Top 272 Random Quotes

Random Quotes: Embracing the Unexpected and Unpredictable

The Beauty of Randomness

Life is full of surprises, unexpected twists, and moments that defy explanation. Randomness adds a touch of spontaneity, injecting excitement and unpredictability into our everyday experiences. It reminds us that amidst our plans and routines, there is a vast realm of chance and serendipity waiting to be explored. In this article, we embrace the beauty of randomness and present a collection of quotes that celebrate the whimsical, the unexpected, and the joy found in the unplanned moments of life.

Randomness invites us to let go of our need for control and to embrace the magic of the unknown. It invites us to see the world with fresh eyes, to discover hidden connections, and to welcome the surprises that shape our lives. In its randomness, we find opportunities for growth, creativity, and moments of pure delight.

Inspiring Words: Quotes that Embrace the Unexpected

Writers, philosophers, and thinkers have contemplated the nature of randomness and its impact on our lives. Their words capture the essence of embracing the unexpected, finding beauty in chance encounters, and celebrating the wonders that unfold when we relinquish our need for certainty. Below, we present a collection of quotes that invite us to embrace the random, the serendipitous, and the delightful quirks of life.

A rescue mission doesn't involve going in and just taki

A rescue mission doesn’t involve going in and just taking a child and leaving. You can’t just choose any child at random. Every kid has a case that is based on that child’s original family. So, we made it over to a village, found the child; we were interacting with the child.
Jason Mraz
Our time on Earth is so random.
Lisa Ling
The amount of random conversations that lead to culture-shifting ideas is insane.
Virgil Abloh
Maybe I beef with people, but it was never random. Anybody you name, I could give you the reason why it happened or whatever led to the beef.
I don’t like to analyze what I do too much, but I certainly never meet a single person and say, ‘You’re the next character.’ People think that’s what I do. They also think that I sit down and observe and try to imitate random people. I’ve never done that at all.
Chris Lilley
All of the Vines that were acted & setup & had nice cameras, those weren’t the good Vines. The good Vines were, like, a random little kid in the middle of a forest, like, yelling.
Billie Eilish
When you make a melody that doesn’t come with words from the get-go, sometimes you’re just thinking about random vowel sounds that go with it – and it’s really, really hard to write lyrics that actually obey the vowel sounds.
David Longstreth
The power that religion has is that you think nothing is random: If there’s a tragedy in my life, that’s God testing me or sending me a message.
Dan Brown
I need to stop carving out four-hour chunks to do random things and go home and watch my children grow up.
Neil Patrick Harris
My style is unique and random. But I think it’s important that it still makes sense.
Jess Glynne
I just do a random roulette wheel version of what I’ve recorded or sometimes tunes I haven’t recorded. It’s a collection of whatever happens, happens.
Leon Redbone
When I was a kid – and I don’t know why, it’s the most random thing – I wanted to be a speech therapist for little kids. I knew I wanted to do something with kids.
Haylie Duff
I actually got to work with TM88. He was one of my big influences as far as producing. It was pretty cool. I had met him in California at the crib and it was one of those random meet-ups and we got to working from that point on.
Tay Keith
I always think about taking 10 random people off the street and trying to pair them. Probably a lot of them are not going to work out, but randomly one might. That’s basically what they’re doing on ‘The Bachelorette.’ Here’s 25 guys, see if you like one of them and it might work out.
Kaitlyn Bristowe
My job as an author – at least the way I think of it – is to make a story that is coded and puzzling enough to entice conversation and interpretation, but also to do the opposite: to make some things clear so that it is meaningful in some way, not just a random assemblage of ideas.
Shane Carruth
I’m constantly complimented for my voice, even by random people at the airport!
Kabir Bedi
I actually think that the most efficacious way of making a difference is to lead by example, and doing random acts of kindness is setting a very good example of how to behave in the world.
Misha Collins
We live in a world that has very sharp edges. It can be very bitter and if you come across a little bit of random kindness – someone who is nice to someone – then that is always lovely.
Phillip Schofield
I feel very lucky. The older I get, the more I see how random everything is, the luckier I feel to have been born into this context; the more responsible I feel to be the best that I can be as a person and as a professional. That was a quality… of the men on my father’s side of the family.
Ethan Peck
Maybe life is random, but I doubt it.
Steven Tyler
I’d give my right arm to be, like, a random extra on ‘Girls,’ just to walk past one of the scenarios. I’d love that more than anything.
Emilia Clarke
You write these songs which are really dear to you about your family or friends, loved ones, and then you get this call, and they say, ‘It’s perfect for two vampires making out in the back of a car.’ It’s some random TV show, and so I say, ‘Oh, yeah, perfect – that’s what I meant it for.’
Mat Kearney
Don’t fill your free time with random things – if you’re bored, get in the gym. Other than that, just stick to a routine and don’t change it.
Donte DiVincenzo
Random distributions are not good things, because people are risk-averse, and this risk adversely affects their welfare. If you get too much price uncertainty, all kinds of long-term, mutually beneficial contracts can’t be entered into.
Edward C. Prescott
I miss people. I miss going anywhere and meeting a random person and saying ‘Hi’ and having a conversation about life. I love people.
Lady Gaga
If the cosmos isn’t finite, then far, far away, floating duplicates of your brain – with all its experiences, thoughts, and emotions – are occasionally (and temporarily) thrown together by the random combining of atoms. Such ‘Boltzmann brains,’ as they’re called, are a disturbing consequence of an unlimited universe.
Seth Shostak
Imagine owning a one million pound coin. Where would you put it? The pressure. I never even take my wedding rings off after the time I lost one for days, only to find it in a random trouser pocket.
Konnie Huq
I get to meet everyone, tell them about the game, geek out about random things while they wait in line for the game and then I get to take awesome pictures with everyone!
Jessica Nigri
Occasionally, chewing over some random letter writer’s dilemma, I’ll find myself imagining scenarios where the problem could be sidestepped by an innocent fib or series of evasive manoeuvres. Then, I slap myself on the wrist.
Lynn Coady
With random urinalysis, there’s a clear choice – either get high or go to jail.
Brian Baird
When I started to pick up the bass, it was purely by random chance.
Eberhard Weber
With police wielding unprecedented powers to invade pri

