Top 303 Stops Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Stops Quotes from famous people such as Susan Estrich, Michael Patrick King, Bette Davis, Linda Vester, Dennis Prager, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

In the first rule of politics, you know, Harry Truman,

In the first rule of politics, you know, Harry Truman, the buck stops here. Take responsibility. What I’ve learned over the years is that people will give people in politics a lot of rope if they just take responsibility.
Susan Estrich
Who’s to say where funny stops and ‘too far’ starts?
Michael Patrick King
An affair now and then is good for a marriage. It adds spice, stops it from getting boring… I ought to know.
Bette Davis
So now my road map has changed and I don’t have a really clear idea of what the next stops are.
Linda Vester
The problem for the Left, however, is that the moment it stops painting the Right as vile, it has to argue the issues.
Dennis Prager
Nothing ever gets settled in this town. a seething debating society in which the debate never stops, in which people never give up, including me. And so that’s the atmosphere in which you administer.
George P. Shultz
Human beings and their actions constitute the advancing front, the surging crest of an ongoing movement that never stops.
Corliss Lamont
Failure seldom stops you. What stops you is the fear of failure.
Jack Lemmon
Felixstowe, the United Kingdom’s largest port, stops work only for Christmas Day and for crane-toppling Force 9 gales.
Rose George
We toured the U.S. and Canada for two years, which was a lot of fun. It was very much a do-it-yourself, punk-rock ethic of booking your own shows, sometimes sleeping on the floor of the club you had played or meeting folks that would take you in, or sleeping on the side of the road or at rest stops in the car.
Beto O’Rourke
Every White House has had its intellectuals, but very few presidents have been intellectuals themselves – Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Woodrow Wilson, the list more or less stops there.
Jonathan Raban
Working away from my husband for long periods is good and bad. It stops us taking each other for granted and gives us space, but I miss him terribly.
Helen Mirren
Whenever Granny walks into a room, everyone stands up, stops, and just kind of watches her because, obviously, it’s huge when she walks into a room. And I find that incredible. I kind of go, ‘Ah.’
Princess Eugenie of York
I don’t see a holiday as a time to break from boxing – it never stops.
Chris Eubank Jr.
Growth makes so many dimensions of management easier. It’s when growth stops that things get tough.
Clayton M. Christensen
It’s hard to say when the life of a band starts and stops… but playing music together is an act of trust. When that’s broken, it’s impossible to continue.
Kim Gordon
We have lots to learn in India when it comes to design, and that includes me! I’m constantly learning; that never stops.
Gauri Khan
There is more to representing art than selling art. The life of the gallery is dependent on the renewal and refreshment of its artists and dealers. When that stops happening, it’s the end.
Arne Glimcher
Coffee… The caffeine in your morning coffee stops an enzyme called amylase from working correctly, which is located in your mouth and gut, and breaks down starchy carbs.
Eddie Hall
It’s good to put on some lube under your wetsuit, so I tend to use a lot of baby oil on my arms and legs. It stops you chafing and helps you get your wetsuit off after the swim.
Alistair Brownlee
We are a nation that is unenlightened because of religion. I do believe that. I think religion stops people from thinking. I think it justified crazies.
Bill Maher
A perfect dinner for me is being with people I really want to be with. It starts and stops with my company and my family.
Catherine Bach
I believe that the day one stops being spiritual, one ends up being religious. I live by the adage that the only certainty in life is death. We should, therefore, learn to live for the day and be content.
Ashwin Sanghi
There’s going to be a time when the ball stops bouncing and you have to move on to something different, whatever that is.
Harrison Barnes
An addict never stops growing. Stupider.
William S. Burroughs
Instead of seeing depression as a dysfunction, it is a functioning phenomenon. It stops you cold, sets you down, makes you damn miserable.
James Hillman
When I do music, I have a hard time experiencing it like everyone else, because there’s so much thought that goes into it. You can sometimes fool yourself into thinking it’s better than what it is, which stops me from being creative on the next thing I do.
No I.D.
The universe hands you opportunities for a while, and if you don’t take them, the universe says to itself, ‘Oh I see, this person doesn’t like opportunities’ and stops giving them to you.
Douglas Coupland
A mother becomes a true grandmother the day she stops noticing the terrible things her children do because she is so enchanted with the wonderful things her grandchildren do.
Lois Wyse
You play a part, and as soon as a movie is over and the camera stops, you go home and you’re not really responsible for what you’ve done.
Nastassja Kinski
There are times when you got to put a little ‘extra’ in, especially on a card at WrestleMania or SummerSlam because it’s no time to hold anything back. You have to pull out all of the stops.
Dean Ambrose
Nothing stops the man who desires to achieve. Every obs

Nothing stops the man who desires to achieve. Every obstacle is simply a course to develop his achievement muscle. It’s a strengthening of his powers of accomplishment.
Thomas Carlyle
Nothing is harmful to literature except censorship, and that almost never stops literature going where it wants to go either, because literature has a way of surpassing everything that blocks it and growing stronger for the exercise.
Ali Smith
Work is a great blotter up. It stops you thinking, which is useful. No, it stops you feeling.
Melvyn Bragg
I get emotionally attached with every film I do, and that stops me from being critical. I can’t fight my emotions.
Some of the pictures I must say every now and then I just think are going to be funny. When it gets that much, you might as well just pull out all the stops and make it more of a burlesque.
Martin Mull
It is impossible to tell where the law stops and justice begins.
Arthur Baer
I was very upset in August of 2012 when President Obama declared a red line against Syria and said if these chemical attacks continue, that’s it, we’re done, we’re getting involved and we did nothing. When you’re the commander in chief, the buck stops with you.
Jedediah Bila
The road, lyric-wise, is a trap, and a bore. Maybe it’s interesting to me, but I don’t think it’s a connecting thing with other humans. What is there to write about? Truck stops, hotels, clubs?
Dean Wareham
The tears of the world are a constant quality. For each one who begins to weep, somewhere else another stops. The same is true of the laugh.
Samuel Beckett
The England team is a team that never, ever stops.
