Top 265 Federal Government Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Federal Government Quotes from famous people such as Paul Gosar, Luis Gutierrez, Wayne Rogers, Vicente Fox, Stephen Moore, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

There are things that should be allocated to states' ri

There are things that should be allocated to states’ rights – that’s Gryffindor – and certain things allocated to the federal government, which is Slytherin.
Paul Gosar
We need the federal government to assert their supremacy over the immigration issue and make it clear to state legislatures, cowboy cops, and the American people that the federal government is in charge and effectively enforcing and regulating immigration.
Luis Gutierrez
As far as cutting jobs, you could cut whole agencies out of the federal government and not miss them.
Wayne Rogers
So if Arizona sees the federal government isn’t assuming its responsibilities, it creates local laws. But migration and keeping security on the borders is not a local or state issue, it’s a federal issue.
Vicente Fox
I have worked in the federal government and saw the debilitating effects of our antiquated civil service system on morale and results.
Stephen Moore
The federal government has gone too far on many nonessential regulations that are harming small businesses. Employers are rightly concerned about the costs of these regulations – so they stop hiring, stop spending, and start saving for a bill from the federal government.
Sam Graves
History has shown us that, on extraordinarily rare occasions, it becomes necessary for the federal government to intervene on behalf of individuals whose 14th Amendment rights to legal due process and equal protection may be violated by a state.
Mike Simpson
Do you know who the real hypocrite is? It’s the federal government and the Justice Department. It’s a fraud; it’s a lie. They have no interest in the education of black children. They are only interested in the politics of it.
James Meredith
The federal government turns away thousands of applicants to AmeriCorps every year. Our service men and women returning from overseas want to continue to serve. Children from every corner of the country can’t wait to volunteer.
Neil Bush
State and local government, with financial support from the federal government, should offer a program to educate and train foster children for employment and provide them with financial assistance, as needed, until they reach age 21.
Charles Bass
I think it’s a fundamental responsibility of the federal government to enforce our nation’s borders.
Pat Toomey
When the federal government invests in education, it should support quality education and career readiness rather than institutions that make empty promises.
Sherrod Brown
Every year the Federal Government wastes billions of dollars as a result of overpayments of government agencies, misuse of government credit cards, abuse of the Federal entitlement programs, and the mismanagement of the Federal bureaucracy.
Chris Chocola
Just because technological advances have made it easier for the federal government to collect information doesn’t mean that our privacy rights can or should be violated on the ground or in the air.
Suzan DelBene
You know, when companies who have made a commitment and have legacy costs and all of a sudden want to walk away from that commitment and lay it on the federal government, that’s a problem. It’s a fiscal problem for us.
Dennis Hastert
Certainly we can end racism with love. We can demand that the federal government change its emphasis on racial distinction.
bell hooks
Just like families must live within their budgets, the Federal Government must live within its means. We have passed appropriations bills that have been fiscally responsible while recognizing our national priorities.
Dennis Hastert
Like many of his fellow skyjackers, 49-year-old Arthur Gates Barkley was motivated by a complicated grievance against the federal government. In 1963, the World War II veteran had been fired as a truck driver for a bakery, after one of his supervisors accused him of harassment.
Brendan I. Koerner
I introduced the Transparency in Government Act, a multi-faceted transparency bill that would bring unprecedented access and accountability to the federal government.
Mike Quigley
Quite often the federal government purchases things at prices higher than individuals in the private marketplace.
Kris Kobach
I don’t think the federal government should be involved in making life work, right? I mean, the enumerated powers – the state level is fine. The local level’s fine. But not – I do not want the federal government trying to make my life work.
Dave Brat
Federal consent decrees – agreements between the federal government and a local agency to change how that agency operates – are burdensome, costly, and rarely justified.
Heather Mac Donald
When the federal government settles a case, the settlement dollars should go to the victims or the Treasury – period.
Tommy Tuberville
Homeowners and business owners across the country agreed to pay premiums, communities agreed to adopt building codes to mitigate flood dangers, and the Federal Government agreed to provide insurance coverage to policyholders after a disaster.
Bob Ney
Democrats believe that the federal government is not our enemy, it’s our partner.
George McGovern
What Clinton severed with his welfare reform was the obligation of the federal government to step in when the states failed and to monitor these programs.
Robert Scheer
Queens is so often treated as a stepchild and labeled as an outer borough. At the very least, if I could help bring more attention to what we need, and what the federal government needs to do to improve the quality of life of people right here in Queens – any way that I can do that, I’m very happy to do that.
Grace Meng
Our nation is too different, too diverse to say that what works in Massachusetts is somehow going to be grabbed by the federal government, usurping the power of states and imposing a one-size-fits-all plan on the nation. That will not work.
Mitt Romney
If the federal government can mandate what we have to spend our own money on, then the federal government can make us buy something even if we are morally opposed to paying for it.
Luther Strange
Part of Obamacare eliminated the private sector financial market that engages in giving college student loans. I mean, now the federal government has taken over college student loans, so I sit back and strategically look at this and say this just cannot be happening.
Allen West
It is through states that the American people get the job done every day, often in spite of a deeply flawed bureaucratic federal government.
Rick Perry
Anyone who thinks you can pay $3,100 to the federal gov

Anyone who thinks you can pay $3,100 to the federal government and thinks you can get that money back completely in services – like I said – he may go to M-I-T but he is an N-U-T.
