Top 323 Horses Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Horses Quotes from famous people such as Joseph Fiennes, Adrienne Mayor, Millie Bright, Jamie Foxx, David Milch, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

I was thrust, excitingly, via 'Elizabeth' and 'Shakespe

I was thrust, excitingly, via ‘Elizabeth’ and ‘Shakespeare in Love,’ into a position one can only dream of, but it was startling, too. I was offered a multitude of roles riding horses in flouncy shirts, and I just thought, ‘Hang on, I’ve just done that. What next?’
Joseph Fiennes
From about 700 B.C. to A.D. 500, the vast territory of Scythia, stretching from the Black Sea to China, was home to diverse but culturally related nomads. Known as Scythians to Greeks, Saka to the Persians, and Xiongnu to the Chinese, the steppe tribes were masters of horses and archery.
Adrienne Mayor
I don’t think I started kicking a ball until I was six or seven. Horses were my first love, so I was occupied with that.
Millie Bright
I had that upbringing. Of watching ‘Bonanza,’ watching ‘Hee Haw,’ which both black and white would watch. I rode horses. I did gun spinning as a kid. I do these things.
Jamie Foxx
Most races are claiming races. For the lower-caliber horses, it’s a way the track has of forcing people to run their horses at approximately the price at which they would not mind having the horse bought.
David Milch
All horses are different – sometimes they have a long neck – so you don’t ride the same way on every horse. It depends on their body, and your body, but the object is to get down low so you’re aerodynamic, so you call pull from the horse through the head. The best jockeys do that really well, and know how much to push.
Kerry Condon
In 2010, I sold my car, a Toyota Majester, for just a lakh-and-a-half to be able to feed my horses. It continues to be like a hole, where I put all my money.
Randeep Hooda
Cars did not kill off horses. Digital publishing will not kill off books.
Michael A. Stackpole
You cannot make horses ‘safe.’
Zara Phillips
I’ve worked with horses on and off most of my life, but literally ‘on and off’ – flipping on them and falling off them.
Zoe Bell
Yeah, I’d been around horses most of my life.
Jeff Bridges
My heart started running away, like a pack of horses. Then it slowed down and became irregular.
Kevin Nealon
I think some horses are meant to do… eventing or dressage. We have Western horses who canter around. I think it takes, especially at the level I’m at now, it takes a horse that wants to do it.
Jessica Springsteen
The circus was born with animals, horses at the start. This is part of our cultural heritage. It’s a whole, with clowns and acrobats.
Princess Stephanie of Monaco
I’m not sitting around saying, ‘Man, I’d really love to direct a western.’ That’s just not something I’m probably going to do, mostly because I’m allergic to horses.
Josh Radnor
My mom grew up with horses, and when I turned 14, 15, she’s like, ‘Do you want to take a riding lesson?’ I thought, ‘Oh, gross, dirty.’ She was like, ‘Okay.’ And then I did, and now I’m the one cleaning those damn stalls out. You can’t get me away from the barn now. It shocks even me.
Kaley Cuoco
If wishes were fishes we’d all be throwing nets. If wishes were horses we’d all ride.
Douglas Horton
I encourage people who don’t believe in evolution to look for horses in Jurassic Solenhofen limestone.
Jack Horner
I don’t play polo anymore because I am too old. But we still have a half a dozen horses – a couple of young horses we are teaching how to play polo and older horses that are real trustworthy when you get them up in the mountains.
William Devane
Horses and mules, and even sail cars, made more rapid progress than did the earliest locomotive.
John Moody
You know that saying, ‘You broke it, you bought it’? With horses, if you don’t make sure it’s a good fit… they tend to break you.
Taylor Sheridan
I ride horses, I love horses, I’ve owned horses.
Pierce Brosnan
The real lover of cats is one who demands a clearer adjustment to the universe than ordinary household platitudes provide; one who refuses to swallow the sentimental notion that all good people love dogs, children, and horses while all bad people dislike and are disliked by such.
H. P. Lovecraft
I don’t play golf and I don’t collect stamps. I don’t ride horses. I don’t go mountain hiking, I don’t go star gazing. I don’t do any of that.
Haim Saban
I’ve had quarter horses for the last 18 years.
Bruce Boxleitner
I don’t know if you saw the parting of the Red Sea with the chariots on the horses, I did stuff like that.
Richard Farnsworth
Horses teach you patience and how to do things the right way so you can get the right result.
Lyle Lovett
I suppose ‘Gladiator’ could be a Western – if you were writing your review in Athens, that is! To be honest, we didn’t really think that way at the time. But there is common ground. And they both have horses – I liked that, obviously.
Russell Crowe
There is a lot that horses and art share in common. I have found that most horse people are art lovers, and vice versa.
Alice Walton
We are like horses who hurt themselves as soon as they pull on their bits – and we bow our heads. We even lose consciousness of the situation, we just submit. Any re-awakening of thought is then painful.
Simone Weil
I wanted total control and leadership. I wanted to buy the horses and choose the players.
Adolfo Cambiaso
I like folk songs, but ten horses couldn't bring me to

I like folk songs, but ten horses couldn’t bring me to a concert or an opera.
Fritz Lang
I can make more generals, but horses cost money.
Abraham Lincoln
I wouldn’t mind doing a film revolving around horses, but I wouldn’t dilute my equity just sitting on one.
Randeep Hooda
But I do love horses. They are such an expression of joy.
Diane Lane
Thanks to my father, we were always in good horses.
Facundo Pieres
I think about my dwindling anonymity, and that’s really scary because a very large part of me would be perfectly happy living on a ranch in Colorado and having babies and chickens and horses – which I will do anyway.
Dakota Johnson
Breeders’ Cup is your last chance to make serious money, and it’s for championships, which impacts how much these horses earn to breed. Ton of money on the line.
Bob Baffert
Adam Levine and I remade the Rolling Stones’ classic Wild Horses, and it is right up my alley, that whole style. It has a style of its own but still stays very true to the classic arrangement, and I love it.
Alicia Keys
I like horses.
Joseph D. Pistone
I want a place where I can have horses.
