Top 252 Judges Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Judges Quotes from famous people such as David Blunkett, Elizabeth May, Anthony Fantano, Victoria Woodhull, Lysander Spooner, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

I don't like prolonged, highly expensive commissions, e

I don’t like prolonged, highly expensive commissions, especially if they are chaired by judges. We seem to have overwhelming faith in judges.
David Blunkett
But if we keep doing politics the way we’re doing politics, and we keep doing climate action the way we’re doing climate action, we will not have a history that judges us because we, certainly as a civilization, won’t be here.
Elizabeth May
The TV show ‘How It’s Made’ brings the intricate details of assembly lines to numerous North American living rooms. But if the series were to ever branch into exposing the secrets of music production, Colin Stetson’s ‘New History Warfare Vol. 2: Judges’ would make for a mind-bending episode.
Anthony Fantano
My judges preach against free love openly, practice it secretly.
Victoria Woodhull
Legislators and judges are necessarily exposed to all the temptations of money, fame, and power, to induce them to disregard justice between parties, and sell the rights, and violate the liberties of the people. Jurors, on the other hand, are exposed to none of these temptations.
Lysander Spooner
I really try at least to come back and answer the question as to whether that was really the best way to do that and was I really thinking straight and how did my opponents behave and how did the judges behave was needed.
Floyd Abrams
If nuclear power plants are safe, let the commerical insurance industry insure them. Until these most expert judges of risk are willing to gamble with their money, I’m not willing to gamble with the health and safety of my family.
Donna Reed
Bush wasn’t elected, he was selected – selected by five judges up in Washington who voted along party lines.
Alec Baldwin
I have no respect for the prosecutors, the judges. And I say that not with malice in my heart. I say it because they took 30 years from me.
Anthony Ray Hinton
The Musharraf government has declared martial law to settle scores with lawyers and judges. Hundreds of innocent Pakistanis have been rounded up. Human rights activists, including women and senior citizens, have been beaten by police. Judges have been arrested and lawyers battered in their offices and the streets.
Asma Jahangir
I will stand up for judges who faithfully follow the law as it is written.
Wendy Long
Interviews, and hence interviewers, are there to help shed light, and to let viewers judge for themselves. We are not judges, juries, commentators or torturers – nor friends, either.
Andrew Marr
Throughout a competitive career, you can certainly lose yourself trying to please the judges.
Tessa Virtue
While a defeat for Obamacare in the Court would be nice, the defeat of President Obama at the polls on November 6 is crucial. If electoral victory is achieved, Obamacare can and will be repealed – and more judges of a constitutionalist persuasion will be appointed by the next president.
Bill Kristol
There is no dispute that judges need a pay raise.
Robert Duncan
Judges have to have the humility to recognize that they operate within a system of precedent, shaped by other judges equally striving to live up to the judicial oath.
John Roberts
The more one judges, the less one loves.
Honore de Balzac
Judges rule on the basis of law, not public opinion, and they should be totally indifferent to pressures of the times.
Warren E. Burger
Today in Saudi, women are either at the mercy of their husbands or at the mercy of judges who tend to side with the husbands. The only circumstance that a woman can ask for a divorce or a ‘khali’ is when her husband is in total agreement with her or if she comes from a very powerful family who decide to back her up.
Basmah bint Saud
Trump’s executive order on refugees, his endless petty feuds – with allies, with judges, with Arnold Schwarzenegger – his constant stream of up-is-down and down-is-up fabrications is outrageous.
Arianna Huffington
Empires inevitably fall, and when they do, history judges them for the legacies they leave behind.
Noah Feldman
President Bush has a record of cutting taxes, has provided a prescription drug benefit for seniors, has upheld the Second Amendment and remains committed to stopping liberal activists judges who are redefining marriage.
Bill Shuster
Those who have the most power – whether famous TV anchors, rich Hollywood moguls, judges, Members of Congress, or the president of the United States – must decide how to exert that power: for corruption or for good.
Pramila Jayapal
We do need maybe younger or more experienced judges but where you can get them I don’t know. It’s like in football, who would want to be a football referee? You’d just get criticism all the time.
Callum Smith
I think that one of the motivating factors was in my last year of law school: we had a competition, and I won the competition; it was judged by several of the federal judges at the time. I got a tremendous amount of encouragement to pursue litigation from them at the time.
Robert Shapiro
We’re all the harshest judges of ourselves.
Susan Anton
I can’t control what the judges give me.
Katelyn Ohashi
Men of genius are not quick judges of character. Deep thinking and high imagining blunt that trivial instinct by which you and I size people up.
Max Beerbohm
Separation of power says the judiciary committee is supposed to confirm qualified judges and then what the Supreme Court does, that is their function, not my function.
Arlen Specter
The thing is, most of these courts in San Bernardino know who I am and they’ve researched me. In fact, a couple of judges have asked me how my back’s doing, when my next launch is, so they know who I am. Some of the bailiffs wave hi to me because they follow me on Facebook and see my launch. People know who I am.
Mike Hughes
Judges must be free from political intervention or intimidation.
Stockwell Day
Mississippi's loose campaign finance laws allow lawyers

Mississippi’s loose campaign finance laws allow lawyers and companies to contribute heavily to the judges they appear before. That is terrible for justice, since the courts are teeming with perfectly legal conflicts of interest.
