Top 360 Library Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Library Quotes from famous people such as Karin Slaughter, Wilbur Smith, Frank McCourt, Camille Perri, Kate DiCamillo, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

As voters and taxpayers, we must demand that our local

As voters and taxpayers, we must demand that our local governments properly prioritize libraries. As citizens, we must invest in our library down the street so that the generations served by that library grow up to be adults who contribute not just to their local communities but to the world.
Karin Slaughter
I wanted to be a great white hunter, a prospector for gold, or a slave trader. But then, when I was eight, my parents sent me to a boarding school in South Africa. It was the equivalent of a British public school with cold showers, beatings and rotten food. But what it also had was a library full of books.
Wilbur Smith
My dream was to have a Library of Congress catalogue number, that’s all.
Frank McCourt
When I was coming to terms with my sexuality, I often felt like I needed to seek out sanctuary outside of my house, and the library was the first place I went. It was a place that I could go and seek out information and look for answers to questions that maybe I was too afraid to ask another person.
Camille Perri
Whenever I am with a group of kids, I always ask them, ‘How many of you know about the summer reading program at your library and how many of you know it’s free?’ Spreading that sort of message comes very naturally to me.
Kate DiCamillo
I’ve been drunk for about a week now, and I thought it might sober me up to sit in a library.
F. Scott Fitzgerald
I’ve become completely obsessed with Netflix original programming. ‘House of Cards’ and ‘Orange is the New Black’ are two of my new favorite shows. I also love having access to such an amazing library of film and television and have watched some truly enlightening documentaries.
Claire Holt
To make sure that votes are never canceled out by illegal votes, we instituted a photo ID requirement. And don’t you think it’s fair to apply at least the same standard required to get a library card or to board an airpane?
Rick Perry
When I was nine, I found a copy of ‘Doctor Who: the Making of a Television Series’ in the school library. It had a picture of Peter Davison on the front, and it was a formative book for me. It explained all the different departments like the script, cameras, and sets and explained how a television show is put together.
Mike Bartlett
Three times a year, there’s Strategicon convention, and I go for the board games. It happens Presidents Day, Labor Day, and Memorial Day weekends. You go and take a look at the new board games and meet a couple of board game designers, and you can check out games you don’t own from the library and then return them.
Rich Sommer
When I was 10, my father had to go to the local library to sign a release form stating that I was allowed to borrow books from the adult section.
Terry Hayes
When I left home after graduating high school, I left as a migrant agricultural worker with a Modern Library edition of Plato in my duffel bag. It sounds kind of crazy, but I loved it. I loved the stuff. Before I knew there was a subject called philosophy, I loved it.
Dallas Willard
I’ve found that in an adult reference book, if it’s not a subject I’m interested in, I just can’t get into it. I was thinking, what is the place in the library I can go to to get books tailored to make things interesting for uninterested readers? Boom. The children’s section.
James Holzhauer
There is that romanticized idea of what a bookstore can be, what a library can be, what a shop can be. And to me, they are that. These are places that open doors into other worlds if only you’re open to them.
Ruth Reichl
We will have a total chaos without books, literature, and library.
Anne Waldman
I am a member of the London Library, and on almost every single job I do, there is some benefit to be had in going there and pulling two or three books off the shelves.
Ed Stoppard
It’s always a treat for me to go to the British Library.
Sue Perkins
I got into history when I was 11 years old, and it all started with the Titanic. I’d read books in the library about it. Of course I’ve seen the movie, too – I don’t think I’ve ever cried that much.
Katherine Langford
When I started the Imagination Library in my hometown, I never dreamed that one day we would be helping Scottish kids.
Dolly Parton
Nobody gets irony anymore, as we are now living in the post-ironic age. Once George Bush gets a library, our irony is dead.
Eric Idle
My first contact with game theory was a popular article in ‘Fortune Magazine’ which I read in my last high school year. I was immediately attracted to the subject matter, and when I studied mathematics, I found the fundamental book by von Neumann and Morgenstern in the library and studied it.
Reinhard Selten
My books are very few, but then the world is before me – a library open to all – from which poverty of purse cannot exclude me – in which the meanest and most paltry volume is sure to furnish something to amuse, if not to instruct and improve.
Joseph Howe
I use my awards as doorstops. Others are in the office or in little cubbyholes in our library – they go between the books, because they actually look like arty pieces.
Helen McCrory
When I go to a premiere I like to borrow lovely clothes and shoes from designers. It’s like the library: if you return them in good condition, you get to borrow more. I’m very lucky.
Sarah Jessica Parker
What if there was a library which held every book? Not every book on sale, or every important book, or even every book in English, but simply every book – a key part of our planet’s cultural legacy.
Aaron Swartz
I had no inclination to perform as a kid. I was a shy child – I always had my nose in a library book. I didn’t start acting until I went to college. Once I started, it seemed to fit like a glove. I felt completely at home on stage. It was the perfect way for me to express myself, even better than writing.
Colman Domingo
Look, science is hard, it has a reputation of being hard, and the facts are, it is hard, and that’s the result of 400 years of science, right? I mean, in the 18th century, in the 18th century you could become an expert on any field of science in an afternoon by going to a library, if you could find the library, right?
Seth Shostak
You go to your public library, or you call your fire department or police department, what do you think you are calling? These are socialist institutions.
Bernie Sanders
L.A. is a constellation of microclimates and microcosms, a library with dozens of special collections. A 20-minute drive can bring a temperature change of 15 degrees. Crossing an intersection can feel like crossing a national border.
Meghan Daum
I fell in love with reading when I was allowed to choose whatever books I wanted to check out of the library.
Adriana Trigiani
But the best problem I ever found, I found in my local public library.
Andrew Wiles
We moved from the East coast to the town of Spokane, Wa

We moved from the East coast to the town of Spokane, Washington, when I was about 13 years old, and I did not adapt very well to the, to the style of the place, and I spent most of my time in the public library.
Irwin Rose
I believe that when an elder dies, a library is burned: vast sums of wisdom and knowledge are lost. Throughout the world libraries are ablaze with scant attention.
Elizabeth Kapu’uwailani Lindsey
I grew up having the library as the best place ever. I spent a lot of weekends there as a kid – my parents would drop me off and leave me there all day. I would just sit in the back and read whatever I could find.
Karin Slaughter
At Yahoo, we were one of the early proponents of the power of content showcased through new media. SnagFilms, with its large library and breadth of digital distribution, can help shape this next phase, bringing great stories to broad new audiences.
Terry Semel
I was a little tomboy, growing up, but we had to go to the library every weekend if we wanted some form of entertainment. And I would gravitate towards the Shirley Temple, Judy Garland section of the library, and I would just pop that in and watch on replay because kids can watch movies over and over again.
Isabela Moner
I prefer a change of surroundings anyway, and I like to be around some energy and white noise, so I usually go to a Barnes & Noble cafe or to the library on 5th and 42nd. In the afternoons, I do research, reading, editing, and play with the kids.
Douglas Brunt
If a student takes the whole series of my folklore courses including the graduate seminars, he or she should learn something about fieldwork, something about bibliography, something about how to carry out library research, and something about how to publish that research.
Alan Dundes
Information helps you to see that you’re not alone. That there’s somebody in Mississippi and somebody in Tokyo who all have wept, who’ve all longed and lost, who’ve all been happy. So the library helps you to see, not only that you are not alone, but that you’re not really any different from everyone else.
Maya Angelou
I had plenty of pimples as a kid. One day I fell asleep in the library. When I woke up, a blind man was reading my face.
