Top 295 Funding Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Funding Quotes from famous people such as Raja Krishnamoorthi, Steven Rattner, Richard N. Haass, Tom Hollander, Ayanna Pressley, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

One of the best programs that the federal government sp

One of the best programs that the federal government sponsors is the Small Business Innovation Research program, in which more than 2.5 percent of federal research and development funding at the largest agencies goes directly to small businesses.
Raja Krishnamoorthi
Most troublesome is the legalization of ‘crowd funding,’ the ability of start-up companies to raise capital from small investors on the Internet.
Steven Rattner
Terrorism is a decentralized phenomenon – in its funding, planning, and execution.
Richard N. Haass
Drama schools say if arts funding is cut, people can’t afford to go, but I didn’t go to drama school.
Tom Hollander
If elected, I will work with federal leaders to rehouse the non-immigration enforcement functions of ICE – including human trafficking and money laundering investigations – elsewhere in the U.S. Department of Homeland Security while immediately eliminating funding for enforcement and removal functions.
Ayanna Pressley
The DSS offices are not given enough funding, their staff are poorly paid and are driven to distraction by the amount of work they have to do. There is frequent turnover of staff. Morale is extremely low. Working with desperate people all day is very dispiriting; their unhappiness rubs off on you.
Sue Townsend
People’s taxes spent on servicing our national debt, instead of funding public services. This isn’t just a waste – it’s also a risk.
Liz Kendall
Looking back on the Tiananmen movement, it is striking how modest the protesters’ demands were: an end to press censorship and restrictions on demonstrations; openness about the income of state leaders; increased funding for education.
Tom Malinowski
Bridges and roads take years to build, but too often, states and communities haven’t known if funding will be there for them more than a few months at a time.
Anthony Foxx
If the Royal Navy and wider defence is to deliver on the ambitions of our country, we must tackle the inadequate funding and political thinking that undermine the best armed forces in the world.
Penny Mordaunt
If each of us is to feel that he or she is valued, this calls for more than public funding.
Kjell Magne Bondevik
The Spiral Gallery may happen, too. It is not dependent on government funding.
Daniel Libeskind
If you’re not in the right classification, you’re basically stealing funding and opportunities from other people. This is not the NFL. There’s only so much money to go around.
Jessica Long
I believe Nebraskans appreciate the fiscal discipline I’ve brought to state government, balancing the budget without raising taxes and prioritizing education funding.
Dave Heineman
There’s a lot of work being done through the innovation arm of the World Bank, at the World Bank Institute. There’s a lot of work that we at the Rockefeller Foundation are doing and funding towards that end, and increasingly, the U.S. government is getting engaged.
Judith Rodin
For far too long, Washington has denied the American citizens of Puerto Rico vital human services and adequate health care funding.
Chris Murphy
We have to make a determination of what the minimum standards are for police, fire and emergency services in all of America’s major cities. Once we determine that, then we can decide what the funding is.
Warren Rudman
No matter what your political persuasion, you can find a guide that makes it quick, easy and painless to exercise your right to vote. Wanna know what a certain proposition put forth by a cadre of undisclosed billionaires which cuts funding for public education, arts and infrastructure means? Use the voting guide!
Steven Weber
I want to promote the introduction of art history in primary schools and to convince the general public that, even in a period of economic crisis, arts funding is an absolute necessity at the federal, state, and local levels.
Camille Paglia
All schools that receive public funding should be accountable, yes.
Betsy DeVos
There are major funding gaps for security research generally, particularly when it comes to defensive security practices and tools that will contribute to the protection and defense of the Internet.
Alex Stamos
Some of today’s athletes do not have that kind of pride. They left school at 16, have never had a job in their life and are getting Lottery funding, earning money as an athlete.
Linford Christie
There is still a lot of misinformation being spread about higher education funding arrangements under the new Act. The students page on my website sets out the main points in the Act.
Anne Campbell
All I’m asking for is the law that’s been on the books for the last 33 years, no public funding for abortion. We are both saying the same thing, pro-life, pro-choice. Let’s find the language that works for both of us so we can pass health care.
Bart Stupak
Significant cuts to funding for the police, for the Crown Prosecution Service, for probation etc, have put the long-term viability of our criminal justice system in doubt.
Keir Starmer
The key thing for me is to secure medium-term funding for the Roundhouse studios. It costs around £2m a year to run, but we want to grow it, and of course that will cost more.
Lloyd Dorfman
When we talk about more access to birth control, a lot of times that means more funding for Planned Parenthood, and we know that’s a touchy subject, so I certainly see that perspective and agree with a lot of conservatives on it.
Tomi Lahren
I stayed a year in the sixth form and there was talk of Cambridge, but I wanted to go to drama school. At 17 and three months I went to the Old Vic School in London. This most remarkable and brilliant drama school lasted only six years because the Old Vic Theatre hadn’t the money to go on funding it.
Prunella Scales
The takeover of the U.S. House by Republicans could prompt a revival of the fight for additional funding for the Marietta-built F-22 stealth fighter. This isn’t just for the sake of home-cooking, but also for the sake of the country.
Phil Gingrey
I see a resurgence of interest in poetry. I am less optimistic about the prospects for the arts when it comes to federal funding.
Rita Dove
If I had a weak ego, and doubts about this, the first genome would not yet have been completed with US and UK government funding.
Craig Venter
Unequal funding resources also results in unequal educa

Unequal funding resources also results in unequal educational opportunity when you consider studies that show that one half of low income students who are qualified to attend college do not attend because they can’t afford to.
Bobby Scott
I’ve benefited enormously from an arts education and a music education in New York. When they cut the programs for funding, I was devastated.
Peter Marino
For the devices we use… the funding models are completely screwed up. Angel funding isn’t sufficient for hardware.
Mary Lou Jepsen
We changed the names of our technical schools to colleges, we expanded the eligibility for HOPE scholarships for technical training, and we added some formula funding.
Roy Barnes
Trump’s one liberal policy seems to be his desire to pump more funding into mental health – which I’ve taken the liberty of interpreting as a massive cry for help.
Frankie Boyle
You can’t have force structure without proper training, without proper equipment, without proper leadership, without proper funding to conduct exercises and perform maintenance.