Laura Branigan
I’ve always had a love for horses since I was really young. When I was 5 years old, the only thing that made me happy was when they’d take me out and give me pony rides.
David Cassidy
To ride two horses at the same time is difficult.
I always worry about the horses I haven’t beaten yet.
Bob Baffert
I have no time for real horses, so I have a plastic horse. Large size. Called Max Von Sydow. For photographs it looks real. If I do a photo shoot and it stands in the background, you think it’s a horse. A horse is a horse.
Udo Kier
I don’t night-club, don’t get into fights or scandals, don’t own a yacht, don’t play the horses, don’t wear plaid overcoats, don’t go to Hollywood parties, don’t own a motorcycle, don’t run back and forth to New York, don’t go in for politics.
Fred MacMurray
For ‘Hidalgo,’ I just spent as much time around horses as I could, which made sense.
Viggo Mortensen
It’s so busy in London, and I’m used to the countryside, fields, family, the horses and stuff.
Millie Bright
It was every day on the horses and every single race. I was betting on anything; horses, dogs, virtual racing, roulette.
Kyle Lafferty
They were, I doubt not, happy enough in their dark stalls, because they were horses, and had plenty to eat; and I was at times quite happy enough in the dark loft, because I was a man, and could think and imagine.
Hugh Miller
We didn’t get agitated over the closure of blacksmiths when people stopped riding horses and started driving cars.
James Cleverly
Although I agree that wild horses are a symbol of the American West, I also believe that it is the responsibility of Congress to ensure that these animals are managed, protected, and controlled in an effective manner.
Jon Porter
I loved horses and horse books as a child.
Meg Rosoff
The only sport I’m not interested in is horse racing. That’s because I don’t know the horses personally.
Nat King Cole
With horses, familiarity breeds comfort. If you haven’t been around horses for a while (or ever), the best thing to do is to go to the racetrack, a horse show, a rodeo, or some other horsey activity, and watch the horses. Familiarize yourself with the way they move and behave themselves.
Jane Smiley
I once loved this game. But after being traded four times, I realized that it’s nothing but a business. I treat my horses better than the owners treat us. It’s a shame they’ve destroyed my love for the game.
Richie Allen
The wildest colts make the best horses.
I love the outdoors. I love getting to hunt and fish and work on the land and ride our horses.
Jake Peavy
You don’t need a pack of wild horses to learn how to make a sandwich.
Phil McGraw
I remember being told very early on, ‘Just say what they want to hear in the audition, and we’ll figure it out later on.’ So there have been a few tricky moments. I once said I could ride, when the truth is I’m terrified of horses, but I got the job!
Oliver Jackson-Cohen
The world went tilted in a lovely way – suddenly, television was no longer television. It was like, ‘Oh, my God, this is the new world!’ I got to work with horses and cannons, and fight sequences and castles.
Kari Skogland
If you don’t have good horses, it’s very tough to win.
Facundo Pieres
My favourite smell is horses. In fact, most of the time

My favourite smell is horses. In fact, most of the time, I do smell like horses.
Edie Campbell
The emphasis in thoroughbreds is managing the horses as much as it is training them.
Bob Baffert
Horses are a mirror of who you are. They’re emotionally dependent on you.
Jeannette Walls
I was raised on a ranch in Wyoming, and I’ve been riding horses most of my life.
Larry Wilcox
Horses are the brand value of ‘Wertheimer Freres.’
Alain Wertheimer
My grandpa would come in with water and flick it on our faces at 6 A.M. and be like, ‘If you don’t get up to feed the horses, you don’t get to ride them.’ We’d get up.
People tell me how great it must have been to ride horses and stuff. Well, do it for two days straight on dusty days when the cows and horses were really tired.
Arthur Slade
Wild horses couldn’t drag me away from a summer on the Stockholm archipelago.
Bjorn Ulvaeus
When I did ‘Horses,’ I never expected to make another album.
Patti Smith
I’ve been into horses as far back as I can remember. There is a particular kind here in America called the ‘quarter horse’ that I’m very interested in.
Sam Shepard
My motivation is paying the mortgage. No joke. Honestly. I still suffer with nerves and think, ‘Why am I putting myself through this torture?’ It’s not actually the love of winning – it’s that building of a partnership with a horse. Just riding horses every day keeps me going. And that threat of losing the mortgage.
Lee Pearson
I very much like Kenya. It’s hard to beat the Masai Mara and the idea of ballooning across it. I have a great time at Lewa. There’s more rhinos than you’ll find anywhere. A great part for the children is you can ride horses with the giraffes and the zebra.
Mark Burnett
I’m kind of a horse whisperer; I don’t know what it is. I’m not great on a horse. I’m getting better, but I’m not brilliant. So yeah, I’ve spent a lot of time with horses. They’re great creatures; I love them. I do love riding them when I get the chance to.
Kit Harington
Horses make a landscape look beautiful.
Alice Walker
I once drove a pair of horses from New York to Vicksburg, and to this day I can almost map out that country as I saw it then, with its hills and valleys, villages and rivers. Yes, I naturally attribute something of my success in railroad building to the interest I take in such things.
Collis Potter Huntington
If I could do anything, I’d ride horses all day.
B. J. Armstrong
Unlike settled, patriarchal societies such as classical Greece and Rome, where women stayed home to weave and mind children, the lives of nomadic steppe tribes centered on horses and archery.
Adrienne Mayor
I love horses, and when the SPCA tells me off I get real mad because I know more about horses than they do. They say you can’t rear a horse up backwards, but I do it so they fall into foam rubber and don’t get hurt at all.
Hal Needham
Every time I decide I want a child I get another pet. I have 3 dogs, 13 birds and 3 horses, what does that tell you?
Alyssa Milano
The first ‘Half-Life’ movie treatment pitched to us climaxed with a tearful reunion between enslaved Vortigaunts and their Vortiwives and children. The last one I saw had Black Mesa invaded by a cavalry unit, just so as to feature a scene of bullsquids tearing into armored horses.
Marc Laidlaw
I’m a writer. The more I act, the more resistance I have to it. If you accept work in a movie, you accept to be entrapped for a certain part of time, but you know you’re getting out. I’m also earning enough to keep my horses, buying some time to write.