Kevin Pietersen
Consumerism diverts us from thinking about women’s rights, it stops us from thinking about Iraq, it stops us from thinking about what’s going on in Africa – it stops us from thinking in general.
When you sign for a new club, you just want to play, and when injury stops you, it is frustrating.
Jack Rodwell
They say that once you get married then you’ll be held back, that everything stops. It’s been the opposite for me. My husband pushes me.
Heart Evangelista
If you put too much pressure on the idea of people watching you, it stops you being able to watch people.
Shaun Evans
It seems like we’re getting fewer stops in California every year. It’s good because we’re exposing the sport to other parts of the country. But it’s not like it used to be, when we played for a hearty handshake, slept in vans and traveled up and down the coast from Santa Cruz to San Diego.
Karch Kiraly
The New England conscience does not stop you from doing what you shouldn’t-it just stops you from enjoying it.
Cleveland Amory
I had run other people’s campaigns. I had been doing political activities for a decade before I ever ran for office myself. That is so much the experience of women of my generation. We always feel as though we have to bring so much more to the table, and that never stops the guys.
Mazie Hirono
We should keep on going along the path of globalization. Globalization is good… when trade stops, war comes.
Jack Ma
I think about this every day. I wonder, ‘Is today the day where everybody stops lying to themselves and realises that the government is the enemy?’
Avoid the ‘squeaky wheel gets the grease’ habit of overreacting to the loudest feedback. The first time you hear a particular piece of feedback, treat it like a clue and do some investigating. Find out how deep it goes – maybe it stops at the surface and won’t be an issue, maybe not.
Neil Blumenthal
What’s so seductive about the efficient markets hypothesis is that it applies nine years out of ten. A lot of the time it works. But when it stops working, you blow up.
Niall Ferguson
Cancer stops you in your tracks. It really makes you think about what’s important. In a second, life can change. Don’t ever forget to say thank you for love and family. What good is your success without them?
Jaclyn Smith
At the state level, we must take a careful look at what went wrong and make sure it never happens again. The buck stops here, and as your governor, I take full responsibility.
Kathleen Blanco
A Labour Party that stops talking about social mobility has forgotten what it is for.
Liz Kendall
It is well known that people who are involved with people who have addictive problems have a problem themselves. You are drawn to mad living, a kind of insane thing. It is much nicer when it stops, believe you me.
Sheila Hancock
Christmas is the season I use to clock failure in life. It stops time, as it were, on the year – where you are in it, where you are in your travail unto the grave.
Padgett Powell
I think cinema is the memory and the imagination of the country. Take the memory and imagination out of an individual, and he stops being an individual. I think it’s the same thing for a country.
Philippe Falardeau
I’ve learned some quick tricks about how to fix my hair so I can dash somewhere unexpected and still be O.K. when someone stops me to take a picture.
Mikaela Shiffrin
I don’t really go on diets because when I go on a diet, my brain stops working. I mean, really, that’s all I think about: what I can eat, what I can’t eat. I sort of decided that’s not what I want to do with my time on this planet. It’s not it.
Sarah Dunn
As you make your way along life’s tumultuous highways, it’s important to note that you should always carry a map, have plenty of fuel in the tank, and take frequent rest stops.
Octavia Spencer
I’ve had a lot of starts and stops as far as my career is concerned, but I think what I am able to do is to put things into perspective.
Kofi Kingston
When the Mac ad campaign was in full swing, I quickened

When the Mac ad campaign was in full swing, I quickened my pace as I went past certain bus stops. My wife told me that she loyally took a piece of chewing gum off my nose once.
Robert Webb
Saying it out loud as a child is scary, but saying I felt unstable out loud as an adult with children was really scary. The fear of losing your children stops you from saying anything. It’s a never-ending battle.
Nadiya Hussain
It’s a saying if coach likes and sees good stuff in you and wants you to play he’ll pick on you, he’ll make you work and do things right. Once he stops talking to you, you know you’re done.
Toni Kukoc
I think my software is going to become so ubiquitous, so essential, that if it stops working, there will be riots.
Michael J. Saylor
Realize what you really want. It stops you from chasing butterflies and puts you to work digging gold.
William Moulton Marston
I still don’t consider myself as going Hollywood. I did a movie because the opportunity presented itself and it was fun. When everything stops being fun, I’ll go onto something else.
Colleen Haskell
As soon as it stops being fun, then I’ll stop acting.
Fred Savage
If you see the picture when things get exciting, he chews faster. When he really gets shocked, everything stops, including the chewing. So I worked it in for me.
Rod Steiger
I have an incredible sense of direction, but London is confusing. It’s a circle, but then it stops being a circle.
Amber Valletta
Any person, brought into the presence of this fact, stops for a few moments and remains pensive and silent; and then generally leaves, carrying with him forever a sharper, keener sense of our incessant motion through space.
Leon Foucault
The ought to be a worldwide cultural taskforce that just stops you when you have ideas like combining The Red Desert with an armored car heist movie.
Steven Soderbergh
It feels great seeing posters everywhere, and bus stops promoting ‘Black Nativity,’ and billboards in Los Angeles. It’s overwhelming. I can’t wait for everybody to see what I got.
Jacob Latimore
If someone stops me in the street, they might not want to say something to my face – maybe something about ‘Emmerdale’ or something personal towards me, good or bad. But on Twitter they are hiding behind their keyboard.
Kelvin Fletcher
I remember when I worked at the solicitor’s – you’d go in, talk to your mates for a bit and then get down to work. With us the talking to your mates part never stops.
Bob Mortimer
Cleaning your house while your kids are still growing up is like shoveling the walk before it stops snowing.
Phyllis Diller
It is only when the partisan shouting stops that we can hear each other’s voices and concerns.
Larry Hogan
Many words will be written on the wind and the sand, or end up in some obscure digital vault. But the storytelling will go on until the last human being stops listening. Then we can send the great chronicle of humanity out into the endless universe.
Henning Mankell
I see the kids and I feel like taking them all away to a safe place to hide until the war stops and the hunger stops and El Cua becomes strong enough to give them the care they deserve.
