Top 33 George P. Bush Quotes

Words matter. These are the best George P. Bush Quotes, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

Republicans have to be mindful about reaching out more

Republicans have to be mindful about reaching out more to Hispanics, not only because they’re the fastest growing minority, but also because we share their conservative values on marriage and life.
George P. Bush
I’m not a legislator. I’ve never been a lobbyist. I’ve never worked a session before, but based on my conversations with leadership in the Senate and the House, I get the general sense that people want to work together to make things happen.
George P. Bush
I myself am Catholic, and many Catholics have values that are a priority for Republicans, especially as they relate to marriage and life.
George P. Bush
I’ve been asked whether knowing Spanish and being Hispanic myself is a positive in getting Hispanic voters, and I don’t believe it is. I think Hispanics look for a friend; they look for someone who understands, whose willing to relate, to hear their issues and welcome them to the party and to their campaigns.
George P. Bush
Our efforts to preserve and protect the Alamo are first and foremost about preserving and protecting the story of the battle itself.
George P. Bush
President Obama and Hillary Clinton want government to run your health care. My dad believes that you and your doctor should decide your health care.
George P. Bush
I’m willing to stand behind this concept, that as conservatives, we can win the Hispanic vote without selling out the values. I don’t think we need to compromise.
George P. Bush
It’s very hard to complain about society if you don’t get involved.
George P. Bush
Sometimes political correctness runs amok in our public education system where we think that every kid can go to a four-year university.
George P. Bush
Texans fear no one.
George P. Bush
I am a proud conservative.
George P. Bush
Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama believe that the problems that exist in our country can be solved by Washington, D.C. My dad believes that the problems in the country are Washington, D.C.
George P. Bush
I’ve reached out to independents and minorities that have traditionally voted Democrat but that are conservative on a lot of questions. We talk to young people, folks that typically aren’t voting on a consistent basis. I’m proud of that.
George P. Bush
It’s said that once you win an election, that you win political capital, and that’s kind of my intent, is to spend political capital on the Gulf Coast, among other areas.
George P. Bush
Politics is in my blood.
George P. Bush
I stood by Ted Cruz in 2012. I endorsed President Trump in 2016.
George P. Bush
Anything to make a difference and to seek consensus on an issue is something that I feel strongly about.
George P. Bush
Renewables need to be developed in an environmentally responsible way. And, you know, I frankly have heard criticisms from even environmentalists saying that some wind farms impact gaming and fishing patterns, whether it’s offshore or onshore.
George P. Bush
I know that for most people, seeing is believing when it comes to government efficiency.
George P. Bush
My grandfather was the architect behind NAFTA, and that has created so much economic opportunity, not only in our country, but in Latin America.
George P. Bush
As a former public high school teacher, I will support whatever is in the best interest of Texas education only after careful evaluation of the Permanent School Fund.
George P. Bush
Politics, I love. It’s a noble profession.
George P. Bush
Make no mistake: you’re going to see a lot of Bushes.
George P. Bush
Our state is truly remarkable because we are leading this country with sound conservative principles. As long as we continue fighting for our ideals, we’ll move forward.
George P. Bush
I love politics, but from the sidelines.
George P. Bush
My family has always said… if you’re going to get into politics, do it for the right reasons, not because you’ve got to carry on something.
George P. Bush
The Texas Republican Party is in many respects like the national party. We have different components that all add value in different ways, whether it’s the Tea Party on fiscal questions, whether it’s the so-called establishment that’s focused on economic development questions, moving states like Texas forward.
George P. Bush
If we’re going to be successful and be considered credible in the Hispanic community, we’ve got to denounce some of the ignorant statements that are made about Hispanics and the contributions we make, whether it’s to the military, our nation’s economy, or to the history of Texas.
George P. Bush
It’s kind of an unwritten law, I think, being – carrying the name – George Bush. At times I ask myself, ‘Am I going to be able to live life the way I want to?’ I’m cautious about doing certain things.
George P. Bush
In my own professional career, I’ve tried to establish my own identity and my own track record so that if I were to entertain a run for office, there would be my own track record for voters to look at.
George P. Bush
I still subscribe to the theory that Ronald Reagan once pronounced: that I will never speak ill will of my fellow Republican.
George P. Bush
State ownership of flood control efforts will not compl

State ownership of flood control efforts will not completely eliminate the problem but can substantially reduce it.
George P. Bush
You can be in a nonprofit organization. You can serve your fellow man in a variety of other ways. You don’t necessarily have to win political office.
George P. Bush