Rodney Dangerfield
The idea of a national digital library has been in the air for a long time, and there was a danger that some people would feel that it’s their property, so to speak.
Robert Darnton
There’s no architect who doesn’t want to build a library – and I am no different. With so much scrutiny now attached to reading – because of technology and how we approach it as a social activity – that is a very exciting area in architecture.
Annabelle Selldorf
The school I attended, Bedales, was fortunate to have been built by a leading light from the Arts and Crafts Movement in the 1890s. It contained a beautiful library, made originally of green oak and constructed with the help of the children.
David Linley
There were a lot of things I loved about working in a library, but mostly I miss the library patrons. I love books, but books are everywhere. Library patrons are as various and oddball and democratic as library books.
Elizabeth McCracken
The only thing that I discovered very early on is that, even though we might change schools and cities and towns and states, the books in the library were the same. They had the same covers. They had the same characters. I could go and visit those people in the library as if I knew them.
J. Michael Straczynski
I remember finding a Houdini book at the library and seeing an image of him chained on the side of a building. He looked so intense and scary, and I couldn’t get that image out of my head. That started building up my love of magic.
David Blaine
I intend, before the endgame looms, to die sitting in a chair in my own garden with a glass of brandy in my hand and Thomas Tallis on the iPod. Oh, and since this is England, I had better add, ‘If wet, in the library.’ Who could say that this is bad?
Terry Pratchett
My mother introduced me to more academic-minded writers, Cornel West and Skip Gates. In her library, I came across, when I was very young, Harold Cruse’s ‘The Crisis of the Negro Intellectual,’ which is like a bible of Negro intellectuals from Frederick Douglass to Amiri Baraka.
Rashid Johnson
I went to the library – and this was before the Internet – and I searched for a career that was creative, would not fall into a routine, involved problem solving and making things. It also had to be dynamic. I came up with special effects.
Jamie Hyneman
I was the kind of reader in smudged pink harlequin glasses sitting on the cool, dusty floor of the Arrandale public library, standing at the edge of the playground, having broken a tooth in dodge ball, and lying under my covers with a flashlight.
Amy Bloom
When Sondheim was visiting the Library of Congress, where the manuscript of ‘Porgy and Bess’ is housed, he was so overcome with emotion while holding the score in his hands that he shed a tear. He shed several tears, but one of the tears actually fell onto the original manuscript. And he was horrified.
Michael Feinstein
The access to information the web provides is both daunting and exciting. Information that was once secreted away in library stacks is now so much more easily available.
Alice Roberts
I have always been an obsessive reader – I remember going back and forth to the local library with stacks of books taller than I was.
Lisa Kleypas
Starting on February 1, 2010, and running through until May 30, I will be Toronto Public Library’s Writer in Residence, working out of the Merril Collection of Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Speculation at the Lillian H. Smith branch at College and Spadina.
Karl Schroeder
I’m a sucker for lost worlds. I was nostalgic even as a child. I was happiest in my hometown library in Adams, Mass., where nothing seemed to change.
Stacy Schiff
I worry about Google’s data ethics and about the idea of handing over the corpus of my life, but I can’t deny that it is exceptional at making sense of my ever-growing photo library.
Om Malik
I was so naive about writing, I went to the public library and checked out the only volume they had on the topic – an academic treatise about publishing from the WWII era.
Bruce Feiler
I worked on scores. I went to the musical library in Berlin which is very famous. I discovered that we had scores of Beethoven, printed scores of Beethoven, that are full of mistakes. Not the wrong or false notes, but the wrong dynamic, understandable things.
Kurt Masur
As the biggest library if it is in disorder is not as useful as a small but well-arranged one, so you may accumulate a vast amount of knowledge but it will be of far less value than a much smaller amount if you have not thought it over for yourself.
Arthur Schopenhauer
I’ve always been a mystery fan. My very first grown-up book, I distinctly remember going to the library and my mom helping me pick out an Agatha Christie book. I was in fifth grade or something and very proud of being in the adult fiction aisles. I tore through ‘The Mysterious Affair at Styles.’
Gillian Flynn
When I read about the way in which library funds are being cut and cut, I can only think that American society has found one more way to destroy itself.
Isaac Asimov
Nothing sickens me more than the closed door of a library.
Barbara W. Tuchman
Your library is your portrait.

Your library is your portrait.
Holbrook Jackson
I believe that when an elder dies, a library is burned: vast sums of wisdom and knowledge are lost. Throughout the world libraries are ablaze with scant attention.
Elizabeth Kapu’uwailani Lindsey
During my childhood, Washington was a segregated city, and I lived in the midst of a poor black neighborhood. Life on the streets was often perilous. Indoor reading was my refuge, and twice a week, I made the hazardous bicycle trek to the central library at Seventh and K streets to stock up on supplies.
Irvin D. Yalom
Never lend books, for no one ever returns them; the only books I have in my library are books that other folks have left me.
Anatole France
I’ve been quite fascinated by the relative insignificance of human existence, the shortness of life. We might as well be a letter in a word in a sentence on a page in a book in a library in a city in one country in this enormous universe! And that kind of fear and insignificance has kept me awake at night.
Laura Marling
I discovered Deborah Ellis’s books in the school library after my head teacher encouraged me to go beyond the school curriculum and look for books I might enjoy.
Malala Yousafzai
If the library’s rarest frequenters are the ones we’d like to see in them the most, then libraries are failing.
David Harsanyi
I lived in the library with my grandmother as a child. I still love the smell of books; the library card is still my friend.
Dawn Richard
There should not be a micro-managing of terminology with the Library of Congress.
Tom Graves
I was always the only black in the movie theater, the only black in class, the only black in the library, the only black in the discotheque. I always felt observed and judged.
Concha Buika
When you grow up looking at Superman, Batman, and all those superheroes, you take it for granted that is what superheroes are supposed to be. So then, when I see art books at the library, and I’m seeing Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo and Rembrandt, I think that’s what artists look like.
Kerry James Marshall
I remember the bad times as a succession of painful emotional snapshots: Me walking into the library at 24 Sussex, seeing my mother in tears, and hearing her talk about leaving while my father stood facing her, stern and ashen.
Justin Trudeau
While the scale of our library is certainly attractive to our users, equally important is the quality of the content we provide and our state-of-the-art processing operation that vets every single piece of content that’s submitted to ensure only the most suitable content is included.
Jon Oringer
The Boston run of ‘Lolita, My Love’ ended after a mere nine performances – though one of them was recorded at decent enough quality to be preserved by the New York Public Library.
Sarah Weinman
I wanted to be in a band that gave bang for the buck. I wanted to be in the band who didn’t look like a bunch of guys who, you know, should be in a library studying for their finals.
Gene Simmons
I was a great reader of fairy tales. I tried to read the entire fairy tale section of the library.
Beverly Cleary
The government can still conduct clandestine searches of innocent people’s private information such as library, medical, and financial records. This is wrong and should have been addressed in a true compromise.
Jose Serrano
The most inspiring objects are books. I have about 5,000 volumes in my home library. It’s an unending source of visuals and ideas.
Maira Kalman
I haven’t been very enthusiastic about the commercialization of children’s literature. Kids should borrow books from the library and not necessarily be buying them.
Beverly Cleary
But it’s the particularity of a place, the physical experience of being in a place, that makes it onto the page. That’s why I don’t just do library research. I very rarely write about somewhere I haven’t been.
Hari Kunzru
Listen, there’s been times in my life like the two years that I only listened to jazz, and probably nothing after 1966. When I went to the Manhattan School of Music, the library didn’t have anything after 1966. In order to get good at that, I had to tunnel-vision and focus on that.