Ben Linder
Businesses have come and gone at Homeboy Industries. We have had starts and stops, but anything worth doing is worth failing at. We started Homeboy Plumbing. That didn’t go so well. Who knew? People didn’t want gang members in their homes. I just didn’t see that coming.
Greg Boyle
The five stages – denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance – are a part of the framework that makes up our learning to live with the one we lost. They are tools to help us frame and identify what we may be feeling. But they are not stops on some linear timeline in grief.
Elisabeth Kubler-Ross
The book is called ‘Thanks for Nothing’ and it’s really the story of how I got into comedy and traces back every strand in my life that is relevant to that story. It’s kind of an autobiography but isn’t, as it stops about 25 years ago. It goes right up to the first time I do stand up.
Jack Dee
Certainly the international community is putting a lot of pressure on Iran and making clear that its nuclear program must stop. If it stops with the sanctions, the combinations of sanctions, diplomacy, other pressures, I, as the prime minister of Israel, will be the happiest person in the world.
Benjamin Netanyahu
There’s nothing in the Constitution that says the President stops being President in his last year.
Ruth Bader Ginsburg
One stops being a child when one realizes that telling one’s trouble does not make it any better.
Cesare Pavese
I find this mortifying to admit, but I have one of those balls that helps my posture. They’re hard to sit on, so it stops me from sitting too long… I also wear a pair of 3M(TM) PELTOR(TM) Optime(TM) II Ear Muffs. They’re the same ones that people wear on the tarmac among the planes – noise blockers.
Claire Cameron
Elizabeth Warren never stops raising the alarm about climate change and raging about the billionaires.
Steve Hilton
Sometimes I walk down the street and hear people whisper ‘that’s Tricky’ and I look back, and I see them looking back, then that affects everything I do – the way I walk the way I talk. It stops you being real.
Once your kids get older and get out of the house, it’s not like it stops. They’re on the phone with me every day; I’m intimately involved in their problems.
Rosanne Cash
The way I grew up playing, and the way most Americans have grown up, is that you hit the ball up in the air and then it stops where it lands.
David Duval
Much of my playing is rhythmic and choppy; I use a lot of double stops. The wah just accents all those stops and chops and brings out the rhythmic aspect that much more.
Kirk Hammett
The rat stops gnawing in the wood, the dungeon walls withdraw, the weight is lifted your pulse steadies and the sun has found your heart, the day was not bad, the season has not been bad, there is sense and even promise in going on.
Bernard DeVoto
Ego is hilarious - especially the vanity of a comedian.

Ego is hilarious – especially the vanity of a comedian. As soon as you see one start worrying about how cool he is or about how many stadiums he can fill, he stops being funny.
Ricky Gervais
There’s something really wrong with using Botox: it stops you making facial expressions – people are so interested in how they appear that there’s no intention of projecting how they feel.
Corinne Bailey Rae
I love night time, it’s the time I feel the world stops and my depression subsides.
Darren Hayes
Life never stops.
Mike Evans
When I am on a long run in a play, I’m not sure how I would fill the days if I did not paint or write. On a basic level, it just stops me going crazy.
Antony Sher
Publicity gets more than a little tiring. You want it, you need it, you crave it, and you’re scared as hell when it stops.
Joseph Barbera
With a lot of contemporary musicals, the songs are like a calling card: the action stops for them.
Alice Ripley
When our career is over, when we retire and the basketball stops bouncing, we still have to find something else to do.
John Wall
I’m just riding this train as long as I can. As long as I’m having fun, I’ll do it. When it stops being fun, I’ll try something else. Maybe I’ll open up a chain of Popeye’s Chicken.
Gabrielle Union
There is an inalienable law. Whenever a character on screen pities himself, the audience stops pitying him. They will cry so long as the character doesn’t.
David Seltzer
The journey of life is like a man riding a bicycle. We know he got on the bicycle and started to move. We know that at some point he will stop and get off. We know that if he stops moving and does not get off he will fall off.
William Golding
When the manager stops calling me into his office, stops giving me advice, that’s when I’ll think it’s time to leave Tottenham.
Danny Rose
For years, I have been writing that ultimately, if nothing else stops the Iranian nuclear project, such as the sanctions or a change in the regime in Tehran, then Israel itself will take action to destroy it from the air.
Ronen Bergman
Las Vegas is a 24-hour city. It never stops.
Eli Roth
In the olden days films used to become huge hits because of family audiences. But nowadays certain films cater to youth audience and once that is exploited then the film stops. and some films are for a mature audience. My aim is to satisfy all the sections of the audiences.
Raghava Lawrence
Without third parties, all forward movement stops. They’re essential. They’re not just OK. They are absolutely essential.
Jill Stein
In around 2000, I became aware of a recurring problem of the ‘tightness’ around my cueing action, which somehow stops me believing that I can play the shot – even shots I could previously play with my eyes shut.
Stephen Hendry
Justice is the first virtue of those who command, and stops the complaints of those who obey.
Denis Diderot
A verbal art like poetry is reflective; it stops to think. Music is immediate, it goes on to become.
W. H. Auden
No one remembers this because it’s the whipping boy, but ‘The Single Guy’ was very well-reviewed and watched, and then the central concept became attacked by the very people who were putting it on. And then the next thing you know you’re running in fear, and everyone stops being funny.
Brad Hall
This is America. We pick our leaders through democratic politics – ballot boxes, campaign stops, and good old-fashioned retail electioneering. It’s a system that doesn’t work without thousands of volunteers and ordinary supporters getting out in public and making the case for their preferred candidates.
Lara Trump
The bass, no matter what kind of music you’re playing, it just enhances the sound and makes everything sound more beautiful and full. When the bass stops, the bottom kind of drops out of everything.
Charlie Haden
I think marriage can sometimes turn things into a business. It stops being about feelings.
Romeo Santos
I don’t think one ever stops struggling.
Soni Razdan
To be a good artist, you need to be sensitive to the world around you, you need to be curious, you need to listen, you need to be willing to learn from people. A lot of great art is about people being moved by something or seeing something that stops them dead.
