Top 335 Elected Quotes

If our nation is to rebuild opportunity for future generations, it will require our elected leaders to realize that their responsibility lies not with their political party, but rather with the American people that they have been chosen to represent.
Ami Bera
People in the mass media tend more and more every day to look and act like elected and appointed officials.
L. Neil Smith
I’m a lobbyist and had a career lobbying. The guy who gets elected or the lady who gets elected president of the United States will immediately be lobbying. They would be advocating to the Congress, they’ll be lobbying our allies and our adversaries overseas. They’ll be asking the business community and labor unions.
Haley Barbour
I was always biting the hand that fed me. It was compulsive. Kennedy was very good to me, and I attacked him as soon as he was elected. I attacked him before he was elected.
Mort Sahl
We have a Scottish Parliament and National Assembly for Wales, both elected by fairer votes – involving proportional representation.
Charles Kennedy
I voted for Obama and I was delighted that he’s been elected.
Bill Ayers
Too often, the Democratic Party has been split between its grass-roots activists on one side and its elected officials and party leaders on the other. It’s important to remember: We need both wings to fly.
Jim Hunt
There’s a truth about public service that is often unspoken and rarely understood – that the role of our elected officials is about much more than balancing budgets and ensuring the delivery of essential services.
J. B. Pritzker
A Supreme Court decision that concessions of this sort were unconstitutional would have taken them off the table and actually increased the effective sovereignty of elected officials.
Michael Kinsley
It is true that power corrupts. The hope at the polling stations and the actions of the elected representatives, unfortunately, often turn to be opposite. The power of ballot turns into the power of wallet. Some law-makers become law-breakers.
Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorj
I think it’s high time that we had a woman president. But I don’t want to elect someone just because she’s a woman; I want the best candidate to be elected. I think that any woman who is elected to the highest office in the land would clearly have positive role model effects for other young women.
Linda McMahon
I was like everyone else when Obama was elected – optimistic.
Gore Vidal
We think there’s nothing like sunlight to mobilize and energize citizens to demand change of their elected officials.
Charles Best
I was the first Blunt ever elected to anything.
Roy Blunt
If something is being done on a secret basis in national security, that’s a great reason for elected officials to not talk about it. And that’s a great way to shirk accountability for it with the public.
Rachel Maddow
There is no job description for the first lady and she’s only there because her husband got elected president.
Nancy Reagan
Al Qaeda is still a threat. We cannot pretend somehow that because Barack Hussein Obama got elected as president, suddenly everything is going to be OK.
Barack Obama
I remember right after Carter got elected, I was sitting in my apartment in Albany, CA, on a Saturday listening to people call Carter and ask stupid questions while I designed the screen editor.
Bill Joy
You read constantly that banks are lobbying regulators and elected officials as if this is inappropriate. We don’t look at it that way.
Jamie Dimon