Sam Shepard
I used to like Dick Francis novels as a kid, who was like Enid Blyton but based around horses, and he’d write about the skulduggery of the racing world.
There are certain things producers ask you to do, and when I was starting out, I said yes to everything. I was asked, for ‘Quo Vadis,’ to drive a chariot. I said, ‘Oh yes. I’m licenced for all vehicles.’ Two days later, I was sitting in this dustbin with two very aggressive horses. I didn’t stay in it for long.
Christopher Lee
‘Horse Soldiers’ is the untold story of how a small band of U.S. Special Forces soldiers secretly entered Afghanistan in 2001, just five weeks after September 11, saddled up on horses, and rode to an improbable victory against a vastly larger Taliban and Al Qaeda army.
Doug Stanton
I think an old-school Western would kind of be really up my alley and would be so fun, I’m so comfortable in that genre and around horses.
Kaley Cuoco
I’ve been doing a lot of studying singing, and I’m thinking of recording an album containing all my old war horses and putting out a songbook at the same time.
David Friedman
These horses don’t live in a bubble. They’re in an open farm. People are touching them.
Bob Baffert
I loved playing every sport. Soccer, water polo, horses. Whatever. I just loved it – especially competing against my brothers.
Nikola Jokic
When a translation is very good, it is fascinating to see how the book changes and yet stays the same. I think ‘Out Stealing Horses’ sounds more American for Americans than it does in Norway, and still, it is all there, everything that I wrote. It’s amazing.
Per Petterson
I’m going to start a polo team with my friend, and we’re trying to collect as many horses as we can. You have to find time for things you love.
Randeep Hooda
I could hang with horses all day.
Leona Lewis
I've been told from the start, 'Don't fall in love with

I’ve been told from the start, ‘Don’t fall in love with the horses’. But that’s so hard. I’m in awe.
Victoria Pendleton
I always thought I was going to be a professional horse rider because I rode horses competitively from zero to 17 years old.
Louise Wilson
I didn’t like horses when I was a kid.
Mary Gaitskill
They were conspiring to desert us in the night and steal some of our horses… we engaged a spy.
Zebulon Pike
It’s because I have no sense of shame that I’m always willing to give things a go: I’ve ridden horses naked into the sea, I’ve climbed rocks, all kinds of things.
Abbey Lee Kershaw
I grew up on a working farm. It was small, a hundred acres, but we had cows and pigs and chickens and sheep and a vegetable garden. I spent hours pulling weeds, hoeing, feeding the horses, cleaning out the stalls. My dad was a tough taskmaster. I always worked, but we also had fun.
Henry Paulson
A wise man looks upon men as he does on horses; all their comparisons of title, wealth, and place, he consider but as harness.
Robert Cecil
I go about looking at horses and cattle. They eat grass, make love, work when they have to, bear their young. I am sick with envy of them.
Sherwood Anderson
I still gamble, but it’s all legal. I own horses, and I go to watch my horse. I don’t go daily.
Pete Rose
I ride my horses three to four times a week.
Eric Roberts
‘Red Dawn’ was really the most fun I ever had making a movie, because I love Westerns, and I love the idea of being a tomboy, and riding horses and shooting guns.
Lea Thompson
I want to protect my legacy. I’ve trained great horses.
Bob Baffert
But if cattle and horses or lions had hands, or were able to draw with their hands and do the work that men can do, horses would draw the forms of the gods like horses, and cattle like cattle, and they would make their bodies such as they each had themselves.
Miley grew up around animals and with all our horses growing up, so she is very passionate about protecting all animals.
Tish Cyrus
I wanna be incidental characters in ‘Only Fools and Horses,’ that would have been good. I wouldn’t mind playing Trigger, Trigger would have been good.
Russell Howard
Making movies is just like betting on horses at the racetrack.
Maureen O’Hara
I want to do a Western so bad because I want to ride horses and act. Those are two of my favorite things in the world to do. I want to do that.
Emily Rose
We were in all four men with eight animals; for besides the spare horses led by Shaw and myself, an additional mule was driven along with us as a reserve in case of accident.
Francis Parkman
Romance readers love a wealthy hero, and why not? There’s value in a man able to hire a helicopter, a coach and six horses, or a collection of werewolves to do his bidding – and the bidding of the lucky woman on his arm.
Sarah MacLean
When I wonder what the future of books will be, I often think about horses. Before automobiles existed, everyone had a horse. Then cars became available, and their convenience, compared to horses, was undeniable.
Susan Orlean
The first movie I appeared in was Carry On Cowboy, though not as an actor. I was just riding horses.
Richard O’Brien
I do not want horses or diamonds – I am happy in possessing you.
Clara Schumann
The old men running the industry just have not got a clue. They’ve got to come to terms with the fact that Britain is no longer a totally white place where people ride horses, wear long frocks and drink tea. The national dish is no longer fish and chips; it’s curry.
Marianne Jean-Baptiste
There is no greater feeling than hanging out with my dogs, or just walking around the land with our horses. My rescue ranch is is where I feel the most at peace and where I’m reminded of the simple things in life and let the chaos of my crazy work life fade away.
Kelly Clarkson
I had one lesson with Devil’s Horsemen, who do a lot of the horse-riding stuff for films. They train actors to look reasonable on horses. They do ‘Game of Thrones’, everything.
Josh O’Connor
I have four dogs, four horses, a cat, and a bunch of wild frogs.
Daryl Hannah
I asked for a horse for Christmas, and I got one! It’s an adult horse. I didn’t want a 5-year-old, which is a teenager for horses. It has a beautiful gait. It’s the Cadillac of horses.
Rick Harrison
Making a movie where the central character is a horse was a challenge. Because I’m scared of riding. I was thrown as a kid. One of my daughters is a competitive jumper, we live with horses, we have stables on our property. But I don’t ride. I observe, and I worry.
Steven Spielberg
Spending time with the horses was also a good place to escape to if you were having a bad day, so it was good from a mental point of view.
Millie Bright
My daughter loves horses. My other daughter loves soccer.