Adam Cohen
I know many judges who are homosexual.
Subramanian Swamy
Judges have a hard job. It’s not just putting someone in jail or slapping someone on the wrist and giving them a punishment, but it’s protecting society as a whole.
Ha Ha Clinton-Dix
While awaiting deportation proceedings, my parents remained in detention near Boston, so I could visit them. They would have liked to fight deportation, but without a lawyer and an immigration system that rarely gives judges the discretion to allow families to stay together, they never had a chance.
Diane Guerrero
‘Fairness’ can be an important quality for legislators to consider when they are passing public policies. But it is a subjective standard. And it has no place among judges on a court – whose duty is to dispassionately judge a law’s constitutionality.
Gary Bauer
When you are different, that can lead to judges not marking you right because they think you look ‘odd’ – and that’s in any competition.
Oti Mabuse
I believe the two biggest mistakes made by the Founders were giving Federal judges life-time appointments and permitting them to be confirmed without the agreement of two-thirds of the members of the United States Senate.
John Jay Hooker
Lawyers, judges, doctors, shrinks, accountants, investigators and, not least, journalists could not do the most basic tasks without a veil of secrecy. Why shouldn’t the same be true of those professionals who happen to be government officials?
George Packer
The world at large does not judge us by who we are and what we know; it judges us by what we have.
Joyce Brothers
When we talk about justice in America we’re really talking about justice brought about by the people, not by judges who are tools of the establishment or prosecutors who are are equally tools of the establishment or the wardens or the police officers.
William Kunstler
The right of the judge to inflict punishment gives him both power and opportunity to oppress the innocent; yet none but crazy men will from thence determine that it is best to have neither a legislature nor judges.
Oliver Ellsworth
There are some singers that know exactly when to go, and others hang on much too long and that is the same, that is the same with judges.
Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Selecting about 100 judges of the higher judiciary every year in a rational and fair manner is an onerous task requiring a full-time and not an ex-officio body. An ex-officio body of sitting judges and ministers cannot devote the kind of time required for this job.
Prashant Bhushan
Maybe we just need to strip away actual learning how to dance and do more gimmicks. Maybe that’s what the judges will appreciate more.
Artem Chigvintsev
The U.S.S.R. was a totalitarian state in which judges and prosecutors were controlled by the ruling party. The result was injustice, oppression and corruption.
Anne Applebaum
If we believe in our current penal process, then the penalties imposed by judges and juries should be the only sanctions for one’s crime, not the invisible sanctions of the legislature.
Charles B. Rangel
I don’t like bonuses for public services employees who do great jobs, like prosecutors or judges.
Trey Gowdy
What I heard was that Bush is now positioned to have victory after victory. He’ll have Social Security reform passed, that he’ll have tax reform passed, that he’ll have conservative judges on the courts.
Pat Robertson
The revision of the books of Judges, Samuel, and Kings, undertaken towards the end of the Babylonian exile, a revision much more thorough than is commonly assumed, condemns as heretical the whole age of the Kings.
Julius Wellhausen
We do not judge great art. It judges us.
Caroline Gordon
It is inexplicable as to why the Chief Justice or other judges of the Supreme Court are unwilling to disclose their assets, particularly when they had themselves directed even candidates contesting elections to publicly declare their assets.
Prashant Bhushan
The bedrock of our democracy is the rule of law and that means we have to have an independent judiciary, judges who can make decisions independent of the political winds that are blowing.
Caroline Kennedy
I think my independence was a big help to getting Judges Roberts and Alito confirmed, and I think that’s recognized.
Arlen Specter
In the legislative branch, you make the laws… and our role as judges is to interpret the law, not to inject our own policy preferences. So our task is to give an honest construction to what laws are passed by the Legislature.
Thomas Hardiman
The public disclosure of assets by judges, though a welcome first step, is certainly not the end all of the serious problem of judicial accountability or the lack of it.
Prashant Bhushan
The liberals are fighting so hard whenever President Bush appoints any federal judges.
Steve Chabot
As an amateur, I trained in some real hard schools of knocks. In Cuba, they would have judges on three sides of the ring just for sparring sessions. They train under exactly the same conditions as they fight, and it was a great experience.
Chris Eubank Jr.
The SEC and CFTC are expert agencies blessed with immensely capable professionals. Judges value and defer to that expertise – when it’s exercised to make the hard decisions that Congress entrusts to an agency.
Eugene Scalia
Judges ought to be more leaned than witty, more reverent than plausible, and more advised than confident. Above all things, integrity is their portion and proper virtue.
Francis Bacon
We have seen too many arbitrary Strasbourg diktats based on the whims of European judges – from prisoner voting to blocking deportation of Abu Qatada – rather than a sober reading of the sensible list of core freedoms in the European Convention itself.
Dominic Raab
‘So You Think You Can Dance’ comes on as a high-minded leap up the evolutionary ladder from other reality shows – on this one, you’re supposed to learn something, and the guest judges are fellow dance professionals rather than actual celebrities.
Rob Sheffield
Our nation is being led astray by ungodly judges, mayor

Our nation is being led astray by ungodly judges, mayors and governors, who are given to change, defying the Constitution and substituting their own wicked agendas.