Louie Gohmert
In the Federal Government, electronic records are as indispensable as their paper counterparts for documenting citizens’ rights, the actions for which officials are accountable, and the nation’s history.
Allen Weinstein
I had three attorneys dedicated solely to find the statistic of the number of missing Native American women on reservations. Any reservation, not just ‘Wind River.’ They don’t exist. The federal government, which is responsible for the reservations, don’t keep those stats.
Taylor Sheridan
About half of all potential future global warming emissions from United States fossil fuels lie in oil, gas and coal buried beneath our public lands, controlled by the federal government and owned by the American people – and not yet leased to private industry for fuel extraction.
Lydia Millet
The Tea Party was born out of the disgust many Americans felt early in the financial crisis upon learning that the federal government was even contemplating reducing the principal on some troubled mortgages.
Mark Zandi
It’s traditionally not federal policy to fund state and local salaries. It’s done sometimes on a temporary basis or a grant basis. But it’s not often done. And the reason is clear, because the federal government can’t continue in perpetuity these programs.
Jim Talent
Certainly, cutting spending is one of the things that can transcend to the federal government. I mean, I think the federal government has grown by leaps and bounds, and they need to look where do they need to cut.
Susana Martinez
People say, ‘I’m for job training. We can train people to increase the likelihood that they can be self-sufficient.’ Okay, that’s great, you’re for job training – I like job training – but do you think the federal government should have 163 different job-training programs?
Steve Largent
It began to really eat away with me that in the ’60s the federal government, desiring to help poor moms who were dealing with deadbeat dads, decided, ‘We’ll help: we’ll give a check for every child you can have out of wedlock.’
Louie Gohmert
I advised the insurance companies to apply certain rate adjustments only to plans where the federal government provides assistance in order to save Montanans money and keep rates lower on other plans.
Matt Rosendale
The chief duty of our federal government is the safety and security of the American people.
Martha McSally
Arizona did not make illegal, illegal. It is a crime to enter or remain in the U.S. in violation of federal law. States have had inherent authority to enforce immigration laws when the federal government has failed or refused to do so.
Russell Pearce
There isn’t one thing the federal government does that anybody in Big Business would emulate, at least not in the profit sector.
Rush Limbaugh
We must take away the government’s credit card. With limits on both tax revenue and borrowing, the Federal government would finally be forced to get serious about spending cuts.
Alan Keyes
I don’t see any justification for the federal government owning land, other than the Statue of Liberty and maybe a few parks, maybe a few refuges. But to just own land to do nothing with it I think is a disservice to the Constitution.
Don Young
Particularly as a supposed ‘conservative,’ Trump ought to know something about the relationship between the federal government and the states.
George T. Conway III
We can’t have – we can’t have a patchwork of 50 states developing their own immigration policy. I understand the frustration of people in Arizona. They want the federal government to step up and deal with this problem once and for all, and that’s what we want to do.
David Axelrod
I do not support a federal minimum wage. I think every state has a different economy, a different cost of living. I don’t believe that’s the role of the federal government.
Joni Ernst
The federal government does not have the authority to tell landowners and ranchers and farmers that they can’t farm and ranch their land because someday an endangered species might live there.
Josh Hawley
The federal government spends millions to run the Postal Service. I could lose your mail for half of that.
Pat Paulsen
The CARFA Act is about accountability in the federal government: making sure that taxpayers are getting their money’s worth and not being defrauded. This is a bipartisan concept, and it is worthy of broad support across the Congress.
Sam Brownback
Among the chartered responsibilities of the federal government were, in those areas where appropriate – such as facilitating interstate commerce – to provide for justice and domestic tranquility, the common defense, and to secure the blessings of liberty.
Chris Gibson
I don’t want the federal government to rush in and bail the out right away.
Dennis Moore
We have got to protect privacy rights. We have got to protect our God-given, constitutionally protected civil liberties, and we are not doing that in the federal government. The Department of Homeland Security, as well as the TSA, is a great culprit in being a Gestapo-type organization.
Paul Broun
It is past time for the federal government to establish an Unhoused Bill of Rights and make the desperately needed investments to guarantee housing, health care, and a robust social safety net for our unhoused neighbors.
Cori Bush
You don’t set up an implicit promise from the federal government that everybody is getting bailed out.
Rand Paul
My battles have been against federal actions that exceed the powers our Founders granted to the federal government in the constitution.
Scott Pruitt
MEMRI counts the federal government as a customer for its analysis, and the MEMRI logo is often visible on the B-roll video of major news networks. Other private firms create their own information rather than tracking that of others.
Michael Hayden
The federal government is enormous; it never shrinks. And the interest is killing us.
Greg Gutfeld
Providing records in a timely manner is the least the federal government can do for the men and women who have selflessly served our country.
Ronny Jackson
In his 4 years in the White House, President Carter worked to make the Federal Government more competent and compassionate and more responsive to the American people.
Nathan Deal
I would have never run for office if it wasn't for the

I would have never run for office if it wasn’t for the fact that my biggest threat to my company was the federal government and the overreach of the EPA. They’ve gone too far, and it’s time for them to be pulled back in.
Markwayne Mullin
I don’t think the federal government has any business keeping a list of law-abiding Americans who exercise their constitutional right to keep and bear arms.
Ted Cruz
Think for a moment about what Obamacare has done: The federal government has come up with its own (ever-evolving) definition of ‘health insurance,’ which now includes free access to sterilization, contraception, and certain abortifacients such as the morning-after pill.
