Top 30 Violently Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Violently Quotes from famous people such as Dave Barry, Lauren Southern, Patrick White, Charlie Kirk, Margaret Sanger, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

Dogs feel very strongly that they should always go with

Dogs feel very strongly that they should always go with you in the car, in case the need should arise for them to bark violently at nothing right in your ear.
Dave Barry
You won’t see Christians violently attacking people for criticising their religion like you do with Islam, things like the Charlie Hebdo attack.
Lauren Southern
As a result of the asthma I was sent to school in the country, and only visited Sydney for brief, violently asthmatic sojourns on my way to a house we owned in the Blue Mountains.
Patrick White
Nothing in socialist doctrine argues for the abuse of power, from Thomas More, to Karl Marx, to Chavez, to Ocasio-Cortez. Historically, however, it has been the case that socialist countries often end up violently suppressing their citizens.
Charlie Kirk
Diplomats make it their business to conceal the facts, and politicians violently denounce the politicians of other countries.
Margaret Sanger
All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.
Arthur Schopenhauer
In setting out the walls of a city the choice of a healthy situation is of the first importance: it should be on high ground, neither subject to fogs nor rains; its aspects should be neither violently hot nor intensely cold, but temperate in both respects.
I am violently untidy. My desk is overcrowded. I write my first drafts in longhand in a long notebook using a plastic throwaway fountain pen. Then I work on a word processor using a different desk and a different room.
Colm Toibin
Women are just as violently minded as men are, but with men, it’s taken for granted.
Gillian Flynn
Technology is a wonderful thing, but I think it’s violently misused.
Iris Apfel
These are they whose youth was violently severed by war and death; a word on the telephone, a scribbled line on paper, and their future ceased. They have built up their lives again, but their safety is not absolute, their fortress not impregnable.
Winifred Holtby
When you move a border, suddenly life changes violently. I write about nationality.
Alan Furst
When the Left agitates over government policies, it’s considered righteous anger. When the Right – and much of the center – agitate, it’s painted as the rantings of the criminally and violently insane.
Monica Crowley
You’d have to put yourself back in the 1960s to understand how separate from the mainstream of American life soldiers felt themselves to be, because we knew that students and others were demonstrating pretty violently against what we were doing.
Joe Haldeman
I planted my self in the middle of a great many Glasses full of Dew, tied fast about me, upon which the Sun so violently darted his Rays, that the Heat, which attracted them, as it does the thickest Clouds, carried me up so high, that at length I found my self above the middle Region of the Air.
Cyrano de Bergerac
The sense of crisis is everything for Trump – even if it’s largely invented. His depiction of darkness justifies his candidacy, the need to violently shake the system. His ability to conjure fear is what distinguished him from all those career pols he has vanquished. And it suits his ego.
Franklin Foer
Men who have been raised violently have every reason to believe it is appropriate for them to control others through violence; they feel no compunction over being violent to women, children, and one another.
Frank Pittman
I love it when my books cause controversy, when people argue violently about the ending.
Joanne Harris
The measures and acts which show us violently disposed towards the outer world can never stay without a violent reaction on ourselves.
Richard Wagner
In the moments before a game starts my stomach turns around as if I had to vomit. Then I have to choke so violently until my eyes tear.
Per Mertesacker
Whilst our Hearts are violently set upon any thing, there is no convincing us that we shall ever be of another Mind.
Mary Astell
The relentless invisible storm of radio signals and electronic particles, the hustle and bustle, and the billions of petrol explosions in the engine blocks of trucks and cars seem to churn up the molecules of life and heaven so violently that the beautiful fogs are unable to hold together like they once did.
Michael Leunig
We all want the same thing, love and acceptance. That’s pretty much it. And what I’ve learned is that unless I’m happy with my side of the nickel, it can change violently – quickly.
Aldous Harding
I fought violently for the autonomy of architecture. It’s a very passive, weak profession where people deliver a service. You want a blue door, you get a blue door. You want it to look neo-Spanish, you get neo-Spanish. Architecture with any authenticity represents resistance. Resistance is a good thing.
Thom Mayne
France, because it was attacked cowardly, shamelessly, violently, France will be merciless against the barbarians of Daesh.
Francois Hollande
That’s one of the things I resent the most violently. To have to take your own life and give it away to the public, in pieces.
Ida Lupino
The only thing that I react really violently to is being misquoted.
Gore Vidal
I remember my father banging away on an IBM Selectric in the garage. He wrote his first novels on that machine. I remember its pebbly surface, its cold heft. It made its mark, literally and violently.
Jesse Kellerman
I feel like I have to move violently once a day, or I’ll lose my mind.
Adam Driver
When I walk down the street in a dress, people think I’m transgender. The issue isn’t that I’m embarrassed to be thought of as transgender: the issue is that people treat transgender individuals so violently, especially if they think it’s male to female.
Rain Dove