David Wilkerson
I have no enemies and no hatred. None of the police who monitored, arrested, and interrogated me, none of the prosecutors who indicted me, and none of the judges who judged me are my enemies.
Liu Xiaobo
There can be no activist judges from any political party.
Mauricio Macri
Democracy demands that judges confine themselves to a narrow sphere of influence – that is why the late Alexander Bickel called the judiciary the ‘Least Dangerous Branch.’ In a world governed by a proper conception of their role, judges don’t play at being legislators – they leave that job to our elected representatives.
Edwin Meese
There’s some guys where I’m like, ‘I won that fight and only lost because of the judges,’ or I got cheated or whatever. I know I’m a better fighter.
Roy Nelson
I had been very impressed with the courts we visited to see my father. The judges wearing wigs, the lawyers, the legal arguments – it was all exciting stuff for a kid.
Asma Jahangir
The appointment of judges to the higher judiciary cannot be the sole domain of a few members of the higher judiciary. This turf must be shared.
Kapil Sibal
The Supreme Court’s most conservative Justices have presented themselves as great respecters of precedent and opponents of ‘judicial activism’ – of judges using the Constitution to strike down laws passed by the elected branches of government. If they are true to those principles, they should uphold rent control.
Adam Cohen
Every institution of India – politicians, journalists and corporate chieftains – comes within the purview of the judiciary but when it comes to auditing their own conscience, judges want everyone else to stay out.
Barkha Dutt
Judges certainly have political connections and strong political views, but that doesn’t mean they can’t rise above politics when they hear cases. We expect them to, and the law presumes they do.
George T. Conway III
I want to see prison numbers come down. We need better custody that cuts reoffending and crime. And we need to ensure judges, magistrates and the public have full confidence in the other penalties available.
David Lidington
I would like beautiful gymnastics to be recognized as the best. I want the judges to appreciate things that are not necessarily winning points.
Kohei Uchimura
Independent judges have always frustrated governments that don’t see why unelected arbiters of the law should stand in their way.
Anne Applebaum
I am deeply impressed with the gravity and wisdom with which most federal judges approach the responsibility of sentencing. It is a difficult, soul-searching task at best.
Robert Kennedy
Through the selection of Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, and Damon Leichty, President Trump has already remade the judiciary, moving our country away from activist judges and toward individuals who will uphold the Constitution.
Mike Braun
One of the litmus tests for judicial conservatism is the idea of judicial restraint – that courts should give substantial deference to the decisions of the political process. When Congress and the president enact a law, conservatives generally say, judges should avoid ‘legislating from the bench.’
Jeff Greenfield
Well, I’m not sure, but of one thing I am certain: History judges one differently than contemporary observers, and so I think that as time passes, I hope that not me personally so much, but our administration will be seen for some of the things that we accomplished.
David Dinkins
No one ever judges their own self.
James Wolk
Doubt yourself and you doubt everything you see. Judge yourself and you see judges everywhere. But if you listen to the sound of your own voice, you can rise above doubt and judgment. And you can see forever.
Nancy Lopez
Last year, I was proud to be an original co-sponsor of legislation that would increase federal judges’ salaries by more than 40 percent. It also built in a cost of living adjustment, so the Judicial Branch would not be dependent on the Legislative Branch for increases each year.
Debbie Wasserman Schultz
I’ve got that hands-on experience with federal judges and how important it is to have judges like Neil Gorsuch, who will take a rule-of-law approach to the decision-making process. I think he’s eminently qualified.
Luther Strange
Karaoke World Championship is a great attempt to motivate new talent in the field of singing. The event was outstanding where I discovered amazing talent that exists in our country. It was a tough time for me and the other judges to figure out one winner as everyone participating in it was mindboggling.
Sonu Kakkar
I always look for judges who respect precedent.
Susan Collins
I don’t like to leave anything in the hands of the judges.
Glover Teixeira
The wide and unregulated power of contempt given to the courts has been deliberately interpreted by the courts in a manner which has served to intimidate the media from exposing corruption and misbehaviour by the courts and judges.
Prashant Bhushan
People do not always understand the motives of sublime conduct, and when they are astonished they are very apt to think they ought to be alarmed. The truth is none are fit judges of greatness but those who are capable of it.
Jane Porter
Although environmental groups sometimes raise issues in the confirmation process, environmental protection is not central to the fear-mongering of the liberal interest groups that oppose conservative judges. But the threat to basic environmental protections from conservative jurisprudence is broad-based and severe.
Benjamin Wittes
If somebody judges me, then they’re not my people, and that’s all right.
Constance Wu
If history judges society for how it treats those in need, so markets judge economies by the incentives they provide for private investment, the infrastructure that supports growth, and the burdens placed on job creation.
Victor Ponta
I believe having judges with real world, frontline experience as a prosecutor is a good thing.
Amy Klobuchar
What I’ve learned over the years… judges are conscientious… not like lawyers, who give opinions.
Richard Cordray
Judges pretty much act independently once they get on t

Judges pretty much act independently once they get on the bench so I’m not really sure why Harper’s concerned that the court is currently being stacked with a lot of Liberal appointments.
Alan Young
When Joan D’ Arc was asked by her judges why as a Christian she did not love the British, she answered that she did love them, but she loved British in their country. In the same way, we do not hate the Turks, we love them, but in their country.
