Top 33 After-School Quotes

Words matter. These are the best After-School Quotes from famous people such as Cameron Diaz, Elle Fanning, Dan Hill, Robert Reich, DeRay Mckesson, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

My dad always used to tell me that if they challenge yo

My dad always used to tell me that if they challenge you to an after-school fight, tell them you won’t wait-you can kick their ass right now.
Cameron Diaz
I do after-school ballet and also hip-hop and jazz.
Elle Fanning
In a world where people are hungry for quick fixes and sound bites, for instant gratification, there’s no patience for the long, slow rebuilding process: implementing after-school programs, hiring more community workers to act as mentors, adding more job training programs in marginalized areas.
Dan Hill
Money buys the most experienced teachers, less-crowded classrooms, high-quality teaching materials, and after-school programs.
Robert Reich
I was a teacher. I also worked at Harlem Children’s Zone. I moved back to Baltimore and opened up an after-school, out-of-school program on the west side and then worked in two public school districts, in Baltimore and Minneapolis.
DeRay Mckesson
In high school, one of the things I loved doing was this after-school program where you would teach computer skills to some of the maintenance folks at school.
Mike Krieger
I used to spend a lot of time at football training, but that time was later spent in amateur acting classes and my local youth theatre, in plays at school and after-school clubs. That filled the void.
Sam Claflin
A lot of things haven’t changed – clothes and stuff have – but kids keep working after-school jobs and keep getting into terrible trouble in relationships. That’s not going to stop.
Judge Reinhold
In her second career as a minister, my mother defied a legacy of chauvinism to become a leader of our community, overseeing a church that served as a hub, offering parenting classes, a food pantry, after-school programming, and – in the wake of Hurricane Katrina – a lifeline to those ravaged by loss.
Stacey Abrams
When I was young, I did varied after-school activities – I did art, drama, science, math. I’m not the sporty kind of person, but I did get a certificate on outdoor recreation.
Catriona Gray
I always liked my teachers, and I was in a lot of after-school projects. I was a Girl Scout until my senior year, when I couldn’t be a Girl Scout anymore. I was in clubs like Junior Achievement, and I ran track and field. My grades were good, but then toward 11th grade they were nothing. I always went to summer school.
Amy Sedaris
My only after-school job before I got into acting was babysitting. I had younger brothers and sisters.
Juliette Lewis
Certainly other things we can do, we gotta promote after-school employment, give kids an opportunity, raising the minimum wage was part of that, we can’t expect that young people are going to feel they can make a living out there for such low wages.
Matt Gonzalez
Parents need a full continuum of care and support from birth to kindergarten that is affordable and accessible – that means full day and full year. And let’s not forget that even in elementary school, working parents need access to the same kind of quality, affordable after-school programs!
Randi Weingarten
I was part of a generation where kids had a lot of freedom and aimless downtime. I had no scheduled after-school activities. As long as you came home for dinner, everything was fine.
Laura Lippman
In two-parent households, women have increasingly entered the workplace, and in single-parent households, there is even more of a need for the adults to work. That means parents do not fully control their own schedule and have to scramble to find high-quality after-school options.
Geoffrey Canada
I joined the after-school club, School of Comedy, which progressed wildly, and in quite a Hollywood way. It sounds like ‘School of Rock’, right up to trying to raise money to pay for a venue in Edinburgh.
Will Poulter
By reaching out to the community through workshops, hackathons, and after-school programs, Black Girls Code introduces computer programming and technology to girls from underrepresented communities.
Kimberly Bryant
I went to school, I got good marks, I had a very low key after-school job, and I spent a lot of time watching ‘Buffy the Vampire Slayer’ and ‘Dawson’s Creek.’
Stella Young
I feel like theater in high school seems to be sort of like the safe haven for the outsiders and people who don’t necessarily fit in. And it was a come-as-you-are sort of class, and it’s a come-as-you-are after-school activity.
Natasha Rothwell
My wife and I – her more than me – are really strong Christians. Her whole life revolves around studying the Bible, Bible study, after-school Bible class she does for little kids on Wednesdays, teaches Sunday school.
Ben Howland
I only went into a gym by accident. My mum couldn’t get a babysitter and wanted to do aerobics, so she took me and Kurtis, my younger brother, down to the gym. There was an after-school boxing class on with some of the kids from school. There weren’t any other girls there, but I didn’t mind. I loved it.
Nicola Adams
From closing the digital divide to after-school activities and eating well, we cannot afford to ignore the link between deprivation and underachievement.
David Lammy
I was actually the head of the violin after-school club. And then I was also the head of the dance club, the popping club. So one day, just by coincidence, we had to hold the two clubs at the same time. I had to go back and forth. And that’s when the idea came up for dancing and playing violin at the same time.
Henry Lau
We played soccer a lot with our friends and at school. We weren’t on an official team or anything, but we’d definitely be up for it in gym or in after-school pickup games where we live.
Mary-Kate Olsen
I was pursuing the arts with theater in school, and I was doing after-school activities, but not in any real movement towards a professional career.
Uzo Aduba
I actually then went on to direct an after-school special where one of the characters was deaf. They hired me without even knowing I had any connection to the community.
Richard Masur
I didn’t have any terrible survival jobs. The main job I had before I was able to transition over to acting full-time was working at an after-school program at a middle school teaching improv and standup. So even when I had a regular job, I was still lucky enough to be doing the stuff I loved in some way.
Nick Kroll
One thing I can say as far as people from black communities dealing with trauma or PTSD is putting some trauma centers or some type of therapy sessions and some after-school programs for the kids, so they can have a real outlet to express themselves.
Polo G
For me, acting was a reward. I had to get good grades in order to act, in order to be on TV. I had to do well in school so I could work. To me, it was like an after-school activity, something to look forward to.
Kyla Pratt
When budget cuts happen – which has been happening a lot in this country – after-school athletics and after-school music are some of the first things to go.
J. J. Watt
Acting was my after-school activity. I never planned on

Acting was my after-school activity. I never planned on growing up and becoming an actor.
Sara Paxton
In Chicago, you have an absence of strong family units, and that absence gets filled by gangs. You have a failure in the school system, after-school programs and other social programs to help keep kids off the streets. Amnesty International speaks to that in some way, by keeping these issues in the forefront.
Lupe Fiasco