Dr. Luke
Words about Lincoln fill a small but ever-growing library.
Fred Kaplan
I got my first library card, for Hendon Library in north London, when I was two years old.
Naomi Alderman
Every day, no matter how tired my father was, he’d put me in the car and drive me to Schaumburg Public Library, and he’d read to me from books about Dr. King, Mahatma Gandhi, Eleanor Roosevelt.
Reshma Saujani
Simply as a writer of books I’m thrilled and proud that Seattle should have raised, on a public vote, sufficient money to build a central library, and moreover to rebuild every other library in the city: 28 of them.
Jonathan Raban
Visitors to a future Donald J. Trump presidential library may find a whole section dedicated to his demolition of the 2015 Iran nuclear accord: ‘worst deal ever;’ ‘horrible’ and ‘one-sided;’ ‘major embarrassment;’ ‘defective at its core.’
Antony Blinken
I’m not comfortable being preachy, but more people need to start spending as much time in the library as they do on the basketball court.
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar
I was diagnosed with diabetes at age 18. I didn’t know what it was, so I went to the library and looked it up.
Ron Santo
Currently I am working on another three books, doing a lot of magazine work, am shooting for fifteen stock agencies, plus my own photo library – all this keeps me quite busy!
Nigel Dennis
I don’t know what your childhood was like, but we didn’t have much money. We’d go to a movie on a Saturday night, then on Wednesday night my parents would walk us over to the library. It was such a big deal, to go in and get my own book.
Robert Redford
Some archives and record offices are housed in your local museum or library; others have their own stand-alone building. Wherever they are, they are a treasure trove.
Kate Williams
I was fired from my first job in New York. I was just o

I was fired from my first job in New York. I was just out of school, doing the Welsh play, ‘The Corn Is Green,’ at Equity Library Theater. I was studying with Uta Hagen, and I was really working well, but they got nervous. They wanted results right away. We had a run-through, and I wasn’t there yet, so they fired me.
Barbara Barrie
I always knew from that moment, from the time I found myself at home in that little segregated library in the South, all the way up until I walked up the steps of the New York City library, I always felt, in any town, if I can get to a library, I’ll be OK. It really helped me as a child, and that never left me.
Maya Angelou
Sometimes the best reading comes just by accident. Someone talks about a book, or you’re just wandering the stacks in the library, and you find a book that you love.
Elizabeth Berg
Every child in American should have access to a well-stocked school library.
Laura Bush
In 2009, the American Library Association recorded 460 challenges reported to the Office of Intellectual Freedom.
Andrew Shaffer
Google’s library plan was staggering and exciting – it wasn’t the idea I objected to, but the method.
Nick Harkaway
For some 25 years, I worked as a librarian, first at the New York Public Library, then at Trenton State College in New Jersey. My life has always been with, around, and for books.
A man will turn over half a library to make one book.
Samuel Johnson
Books in a large university library system: 2,000,000. Books in an average large city library: 10,000. Average number of books in a chain bookstore: 30,000. Books in an average neighborhood branch library: 20,000.
Anthony Burgess
When I read about the way in which library funds are being cut and cut, I can only think that American society has found one more way to destroy itself.
Isaac Asimov
In London, I discovered a peculiar building by Holland Park where the globe was shrunk to fit a British perspective, but which had a library with Sri Lankan books I had never seen before.
Romesh Gunesekera
Between the ages of fifteen and twenty-four, I must have read a whole library.
Charles Bukowski
Every day, three times per second, we produce the equivalent of the amount of data that the Library of Congress has in its entire print collection, right? But most of it is like cat videos on YouTube or 13-year-olds exchanging text messages about the next Twilight movie.
Nate Silver
My office in New York is overflowing with all kinds of cookbooks, and in New Orleans we have a huge culinary library. So yeah, I guess I’m a little bit obsessed.
Emeril Lagasse
I was that kid with the glasses and the hungry expression who haunted every library book sale and used bookstore in town: the one who always has a book in one hand and is reaching for the next book with the other. There’s one in every town.
Seanan McGuire
I couldn’t go to college, so I went to the library three days a week for 10 years.
Ray Bradbury
I spent many, many hours in the stack at the University of Washington library just wandering around, when my dad was working, as a kid.
Paul Allen
I remember that I used to get lots of books from the library, and ‘Little Women’ was one of them. And I used to just cross out the parts of it that really upset me because it’s such a sad book in so many ways. I’d cross out the parts that upset me, and I would rewrite new endings.
Helen Oyeyemi
A library is thought in cold storage.
Herbert Samuel
If you want to get laid, go to college. If you want an education, go to the library.
Frank Zappa
With the exception of undertakers, athletes are the only professionals obliged to feign sorrow on a daily basis, pretending that every June baseball loss is a tragedy requiring library silence in the clubhouse.
Steve Rushin
I loved doing problems in school. I’d take them home and make up new ones of my own. But the best problem I ever found, I found in my local public library. I was just browsing through the section of math books and I found this one book, which was all about one particular problem – Fermat’s Last Theorem.
Andrew Wiles
I love the Web, but the basis of my work is going through the physical books. When you go to the library, you see other books around on the shelves that you never knew existed. You can flip through a book and see the whole outline of it.
Camille Paglia
A library is a place that is a repository of information and gives every citizen equal access to it. That includes health information. And mental health information. It’s a community space. It’s a place of safety, a haven from the world.
Neil Gaiman
I remember, in school during English lessons, I would ask the teacher what were the most difficult books to read, and when she’d say ‘Ulysses’ or something, I’d run off to the library to check out a copy, eager to attempt the most difficult mountain.
Stephen Hough
The library companies have made it so that music is so cheap to license. They do sound-alikes of every band, and it makes it harder for the actual bands to get any decent paychecks for licensing.
Brian Reitzell
A library is the delivery room for the birth of ideas, a place where history comes to life.
Norman Cousins
I was obsessed with George Orwell for years. I remember going to the town library and having to put in interlibrary loan requests to get the compilation of his BBC radio pieces. I had to get everything he ever wrote.
Jill Lepore
I miss the reference section at the library. I used to go there twice a week on missions. Now everywhere’s a research library and I can’t get an elitist kick from it any more.
Douglas Coupland
I want to take everything I have in me, weave it, merge it with the beauty that is in the Library of Congress, all the resources, the guidance of the staff and departments, and launch it with the heart-shaped dreams of the people.
Juan Felipe Herrera
Just be a cool grandpa who’s creative, and hang out and tell stories and read a book in the library.
Angelina Jolie
I remember going to a monastery library when I was very

I remember going to a monastery library when I was very young and being surrounded by ancient books. I fell in love.
Hans-Ulrich Obrist
I am in Boston right now, in fact, to do work at the New England Historical Genealogical Library, where I’m trying to finish up tracing my lineage back to the seventeenth century.
Rick Moody
My first job was as an assistant in the local library. Self-fulfilling prophecy?
Jodi Picoult
I was always looking ahead. I used to do all kinds of things for entertainment. When I was young, we had no radio, no TV. We were 30 miles from the public library, out in the sticks in Western Kansas, and so I’d do arithmetic exercises.
Clyde Tombaugh
Libraries allow children to ask questions about the world and find the answers. And the wonderful thing is that once a child learns to use a library, the doors to learning are always open.
Laura Bush
I usually get up not before 9. I have a huge library – I’m a big fan of Scandinavian crime fiction – so I’ll usually take a book and go off to one of my favorite bistros for a cappuccino or espresso or maybe I’ll have some lovely smoked salmon for breakfast.
