Top 30 Just Be Yourself Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Just Be Yourself Quotes from famous people such as Justin Chon, Alessia Cara, YBN Nahmir, Willie Mays, Rachel Boston, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

Just be yourself. As an actor, you pretend all day - th

Just be yourself. As an actor, you pretend all day – that’s what the job calls for. So, when it comes to my personal life, a woman who keeps it real is a breath of fresh air.
Justin Chon
I love experimenting with clothes for photo shoots, but when I’m onstage, I want to show people that there are other options. You can just be yourself and still make good music.
Alessia Cara
Relationships will get you far in this industry. It’s about how you move and how you act. Just be yourself.
YBN Nahmir
I was a baseball player, I taught baseball, and all of a sudden I was in the business world. Now I used the baseball world to talk about their product. Not too much, just enough to keep going. Just be yourself and you’ll never have a problem. That’s what I did.
Willie Mays
My 93-year-old grandma is a beautiful example of healthy living. She laughs a lot and always says, ‘Just be yourself!’ She also eats dessert every single day.
Rachel Boston
Now we have so many more social outlets, so many ways to be stalked and bullied. If social media is too much for you to handle, then don’t have a Twitter or Facebook account. Just be yourself. Be who you want to be.
Khloe Kardashian
Everybody’s out there trying to be somebody else. Even the good guy’s trying to be the bad guy, you know? Just be yourself, man. I think that works.
Just be yourself, and enjoy the blessings that God’s borne out on you.
Just be yourself and be upfront about your expectations and desires. Don’t be ambiguous and play hard to get. It doesn’t work. You’ll end up in the friend zone.
Mike Posner
My dad used to say, ‘Just be yourself and you’ll be fine,’ but it’s really, really true.
Bellamy Young
I like somebody who’s not so crazy but likes to have a good time… and who is thoughtful and kind and easy to laugh with. Somebody you can just be yourself with one hundred and fifty percent.
Kate Bosworth
Being a WWE performer and doing all the different things we get to do, it can wear on you, and you can learn a lot of stuff about yourself. For me, it always reminds me to just stay humble. Just be yourself, love what you do, and enjoy the ride.
Roman Reigns
Don’t try to fit in or stand out – just be yourself.
Kunal Khemu
Just be yourself. Be honest, work towards a goal, and you’ll achieve it.
Emraan Hashmi
A connection should be natural. Just be yourself, and you will find someone who likes you for exactly what you are.
BJ the Chicago Kid
Being confident is the key to life. Don’t be afraid to be you! I’m super different from a lot of kids my age with style and personality, and I’m OK with it. And if you are OK with it, everyone else will be, too. Just be yourself.
Leo Howard
I love that about New York: You just dress the way you want to dress and feel really comfortable because nobody is judging. You can just be yourself, and it’s perfectly normal.
Henrik Lundqvist
The biggest criticism would be buying clothes that are too big or trying too hard. I tend to like things a little leaner and more formfitting. I believe personal style often outweighs fashion. Just be yourself.
Simon Spurr
Just enjoy every moment – don’t stress. Just be yourself.
My advice for young people is to just be yourself. There’s no pressure. Do what you want to do. And if you want to do something, then go after it and make it happen.
Millicent Simmonds
If you have to change something about you to be in a part, I don’t think it’s easy to do. You should just pick the part where you can just be yourself.
Lucas Black
I tried for a short time to be something I wasn’t, and had no success with it. It’s a practical solution to just be yourself.
Kate McKinnon
Don’t try to be somebody you’re not because it doesn’t work. If you try to be this perfect person or perfect persona of what you think that somebody should be when they’re involved in public office, it’s just not going to work. Just be yourself, stay true to your core values, and really just stay abreast of the issues.
Ben Quayle
When someone is bullying you, don’t let it get to you. I remember my friends in school, someone said something mean to them, and they really let it get to them. And it really affected them. But I would just say try to ignore it as much as possible and just be yourself.
Kaitlyn Dever
Your personal gym should be a place where you can exercise and just be yourself.
Denise Austin
You can’t think about things you want to change. Just be yourself.
Ethan Embry
It has been a motto of mine my whole life – just be yourself.
Patrick Kane
Just be yourself and forget all of the stuff you read in ‘GQ’ magazine.
Chris Pratt
The only tip I can give is just be yourself, you don’t have to copy another song to be popular.
The essential lesson I’ve learned in life is to just be yourself. Treasure the magnificent being that you are and recognize first and foremost you’re not here as a human being only. You’re a spiritual being having a human experience.
Wayne Dyer