Top 33 Facet Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Facet Quotes from famous people such as Vanity, Emory Cohen, Thomas Chatterton Williams, Yo-Yo Ma, Lauren Schmidt Hissrich, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

An abused childhood affects the entire life... It affec

An abused childhood affects the entire life… It affects every facet of the life.
I’m zero to a hundred in almost every facet of my life.
Emory Cohen
When I look at my daughter now, I see another facet of myself, I see my own inimitable child.
Thomas Chatterton Williams
A composition is always more than the sum of its parts. In other words, a really good piece of music is more than itself. It’s sort of like a prism, which you can see from each facet a single totality.
Yo-Yo Ma
I love what happens between colleagues. It’s just another facet of family to me. That’s certainly what we explored all over ‘The West Wing’. I was an intern in my first season between my junior and senior years of college. Then, I worked on the staff for the next six years.
Lauren Schmidt Hissrich
The true symbolism of every facet of ‘Guernica’ can only be guessed at, but we do know that it haunted Picasso.
Michael Portillo
I’ve fished since I was a teenager. It’s one of the most fantastic activities, and there’s so much to it. I just love every facet of it. I’ve never had a bad day fishing.
Ed Schultz
When you’re strong physically, it improves your strength in every other facet of your life. You’re more confident, your self-esteem is higher, and your self image is better.
Jillian Michaels
I’m not one of these guys who is dedicated to playing or performing – that’s just one facet of my life.
Dick Dale
I want to explore myself in every facet.
Julia Fox
It’s happened a couple of times in training when I hyper-extend my back. Some facet joints send all the muscles in my lower back and lumbar-spine into spasm.
Brian O’Driscoll
No other facet of American business is more corrupt, more intoxicated with illegality, more weakly regulated, and has a greater impact on poor and working people than debt collectors; not credit card companies or subprime mortgages, not even payday lenders.
Gary Weiss
I’ve had to adapt my wardrobe to my various roles, both at the office, as a mom, and for television. When I shop for the season I look for pieces that will suit every facet of my daily life, not just one single occasion.
Nina Garcia
I felt privileged to be a facet of such a jewel in the crown of American cinema.
Tatum O’Neal
Being a swing bowler, bowling at the death is just an added facet in my bowling.
Bhuvneshwar Kumar
I’m in a unique situation in every facet of my life.
Pat Connaughton
Every fight has its rough spots, and I’m always looking for improve every facet.
Glover Teixeira
Ultimately, I don’t think you can be a character who’s completely alien or divorced from your own personality. It’s probably true of every writer – it’s probably true of every filmmaker, every songwriter – that, ultimately, every character you create is a facet of yourself.
Steven Wilson
For me, there are so many art forms in wrestling. There’s the Ring of Honor art, the New Japan art, so whatever you enjoy, there’s a facet of wrestling out there for you to watch.
Xavier Woods
It’s possible for people to gain control of every facet of your life.
Randy Quaid
Quality for me is key, and this stands true in every facet of my business from real estate, hotels, and fashion.
Ivanka Trump
I try to master every facet of a character in order to build a safety net for myself, so I can go on to take more risks to create someone really distinct.
Jim Parsons
Wrestling and sports entertainment is not about the moves, it really isn’t. It’s about being able to evoke emotion in one facet or another.
The Undertaker
We take such good care of our employees. What I do is think about what I would want my employer to be like. We started helping our employees with every facet of their lives, and our HR problems went from A to Z in reverse.
Mike Lindell
Acting is just another facet and it will not affect my output as a music director.
Vijay Antony
Any woman can be a siren one minute and in pigtails the next. I am a very complex person with more than just the one facet that television played on.
Toni Tennille
I think taking back the term ‘mumble rap’ was important to me because I appreciate and love every facet of hip-hop and everything that’s going on right now in the game, so I felt it kind of disrespectful that people kept referring to that whole genre as ‘mumble rap.’
Ahmad Balshe
I am certainly not arguing for the de facto autonomy of the individual work, even though there is much to be said for making the attempt to see it in that light as one facet of the reception process.
Brian Ferneyhough
When you go to our political system, I feel like it’s intentionally kept in the last century. In every other facet of life, we turn to social media for instant response time, complete transparency.
Mark Pincus
I grew up in Banaras on Kabir and other Hindi poets and then I got introduced to Faiz, Hasrat Mohani, Allama Iqbal and Majaaz. They took me to another facet of literature and drama.
Anubhav Sinha
I want to try and get better in every facet of the game.
Ben Zobrist
Giving back has definitely kept me grounded. Stepping o

Giving back has definitely kept me grounded. Stepping outside of yourself to serve a group or community of people who are in need in some facet has a way of doing that. I don’t ever want to grow to a place where giving back becomes a foreign concept.
Karen Civil
It’s literally I’ll be injured or hurt in some facet and I’ll go work out to heal it, to make it get better so I can hold that tolerance level.
Bryson DeChambeau