Anthony Geary
A man should keep his little brain attic stocked with all the furniture that he is likely to use, and the rest he can put away in the lumber-room of his library, where he can get it if he wants it.
Arthur Conan Doyle
It was an incredible resource. I’d sit with a big stack of bound New Yorkers in the library and read through, especially the ‘Talk of the Town’ sections.
Michael Chabon
I’ve always been a ravenous consumer of opinion. When I was in my high school library and my college library, I would read ‘National Review’ and I would read ‘The Nation’ and I would read ‘The American Spectator’ and I would read ‘Mother Jones.’
Jake Tapper
I discovered me in the library. I went to find me in the library.
Ray Bradbury
Kissinger’s monopoly on this historical record has driven many scholars to distraction. Groups of lawyers, scholars, journalists and archivists have used pronunciamento, lawsuit, and other crowbars in a usually vain effort to open Kissinger’s Library of Congress cache.
Michael Beschloss
ArcGIS includes a Living Atlas of the World. It’s like a large living library of geographic information.
Jack Dangermond
If I’m researching something strange and rococo, I’ll go to the London Library or the British Library and look it up in books.
Ben Schott
So he said ‘I’m going to chop off the bottom of one of your trouser legs and put it in a library.’ I thought ‘That’s a turn-up for the books.’
Tommy Cooper
I was on my own at Wellesley, surrounded by a lot of young women who were motivated and intellectually curious. I started to read because I was required to do so for class, but I soon found myself enjoying the seclusion of the library. I came to see reading as an important way to learn about people, including myself.
Elisabeth Shue
There are probably a few library fines I haven’t paid yet, but I’m a pretty clean-cut guy overall.
Al Yankovic
‘Anna Karenina.’ I read it in college. I was so engrossed that I couldn’t stop reading it and neglected all my other studies. I would go to the library even on nice warm weekends and just lock myself up. I think that was the first time that I felt transformed by a book.
Jonathan Dee
I came across ‘The Song of Achilles’ by Madeline Miller in one of the most romantic ways one can find a story. I was digging through a pile of used books at my local library when my hand gravitated toward its brilliant teal and glistening gold cover.
Taylor Jenkins Reid
I used to steal from the library, which is a crime and it’s bad, but I just couldn’t get enough books, and I also didn’t like to give them back once I’d read them. I just read everything.
Sara Pascoe
I wanted to see my name on the cover of a book. If your name is in the Library of Congress, you’re immortal.
Tom Clancy
Even as the Internet has revived hope of a universal library and Google seems to promise an answer to every query, books have remained a dark region in the universe of information. We want books to be as accessible and searchable as the Web. On the other hand, we still want them to be books.
Gary Wolf
The real tragedy of the Library at Alexandria was not that the incendiaries burned immensely, but that they had neither the leisure nor the taste to discriminate.
Arthur Quiller-Couch
I read all the time. I love it. My fantasy would be to be locked into a library. I’d be very, very happy.
Immigrants use the library often. A lot of them don’t have access to books and Internet at home. They seem so disconnected to the city.
Rabindranath Maharaj
From fifth grade on, I worked at our public library. The pay, a pittance, was almost superfluous. All through high school, I looked forward to summer as the time when I could work at the library four or five days a week. I was never a camp counselor, a lifeguard, a scooper of ice cream.
Julia Glass
I went to the library and found lots of material about this time, about the Freedom March and what was going on down there in 1964.
Glenne Headly
The library of my elementary school had this great biography section, and I read all of these paperback biographies until they were dog-eared. The story of Eleanor Roosevelt and Madame Curie and Martin Luther King and George Washington Carver and on and on and on.
Christine Quinn
I once called construction companies to bid on an addition to the school library so that there would suddenly be people outside, measuring the building. ‘Who authorized this?’ the principal would ask. The answer: ‘Howie Mandel.’
Howie Mandel
Sometimes I’m asked if I do research for my stories. The answer is yes and no. No, in the sense that I seldom plow through books at the library to gather material. Yes, in the sense that the first fifteen years of my life turned out to be one big research project.
Jerry Spinelli
The library, with its Daedalian labyrinth, mysterious hush, and faintly ominous aroma of knowledge, has been replaced by the computer’s cheap glow, pesky chirp, and data spillage.
P. J. O’Rourke
I used to read music books when I was 13. My mom was working at a library. She’s a librarian. I would get my mom to check out any kind of books that had anything to do with the music industry. I read a lot about royalities, publishing, marketing, stuff like that.
Juicy J
I came to writing because I joined the North Clare Writ

I came to writing because I joined the North Clare Writers’ Workshop, which met every week at Ennistymon Library.
Kate Thompson
We see ourselves as the world’s digital library. That can be a lot more than books. We do want to expand to other types of content: sheet music, magazines, user-generated content.
Trip Adler
In Liverpool, where I live, we have a brilliant library which has been refurbished, and I like going there.
Shaun Evans
As a journalist I’m comfortable doing library research, and I did a lot! I had a fellowship at Radcliff for a year which gave me access to the Harvard system.
Anita Diament
For good or ill, communism transformed the globe, but how many of us realise the crucial role played by a Manchester public library – Chethams, the oldest library in the English-speaking world – in the honing of that ideology?
Michael Portillo
My great-grandfather was a self-taught man, and his library was extraordinary. I read the lot.
Alan Garner
If I was at home, I’d find myself checking email and looking at the Internet when I should be working. In the library, I can get an awful lot done in a couple of hours, but it can become quite sociable, which you have to watch out for. There are a lot of people you can pop out and have a coffee with.
Justin Cartwright
At some point, I picked up an old library copy of ‘To The Lighthouse’ someone had bought for 25 cents. I began to read and didn’t stop until the sun had blistered my back. A mysterious rightness, a beautiful submerged truth had invaded me, one that has ever since seemed slightly beyond my grasp.
Lauren Groff
My mother was almost entirely responsible for my cultural education. She took me to the library once a week, and by the age of seven, I was reading 100 books a year.
Steven Berkoff
My dad was a very unconventional Asian American man. He was very much not quiet, not shy, not passive. If he had to fart, he’d do it in the library. He did not care. He was like, ‘I don’t know these people. I’m uncomfortable, and I need to let it go.’
Ali Wong
I always say that the real success of Wine Library wasn’t due to the videos I posted, but to the hours I spent talking to people online afterward, making connections and building relationships.
Gary Vaynerchuk
It is an awfully sad misconception that librarians simply check books in and out. The library is the heart of a school, and without a librarian, it is but an empty shell.
Jarrett J. Krosoczka
Gone are the days when your indiscretions at university were recorded in a roneoed college newsletter of which there is only one copy left tucked in a filing cabinet at the back of a library. Today that same college newsletter is online, accessible by the whole world now and forever.
Malcolm Turnbull
Now, many public libraries want to lend e-books, not simply to patrons who come in to download, but to anybody with a reading device, a library card and an Internet connection. In this new reality, the only incentive to buy, rather than borrow, an e-book is the fact that the lent copy vanishes after a couple of weeks.
Scott Turow
I read the ‘New Yorker’ when I was a kid. I used to love the cartoons and pick the cartoons out of the library, so I felt I knew the world of their cartoons.
Bruce Eric Kaplan
When I won my way to the international science fair, I didn’t want to embarrass myself. It was the first time I was going to be away from home, the first time taking an airplane. I went to the local library, checked out every single etiquette book, and I read those books like I was uncovering some sort of treasure.
Charles M. Blow
I collect musical theatre anthologies. I have a whole library of them.
Tituss Burgess
My mother brought us to the library every week, and I read a lot. That’s what kept me company. I went from school to school, but there was always reading.