Jean-Marie Le Pen
I went to see ‘The Greatest Dancer’ when it was filmed in Birmingham. And they announced the show’s judges’ names and then Curtis’ name. The crowd went wild.
A. J. Pritchard
We want to let our play be the judges.
Dan Quinn
It’s been vindicating to see the reaction from lawmakers, judges, public bodies around the world, civil liberties activists who have said it’s true that we have a right to at least know the broad outlines of what our government’s doing in our name and what it’s doing against us.
Edward Snowden
Judges can determine fair justice far better than any inane federal mandate.
Rand Paul
Conservatives who care about nominations of judges who practice judicial restraint are, constitutionally, restrained people themselves.
Wendy Long
As soon as I got up on that stage, and I remembered how welcoming and warming the judges, their presence is, and it was just all uphill from there.
James Durbin
Privatizing bits of the prison industry was a step in the right direction, but what we didn’t have – until recently – were proper instruments for incentivizing the judiciary. That’s what the ‘kids for cash’ judges were apparently experimenting with.
Thomas Frank
Common Sense is that which judges the things given to it by other senses.
Leonardo da Vinci
Judges are like umpires. Umpires don’t make the rules. They apply them. The role of an umpire and a judge is critical. They make sure everybody plays by the rules. But it is a limited role. Nobody ever went to a ballgame to see the umpire.
John Roberts
With the passing of Justice V.R. Krishna Iyer, who had just entered his 100th year, the world has lost one of the greatest judges and jurists of all time and also a fine human beings. He used his extraordinary juristic and intellectual gifts to help everyone he could and to address all forms of human suffering.
Prashant Bhushan
Britain is still seen as a beacon for decency, for democracy, for vigorous judges upholding the rule of law and, dare I say it, a free press. I respect the press in theory, but when you see some of the things it writes about you, it’s not exactly a happy relationship.
Cherie Blair
You can’t legislate into existence an act of forgiveness and a true confession; those are mysteries of the human heart, and they occur between one individual and another individual, not a panel of judges sitting asking questions, trying to test your truth.
Athol Fugard
Judges must beware of hard constructions and strained inferences, for there is no worse torture than that of laws.
Francis Bacon
Although the general format of a reality show requires judges to dish out the nastiest criticisms possible, we are only human, after all. Sometimes emotions get the better of us and you just can’t help but get attached.
Sudha Chandran
I’ve danced before, so I know how it feels to stand in front of judges and be critiqued.
Motsi Mabuse
Normally, the secrecy and lack of transparency surrounding the appointment of judges of the higher judiciary ensures that citizens come to know of these appointments only after the Presidential notification, announcing the appointments, is issued.
Prashant Bhushan
Everyone is entitled to their opinions, and I feel like everyone judges people: regardless of whether they know someone or not, they have an opinion based on the persona of the person. I guess you can only have a real opinion of who they are as a person once you meet someone.
Daniel Sturridge
I’ll go for the knockout, and if we have to go 12 rounds, then I’ll trust the judges to do their best work, and I will get the victory if I deserve it.
Liam Smith
Our need for that exterior god that sits up there and judges us… will diminish and eventually disappear.
Dan Brown
Furthermore, the slaves cannot be put into a more wretched situation, ourselves being judges, and the community cannot take a more lively step to escape ruin, and obtain the smiles and protection of Heaven.
Samuel Hopkins
In the fallen there is danger of pride and vainglory, since they prefer their own judgment to the judgment of everyone else, usurping what is not their own by setting themselves up as judges in their own cause when the rightful judge is their superior.
Saint Ignatius
When you ask to go to some other country and fight their local best guy, and you know the judges are going to be his friend and the referee is going to be his coach, the head of commission guys is probably going to be his relative or something like that, and you’re asked to do that for 100 Euros. Nobody wants to do that.
Artem Lobov
I respect, too, the fact that in our legal order it is for Congress and not the courts to write new laws. It is the role of judges to apply, not alter, the work of the people’s representatives.
Neil Gorsuch
We should trust judges to be independent, investigators to be independent.
Eric Swalwell
My first week at ‘DWTS’ was amazing! I definitely fangirled when I walked into the ballroom because I looked at all the judges and where they were sitting, and I was like, ‘Wow, that’s the official judges’ table!’
Laurie Hernandez
People think I’m kind and considerate and that I listen and evaluate and give each party a chance to talk. The public’s perception of judges seems to be improving because of what I’m doing, and that makes me happy.
Joseph Wapner
The decision of such judges as Claudius and his Senate is worth very little in the question of a man’s innocence or guilt; but the sentence was that Seneca should be banished to the island of Corsica.
Frederic William Farrar
Judges cannot – nor should they try to – align our legal system with the Church’s moral teaching whenever the two diverge. They should, however, conform their own behavior to the Church’s standard.
Amy Coney Barrett
For the first half of this century, High Court judges have been cautious to the point of timidity in expressing any criticism of governmental action; the independence of the judiciary has been of a decidedly subordinate character.
Ferdinand Mount
The type of Alzheimer's Dad has is rare - posterior cor

The type of Alzheimer’s Dad has is rare – posterior cortical atrophy or PCA – and it affects his spatial awareness and the way he judges distance. His first symptoms were erratic typing and spelling, but to talk to him, you’d never know there was a problem.