John Cornyn
It’s time to believe again in the potential of private enterprise set free from the shackles of over-bearing federal government.
Rick Perry
I didn’t even have a birth certificate until I was 9 years old, which meant that, according to the state of Idaho and the federal government, I just didn’t exist.
Tara Westover
The federal government is far larger than the Founding Fathers ever intended it to be. We have racked up over $16 trillion of debt through wasteful spending, and it is time that we cut that waste and start reducing the size of our government.
Matt Salmon
I’m pro-life but I believe that the federal government ought to stay out of it. That’s a decision that the people of each state ought to make for themselves.
Bob Barr
The federal government should not be in the business of initiating and administering short-term incentive programs designed to shape consumer purchase behavior.
John Quelch
If the federal government had been around when the Creator was putting His hand to this state, Indiana wouldn’t be here. It’d still be waiting for an environmental impact statement.
Ronald Reagan
When the federal government spends more each year than it collects in tax revenues, it has three choices: It can raise taxes, print money, or borrow money. While these actions may benefit politicians, all three options are bad for average Americans.
Ron Paul
It defies logic that protections against predatory debt collection practices don’t apply to debt collectors hired by the federal government.
Cory Booker
The future of healthcare security should include flexibility from the federal government to allow us to serve the state’s most vulnerable citizens.
Tom Vilsack
If you work for the federal government, the average salary is $7,000 higher than the private sector. Something’s wrong with that, when you’re making more money working for the government than you can working in the private sector.
Jesse Ventura
These are the same people who believe, in some cases, the federal government should not play any role in providing health care to our people or protecting the environment.
Bernie Sanders
The U.S. federal government may be going broke, but it’s not because of NASA.
Robert Zubrin
The federal government requires that its loans be paid back within 10 years of graduation, and Harvard has pegged its loans to the same 10-year timetable. Yet despite Harvard’s low default rate, the idea of years of loan debt is daunting for some students even before it’s time to pay back.
David Fahrenthold
Clinton was a president who used his office, in creative ways, to try to reinvigorate the federal government to benefit the majority.
Sidney Blumenthal
I start with a concern about the growth of federal government. I start with a perspective concerned about the growth of that power, and containing it within the bounds of the Constitution.
Ken Cuccinelli
The federal government should encourage rather than micromanage market reform in all 50 states. Since health care is local, private-sector innovation in conjunction with state-level reform of the individual and small-group markets is a better approach.
Ron Williams
The founders had a strong distrust for centralized power in a federal government. So they created a government with checks and balances. This was to prevent any branch of the government from becoming too powerful.
Ezra Taft Benson
The demand that school finances be transferred away from local school districts to the state and/or federal government has been a long-time favorite of the educationist lobbies.
M. Stanton Evans
I found that I was getting a warm reception for my message of freeing you from the income tax, releasing you from Social Security, ending the insane war on drugs, restoring gun rights, and reducing the federal government to just its constitutional functions.
Harry Browne
The best solution would be for the federal government to say, ‘Yes, we do provide coverage and it’s from day one.’
Andrew P. Harris
There is no constitutional basis for the federal government to be mandated to assist with student debt.
Darryl Glenn
The president has been a true friend of the ag industry, because he continues to invest large amounts of money at a time when savings is really the goal of the federal government to deal with the deficit.
Mike Johanns
Thanks in part to the Patriot Act, the federal government has been able to demand some details of your online activities from service providers – and not to tell you about it.
Jonathan Zittrain
For the last 50 years, the federal government has taken out of the Gulf Coast $165 billion in taxes that came from oil and gas off of our coast that went to the federal Treasury, to rebuild all places in America except the place that it came from.
Mary Landrieu
As everyone in Louisiana knows, there was often no communication or coordination between the state and federal government in the aftermath of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita.
Bobby Jindal
When national policy becomes hostage to regional interests, the federal government becomes paralysed and would be unable to act in the larger national interest.
Sanjaya Baru
Federal government has been a gateway to the middle class for people of color for generations.
Tom Perez
I do not believe we should shut down the federal government.
Ted Cruz
Because of the failure of the federal government to enf

Because of the failure of the federal government to enforce federal law, we now have ‘banks too big to fail,’ unregulated Internet monopoly, and the evisceration of a dispersed and independent media.
Paul Craig Roberts
States that scrap their state-run Obamacare exchanges are admitting they’ve wasted millions of dollars in federal grants. It’s only fair that states have to pay American taxpayers and the federal government back for their total incompetence.
John Barrasso
My politics are of a practical kind – the integrity of the country, the supremacy of the Federal government, an honorable peace, or none at all.
Winfield Scott Hancock
If the federal government believes free contraception is vital, then surely it can find another way to implement it than by forcing family businesses and religious broadcasters and others to violate their religious beliefs.
Luther Strange
We need sensible gun safety measures. The federal government could do something about this; they could show up.
Michael Nutter
We’re also fairly stubborn, I think, fairly independent. We have our share of difficulties with our federal government, although I’ve tried to as I am here encourage a better way of discussing those problems.
Dan Miller
My District is all too familiar with federal government attempts to seize control of private property and private water rights.
Lauren Boebert
We were endowed by our Creator with the inalienable rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. We were not endowed by the Federal Government. We were not endowed by entitlements. We were not endowed by pork barrel spending; we were not endowed by budgetary earmarks.
