Top 292 Effectively Quotes

Painful as it may be, a significant emotional event can

Painful as it may be, a significant emotional event can be the catalyst for choosing a direction that serves us – and those around us – more effectively. Look for the learning.
Louisa May Alcott
Adult stem cells have shown great potential and have effectively helped patients. Another alternative is cord-blood stem cells. These are a neglected resource that could be used to treat a diverse body of people.
Jim Ryun
Businesses and governments need to work together and make a joint commitment if we want to address climate change effectively and quickly.
Paul Polman
I think that in order to parent effectively, we are going to have to admit two things: We can’t keep our children safe. We can’t accept the fact that we can’t keep our children safe.
Glennon Doyle Melton
Even if I had $200 million, I’m very wary of overusing CGI. I think it’s a great tool and it can be used really effectively, but I feel like it does tend to be overused and especially in sci-fi stuff.
Rian Johnson
The hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens who have unlawfully crossed our border are posing a significant threat to the government’s ability to effectively enforce our nation’s immigration laws.
Matthew Whitaker
It’s not so much the attorney general’s job to decide what laws to enforce. We should do our jobs and enforce laws effectively as we’re able.
Jeff Sessions
Observe, orient, decide, act. It’s fighter pilot terminology. If you have the faster OODA loop in a dogfight, you live. The other person dies. In Silicon Valley, the OODA loop of your decision-making is effectively what differentiates your ability to succeed.
Reid Hoffman
The discovery of truth is prevented more effectively, not by the false appearance things present and which mislead into error, not directly by weakness of the reasoning powers, but by preconceived opinion, by prejudice.
Arthur Schopenhauer
During the financial crisis, I worked with hundreds of executives who struggled as a result of their thoughts about job security. When their beliefs changed, so did their emotional experience – and they were then able to focus on the task at hand more effectively.
Andrew J. Bernstein
If you go into a studio without a set effectively, you’ve got a blue screen. As a DP you have to light it of what you think it should look like. You don’t have any reference of what the background looks like. You might have some concepts, but effectively you’re lighting it as what you think it should look like.
Greig Fraser
Kellyanne is a tireless and tenacious advocate of the president-elect’s agenda and has amazing insights on how to effectively communicate the administration’s message as part of the senior team in the West Wing.
Sean Spicer
Effectively transcending and conquering the legacies of enchainment, impoverishment and racial denigration continue to elude us. Residual elements of the plantation-based past continue to shape our societies and determine their trajectories.
Hilary Beckles
To effectively debate ideas and discuss complicated issues takes time.
Margaret Hoover
Many senior government officials, CIA, FBI, counter terrorism officials – when they look back at the decade, they effectively conclude that the United States overreacted after 9/11.
Richard Engel
You know, it’s not the world that was my oppressor, because what the world does to you, if the world does it to you long enough and effectively enough, you begin to do to yourself.
James Baldwin
If someone said to me, 10 years ago, that I’d be spending effectively my retirement years in sci-fi and fantasy, I’d have said, ‘Well, don’t be ridiculous.’
Ian McElhinney
There’s no statistical evidence that human beings have an ability to move in and out of the markets effectively. It’s next to impossible.
John W. Rogers, Jr.
We often operate effectively on the physical battleground but not on the psychological battleground. We fail to communicate our resolve.
H. R. McMaster
The mid-day meal is a well-intentioned scheme and has to be implemented effectively.
Pallam Raju
No other powerful public figure in the history of American media has controlled his narrative as effectively as David Stern.
Jason Whitlock
I got to a point where I was doing county-level shows, but it was dressage that I really loved where, effectively, the horses are dancing. At one point, I was a groom for Hannah Esberger, who has competed for Great Britain and has seven national championship titles.
Millie Bright
A democracy which makes or even effectively prepares for modern, scientific war must necessarily cease to be democratic. No country can be really well prepared for modern war unless it is governed by a tyrant, at the head of a highly trained and perfectly obedient bureaucracy.
Aldous Huxley
There has long been a debate in the aid community and in Africa about how to most effectively help situations of poverty in developing nations and underprivileged communities.
Marcus Samuelsson
I’m trying to use AI to make the world a better place. To help scientists. To help us communicate more effectively with machines and collaborate with them.
Oren Etzioni
The special sphere of finance within economics is the study of allocation and deployment of economic resources, both spatially and across time, in an uncertain environment. To capture the influence and interaction of time and uncertainty effectively requires sophisticated mathematical and computational tools.
Robert C. Merton
If a group of humans began to run regularly, perhaps allowing them to hunt or scavenge more effectively, anatomical changes would follow, especially among the still-developing youngsters.
Alice Roberts
I was effectively unemployed after my son was born. I resigned from Bristol because I wasn’t happy with the way my career was going then discovered I was pregnant when I was out of a job, but I was freelancing.
Alice Roberts
Words make a world of difference. Over time, they become charged with inference and allusion and, deployed effectively, they have the power to change the very fabric of our civilisation.
Ephraim Mirvis
The present structure of rewards in high schools produces a response on the part of an adolescent social system which effectively impedes the process of education.
James S. Coleman
The denial of female aggression is a destructive myth. It robs an entire gender of a significant spectrum of power, leaving women less than equal with men and effectively keeping them ‘in their place’ and under control.
Katherine Dunn
In almost every job now, people use software and work w