Rhianna Pratchett
I think judges have to have the ability to put aside their personal views and rule on the facts of the case with fidelity to the law and the Constitution.
Susan Collins
During my years as a practicing lawyer, it just was part of your study of what Congress was trying to say in their statutes. I never really considered judges or scholars as either those who used legislative history or those who were opposed to it until after I got on the court.
John Paul Stevens
Maybe judges like fighters who run.
Marcos Maidana
Judges can bring their own biases about sexuality in the courtroom, causing victims untold pain in the telling and retailing of their stories.
Anthea Butler
I have generally found that persons who had studied painting least were the best judges of it.
William Hogarth
Judicial abuse occurs when judges substitute their own political views for the law.
Lamar S. Smith
When there is a danceoff, it’s scary thinking that someone’s destiny or fate is in your hands. I actually always prefer it when the public decide on something rather than four individuals. 11 million people are a lot more powerful than four judges.
Alesha Dixon
Our Constitution was not written in the sands to be washed away by each wave of new judges blown in by each successive political wind.
Hugo Black
Unfortunately, some judges evidently do not regard a debate in Parliament on new immigration rules, followed by the unanimous adoption of those rules, as evidence that Parliament actually wants to see those new rules implemented.
Theresa May
President Trump has kept his promise to nominate great conservative judges and I’m proud to support Damon Leichty for the Northern District of Indiana.
Mike Braun
People’s lives and livelihoods are often in their hands, and it is critical that judges have integrity, honesty, compassion, and impartiality.
Phil Scott
Judges are the weakest link in our system of justice, and they are also the most protected.
Alan Dershowitz
The freedom to criticize judges and other public officials is necessary to a vibrant democracy.
Sandra Day O’Connor
We are as good judges of our interest and safety, and the means of preserving them, as the non-slaveholding States are of theirs, and rather better than they can be of ours.
John C. Calhoun
What harsh judges fathers are to all young men!
I consider the United States Senate the greatest deliberative body in the world, and I respect the important role the Constitution affords it in the confirmation of our judges.
Neil Gorsuch
I work way too hard in the gym to woo the judges and just skate by.
Demetrious Johnson
Ever since I was a presenter on CBBC and used to see the ‘Strictly’ judges walking around Television Centre, I have wanted to be on the show.
Caroline Flack
In countries that lack a longstanding and entrenched commitment to the rule of law, it can be hard to recruit, train and keep prosecutors and judges who are both independent and effective, even in the face of attempted intimidation or corruption.
David Lidington
What is it that makes us trust our judges? Their independence in office and manner of appointment.
John Marshall
The logic is often far-fetched – how does medical marijuana affect interstate commerce? – and some conservatives would like judges to start throwing out federal laws wholesale on commerce clause grounds. The court once again said no thanks.
Michael Kinsley
In the remaining months, we should focus on achieving more robust international involvement in training of Iraqi soldiers, police officers, judges, teachers, and doctors – all key elements needed to end the sectarian and civil conflict and build Iraq’s future.
John Olver
There’s a moment where Jobs says that one day you will wake up and realize that the world was created by people no smarter than you. I want people to believe that; we’re so often bound by obstructions and judges.
Joshua Michael Stern
At the end of the day, if you’ve got the great idea, and someone judges you’ve got the managerial capability, you’ll probably get the backing for it.
John Caudwell
I went to a school with the kids of judges and elected officials and architects, civil leaders, and influencers. And I felt very much a minority in every way. But it did expose me to incredible things.
Ayanna Pressley
Judges are appointed often through the political process.
Stephen Breyer
Every time I go to the judges, I never get it.
Dereck Chisora
The magistrates are the ministers for the laws, the judges their interpreters, the rest of us are servants of the law, that we all may be free.
Marcus Tullius Cicero
It is essential to democracy that the elected representatives of the people make the laws that govern this country – and not the judges.
Theresa May
Just as judges have enormous stake in the appointment of judicial officers in the higher judiciary, the government has an equal stake. Since both of us have stakes in the appointment of members of the higher judiciary, the consultation of both of them is absolutely necessary. The government must have a say.
Kapil Sibal
Blue slips enable home-state senators to ensure that th

Blue slips enable home-state senators to ensure that the federal judges serving in their states are highly qualified.
Mazie Hirono
The Middle East is literally going up in flames, as is California, and Katrina’s problems haven’t been solved, and Congress’ response is to criticize Federal judges.
Alcee Hastings
I’m in my best moment, seven straight wins, five by submission, two by knockout. I don’t ever leave it in the hands of the judges.
Charles Oliveira
The Violence Against Women Act is so important. It provides money to train the cop on the beat, to train the judges that this is a new day, that we won’t tolerate this violence and to know how to deal with it.
Patricia Ireland
The transformation of the D.C. Circuit has been replicated in federal courts around the country. Obama has had two hundred and eighty judges confirmed, which represents about a third of the federal judiciary.
Jeffrey Toobin
For any unbiased and realistic enquiry against judges, one needs a full time body, independent of the government as well as of the judiciary, with an investigative machinery under its control, through which it can get complaints investigated.
Prashant Bhushan
ISIS’ key social media-encrypted platform is Telegram, which is engineered by a Berlin-based tech company that can simply ignore the rulings of American federal judges as well as legislation passed by the U.S. Congress.