Lawrence Kudlow
It has become increasingly difficult for states or the federal government to apply the death penalty. But why even try? Nothing is accomplished, and while the chances of making a mistake are now diminished – DNA can prove guilt as well as innocence – life in prison is a worthy substitute.
Richard Cohen
I think so many of our educators, when they hear about these programs coming from the federal government, they’re just thinking, ‘Uh, that’s another book of paperwork that I’m going to have to do,’ and teachers are so weighed down with that.
Marsha Blackburn
If the federal government is dumb enough to give it to us, we’ll be smart enough to take it. In Minnesota’s case, we are not a net taker of money from the federal government.
Tim Pawlenty
Leading the boom of 1838 were state governments, who, finding themselves with the unexpected windfall of a distributed surplus from the federal government, proceeded to spend the money wildly and borrow even more extravagantly on public works and other uneconomic forms of ‘investment.’
Murray Rothbard
Federal government has forced a one-size-fits-all model on our education system.
Doug Ducey
The work I have done in private practice has been assisting companies and organizations to work with an incredibly complex federal government. I’m proud of the impact I’ve had for these organizations, including organizations here in Pinellas County.
David Jolly
In the decade before the Civil War various north and south lines of railway were projected and some of these were assisted by grants of land from the Federal Government.
John Moody
For the states that take the lead on reform – asset recycling, deregulation, service innovation – the Federal Government could step back, and allow greater flexibility in how we deliver our responsibilities.
Gladys Berejiklian
There is a human capital crisis in the federal government. Not only are we losing the decades of talent as civil servants retire, we are not doing enough to develop and nurture the next generation of public servants.
Daniel Akaka
By the 1870s, ex-Confederates had taken their support for Western individualism a step further. They insisted the federal government was actively persecuting Western individuals.
Heather Cox Richardson
In normal times, at the beginning of each month, the federal government makes a cash advance to the Social Security Trust Fund called the ‘normalized tax transfer,’ in an amount equal to the estimated payroll taxes for the coming month.
Jerome Powell
The steel workers have now buried their dead, while the widows weep and watch their orphaned children become objects of public charity. The murder of these unarmed men has never been publicly rebuked by any authoritative officer of the state or federal government.
John L. Lewis
I think that the more we, as a state, yield and cede decisions to the federal government, the lesser we’ll be for it as a state.
Scott Pruitt
Big-government proponents embrace both the power of the federal government and the idea that millions of Americans ought to be dependent on its largesse. It’s time to return to our Founders’ love for small government. More is not always better.
Gary Bauer
The young in this country, and you fellows are young by my reckoning, have a right to be concerned about the course that our government, the Federal Government, is taking under President Bush.
John Spratt
For those of us who want to accomplish something for the country, we need to come up with a list … of anti-spending reforms which are locked into place so we are dramatically lowering the appetite of the federal government over the future.
Mark Kirk
If we could have a really good debate with the states and the federal government on tax reform I’d be up for that.
Gladys Berejiklian
Besides the healthcare bill being unconstitutional and a great expansion of federal government, I think if it does not respect people’s individual religious views and makes groups or individuals do things that are contrary to their deeply held beliefs, there is going to be a visceral negative reaction.
Bob McDonnell
The federal government spends nearly half a trillion dollars on contracted goods and services; therefore, we must ensure that the money is being spent efficiently, and small businesses have proven that they can do quality work cheaper and often faster.
Sam Graves
The federal government is doing less than it is lawfully entitled to do to protect New York City, and the City is less safe as a result.
Raymond Kelly
It is difficult to conduct flood mitigation at the federal level because of the bureaucracy and inconsistent funding. Texans are better able to lead this effort at the state level rather than rely on the federal government.
George P. Bush
I don’t believe the federal government should be snooping into American citizens’ cell phones without a warrant issued by a federal judge. You cannot give the federal government extraordinary powers to eavesdrop without a warrant. It’s simply un-American.
Kevin de Leon
We can decide to kneel to the mob and kneel to the state, cede all of our power over to the federal government, and then, you know, be confined to the ash heap of history. Or we can decide to come together and realize that we all want the same thing, which is a better America.
Madison Cawthorn
I think the federal government really should be support

I think the federal government really should be supporting Louisiana and ensuring that every person from that area has an opportunity to vote on what will occur in the area.
Stephanie Tubbs Jones
I can recall back in 1998, in August of that year, when we had a horrible disaster along the Mexican border in the town of Del Rio. At the time, FEMA was the shining star of the federal government. It’s now perceived as many to be the dullest knife in the drawer. Right or wrong, that’s the perception.
Henry Bonilla
The federal government must retreat from its hyperactive involvement in areas traditionally under states’ authority and refuse future temptations to regulate and legislate on every issue that happens to come to mind.
Scott Pruitt
The federal government has shown little willingness to stand up to corporate monopolies, and use its powers under the existing antitrust statutes, including the powerful Clayton Act and Sherman Act.
Zephyr Teachout
The real question is whether the federal government should be in the business of redistributing wealth to equalize the economic status of every state, including states where not many people, for whatever reason, have chosen to live. That type of redistribution is a distortion of our economy.
Bill Foster
Small businesses are the number one job creators in America. Therefore, it is important that the federal government creates an environment that helps them succeed, not one that sets them up to fail.
Randy Neugebauer
My goal in life is to get the federal government down to half its present size and under control, and then I can write murder mysteries.