Arlo Parks
When it stops being fun, that’s when I’ll stop playing.
Philip Rivers
Sanitising stories, leaching out all of the sense of danger and the darkness out of the stories, actually reduces them and stops them from doing what they’re supposed to do, which is teach us how to manage our lives.
Kate Forsyth
I think ‘The Wire’ is my all-time favorite TV show. It’s so brilliant, the way it critiques society, and how it handles that everybody who gets power loses their moral code and stops going to the root of the problem and just tries to maintain their own power.
Joel Kinnaman
There are so many things to talk about between black people, Hispanic people, white people, gay people, men, women, it’s all based on fear. We all have fears, this thing that stops us from embracing as we are one. We are never going to be one. People are messed up, but humor lets us see how ignorant we can be.
Marlon Wayans
The NFL is one of the first places where many star players finally see discipline. Finally have an authoritative male figure: Buck stops here, I make all the calls, you will not get an opinion.
Colin Cowherd
But I do love working for Boris because he never stops. He’s always fizzing with good ideas, and when you are looking after culture, that is important. He’s quite ambitious for London.
Munira Mirza
The days when the words 'Hollywood actor' framed Ronald

The days when the words ‘Hollywood actor’ framed Ronald Reagan like bunny fingers as an ID tag and an implied insult seem far-off and quaint: nearly everybody in politics – candidate, consultant, pundit, and Tea Party crowd extra alike – is an actor now, a shameless ham in a hoked-up reality series that never stops.
James Wolcott
Adapting to our Second Adulthood is not all about the money. It requires thinking about how to find a new locus of identity or how to adjust to a spouse who stops working and who may loll, enjoying coffee and reading the paper online while you’re still commuting.
Gail Sheehy
Roll on, deep and dark blue ocean, roll. Ten thousand fleets sweep over thee in vain. Man marks the earth with ruin, but his control stops with the shore.
Lord Byron
Blake Edwards has set up an extraordinary combination of moods in ‘Peter Gunn.’ When you stop to analyze it, you can’t find the boundaries where the music stops and the show takes over.
Henry Mancini
One thing I’ve learned is that a lot of fans’ knowledge starts and stops with the UFC.
Shayna Baszler
In medicine as well as in romantic poetry, it is the heart that is the center and controlling mechanics of life. If the heart stops, life stops. The loss of sight doesn’t not mean death. Yet for ages, the eyes was believed to contain a human being’s vital essence – a not wholly irrational belief.
Henry Grunwald
New Zealand was such a weird place in the 1980s. For instance, we used to have this commercial in the late 1970s where this guy drives this car and stops outside a corner store. He goes in to buy something, and when he comes out, his car is gone. He’s like, ‘Huh?’ Then a voice says, ‘Don’t leave your keys in the car.’
Taika Waititi
There should be no cricket and Bollywood ties with Pakistan till Pakistan stops cross-border terrorism.
Gautam Gambhir
Difficulty comes not only because of your mistakes, but once you try to make an excuse or accuse someone else, your mind stops thinking.
Masayoshi Son
I think it’s also important to show that failure is a part of the process. It can sometimes be the end goal. People are very obsessed with building useful things and I think often that also stops people from getting started.
Simone Giertz
My goal is to be weirder than everybody else and hope that no one stops me. So far, no one has.
Alexandra Petri
I’m going to do WWE until it stops being fun.
The Miz
Anything that controls my state of mind I never really want to do because I always want to be under control. That might be part of me being a Virgo. I never want to do something that stops me from being in control of who I am and my actions.
Keke Palmer
If you bring in testosterone outside your body, it probably stops producing it because it thinks you’re going to get it from the outside.
Tyron Woodley
Sometimes when you are a great mom, you’re not so great at your job. And then when you’re good at your job, you’re not so great of a mom or a good wife. It’s a dance that never stops. But it’s beautiful.
Gisele Bundchen
With stand-up, it doesn’t matter who you are. If the audience claps because they love your movies, that clapping stops after five seconds, and then it’s your job to make them laugh.
Aubrey Plaza
And then when I found my sound, it took me two and a half weeks to find my sound and when I did I pulled out all the stops, all the stops I could find.
Jimmy Smith
The fact that this radiation is so penetrating – nothing stops it – makes it so you can look for things that you have never seen before, and you can look at things you know in a way that’s new. That is really the big step forward.
Rainer Weiss
To me, it is like a diabetic with insulin. If that diabetic stops taking insulin, they will die, and I believe that if I don’t follow the 12-step programme, I will regress, and that could eventually be the death of me.
Trinny Woodall
A winner never stops trying.
Tom Landry
For me, the grind never stops.
Mojo Rawley
I have great instincts, like the instincts of a squirrel. You know, like when you’re driving and a squirrel stops in the middle of the road.
Simon Helberg
You’re on set for 15 hours, and then you go home and make sure you’re posting the right stuff on social media, and then you answer your e-mails. It never stops.
Gigi Hadid
If everyone breaks down their walls and stops putting themselves on holier-than-thou pedestals, we can all learn from each other.
If there’s a song that stops meaning anything to me, then I’ll quit playing it.
Conor Oberst
Whenever an individual or a business decides that success has been attained, progress stops.
Thomas J. Watson
The day when a sportsman stops thinking above all else of the happiness in his own effort and the intoxication of the power and physical balance he derives from it, the day when he lets considerations of vanity or interest take over, on this day his ideal will die.
Pierre de Coubertin
There’s a lot of bands that get to a certain level, and it just stops. They scrap it. Compare this to, say, The Rolling Stones or The Who, where they just continued on forever and are still playing, or they quit after 20 years.
Eddie Vedder
I don’t know what stops Indian athletes from expressing their thoughts freely, maybe it is the fear of repercussions.
Abhinav Bindra
Censorship is the thing that stops you doing what you want to do, and what writers want to talk about is what they do, not what stops them doing it.
Salman Rushdie
I suggest school buses make stops at local libraries so that children who do not have resources like books at home can get access.
Marley Dias
It just seems there's better things to do in your life

It just seems there’s better things to do in your life than be on television if it’s not interesting, if it’s not challenging, if it’s not fun. You know? When it stops being those things for me, I’ll stop making television.