Kyle Chandler
I was a professional gambler. When I lived in London, there were a couple of years when I didn’t really earn money doing anything else. I mean, I did other things: like, I made work, and I was working with Derek Jarman at the time, but the way I made money was putting money on horses.
Tilda Swinton
At times, for sure, I do love a party. However, I do lo

At times, for sure, I do love a party. However, I do love going back to my room and putting on ‘Only Fools And Horses’ and having a cup of tea.
Jonas Blue
When I was a little boy, I rode, but I didn’t own horses.
Viggo Mortensen
I have fallen off many horses.
Sonja Morgan
I got to a point where I was doing county-level shows, but it was dressage that I really loved where, effectively, the horses are dancing. At one point, I was a groom for Hannah Esberger, who has competed for Great Britain and has seven national championship titles.
Millie Bright
At first I wanted to be a jockey. I rode horses in Cleveland but I kept falling off and I was afraid of horses. So there wasn’t much of a future in it.
Tim Conway
People ask how hard it can be sitting down for work during a 500-mile race? Well, without power steering or power brakes, holding onto 650 horses in a car that has nearly 3,000 pounds of downforce and can produce up to 4Gs vertically and laterally can be extremely tough – even sitting down.
Charlie Kimball
They have horses in ‘Snow White?’ I am lucky nothing nasty happens to horses in ‘Snow White.’
Tarsem Singh
By this way you may dress all sorts of horses in the utmost perfection, if you know how to practice it; a thing that is very easy in the hands of a master.
William Cavendish
You try to do the best with what you’ve got and ignore everything else. That’s why horses get blinders in horse racing: You look at the horse next to you, and you lose a step.
Jimmy Iovine
One might as well try to ride two horses moving in different directions, as to try to maintain in equal force two opposing or contradictory sets of desires.
Robert Collier
I’ve always loved horses.
Sara Cox
I like ‘Only Fools and Horses’ and ‘Father Ted.’
Rafael Benitez
Horseracing and ranch horses are two different animals. You’re getting race horses out and running and running them. It can be really problematic. A thoroughbred’s very delicate.
Dennis Quaid
Eventually, I’ll build a ranch and raise horses.
Jeff Fahey
I’m a country girl at heart. I think an old-school Western would kind of be really up my alley and would be so fun. I’m so comfortable in that genre and around horses.
Kaley Cuoco
I grew up in the countryside, and I was obsessed with horses and wildlife.
Bella Freud
Horses and dogs were part of my growing up years.
Ajay Piramal
So, I have my own horse and two ponies. I grew up around horses, and that really is my passion.
Kate Upton
I call horses ‘divine mirrors’ – they reflect back the emotions you put in. If you put in love and respect and kindness and curiosity, the horse will return that.
Allan Hamilton
Owing to the difficulty of obtaining horses, Mr. Henry returns from this place. In descending the Mississippi I will request him to pay his respects to you.
Zebulon Pike
In terms of writing about horses, I fell backwards into that. I was intent on getting a Ph.D., becoming a professor, and writing on history but I got sick 14 years ago when I was 19. Getting sick derailed that plan completely.
Laura Hillenbrand
I, a late riser, fantasise about getting up every morning at 5 A.M. to fetch the horses in from the fields.
Meg Rosoff
It’s time for compassionate Americans to send a wake-up call to their members of Congress and demand passage of legislation to end the wholesale slaughter of America’s horses once and for all.
Jane Velez-Mitchell
The female touch is a lot softer than the guys and some horses just respond better to that. Who’s to say we’re not stronger in the finish anyway?
Michelle Payne
Horses have really distinct personalities, and they’re magical in many ways.
Michael Mann
General statements omit what we really want to know. Example: some horses run faster than others.
Mason Cooley
I always look at ‘Monty Python and the Holy Grail.’ They talked about how they wrote this movie with horses, and then they realized that horses are super-expensive and time-consuming. ‘Why don’t we just change it to coconuts?’ That’s part of my process.
Jonathan Krisel
I’m in semi-retirement, but what am I going to retire to? I don’t ride horses, I don’t golf anymore. I shoot a game of pool every now and then.
Pat Morita
The albums ‘Heaven On Earth’ and ‘Runaway Horses’ and ‘Live Your Life Be Free’ were harking back to when I was a young girl and listening to Californian radio – lush productions, complicated melodies, harmonies like the Beach Boys and the Mamas and Papas. That’s what those albums remind me of.
Belinda Carlisle
By the time I get done with my fans and my music and my kids and my family and my fiance and my horses, well, they suffer too, but, I don’t really have much time left to do anything else.
Tanya Tucker
We sometime didn’t get enough to buy oats for our horses. Most banks had very little money in them.
Frank James
Her Majesty said she hoped I would have time for my hor

Her Majesty said she hoped I would have time for my horses – I own two and have shares in four.
Alex Ferguson
Going back to my playing days, I was at Cambridge United for a couple of seasons, and, of course, Newmarket is just down the road. On my days off, I would go to Newmarket quite often, park up by the gallops, and watch the horses work. It was something else.
David Moyes
I used to have a pony but I outgrew it and I do dream that one day I will live in the country and have lots of horses and be like a proper English lady who goes hunting and everything.
Georgia May Jagger
When you’re a little kid, you are small, your life is small – and you’re terrifically aware of that. But when you read, you can ride Arabian horses across the desert, you can be a dogsledder.
Janet Fitch
Horses do sense things way before people.
Steven Knight
Why is it there are so many more horses’ asses than there are horses?
G. Gordon Liddy
I spent all my youth with horses.
Guillaume Canet
I plowed fields with horses and worked as a hired hand in high school for 50 cents a day.
Stewart Udall
I got into circuses and put on circuses in the backyard. My dad had horses and he’d bring them and we’d do horse tricks. I was 6 or 7 years old putting on circuses for the family or whoever in the backyard.
Adam Page
If you have the right horses and the right team, that’s the way to succeed. But you have to work, and you have to improve. Every year, you must get better.
Adolfo Cambiaso
I love doing my own stunts. I’d love to do a full-on period sword-fighting piece where I get to show off with fighting and horses – I’m up for it.