Grover Norquist
Through the 1990s, the fracturing of Tasmanian Aboriginal politics was given impetus by the ongoing corruption of a number of black organisations started under federal government programmes, with large amounts of public money being lost.
Richard Flanagan
When we find a ship, we turn it over to the state or federal government. It’s purely historical. I’ve never made a dime on any of it.
Clive Cussler
For over 15 years, through the clean coal programs of the Department of Energy, the Federal Government has been a solid partner, working jointly with private companies and the states to develop and demonstrate a new generation of environmentally clean technology using coal.
Tim Holden
The federal government secures the border; Californians decide how we want to treat our population. I think we need a vibrant guest worker program. If we have one, we’re going to stop having a lot of issues at the border.
Elizabeth Emken
Why should a city be mandated to do something by the federal government or state government without the money to do it?
Richard M. Daley
Peace and commerce with foreign nations could be more effectually and cheaply cultivated by a common agent; therefore they gave the Federal Government the sole management of our relations with foreign governments.
Robert Toombs
The taxpayer – that’s someone who works for the federal government but doesn’t have to take the civil service examination.
Ronald Reagan
You cannot keep your plan and have Obamacare at the same time. Obamacare, by definition, gets rid of your plan and replaces it with health care run by the federal government.
Rush Limbaugh
With federal recognition, the Lumbee Tribe would become a full player in Indian country, no longer second class Indians in the eyes of the federal government. As such, we would employ our substantial skills and abilities to help correct problems faced by Indian country and make significant contributions.
Kelvin Sampson
I think the federal government should be doing only what the Constitution says it should be. We don’t have authority under the federal Constitution to have a big federal criminal justice system.
Paul Broun
The federal government is way larger than it should be.
Ron Johnson
While some of the critics are voicing legitimate concerns about the merits of a system of academic benchmarks, Common Core is frequently a straw man for the frustrations conservatives have with the federal government.
Sonny Perdue
The federal government of Nigeria has always preferred to talk to bona fide Boko Haram leaders about the release of the Chibok girls, but we must have a credible person or persons that will intervene, preferably United Nations or NGOs.
Muhammadu Buhari
If we continue to allow the federal government to live beyond its means, we will all soon have to live beneath ours.
Joe Miller
If I were a Democrat, I’d siphon the power of states to the federal government. I’d ignore the Constitution and prevent states from determining their own voting practices.
Lauren Boebert
If you are born into a family below the national median income, we provide you with an additional $500, and for every contribution made to a child’s account below the national median income, we match it dollar for dollar – the federal government will.
Harold Ford, Jr.
If the federal government is so concerned with why people are deciding against having kids, maybe they should consider how little support and protection the middle class gets when it comes to being parents. Paid leave would be a good start, and increasing wages would also help.
Ana Kasparian
General revenue – what taxpayers are willing to give government, what they think is fair to give government – is not going to grow at the same amount that the federal government basically forces us to spend on Medicaid.
Rick Scott
What I have said is that I think the federal government and we as a society have come too far in trying to separate good organizations that perform good functions for people just based on the fact one has a religious association and one doesn’t.
Ken Buck
Many civil rights came about, not when they were passed into law, but because the federal government did what it should and saw them enforced.
Claire McCaskill
The federal government has never created one job that is sustainable long term. It creates government project work but not creating real work where people are.
Michael Steele
I would consider it to be immoral to take a paycheck when the people in the federal government are not.
Blake Farenthold
Parts of the Voting Rights Act are due to expire next year if Congress doesn’t extend them, including the section that guarantees that voting rights will be protected by the federal government.
Marty Meehan
I came to Washington primarily to meet other entrepreneurs. That being said, I was also curious to hear how our federal government was thinking about entrepreneurship.
Neil Blumenthal
I appreciate President Trump's commitment and invitatio

I appreciate President Trump’s commitment and invitation to play a role in strengthening State and Federal government partnerships. It’s important that we discuss best practices to tackle shared challenges and priorities.
Mike Parson
The way we’re really going to grow the economy is to invest in people, to invest in innovation, to have the federal government put money in the kind of research that will create the new high-technology, biotechnology industries that will create the millions of new jobs.
Joe Lieberman
The Miccosukee facility in Miami only offers bingo, poker, and video gambling machines. Because it does not have slot machines or table games, the Miccosukee tribe doesn’t need an agreement with the state. The Miccosukees only answer to the federal government.
Rick Scott
I was at MSNBC; I was constantly saying to them during Bridgegate, ‘You’ve convicted Governor Christie without one iota of fact attaching him to the decision to stall the traffic on the bridge. Why don’t we wait until the federal government or the state government… completes its investigation.’
Tom Brokaw
Obama believes in a big central government, where the federal government controls everything in our lives. That’s socialism.
Paul Broun
It’s much more powerful to say I’m working to reduce spending, deal with our nation’s deficit, push back on the federal government, and give specifics for that rather than just say, ‘I’m a conservative.’
Lisa Murkowski
The federal government was created to defend the United States, not to wage war upon it.
Robert Zubrin
The CDC and the federal government have already admitted that they have failed to get ahead of the spread of Ebola in Texas, and we aren’t going to let that happen in Florida.
Rick Scott
Our morbidly obese federal government needs not just behavior modification but bariatric surgery.
Mitch Daniels
If I was a state, I would like to see education left to the schools themselves, but I don’t want the federal government involved in education. I think that it ends up setting standards that cost you time and money and don’t make any difference in education. I want to stop that.