Anthony Bourdain
Coming up in the Bay Area and being African American in a city that has a history of complex issues of violent crime, interaction with the police is always intense. That’s something you have to learn. My mom taught me at a young age that if ever a cop stops you, you put your hands up and freeze – don’t move.
Ryan Coogler
Nature is the one song of praise that never stops singing.
Richard Rohr
When it comes to playoff time, the game slows down, the offense slows down and you’ve got to be able to get stops.
Dwane Casey
I can’t tell you the number of stories I’ve told with a female protagonist don’t get bought, or they do get bought and get changed drastically. Or, I will literally write into the script different races, and they get cast all-white. I hope that stops and it opens the door for more voices to be heard in movies.
Allison Schroeder
I grew up in a French-dominated Catholic part of the country. I was an altar boy. I went to Catholic school. I have a cousin who is a priest – it’s part of my DNA. It’s kind of hard to separate me from the church, to try to say where one starts and the other stops.
James Carville
I try to make sure that my disability never stops me from doing what I want to do.
Rosie Jones
Emotions are messy and hard to figure out. Hard to know where you start and the next person stops. Even as an adult, that’s a hard thing to know. As a kid, it can be really confusing, because it’s all new and you’re trying to sort of make your map.
Spike Jonze
The thing about motor neuron disease, once a muscle stops working, it doesn’t start again.
Eddie Redmayne
Parliament is relentless, it never stops.
Sam Gyimah
Everywhere I go, someone stops me and says, ‘Oh, you’re that guy from ‘Terminator 2.” So, it’s something that has, you know, been around me since the movie came out.
Joe Morton
Any time someone stops me in the street and asks me for an autograph, pro wrestling gave me that.
Bill Goldberg
My memory stops at 14.
Machine Gun Kelly
Fiction is supposed to be immersive and supposed to be entertaining and narrative, so structures have to be buried a little bit. If they come foregrounded too much, it stops being fiction and starts being poetry – something more concrete and out of time.
Eleanor Catton
Sometimes I finish a movie, and I get used to a certain lifestyle, and when that stops, I get a bit lost for about a week. ‘No one is bringing me lunch anymore – I’ve got to go do that myself?’ I lose the main point of my focus.
Gerard Butler
If necessity is the mother of invention, urgency is the uncle of change. Without it, progress slows and then stops and then reverses.
Nell Scovell
I believe that nothing stops a bullet like opportunity.
Cori Bush
It’s a daily miracle to see a child grow and develop all the senses and language and speech and faculties, and they’re so much fun and they’re so delightful and they’re so innocent. It just stops your heart every time; I can’t get enough of it.
Jann Wenner
He who stops being better stops being good.
Oliver Cromwell
The technology is good and it’s bad. You know what you’re dealing with out there musically, but my head stops at this electronic stuff. I don’t quite know what I’m dealing with out there yet.
Paul Anka
As soon as I start reading, drawing comes to me more easily. I find I work in my sketchbooks more. But if I’m working on a new show, my reading completely stops except when I’m on a plane. I take a stack of New Yorkers with me. I feel awful about those stacks of New Yorkers.
Barry McGee
Fashion never stops. There is always the new project, the new opportunity.
Carolina Herrera
There are precedents for what happens when societies allow the divide between rich and poor to get so huge that it stops being funny and starts becoming a sick, blood-boiling joke. If you had a Tardis, you could go back to 1917 and ask the Russian royal family how it was all going.
John Niven
As far as cities, one of my favorite stops every year is Rome I think it’s super fun to play there, because the tournament is really cool and the fans are super engaged, but also you get to walk around going to dinner, and the history – it’s truly one of the most amazing cities in the world. I love it.
Madison Keys
The only thing that stops God from sending another flood is that the first one was useless.
Nicolas Chamfort
A fly cannot go in unless it stops somewhere; therefore weapons, fuel, food, money will not go to Afghanistan unless the neighbors of Afghanistan are working, are cooperating, either being themselves the origin or the transit.
Lakhdar Brahimi
Naw, it – it never stops, man… You gotta be doing what you’re supposed to be doing – whenever, however it’s coming down, you know. If you’re getting your butt kicked – you still gotta do what you gotta be doing.
Taj Mahal
Le Mans takes the best out of everyone. Winning is important but it’s not everything. It’s such a big and great event in motorsport. You do more kilometres in that one race than Formula One do in a season, and probably a higher average speed. We average about 220km/h including pit stops and cover nearly 5000km.
Tom Kristensen
I’ve had a few injuries and if you can’t carry on, that’s always a bad sign. Sometimes it’s bruising or sometimes it’s a nerve that stops you.
Michael Ballack
At the end of the day I’m writing comedy. If you get too realistic as a comedy writer with your disasters, it stops being funny.
Simon Rich
The terrorists know what is at stake, which is why they are pulling out all the stops to derail our efforts. They understand that a free and democratic Iraq is a serious blow to their interests.
Elizabeth Dole
My wife has a slight impediment in her speech. Every no

My wife has a slight impediment in her speech. Every now and then she stops to breathe.
Jimmy Durante
How can we protect homeland security unless the government stops the invasion of illegal aliens?
Phyllis Schlafly
People often talk about the self-driving car and what will that do. In 32 states, the number one job is to be the driver. But remember, it’s not just the driver. Let’s think about the truck stops along the way. When you suddenly have a lot of other people who are dependent on those careers.
Julie Sweet
Don’t blame the marketing department. The buck stops with the chief executive.
John D. Rockefeller
I love funny people, and when I’m with funny people, or people who are amusing in their weirdness, I love it. Because that to me is funny, as opposed to someone who stops and says, ‘Hey let me tell you a joke.’
Paul Feig
A dark house is always an unhealthy house, always an ill-aired house, always a dirty house. Want of light stops growth and promotes scrofula, rickets, etc., among the children. People lose their health in a dark house, and if they get ill, they cannot get well again in it.