Joseph Dunford
As Congress battles over spending and cost cutting, it is imperative that funding for math education programs does not fall victim.
Priyamvada Natarajan
I don’t want to see any taxpayer funding going towards… a couple that is not married.
Karen Handel
The NHS cannot be privatised if that’s not the will of the Scottish people, and the Scottish health service will have the funding that’s necessary if that’s also the will of the Scottish people.
Gordon Brown
We cannot afford to lose the Medicaid funding for low-income women.
Kay Bailey Hutchison
On trade, a Conservative government would challenge China’s actions on canola and meat imports through the World Trade Organization and withdraw funding from the Chinese-run Asia Infrastructure Investment Bank.
Erin O’Toole
I talked to General Downer about some of the funding about the National Guard and some of the civil defense workers, the firefighters, the police officers, and the way that FEMA is making them spend that money. We have got a problem there.
Lynn Westmoreland
If you can provide the funding and you get the leadership, you’ll have a competitive team.
T. Boone Pickens
I applied for funding to embark on an overseas field trip in Iceland, and spent six weeks there happily holed up in the national archives, museums and libraries, sifting through ministerial and parish records, censuses, maps, microfilm, logs, and local histories.
Hannah Kent
Africa needs more funding to continue to fight all of those diseases. We are losing more than 1.3 million young children under the age of five every year because of malaria. We’ve already lost 25 million people to the pandemic of HIV-AIDS. More people are dying now from typhoid fever. Diabetes is on the rise.
Dikembe Mutombo
The risk of policy contagion could be magnified if a new funding arrangement were agreed between Argentina and the IMF before a comprehensive policy framework is developed that addresses fundamental investor concerns.
Charles Dallara
We are not voting for health care if we do not resolve this language on public funding for abortion – no public funding for abortion.
Bart Stupak
Businesses should absolutely set aside funding in their budgets for security consultants. Unless there is an expert on staff, and there usually is not, it needs to be outsourced.
Kevin Mitnick
In 2001, President George W. Bush was condemned for politicizing science with his decision to limit federal funding for stem-cell research; in 2009 President Obama was praised for reversing it, even though his decision was arguably just as political.
Nancy Gibbs
Social safety-net spending is an important form of public funding that helps offset disparities in family resources for children.
Janet Yellen
Sometimes in Portland I’m like, ‘Who is funding this city?’ It’s doing great – there’s all these new shops; there’s a synthesizer store. Where is this coming from?
Fred Armisen
Cisco never had a red quarter. Never. Took us three years to get funding, and in those three years, we were never in the red, and that was because we had two products to sell. They were not sexy or cool, but we had enough of a market that we could generate enough of a cash stream to grow the company.
Sandra Lerner
Many entrepreneurs have shifted their focus to pursuing VC funding as a primary strategic priority instead of concentrating on generating value for their users. This is worrisome because raising capital alone is misleading as a benchmark for success.
Jon Oringer
Many times, one does get interesting work, but it is also work that doesn’t get funded because one sure-shot way to get funding is to take a big star.
Konkona Sen Sharma
Senator Vitter and I had a track record of working together on some key issues, restoring funding for our waterways and ports; he assisted me on the Senate side with the veterans’ clinics. We have a working relationship where we look out for the interests of Louisiana.
Charles Boustany
We must ensure that more binding, durable, and enforceable fiscal rules go hand-in-hand with funding certainty for countries pursuing sound and sustainable economic policies. We need to keep pushing forward towards a comprehensive solution to the challenges of the eurozone.
Enda Kenny
There is not enough funding for basic sciences in India. We have to invest in a big way, and I am pushing that idea.
A. P. J. Abdul Kalam
To be brutally honest, it’s simple economics. If they want to come into cycling, sponsors need to know the team they are funding is clean, otherwise the risk is just too great.
David Millar
As a Member of the CBC, I will fight tooth and nail to increase funding for programs, such as Ryan White, that were flat funded in the President’s budget.
Corrine Brown
Education should be one of our top funding priorities; talking about it does not help the teachers and students who desperately need promises fulfilled.
Solomon Ortiz
You need to begin to network with angels and VCs while you are still ideating. It is easier to ask someone you know for funding than a stranger. Build your financial network by attending as many industry functions and reaching out for advice from experts online.
Jay Samit
Nonetheless, the research budgets of the Department of

Nonetheless, the research budgets of the Department of Defense are under enormous stress-and they are extremely important because they support more than 40 percent of all federal funding for engineering schools across the country. So the threat was and is real.
Charles Vest
Even better, there were established two separate committees deciding on state film funding.
Andrzej Wajda
Democrats have a long history of utilizing the threat of a potential Ebola outbreak to request massive federal funds while attacking Republicans for expressing skepticism over their funding schemes.
Aaron Klein
I do believe that Planned Parenthood provides vital services to those in need and disagree with its funding cuts contained in the H.R. 1 package.
Lisa Murkowski
From fully funding nutrition programs to protecting children from liquid nicotine poisoning, I have focused many of my efforts in Congress on advocating for polices that invest in our most valuable resource – our children.
Elizabeth Esty
Governments do have the duty to protect national interest. But we should not be afraid of foreign funding of Indian CSOs, unless malintent can be proved.
Rohini Nilekani
Pentagon dollars are essentially seen as a different kind of funding that doesn’t have to stand for itself and make an argument for itself in the house of Congress.
Rachel Maddow
Only a liberal senator from Massachusetts would say that a 49 percent increase in funding for education was not enough.
George W. Bush
We commissioned an independent statutory economic body – the Productivity Commission – to review the possibility of funding a disability scheme. The commission returned with a view that it could. Then it becomes an issue of national will.
Bill Shorten
The arts need funding.
Julie Andrews
We need to focus on reducing property taxes. We need to focus on education funding. We need to focus on getting term limits on elected officials.
Bruce Rauner
If taxpayers’ money goes into paying salaries and bearing expenses of Air India and other entities that require funding every year, then the government needs to evaluate if it can run them successfully or let someone else run it.
Anurag Thakur
In the U.S., it would be so much better if the studios made many more smaller films for niche markets rather than a few tent pole films that swamp cinemas and Hoover up all the funding.