Peter Bergen
The people, the fans, the pundits, the people who watch on TV, they are the judges.
Dereck Chisora
Researchers who examined the voting records of wine judges found that 90 percent of the time they give inconsistent ratings to a particular wine when they judge it on multiple occasions.
Nathan Myhrvold
Those who made and endorsed our Constitution knew man’s nature, and it is to their ideas, rather than to the temptations of utopia, that we must ask that our judges adhere.
Robert Bork
The president appoints the judges. Your lives and your children’s lives can change by all of these appellate court judges who will be appointed who will reinterpret laws, and things can change.
Johnnie Cochran
I mean, Donald Trump has been able, because of Mitch McConnell, to seat more circuit court judges almost than Barack Obama did in eight years.
Sam Seder
I did my first set at a talent show, and I couldn’t finish because the judges didn’t like my jokes. They were ‘offensive.’
Jermaine Fowler
As someone that’s interacted with the federal judiciary a time or two, I will tell you that I have a unique perspective on federal judges.
Matthew Whitaker
I became the prime minister of Pakistan through votes, whereas five honourable judges sent me home.
Nawaz Sharif
There’s something about being in Manchester: everyone is so chilled out, people here accept me for me, no one here judges me, and everyone is treated the same. I love that.
Rather than seeking to stem the tide, our educators, politicians, and judges aid the advance of godlessness. This cannot continue if our children and grandchildren are to live in a country that still recognises God and upholds religious liberty.
Franklin Graham
I don’t have any respect for judges who arrive at the result first, and then try to figure out some way they can bend the law to reach their particular predilections.
Jed S. Rakoff
One can only imagine how Iranians or Afghans would deal with unelected judges moving to de-Islamicize their nations.
Pat Buchanan
One day, the dance charts will be the biggest chart in the music world. Because we all need to dance. This planet will be a fun planet when the judges in court will end the day with a dance!
Yoko Ono
It is necessary to keep one’s compass in one’s eyes and not in the hand, for the hands execute, but the eye judges.
Even with ex-fighters as judges, it doesn’t mean they can score a fight, you’d still end up with debate and opinion.
Callum Smith
I think when judges are in the position of authority, they really get bent out of shape when someone tells them they acted inappropriately.
Matt Gonzalez
I’m excited about the new judges on ‘American Idol.’ Jennifer Lopez was a real mentor to me my season and I admire her so much. And I kind of have a crush on Steven Tyler. It’s going to be interesting to see is one person going to stand out among the judges or if everyone will sort of be equal.
Jordin Sparks
While 45 of the 50 States have either a State constitutional amendment or a statute that preserves the current definition of marriage, left-wing activist judges and officials at the local levels have struck down State laws protecting marriage.
John Boehner
The best way to have empathy for people and the best way to have empathy for our Constitution is to appoint judges who will rule based on the law and to have empathy, if you will, for the law only and to rule based on the law.
Wendy Long
After ‘Heart Skips A Beat’ hit No.1, I barely had a chance to celebrate ‘cos it was straight over to the judges’ houses for the ‘Xtra Factor,’ filming in Greece, L.A. and Spain.
Olly Murs
Malpractice tort reform can be something as commonsensical as the establishment of medical courts – similar to bankruptcy or admiralty courts – with special judges to make determinations in cases brought by parties claiming injury.
Bill Bradley
I also read modern novels – I have just had to read 60 as I am one of the judges for the Orange Fiction Prize.
Kate Adie
All of my judges will want to welcome every child into the world, give them a place at the table.
Gary Bauer
While teaching, I also worked undercover in the lower courts by saying I was a young law teacher wanting experience in criminal law. The judges were happy to assist me but what I learned was how corrupt the lower courts were. Judges were accepting money right in the courtroom.
Samuel Dash
I look at it like this: you may only sell 20,000 to 100

I look at it like this: you may only sell 20,000 to 100,000 albums. But those albums are going to be heard by future doctors, lawyers, judges, firemen, etc. Those albums are being sold to the right people that move society. They’re interested in what you have to say.
On the whole, we think of our consumers – other judges, lawyers, the public. The law that the Supreme Court establishes is the law that they must live by, so all things considered, it’s better to have it clearer than confusing.
Ruth Bader Ginsburg
What matters is voting for where you live: Who’s your mayor, who’s your police chief, who represents you, your city council, your judges. That matters that you vote.
Joe Walsh
Cagey trial lawyers have figured out there’s a pretty good likelihood their case – no matter what its merit – will literally get its day in court because of favorable judges.
Dennis Hastert
From the smallest misdemeanor up to the biggest crime, everyone is brought before a judge. And that means there’s a huge backlog in the American legal system. There are prosecutors and public defenders and judges who are trying to keep their head above water in the tide of this bureaucracy and red tape.
Clare-Hope Ashitey
I am absolutely overjoyed to be joining ‘Strictly.’ I have so much respect for the other judges and hope to add my own bit of sparkle to the show.
Motsi Mabuse
The Dinakaran episode has brought to the surface the vexed problem of the arbitrary and totally unsatisfactory manner of selecting and appointing judges as well as the unresolved problem of dealing with complaints of misconduct and corruption against judges.
