Top 35 Assimilation Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Assimilation Quotes from famous people such as E. L. Doctorow, Heinrich Heine, Jhumpa Lahiri, Amy Tan, Jean Piaget, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

Like art and politics, gangsterism is a very important

Like art and politics, gangsterism is a very important avenue of assimilation into society.
E. L. Doctorow
Great genius takes shape by contact with another great genius, but, less by assimilation than by friction.
Heinrich Heine
From the beginnings of literature, poets and writers have based their narratives on crossing borders, on wandering, on exile, on encounters beyond the familiar. The stranger is an archetype in epic poetry, in novels. The tension between alienation and assimilation has always been a basic theme.
Jhumpa Lahiri
There is this myth, that America is a melting pot, but what happens in assimilation is that we end up deliberately choosing the American things – hot dogs and apple pie – and ignoring the Chinese offerings.
Amy Tan
Every acquisition of accommodation becomes material for assimilation, but assimilation always resists new accommodations.
Jean Piaget
The most gloomy prognosis about Jewish life is that it will disappear between the two extremes of ultra-Orthodoxy on the one hand and total assimilation on the other. But those are very exaggerated scenarios.
Simon Schama
There are compelling reasons to implement a true America First immigration plan, starting with border security. We are a land of immigrants. Immigration, with assimilation, has generally been good for America.
Niger Innis
Much of what we now consider to be problems concerning immigration and assimilation really concern Mexican immigration and assimilation.
Samuel P. Huntington
I absolutely believe in assimilation. I don’t believe I’m any different from straight people. My wants and needs are the same as theirs. I don’t look at sexual orientation as that big of a deal. It’s just an orientation.
Chaz Bono
The old process of social assimilation used to be mainly about English new money – generated in London, the mucky, brassy North or the colonies – buying those houses and restoring them, and doing the three-generation thing, mouldering into the landscape, and the ‘community,’ identifying with the place in a familiar way.
Peter York
The Jews’ fear of assimilation and intermarriage should not replace fear of anti-Semitism.
Edgar Bronfman, Sr.
Assimilation, not success, is the American end game.
Euny Hong
Talent is nothing but a prolonged period of attention and a shortened period of mental assimilation.
Constantin Stanislavski
More than one-third of Mexicans in the United States own property in Mexico, nearly 80 percent send money home and 25 percent have a spouse in Mexico. Assimilation and becoming an American citizen are not the objective for many of them.
John Shadegg
More than 90% of Chinese believe themselves to be Han. Of course, such a vast population is derived from countless different races, but because China has enjoyed such a long and continuous history as a polity, there has been thousands of years of mixing, melding and assimilation.
Martin Jacques
There’s parts of Sydney totally indistinguishable from West London. It’s exactly the same – the sense of capitulation, discouraging assimilation.
Gavin McInnes
Throughout the Old Testament, God warns his chosen people about the perils of assimilation, shiksappeal and false gods.
David Harsanyi
But then I came to the conclusion that no, while there may be an immigration problem, it isn’t really a serious problem. The really serious problem is assimilation.
Samuel P. Huntington
Originally I was opposed to gay assimilation and targeted gay marriage as just another effort on the part of gays to resemble their straight neighbours.
Edmund White
Even when we were under the Spanish flag, we had a movement that just wanted assimilation into Spain, a movement of autonomy – which has been the majority always – and a movement for separation. In that sense, Puerto Rico’s political reality is very different from any place I know in the whole world.
Anibal Acevedo Vila
The prompt assimilation of that intelligence will be essential if we are to avoid another September 11th.
Adam Schiff
Whether we can call ‘Hell or High Water’ this rogue buddy bank-heist movie, it’s also a meditation on assimilation and failure and what happens when someone loses their purpose.
Taylor Sheridan
I spent a lot of my infancy in hospital and actually started school in a wheelchair with this enormous plaster, and then into a surgical boot and callipers, none of which helps assimilation with other children.
David Starkey
I think we always move from imitation to assimilation to innovation, but I can’t name you 20 people outside those we’ve already recognized who ever got to point three: innovation.
David Baker
Whenever I ask myself what blackness means to me, I am struck by the parallels that exist between my predicament and that of many Western Jews, who struggle with questions of assimilation at a time when marrying outside the faith is common.
Thomas Chatterton Williams
The good Jew is ritually observant and resists assimilation, in some sense living apart, never fitting comfortably into American or any other society.
Elliott Abrams
The problem is Jewish-American fiction that always ends with assimilation back into the community.
Joshua Cohen
Our immigrants joined a settler culture, Anglo-Saxon and Protestant, that demanded assimilation to its norms.
Ross Douthat
I don’t believe complete assimilation is possible, at least not for anyone who has an active, open mind. Every step, every entry into the flows of existence can be seen as a beginning, a commencement of a brand new way of seeing oneself in the world. This is the case for everyone.
Chang-Rae Lee
When immigration proceeds at a steady but modest clip, deep change comes slowly, and there’s time for assimilation to do its work.
Ross Douthat
Acceptance and assimilation, you know, breeds mediocrity and perhaps an even more sheep-like conformism in terms of what kind of music you’re supposed to listen to if you’re gay… What are you supposed to look like? What’s your body supposed to look like?
John Cameron Mitchell
It is the purpose of the majority of the Immigration Co

It is the purpose of the majority of the Immigration Committee to encourage assimilation, yet this bill has already done more than anything I know of to bring about discord among our resident aliens.
Emanuel Celler
Assimilation of the fruits of each past life takes place before the spirit descends to rebirth, and consequently, the character generated is fully formed and readily expressed in the subtle, mobile mind-stuff of the Region of Concrete Thought, where the archetype of the coming dense body is built.
Max Heindel
I guess the two Manifesto, Communicating Vessels, Mad Love, and some of his poetry made a significant mark on me but as far as bringing a literary element into the music I see it as a much broader assimilation.
Trevor Dunn
Jewish history turns out not to be an either/or story – as in, either pure Judaism detached from its surroundings or else assimilation – but rather, for the vast majority, the adventure of living in between.
Simon Schama