Aneurin Barnard
The labor of women in the house, certainly, enables men to produce more wealth than they otherwise could; and in this way women are economic factors in society. But so are horses.
Charlotte Perkins Gilman
I grew up with horses and cattle, running around on dirt hills with this real sense of space. We didn’t have neighbours – well, the nearest ones were kilometres away.
Deborah Mailman
If athletes went to the races more and to the backside in the morning, I think more people would get involved because, as an athlete, we can relate to what the horses go through. Training routine, injuries, massages, etc.
Rashard Lewis
We have two dogs, Mabel and Wolf, and three cats at home, Charlie, George and Chairman. We have two cats on our farm, Tom and Little Sister, two horses, and two mini horses, Hannah and Tricky. We also have two cows, Holy and Madonna. And those are only the animals we let sleep in our bed.
Ellen DeGeneres
San Anita is a beautiful track. It’s not too far from my house in L.A., and it’s a beautiful place to go and watch the horses run.
Kevin Connolly
I keep endlessly busy with all kinds of stuff, mostly horses, cattle, livestock, things like that.
Sam Shepard
Working with horses has taught me how to ground myself in my body when I feel panicky.
Beth Behrs
Better than the strength of men and horses is our wisdom.
My first western was ‘Death Hunt’ with Charles Bronson and Lee Marvin; that was where I learned to ride. The movie was based on a true story about a guy that eluded the Mounties in Canada. We were in Canada for six weeks riding horses.
William Sanderson
I’ve got a farm in England where I breed horses.
Davy Jones
When my kids were toddlers, they had all these rotomolded plastic things. My life became surrounded by big, hollow plastic toys – from the scale of playhouses down to rocking horses, and everything in between – which we would then take to the secondhand store. But we’d get sentimentally attached and hate to see them go.
Greg Lynn
I grew up in a home where animals were ever-present and often dominated our lives. There were always horses, dogs, and cats, as well as a revolving infirmary of injured wildlife being nursed by my sister the aspiring vet.
Julia Glass
You don’t ease off until your horses are saddled and on the track. Until then, I’m like a snapping turtle. I snap at almost everybody with impatience.
Bob Baffert
I was raised on ‘TRL’ and listened to every genre that sounded good to me, from Sum 41 to Jay Z to Band of Horses to J. Dilla to Deathcab for Cutie to Pharrell.
Jon Bellion
You know yourself, once you’ve had the excitement of riding thoroughbreds, it’s not very interesting riding anything else. But I still love horses; I just don’t have one any more.
Kate Thompson
I just love being around horses. Once it gets in your blood, the passion, you can’t get out.
Bob Baffert
Horses are prey animals, and most of the other animals that I’ve shot are predators. If you act mellow with predators, they know that they can kill you, so they are cool, but if you work with prey, they think that you’re going to kill them at any moment.
Jill Greenberg
I’ve always wanted to be my own person. Even when I was ‘Noah who rode horses,’ I wanted to be Noah Cyrus, not anyone else or a family member.
Noah Cyrus
Twelve years ago, when I was on the Pine Ridge Reservation for ‘Thunderheart,’ I was dong research into Native American horses that had come into extinction. I was tracing certain Lakota bloodlines, and it became an obsession.
John Fusco
Because of the new regulations the regulators have put, they’re testing these horses at contaminated levels and it’s been a horrible experience.
Bob Baffert
There's never enough time to shoot battle scenes or fig

There’s never enough time to shoot battle scenes or fight scenes. It always feels rushed. Anytime horses are involved, it eats up time like crazy.
Alexander Dreymon
Not addicted to gluttony or drunkenness, this people who incur no expense in food or dress, and whose minds are always bent upon the defence of their country, and on the means of plunder, are wholly employed in the care of their horses and furniture.
Giraldus Cambrensis
If you look at how people use the term ‘western,’ you can only conclude that it means a movie that has big hats and horses. And if you really want to sound like you’ve been thinking, then you’ll use a term like ‘genre.’ But all the hell it seems to mean is big hats and horses. Which is not all that deeply analytical.
Tommy Lee Jones
I grew up in Hollywood in an apartment. Then in Tarzana, California, on a mini ranch where we owned horses and chickens.
Juliette Lewis
Have you ever found any logical reason why mutual promises are sufficient consideration for one another (like the two lean horses of a Calcutta hack who can only just stand together)? I have not.
Frederick Pollock
Actors are like race horses. They like to run – they don’t like to be hanging about.
Adrian Dunbar
My kids are one, three, five and eight, and we are all horsey. The kids have got their ponies and can ride. Our foundation mare is special to our hearts. She was one of my first ever horses. She was my first ever winner at Chester, which is also special, and she’s just the apple of our eyes, really.
Michael Owen
I learned how to horseback ride in English style, which is very hard, by the way. I had no idea how challenging it was. I’ve always ridden horses, but Western is like riding a horse in a rocking chair, as opposed to English, where you have to balance and hold on with your legs.
Minka Kelly
I love producing horses, and we have some great young horses at home. We’ll look forward and train those and start again.
Charlotte Dujardin
In fact, I was one of the few trusted people that Lucy allowed to play with their kids. I spent time at their summer home, rode horses at their ranch, and swam at their beach house. I even spent a Christmas with them at Palm Springs one year.
Keith Thibodeaux
I’ve always loved horses. When I was younger, I competed in horse shows and did quite well.
Ashley Rickards
Central African farmers don’t have any animal power because sleeping sickness kills all the animals – cattle, the horses, the burros and the mules. So draft animals don’t exist, and farming is all by hand, and the hand tools are hoes and machetes.
Norman Borlaug
My two great loves are music and horses.
Betty Buckley
I’m hostile to men, I’m hostile to women, I’m hostile to cats, to poor cockroaches, I’m afraid of horses.
Norman Mailer
If cattle and horses, or lions, had hands, or were able to draw with their feet and produce the works which men do, horses would draw the forms of gods like horses, and cattle like cattle, and they would make the gods’ bodies the same shape as their own.
We have breathtaking state and national parks, flourishing adventure tourism and culinary scenes and the world’s best horses. And of course bourbon.