Beeban Kidron
During times of plenty – when venture funding is abundant and startups multiply like rabbits – every business looks like a winner.
Neil Blumenthal
Kickstarter is not appropriate for a blogger who writes weekly articles – he doesn’t need a big chunk of money, and he has no big project to use it for. He needs monthly income, and Patreon brings crowd funding away from singular one-off projects and into the realm of regular content creation.
Jack Conte
There is a racial element: It’s undeniable. We’ve had inequitable funding of schools for decades in the state of Michigan.
Gretchen Whitmer
People will come back and influence their communities to get excited about space. Space funding will increase because people will see the benefit it has to the way people relate to the world, the way people relate to problems, and the way people view themselves.
Dylan Taylor
While we have made great progress in increasing funding for veterans’ benefits, we still have a long way to go in fully meeting the promise to our veterans.
Sue Kelly
Historic Royal Palaces is an independent charity without funding from the royal family or the government. But I have met the Queen, she comes to open projects, and she is always very interested.
Lucy Worsley
It’s easier to get funding for a gas station than to start the next Facebook or Twitter in the Mideast.
Shervin Pishevar
In a moment of stress, funding may go to systemically-important firms, which could pull funding away from firms not making the cut.
Charles Dallara
I believe it is essential that we close the security gaps that put our nation at risk, and I will continue to fight for the funding that will secure high-risk targets, such as our ports and borders.
Mark Pryor
If funding for DHS is delayed, it will have a grave effect on Washington’s economy as commerce grinds to a halt along the Canadian border.
Suzan DelBene
Obviously Massachusetts has one of the best public school systems in the country. But there are schools, like in Brockton, where kids are struggling because they just need more funding.
Devin McCourty
If you look at some of the smaller capital markets in Asia, when they want funding, they either come here to Hong Kong or they go to California, the mecca of the Internet, because they can capture the liquidity and then move on and do what they want to do, which is develop a business.
Richard Li
What we need to do is have empathy and that ultimately, at the end of the day, it’s a woman’s private choice… I don’t support federal funding for abortions, nor do I support late-term abortions.
Chris Gibson
This emergency spending measure is certainly only the beginning, since we here in Washington will continue to work closely with the president and emergency agencies to ensure they continue receiving the funding they need.
Jo Bonner
While the FAST Act is a significant bipartisan accomplishment that provides much-needed funding certainty, this modest increase in funding is hardly the bold, forward-thinking plan our country needs to rebuild our crumbling infrastructure and create a 21st-century transportation system.
Mike Quigley
One of the reasons that Social Security is in so much trouble is that the only funding stream comes from people who get a wage. The people who get wages is declining dramatically. Most of the income in this country is made by people at the top who get dividends and – and capital gains.
Mike Huckabee
If there’s ever a moment when I am an Anglophile, it’s when I see so many theatres in this country that have what I would call federal funding.
Stephen Karam
It speaks to the incredible risk of doing business with the Islamic Republic of Iran if American companies have to turn to federally guaranteed funding mechanisms to support their business there.
Mike Pompeo
Federal dollars and resources come with so much red tap

Federal dollars and resources come with so much red tape that state and local experts can’t use that funding for initiatives that are working the best or are most needed.
Thom Tillis
Any health care funding plan that is just, equitable, civilized and humane must – must – redistribute wealth from the richer among us to the poorer and the less fortunate. Excellent healthcare is by definition re-distributional.
Donald Berwick
States are better equipped to serve students than the federal government, and we should direct funding to programs that have a demonstrated record of success.
Tommy Tuberville
There’s so much innovation going on, and there are lots of people funding that innovation, but there’s very little innovation on that infrastructure for innovation itself, so we like to do that ourselves to help companies create more tech companies.
Naval Ravikant
Besides publishing its own work, the Google AI China Center will also support the AI research community by funding and sponsoring AI conferences and workshops and working closely with the vibrant Chinese AI research community.
Fei-Fei Li
From the beginning, there have been some religious leaders who greeted the funding of faith-based social services by government with ambivalence.
Tony Campolo
I’ve got a lot of military kids who are not in on-base child care, and they should be. So it’s things like that I’m going to change, either from a funding perspective or a policy perspective.
Mark Esper
The American people do not want their taxpayer dollars funding any activity that runs counter to the security of our nation or our ally Israel.
Ted Deutch
What we see today is an American economy that has boomed because of policies and developments of the 1950s and ’60s: the interstate-highway system, massive funding for science and technology, a public-education system that was the envy of the world and generous immigration policies.
Fareed Zakaria
When you’re making an independent film, it’s like this actor plus this actor equals this funding, this financing. Pull this actor out, this actor is still here but this money’s gone. It’s this frightening puzzle mosaic that is the world of independent film.
Jill Soloway
The combination of funding for our ports, airports, and highways is a really significant investment in our infrastructure.
Gina Raimondo
President Obama has made maternal health one of the core priorities of U.S. international aid funding.
Liya Kebede
You don’t need to be a trained investigator to grasp the blatantly obvious fact that the funding of the Steele dossier by Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign is a crucial piece of information that should have been revealed to the FISA Court.
Kayleigh McEnany
No matter how much funding I get, I’m always thinking, ‘This is temporary. This is fragile. It could all end tomorrow, and how am I going to make today worth it? If this is my last day in the lab, what can I do so that I can walk out of here saying, ‘That was a good day?”
Hope Jahren
Watching AIDS play its evil game of give and take has made me understand why lobbying for increased research funding should be an urgent priority – not only for the gay community but for us all.
Laura Ingraham
The U.S., France, Germany and Canada have all responded to the financial crisis by boosting rather than cutting their science funding. The U.K. has not.
Martin Rees
My legislation would cut off all funding for trials of anyone from Guantanamo in any court in the United States of America. This bill would help stop the misguided plan to put Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and other 9/11 terrorists on trial in Downtown Manhattan.
Peter T. King
People are getting older – that is a good thing – but there isn’t enough funding in the system. And there’s a whole number of injustices.
Matt Hancock
When people are feeling insecure about their jobs and there are cuts to be made, it’s hard to put up an argument that the film industry needs funding.