With police wielding unprecedented powers to invade privacy, tap phones and conduct searches seemingly at random, our civil liberties are in a very precarious condition.
Walter Cronkite
It used to be if you wanted something nice to wear, you would sew it yourself for your body type. Women before the 20th century didn’t have this problem. Now, it seems we’re all squeezed into random designs. They’re designed for no one.
Caitlin Moran
People aren’t really mean to me, but people say random things.
Kiersey Clemons
I sell my first book to Random House, a memoir of my years as a war photographer, for twice my NBC salary.
Deborah Copaken Kogan
I actually grew up watching ‘Survivorman’ and Bear Grylls. I know that pine needles are a good source of vitamin C and just random facts from watching the stuff.
Nick Robinson
I get the biggest enjoyment from the random and unexpected places. Linux on cellphones or refrigerators, just because it’s so not what I envisioned it. Or on supercomputers.
Linus Torvalds
As artists, we are so not in control most of the time of the content or the narrative of our characters, and sometimes writing takes a turn and it’s not something we necessarily have control over. It’s just a lot of random dumb luck, so when things click, you’ve just got to enjoy it.
Mike Colter
I don’t write a great song every day. I don’t write a great song every couple weeks. It comes in such random times.
My cellphone calls random people.
Sarah Mlynowski
Just being in the military, you’re so violent. We got into fights about just random things all the time. I don’t think as aggressively as I did when I was in the Marine Corps.
Adam Driver
Los Angeles is an uncanny place to live. It has many science fiction qualities. For example, when I’m standing in line at the supermarket and I recognise the person in front of me, but I can’t figure out how I know them. Suddenly, I realise I saw them in some random commercial six years ago.
Martine Syms
If a terrorist group wanted to hit Britain, all they’d have to do is kill 100 random celebrities. The country would have a nervous breakown.
Chris Morris
Whenever I overhear someone talking in Telugu, be it in the market or any random place, I get excited.
Sobhita Dhulipala
There are good people who are dealt a bad hand by fate, and bad people who live long, comfortable, privileged lives. A small twist of fate can save or end a life; random chance is a permanent, powerful player in each of our lives, and in human history as well.
Jeff Greenfield
I can completely take a second World War gun apart and put it back together again thanks to ‘Band Of Brothers.’ That’s always useful. I’ve got lots and lots of random skills I’ll probably never need again.
Andrew-Lee Potts
If I have friends in town visiting, we’ll go get dinner, but if I’m just by myself, I’m at the house, watching random TV shows.
Bam Adebayo
Here’s what I’m going to say about that: my personal thought about the brilliance of ‘Peeno Noir’ as proven by the fans’ appreciation is that, when watched back, what makes it so exciting is the random locations and the random costume changes and the multiple shots that we’ve done all over the city.
Tituss Burgess
I always believed in animal spirits. It’s not their existence that is new. It’s the fact that they are not random events, but actually replicate in-bred qualities of human nature which create those animal spirits.
Alan Greenspan
Natural selection is anything but random.
Richard Dawkins
When sharing your ideas, overconfidence is a killer. You don’t want your male coworkers to think you’re getting all uppity. Instead, downplay your ideas as just ‘thinking out loud,’ ‘throwing something out there,’ or sharing something ‘dumb,’ ‘random,’ or ‘crazy.’
Sarah Cooper
I suffer panic attacks, anxiety attacks, seemingly random triggers that immobilise me, render me useless but simultaneously unable to explain myself.
Jack Monroe
I mean, French pharmacies are, I love walking in and just, I buy a lot of random stuff. There’s more pharmacies than bakeries, even in Paris.
Camille Rowe
I believe life is an intelligent thing: that things aren’t random.
Steve Jobs
For years and hundreds of thousands of miles, I drove with one knee, with the eight-track and the light dome on in the car, and a yellow pad, just writing down random ideas. I had notebooks and notebooks. The next morning, I’d go, ‘Whoa, what was I thinking?’ But there’d be one or two ideas that weren’t that bad.
Roddy Piper
The main thing I’m into is going about on a bike, taking random routes; I’m really into the idea of making up journeys, and just seeing where they take you, because they always end up taking you someplace freaky.
Tom Jenkinson
Scientific careers rely on inheritance, environment, and random events, like all biological phenomena.
Michael Rosbash
Walking at random through the streets, we came by chance upon the Cathedral of Notre Dame. I shall long remember my first impression of the scene within. The lofty gothic ceiling arched far above my head and through the stained windows the light came but dimly – it was all still, solemn and religious.
Bayard Taylor
Sometimes in life, random things can blind-side you.
Michelle Ryan
It’s amazing what’s buried in old, poorly digitized PDFs hosted on some random professor’s website.
Randall Munroe
Working as a journalist, I was always tempted to lie. I felt I could do dialogue better than the person I was interviewing. I felt I could lie better than Nixon and be more concise than some random person I was covering.
Tim O’Brien
Goals transform a random walk into a chase.
Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
It is rather fantastic to realize that the laws of phys