Andy Beshear
I began when I was a child, because I was born and grew up in a little village. And many people ride the horses. So, it was a big – it has been a big passion for me.
Andrea Bocelli
When I took on the title sponsorship of the Western European League and the World Cup Final in October 2010, I did it because I love the sport and I love horses. It has proved to be a perfect match for the Reem Acra brand.
Reem Acra
If novels and stories are bulletins from the progressive states of ignorance a writer passes through over the years, observations and opinions about horses are all the more so, since horses are more mysterious than life and harder to understand.
Jane Smiley
I’m not against competitive racing. I obviously grew up with horses.
Mickie James
The best riders in the world with the best horses make it look so elegant and graceful. When you watch it done well, it looks so easy that it’s difficult for the public to understand how hard this really is.
Jessica Springsteen
Besides my love for horses and cars, I am passionate about making the cheapest vaccines in the world. I started making life-saving drugs when I was 22.
Cyrus S. Poonawalla
In ‘We Were the Mulvaneys,’ animals are almost as important as people. I wanted to show the tenderness in our relationships with cats, dogs, and horses. Especially cats.
Joyce Carol Oates
I grew up in the countryside riding horses, and I also ride every holiday in Spain, which is where I was born. It’s a big part of my life.
Astrid Berges-Frisbey
My love of horses began in College Park, with me and 10 friends on two couches and a keg of beer in the back of a truck, heading to Pimlico at 6 A.M. to mark our place in the middle of the Preakness infield, where we never saw a horse run.
Kevin Plank
My aim and my passion is to own and breed race horses.
Kylie Bax
I was one of the many horses pulling the wagon and couldn’t escape left or right because of the will of the driver.
Adolf Eichmann
I needed to pay for my horses in Warwickshire, and I couldn’t do that off a waitress’ wage.
Edie Campbell
I’m a big believer in ‘Trojan horses’ – There are certain themes that are more palatable when wrapped in something fun or distracting.
Marti Noxon
We also have 2 horses, but they’re not allowed in the house.
Martin Milner
I’m scared of horses, and I don’t know how to shoot them, but that’s what excites me. After 40 years old, if you don’t do some things that really terrify you, I don’t think they’re worth doing.
Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu
I'm very athletic and I've ridden horses my whole life.

I’m very athletic and I’ve ridden horses my whole life.
Brandi Cyrus
I’m working my horses every day and absolutely loving it. I’m training seven horses but I’m looking to build to 16.
Michelle Payne
In my teenage years I had a very anti-cruelty orientation and all that kind of stuff, so having spent a long time at the track and around the horses and around the people that are there, I realized the saddest thing that can happen is if anything happens to a horse.
Tom Payne
I do kung fu. I box. I ride horses. I like to race cars in a crazy way.
Luke Goss
The last 200 years, we’ve had an incredible amount of automation. We have tractors that do the work that horses and people used to do on farms. We don’t dig ditches by hand anymore. We don’t pound tools out of wrought iron. We don’t do bookkeeping with books! But this has not, in net, reduced the amount of employment.
David Autor
I confess that as a young boy, Sunday was not my favorite day. Grandfather shut down the action. We didn’t have any transportation. We couldn’t drive the car. He wouldn’t even let us start the motor. We couldn’t ride the horses, or the steers, or the sheep.
James E. Faust
After I broke my leg I had to go back and do one of the remakes of ‘The Magnificent Seven’ and ended up on a horse that pitched me off and broke my leg again… I rode horses pretty well. I just didn’t like doing it.
William Lucking
I loved to get all dusty and ride horses and plant potatoes and cotton.
Dorothy Malone
It’s been argued that of all the animals humans have domesticated, the horse is the most important to our history. For thousands of years, horses were our most reliable mode of transportation.
Elton Gallegly
The No 1 priority in TV comedy today is ‘don’t frighten the horses,’ and it’s probably No 2 and 3 as well.
Frankie Boyle
A Persian army being then subject to great inconveniences, for their horses are tied and generally shackled to prevent them from running away, and if an alarm happens, a Persian has the housing to fix, his horse to bridle, and his corslet to put on before he can mount.
Horses know how to be loyal but still keep their distance.
Sadie Jones
I once thought that I was the only man that persevered to be the friend of the white man, but since they have come and cleaned out our lodges, horses, and everything else, it is hard for to believe the white man any more.
Black Kettle
When I grew up, I only had two dreams. One was to be a cowboy and another was to be in the military. I grew up extremely patriotic and riding horses.
Chris Kyle
No matter what the time of day, I always make time to be with my horses. They ground me and insist I keep it real.
Asher Keddie
We continued to move forward without loss of time, hoping to be able to reach the wood described by the Indians before all our horses should become exhausted.
William Henry Ashley
I love Spain. I go back two or three times a year usually to visit friends and ride horses.
Bo Derek
I’ve been gambling since the age of 12. Horses, dogs, dice, roulette, you name it.
Jimmy White
I still prefer horses to human beings.
My grandpa was a big cowboy in his values and the way he lived his life. For our family, the ranch represented our family time when we got to drive down through all that desert farmland and Grandpa would wake us up at 5 A.M. to feed the horses if we wanted to earn the right to ride them later. I always had so much fun.
I didn’t just show up as a walk-on back in 1989. I’ve done this my whole life, and I’d tell any young trainer to start in quarter horses because you have to do everything. I broke them, rode them, wrapped them and slept with them since I was a boy.
Bob Baffert
I’ve always loved horses.
Roger Scruton
Some of my best leading men have been dogs and horses.
Elizabeth Taylor
I’ve had injuries in my life from things beyond my control: runaway horses, helicopters that decide to crash on mountaintops, boating accidents – things that were out of my hands.
Christie Brinkley
Gradually, I came to know my horses intimately. You go through every mood they experience and come to view the world much like a horse.
Tim Cope
Horses are wild animals, essentially, and they’re not there to do what humans want them to – they can be browbeaten or cajoled or trained, but they don’t hear English; they’re not obedient most of the time.