Julianne Moore
My interior is very, very dense – Proustian-looking, sort of Henry James. The walls are covered in pictures, and I transformed the big drawing room into a library lined with books.
Hamish Bowles
I got kicked out in grade school because I staged a riot because I wanted more library time.
Bitsie Tulloch
We didn’t have a phone when I was a kid, and I was too shy to smash any public phones, and our town didn’t have a pool hall either, so I had to hang out at the public library – and anyway, I told myself stories.
John Sladek
There were two free public libraries within walking distance of my home; I remember taking six books home from every visit, the limit set by the library.
Martin Lewis Perl
The end of ‘Hollow City’ left the peculiar children in a very precarious spot, and that’s just where ‘Library of Souls’ begins.
Ransom Riggs
I always have to go out to work even if it’s just a desk somewhere or an office or the British Library.
David Morrissey
That perfect tranquillity of life, which is nowhere to be found but in retreat, a faithful friend and a good library.
Aphra Behn
I became a librarian at the Sainte-Genevieve Library in Paris. I made this gesture to rid myself of a certain milieu, a certain attitude, to have a clean conscience, but also to make a living. I was twenty-five. I had been told that one must make a living, and I believed it.
Marcel Duchamp
My mom used to tell me that the most valuable thing she owned was her library card. We were poor, but that’s not what she was talking about. My mom knew that education opened doors and opened minds.
Richard Carmona
When I go to a library and I see the librarian at her desk reading, I’m afraid to interrupt her, even though she sits there specifically so that she may be interrupted, even though being interrupted for reasons like this by people like me is her very job.
Aaron Swartz
Your library is your paradise.
Desiderius Erasmus
I wanted to sail when I was in grammar school and well remember memorizing the names of the sails from the Merriam-Webster’s ponderous dictionary in the library. Now I am actually at sea – as a passenger, of course, but at sea nevertheless – and bound for Ecuador.
Jim Elliot
We will have a total chaos without books, literature, and library.
Anne Waldman
A family living at the poverty level is unlikely to be

A family living at the poverty level is unlikely to be able to afford a computer at home. Even with a computer, access to the Internet is another significant expense. A child might borrow a book from a public library; but it is not possible to take a computer home.
Margaret Geller
We never had a giant library or owned a lot of commercial characters the way most studios did. And since we didn’t have a lot of internal resources, we had to find ways to be inventive and resourceful, which I think is a healthy way to run a good business.
Toby Emmerich
I’ve always loved to paint – I was studying to do an art degree when I was approached to become a model – and I’ve being doing some design work as well. I also love just having a quiet time, sitting in my little library at home in Brooklyn and reading or watching documentaries or listening to music.
Alek Wek
When I first moved to L.A., I didn’t have a lot of money to join a gym or take classes, so I improvised. My sister and I went to the library and looked over their DVD collection and discovered Neena and Veena, these Egyptian twins who have a whole series of belly dancing routines. We did them all.
AnnaLynne McCord
I was a member of Corstorphine Library in Edinburgh, and every Friday night, my parents took me there to borrow books. I also used to spend nearly all my pocket money on books.
Philip Kerr
If you’re setting a game during the Cuban Missile Crisis, look through a library. find out what people were wearing, what other issues were in the news, how houses were furnished, what cars were being driven. Especially include things which now seem foreign.
Graham Nelson
During the week that I arrived in the United States, I saw an airport, used a telephone, used a library, talked with a scientist, and was shown a computer for the first time in my life.
Philip Emeagwali
And my father always took me to the library. We were both book addicts.
Cornelia Funke
I don’t really generate material specifically for the Kingsway Music Library. It’s just a product of the way I work.
Frank Dukes
Maybe they’re not ‘books,’ but ‘Acme Novelty Library’ and ‘Eightball’ are two comics I can’t get enough of.
Christopher McCulloch
My favorite language for maintainability is Python. It has simple, clean syntax, object encapsulation, good library support, and optional named parameters.
Bram Cohen
When you go back to the days when I was studying how to paint, some of the things that excited me most was to go into the Huntington Library and Gardens and to see the amazing pictures of the landed gentry.
Kehinde Wiley
I have encountered those who feel that libraries have served their purpose and are no longer needed. There are those who consider them a soft target when it comes to local authority budget cuts. In certain political quarters, there is a refusal to see that our public library service needs active protection.
Malorie Blackman
My biggest challenges when I first started out were not having a computer or camera or Wi-Fi! The computer and the camera had to be borrowed, and there were times that I used the computer at the library, and I literally sat outside people’s houses to steal their Internet connections.
By about age 12, I would prefer to stay up and watch the stars than go to sleep. I started learning. I started going to the library and reading. But it was initially just watching the stars from my bedroom that I really did. There was just nothing as interesting in my life as watching the stars every night.
Vera Rubin
First, we would reposition UPI by bringing it into the 21st century with new technology. And second would be to better utilize its assets, like the library and archives, which have terrific value.
Leon Charney
I predict that you students who are burning out from the pressure to fix upon a career choice as early as possible and tailor your studies accordingly, will find relief for a few hours here and there in a great library.
Hilary Farr
A personal library is a reflection of who you are and who you want to be, of what you value and what you desire, of how much you know and how much more you’d like to know.
Michael Dirda
When I was about thirteen, the library was going to get ‘Calculus for the Practical Man.’ By this time I knew, from reading the encyclopedia, that calculus was an important and interesting subject, and I ought to learn it.
Richard P. Feynman
In design-speak, ‘a library’ means a room lined with books, floor-to ceiling, but it all depends on the space you have. You may have a free-standing bookshelf of your favorite books if that’s all you have room for.
Nate Berkus
I grew up in a household without a TV. We lived next door to a library for a while, and at one point, I checked out all the books in the fairy tale section. I remember the librarian’s quiet smile as I’d bring back one stack and exchange it for another.
Victoria Hanley
Wouldn’t it be great if you could put all the published works online? The Internet Archive is trying to become useful as a modern-day digital library.
Brewster Kahle
The public library system of the United States is worth preserving.
Henry Rollins
I grew up listening to my father argue politics into the night and taking trips every Saturday to the Hood River library where my mother maintained her interest in reading and encouraged the same from her sons.
Dale T. Mortensen
The library is seen as a force for self improvement and the pursuit of knowledge. I fear that in many cases this is no longer true, if it ever was.
John Redwood
Books were my window on the world. Growing up at the Elephant and Castle, which was very rough, my paradise was the library.
Michael Caine
Oxford is wonderful. I’m having a great time. We do go out, but I still try to spend most of my time studying in the library.
Chelsea Clinton
I don’t really have an office or anything, and I like to have to move location every two hours. So I just kind of write in a park, on a bench, in the library, in a cafe, back to the library, that kind of thing.
Steve Toltz
My Alma mater was books, a good library… I could spend the rest of my life reading, just satisfying my curiosity.
Malcolm X
Fridays after school, especially when the weather was lousy, Mom would take me to the library. She’d let me check out whatever I wanted, and I checked out a lot.
Anthony Doerr
I understood right from the start that every set of library doors were the sort of magic portals that lead to other lands. My God, right within reach there were dinosaurs and planets and presidents and girl detectives!
Deb Caletti
Library campaigners are not prepared to stand by and wa

Library campaigners are not prepared to stand by and watch something they cherish be dismantled brick by brick.
Kate Mosse
I hate recording all the shows for the week in one day, because I want to be able to mention current events and pop culture. If Madonna punches Britney in the face today, I want to reference that on ‘Wine Library TV’ tomorrow. Monday’s episode is always the best, because it’s hot off the press.
