s geography.
Peter Guber
One of the best and often overlooked traffic sources online is LinkedIn.
Lewis Howes
Building out a professional profile on LinkedIn certainly makes sense, and bolstering that CV with intelligent pieces of writing is also a great idea. But if you’re going to take the time to create content, you should also take the time to create a home for that content that is yours and yours alone.
John Battelle
LinkedIn allows professionals, including the middle class, to invest in themselves in order to find the right jobs. That essentially can help make them prosperous.
Reid Hoffman
Online leadership is about leveraging digital platforms such as blogs, YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, and other networks to build a loyal following of people who want to learn more about and benefit from your experiences and expertise.
Lewis Howes
Social media has shaken up the world of sales, with Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter offering new ways to hound leads and unprecedented insights into clients.
Ryan Holmes
We’re on Twitter with one side of our personality, and Facebook with another, and LinkedIn with another side of our personality, and we’re toggling between them. That’s just a version of what an impostor does: shifting from one side of their personality to another with lightning speed.
Walter Kirn
LinkedIn and Flickr, among other sites, have already proven freemium can generate revenue in the social media context.
Ryan Holmes
Social networks do best when they tap into one of the seven deadly sins. Facebook is ego. Zynga is sloth. LinkedIn is greed.
Reid Hoffman
Facebook is the social graph with the organizing principle around your friends and your social life. LinkedIn is the professional graph, organized around you, your job, your industry, your title and your function. At Chegg, we are building a student graph centered around you, as a student.
Dan Rosensweig
I can go into LinkedIn and search for network engineers and come up with a list of great spear-phishing targets because they usually have administrator rights over the network. Then I go onto Twitter or Facebook and trick them into doing something, and I have privileged access.
Kevin Mitnick
The reason the social-networking phenomenon is something that I invested in early and massively – I led the Series A financing for Friendster; I founded a company called Socialnet in 1997; I founded LinkedIn; and I was part of the first round of financing in Facebook – it sounds trivial, but people matter.
Reid Hoffman
Being solicited on LinkedIn is a real thing that happens.
Whitney Wolfe Herd
LinkedIn is increasingly becoming a very strong place for companies to develop their talent plans, their recruitment plans, and so there are ways in which we can track some of the momentum there.
Jeff Weiner
I’m not on Twitter, nor Facebook, or LinkedIn, or any of these systems, because they suck in your soul and they will not let you go. Try to get out of any of them, and you will see. They are just like some religions where apostasy is punished by death.
Robert Cailliau
I hired a guy named David Sze to do consumer investing at Greylock. And he went on to invest in Facebook and LinkedIn. So I guess I did something right.
Aneel Bhusri