Julian Fellowes
I’ve got dreams now of reinventing ‘Hellraiser’ and just getting my head on anything I can get my hands on that maybe I would love. ‘Cause the possibilities are endless: I can make my own movies; I can make other people’s movies. But if someone had a ‘Hellraiser’ script and had funding, and I loved it, let’s go.
Shawn Crahan
Election funding is one of the biggest fault lines in our electoral system.
Spending on programs such as national defense and funding the operating budgets of all federal agencies represent only 39 percent of our yearly budget, an all-time low.
Paul Gillmor
Budgets are moral documents. Federal funding should reflect the priorities and the values of the majority of the American people.
Mike Pence
In my opinion, the president is right to address future funding, even though Social Security will show a surplus through 2018 and will not run out of funds until 2042.
Nick Clooney
We’ve already seen other candidates set up these secretive super PACs where they don’t take any responsibility for what they’re funding… because that’s how the game has always been played. I’ve been very proud to tell people, ‘I’m stepping forward, and you can see every single one of our donors.’
Eric Greitens
I believe it is important that Title X organizations continue to receive funding.
Lisa Murkowski
The Israeli government has already established a fund to encourage young Arab women, specifically from the Bedouin community, to study engineering. We are funding their university studies and providing them with mentors who assist them with their studies and the job placement process.
Naftali Bennett
I believe the American people are entitled to some straight talk when it comes to higher education funding.
Ric Keller
Funding for women’s healthcare must actually go to fund women’s healthcare, not to line the coffers of an organization under increased scrutiny for reprehensible, inhumane behavior.
Cory Gardner
Those outside of autism need to understand this is an epidemic and we need more government funding, insurance coverage and education reform.
Jenny McCarthy
I think it can be difficult to get funding for a film, but I was lucky.
Konkona Sen Sharma
I am committed to ensure that our intelligence communit

I am committed to ensure that our intelligence community, law enforcement, medical professionals, and military have the information and funding needed to protect the American people from threats at home and abroad.
Leonard Boswell
Generally, I don’t like publicity on docs in progress, much less ones that are only in development; I’ve always tried to stay under the radar in terms of any press, especially with regard to the subjects of the film. I don’t want them to be thinking about the film or funding or what the public reaction is going to be.
Steve James
The United States and its Gulf allies, some of who are actively funding rebel groups in Syria, should undertake a serious joint review of Jordan’s needs and then act together to meet them.
Elliott Abrams
Community colleges are popular among political leaders of both parties. But because of the lack of funding and a lack of direction, they have lost their critical edge in preparing workers for a 21st-century economy.
Nina Easton
We were happy with funding ‘Rage’ on our own nickel for years. We intended to do the same with ‘Doom 4’. We had offers early on for ‘Rage’. People offered us X million dollars. But we carried the risk, and when we finally signed a deal, it was X plus $10 million.
John Carmack
While I wouldn’t say that most entrepreneurs find it easy to get funding, there are certainly more people out there funding technology and healthcare companies than in other areas.
Clayton M. Christensen
Entrepreneurs say in an economic boom it’s actually hard to build a company because everybody’s too excited and there is too much money funding too many marginal companies.
Marc Andreessen
We must seize the moment and permanently delay the entire law. Congress can do this. We control the purse strings and can protect taxpayers from funding Obamacare.
Tom Graves
Trump gives progressives a way to channel whatever guilt they might have – whether from preventing homebuilding, benefitting from unfair taxes and pensions, or depriving black and Latino students the teacher quality and school funding they need – into a sanctimonious tribal rage against Republican racism.
Michael Shellenberger
But in my district I have heard from law enforcement officials and across the State of Florida about how much this JAG funding helps them fight crime, and to protect and serve the citizens within their jurisdiction.
Cliff Stearns
I think funding risky projects is very important.
Roderick MacKinnon
For the sake of our businesses and the sake of our jobs, we must provide Connecticut with a modernized transportation system that works, which requires a sustainable, recurring funding source.
Ned Lamont
Increased funding for the Weatherization Assistance Program is a priority for the Bush Administration, and I am pleased that many families in North Carolina will benefit from this increase.
Richard Burr
With ‘Poison,’ I’m sure some people just hated the movie, but it also got caught up into a debate about arts funding because it was a film that received a National Endowment for the Arts Public Grant, and it won the prize at the Sundance Film Festival.
Todd Haynes
As I think through the issue of funding the rebuilding of Iraq, I think about the analogy of a bankruptcy proceeding. There is no doubt that Iraq as a country is bankrupt.
Arlen Specter
There is a valid nationwide sentiment of concern over public pensions, and poor funding ratios are viewed negatively by financial markets.
Walker Stapleton
I can’t help thinking if she – the director of a government agency – is this ignorant about what funding is available and where the money comes from – how often lower-level bureaucrats must give wrong answers when people are looking for help to start a business.
Matthew Lesko
In 2009, I pushed for the creation and funding of early childhood block grants to ensure that more kids enter kindergarten ready to learn. It’s really not rocket science: Put kids on the right path at an early age – and keep them there.
Laura Kelly
The unhappy irony is that, while ‘Glee’ is hitting the heights, school arts funding is being slashed across the country due to the steep recession and declining tax revenues.
James Wolcott
When Trump defends Planned Parenthood as doing ‘wonderful things,’ he is condoning the organization. Even if Planned Parenthood didn’t do abortions, none of these ‘wonderful things’ are worthy of taxpayer funding. But thanks to Trump, the lie of Planned Parenthood’s heroism has been further proliferated.
Katie Pavlich
Right before the Bush inauguration, many women were greatly reassured when Laura said of Roe v. Wade on the ‘Today’ show, ‘No, I don’t think it should be overturned.’ Three days later, her husband reimposed the ‘global gag rule’ on groups abroad that receive U.S. funding for family planning.
Molly Ivins
I’ve introduced eight bills to fight for support for our small businesses and ensure we get funding to rebuild public housing – among other things.
Cedric Richmond
Arizona is in the midst of a fiscal crisis. We’ve cut school funding. And they pass a bill questioning Obama’s citizenship? For real?
Kyrsten Sinema
There are few historians who would challenge the fact that the funding of World War I, World War II, the Korean War, and the Vietnam War was accomplished by the Mandrake Mechanism through the Federal Reserve System.
