Top 25 Michael Schumacher Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Michael Schumacher Quotes, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

I retired simply because I didn't have the passion and

I retired simply because I didn’t have the passion and motivation anymore; I was tired. At the time I thought, ‘Well, I had a great time, there is the end.’ At some moment, there is the right time to call it an end.
Michael Schumacher
When you are part of a community for 14 years, it inevitably shapes you. I will always have a part of Ferrari beside me; a part of my heart will always be red.
Michael Schumacher
I have to say it’s been tough to leave the Ferrari family, which has been a big part of my career.
Michael Schumacher
I just want to be known as a very normal person and be treated as that and be able to walk down the street like anyone else.
Michael Schumacher
When you start out in a team, you have to get the teamwork going and then you get something back.
Michael Schumacher
Those who have come into Formula One without experiencing cars devoid of electronic aids will find it tough. To control 800 horse power relying just on arm muscles and foot sensitivity can turn out to be a dangerous exercise.
Michael Schumacher
You win a race, the next race it’s a question mark. Are you still the best or not? That’s what is funny. But that’s what is interesting. And that’s what is challenging. You have to prove yourself every time.
Michael Schumacher
In sport there is never any moment that is the same as the other. I have been in Formula One for 12 years, and out of that I had one year with the perfect car.
Michael Schumacher
Somehow I have managed to delay looking old. In reality I have good genes.
Michael Schumacher
In football, I need full concentration even though I really enjoy it.
Michael Schumacher
I have really enjoyed my time at Ferrari, not just because of the successes.
Michael Schumacher
I know what I am, and what I have to do in my profession, so I can handle the pressure. It’s the way I think.
Michael Schumacher
The more precisely I can drive, the more I enjoy myself.
Michael Schumacher
I didn’t have statistics in my mind when I was racing. It was always a consequence – a nice consequence. I enjoyed it, but it wasn’t the reason I was racing.
Michael Schumacher
My time with Ferrari was wonderful. I have found friends and had experiences that I would not want to be without.
Michael Schumacher
You try to hide your emotions, so as not to show weaknesses to others. I believe it’s the same for every sportsman.
Michael Schumacher
My kids are not known, and I think that is very important. So far they have lived a normal life, and will continue to do so. I feel they should have the possibility to live a free life without the burden of fame I have created.
Michael Schumacher
If you do things to the limit, and don’t purposely go over that limit, then I think it’s fine to do whatever you want. So long as you enjoy it. That’s what’s important.
Michael Schumacher
I have what you might call the South Pole and the North Pole. I have my team and my work, which I do on one side, and I have my family and my home on the other side. Both have nothing really to do with each other.
Michael Schumacher
I like to share my life, and spend time with someone I love. That has worked 100 per cent with my wife.
Michael Schumacher
Once something is a passion, the motivation is there.
Michael Schumacher
You arrive at Formula One being very skeptical, how far can your talent deal with all this, and then you understand those guys are human and pretty reasonable, and finally succeeding in winning your first race, in circumstance as such, it was just an amazing moment.
Michael Schumacher
I have been in Formula One for 12 years, and out of that I had one year with the perfect car.
Michael Schumacher
If you look right from the beginning of the season I’ve been very competitive.
Michael Schumacher
Nascar will certainly not be one of my challenges in the future.
Michael Schumacher