Florence Nightingale
I was Corinne Bailey. I added on Rae, my husband’s name, when I got married. There’s no hyphen. Stops it being posh!
Corinne Bailey Rae
I have a mind that never stops working. As a matter of fact, it torments me.
Clinton Sparks
There is a large number of people who see immigration has been very positive and engaging with the world and cooperating is the future. It is the E.U. which stops us doing that sensibly and intelligently.
Munira Mirza
You can have an ankle or shoulder injury, and in six or eight months, you’re healed. But if the heart stops for a few moments, that’s it.
Nwankwo Kanu
As far as writing, I like watching bad movies. Nothing stops me in my tracks more than watching a great film like ‘The Godfather’ or ‘Dog Day Afternoon’ or ‘The Graduate.’ You watch one of those, and you never want to write again. Whereas with bad movies, it makes you think, If that counts, I certainly could write.
Jason Reitman
Things can be funny when people are uneasy. It softens them up and stops them falling asleep on the sofa. I like those moments where people half-smile and half-wince.
Mark Haddon
I am very interested in what has been called bad taste. I believe the fear of displaying a soi-disant bad taste stops us from venturing into special cultural zones.
Manuel Puig
I think my recognizability ebbs and flows. I don’t lead a particularly celebrity lifestyle or anything like that. I don’t go to showbiz parties or red-carpet events, so it all depends on whether I’ve got a film out. I’ve not been very visible in the last year or so and as a result hardly anyone stops me in the street.
James McAvoy
Pukki has a bit of everything, which makes him a complete striker. He times his runs well, is very intelligent in his positioning, runs hard, presses opponents and never stops moving.
Getting bogged down in old stories stops the flow of learning by censoring our perceptions, making us functionally deaf and blind to new information. Once the replay button gets pushed, we no longer form new ideas or conclusions – the old ones are so cozy.
Martha Beck
Every time I get caught on the subway around 3 or 4 during the school year, it’s definitely dicey. I get a lot of like – ‘Yo, are you that girl?’ Then I have to go eight stops with them.
Su-chin Pak
If I have to travel, I’m going to travel my way and travel in the real world. And I’m going to have conversations every day with people in rest stops and people in gas stations and people in hotels and diners. That nourishes me.
Neil Peart
I truly believe that writing is a continuum – so the different genres and forms are simply stops along the same continuum. Different ideas that need to be expressed sometimes require different forms for the ideas to float better. I don’t write essays as often as I should.
Chris Abani
If you had a really good – battery, it wouldn’t matter that the sun goes down at night and the wind stops blowing sometimes. But at the moment, battery technology is nowhere near good enough to use at utility scale.
Nathan Myhrvold
If you’re truly serious about your physique and health, in totality, I think you need to pull out all stops. You need to really just hone in on that warrior within.
Luke James
My best friend growing up was a truck driver, and it was big in truck stops. He’d have his ‘Deadwood’ DVDs, and they’d watch them in the lounge.
W. Earl Brown
I’m not a one-hit wonder. When you look at my background, I think I’ve been successful at all stops along the way. I know the kind of responsibility it takes to be a head football coach.
Rex Ryan
I leave the genre labeling to other people. I really do. If I were to think too hard about it, that would stifle you creatively. If you think too hard about who other people want you to be as an artist, it stops you from being who you want to be as an artist.
Taylor Swift
The problem with revenge is that it never evens the score. It ties both the injured and the injurer to an escalator of pain. Both are stuck on the escalator as long as parity is demanded, and the escalator never stops.
Lewis B. Smedes
There have been many matches where a wrestler gets hurt. The referee usually senses it and stops the match, but the referee doesn’t always know.
Gene Okerlund
I envy the sensibility in Europe, appreciating beauty in women as they age. I’m going to go that way. I might dye my gray hair for a bit, but beyond that the buck stops. I’m not having any work done.
Rachel Bilson
When your child stops breathing 60 times a night, you don’t worry about what’s going on next year or even next week. You put aside thoughts about which preschool you’re going to enroll him in and focus on how he’s doing right now. It’s not the Norman Rockwell relationship that you sign on for when becoming a parent.
John C. McGinley
I feel the car, but I think with me and my background of dirt racing and stuff and not having pit stops, you just kind of ‘All right, this is how my car is handling, I’ve got to figure out how to drive it’ and then you get a feel of how you want it to feel.
Kyle Larson
The problem with all-or-nothing thinking is that it stops people even taking the first steps. The thought of never having pepperoni pizza again somehow turns into an excuse to keep ordering it every week.
Michael Greger
I don’t let people talk bad about Rick Ross around me. Like, you can’t do it. He owns – I’ve heard a legend – 30 Wing Stops in the areas he grew up near. You can never say anything about him. If that represents ten jobs per place, that’s 310 jobs provided.
Killer Mike
I've got to make some decisions just like any other pla

I’ve got to make some decisions just like any other player that has ever played this game, that eventually the clock stops, their basketball clock stops.
Alonzo Mourning
The problem with forbearance is that it always looks like a good thing to do until it stops working.
Raghuram Rajan
People have forgotten how to tell a story. Stories don’t have a middle or an end any more. They usually have a beginning that never stops beginning.
Steven Spielberg
A television serial should end when the story stops entertaining the audience.
Rohini Hattangadi
I think Khabib is going to take him down immediately, or create some kind of scramble immediately. I don’t think Poirier stops his takedowns.
Justin Gaethje
I don’t stick to a routine, because I like to mix things up, which stops training becoming boring and helps shock muscles into firing up.
Ant Middleton
Sometimes an opponent stops breathing, and you realise something drastic has happened and they are trying not to let on. Or they go quiet, or they get fidgety. After a while you pick these things up and become more alert to them.
Viswanathan Anand
I don’t want people poking around in my private stuff. They’ve no business in it. My work is what I give to people, that’s my job, and that’s where it stops.
Brendan Gleeson
One of the places the full stop is really being revised in a really fundamental way is on the Internet. You look at the Internet or any instant messaging exchange – anything that is a fast dialogue taking place. People simply do not put full stops in unless they want to make a point.