G. Edward Griffin
I’d like to do a film in Canada, but it’s too difficult. National Film Board funding takes too long, and there’s too much paperwork; by the time the film is approved the topic is dead and gone.
Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy
We need sobriety, rationality, and civility in the discussions on the regulation of financial institutions so that the banks can return in a robust manner to their central role in funding the economy.
Stephen A. Schwarzman
The dome of the U.S. Capitol has fallen into severe disrepair… As the Chairman of the Senate Committee on Rules and Administration, which oversees matters of the Capitol’s physical plant, I have serious concerns about the consequences of omitting this funding from the stopgap spending measure.
Chuck Schumer
Had I wanted, I could have set up my own company, secured funding, and made money. That proposition, however, does not excite me, since it would be a very self-centric goal.
Pranav Mistry
Ideally, I want us to be working on things where if we’re not working on them, they won’t happen; companies where if we don’t fund them they will not receive funding.
Peter Thiel
If you create a system that makes the small donors the linchpin of the system in terms of how members of Congress directly raise the funds for their campaigns, then it gives everyday citizens much more of a role – a leveraging role – in the funding of those campaigns.
John Sarbanes
We see Google experimenting in so many places outside of its core search and advertising business, whether that’s bringing broadband Internet to the world or funding an entirely separate company to pursue solutions to disease and mortality. Amazon’s one of the few other companies that thinks as big as Google does.
Brad Stone
I believe Indian banks have a strong funding profile wi

I believe Indian banks have a strong funding profile with largely deposit-funded balance sheets, a large physical presence to cater to the needs of customers, and ability to provide comprehensive solutions to customers.
Chanda Kochhar
I will withhold federal funding from universities that shut down debate and can’t stand different points of view.
Andrew Scheer
I will continue to be at the forefront, participating in rallies, marches, letter-writing campaigns, and fighting for federal funding for Planned Parenthood. And, I will always oppose the nomination of any anti-choice U.S. Supreme Court Justice.
Deb Haaland
From NASA putting a man on the moon to DARPA developing what later became the Internet, the U.S. government, through a host of different public agencies, has provided direct financing not only of basic research but also public venture capital; both Apple and Tesla have received direct public funding.
Jens Martin Skibsted
For children with special educational needs to receive the help they need to thrive in education, councils need targeted funding that properly addresses the costs of including children in mainstream classrooms with support, or creating space in specialist schools.
Dawn Foster
I want to be in control of how my music is released and how I create it. What people don’t talk about when they talk about major labels is how many artists get dropped or funding gets dropped when they don’t recoup quick enough.
The U.N. Population Fund has a maternal health program in some Cameroon hospitals, but it doesn’t operate in this region. It’s difficult to expand, because President Bush has cut funding.
Nicholas Kristof
Infrastructure alone won’t end poverty. The World Bank had to learn this lesson, too. While we believed too much in bricks and mortar in our early days, we now understand that bringing together funding, technical expertise, and tested knowledge goes much further.
Sri Mulyani Indrawati
Our response to crises cannot be adding more and more police funding.
Jamaal Bowman
Funding has been the hardest part, and my wife has been extremely supportive both when I decided to leave my job, and even when I re-mortgaged our home and put equity into the project. I am lucky to have such a loving and supportive partner.
Nirmal Purja
Funding for the original manned Voyager Mars Program was scratched in 1968, before humans had gotten out of Low Earth Orbit. Mid-’60s plans for a Venus fly-by with astronauts actually flying by it met the same fate.
P. J. O’Rourke
There are many people who think we had the first-mover advantage. But actually, when Uber came to India, Ola was doing only 2,000 rides per day . We had less than half a million dollars of funding.
Bhavish Aggarwal
The People’s Response Act will create grant funding for the grassroots and community organizations that are doing the work to address housing, health care, economic injustice, and other inequities in our society.
Cori Bush
Obviously, the BBC is funded by licence-payers. If you are paying for a TV licence, when you see what people are paid, then you know you’re funding that.
Ant McPartlin
Funding care in the same way we fund pensions is the right approach for the Government to take, and the fairest way to guarantee dignity for all in old age.
Damian Green
I think that we’re foolhardy to not be engaging in federal funding of stem-cell research in the most aggressive way we possibly can.
Elizabeth Edwards
Foundations have to think outside the box and maybe expand past the usual suspects that get all of the funding and start thinking about how to reach into communities and support community healing on a more local level.
Tarana Burke
The American people overwhelmingly oppose taxpayer funding of abortions, and it’s no different in Arizona, where we have long-standing policy against subsidizing them with public dollars.
Doug Ducey
We need to rid our State Owned Enterprises of corruption because the money being siphoned out should be funding them.
Cyril Ramaphosa
Reforming public education, cutting property taxes, fixing adult and child protective services and funding our budget can all occur when Democrats and Republicans engage in consensus and cooperation – not cynicism and combat.
Rick Perry
From a viable economy to the full funding of Headstart, from a clean environment to true equality for women, from a strong military to a commitment to racial brotherhood, from schools that are honored to streets free of excessive violence.
Paul Tsongas
It’s definitely an interesting question: ‘Do you need more funding to start a luxury business?’ That’s something I want to think about a little bit more.
Aslaug Magnusdottir
The total funding of SETI (the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) in the U.S. is 0.0003 percent of the tax monies spent on health and human services. And it’s not even tax money. The SETI Institute’s hunt for signals is funded by donations.
Seth Shostak
To battle the odds – loss of interest, no funding, discouragement – requires someone who doesn’t give up.
Craig Zadan
Even after being diagnosed with Covid-19, Bolsonaro fails to take this virus seriously and is directly targeting vulnerable indigenous communities by failing to provide them with adequate funding to address this pandemic. It’s an attack on human rights.
Deb Haaland
Political parties usually accept funding from large industrialists and are then obliged to bow down to the demands of these individuals. When the government is funded by people’s money, it will work for the people.
I want to see Black Lives Matter be able to ultimately reduce law enforcement funding.
Patrisse Cullors
As far as funding and building a team, you being romantically involved with your cofounder really shouldn’t play a factor in how you run the company and how you create a team or find resources. It’s all about the partnership.
