Top 363 Hillary Quotes

I was told, time and time again, that God’s potential didn’t exist in people like me. I’ve spent my life fighting to change that. And, from the first day when I met Hillary Clinton, I’ve known that she’s someone who cares just as much and fights just as hard.
Donna Brazile
I think there is a failure in foreign policy. And you have to acknowledge that under Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton was the architect of that foreign policy. Whether it was malevolent or not, I don’t know.
Michael McCaul
Hillary Clinton may have lied about her emails, but Donald Trump lies about everything.
Richard Cohen
In 2012, Hillary Clinton’s State Department, acting through its ambassador, Mari Carmen Aponte, threatened to withhold critical development aid unless El Salvador passed a major privatization law.
Greg Grandin
Bill and Hillary Clinton are the most investigated couple in American history – now the most thoroughly exonerated couple in American history.
Paul Begala
I’m so proud to stand with the LGBT Caucus and speak out in support of Hillary Clinton, because we know she stands with us.
Sarah McBride
Even without the euphoria of ‘yes we can,’ Hillary Clinton is to white women what Barack Obama was to African-Americans. She represents the opportunity to see a like image in the Oval Office for the first time.
Joy Reid
I was Hillary in ’08. I love Obama, but I was Hillary first, so I was happy to be back there with her again.
Jeremy Scott
Out of Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, I would rather Clinton be president, but just overall, I would rather Obama have a third term.
Bill Clinton had to propose to Hillary Rodham several times before she agreed to marry him and move to Arkansas.
Rebecca Traister
I’ve spent more time on Hillary Clinton’s Flickr page than any other human being on the planet.
Shonda Rhimes
Hillary Clinton is a threat to the rule of law and to our safety and security.
Darryl Glenn
All working parents should have paid family leave. That’s one of many reasons I’m working to elect Hillary Clinton. She has a plan to guarantee workers – men and women – up to 12 weeks of paid family leave to care for a new child or a seriously ill family member.
Randi Weingarten
Full disclosure: the Russians did not tell Hillary Clinton, ‘Don’t go to Wisconsin.’
Ed Schultz
Wealth plays out in the political sphere in all kinds of ways, often personally. Can Hillary Clinton represent the interests of working people when she and her husband have taken so much money from Wall Street? Was Mitt Romney’s private-equity business too ruthless with workers?
Anand Giridharadas
A Hillary Clinton presidency would have represented an important step away from the country’s lagging acceptance of women as powerful, full participants in our democracy.
Mel Robbins
What if Hillary Clinton were a man? What if she were a 68-year-old man rather than a 68-year-old woman? Would we think differently of her?
Richard Cohen
I would ask… of my supporters to get away from the personality conflicts that media tries to bring forward and focus on the real issues impacting the American people. And when you do that, I think the choice is pretty clear and that is that Hillary Clinton is far and away the superior candidate.
Bernie Sanders
She is smart. She is principled. She is tough, and she is ready. Hillary is the single most experienced and prepared person who has ever run for president.
Leon Panetta
Hillary Clinton had the backing of the entire DNC during her 2016 run, and yet, after she lost, all she could do was whine incessantly about how many people had wronged her throughout the process and made it so unfair.
Kat Timpf
Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton have left us with $19 trillion in debt.
Sean Duffy
Hillary Clinton has spent those decades before her time in public office and since her time in public office advocating for common sense measures to fight gun violence.
Elizabeth Esty
I’ve known Hillary, and her husband Bill, for more than half of my life. I remember her playing mermaid in the pool with our youngest daughter Sally for hours on family vacations.
Terry McAuliffe
I think Hillary is about it for 2016.
Lil Jon
I see something different in Hillary Clinton. She wants a trade prosecutor. She’s going after currency. She’s going stand up strong on keeping China designated as a non-market economy.
Sherrod Brown
I think Hillary and Bill are really liberals at heart. I think that, in addition to being liberals, they are very practical. They have made some decisions about what it takes to win.
Maxine Waters
But what I intend to do, the day after Hillary Clinton

But what I intend to do, the day after Hillary Clinton is elected president of the United States, is to do everything I can to make sure she goes forward as progressively as she can.
Bernie Sanders
CNN found that Hillary Clinton is the most admired woman in America. Women admire her because she’s strong and successful. Men admire her because she allows her husband to cheat and get away with it.
Jay Leno
I hope that the new leader, whoever they are – and I hope that it will be Hillary – will bring our country back to participation by all groups and will talk about how technology will enable not just 10% of our population, but all of our population.
John T. Chambers
Hillary Clinton needs the single ladies’ vote. I call them ‘The Beyonce Voters’ – the single ladies.
Jesse Watters
I don’t want to bash Bill and Hillary, because they’re friends of mine, but I do have a difference of opinion about how to take back the House and the Senate.
Dennis Kucinich
It is long overdue that we have a woman as a legitimate contender for the White House. But Hillary Clinton is the definition of the establishment so many are determined to reject.
Gary Johnson
I am prepared to do whatever I can do and whatever is reasonable to make sure that it is Hillary who makes it to the White House and not Trump.
J. B. Pritzker
Trump and his Democratic opponent, Hillary Clinton, have both been criticized during their campaigns for activities related to their foundations.
David Fahrenthold
If Hillary Clinton had been president, we’d have had a false sense of security. Trump has brought everything to the light – racism, homophobia. It’s one of our darkest points, because we should know better.
If Barack Obama weren’t a U.S. citizen, I’m sure Bill and Hillary Clinton would have figured that out by now.
Cory Gardner
Everybody is entitled to solid living wages, which we don’t hear from Hillary Clinton. She’s quick to talk about parity, but parity at poverty, and that’s not adequate.
Jill Stein
Paul Ryan is the mercenary champion of Hillary Clinton’s – this is Hillary Clinton’s. This came out of the State Department. This Trans Pacific Partnership is going to export our jobs. It’s going to import foreign workers to replace Americans and our jobs.
Paul Nehlen
I don’t care much for Hillary Clinton.
Greg Gutfeld
Imagine a world where Hillary Clinton actually knew what she was talking about.
Katie Pavlich
I will say this – I certainly will not be voting for Hillary Clinton.
Cory Gardner
I’d like to hire Hillary Clinton. She looks unhappy at the State Department. She’d get ratings.
Roger Ailes
When I became president with a commitment to reform health care, Hillary was a natural to head the health care task force. You all know we failed because we couldn’t break a Senate filibuster. Hillary immediately went to work on solving the problems the bill sought to address one by one.
William J. Clinton
I’m not a stone-thrower when it comes to Hillary Clinton and her emails and her server. I don’t think there has been criminal intent on Hillary Clinton’s part. I don’t see an indictment.
Gary Johnson
Here’s my problem: Hillary Clinton has been found grossly negligent of classified information. Period. She should not have any security clearance. That should be taken away from her.
Joe Walsh
Trump often says he needs to keep his tax returns private until the IRS finishes auditing him. But the IRS itself has said this isn’t necessary. And recently, Trump changed his tune, saying he’ll release his returns as soon as Hillary Clinton releases the 33,000 emails she deleted from her email server.
Reid Hoffman
When it comes to the teapot tempest that is the Hillary Clinton email imbroglio, the real controversy isn’t about politics or regulations. It’s about journalism and the weak standards employed to manufacture the scandal du jour.
Kurt Eichenwald
Should Sen. McCain capture the nomination as many assume, I believe this general election will offer the worst choices for President in my lifetime. I certainly can’t vote for Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama based on their virulently anti-family policy positions.
James Dobson