Gary Johnson
Everyone town of 100,000 in the United States should have a Classical Theater supported by the town, or the state of the county, or the Federal Government, as they have in every civilized country.
Tony Randall
What is good for Alaska is good for the country. Transferring power from the federal government to the states provides opportunity to all states, not just Alaska.
Joe Miller
Once every American has a pony then I can – by fiat, executive order or something like that – dismantle the federal government with a snap of my magic fingers.
Vermin Supreme
The problem is we have a Wall Street-to-Washington access of power that has controlled the political climate. The donor class feeds the political class who does the dance that the donor class wants. And the result is federal government keeps getting bigger.
Mike Huckabee
I ran for president in order to be able to try to change Washington D.C. from the inside. Our federal government is broken.
Herman Cain
When the federal government imposes a mandate on the states or supersedes a state policy, conservatives often rise in protest.
Tom Perez
I believe the private sector and small businesses drive our economy, and that means the federal government should work to ensure the private sector is as robust as possible.
Ann Kirkpatrick
After four centuries of Spanish rule, Puerto Rico was ceded to the United States in 1898. Residents were granted U.S. citizenship in 1917, and the federal government has allowed Puerto Rico to exercise authority over its local affairs in a manner similar to the 50 states.
Pedro Pierluisi
When the federal government gets around to cleaning up their lists, I am sure we’ll take another look at the Lowey amendment. But until then, this effort will continue to have bipartisan opposition.
Rodney Frelinghuysen
There was a fear among the original framers that the federal government would be so strong that they might destroy the state militias.
John Paul Stevens
The American people are not just being taxed to death; they’re being taxed after death. But, no one should have to sell the life’s work of a parent or a loved one just to pay the federal government.
J. D. Hayworth
All of those loan programs that the federal government administers have flaws.
Bill Flores
Encouraging underground uranium mining on the Colorado Plateau um, the federal government was the only purchaser of uranium ore to try to manufacture uh, atomic bombs.
Tom Udall
The reason that the unions and the other stakeholders have not cut a deal with the automakers is because they believe the federal government is going to bail them out.
Tim Pawlenty
You don’t cover the federal government or policy-making or legislating, or you shouldn’t, I should say, because you are looking for a scandal or you’re looking for a personality-driven story, or you’re looking for stories about people’s love lives. That’s not really what we do here.
Jen Psaki
The federal government does not trample in jackboots those with whom it does business. It wraps them in cotton batting and, when they express ingratitude, apologizes profusely.
Timothy Noah
The main issue is huge government spending, and my record has been trying to make sure the federal government lives within its means. I guess that’s really what separates where Republicans have been from the Democrats.
Scott Garrett
When more land is locked up by the federal government, real people suffer, and opportunities for future prosperity are reduced.
Paul Gosar
The federal government has no business monitoring small cash deposits and how Americans pay their bills and has no right to snoop around in private checking accounts without a warrant.
Lauren Boebert
American businesses deserve a federal government that doesn’t stand in their way, not one that tries to chase them overseas.
Nikki Haley
One of the best programs that the federal government sponsors is the Small Business Innovation Research program, in which more than 2.5 percent of federal research and development funding at the largest agencies goes directly to small businesses.
Raja Krishnamoorthi
After 2003, we lowered taxes across the board. And by 2

After 2003, we lowered taxes across the board. And by 2004, revenue to the federal government grew. In the 1980s, Ronald Reagan cut taxes dramatically. And by the end of the decade, revenue coming in the federal government had doubled.
Pat Toomey
I came up in a time where the assumption was, in the ’60s and ’70s, where the federal government was a great agent of progressive social change, it was the intervener in the best sense, and it would come and address injustice forthrightly.
Bill de Blasio
Any bailout of a private company is a bad decision by our federal government. Private companies have the right to succeed, but they also should have the right to fail.
Matt Salmon
We don’t want the federal government to shut down. It is so inappropriate, and it is not respectful of the people that have sent us here to do our jobs.
Marsha Blackburn
President Obama’s reckless defense cuts that are hanging over our cloud, hanging over the horizon could put almost 44,000 jobs at stake right here in Pennsylvania. we are not going to let that happen. You know why? Because No. 1, national defense is the first priority of the federal government.
Paul Ryan
Patient autonomy is paramount to the oath that we take when we enter the profession of medicine. That is why I am appalled when the federal government gets between my patients and their right to the full range of medical information and complete access to health care.
Ami Bera
Poverty is a national issue and needs a federal response. After all, U.S. federal government policies helped produce massive income inequality by lopsided breaks for the super wealthy.
Donna Brazile
Our ports are owned by local governments who are responsible for the ports. It is the Coast Guard and Customs that provide security. The federal government will never outsource our security.
Kit Bond
Democrats believe we must have comprehensive health care reform that includes giving the federal government authority to negotiate lower prices with drug companies.
Jim Clyburn
Over time, the federal government should move the nation to a single standard, clean-burning gasoline.
Mark Kirk
I think you may see again a rise at the federal government level for a – a call for the federal constitutional amendment, because people want to make sure that this definition of marriage remains secure, because after all, the family is the fundamental unit of government.
Michele Bachmann
Telling the public, ‘We’ll get to it later,’ is inadequate. That’s what the federal government does.