David Crystal
If you want to grow a giant redwood, you need to make sure the seeds are ok, nurture the sapling, and work out what might potentially stop it from growing all the way along. Anything that breaks it at any point stops that growth.
Elon Musk
I’m a very restless person. I’m always doing something. The creative process never stops.
Oscar de la Renta
One can only become a philosopher, but not be one. As one believes he is a philosopher, he stops being one.
Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel
Without – you know, good intelligence stops plots against the homeland. Without that intelligence, we cannot effectively stop it.
Michael McCaul
There’s two kinds of rock n’ roll casualty: the one that has huge success and adoration, and then suddenly it stops. Or there’s when you’re in a band: it is all-consuming, so then you have the dream of that, and then the dream’s taken away from you even before it happens.
Rhys Ifans
That’s my suggestion for kids who want to act, by the way: Make sure it’s really your choice, get out of it when it stops being fun, and get an education.
Mara Wilson
Besides interrupting more serious criminal activity, intensive misdemeanor enforcement and proactive street stops send the message to criminals and law-abiding residents alike that the rule of law is still in effect in troubled neighborhoods and that the police are watching.
Heather Mac Donald
I understand the worries of many – not only here in this auditorium -, and some have already written to me to say that technical progress has lowered the threshold that stops people from helping themselves to protected works without the slightest embarrassment.
Johannes Rau
Tackle the difficult things first in the morning; make changes in the way you network. Treat everyone with respect and dignity. This stops you from cynicism and negativity. End your day with that same attitude you started. Renew your contract with a day well completed.
Rick Pitino
When there is a World Cup the world stops, the country stops, everyone is hugging each other, whether old or young, everyone stops just to enjoy the football.
I want to keep doing what I’m doing and see how far I can go. See when it stops. See what the end is like. I want to make this moment last as long as I can make it. If I miss a day, I’m afraid I’ll miss out on a smash record.
Changing laws and changing the political dialogue, while necessary, is insufficient to ensure that bullying stops; to ensure that every young person is supported by their parents and their teachers as they question who they are and they discover who they are regardless of the sexuality.
Chelsea Clinton
The federal helium program sells vast amounts of the gas to U.S. companies that use it in everything from party balloons to MRI machines. If the government stops, no one else is ready.
David Fahrenthold
One of the most beautiful things about Shakespeare’s Hamlet is when he stops in the middle of the play to ask, ‘To be or not to be?’ Then, right at the end, he decides to ‘let be.’ The first season of ‘Stranger Things’ was Hopper asking whether ‘to be or not to be’ and the second is to ‘let be.’
David Harbour
I’m not saying I do evil things. I’m just saying if a cop stops me when I’m speeding, sometimes – not all the time – I might get out of that ticket. Let’s just say I don’t have any points on my licence in Ireland, and I drive relatively quickly.
Keith Barry
Talking about what any one section of our society has to do to combat racism just stops people outside that group asking difficult questions of themselves. We keep looking at symptoms and not treating the cause.
John Barnes
He is a very positive captain; he is proactive as well as reactive. He is keen to read the game, to get in there, and he never stops thinking about the game, the situation, and trying to turn it to his advantage. He has been very good for the game.
David Gower
The Fed’s buying is far more important to the market price of U.S. debt than any other economic variable. If the Fed stops buying, it doesn’t matter whether unemployment goes up or down. It doesn’t matter whether inflation is higher or lower. Its influence on the market is dominant.
Porter Stansberry
People think racist abuse stops on the football pitch, but that’s just the beginning. When you go home, you are still confronted with it. Football is just a magnifying glass of the real world.
Edgar Davids
No good actor ever stops learning. He is constantly evolving.
Mahesh Babu
Fear hems us in, stops us from thinking clearly, and prevents us from either challenging oppression or engaging calmly with the impersonal fates.
George Monbiot
If you have a good community behind you and a good family supporting you, then, when the buck stops with you, there is the strength of that community and that family to draw upon.
Janet Reno
My son, who is 7, he passed a car in a parking lot that

My son, who is 7, he passed a car in a parking lot that was probably a 1998 model, and he said, ‘Wow, Dad, look at that old car.’ I was looking around for an old car, and I realized that my old car maybe stops at 1965.
Henry Thomas
I remember that Jack Lemmon, who is one of my favorite actors of all time, says that the day he stops being nervous is the day he should leave the business.
Kim Basinger
When it’s your own name that is the business, the business never stops.
Nita Strauss
The way to catch a knuckleball is to wait until it stops rolling and then pick it up.
Bob Uecker
Being hummed at by someone with magic hands while they knead your neck is good for the soul, but it won’t make you giggle for days afterwards. In fact, the second the smiley therapist stops and says, ‘You can put your robe on now, the hour is up,’ the joy and wonder sort of leaves the room.
Claudia Winkleman
I’m not turning my back on music anytime soon, but it’s just a blessing to have options open. A lot of artists just have rap, and that’s it. But once rap stops, it’s hard to get into that Hollywood circle; it really is. It’s a whole ‘nother beast that people think they’re ready for, but they’re really not.
Bow Wow
The success of ‘Rome’ was in making the history accessible and giving viewers everyman characters through which they can connect to historical figures. It stops the story from being too remote.
Tobias Menzies
Down the years, I have always enjoyed playing Raymond van Barneveld. There is always a frisson of excitement in the air, an edge to the contest that makes the sap rise, but it stops short of pure enmity.
Phil Taylor
You don’t even realise how much you need Internet, but it really stops you from doing a lot.
Millie Bobby Brown
A good snapshot stops a moment from running away.
Eudora Welty
America, which has the most glorious present still existing in the world today, hardly stops to enjoy it, in her insatiable appetite for the future.
Anne Morrow Lindbergh
That never stops. That’s what drives you: the joy and excitement of doing what you love.
Jerry Lewis
I have tried Botox, and I don’t like it because it stops you being able to move your facial muscles which, as an actress, are essential. But I do have collagen injections.
Kate O’Mara
Nothing ever stops me smiling, apart from getting beat in the ring.
Nicola Adams
It never stops. It’s 365 recruiting. That cell phone you’ve got, these smartphones are the death of college coaching.