It is rather fantastic to realize that the laws of physics can describe how everything was created in a random quantum fluctuation out of nothing, and how over the course of 15 billion years, matter could organize in such complex ways that we have human beings sitting here, talking, doing things intentionally.
Alan Guth
No matter where I’m at – Home Goods, it could be a mother of two, and she’ll be a fan, and it’s, like, random as hell to me.
Khalil Mack
The wound-tight, travel-light Obama has a distaste for the adversarial and the random. But if you stick too rigidly to a ‘No Drama’ rule in the White House, you risk keeping reality at bay. Presidencies are always about crisis management.
Maureen Dowd
Although I insist that God has always had the power to intervene directly in nature to create new forms, I am willing to be per-suaded that He chose not to do so and instead employed secondary natural causes like random mutation and natural selection.
Phillip E. Johnson
While driving to work, I’ll choose to think about a particular subject rather than just have random thought streams landing on one subject or another. For example, I might think about the structure of an opinion. Or I might think about the first sentence of an opinion, refining it.
Raymond Kethledge
As soon as I was getting YouTube comments and hit 100 subscribers, I was thinking ‘maybe there’s something to this. I could keep going. I don’t know how far I can really push it just reviewing random indie bands on YouTube, but it seems to have more gas in the tank.’
Anthony Fantano
My dad grew up as a computer programmer, so he always had random computer software, and I started opening up editing software at age 12 and figuring out how to build websites.
Eva Gutowski
Old women especially are invisible. I have been to parties where no one knows who I am, so I am ignored until I introduce myself to someone picked at random. Immediately, word gets round, and I am surrounded by people who tell me they are my biggest fans.
Ruth Rendell
This is random, but I thought I was going to have the biggest Backstreet Boys fansite. I’m not even gonna lie: I thought I was gonna marry one of the Backstreet Boys, and I was gonna be his Yoko Ono.
Karen Civil
I love films that are more random and chaotic, finding moments and capturing them.
David Lowery
Online, I would never friend a random cute guy on Facebook or start liking his pictures on Instagram – even if I had a crush on him. But with Tinder, it’s like following or friending each other at the same time. The risk of revealing your feelings is removed.
Whitney Wolfe Herd
When you assume negative intent, you’re angry. If you take away that anger and assume positive intent, you will be amazed. Your emotional quotient goes up because you are no longer almost random in your response.
Indra Nooyi
‘At Random’ ran on Saturday nights for as long as the conversation was still lively. Sometimes, I’d finish way after midnight, then hop a plane for whatever city I was working a football game that Sunday.
Irv Kupcinet
I always believed in animal spirits. It’s not their existence that is new. It’s the fact that they are not random events, but actually replicate in-bred qualities of human nature which create those animal spirits.
Alan Greenspan
My career, definitely, the early years were a little scattershot, in terms of – it was a little regional theater, it was a lot of voiceovers, it was a lot of random day jobs. I mean, it was hard. It was hard to scrap around, and once ‘Hairspray’ happened, then it all kind of clicked into place.
Andrew Rannells
To us large creatures, space-time is like the sea seen from an ocean liner, smooth and serene. Up close, though, on tiny scales, it’s waves and bubbles. At extremely fine scales, pockets and bubbles of space-time can form at random, sputtering into being, then dissolving.
Gregory Benford
I don’t believe that if you do good, good things will happen. Everything is completely accidental and random. Sometimes bad things happen to very good people and sometimes good things happen to bad people. But at least if you try to do good things, then you’re spending your time doing something worthwhile.
Helen Mirren
When I’m writing, I’ll just say random stuff that doesn’t make sense, and then a certain word that I keep saying will stick out, and I’ll write from there.
Jorja Smith
I’ll do anything that sparks me. Sometimes I’ll want to do something random with ballet, and then I’ll want to be a hippie caterpillar in an animation film. Who knows what will come my way, but I’m going to try and put little hints into the universe, and hopefully they’ll float on by.
Sasha Lane
There isn’t really a typical day in my life, I kind of wish there was, but it always starts too early, there are always lots of children running around, normally my own and not just random children, and there’ll be the routine of the school run and walking the dog to start the day.
Sara Cox
I do feel even though now I’m acting, I still feel like I’m going to do a lot of other things, like write a book or multiple books, maybe a children’s book – just random things that I feel like I want to do, that I have an urge to do in that moment.
Julia Fox
Bill Murray, we’ve got to get people worthy to be on the screen with him, as opposed to just a bunch of random… with no disrespect… but a bunch of random local actors.
Ruben Fleischer
The balance of evidence both from the cell-free system and from the study of mutation, suggests that this does not occur at random, and that triplets coding the same amino acid may well be rather similar.
Francis Crick
There’s no such thing as a typical day because I lead a very random life.
Mick Hucknall
For the liespotter who knows how to listen well, the random words, sounds, and phrases in a person’s speech are never as random as they seem. They offer a clear sightline into the liar’s psyche.
Pamela Meyer
Twenty-two is just such a random age. It’s a little blah.
Jennifer Damiano
If you’re not that big player, then nobody’s really gonna know who you are to promote the brand. If LeBron says, ‘Go buy this shoe, it’s amazing,’ I would probably go buy it. But if some random person on the street was like, ‘Hey, go buy this shoe,’ I probably wouldn’t.
Brittney Griner
We may look back in horror that we allowed our children to be born of the random processes that nature provides.
Riccardo Sabatini
I always see celebs in very weird spots. I don’t always go to fancy-shmancy places, but I see celebs at coffee shops or random stores, when you’re looking for a sweater and turn around like, ‘OMG, that’s Fred Savage!’
Ross Mathews
I believe in fate. Sometimes that means an old bearded guy sitting on a cloud and pulling the strings; sometimes it means random atoms swirling through a cheerless universe; sometimes it means everything being preordained thanks to your karma credit from your previous lives.
Kyle MacLachlan
I’ve outlasted many marriages at Random House.
E. L. Doctorow
I record stuff all the time, like little vocal things.