Marianne Elliott
My first movie was ‘The Mask Of Zorro,’ and that was all swords and horses and swashbuckling, and I thought, ‘This is what movies are.’ Obviously, I never made another one like that again; those are very rare.
Matt Letscher
There was a great deal of peer recognition to be gained in elementary school by being able to draw well. One girl could draw horses so well, she was looked upon as a kind of sorceress.
Chris Van Allsburg
I’ve got some horses which, unfortunately due to my job, I don’t spend enough time with them, but they’re my release when I get home. I go down to the stables, muck ’em out and spend a bit of time with them and they love me and it’s great just going home to see them.
Chris Kamara
We gathered all the stock we could find, and made an attempt to move. We left many of our horses and cattle in Wallowa. We lost several hundred in crossing the river.
Chief Joseph
I just love the development of horses, getting into their brains, making them more athletic and powerful, responsive, and I’m rubbish at everything else.
Lee Pearson
I've never done an action show, really. On 'Jericho,' o

I’ve never done an action show, really. On ‘Jericho,’ other people got to ride horses and shoot guns, but I never did.
Sprague Grayden
Over 55% of all shots using animals in ‘The Hobbit’ are in fact computer generated; this includes horses, ponies, rabbits, hedgehogs, birds, deer, elk, mice, wild boars and wolves.
Peter Jackson
Every unwanted animal ends up on my farm: alpacas and horses and dogs and cats and chickens and ducks and parrots and fish and guinea pigs.
Salma Hayek
I first saw ‘They Shoot Horses, Don’t They?’ when I was very young. Its transporting qualities were so strong that I felt like I had lived it. Only recently, with adult eyes, was I able to metabolize how tragic a tale it really is.
Jake Paltrow
I grew up riding. From the time I was nineteen years old to the time I was twenty five I exercised race horses.
Leslie Jordan
I have fond memories of the Grand National, but in recent years, as I have become more committed to animal welfare, I have grown increasingly uncomfortable about an event that every year results in the deaths of horses.
John Bishop
Horses are like people – they have different personalities. They can be nice, friendly and hard-working, or awkward, difficult and lazy. If horses were people, some would be on the dole, and others would be entrepreneurs.
Tony McCoy
I don’t know why all these actors think going to a gym or riding horses or learning how to fight are the steps to becoming an actor.
Rishi Kapoor
I went to high school in Los Angeles, and I grew up riding horses, so that was kind of my life. I always wanted to act.
Halston Sage
I was riding every single day. I home-schooled because of horses.
Noah Cyrus
My wife and I started a breeding program where we breed American quarter horses.
Brady Jandreau
I played tennis and softball, and we had horses, growing up.
Beth Riesgraf
Trends, like horses, are easier to ride in the direction they are going.
John Naisbitt
I like very much to ride horses. I like soccer, I have had a passion for boxing since I was a child, although it would be stupid for me to box.
Andrea Bocelli
I love having horses from a young age and seeing how far they can go.
Charlotte Dujardin
When the results weren’t coming on the snooker table, I tried to supplement things by gambling on horses even more.
John Virgo
Give these Indians little farms, survey them, let them put fences around them, let them have their own horses, cows, sheep, things that they can call their own, and it will do away with tribal Indians.
George Crook
I used to ride horses when I was younger. Ponies were my life. I miss being fearless.
Talulah Riley
Horses and horsepower alike are about status and being cool.
P. J. O’Rourke
I can ride horses. And I read a lot. But that’s kind of it. I think it’s enough.
Alice Englert
The center of gravity for an organization should be as close to what they make as possible. If you make cars, you need people in the factory. If you breed horses, be in the stable. If you make the Internet, live on the Internet, and use all the freedom and power it gives you.
Matt Mullenweg
You’ll probably get three horses and you have to draw a good buckin’ horse. That’s mighty tough.
Chris LeDoux
If there’s one thing I could wish for right now, it would be to have one of those horses from the merry-go-round – they were the most exciting thing to go on as a kid.
Deborah Mailman
I was a daredevil before, and after I lost my sight I was the same. I loved riding bikes, scooters and horses. I even learned to box. Muhammad Ali is my hero.
Andrea Bocelli
People don’t buy horses to ride around any more for transportation. I just think the world changes. As a business, we have to make the proper adjustments.
Troy Carter
Roads, better harnesses for horses, time-keeping devices, financial instruments like a currency that was recognized everywhere in the kingdom, enforceable contracts – all of this made commerce more appealing than plunder.
Steven Pinker
Really racing is about the horses, not me. You can’t do it without the horses, and they are the big players as are the lads who look after them, and they rarely get a mention.
Tony McCoy
Indeed, many ancient Greek writers do treat Amazons as a tribe of men and women. They credit the tribe with innovations such as ironworking and domestication of horses. Some early vase paintings show men fighting alongside Amazons.
Adrienne Mayor
We ended up moving out to Texas. We live outside of Austin. We’ve got a couple horses, we’ve got three miniature donkeys, we’ve got four dogs. Miniature donkeys are very warm, loving animals.
Kyle Chandler
Suddenly, I became conscious of the fact that the driver was in the act of pulling up the horses in the courtyard of a vast ruined castle, from whose tall black windows came no ray of light, and whose broken battlements showed a jagged line against the sky.
Bram Stoker
As I like to say, if you want to pay attention to a horse race, put two dollars on a horse, and you’ll pay enormous attention to all 11 horses in the race.
Tom Steyer
I was a big reader of Zane Grey as a young boy, and so

I was a big reader of Zane Grey as a young boy, and so horses and the West figured large in my imagination.
David Bergen
I really don’t like thoroughbreds, but I was getting bored with quarter horses.
Bob Baffert
The reason we did ‘Land of a Thousand Dances’ and ‘Gloria’ on ‘Horses’ was because I liked repetitious, three-chord rock songs, but I didn’t understand that I could write my own. I didn’t realize that you could use those chords a million times.
Patti Smith
I drive my own horses in a race. And I always have.
Oleg Cassini
We really don’t know which ones are better until we race each other. I’ve got good horses, but other guys have good horses, too.
Bob Baffert
I played a great horse yesterday! It took seven horses to beat him.
