Top 30 Jaimie Alexander Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Jaimie Alexander Quotes, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

Marvel, I think, on purpose, they don't tell me certain

Marvel, I think, on purpose, they don’t tell me certain things. Because they know I’ll be like, ‘So here’s what’s gonna happen.’ But I do know I will be in ‘Thor 3’ and that Sif will have a very pivotal part in that movie.
Jaimie Alexander
I occasionally wear Miss Dior perfume. It’s quite elegant and feminine. It reminds me of a romantic evening out.
Jaimie Alexander
I generally keep my diet pretty healthy, but if there’s pizza, I’ll eat it.
Jaimie Alexander
When I was training, I trained with my younger brother Brady. I would wrestle some of my friends, who I had grown up with, which showed me some moves, but it was never a full on match. When I went to competitions, there were other girls, so I always wrestled girls.
Jaimie Alexander
I think that when people look at me, and they look at my height and my voice and my coloring, they automatically think, ‘Tough.’
Jaimie Alexander
A lot of women think being thin is the way to go, but I prefer to have some meat on my bones.
Jaimie Alexander
I was cast in ‘Thor’ back in 2009, so it sort of took me out of the running for anything tied to DC Comics.
Jaimie Alexander
I like to remove my makeup with oil. Face wash tends to dry your skin out and strip your natural pH balance.
Jaimie Alexander
I used to draw a lot.
Jaimie Alexander
The tattoo on my wrist has the letters ‘ES,’ which stands for ‘elephant shoe.’ It’s something I used to say when I was younger instead of ‘I love you’ and it reminds me to remain childlike at times and to not take myself too seriously.
Jaimie Alexander
Luckily, on ‘Kyle XY,’ I had great training in being tough and vulnerable at the same time.
Jaimie Alexander
I don’t ever wear makeup to the gym, but if I’m coming from work, I might have eyeliner on.
Jaimie Alexander
I’ll say this, I’m no stranger to working with a foreign cast, foreign directors, that sort of thing. I love it, because I think that when you have people from different countries, it sort of brings everyone together, it’s more of a worldly film.
Jaimie Alexander
Not to sound too hippie, but I work so much off of energy. I’m a Pisces, and that’s part of who I am.
Jaimie Alexander
I grew up with four brothers. I used to play sports with them. And I liked wearing their clothes. I’d run around in T-shirts, jeans, and baseball caps.
Jaimie Alexander
I actually read ‘Wonder Woman,’ and here’s the thing about her: she’s more of a physical presence than anything else. You don’t get to really know her on the inside.
Jaimie Alexander
I find Los Angeles a bit desperate. For me, the energy there is bad.
Jaimie Alexander
I’m probably one of the worst actors as far as preparation goes, because I actually don’t prepare. I find it easier to read the script and whatever hits me in my stomach, like deep down, I just go with it. And the director kind of molds me whether to go right or left with it.
Jaimie Alexander
I pretty much eat all day to keep my strength up. I’m primarily a vegetarian who has an occasional side of fish.
Jaimie Alexander
I’m not easily offended, and I have a certain toughness.
Jaimie Alexander
Just for fun, I’m really goofy and I would love to do some stupid comedy. I’m talking, like, crazy, out there, Will Ferrell type of thing. I love it; I think those movies are so funny.
Jaimie Alexander
I’m very interested in what makes people tick; people are so weird and complicated.
Jaimie Alexander
I love Marvel. I’d be happy to do other projects with them at any time. They’re a great company – I love all the guys and girls over there – they always are able to get a really fun cast for almost every project they have, which is often. And, of course, who doesn’t want to be a superhero?
Jaimie Alexander
I will never be a waif. I want to market myself as a healthy-looking woman who is an action-star kind of girl.
Jaimie Alexander
Chris Farley, I was a huge fan of his growing up. I would love to do something kind of slapstick and funny, maybe where I could change my look even a little bit.
Jaimie Alexander
There was one time I wrestled two boys and I beat them both! They weighed a lot less than I did and I think they didn’t want to hurt a girl, so I don’t know if I really won – I’d like to think I did.
Jaimie Alexander
I’m pretty healthy, most of the time.
Jaimie Alexander
I have 9 tattoos of my own.
Jaimie Alexander
Never be ashamed of what or how you feel… just be honest.
Jaimie Alexander
I think everybody can sort of relate to feeling like the outcast and feeling a bit lost and just craving somebody’s attention.
Jaimie Alexander