Top 350 Presidential Quotes

I understand that people in the media want this to be a sprint every day, but the truth is a presidential campaign is a marathon.
Joel Benenson
The more successful sons and daughters know when to lean on their parents – and when to go their own way. George W. Bush helped run his father’s presidential campaigns in 1988 and 1992. But in his winning campaign for governor of Texas, he never mentioned his father’s name in any of his campaign commercials.
Michael Beschloss
With its emphasis on star power, the Obama campaign from Day One emphasized the candidate’s perfectly cut presidential presence.
Andrew Breitbart
Mitt Romney has won the 2012 presidential nomination by promising Republicans that he would end a so-called ‘culture of dependency’ on welfare – welfare defined as ‘free stuff’ and food stamps for poor folks, not tax breaks for Big Oil or tax shelters for Bain executives.
Christine Pelosi
John McCain has taken tens of millions of dollars from special interests and lobbyists in his senate and presidential campaigns. Now, we have to wonder if he will be able to remain objective on national security matters, as millions pour into his ‘charity’ from oppressive foreign governments.
Roger Stone
The way we think about a presidential portrait is one that is imbued with dignity from the outset.
Kehinde Wiley
Presidential power was overruled by the high bench in July 1974, when President Nixon was ordered to turn over some audio tapes of his White House conversations, including the ‘smoking gun’ tape of June 23, 1972, that revealing the Watergate cover up.
Helen Thomas
Every election, a presidential candidate inevitably proposes a new cabinet agency. The idea is that this is the only way to solve a particular problem. Just create more government.
Christopher Buckley
Somebody asked me about the current choice we’re being given in the presidential election. I said, Well, it’s like two of the scariest movies I can imagine.
Dean Koontz
I think that less presidential interference the better.
Chuck Grassley
Thirteen years after the end of the Soviet Union, the American press establishment seemed eager to turn Ukraine’s protested presidential election on November 21 into a new cold war with Russia.
Stephen Cohen
Bernie Sanders is making a big and potentially dangerous mistake with his continuing insistence on changes to the Democratic Party’s rules and platform. I should know. As chairman of Al Gore’s 2000 presidential campaign, I understand too well where such ideological stubbornness can lead.
William M. Daley
The Founders deliberately limited presidential authorit