Ken Cuccinelli
We are shrinking the size of the federal government as a percent of our economy from over 21 percent of the economy to 19 percent of the economy. At the same time, we’re growing the private economy.
Franklin Raines
We are a nation of borders and – I mean, that is one of the main things that the federal government is in charge with, and that is protecting the citizens of the United States and our whole nation.
Matt Rosendale
But no one has yet succeeded in reducing the size or scope of the federal government.
James Q. Wilson
There are over 100 entities in the federal government that have something to do with homeland security.
Andrew Card
Loggers and mills in Maine and across the country deserve fair trade policies and more support from our federal government.
Sara Gideon
I considered myself engaged in a war from Day One. And my objective was to force the federal government – the Kennedy administration at that time – into a position where they would have to use the United States military force to enforce my rights as a citizen.
James Meredith
Is our national goal to place as many people on welfare, food stamp support, as we can possibly put on that program? Is that our goal? Is that a moral vision for the United States of America, just to see how many people we can place in a situation where they’re dependent on the federal government for their food?
Jeff Sessions
The oil companies are regulated by the federal government. They can’t drill on land nor in American waters without permission from the feds. Many Republicans want to drill baby drill but what’s the point if all the oil goes to China? Increased production obviously doesn’t mean lower prices for us.
Bill O’Reilly
The federal government should not be an accessory to the unconstitutional actions of the Arizona state government. By continuing to work with Arizona police departments operating under SB 1070, the Department is implicitly condoning the shameful tactics authorized by the new law.
Lucille Roybal-Allard
Both the federal government and the states should go ahead and soak the rich to reduce inequality and raise money for health care, child care, infrastructure investment, education, decarbonization, and a thousand other priorities.
Annie Lowrey
At the federal level, as a member of Congress, you have one vote out of 435, and in the Senate, it’s one out of 100. So, the ability to get some stuff done exists as a much larger opportunity at a local level than in the federal government.
We just need to make sure that we get somebody in there that respects the Constitution, respects the rule of law, that restores the proper balance between the states and federal government. I have great confidence Jeb Bush would do that.
Scott Pruitt
I should not get Social Security. I think it’s a travesty for a man of my success and of my means to get anything from the federal government.
Kenneth Langone
But I do know this: that the two and a half years that I’ve been at HUD, I am absolutely convinced that some of the best workers in the world are in Federal Government.
Alphonso Jackson
Governor Kempthorne of Idaho, our chairman of the National Governors Association, is doing a great job bringing all of the nation’s governors together to work as partners with the federal government.
James Douglas
We have seen an outrageous increase in the size, scope, and intrusiveness of the federal government.
Jason Chaffetz
Wringing your hands about states’ rights, forget it. They’re gone. Basically, the federal government can do whatever it wants. Who’s going to protect the states? My court? Ha – we’re feds!
Antonin Scalia
As a fiscal conservative, I believe one of the most important roles the federal government can play in assuring that our economy remains strong is to keep our fiscal house in order.
Allen Boyd
From the late 1940s, into and through the ’50s, there developed a complex interaction between federal government, state and local government, real-estate interests, commercial interests and court decisions, which had the effect of undermining the mass transit system across the country.
Noam Chomsky
What the federal government can do, especially as it re

What the federal government can do, especially as it relates to urban, inner-city America, is invest resources that would help create jobs.
Danny K. Davis
When you turn 18 in the United States, you should be automatically registered to vote. Ideally, this sensible reform would be a federal law affecting all 50 states, Washington, D.C., and American territories, but our federal government stopped being sensible a very long time ago.
Shaun King
I am encouraged that there’s going to be much better dialogue between the federal government and the state of Arizona. I mean, I hope that’s not wishful thinking.
Jan Brewer
The idea of dual sovereignty rests on the premise that the power of the states to prosecute crimes existed before the creation of the federal government, and is reserved to them by the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution.
Asha Rangappa
Many people think that the U.S. is ahead in the frontier technology sectors as a result of private sector entrepreneurship. It’s not. The U.S. federal government created all these sectors.
Ha-Joon Chang
The people in Washington are getting rich with our money. Under President Barack Obama, the federal government swelled to record size, and it took more and more of our money to pay for it. Who benefitted? Not Missouri farmers or workers.
Josh Hawley
It’s not tyranny we desire; it’s a just, limited, federal government.
Alexander Hamilton
I go where the revolution is, and the revolution is Ron Paul. Ron Paul is a champion of the Constitution. He’s about getting rid of the Federal Reserve and shrinking federal government.
Christine Ebersole
Right now, there is no way that the federal government can prevent someone who’s on the terror watch list from buying a gun – none.
Ted Deutch
People – particularly in the Southeast, Georgia, my district, all across the state – they don’t want the federal government to have the ability, at times whenever the federal government wants to declare an emergency, to start going around and confiscating people’s guns.
Phil Gingrey
I’m saying the federal government is taking away the freedom of Americans to make choices.
Paul LePage
The federal government has an exceptionally poor record of behaving responsibly with Americans’ personal information when entrusted with it.
Jared Polis
In all her history, from the formation of the federal government until the hour of secession, no year stands out more prominently than the year 1858 as evidencing the national patriotism of Virginia.
John Sergeant Wise
Should the federal government be giving people cellphones?
Tim Griffin
We cannot have policies that punish people for taking action. Imagine the further harm it would have caused if the federal government banned civil rights leaders from boycotting buses in Montgomery, Alabama, or banning divestment from Apartheid South Africa.