Gary Vaynerchuk
It’s important to make clear to all the schools at Harvard the central role of the library.
Robert Darnton
I mean, for all of his faults and the troubles in his marriage, Bill Clinton is still married to a girl he met in the library 25 years ago at school. Can we say that about many of our other leaders today in America, including on the right wing?
Paul Begala
In seventh grade, with some vague sense that I wanted to be a writer, I crouched in the junior high school library stacks to see where my novels would eventually be filed. It was right after someone named Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. So I grabbed a Vonnegut book, ‘Breakfast of Champions’ and immediately fell in love.
Jess Walter
One of the reasons that I take such joy in being a trustee of the New York Public Library is the love of reading that I found as a child in the Saturday morning library events for preschoolers and first and second graders as I was growing up in Augusta, GA.
Jessye Norman
The Bible is not just one book, but an entire library, with stories, songs, poetry, letters and history, as well as literature that might more obviously qualify as ‘religious.’
John Drane
Everything you need for better future and success has already been written. And guess what? All you have to do is go to the library.
Henri Frederic Amiel
A library book, I imagine, is a happy book.
Cornelia Funke
I try to give the music more of a campfire feel as opposed to a library atmosphere. I like when you can hear people hanging out in the songs and doing a little shuffling. It creates a feeling of participation.
Alex Ebert
The institution of a public library, containing books on education, would be well adapted for the information of teachers, many of whom are not able to purchase expensive publications on those subjects.
Joseph Lancaster
I wasn’t a great student, but I was interested in this theater thing, and I could spend hours in the library researching why the cuffs in the 18th century had four buttons. It was my handle.
Jimmy Smits
I was an engineering student and spent a lot of time in the library, and no one applauds when you finish your calculations.
Andre Braugher
The reason we didn’t acquire WCW is an incoming, rotating door, new head of Turner at that time, took prime time television literally out of the deal that we had already negotiated. Once that happened, there was no way to make any sense of it. It was really just a video library and some ring mats.
Eric Bischoff
I couldn’t live a week without a private library – indeed, I’d part with all my furniture and squat and sleep on the floor before I’d let go of the 1500 or so books I possess.
H. P. Lovecraft
I have a library, and it’s like I want to beat Belle on ‘Beauty and the Beast’ and have a better library than she had.
Martellus Bennett
Between the ages of fifteen and twenty-four, I must have read a whole library.
Charles Bukowski
I wrote one terrible manuscript after another for a decade and I guess they gradually got a little less terrible. But there were many, many unpublished short stories, abandoned screenplays and novels… a Library of Congress worth of awful literature.
Seth Grahame-Smith
I can still remember my mum (a voracious, if not discriminating, reader – I have seen everything from the sublime to the ridiculous by her bed, from Ian Rankin and Elmore Leonard to Barbara Cartland and James Patterson) taking me to get my library card when I was four and not yet at school.
John Niven
I have no personal agenda in whether or not a library keeps ‘Whale Talk’ or ‘Athletic Shorts’ or any of my books shelved.
Chris Crutcher
I’m sort of obsessed with Harlem. Just its history. My father did the music for a play called ‘The Huey P. Newton Story,’ and they did a lot of work in Harlem. So as a little girl, I spent a lot of time in Harlem Library.
Tessa Thompson
I never imagined I’d go into acting, but I always loved drama, and when I was 16, I discovered the Library Theatre up the road. So I plucked up courage and asked if I could watch rehearsals. It was like Heaven.
Lesley Nicol
I do readings at the public library. I just did a benefit scene night for my old acting teacher.
Mark Ruffalo
If you have a garden and a library, you have everything you need.
Marcus Tullius Cicero
It’s one thing, holding open the door for someone at a grocery store, or the library, or just about anyplace else. But the doughnut shop is a different thing altogether. This is a get-in-and-out-as-fast-as-you-can operation. There’s no room for courtesy or chivalry here.
Linwood Barclay
Until he lost all his money, my father was a successful north London Jewish businessman. He was unusual among his immediate family in that he was enormously cultured and had an incredible library.
Anthony Horowitz
I worked in restaurants, and I worked in the Cambridge Public Library.
H. Jon Benjamin
No matter where you are on the political spectrum, libraries make sense. It’s such a small investment. Every dollar supporting a library system returns five dollars to the community.
Karin Slaughter
A library implies an act of faith.
Victor Hugo
A library is a place that is a repository of information and gives every citizen equal access to it. That includes health information. And mental health information. It’s a community space. It’s a place of safety, a haven from the world.
Neil Gaiman
I don’t have sophisticated tastes. I have average tastes. If you looked in my collection of DVDs, you’d see ‘Jaws’ and ‘Star Wars.’ In the book library, you’d see John Grisham and Sidney Sheldon. And if you look in my fridge, it’s, like, children’s food – chips, milkshakes, yogurt.
Simon Cowell
I read a lot about her. I read a lot of bios. I read bi

I read a lot about her. I read a lot of bios. I read bios about the royal family; I read this little novella called ‘The Uncommon Reader,’ which is a fiction: it’s about Queen Elizabeth going on this library bus and choosing books and reading them, but it’s so sweet.
Sarah Gadon
As a kid, I would get my parents to drop me off at my local library on their way to work during the summer holidays, and I would walk home at night. For several years, I read the children’s library until I finished the children’s library. Then I moved into the adult library and slowly worked my way through them.
Neil Gaiman
I was an early reader, reading even before kindergarten, and since we did not have books in my home, my older brother, Alexander, was responsible for our trip every week to the public library to exchange books already read for new ones to be read.
Rosalyn Sussman Yalow
Owning content and original content has been our lifeblood – we’ve never been a suite of brands that’s been reliant on a movie library or on rented series from other networks.
Nancy Dubuc
If truth is beauty, how come no one has their hair done in the library?
Lily Tomlin
As a child, I wanted only two things – to be left alone to read my library books, and to get away from my provincial hometown and go to London to be a writer. And I always knew that when I got there, I wanted to make loads of money.
Julie Burchill
A library is the delivery room for the birth of ideas, a place where history comes to life.
Norman Cousins
For a whole year in elementary school, when the class marched down to the school library every week, I would refuse to return my book. I would just check it out again and again. Every week. For a whole year. The object of my fourth-grade filibuster was ‘D’Aulaires’ Book of Greek Myths.’
Robin Sloan
I have said repeatedly that in this country we track library books better than we do sex offenders.
Mark Foley
If you have a garden and a library, you have everything you need.
Marcus Tullius Cicero
With a library you are free, not confined by temporary political climates. It is the most democratic of institutions because no one – but no one at all – can tell you what to read and when and how.
Doris Lessing
In my opinion, right up there with free public schools, our free public library system is what makes citizenship possible, even what makes America great.
Karen DeCrow
If there’s a problem, we at Wine Library never tell ourselves that once we handle this issue, we’ll never have to deal with the person again. We talk to every single person as though we’re going to wind up sitting next to that person at his or her mother’s house that night for dinner.
Gary Vaynerchuk
I must say I find television very educational. The minute somebody turns it on, I go to the library and read a good book.
Groucho Marx
The library is the temple of learning, and learning has liberated more people than all the wars in history.
Carl T. Rowan
After 20 years and 250 mainstream films, I thought I should have in my library at least 50 films, films that will be talked about when I am no more.
Prosenjit Chatterjee
The library world is set up on this model where the library is a physical building and has a number of books and serves a geographical community.
Aaron Swartz
People go back to the stuff that doesn’t cost a lot of money and the stuff that you don’t have to hand money to over and over again. Stuff that you get for free, stuff that your older brother gives you, stuff that you can get out of the local library.