Julia Hartz
Kids get a lot of lip service in disaster planning, but they tend to get far fewer resources than they need. The mantra of ‘children are our most valuable resource’ is almost never matched by actual funding.
Irwin Redlener
The truth is that development of public transport facilities needs government funding or cheap loans.
Sucheta Dalal
Until I am satisfied TA is committed to funding the development of junior Australian talent, including my sister Sara, on a non-discriminatory basis, I do not believe there is any point in meeting.
Bernard Tomic
The bottom line is that the federal government is an im

The bottom line is that the federal government is an important partner in addressing issues like funding our public schools, fixing our crumbling roads and infrastructure, protecting our natural resources and ensuring that healthcare is affordable and protects people with pre-existing conditions.
Tony Evers
English, Welsh, Scottish and Northern Irish football gains so much from being in Europe. Clubs and fans all benefit from European action, laws and funding.
Karren Brady
If Obama succeeds in turning health insurance and funding for college into universal entitlements, he will have expanded Washington’s obligations on the scale of an LBJ or an FDR.
Jacob Weisberg
In Britain, the theatre has traditionally been where the public goes to think about its past and debate its future. The formation of the National Theatre, at the Old Vic, near the South Bank, in 1963, institutionalized the symbolic importance of drama by giving it both a building and state funding.
John Lahr
My father was unemployed and I was the eldest of seven children. We were very poor. And when you ask how did we support ourselves, the only funding that we had was unemployment payments.
John Hume
When state funding for Irvine public schools began to diminish some time ago, my Irvine Company colleagues helped me to provide private funding support for continuation of basic science, art and music programs that had been eliminated by lack of state funding.
Donald Bren
If the government is funding itself at 2 per cent, you know, how much are you going to pay savers if you want to lend money at a cheaper rate? People have the incentive to build a factory or open new stores. It is a trade-off.
Ana Patricia Botin
You just don’t get funding to go out and find God. Even if you did, you’d have to first define what you mean by ‘God.’
Stephen LaBerge
We want to see more sources of alternative finance, from innovations in factoring such as MarketInvoice or in peer-to-peer lending such as Funding Circle which Labour local authorities are now using to support and invest in local businesses.
Chuka Umunna
Congress passes bills that appropriate money. Congress says, ‘We’re building this bridge or funding that defense project, and they cost this much.’
Jay Carney
After Secretary Clinton announced in January 2010 that Internet freedom would be a major pillar of U.S. foreign policy, the State Department decided to take what Clinton calls a ‘venture capital’ approach to the funding of tools, research, public information projects, and training.
Rebecca MacKinnon
Universities ought to be aware of the degree they would want to accept funding from governments like China to work on, say, face recognition technology.
Evgeny Morozov
There’s bipartisan efforts to change how FEMA works or, more importantly, change how relief funding trickles down to us down here.
Dan Crenshaw
Launch your product or service before you have funding. See how people respond to it before you have a PowerPoint and business plan – have something people can use, and go from there.
Chad Hurley
Before Congress cuts funding for Head Start, Social Security, and financial aid for college, we have got to make sure that large, profitable corporations are paying their fair share of taxes.
Bernie Sanders
The business of funding digging journalists is important to encourage. It cannot be replaced by bloggers who don’t have access to politicians, who don’t have easy access to official documents, who aren’t able to buttonhole people in power.
Andrew Marr
Governments cannot assume or expect that the ECB will always facilitate their funding independently of the achievement of their fiscal and other policy objectives.
Lucas Papademos
While it can be challenging for women with disruptive, technology-based ideas to acquire significant funding, in my experience, once I was able to raise that funding, I was met with droves of people offering to help me fulfill my dreams.
Jennifer Hyman
Entrepreneurial freedom and funding of potentially good businesses will certainly increase the number of wealthy Indians, create employment and have some cascading effect in the economy.
Sucheta Dalal
The promise of education reform can never be fulfilled without adequate funding, and by shortchanging our schools, President Bush is breaking his promise to our children.
Joe Lieberman
So is civil society prepared for the future? Probably not. Most organisations have to live hand to mouth, juggling short-term funding and perpetual minor crises. Even the bigger ones rarely get much time to stand back and look at the bigger picture. Many are on a treadmill chasing after contracts and new funding.
Geoff Mulgan
I have long argued for the arts to have the recognition and funding they need, not only because they brighten our lives, but also because they make a tangible contribution to our national economy.
Luciana Berger
The first Chipotle was intended to be my source of funding for a full-scale restaurant, a means to an end. But it turned out to be more successful than I ever imagined.
Steve Ells
State governments generate less revenue in a recession. As state leaders struggle to make up for lost revenue, legislatures tend to cut funding for higher education. Colleges, in turn, answer these funding cuts with tuition hikes.
Arne Duncan
Unfortunately, bureaucratic problems at the federal level are causing many other small Washington companies to be denied federal funding that would help transfer their ideas from their laboratories into our homes and hospitals.
Jay Inslee
I call on the Australian Government to set out the conditions upon which they will provide a taxpayer funded backing for wholesale term funding for Australian deposit taking institutions. I call on the Government it make clear the conditions upon which taxpayer funds will be used in this way.
Julie Bishop
After working in a prominent position at a Planned Parenthood facility in Central Texas for over eight years, I can say that women deserve better than Planned Parenthood and that their funding should be reallocated to Federally Qualified Health Centers.
Abby Johnson
We see people voting for bills that their ideals and principles are opposed to, but because their little funding project is in there, they’re voting for it. We might say it’s one percent of all spending but the impact of that spending is far greater.
Sean Duffy
Unfortunately, the elimination of incentives such as parole, good time credits and funding for college courses, means that fewer inmates participate in and excel in literacy, education, treatment and other development programs.
Bobby Scott
Conflicts are not temporary interruptions: they are structural, socio-economic catastrophes, and funding must be allocated accordingly.
Peter Maurer
Dead End’ will see one of the most successful complex cross country funding and I’m sure it will firm up India’s position in the global cinema market.