I record stuff all the time, like little vocal things. I write random things down… Sometimes I just get things stuck in my head and I record them, and that actually becomes a song quite a lot of the time.
Ellie Goulding
The history of Buenos Aires is written in its telephone directory. Pompey Romanov, Emilio Rommel, Crespina D. Z. de Rose, Ladislao Radziwil, and Elizabeta Marta Callman de Rothschild – five names taken at random from among the R’s – told a story of exile, desolation, disillusion, and anxiety behind lace curtains.
Bruce Chatwin
Know what you’re trying to do before you do it. Turning knobs at random isn’t enlightening any more than throwing paint at a wall blindfolded will let you paint a nice picture.
Steve Albini
I remember going with my mom to a random garage sale as a kid and thinking what a cool treasure hunt that whole world was. Only to transition as an adult to think, ‘What a gross place that really is.’
Will Ferrell
The right numerical balance is not just random number, it is an inherent checking mechanism in our parliamentary democracy against any ruling party that chooses to put its political interests first.
Pritam Singh
A group of scientists wanted to find the most effective mosquito repellents. So they tested 10 different substances, including campout standbys like DEET, as well as a random choice: Victoria’s Secret perfume Bombshell. Turns out the perfume is almost as good as DEET.
Annalee Newitz
I look a lot busier than I am, as I’m actually a rather sporadic, random person and I’ll play a few gigs and then disappear for a while.
Paul McCartney
When I’m deciding to read a book, I never open to the first chapter, because that’s been revised and worked over 88 times. I’ll just turn to the middle of the book, to the middle of a chapter, and just read a random page and I’ll know right away whether this is the real deal or not.
Carl Hiaasen
With worms you can just change genes at random and see if you can find a mutant that does what you want it to do.
Cynthia Kenyon
‘Random Rules’ kicks off ‘American Water,’ and from its opening line – ‘In 1984 I was hospitalized for approaching perfection’ – you know you’re in for something strange and special.
George Pelecanos
Just pick a political story at random and read the comments. There is no logic or reason on either side – only hypocrisy and hate.
Michael Arrington
In all natural disasters through time, man needs to attach meaning to tragedy, no matter how random and inexplicable the event is.
Nathaniel Philbrick
I know that a Christmas tree farm in Pennsylvania is about the most random place for a country singer to come from, but I had an awesome childhood.
Taylor Swift
I can’t speak for everybody. But I will say that for me, when I’ve been depressed – and I get depressed. I have irrational bouts of anxiety. I have random FedEx deliveries of despondency. Just like, ‘I didn’t order this. Oh, well, keep the PJs on, cancel everything you’re doing today. It’s time to take a sad shower.’
Pete Holmes
Random House is definitely invested in keeping libraries healthy.
Karin Slaughter
People be saying, ‘Watch – when she gets some money, she’s going to get a Gucci purse.’ But I don’t think that’s my style. I like finding random stuff and random brands. Maybe one day when I’m sophisticated and older I might settle down and invest in a nice leather handbag.
A random rumor that did a rounds about me was that I am an actor who throws tantrums on the sets and likes to be treated like a King. Which is false.
Ravi Kishan
Primes seem to me to be these unarbitrary, unique, fated things. It cannot be coincidence that the mythical numbers of storytelling like 3, 7, and 13 are random. The lower-end primes have incredible resonance in fiction and art.
Robin Sloan
It is true that the gameplay for ‘Orcs&Elves’ was designed around the limitations of mobile phones, and that if we were starting completely from scratch for the DS, we would probably do things a bit differently, but the bottom line is that when we sit a random DS player down with the game, they have a lot of fun.
John Carmack
This wretched brain gave way, and I became a wreck at random driven, without one glimpse of reason or heaven.
Thomas Moore
I got a random tattoo the other day. It’s a red triangle, which makes everyone think I’m arty, which I’m not. I used to draw red triangles all the time. It must mean something – maybe I don’t know it yet. But I’ll figure it out.
Ellie Goulding
Why trip off some random person in Idaho that doesn’t feel my vibe? Like, no thank you. Stay in your life; I’ll stay in mine.
That’s the way both they and I travel sometimes. Pick road at random, and when it’s time to pull over, you pull over and hope you can find a place to crash.
Jello Biafra
No one I hang out with thinks that a random person on the street should be able to buy a machine gun.
Margo Price
I follow the most random people on Twitter. I follow famous people like Khloe Kardashian, who surprisingly makes really funny tweets all the time.
Chloe Grace Moretz
I was taught over and over again that the accumulation of random mutations led to evolutionary change – led to new species. I believed it until I looked for evidence.
Lynn Margulis
Facebook is weird. They have all of these seemingly random rules that I’m sure make sense to them, but don’t make sense to me or any people.
Billy Eichner
I’m a real magpie when it comes to music; it’s all random, and there’s no pattern to what I like.
Rhys Ifans
There are days when I look at my news feed, and it seems like a social fabric of fun – a video of the first steps of my friends’ baby! My nephew’s prom date! On other days, it feels like a NASCAR vehicle, plastered with news stories, promoted posts, lame Live videos, and random content.
Om Malik
If you so choose, each day can be filled with even more joy than the one before. If you so choose, even the most seemingly random events can work in your favor.
Ralph Marston
At 15, saying I wanted to do a reggae album after growing up in a snazzy house in Houston – it was kind of random.
Solange Knowles
I'm not engaged in predicting random number generators.