Frank Black
I go into my library and all history unrolls before me.
Alexander Smith
My stepfather introduced me to The London Library when I was about 18; the clientele has definitely changed since then, but it is still a wonderful oasis in the middle of London.
Natascha McElhone
Half of my library are old books because I like seeing how people thought about their world at their time. So that I don’t get bigheaded about something we just discovered and I can be humble about where we might go next. Because you can see who got stuff right and most of the people who got stuff wrong.
Neil deGrasse Tyson
When I was little, I wanted to be a doctor. I was really interested in gore. My grandfather was an orthopedic surgeon and he had a lot of books in his library that I would just pore over. A lot of them had really horrible pictures of deformities.
Jennifer Egan
An actress spends a lifetime observing people. You build up a mental library. No, not a library. Make that a repository.
Marian Seldes
I began by working in a study in an attic, but for many years, I’ve used a small room in a library. What matters to me isn’t decor or comfort but only quiet. I need to hear the rhythms of phrases, the music of sentences. Any place that allows me to do that is good enough.
Steven Millhauser
However, I survived and started to read all chemistry books that I could get a hand on, first some 19th century books from our home library that did not provide much reliable information, and then I emptied the rather extensive city library.
Richard Ernst
I got hit by the bug of reading – not via a person, but via the one-room library in our small town. I remember that the children’s books were in the right-hand corner near the floor. Often when I went there, I was the only visitor.
Anita Shreve
As the biggest library if it is in disorder is not as useful as a small but well-arranged one, so you may accumulate a vast amount of knowledge but it will be of far less value than a much smaller amount if you have not thought it over for yourself.
Arthur Schopenhauer
I want all my stuff to be converted into digital format so I can have my reference library to carry with me wherever I go.
Jim Lee
I started Save the Libraries in 2010 by hosting a big fundraiser in my city library of DeKalb County in Atlanta. Through that, I learned that even with fundraisers, libraries often don’t make money – they just barely break even.
Karin Slaughter
A newspaper is a circulating library with high blood pressure.
Arthur Baer
I have very happy memories of fairy tales. My mother used to take me to the library in Toronto to check out the fairy tales. And she was an actress, so she used to act out for me the different characters in all these fairy tales.
Mike Myers
The goal for me is to be as expansive as possible, and

The goal for me is to be as expansive as possible, and the Library of Congress offers so many resources.
Juan Felipe Herrera
I got these big coffee table books about Chinese opera from the local library, and I loved looking through them. I loved studying the intricate costumes and figuring out how to ‘cartoonify’ them.
Gene Luen Yang
The fondest dream of the information age is to create an archive of all knowledge. You might call it the Alexandrian fantasy, after the great library founded by Ptolemy I in 286 BC.
Gary Wolf
I didn’t belong to the sort of family where the children’s classics were laid on. I went to the public library and read everything I could get my hands on.
Pat Barker
The fear of failure is so great, it is no wonder that the desire to do right by one’s children has led to a whole library of books offering advice on how to raise them.
Bruno Bettelheim
I found in Rick Rubin a kindred soul. When I visited his home and looked in his library, I saw he was reading the very same New Age books I had picked up the month before.
In the university library, we know when a book has been used in a class or put on reserve… or while it was out, did somebody call it back in. It turns out to be a pretty good indicator of how relevant the work is at that time.
David Weinberger
I had a terrible fear of not being normal – of not seeming normal. So I went to the library and read every psychology book I could find. Anything about how normal people behave.
Woody Norris
When I won my way to the international science fair, I didn’t want to embarrass myself. It was the first time I was going to be away from home, the first time taking an airplane. I went to the local library, checked out every single etiquette book, and I read those books like I was uncovering some sort of treasure.
Charles M. Blow
Those diplomas on my wall would not be there without the GI Bill that educated my father, without the public library, without the RIPTA bus.
Gina Raimondo
To this day I have no idea what dissident professor or librarian placed feminist texts on the bookshelves at the university library in Jeddah, but I found them there. They filled me with terror. I understood they were pulling at a thread that would unravel everything.
Mona Eltahawy
Why buy a book when you can join a library.
Ricky Gervais
Wherever modern translations of marked excellence were already in existence efforts were made to secure them for the Library, but in a number of instances copyright could not be obtained.
James Loeb
I always said it was my ambition to have a library – I have one – and my dream was to have a pool. Then ‘Strictly’ came along.
Ann Widdecombe
Why buy a book when you can join a library.
Ricky Gervais
I have lectured at Town Hall N.Y., The Library of Congress, Harvard, Yale, Amherst, Wellesley, Columbia, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, Louisiana State University, Colorado, Stanford, and scores of other places.
Paul Engle
London centre has a wealth of creative activity but there are parts of London where there isn’t a cinema or where library provision is quite weak.
Munira Mirza
London has fine museums, the British Library is one of the greatest library institutions in the world… It’s got everything you want, really.
David Attenborough
I read way, way more Andre Norton than could possibly have been healthy. It was a short hop from her to the rest of the library’s science fictional and fantastic holdings.
Ann Leckie
My father was an engineer – he wasn’t literary, not a writer or a journalist, but he was one of the world’s great readers. Every two weeks, he’d take me to our local branch library and pull books off the shelf for me, stacking them up in my arms – ‘Have you read this? And this? And this?’
Janet Fitch
Every writer I know got their start in a library somewhere. We read a book, and we thought, ‘I want to do that.’
Karin Slaughter
I used to pass by a large computer system with the feeling that it represented the summed-up knowledge of human beings. It reassured me to think of all those programs as a kind of library in which our understanding of the world was recorded in intricate and exquisite detail.
Ellen Ullman
Without the library, I would have been lost.
Jesmyn Ward
I think that once you start writing songs, you start developing a library of ideas that you can go and take from, so it gets easier as you go.
James Mercer
Truthfully, without over-egging it, as I often do, the library and journalism, those things made me who I am.
Terry Pratchett
The Kingsway Music Library was sort of a byproduct of all the creation I was doing. As creators, we kind of just create blindly sometimes and I couldn’t physically see every idea through, so I created this ecosystem where I made the ideas available to people to download, to sample and to put their own twist on it.
Frank Dukes
I think everything belongs in a certain place, for kids who feel they don’t belong anywhere. A museum is an institution like a library where everything has a place, everything belongs.
Brian Selznick
Really, having a show freely available online is like having your book in the library. It’s wonderful; it’s ideal.
Whit Stillman
If anybody wanted to photograph my life, they’d get bored in a day. ‘Heres Matt at home learning his lines. Here’s Matt researching in aisle six of his local library’. A few hours of that and they’d go home.
Matt Damon
What I would like to do is make sure every primary school child has a library card, so where parents don’t get their children library cards, we’ll see if we can get schools to step in and make sure that every child has one.
Malorie Blackman
You read a book, write a detailed review as proof you’ve read it, and they give you a badge. That’s where my competitive nature came out. Give me the badges! I would sit in the library all day, not ‘cos I loved reading, just because I needed those badges.
I love e-books. I can carry the complete works of Willi

I love e-books. I can carry the complete works of William Shakespeare around with me all the time. Just think about that. Whether I’m on an airplane or wherever. Being able to have a library in your back pocket basically is something I support.
Steve Earle
An original idea. That can’t be too hard. The library must be full of them.
Stephen Fry
Immersing myself in Shakespeare’s plays, reading them closely under the guidance of a brilliant, plain-spoken professor changed my life: It opened up the great questions; it put my petty problems into perspective. It got me out of bed in the mornings and kept me in the library late into the night.