The Founders deliberately limited presidential authority.
Michael Beschloss
I think I can change things for the better in this country. I’m doing it now as well, in many areas, mostly in education, higher education and technological entrepreneurship. But I think I could do a lot more from a presidential position.
Dan Shechtman
Ultimately, presidential campaigns are – or at least should be – about the candidates, not their spouses or surrogates.
Andrew Rosenthal
The problem with the Democratic Party is, we’re like, ‘If we just get another presidential candidate in there, everything will be OK.’ We should be focusing on school boards, city council races, state legislatures.
Eric Garcetti
The press doesn’t just cover presidential campaigns, they influence them by making arbitrary decisions about who is ‘top tier’ and merits coverage.
Mark McKinnon
Asking presidential candidates whether they support or would change past foreign policy decisions is the most common line of questioning among members of the media. It’s also the most pointless.
Pete Hoekstra
Conservatives looking at presidential candidates have to ask what kind of leader they want sitting in the White House.
Tom Tancredo
Presidential campaign and White House are two aggressively separate things. They still think I’m the weird kid in the corner, so I don’t have much power. But I’ll definitely do something to help.
Harper Reed
A libertarian presidential candidate isn’t going to win anyway, so he can afford to say that all taxation is theft, and it isn’t the job of a libertarian presidential candidate to cook up new ways to commit theft.
L. Neil Smith
If nothing else, the cyber attacks that occurred during the 2016 presidential election have laid bare the very real vulnerabilities that exist across our government and the private sector. Imagine the harm that could be done if our enemies ever hack into the Department of Defense or Homeland Security.
Mike Quigley
So paid media is when you buy an ad – typically in a presidential campaign that will be in Iowa, New Hampshire, the early states. It costs some money to make the ad, but the greatest cost is in actually placing the ad on TV.
Zephyr Teachout
The legions of reporters who cover politics don’t want to quit the clash and thunder of electoral combat for the dry duty of analyzing the federal budget. As a consequence, we have created the perpetual presidential campaign.
Hugh Sidey
Presidential primary debates are an important part of our political process. But the media has wrested complete control from the parties and candidates over everything, including the number, the format, the qualifications, and the moderators. And they’ve become a circus.
Mark McKinnon
Because liberalism typically doesn’t sell in American presidential politics, liberal candidates tend to run as culturally conservative centrists.
Rich Lowry
Political leaders in Belarus are routinely repressed, and their voices are muffled: Tsikhanouskaya was running for president because her husband, Siarhei Tsikhanouski, was arrested before he could start his own presidential campaign.
Anne Applebaum
When the Founding Fathers arrived here in Philadelphia to forge a new nation, they didn’t come as Democrats or Republicans or to nominate a presidential candidate. They came as patriots who feared party politics.
Michael Bloomberg
When you’re the presidential nominee you get to pick whomever you choose to be on the ticket, and that person gets to say yes or no because, obviously, it’s a very important decision.
Hillary Clinton
I feel the political failings of the U.S.A. are presidential in length, but the aspirant narrative of the States is millennial in length.
Jim Crace
Analysts may be correct that the presidential election won’t primarily turn on entitlements reform, but by choosing Paul Ryan as his running mate, Mitt Romney can, contrary to conventional wisdom, make it a winning issue and lay the foundation for a reform mandate when he wins.
David Limbaugh
A great many of us have been concerned about the presidential nomination system… whether or not we have drifted into a system that simply doesn’t work so well any more.
Terry Sanford
I think the trend to move towards caucuses and conventions, whether to nominate senators, governors or presidential nominees, I think the move towards caucuses and conventions is a very bad one, and that our party should reward those states that spend the time and money to have primaries.
Mitt Romney
We have no information that indicates that Ukraine interfered with the 2016 presidential election.
Christopher A. Wray
I’ve spent quality time in the aerospace community, with my service on two presidential commissions, but at heart, I’m an academic. Being an academic means I don’t wield power over person, place or thing. I don’t command armies; I don’t lead labor unions. All I have is the power of thought.
Neil deGrasse Tyson
The 2007 Labor campaign was the most presidential in Australian history, with a slogan – Kevin07 – exceeded in its banality only by its success.
Richard Flanagan
The people of South Carolina support conservatives who are trying to push real change, and the people of South Carolina expect their presidential candidates to back them up when they show courage.
Nikki Haley
In the 2004 presidential election, we saw a wonderful example of citizens making contributions. In fact, individual giving to both the Kerry and Bush campaigns was the highest in our nation’s history.
Mark Shields
The first presidential election I really paid attention to was in 1988 when George H. W. Bush ran against Michael Dukakis.
Dana Perino
I think it would be an extreme poverty indeed if there weren’t more than one person willing to compete for the presidential nomination of the Democratic Party.
Martin O’Malley
I had hoped that the current presidential campaign debates might educate the public as to what is really involved in the ongoing controversy over campaign financing.
James L. Buckley
Grassroots organizing tends to be most available to big campaigns, but it’s actually most useful to small ones. You can’t win a presidential campaign without going on TV, but you can win a local election simply by organizing your community. NationBuilder levels the playing field.
Joe Green
Every four years in the presidential election, some new precedent is broken.
Nate Silver
This has always been the way of presidential politics.

This has always been the way of presidential politics. The president rises above the fray while his surrogates go on the attack. They throw the spears and fling the mud; he sits upon the throne.
John Podhoretz
The Democrats do fine in presidential elections; their problem is they can’t get out the vote in the midterm elections.
Ruth Bader Ginsburg
The presidential candidates are offering prescriptions for everything from Iraq to healthcare, but listen closely. Their fixes are situational and incremental. Meanwhile, the underlying structural problems in American politics and government are systemic and prevent us from solving our most intractable challenges.
Larry J. Sabato
Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump and House Speaker Paul Ryan harbor incredible promise for America once they forge an effective partnership.
Pete Hoekstra
In presidential elections, I think people focus way too much on ideology.
Eric Garcetti
I’ve had four presidential candidates visit me in the tents, and they all lost. I tried to get Hillary down here, but she’s too smart. She won’t come to the tents.
Joe Arpaio
Because America is a democracy, public support for presidential foreign-policy decisions is essential.
Zbigniew Brzezinski