Top 280 Historically Quotes

Federal support for Morristown National Historic Park and the inclusion of additional lands present a unique opportunity for our government to express its commitment to preserving our past. Failing to do so may allow these historically important lands to go unprotected.
Rodney Frelinghuysen
This is hard to admit, but historically, I haven’t worn sunscreen. I know – not good.
Emily Weiss
I’ve never been in love with fashion, actually; trends and catwalks don’t interest me. I love clothes; I love them historically and currently. They represent a spirit of the times and the zeitgeist.
Tim Walker
Historically, opposition to immigration in the United States has been racially and religiously motivated in the ugliest, nastiest way possible.
Grover Norquist
The trouble is not that schools don’t work; they do. They’re excellent machines for achieving historically accepted purposes. In suburban schools are children of the rich, who grow up to privilege and anesthetic oblivion to pain – and who then use the servants produced by ghetto schools.
Jonathan Kozol
The work that I engage with, whether it’s self-generated or collaborative, is uplifting and supporting historically marginalized and disenfranchised people, because when I uplift up those groups, I’m uplifting myself and supporting myself – it works out in that way.
Asia Kate Dillon
Historically I’ve been really good in fourth quarters actually.
Evan Fournier
More and more political analysts and weak-kneed politicians are advising the historically pro-life Republican Party to abandon its pro-life stance for political gain. My first response is that if you cannot trust a party on the value of defending human life, how can you trust it on issues like marginal tax rates?
Gary Bauer
The strength of the dollar has historically been tied to the strength of the U.S. economy and the faith that investors have in doing business in America.
Steve Mnuchin
Historically the director has been the key creative element in a film and we must maintain that. We must protect that, in spite of the fact that there is new technology that’s continually trying to erode that.
John Frankenheimer
Comics and music have historically had a pretty dicey relationship.
Cliff Chiang
I think most Americans probably believe that our relationship with Japan began in 1941. In fact, obviously, it began in 1854 when Commodore Perry sailed into Yokohama harbor and threatened to burn it down unless they would open up to trade with us. The imperial impulse was first ours historically.
Edward Zwick
Republicans were historically the party ever-expanding freedom to disenfranchised minorities, from newly liberated slaves to giving women the right to vote. Susan B. Anthony was a Republican.
Margaret Hoover
The means of defense against foreign danger historically have become the instruments of tyranny at home.
James Madison
Meaning is socially, historically, and rhetorically constructed.
Clifford Geertz
Historically, there is a presumption that the legitimate police powers of the states are not to be pre-empted by federal law unless Congress has made that purpose clear.
Asa Hutchinson
Historically marginalised people – by gender, race or nationality – aren’t willing to be silent any longer on the crimes of the past and the continuing misrepresentations of historians.
Dawn Foster
Historically, defense spending cuts have preceded incre

Historically, defense spending cuts have preceded increased international turmoil as America’s global enemies sense a failure of will.
Ben Shapiro