Prashant Bhushan
I think the four major leagues ought to set up a joint commission – say, of retired judges – to rule on athletes who are accused of doing bad things away from the game. Then each league would retain its independence in determining what penalties their players should get for infractions committed within the sport.
Frank Deford
Half of figure skating is opinion, convincing judges.
Scott Hamilton
Liberal judges tend to be expansive about things like equal protection, while conservatives read more into ones like ‘the right to bear arms.’
Adam Cohen
We live in a period in which political disagreements are routinely handed over to the courts. Whenever you think that the president is wrong, you might well cry out that he has violated the Constitution – and ask federal judges to rule accordingly.
Cass Sunstein
In England the judges should have independence to protect the people against the crown. Here the judges should not be independent of the people, but be appointed for not more than seven years. The people would always re-elect the good judges.
Andrew Jackson
There are congressmen in our congregation, judges, federal reserve governors. And there are also people who are homeless and some who are mentally ill. To be able to talk to each of those people is something that I’ve had to learn how to do over the years.
James Green Somerville
Judges are either partial to the Constitution or they aren’t; they either believe that the document is perfect in its form and that rights like free speech don’t ebb in and out of style – or they believe that it’s an anachronistic document in a world that needs a malleable, living Constitution.
Dana Loesch
Lawsuits are rare and catastrophic experiences for the vast majority of men, and even when the catastrophe ensues, the controversy relates most often not to the law, but to the facts. In countless litigations, the law Is so clear that judges have no discretion.
Benjamin N. Cardozo
Just because there are people who violate rules, behave illegally and so on, it does not mean that everybody is like that. On the contrary, if you watch certain judges, you observe that they honestly try to implement what they believe the Constitution says and just put it into effect.
Leonid Hurwicz
Federal judges are just very reluctant to stick the government with responsibility.
Stewart Udall
I like to keep a high pace, violent fight. I don’t like to waste time, and I don’t like to go to the judges. I feel like I’ve fought long enough where I can adapt to just about any situation.
Eddie Alvarez
The criminal justice system is not the right place – or it shouldn’t be the place of first resort to provide addiction or mental health services. It should happen elsewhere with no police and no judges and no juries and no jails.
Ted Wheeler
As a general rule, I do not think judges should consider current societal preferences when ruling on constitutional challenges.
Paul Watford
In the legislative arena, especially when the country is closely divided, compromises tend to be the rule the day. But when judges rule this or that policy unconstitutional, there’s little room for compromise: One side must win, the other must lose.
Neil Gorsuch
Even without mandatory sentences, judges are still capable of levying tough penalties for serious offenses – and just as in states like Texas that have ‘tough on crime’ reputations, this can be done without jeopardizing public safety.
Ken Cuccinelli
In order to keep the judiciary independent of the executive, the constitution provided impeachment as the only method for disciplining errant judges.
Prashant Bhushan
When I was a practising lawyer in the family court, there were too many judges who, when you left their courtroom, you didn’t know whether you’d won or whether you’d lost.
Judy Sheindlin
We have judges in the American system and they take on a black robe where they are supposed to shield their partisan preferences. They are not red or blue state judges. They are judges.
Ben Sasse
In bonded labour cases, judges would ask me why I had brought those people to the courts who stank. ‘You are here precisely for them,’ I would respond.
Asma Jahangir
Judges have their own point of view, and we have to respect them for that. Rather than feeling bad, we respect our judges and their opinions.
Rithvik Dhanjani
Any actor who judges his character is a fool – for every role you play you’ve got to absorb that character’s motives and justifications.
Alan Rickman
Just as the common law derives from ancient precedents – judges’ decisions – rather than statutes, baseball’s codes are the game’s distilled mores. Their unchanged purpose is to show respect for opponents and the game. In baseball, as in the remainder of life, the most important rules are unwritten. But not unenforced.
George Will
Mainstream America, in the long run, will always stand for highly qualified, impartial judges and for a fair process and for senators who do their jobs and vote – not who unfairly smear good men like Judge Alito.
Wendy Long
I was only 30 years old, and the second Mr. Olympia was probably the most outright win in the history of the sport. It literally took the judges two minutes to see the winner, and then they concentrated on who is coming second.
Dorian Yates
I'm very proud of my career. A lot of people get their

I’m very proud of my career. A lot of people get their career from the judges of ‘Drag Race’ saying they’re great. I had to go and build that reputation from the ground up.
Trixie Mattel
I love the live shows when they’re on and all singing great but I hate it when the judges say bad things about their singing. I feel sick because I feel it is mean because I’ve done the reality TV thing so I have such strong memories of what it feels like and I just imagine how bad and how nervous they must feel.
Nadine Coyle
My first job out of law school was as one of two women assistant U.S. attorneys in an office of 63 U.S. attorneys and the first woman to do criminal work appearing only before male judges. Scared? Every day of my life.
Maryanne Trump Barry
You want to know what judicial activism is? Judicial activism is judges imposing their policy preferences on the words of the Constitution.
Ted Cruz
The marketplace judges technologies by their practical effectiveness, by whether they succeed or fail to do the job they are designed to do.
Freeman Dyson
Jurisdictions across the U.S. are snapping up algorithms as tools to help judges make bail and bond decisions. They’re being sold as race- and gender-neutral assessments that allow judges to use science in determining whether someone will behave if released from jail pending trial.