Henny Youngman
My real passions are horses and playing polo. I care a lot about that and staying fit and in shape.
Nacho Figueras
One day, I’ll be photographing Kate Moss in Paris, then I’ll be on Stephanie Seymour’s ranch with her hundred horses wondering what exactly it is I’m doing there.
Juergen Teller
I don’t mind what Congress does, as long as they don’t do it in the streets and frighten the horses.
Victor Hugo
In polo, you jump on a horse and you play. To play tennis, you have to train every day. It’s your legs that do all the work. In polo, it’s the horses’ legs.
Adolfo Cambiaso
Something like riding a horse – which I’ve recently started doing – requires courage, especially for me, as I started out being actually scared of horses.
Mary Gaitskill
When I was a child, I wanted to raise horses in Wyoming or be a cabin boy on a pirate ship.
Sadie Jones
I like horses!
Jeremy Irvine
I have absolutely no empathy for camels. I didn’t care for being abused in the Middle East by those horrible, horrible, horrible creatures. They don’t like people. It’s not at all like the relationship between horses and humans.
Rachel Weisz
A barn with cattle and horses is the place to begin Christmas; after all, that’s where the original event happened, and that same smell was the first air that the Christ Child breathed.
Paul Engle
A show like the ‘Only Fool and Horses’ Christmas special got 24 million viewers, so practically everyone in the country was watching. But of course it’s a different world now, with so many channels. And those kind of figures are really difficult to achieve.
David Jason
When I was really young, my babysitters had horses, and I started riding them.
Sam Hunt
I’m not a great horse person, but I love horses, and I love all of it. The sights and sounds and smells, the whole genre of Westerns – I love them.
Mary Steenburgen
You know how some people complain about the way carriage horses are treated? That they are in a small stall? That is mistreatment. In a holding cell, you get very bored. You have no newspapers, you have no anything.
Bernhard Goetz
We had about 400 acres, and I’m legitimately the true farm kid. We raised wheat, corn, soy beans. We hauled hay, cattle, hogs, horses.
Sara Evans
I have horses, I drive a truck, and I wear cowboy boots. First I’m a Texan.
Henry Thomas
We had six horses, and I would compete. Jumping. Cabinets full of cups. I always won.
Louise Wilson
Anybody who finds it easy to make money on the horses is probably in the dog food business.
Franklin P. Jones
I’ve had a passion for horses since I was very young – I used to sit on the floor in front of the races on television and pretend to be a jockey – and I first began reading the racing form on the set of ‘The Partridge Family.’
David Cassidy
It has taken a lot of persuasion for me to take part in an official documentary about ‘Only Fools and Horses.’ But, as time has gone on, it seems to have been imprinted in television history, and I thought it was only right that I tried to give an accurate insight into how the show was put together.
David Jason
I just look like someone with a long face. Not just A. P. McCoy himself, but some of the horses he rides.
Rob Brydon
Older boys were allowed to beat younger ones at my 15th-century English boarding school, and every boy had to run a five-mile annual steeplechase through the sludge and rain of an October day, as horses do. We wrote poems in dead languages and recited the Lord’s Prayer in Latin every Sunday night.
Pico Iyer
There are horses people use for competition, and if they don’t perform well or go lame, then people ask the vet to put them down to get the insurance money. And my vet knows I love horses, so he gives them to me.
Daryl Hannah
What do we, as a nation, care about books? How much do you think we spend altogether on our libraries, public or private, as compared with what we spend on our horses?
John Ruskin
Fans of the hit HGTV show ‘Fixer Upper’ are well aware that its stars, Chip and Joanna Gaines, live on a farm in Waco, Texas. Nearly every episode features some kind of montage of their four kids romping outside with various kinds of farm animals, from pigs to horses to goats.
Kelly Evans
I grew up loving horses. I was relatively obsessed, starting with my rocking horse at age 2, all the way through my painting and drawing phase.
Diane Lane
Men are generally more careful of the breed of their ho

Men are generally more careful of the breed of their horses and dogs than of their children.
William Penn
One of my daughters is a competitive jumper, we live with horses, we have stables on our property. But I don’t ride. I observe, and I worry.
Steven Spielberg
There’s so many things I’m dying to do. I wanna do a movie with horses.
Bethany Joy Lenz
I loved riding bikes and horses. I was eight when I started having lessons, and when my father bought me my own horse I couldn’t wait to go off on my own.
Andrea Bocelli
I feed horses and goats and sheep all day and, once in a while, come and talk about movies.
Steve Zahn
If someone told me a couple years ago, ‘You’re going to be deep into show jumping with horses,’ I would be like, I didn’t even know that’s an Olympic sport.
Ivica Zubac
It’s thrilling. There’s birth and death and frustration and victory in raising horses. It’s like a little microcosm of life is built into the short lives of these creatures.
John Phillips
I’ve grown up with an active outdoor lifestyle. Before I lived in Australia, I ran a construction company in Oregon, U.S.A. I also owned horses and would spend several weeks a year exploring Oregon’s beautiful wilderness areas on horseback.
Terri Irwin
I play golf with my shirttail out. I own a golf course because it’s very, very close to my house, and I don’t want to drive 45 minutes to the north side of Oklahoma City to play golf every day. I have race horses ’cause I love horses and it’s my hobby.
Toby Keith
The Pawnee chief had left the village the day after the doctor arrived, with 50 or 60 horses and many people, and had taken his course to the north of our route.
Zebulon Pike
I’ve seen a lot of great players that couldn’t get to the top because of horses, and I’ve seen a lot of normal players that got higher and higher because of horses.
Facundo Pieres
I wouldn’t have raced a horse. But you’ll then throw back at me that Jesse Owens raced against a horse, and he’s one of my heroes, so I’m not going to say it was a silly stunt. I know too much about horses. They’re highly unreliable, and they’ve got brains the size of golf balls.
Sebastian Coe
I remember some people after the Olympics that had no idea about horses would ask, ‘Do you do that with the horse, or does the horse do it by itself?’ I think the fact that you can make it look like you are doing nothing is a real talent. And it is such a massive reward at the end of it.
Charlotte Dujardin