Kirby Smart
It’s – I can’t imagine a world – the idea that every day Sarah Huckabee Sanders briefs, Donald Trump stops what he’s doing and turns on the TV and watches it while eating a Taco Bell or whatever he eats. And then she has to go into his office afterwards and get critiqued on it.
Daniel Pfeiffer
I think directing in a team is a really good idea because it stops the cult of the director as God straight away, and also you’re discussing things on set so it opens it out to everyone and it becomes a totally collaborative thing. And you have someone who supports you when you’re feeling a bit insecure.
Alan Cumming
Basically, I’ve found that if you have two films that don’t perform well, it doesn’t matter that you’ve had a bunch of successful ones. The phone stops ringing, and after ‘Deadly Blessing’ and ‘Swamp Thing,’ that’s what happened.
Wes Craven
My family get so mad at me when they come over. All I’ll have in is milk and eggs. I mainly keep film in my fridge – it’s better for it; it stops it from going old. I’m bad at eating healthy; I usually just run across the street and get cheeseburgers.
Gia Coppola
Boxing has kept me off the streets, stops me smoking and drinking and gives me something to do.
Billy Joe Saunders
I don’t think you can work properly if you have anxiety about something; it stops you doing the work you’re paid to do.
Shaun Evans
I think theatre is by far the most rewarding experience for an actor. You get 4 weeks to rehearse your character and then at 7:30 pm you start acting and nobody stops you, acting with your entire soul.
Christopher Eccleston
Western enthusiasm for democracy stops when those opposed to its policies are elected to office.
Tariq Ali
I had to be reminded that the guitar is infinite. It never stops teaching you, it never stops being difficult; there’s an unlimited amount of things to learn, and you’ll never master it.
Kaki King
For me to train and get ready for racing, I can’t just sit in the gym all the time and that’s the way it is. Responsibility starts and stops with me. My main gig is grand prix driving, that’s what I do and I need to keep that in the forefront of my mind.
Mark Webber
It’s great to understand football – it never stops. Since I started playing football, I always learn from every coach. It’s great.
David Luiz
My brain never stops thinking about basketball, and even when I’m asleep, I’m thinking about basketball. I love it; I love the Xs and Os and the preparation of it.
Penny Hardaway
The buck stops here!
Harry S Truman
When the uncreative tell the creative what to do, it stops being art.
Tony Bennett
Not everyone stops me on the streets, but when you’re at airports or public places like that. It’s kind of weird for me. I don’t know how they recognize me. It just happens when people see me.
Noah Schnapp
When the work stops the success stops.
Paul Wall
Love comes when manipulation stops; when you think more

Love comes when manipulation stops; when you think more about the other person than about his or her reactions to you. When you dare to reveal yourself fully. When you dare to be vulnerable.
Joyce Brothers
Directing is: you’re overwhelmed the whole time. Your mind never stops. If you care about it. You wake up in the morning and you begin thinking about it and then you go to sleep at night and you’re still thinking about it.
Campbell Scott
Living with fear stops us taking risks, and if you don’t go out on the branch, you’re never going to get the best fruit.
Sarah Parish
Most of the youngsters I grew up playing with do not have a career in the game now. Sometimes people think it is easy to be a footballer, but it is hard work that never stops.
Philippe Coutinho
I hate all politics. I don’t like either political party. One should not belong to them – one should be an individual, standing in the middle. Anyone that belongs to a party stops thinking.
Ray Bradbury
The fear of losing makes you better because it stops you cruising.
Dani Alves
As a racing driver, everything you do is to get to Formula 1 and one day it stops.
Robert Kubica
Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young.
Henry Ford
When one stops working at the height of one’s career, it’s just stupid not to say, ‘I want to make sure I have a house.’
Ali MacGraw
I never understood why movies don’t have to be as responsible, or the responsibility stops with Rated R. I feel like music, you gotta – you put the sticker on it, you make the clean version, then you’re explaining yourself, and then you have to do charities to offset what you just said. No one else has to do this!
Pusha T
But I have to say I’m incredibly proud of the Panther Racing National Guard Team, and in my IndyCar career there’s not many races where I’ve honestly left the track feeling that we’ve executed everything perfectly. And I have to say, I thought they did an absolute phenomenal job. The pit stops were just first class.
Dan Wheldon
I think when you start talking about money, it stops the whole creative process for me.
Nicola Formichetti
You’d be surprised at how many times I’d hit the ball, and the hair would go straight into my eyes. That’s why, even when I play indoors, I wear a visor, because it stops that, and I’ll apply a lot of gel and hairspray to keep it tight.
Ana Ivanovic
Brexit stops Britain from being Great Britain.
Layla Moran
Well, first of all it’s entertainment. That stops us becoming too pretentious or thinking we’re great artists.
Richard Thompson
I did record a bunch of stuff, but the thing that usually stops me from doing that is that I’m a terrible singer. I made a bunch of instrumental music, and it feels really good, but just as a singer, I’m not good.
Lionel Messi, I never saw him in the gym. I’ve never seen him train in the stops or do technical exercises.
Carlos Tevez
If a fighter thinks he knows everything and stops trying to evolve, he’s lost.
Jose Aldo
We need a Federal government that does what the government needs to do and stops doing what the government ought not to be doing.
Grover Norquist
Sometimes it’s hard to tell where your instincts start and your baggage stops.
Rory Freedman
About the only thing that’ll stay with you that you can trust all your life is your breath. Your breath will be there at the very last, because when it stops, you will stop.
Nick Nolte
I admire my boss, Lorne Michaels. He never stops producing. I think, for him, comedy is a tool of compassion, a way of rallying people together and saying, ‘Guys, isn’t the world bonkers? Aren’t we all just trying our best?’ There’s a tenderness in everything he does.
Kate McKinnon
If my one hand stops working, I won’t stop living my life. I will start using my other hand. Similarly, if one part of my life goes wrong, I won’t stop leading my life.
Shweta Tiwari
I don’t think about when it’s going to stop and what you do before it stops. You just keep moving.
Robert Redford