Top 30 Little Simz Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Little Simz Quotes, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

I'll leave my house if I need to. Otherwise I'm super c

I’ll leave my house if I need to. Otherwise I’m super comfortable in my own space, in my own company.
Little Simz
I just always want to be as transparent as possible.
Little Simz
I’m a rapper and, obviously, hip hop rap is my main thing. But I also like to dive into different genres and kind of be a bit more experimental and open myself up a bit, whether that’s taking influence from jazz or soul or electronic.
Little Simz
Singles are for people that want to chart – I’m measuring my success by how well I connect with people.
Little Simz
In real life, I’m not the center of attention; I’m in the back, and I listen. So when it comes to writing, I just let it all out.
Little Simz
I have a good family. I have good friends. I have people that actually care about my wellbeing as opposed to just work and just need me for work or whatever. Like, people that genuinely look out for me and my health, knowing how much work I put in.
Little Simz
I like to refer to myself as king sometimes, not as queen. That’s a conscious decision, because I feel like women are just equally as powerful.
Little Simz
I realised that you have to be honest. When you’re being open, that’s when people connect with you. You just have to be yourself.
Little Simz
I want to be ambassador-like. I want to, you know, set examples, especially as a young black female. That, I think, is important, and I just want to be a bit of an example, you know.
Little Simz
I’ve experienced racism and run-ins with the law, and it’s a real thing, and it happens where I grew up. It’s something that not a lot of people want to talk about. I feel like I have a duty, and I wouldn’t be honest or true to myself if I didn’t speak about it.
Little Simz
I just wanted to kind of break down those gender stereotypes and just say everyone’s equal, everyone’s their own person, everyone’s their own individual.
Little Simz
Sometimes I look at music as like movies. And so I feel like you can have your comedies, and you can have your dramas, and you can have your romances or whatever.
Little Simz
I’m not easily satisfied with things. I always want to do better. I always want to improve. I always want to grow.
Little Simz
I get ‘female Kendrick’ quite a lot. I’m definitely not complaining. At the same time, I want to be the female Simz. I just want to be me.
Little Simz
I’m the youngest of four. I have two older sisters and an older brother and was raised by a single mother. Basically, my household was just full of life. Everything was lit all the time.
Little Simz
I’m not a person who opens up to people, and I feel like music is my way of doing that.
Little Simz
I struggled with working with producers because no one openly wanted to give me a chance to rap on their beats. That’s just honest talk. No one really wanted to take that risk.
Little Simz
I’m not desperate to sign, like, a record deal. I’m very hungry, but I’m just not desperate for it.
Little Simz
I’m just a bit of a dreamer, and I get really in my thoughts. I get so deep with myself at times it’s almost very scary.
Little Simz
I could probably say one thing that I’m excited about is I definitely wanna be an entrepreneur and be a humanitarian and that stuff.
Little Simz
Music is like therapy, you know? It’s my escape. It’s my way for me to express my feelings and my thoughts.
Little Simz
My mom raised me to be a strong person.
Little Simz
I chose to continue independent because, at the time I was being offered deals, it wasn’t fitting into what I’d imagined. I decided to take a gamble on myself and see what happens.
Little Simz
I haven’t knocked all the doors I need to knock down, but I can see it happening more and more. It will just take more perseverance and work.
Little Simz
Dance was something I’d just done at my youth club, and I used to teach dance when I was 14 to 19, 20 years old. I had my own dance group, and then I got more into the acting stuff, and I started doing things for TV. And then I put that on pause, because I really wanted to focus on my real passion, which is music.
Little Simz
When you feel like a musician you listen to is like you, then they don’t feel so far away, and whatever you want to get to isn’t so far away.
Little Simz
Taking on different characters and seeing things through the eyes of different people is interesting to me. When I look at what people are going through in life, I try to understand their story.
Little Simz
I’m not an ‘out there’ person if it’s not on stage or if I’m not around people I’m most comfortable with.
Little Simz
I change my mind quite a lot about things, which isn’t always a good thing.
Little Simz
I don’t get fazed by things easily. I don’t really care about much; I’m just not interested in a lot. I’m just interested in the well being of my close ones, my music, the message I’m portraying, how my efforts are contributing to society.
Little Simz