In almost every job now, people use software and work with information to enable their organisation to operate more effectively.
Bill Gates
Decades of research have shown that most happy families communicate effectively. But talking doesn’t mean simply ‘talking through problems,’ as important as that is. Talking also means telling a positive story about yourselves.
Bruce Feiler
One of President Reagan’s first and wisest initiatives was to effectively shutdown the anti-trust division of the Justice Department.
Stephen Moore
There are two ways that lack of sleep affects my play: I’ll play too many hands and I’ll lose the ability to effectively read my opponents.
Phil Hellmuth
I’ve watched with amazement as Local Motors has pioneered a co-creation and micro-manufacturing model that has democratized the development and production of complex machines, effectively transforming consumer choice from supply-driven to demand-driven.
Bre Pettis
People who lie, particularly those who lie really big, can’t do it effectively unless they feel that there’s a righteous power behind what they’re doing. You’re entitled to lie because the end justifies the means.
Alex Gibney
Texas has more effectively capitalized on its opportunities as a border state, and I’ve always said that I want to look to states that are doing better than we are and replicate those success stories in Arizona.
Doug Ducey
Sometimes I’ll turn the channel and there’s the movie and I can honestly say that those last few minutes always fascinate me. It’s one of the rare instances when image, music, and drama work effectively.
Madeleine Stowe
The self is just our operation center, our consciousness, our moral compass. So, if we want to act more effectively in the world, we have to get to know ourselves better.
Gary Wolf
I think being an artist, or just being creative, or imaginative, or aware, where I think everybody starts out, and by about the age of 10, that’s been pretty effectively whipped out by education.
William T. Wiley
If your voices are not heard, you can be sure that many others will be – in particular those who are paid to present a point of view, and often do it most effectively.
Kathleen Sebelius
If we must have the Production Code, then I think the only way to use it effectively is to judge a film as a whole and determine whether its effect is good or bad.
William Wyler
Multitasking creates a dopamine-addiction feedback loop, effectively rewarding the brain for losing focus and for constantly searching for external stimulation.
Daniel Levitin
The evidence is overwhelming that it should be deemed as such: solitary confinement in the U.S. is arbitrary, abused, and unnecessary in many situations. It is cruel, degrading, and inhumane and is effectively a ‘no touch’ torture.
Chelsea Manning
You’re not there to spread any particular- if you’re Bob Marley you’re there to spread a message, but very few people can do that effectively without shoving opinions down someone’s throat.
Jon Fishman
Diplomats bluster and bluff, but democracies don’t really have that many tools they can use to push back, effectively, against the seductive ideas of dictators.
Anne Applebaum
Who uses funds more productively – private citizens or the government? I dare say that Warren Buffett can use his surplus funds more effectively in private business and creating jobs than the government can.
Mark Skousen
My instinct as a philosopher is that we are effectively approaching a multicentric world, which means we need to ask new, and for the traditional left, unpleasant questions.
Slavoj Zizek