I’m not engaged in predicting random number generators. I actually get phone calls from people who want to know what lottery numbers are going to win. I don’t have a clue.
Bruce Bueno de Mesquita
At the risk of sounding pedestrian, I’ll be completely honest: the first thing I do in the morning is check Google News, partially because it seems sort of random and unbiased and partially because I tend to stay in hotels that don’t necessarily have the fastest Internet connections.
When I write songs, it’s very random. I get influenced by the most random things! Sometimes it just comes to me in my sleep or just hanging out in a restaurant or something. Music just comes to me, and I’ll start writing from there.
Roshon Fegan
My life was a sort of series of random disasters.
Claire Tomalin
When I was coming out of depression, I made one random video. It wasn’t funny or anything, but just the idea that people I didn’t know were watching it made me feel less alone than I’d felt in a long time.
Lilly Singh
My dream was to play in good films, no matter in what country. I always waited for a decent script, and nothing has changed. I’m just sure that nothing in life is random, and I believe in the fate which guides you. Probably my starring in ‘A Good Day to Die Hard’ is good proof of that.
Yuliya Snigir
I’ve evolved in my writing to tell a more emotional story – my publisher, Random House, has urged that.
Alan Furst
I had relatives who would go to Japan and bring back random stuff they bought at the airport or whatever – ‘Ultraman’ and ‘Speed Racer,’ stuff like that.
Adrian Tomine
It’s bad enough when people are comparing your movie to just other random movies, but when you have another ‘Carrie’ to compare it to, it’s rough.
Judy Greer
I have no sense of being famous – you’re just working. And then you’ll have a random day in London when you’ll do some press and it creeps into your awareness that this goes out – that what you do every day goes out to televisions right across the country.
Karen Gillan
I’ve always been vocal in my matches, and I’ve always made a lot of noises, a lot of random noises.
Rhea Ripley
Gawker thrived on embarrassment and shame, seeking to demolish not just celebrities or politicians but average random people whose sins it would expose for traffic and commenters who gloried in its actions.
Ben Domenech
We always knew how to honor fallen soldiers. They were killed for our sake, they went out on our mission. But how are we to mourn a random man killed in a terrorist attack while sitting in a cafe? How do you mourn a housewife who got on a bus and never returned?
A. B. Yehoshua
I was at the grocery store just buying lemons, and a person turns to me and says, ‘Hey, you’re the kid in the horror movie, right? Can I get a picture?’ It was really random.
Milly Shapiro
I don’t want to be followed by random men I don’t know. It can also be hard to deal with other kids who are jealous or mean. I can’t post a picture on Instagram without being criticized.
Kendall Jenner
You can have your opinions, and you can share them with your friends, but why would you go online to tell a stranger something random about their appearance? I don’t get that.
Rachel Riley
I’m not a ‘real rapper’; I just like to talk about what I’ve been through. When I was younger, I just said random, stupid lyrics and censored myself because I was worried about what people would think. But now I’ve become more mature with my words and uncensored.
Metta World Peace
Please bear in mind that my observations and thoughts are the outcome of my own unaided impulse and curiosity alone; for, besides myself, in our town there be no philosophers who practice this art, so pray, take not amiss my poor pen and the liberty I here take in setting down my random notions.
Antonie van Leeuwenhoek
All my doppelgangers are random girls.
Kirstin Maldonado
One thing I’ve been doing at Baidu is running a workshop on the strategy of innovation. The idea is that innovation is not these random unpredictable acts of genius but that, instead, one can be very systematic in creating things that have never been created before.
Andrew Ng
Growing up I really loved Mazzy Star, The Cranberries, Fiona Apple, Everything But The Girl. I listened to a lot of really random things too that I would find by myself. I would find Minnie Riperton albums that I would fall in love with, also, a lot of old country records.
Aimee Osbourne
I always have melodies flowing in my head – whether I’m just at home, at the mall, at a restaurant or wherever. I’m always humming along to the random melodies that form in my head. My friends always ask me, ‘What are you singing?’ and I’ll be like, ‘I don’t know!’
You’d never think getting four random girls together would work, but it really did.
Perrie Edwards
In my own private-sector work, I have become intrigued with RIWI, a Canadian based company that surveys random respondents on the Web to measure attitudes in otherwise hard-to-reach places.
Michael Hayden
Jeff Buckley songs are kind of random but so catchy.
The thing I love to do is take a good bath. I know it’s random but I love a good bath, a good face mask and just really take time for yourself to decompress.
Jordyn Woods
While handling social media pages, my father accepted every friend suggestion that popped up on the screen. He’s shared some random videos and commented on people’s posts. I told him it’s silly paa ‘ and he laughed. Maybe on Father’s Day, I’ll teach him to order his favorite food on an app.
Pranitha Subhash
I’m just trying to write a good story, strictly from imagination. People just think it’s random, they don’t see the rewriting, phrasing of characters, choosing the words, bringing the world to light in which the characters live in. That creates an illusion that this is real.
Eric Jerome Dickey
Many historians will tell you that there are no laws of history and no great cycles that govern human events. History often appears more random than rhythmic. But if not patterns or cycles, there are certainly coincidences and some are so marked that they are hard not to notice.
David Olusoga
I buy a lot of random books, and it’s really hard to immediately fall asleep if I’ve been staring at a screen, so reading and trying to put my phone away maybe an hour before I go to sleep are two of my go-to strategies before bed.
Bria Vinaite
You can’t ever get sick on a soap: we work really long hours, the show is on TV five nights a week, and it’s random and chaotic.
Samara Weaving
I don't really think dreams have real meaning. Some peo