Jhumpa Lahiri
All my books take a long time to research. I spend several months researching before I start writing, and in the middle of writing I often have to stop and look up stuff. At my local library, I am one of the best customers! The research takes several months.
Linda Sue Park
The web can be a fast trip to the library, giving you immediate access to a government report, or it can filter media for you, which is why I look at around 15- 20 of these sites every day.
Ben Schott
Basically I was a rebel growing up. I got kicked out of six schools. But I don’t think that it makes you less of an intellect. You know, if you ever crave knowledge, there’s always a library.
Michelle Rodriguez
In America there is a public library in every community. How many public libraries are there in Africa? Every day there are new books coming out and new ideas being discussed. But these new books and ideas don’t reach Africa and we are being left behind.
George Weah
I love getting out the house because writing is such a solitary business that even being at the library makes me feel part of the world.
Jane Green
For thousands and thousands of American kids, libraries are the only safe place they can find to study, a haven free from the dangers of street or the numbing temptations of television. As schools cut back services, the library looms even more important to countless children.
Scott Turow
My father, whose hobby was collecting secondhand cricket books, came back from a book fair one day with a copy of ‘The Body In The Library.’
Sophie Hannah
I’m not a library.
Sidney Poitier
We had library books in our house, but not our own. So you had 14 days to read them. There would be eight books a fortnight in our house and I’d read as many of those as I could.
Sue Townsend
When I go out shopping and pass a bookstore, I always grab a couple of cookbooks, so I have a library of them. I end up keeping many that I got years and years ago because they work so well.
Johnny Mathis
My father had inklings of my cultural aspirations. He would take me to the library, things like that. But he wasn’t one of those dads who had read George Orwell and was a member of the Communist party. We had no books at home.
Gary Kemp
When I was a boy in the late 1950s, the public library refused to stock books by Edgar Rice Burroughs. They were regarded as vulgar, ill-written potboilers.
Michael Dirda
As a child, I spent a lot of time at the library.
Tracy Chapman
Libraries function as crucial technology hubs, not merely for free Web access, but those who need computer training and assistance. Library business centers help support entrepreneurship and retraining.
Scott Turow
I bought a former library, not because I have a lot of books, but also I like architecture, and it was built in 1965, and I like gardening.
Udo Kier
Stephen King’s ‘It’ is my favorite book of all time. I was that kid that would come to the library and be like: ‘There’s more Stephen King? Great.’
Misha Green
Our house has a library – it seemed better use of the space than as a dining room! – and I try to spend as much time in there as possible. There’s nothing better while reading or writing than to be surrounded by books.
Adam Christopher
The ancient media of speech and song and theater were radically reshaped by writing, though they were never entirely supplanted, a comfort perhaps to those of us who still thrill to the smell of a library.
Alison Gopnik
You don’t go to the library and walk along and pick out a topic. You are riding the bus, or shopping at Safeway, and all of a sudden the idea comes to you.
Edward P. Jones
I was teased if I brought my books home. I would take a paper bag to the library and put the books in the bag and bring them home. Not that I was that concerned about them teasing me – because I would hit them in a heartbeat. But I felt a little ashamed, having books.
Walter Dean Myers
Your library is your paradise.
Desiderius Erasmus
Yes, there’s such a thing as luck in trial law but it only comes at 3 o’clock in the morning. You’ll still find me in the library looking for luck at 3 o’clock in the morning.
Louis Nizer
I don’t think if you’re serious about literature your library is filled with award-winning books.
Andrew Wylie
My father had a big brick cell phone, before anyone had a cell phone, because he was really just into that kind of thing – communication devices. I grew up between my father’s laboratory and my mother’s library.
Rashid Johnson
I’ve got a vendetta to destroy the Net, to make everyone go to the library. I love the organic thing of pen and paper, ink on canvas. I love going down to the library, the feel and smell of books.
Joseph Fiennes
Like all those possessing a library, Aurelian was aware that he was guilty of not knowing his in its entirety.
Jorge Luis Borges
One of the most exciting intellectual moments of my career was my 1948 discovery of Knut Wicksell’s unknown and untranslated dissertation, ‘Finanztheoretische Untersuchungen,’ buried in the dusty stacks of Chicago’s old Harper Library.
James M. Buchanan
I like shelves full of books in a library, but if all books become electronic, the task of big research libraries remains the same – keep what’s published in the form in which it appeared.
Nicholson Baker
Typically, if you buy a studio with a library, their li

Typically, if you buy a studio with a library, their library is pretty well licensed out many years in advance, so you are not really gaining access to the programming in that way.
Ted Sarandos
I have been blessed with friends who do things rather than buy things: friends who will change books at the library, take a bag of your old clothes to a thrift store, bring you cuttings and plant them in a window box, fill the bird feeder in your garden when you can’t get out.
Maeve Binchy
When George W. Bush was president, his daddy was raising money for the Bush library. I thought that was fine. When Bob Dole was Majority Leader, Elizabeth Dole was the president of American Red Cross. I didn’t say anything.
James Carville
To see what books were available for my older students, I made many trips to the library. If a book looked interesting, I checked it out. I once went home with 30 books! It was then that I realized that kids’ novels had the shape of real books, and I began to get ideas for young adult novels and juvenile books.
Cynthia Voigt
Children have to have access to books, and a lot of children can’t go to a store and buy a book. We need not only our public libraries to be funded properly and staffed properly, but our school libraries. Many children can’t get to a public library, and the only library they have is a school library.
Katherine Paterson
I spent more time at the library than anyone my age when I was a kid.
Dave Sitek
Books constitute capital. A library book lasts as long as a house, for hundreds of years. It is not, then, an article of mere consumption but fairly of capital, and often in the case of professional men, setting out in life, it is their only capital.
Thomas Jefferson
The greatest part of a writer’s time is spent in reading in order to write. A man will turn over half a library to make a book.
Samuel Johnson
I have a home-school group with a couple of my friends. We switch off going to each others’ houses and going to the library to do art and stuff. It’s almost like our own little school – a really little school.
Willow Shields
During my long study sessions in the library, I found myself watching YouTube videos during study breaks.
Ray William Johnson
God bless Interlibrary Loan. I pay a lot of library fines. In the case of ‘A Single Shard,’ I was using books that hadn’t been checked out in 30 years, so I didn’t feel too bad.
Linda Sue Park
I was lucky enough to have a mother who took me to the library – the public library – twice a week, Wednesdays and Saturdays. And also bought me books. And also read aloud to me.
Kate DiCamillo
First, this isn’t about telecommuting, because we still have offices that people will come to regularly when they need to brainstorm together, meet with clients, or do research in the library.
Jay Chiat
I’m scared to go to library. I’m scared John Wick will show up and break my leg again.
Boban Marjanovic
There’s not a good poet I know who has not at the beck and call of his memory a vast quantity of poetry that composes his mental library.
Anthony Hecht
Libraries allow children to ask questions about the world and find the answers. And the wonderful thing is that once a child learns to use a library, the doors to learning are always open.
Laura Bush
I wanted to sail when I was in grammar school and well remember memorizing the names of the sails from the Merriam-Webster’s ponderous dictionary in the library. Now I am actually at sea – as a passenger, of course, but at sea nevertheless – and bound for Ecuador.
Jim Elliot
We continually hear from our engaged customer base that Shutterstock’s content is a true differentiator, given not only the size of the library but also the quality and diversity of the images we offer.
Jon Oringer
What is more important in a library than anything else – than everything else – is the fact that it exists.
Archibald MacLeish