Satish Kaushik
So often, generalizations don't apply to Catholic voter

So often, generalizations don’t apply to Catholic voters. Catholics are concerned about the war, the economy, about issues like abortion, issues pertaining to the budget and funding Medicaid and Medicare and what happens to the environment.
Bob Casey, Jr.
Funding for sports (and the arts) are often the first things facing the chop in difficult times.
Lucy Powell
Currently, the United States provides 22 percent of the U.N. annual budgets, over $900 million in fiscal year 2007, and some of that funding goes to the Human Rights Council.
Michael McCaul
We really haven’t had very much experience with people funding their retirement out of the stock market, and we don’t know, frankly, how it would work under every scenario.
Ron Chernow
I was a teacher for a long time. I taught at a community college: voice, theory, humanities. And nowadays, music education is a dying thing. Funding is being cut more and more and more.
Jon Secada
I was on the national Pentathlon team for a few years, but there was no funding for athletes in Canada. I was in a massive amount of personal debt at the age of 21, so I joined a little modelling and talent agency to get a some work, to do anything so that I didn’t have to drop out of school.
Kris Holden-Ried
Taxpayers will not stand for – nor should they – the funding of poster sites, leaflets or advertising. What people will support is funding for political education, for training, for party organization.
Peter Hain
If I could snap my fingers and do one thing in science, I would get more funding for basic science. But the level of funding that needs to be done is not on the order of millions, like the cost of the Breakthrough Prizes. It’s billions to tens of billions.
Mark Zuckerberg
The difficulty with the present state of affairs is that there is no legislation on the sources of funding for the Polish film industry. There is no legislation concerning filmmaking. And, there is no legislation on television that would be beneficial to filmmaking.
Andrzej Wajda
To get the Red Bull junior drive was like a massive pressure off… I didn’t have to go around asking Mum and Dad to sell their house or ask friends for funding. The instant feeling was, ‘Oh wow, amazing.’
Daniel Ricciardo
Federal funding for biomedical sciences plays a critical role in training the next generation of scientists.
Carol W. Greider
To me, we never get enough funding. In New York, we are clearly the number one terrorist target in the country.
Peter T. King
I care about dental care, and ending mass private and public surveillance, and funding schools so they can have small class sizes.
Zephyr Teachout
It shouldn’t be a matter of who deserves help or not, but of whether we want to be a country that allows its neediest to continue to need. Condemnation of individuals and their choices mutes all these other really important logistical questions about funding and budget and politics.
Adrian Nicole LeBlanc
A bubble in early-stage funding means maybe there’s $300 million at work when maybe there should be $150, as opposed to a bubble in late-stage funding which means there’s $20 billion at work when there should be $3.
Dave McClure
Huwaei receives significant funding from the Chinese government and is run by a former director of the telecoms research unit of the People’s Liberation Army. The components are feared to have given China the ability to disrupt or shut down key parts of the U.K.’s critical national infrastructure.
Crispin Blunt
Welfare reform passed in the 90s worked because states were given maximum authority along with adequate funding. This model can work for the repeal and replacement of Obamacare.
Kim Reynolds
Funding to replace crumbling infrastructure has always been hard to come by.
Ted Wheeler
My time at Komen has been well publicized and scrutinized, especially my departure over the funding of Planned Parenthood.
Karen Handel
So many people wait around for funding, and if they’re unsuccessful, they don’t make the film; if you’ve got a good idea, that seems so pointless. There’s always a way of doing it; you’ve just got to find it.
Joel Edgerton
When the NRA is funding your campaign and giving you, you know, millions of dollars, are you likely to pass gun legislation or support it? No, and I think that’s the reason why we see members of Congress refusing to do anything.
Ana Kasparian
I remember the reactions I got when we first visited factories to inspect the projects that we were funding. It was not easy for people to see a woman there. That was a time when most of these workplaces were not even equipped with a loo for women.
Chanda Kochhar
The Hyde Amendment might prohibit federal dollars from directly funding abortion, but federal money is used elsewhere in Planned Parenthood, which allows other funds to be used for abortion.
Tomi Lahren
In Syria, a progressive foreign policy would have shown military restraint while pumping up our ability to gain political leverage over Syria’s benefactors and providing humanitarian funding to make sure that anybody that wanted to leave Syria could.
Chris Murphy
Those projects most successful on Kickstarter – those that receive funding completely and quickly – do so largely because the creator has a strong social network and invites people to be engaged.
Lisa Gansky
We have had no bonuses for winning Olympic medals, I haven’t even had a call from the ABA. I was on assisted performance funding, but I had that stopped.
James DeGale
Given the best of all possible worlds, I would make a few changes. I would place emphasis on increasing the amount of funding that goes into programs like Pell Grants, that purely and simply award funds to students who really cannot afford full tuition.
Charles Vest
I am opposed to both cloning and the destruction of human embryos and adamantly opposed to funding of embryonic stem cell research.
Sandy Adams
I will continue to work in Congress to support Lyme disease research and education through funding for the National Institutes of Health and the CDC.
Elise Stefanik
A NASA-funded study estimates that if the price of a ticket to space approached $100,000, close to a million people would buy one. That’s a $100 billion industry. Microsoft cofounder Paul Allen gave me $20 million in startup funding to go after that market.
Burt Rutan
Legislation that would withhold funding for the United Nations is fundamentally flawed in concept and practice, sets us back, is self-defeating, and doesn’t work.
Susan Rice
As the GAO report recognizes, the long-term health of o

As the GAO report recognizes, the long-term health of our forests relies on additional fuel reduction options and funding to reduce the risks that catastrophic fire poses to our nation’s ecosystems, communities and federal budgetary resources.
Greg Walden
Especially today, given the tight fiscal situation that many States and localities face, the use of transportation facilities that pay for themselves without additional Federal funding is essential.
Michael C. Burgess
Recent demonstration projects have shown that with some Federal support, a little funding can go a long way toward ensuring that low-income children have access to good oral health care.
Mike Simpson
Regulations for international accounting and funding will have to be examined to identify policies that inadvertently discourage institutional investors from putting their resources into longer-term, illiquid assets.
Jose Angel Gurria
The question for Dropbox is whether, when they run out of private sources for funding, they will be able to maintain that valuation when they go to public sources for funding and their valuation is set on the public markets.