I don’t really think dreams have real meaning. Some people believe in that. I just think it’s your brain, after a day of crazy random pieces of information jumbled together, creating interesting stories. I just view it as entertainment.
Eugenie Bouchard
Hey, don’t knock Judy Blume. Without her, my younger self would never have been able to decode the random acts of madness perpetrated by the fascinating creature known as the teenage girl.
Ken Marino
I worked at a local country club that I never belonged to. I did random tasks in the pro shop and supposed to be in charge of the register, but that didn’t go so well. They quickly realized I was better with people, not computers.
Shelley Hennig
I remember going backstage on a random night and Kanye goes, ‘Ayo Premier, I’m about to drop an album called ‘College Dropout’ and I’m rapping on the whole thing. And as I soon it drop it’s gonna go double platinum.’ I looked at him like, ‘That’s a bold statement to make if you never rapped before.’
DJ Premier
When I first moved to L.A., I cleaned apartments after people moved out. When people move, they leave stuff behind and haven’t cleaned for weeks. I like to clean – I have no problem with cleaning – but some apartments were filthy and disgusting. And there’d always be a random flip-flop left somewhere on its own.
Jayma Mays
I run a lot. I do a lot of yoga. Hot yoga. Which is random and sounds lame, but it has definitely made my flexibility and balance 100 percent better on my skateboard. I do that and a lot of plyometric, biometrics, and surf. I train every other day of the week and skate for an hour everyday.
Ryan Sheckler
A lot of things change when one is granted success: random people pop up, and a lot of the adjustments are rough. My way of coping with them is through focusing on the things that I have accomplished and the things that are yet to come.
Bibi Bourelly
Random violence is incredibly infectious.
Nicholas Kristof
Another random thing I do is the search for extraterrestrial intelligence, or SETI. And you may be familiar with the movie ‘Contact,’ which sort of popularized that. It turns out there are real people who go out and search for extraterrestrials in a very scientific way.
Nathan Myhrvold
It is necessary to fall in love… if only to provide an alibi for all the random despair you are going to feel anyway.
Albert Camus
It’s sometimes the random people that say things that aren’t so nice, but that’s okay.
Matt Emmons
There’s random people calling my phone: ‘Your mother gave me your number.’ My mother has tried to set me up so many times long-distance.
Yvonne Orji
I was one of the key people responsible for building Facebook’s News Feed. When we launched it in 2006, users hated it. There were ‘I Hate Facebook’ groups; random people organized protests. We even hired a security team.
Ruchi Sanghvi
I have a lot of random hobbies.
Ross Butler
Anyone who attempts to generate random numbers by deterministic means is, of course, living in a state of sin.
John von Neumann
I’ve gone up to a random guy in a grocery store before and said, ‘Hi, I think you’re cute. Are you single?’ I’m not smooth. I just put it out there.
Autumn Reeser
Only my phone number and email are private because I don’t want random people calling me. But I like the ability to share everything.
Paul Buchheit
The human brain has evolved the capacity to impose a narrative, complete with chronology and cause-and-effect logic, on whatever it encounters, no matter how apparently random.
Robin Marantz Henig
I’m someone that needs to talk about my problems. I call my mom every single day at school just to vent about random stuff. Singing is the same thing.
It’s a lot of random situations that combine in a certain volatile form and create a bigger-than- the-whole situation that nobody could have predicted.
Paul Kantner
I think that my ideas of the world are that it’s random and cruel but kind of quite comical really, and therefore the humour, in a sense, springs from that.
Alexei Sayle
Every man who has a sister, mother, wife, girlfriend or even a random female in their life who they’ve spent more than three minutes with knows that telling a woman they’ve gained weight is just never going to go down well.
Katty Kay
People say that New Yorkers aren’t friendly, but I think they’re more friendly than Londoners. Here there is a front-footed nature of Americans. You can go out on a night out and meet 10 random people and stay in touch with them, whereas that’s not going to happen in the same way in London.
Theo James
When I get bored, I’ll zone out, and I’ll just sit in front of my computer and start writing any random song that comes to mind.
JC Chasez
Our pain hides beneath these fluttering, random thoughts that run through our heads in an endless loop. But there’s so much freedom in getting to know what’s under there, the bedrock.
Dani Shapiro
A great deal of creativity is about pattern recognition, and what you need to discern patterns is tons of data. Your mind collects that data by taking note of random details and anomalies easily seen every day: quirks and changes that, eventually, add up to insights.
Margaret Heffernan
I’m loving being part of the ‘Saturday Night Takeaway’ family. I’m in my element chatting to random strangers and taking them back to the studio – in a helicopter of all things.
Scarlett Moffatt
Oh, I sat by Grumpy Cat once. You know that cat everyone is obsessed with? That’s pretty random. She’s not allowed to be touched. Are you kidding? You can’t put a cat next to me and expect me not to touch it.
Chrissy Teigen
I like to do chill things on dates. I think it would be fun to go to the zoo. I know it’s really weird and random, but I love animals. It’d be like a day of doing silly things, while enjoying nature.
Ashlee Simpson
I went down to my keyboard and was playing random chords, and the one line I kept repeating was, ‘I’m a lost boy from Neverland.’ I decided to post it to Vine, and it got the biggest reaction I’d ever gotten. People wanted to hear more, and I had to explain it wasn’t a song.
Ruth B
I was driving along and I got a random call on my way to my mother in law’s for dinner and it was Drake. He wanted to help and he said he’d do anything to get ‘Top Boy’ back on screens and then got a call from Netflix, who wanted to do the show. For U.K. culture, it’s a huge thing.
Ashley Walters
You need a place to work that works for you, and you ne