Rashida Tlaib
I’m doing my part, building plants at a record rate, having historic conservation levels. The only people not doing their part is the federal government that is siding with the energy companies against the interests of the people of California.
Gray Davis
The federal government is responsible for addressing how to address the status of the estimated 9 to 15 million people who are in the country illegally, but local and state law enforcement can be helpful partners in that regard.
Tim Pawlenty
Well, the federal government has a responsibility to provide leadership in bringing together provinces.
Jagmeet Singh
Well, the problem of the federal government is that they print money and go in debt. That’s their national policy, Democrats and Republicans it doesn’t matter. And this is where I differ.
Richard M. Daley
The federal government should only be flying the flag that represents all people, the American flag.
Marjorie Taylor Greene
Literally from the moment I came in the door of MIT, it was very clear that a highly productive 40-year partnership between U.S. research universities and the federal government was badly eroding.
Charles Vest
Aside from the poor example it sets, the federal government enables reckless spending on public-employee pensions by offering hope of assistance from Washington if things get bad enough.
Devin Nunes
Not only is it possible to do lean startup in federal government, but it’s the most effective way to drive change in the federal government.
Todd Park
I am the constitutionally and legitimately elected sheriff, and I absolutely refuse to surrender my responsibility to the federal government.
Joe Arpaio
Medicaid is essentially bankrupt, Medicare is essentially bankrupt, why the heck would we give the federal government another entitlement program to manage?
Tim Pawlenty
The lack of trust between the federal government and the American citizens of this country is such a wide gap, we have to renew that trust for the people of this country going forward.
Michael T. Flynn
Conservatives deserve a consistent and thoughtful vision for the role of federal government in relationship to states.
Scott Pruitt
Under the administration of George W. Bush, you will recall, federal spending grew pretty significantly. At the same time, the number of people directly employed by the federal government shrank. One of the factors that explained the difference was contracting.
Thomas Frank
I see the job of attorney general as the single most important legal office in the country when you can’t trust the federal government.
Zephyr Teachout
I am pleased to report that Texas is known for having one of the strongest set of open government laws in our Nation. And ever since that experience, I have long believed that our federal government could use ‘a little Texas sunshine.’
John Cornyn
I went to Washington, D.C, for the first time my senior year as part of Girls Nation, put on by the American Legion Auxiliary, which sends high school students to D.C. to form a pretend federal government. There was an energy about the city that made me feel like I just had to come back there.
Kristen Soltis Anderson
My mother's sympathies were strongly with the Union. Sh

My mother’s sympathies were strongly with the Union. She knew that war was bound to come, but so confident was she in the strength of the Federal Government that she devoutly believed that the struggle could not last longer than six months at the utmost.
Buffalo Bill
The American Dream is not being dependent on the federal government for your health care, for your automobile, for your college education, for your student loan on and on and on.
Marsha Blackburn
We have over 500,000 illegal immigrants living in Arizona. And we simply cannot sustain it. It costs us a tremendous amount of money of course in health care, in education, and then, on top of it all, in incarceration. And the federal government doesn’t reimburse us on any of these things.
Jan Brewer
The federal government should end its policies of economic warfare against the United States and allow our nation to develop all its energy resources to the fullest, both for domestic use and for export.
Robert Zubrin
The federal government… knows how to put a missile in someone’s room half way around the world with technology. Why don’t we use some of that technology to save some lives here in America?
Michael Nutter
In addition to higher pay, federal government employment is far more secure than private-sector employment.
Jason Chaffetz
I have never believed in the fallacy that the federal government can buy its way out of economic troubles through needless spending. For that reason, I am proud to oppose ‘stimulus’ packages and endless corporate bailouts, which will do little but weaken the long-term integrity of the American economy.
John Fleming
The federal government has sponsored research that has produced a tomato that is perfect in every respect, except that you can’t eat it. We should make every effort to make sure this disease, often referred to as ‘progress’, doesn’t spread.
Andy Rooney
I truly believe that we have the best health care system in the world. It’s not perfect, but this business of turning it over to the federal government to try to make it perfect is quite honestly asinine.
Phil Gingrey
I believe the public’s confidence would be increased if the federal government took over the functions of airport security screening for all passengers.
David Neeleman
States know better than the federal government how to allocate and manage resources to address the needs of their people.
Cathy McMorris Rodgers
In the 1970s, Safari Club International asked the federal government to approve its import of 1,125 not-yet-killed trophies of 40 endangered species, including gorillas, orangutans and tigers, according to the Humane Society of the United States.
Lydia Millet
If the federal government will not enforce the immigration laws, our state and local law enforcement should be empowered to do so.
Tommy Tuberville
No branch of the law is of more importance to the counsellor, the statesman, or the citizen, than a thorough acquaintance with the Constitution and laws of the Federal Government, as they are administered and as they affect the rights of the people.
Samuel Freeman Miller
I think isolationism is a mistake, no matter what party you see it in. We have to remember that there are two threats to our freedom: there’s a threat that comes from the federal government, from the Obama Administration policies… but there’s also a huge and significant threat from al-Qaeda.
Liz Cheney
It’s beginning to sound like the American people are the suspects of the federal government. We are not simply subjects. We are now suspects.
Will Cain
Since Sandy Hook, I have sat back as a father and been mesmerized by the inability of the federal government to do anything substantively on gun safety.
Gavin Newsom