John Kennedy
For an entrepreneur who has spent his entire career creating jobs, I can assure you that leaving my business to help President Trump confirm conservative judges is well worth my decision to run for office and a great use of the Senate’s time, given how dysfunctional Washington can be.
Mike Braun
Look at the Chandra Levy case. It’s become a Star Chamber. The major networks, the cable networks, they’re being prosecutors. They’re judges and jurors and executioners. Well, c’mon, that’s ridiculous. But they’re doing it.
Ray Bradbury
Now, I – for several years while I was researching this book, I felt quite obsessed by thoughts about sentencing, punishment, how judges arrive at their decisions.
Helen Garner
Trump’s appointed extremist judges to the federal bench, including U.S. Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch, whose decisions demonstrate a judicial philosophy far more concerned with the rights of corporations than marginalized Americans.
Sarah McBride
What I don’t like is judges legislating from the bench. And as president of the United States, I will appoint justices who uphold the Constitution and who don’t see themselves as a super legislature.
Michele Bachmann
God’s truth judges created things out of love, and Satan’s truth judges them out of envy and hatred.
Dietrich Bonhoeffer
The extent to which lawyers and judges are interfering in politics is something that concerns many people.
Kwasi Kwarteng
One should at least have some self-righteous ego. Not in the sense that you refuse to apologise even when judges reason with you to apologise. Self-righteous ego in the sense that nobody can force you to apologise if there is no reason to do so.
Prashant Bhushan
Good judges do not side with anyone. They rule impartially and blindly based upon the law.
Wendy Long
It turns out umpires and judges are not robots or traffic cameras, inertly monitoring deviations from a fixed zone of the permissible. They are humans.
Eric Liu
Although your knowledge is weak and small, you need not be silent: since you cannot be judges be at least witnesses.
Franz Grillparzer
Every man judges his own happiness and satisfaction with life in terms of his possession or lack of possession of those things that he considers worthwhile and valuable.
Meir Kahane
Let judges secretly despair of justice: their verdicts will be more acute. Let generals secretly despair of triumph; killing will be defamed. Let priests secretly despair of faith: their compassion will be true.
Leonard Cohen
The judges are trying to make the sports as safe as possible and I was just sorry they thought it necessary to consider me dangerous.
Dave Schultz
The judiciary wields enormous power but is utterly mysterious to most Americans. People know more about ‘American Idol’ judges than Supreme Court judges. Done right, social media is a high-octane tool to boost civic awareness.
Don Willett
Through the feigned fury of divine emotion, the wife of the great one will be badly wronged. Judges, wishing to condemn such a doctrine, the victim will be sacrificed to the ignorant people.
One thing I know from personal experience, judges hate it when parties talk publicly about their cases. There are a lot of things about our criminal legal system that need to be changed, and this is just one of them. Prosecutors know how to play the press. Most defendants don’t.
Michael Arrington
The judiciary is peopled by judges who are human, and being human, they are occasionally motivated by considerations other than an objective view of law and justice.
Prashant Bhushan
Many years ago, I was a young and, dare I say it, very hot new comedian. Maybe even the hottest of all if the now defunct Perrier panel of judges were to be believed.
Dominic Holland
My mother sees things but from the distance; she does not weigh them in regard to my position, and she judges me too harshly. But she is my mother, who loves me dearly; and when she speaks, I can only bow my head.
Marie Antoinette
I wouldn’t approach the issue of judging in the way the president does. Judges can’t rely on what’s in their heart. They don’t determine the law. Congress makes the law. The job of a judge is to apply the law.
Sonia Sotomayor
The foundations of modern civil-rights law are exceptionally secure. Conservative judges nibble around the edges sometimes, and people still debate the constitutionality of affirmative-action programs. But almost no one seriously argues about the basic meaning or legitimacy of core civil-rights protections.
Benjamin Wittes
North Carolina wants its judges to be fair and impartial, and partisan politics has no place on the judges’ bench.
Roy Cooper
Ideological warriors whether from the Left or the Right are bad news for the bench. They tend to make law, not interpret law. And that’s not what any of us should want from our judges.
Chuck Schumer
When Obama took office, Republican appointees controlled ten of the thirteen circuit courts of appeals; Democratic appointees now constitute a majority in nine circuits. Because federal judges have life tenure, nearly all of Obama’s judges will continue serving well after he leaves office.
Jeffrey Toobin
There's a bit of a Bertie Wooster about my father. He's

There’s a bit of a Bertie Wooster about my father. He’s very easy-going, he never judges people, and we get on brilliantly.
Rachael Stirling
Most of us tend to be swayed by what we read. Judges are not superhuman. They, too, are mortals. This is why they have to be exceptionally careful in rendering decisions, which cause unintended consequences.
Kapil Sibal
I almost want to ask the judges, ‘If you don’t count leg kicks, if you don’t count body kicks, why not?’ So if you don’t think they’re effective in the scoring criteria, they’re not effective striking, effective grappling, so how about I kick you in the body, I kick you in the leg, and you tell me how that feels?
Aljamain Sterling
A pun does not commonly justify a blow in return. But if a blow were given for such cause, and death ensued, the jury would be judges both of the facts and of the pun, and might, if the latter were of an aggravated character, return a verdict of justifiable homicide.
Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.