You need a place to work that works for you, and you need people to understand that when you are writing, you are doing a rarefied type of brain surgery and therefore should not be subject to a million random interruptions.
Elizabeth Berg
The name America has definitely grown on me. I wish there was a big patriotic story behind it, but the truth is that my grandfather was a librarian who knew all sorts of random facts.
America Ferrera
The progression of roles you take strings together a portrait of an actor, but it’s a completely random process.
Meryl Streep
I used to write random little stupid things when I was five, but then the first song I really wrote was one called ‘Fingers Crossed,’ which is on SoundCloud.
Billie Eilish
The ‘Friday sessions’ refer to something that you’re not paid for and not supposed to do during your professional life. Curiosity-driven research. Something random, simple, maybe a bit weird – even ridiculous. Without it, there are no discoveries.
Andre Geim
My life experiences are different than the average person because I’ve spent the last 10 years living in Mexico. I generally don’t know what’s going on in America, and when I do visit for work, I’m often interrogated about my life choices by random strangers.
Ann Aguirre
I was travelling a lot, during the release of ‘Dilbar,’ to various countries, and the song would be played at random places like lounges, coffee shops, streets, and I realised the song had reached levels that was beyond India.
Nora Fatehi
I think that, you know, looking at all the systems that I’ve been studying over the last several years, that paper ballots with a precinct optical scan counters and random audits is the best system that we can have.
Avi Rubin
We lived out in the middle of nowhere – the most random places – because of my father’s work. We spent a lot of time in the car on long drives, just to get anywhere. We listened to oldies rock on the car radio, and the most-played group on oldies rock radio is the Beatles.
John Gourley
Sure, to an extent it’s true that I probably would be just some random girl on Instagram if wasn’t for my parents and I am fully aware of that.
Chloe Madeley
I was very good in school, and my parents really would have really liked me to go to college. Instead, I went on this random journey to go be a professional wrestler.
Daniel Bryan
I remember my first trip to Toronto. There was this street musician playing an instrument I’ve never seen before – like, he had a hang drum on the left side and this random bagpipe, bodhran stick type of thing. It was the craziest thing ever! So I sampled it for a beat.
We’re tired of band videos where all you see is musicians playing in some random church or out in a desert.
Ivan Moody
Luck really has nothing to do with human existence, since God is not a random God.
Monica Johnson
When I go to Afghanistan, I realize I’ve been spared, due to a random genetic lottery, by being born to people who had the means to get out. Every time I go to Afghanistan I am haunted by that.
Khaled Hosseini
I’ll see some random guy and really like how he’s locking his wrist when he’s shooting or how a guy is catching the ball. It can be a little reminder that that’s something I have to think about today.
Kyle Korver
I want to fly a jet. I’d love to just be in the air and go mach 3 or mach 4. Or, I’d be an underwater salvager. I’ve always been fascinated with the Bermuda Triangle and Atlantis. I love chemistry, also. That’s why acting is so random for me!
Kellan Lutz
Around 10:30 or 11, I’ll make poached eggs and maybe some Brussels sprouts – kind of random, but delicious. Sometimes I’ll do bacon. I’ve been on a more fat/protein diet with fewer carbs and less saturated stuff, which has actually been feeling really good.
Jamie Anderson
When you’re looking through bins of thousands of random, unsorted photos, every hundredth one or so will have some writing on it.
Ransom Riggs
Detroit was kind of a random thing where it was like a chance to be in a rock ‘n’ roll movie.
Edward Furlong
When I have a bad day, I dream about opening up a gelato stand on the streets of Sydney, Australia. Doesn’t everyone have a random escape fantasy?
Nancy Lublin
Of course, I always try to integrate my life on social media but I would be the last person to post a random picture just to get likes and just so that I can create some social media feed. For me, a post should have some meaning.
Amyra Dastur
Random things are luxurious to people. It’s personal.
L’Wren Scott
Part of innovation is, fake it until you make it. Keep trying things, but it’s not just the random trying.
Bozoma Saint John
We don’t want to name our songs after the choruses, so we sometimes come up with random titles. We don’t care if people don’t know the names of the songs, we want them to play it and never get sick of it. We want it to be exciting, melodic, heavy and emotional. It can make you cry and laugh and be angry.
Shavo Odadjian
I’ve done some really weird gigs. The ones where no one turned up – they’re probably not the interesting ones to talk about. I played some pretty random ones in L.A. I signed to play all-R&B nights or an all-comedy night where I’d be the only white person there. They were fun.
Ed Sheeran
I guess everywhere I go, I get inspired by those places, and then I have a bunch of Voicenotes on my phone. Everywhere I go, I think of these random melodies. It’s crazy because everywhere you go, the melodies are totally different.
Henry Lau
I’m pretty sure my mom is the only person on the planet who thinks that she got cancer so that I could find my calling in life, but as I started to build this company, all my years of useless education, random jobs, and weird interests merged into this serendipitous moment.
Yael Cohen
Things work well when a group of people know each other, and things break down when it’s a bunch of random people interacting.
Jimmy Wales
The lullaby my husband puts our son to sleep with is so random. It’s ‘Don’t Stop ‘Til You Get Enough’ by Michael Jackson.
Jurnee Smollett-Bell
As far as open conversations with random people, no I don’t really enjoy them.
The truth is that killing innocent people is always wro

The truth is that killing innocent people is always wrong – and no argument or excuse, no matter how deeply believed, can ever make it right. No religion on earth condones the killing of innocent people; no faith tradition tolerates the random killing of our brothers and sisters on this earth.
Feisal Abdul Rauf
I didn’t grow up with a lot of money, so my mom didn’t have random money to buy me a car, and I didn’t have money to have a car unless I worked, so I didn’t get a car until I got my first job at 18.
Dominick Cruz
After Ann Godoff, who was editor-in-chief at Random House, left and went to Viking, I got to know Viking and the people there, and liked them very much. I also found a wonderful editor there, Wendy Wolf. It’s a very congenial press.
Elaine Pagels
Whenever it was spring break, someone would always have a guitar down at the beach, and they’d play a random song, and I’d sing. Eventually, hearing compliments from people saying I sounded pretty good stuck with me.
Cole Swindell
I tend to scribble down notes, lyrics or just random thoughts on pieces of paper, backs of cigarette packs, sometimes on my shirt cuff.
John Waite
Anyone who knows anything about coming out knows that this is something you would never do for the support and a small check from a random organization.
Katie Hill
One of the best things about paintings is their silence – which prompts reflection and random reverie.
Mark Stevens
When I first moved to the bench, it was a little tough to adjust to, but I’ve just recalled last season when I first started. Just taking care of my body and knowing that there could be a random time that I’m checking in, so I need to continue to take care of my body.
Thon Maker
The social risks that worry us are not a random bundle of frights.
Ian Hacking
There’s good random, and there’s bad random. There’s good silly and there’s bad silly, and you’ve gotta know the difference.
Conan O’Brien
A favorite cooking method? I’m a fan of all of them! Anything that gets a pile of random ingredients into a cruelty-free dish works for me!
Rory Freedman
I mostly play my dynasty or against someone in the hotel. I don’t really like online games. I can’t stand people yelling in my ear over a headset. I’d rather just play someone like Dwight Howard out in Orlando or people back home. For games like that, it’s cool, but just signing on and playing random people, I hate it.
J. R. Smith
The purpose of random testing is not to catch, punish, or expose students who use drugs, but to save their lives and discover abuse problems early so that students can grow up and learn in a drug-free environment.
John Walters
I have a permanent moustache so I can be a ‘Movator:’ I take random telephone numbers and ring people up and ‘movate’ them to grow moustaches.
Charley Boorman
When you become sufficiently expert in the state of the art, you stop picking ideas at random. You are thoughtful in how to select ideas and how to combine ideas. You are thoughtful about when you should be generating many ideas versus pruning down ideas.
Andrew Ng
My lyrics are generated by various peculiar processes. Very random and similar to automatic writing.
Brian Eno
Life just doesn’t care about our aspirations, or sadness. It’s often random, and it’s often stupid and it’s often completely unexpected, and the closures and the epiphanies and revelations we end up receiving from life, begrudgingly, rarely turn out to be the ones we thought.
Khaled Hosseini
The payoffs in showbiz seemed as random as a slot machine.
Kathie Lee Gifford
The stock market is an exploitable market where being right means you get rich and you help the overall system error-correct which makes it harder to be right (the mechanism pushes prices close to random, they’re not quite random but few can exploit the non-randomness).
Dominic Cummings
If I am expected to play a dancer, I will learn dancing but won’t do the random, meaningless dancing.
Nawazuddin Siddiqui
For me as a young kid, my parents took me to random cities. I stayed at my relatives and the biggest trouble I had was watching TV on my own.
Ritesh Agarwal
The thing about acting is that it’s fairly random. At the end of the day you take what drifts past you or what’s given to you.
Ben Whishaw
People conclude that if the famous can be dragged through the virtual public square and unceremoniously dumped, the fate of any random tweeter or the average man or woman on the street can seem even more precarious.
Claire Fox
Many people think all I do is some random engineering work in between caving expeditions. It’s been far more deliberate than that.
William Stone
I know comedians who go on weird day trips in order to have random experiences they can talk about. They’ll go on their own to Thorpe Park waiting for something hilarious to happen. That’s really sad.
Lee Mack
I’m kind of feeling like I don’t mind being open with the random details of my life, like I’m at a coffee shop or my toe hurts or something, but obviously other more personal areas of life where I will just never really go there.
Kina Grannis
None of us wants to be reminded that dementia is random, relentless, and frighteningly common.
Laurie Graham
When my first daughter was born, my husband held her in his hands and said, ‘My God, she’s so beautiful.’ I unwrapped the baby from her blankets. She was average size, with long thin fingers and a random assortment of toes. Her eyes were close set, and she had her father’s hooked nose. It looked better on him.
Ayelet Waldman
In a fantasy show, you can’t be random with creative ideas. So that is a drawback for our industry. Since it is daily, with fantasy shows, you need to stick to the script. If you don’t, it will become saas-bahu show.
Rithvik Dhanjani
I get inspiration from movies, from fashion, then completely random things you’d never think of.
There’s good random, and there’s bad random. There’s good silly and there’s bad silly, and you’ve gotta know the difference.
Conan O’Brien
Trump is not some random, embittered person in a parkin