Aileen Lee
Transportation funding is a win-win for everyone involved.
Corrine Brown
We’re not proposing any shifting of funding from public schools to private schools.
Betsy DeVos
As you look around the country there are still a significant number of states where their whole school debate is over school funding and we’ve been focused on the quality debate for most of the ’90s.
John Engler
Stacey Napp understands the ugly side of divorce – which is often the side that involves money. In fact, she understands it so well that in 2008 she started a business, Balance Point Divorce Funding, which invests in divorce and probate litigation, helping clients cover costs in exchange for a share of the winnings.
Katie Hafner
Education standards need to be set at the state level. High standards are an important way to ensure that the education system we are funding is actually working and producing, at a minimum, what we would expect it to.
Doug Ducey
It’s critical to show that we can meet our commitment to students with disabilities without raising taxes and without increasing the deficit. In the past, there’s been strong support for full funding and I’m still hearing that from many of my colleagues.
Jared Polis
Our large size, capital base, robust funding profile, extensive distribution network, diversified portfolio, presence across the financial services sector, and leadership in technology position us very well to leverage the growth opportunities across the economy.
Chanda Kochhar
It is difficult to conduct flood mitigation at the federal level because of the bureaucracy and inconsistent funding. Texans are better able to lead this effort at the state level rather than rely on the federal government.
George P. Bush
Amtrak is extremely important to the economy of Southern Illinois and I will continue to work with state and local leaders and my colleagues in Congress to secure the necessary funding to maintain full service.
Jerry Costello
Accepting federal funding undermines state sovereignty as states become beholden to federal requirements in order to keep the money flowing.
Bob Barr
The Broad research center represents the highest quality model of what Proposition 71 should be funding.
Robert Klein
I basically see two reasons for a going public: Glencore gets access to more money. It is a way of funding your business and to finance growth. Plus: You have more liquid shares. It is easier to leave the company and redeem your shares. The ‘going public’ may also be an exit strategy for the top management.
Marc Rich
Since other countries and terrorist organizations are working to secure information that could threaten national security, more funding is provided in the bill to increase counter-intelligence activities.
Roger Wicker
Ancient barrows get cleared away. Legislation is pretty much 19th century. Global warming means there is an awful lot of erosion, exposing new archaeology, there is not the funding around to deal with it.
Tony Robinson
As a personal beneficiary of the service that Amtrak provides and as someone who represents a congressional district that counts on safe, reliable rail service, I am a strong supporter of providing this vital industry the funding necessary to continue operations.
Tim Bishop
The panic over Sputnik brought many good things such as a huge increase in science funding.
Dominic Cummings
In early January I introduced my legislation, which, besides prohibiting Federal funding of human cloning, also expresses the sense of Congress that foreign nations should establish total prohibition on human cloning as well.
Cliff Stearns
Schools that refuse to reopen should receive no federal funding!
Marjorie Taylor Greene
I’m very grateful that President Obama has lifted the restrictions on federal funding for embryonic stem cell research.
Nancy Reagan
As a producer, I think one of the most important decisions you make is not necessarily the material you are working on but the production apparatus that you choose to develop the project with, and that determines what funding you go to, it determines many factors.
Atom Egoyan
I think the situation in Toronto is such that there are funding organizations which make it easy for a film to raise more money than it needs and very often that works against a film.
Atom Egoyan
In a market where funding is hard to come by, if you’re scaled already, then you are in a brilliant position because nobody is going to catch up with you.
Naveen Tewari
‘Burma’ is a new-age thriller on funding for private cars and issues pertaining to the process. I play a car financier, who appoints people to recover the car if funds don’t come on time. It is like a bank job, the only difference being they do it unofficially.
Atul Kulkarni
Hezbollah is notorious for using charities and front organizations to hide its funding sources.
Mark Meadows
We have at least 125 communities in Arizona at risk from wildfire, not because of review processes or litigation delays but because of a lack of federal funding on the ground to actually begin the projects.
Janet Napolitano
A hardware startup with no funding is a risky venture.
Brendan Iribe
Today, I heard directly from Connecticut workers about

Today, I heard directly from Connecticut workers about the importance of strong, predictable federal research funding and how the federal government can be a better partner in spurring innovation and helping life-saving medication reach families who need it most.
Elizabeth Esty
We need to address significant funding gaps when it comes to implementing the SDGs.
Miroslav Lajcak
A hardware startup with a lot of funding and a lot of momentum has a lot less risk.
Brendan Iribe
Washington, D.C., has a much greater risk than Manchester, N.H. They both need some level of funding, but they ought not to be done per capita. Congress is to blame for some of this.
Warren Rudman
If you are funding researchers to look primarily for pathology, not surprisingly, that is what they are going to find and report on.
Carl Hart
Eventually, the state’s funding covered only the stages leading to presenting a film project to potential funding bodies. It was enough to produce a script, indicate casting and put together a budget to present it all, but nothing beyond that.
Andrzej Wajda
I’ve been investing in and funding myself since day one.
Princess Nokia
When government programs aren’t working, those on the Left tend to support more funding, while those on the Right want to scrap them altogether. It is better to ask whether the problem is complexity and poor design. We can solve those problems – sometimes without spending a penny.
Cass Sunstein
We don’t have a big party. We don’t have election funding. We don’t have television time.
Jair Bolsonaro
We can build the fence. We can triple the border patrol. We can end sanctuary cities by cutting off funding to them. We can end welfare for those here illegally.
Ted Cruz
All basic scientists who look to the NCI for funding should know that I will tolerate no retreat on the study of model systems and the pursuit of fundamental biological principles.
Harold E. Varmus
I will lobby tirelessly in cooperation with other mayors around the country to insure that federal funding for our recently added police officers continues.
Alan Autry
Most of our funding goes to organizations and is then used to leverage the private sector.
Jane Alexander
I will tell you that my position is that funding bills should include as little money for Obamacare as possible.
Trent Franks
The GOP wants to cut funding for birth control, place undue burdens on clinics that serve low income women and families, and defund Planned Parenthood.
Deb Haaland
We must do all we can to reduce congestion in our urban areas and increase access and mobility in our rural areas, and this extra funding will help us get there.
John Warner