Trump is not some random, embittered person in a parking lot – he’s the president of the United States. By virtue of his office, he speaks for the country.
George T. Conway III
Dutch girls wear a hundred mixed-metal necklaces and stack the most random earrings. It’s total chaos, but it looks so good that I’m always inspired to get another ear piercing, and another.
You cannot provide random content.
Vatsal Sheth
I read pretty much every graphic novel I could lay my hands on. Not only ‘Batman’ or ‘Daredevil,’ but random ones like ‘Black AF’ and ‘100 Bullets.’
Vikramaditya Motwane
To me I’m just a regular person going to the mall with friends, and now I’m in Forever 21 and I see this random group of girls staring at me and taking pictures. But now I usually have my dad, who is a really tall and intimidating person with me, so he’s kind of my bodyguard.
Rebecca Black
I try to stop my students doing random things on the Internet or putting work online. It doesn’t get them jobs. This concept of being noticed, I don’t know what it brings you.
Louise Wilson
I’m not saying that players should go out and say random things, especially if they don’t know anything about it. But I think players do know more than people give them credit for. People do research, and people are entitled to their own opinions.
Jaylen Brown
For as long as I can remember, I was always creating random characters.
Lucas Cruikshank
I find it funny how people from Boston and New York hate each other because of pro teams. But, like, everyone on the Red Sox is a random millionaire athlete from somewhere else.
Julian Casablancas
Wherever I go, people complain about what they see on television. Yet, if you are lapping this up because it’s random entertainment or from morbid fascination, you are enablers.
Barkha Dutt
The Syrian regime is helping the insurgency in Iraq and allowing all kinds of militants to come in and out, and go to Iraq to attack random soldiers and innocent people.
Walid Jumblatt
How many more school shootings do we need before we start talking about this as a social problem, and not merely a random collection of isolated incidents?
Jackson Katz
I guess Twitter is the first thing that has been attractive to me as social media. I never felt the least draw to Facebook or MySpace. I’ve been involved anonymously in some tiny listservs, mainly in my ceaseless quest for random novelty, and sometimes while doing something that more closely resembles research.
William Gibson
When you have a guy like me who’s a former UFC fighter and who is basically a normal guy who can do exceptional things, that connects with people rather than some random Viking who can also do exceptional things.
Matt Riddle
Game shows are designed to make us feel better about the random, useless facts that are all we have left of our education.
Chuck Palahniuk
At its best, entertainment is going to be a subjective thing that can’t win for everyone, while at worst, a particular game just becomes a random symbol for petty tribal behavior.
John Carmack
I cry at random things, like a flower, or someone giving me a present, or my sister giving me a nice hug.
Naomie Harris
Besides, wouldn’t it be wonderful if no one ever had to worry about the random cruelty of fatal illness or the woes of old age attacking them or their loved ones?
Joan D. Vinge
Sometimes, I sketch, but not every day. I sketch random things, whatever I can get my mind into. I’m not a professional, it is just a hobby I’ve started.
Mithali Raj
There is nothing glamorous or romantic about war. It’s mostly about random pointless death and misery.
Jon Krakauer
One of my random skills is I have a very strong memory for dialogue and moments, and I don’t know why.
Jay Chandrasekhar
I think I’ve been addicted to openness since long before my rock career. I was terrible as a teenager. I used to go out of my way to make people uncomfortable with personal details. I was always fascinated by the idea that we have these weird, random boundaries between what we do and don’t show.
Amanda Palmer
I can no longer understand what the parameters are for valuing a player. It’s all too random and in the hands of whoever has more money.
Gianluigi Buffon
When I was about nine or 10, I was on a few random talent shows in shopping malls.
Zara Larsson

In conclusion, randomness adds a touch of excitement, surprise, and wonder to our lives. It reminds us that there is beauty in the unexpected and joy in embracing the unpredictable. As we reflect on these quotes, may we be inspired to welcome the random, to open ourselves to new experiences, and to find delight in the serendipitous moments that cross our paths. Let us celebrate the beauty of randomness and allow its magic to unfold in our lives.