Top 365 Shock Quotes

I’ve never sat down with the intent of trying to shock or anything like that; it just so happens that the sense of humour I enjoyed watching as a kid is the type of humour I try to emulate as an adult. It’s not a decision. It might sound a bit wanky, but it’s the truth.
Jim Jefferies
The Constitution is constant. There’s not one elected official who has the power to change it. There is a way to amend the Constitution, and the Constitution spells out the procedures that must be taken to change it. Presidents cannot. Now, I know this is gonna shock many of you in the low-information community.
Rush Limbaugh
I’m predicting that we’ll finally have a computer will search my e-mail automatically and delete every message that begins with ‘thought you’d be interested,’ and then give an electrical shock to the sender to remind him or her to stop send that kind of message.
Scott Adams
Nobody thought the Soviet Union would collapse; it was a shock for everyone.
Svetlana Alexievich
I go to mass every Sunday, which is a shock to everybody.
Roger Ailes
We want an economy that grows health and wellbeing, not debt and carbon emissions. An economy that prepares and protects us from shocks to come, rather than making them worse. An economy that shares resources to meet all our needs, regardless of background. An economy that lets us live.
Gail Bradbrook
The shock of unemployment becomes a pathology in its own right.
Robert Farrar Capon
The way we built ‘Future Shock,’ you have a height map and instanced 3-D objects rendering on top – that, believe it or not, is still how we build today. It’s our basic paradigm for how to build a space.
Todd Howard
It might be a shock to see me, but that’s no reason for people to act crazy, and it doesn’t give them license to chase me down the street.
It was inevitable and understandable that the election of Jeremy Corbyn would be a massive culture shock for some sections of the party, especially some members of the parliamentary Labour party.
John McDonnell
Cities tend to be representations of societies: diversity and inequality find their extremes in urban settings. Yet, when war is added onto pre-existing inequalities, high levels of poverty, or even disaster, urban fragility increases exponentially, making it harder to absorb the shocks of warfare.
Peter Maurer
Disenchantment, whether it is a minor disappointment or a major shock, is the signal that things are moving into transition in our lives.
William Throsby Bridges
When people come and see Los Pacaminos the first time, the first couple of songs they’re in shock. But it’s pretty infectious and they’d have to be in a very bad mood to walk away and not like it.
Paul Young
It takes a lot to shock me.
Jonny Lee Miller
You hear the word ‘cancer,’ and you think it is a death sentence. In fact, the shock is the biggest thing about a diagnosis of cancer.
Clare Balding
I consider myself Russian-American because I’m American by ethnicity and by passport, but I spent all my forming years over in the former Soviet Union in a Russian school. I never went to an American school. There was a lot of culture shock when I moved back to the States when I was 17.
No experience is a cause of success or failure. We do not suffer from the shock of our experiences, so-called trauma – but we make out of them just what suits our purposes.
Alfred Adler
I wanted to be a blues guitar player. And a singer. And a songwriter. Not a shock jock.
John Mayer
Delhi came as a shock. There were so many people, and oh, the traffic.
Tina Turner
When I got into politics, it was a shock. People promise all sorts of things and then never deliver.
Matt Gonzalez
As an adult, it’s a huge shock to be orphaned; as a child it’s just hideous, ghastly.
Kristin Scott Thomas
The only way to change something is to shock it. If you want your muscles to grow, you have to shock them. If you want society to change, you have to shock them.
Jaden Smith
The deceit and distortion surrounding the American invasion of Vietnam is by now so familiar that it has lost its power to shock.
Noam Chomsky
It was a shock to everyone when I became a rapper. Huge

It was a shock to everyone when I became a rapper. Huge shock to everyone. But I knew it all along. I just didn’t want to tell anybody cause then it’s like, What if it doesn’t work?
Lil Yachty
People don’t get angry at you for shock value. People get angry at you when you affect something that is at their core, whether it be guns or religion or whatever. Their belief system.
Jim Jefferies
I oscillate between being cynical and being naive on a regular basis. I always think that not much shocks me until something much too obvious does.
Rabih Alameddine
I want to shock people. I want to do roles that nobody else can do.
Kashmira Shah
Disney features, especially the early ones, were horror movies with cute critters: Greek tragedies with a hummable chorus. Forcing children to confront the loss of home, parent, friends and fondest pets, these films imposed shock therapy on four-year-olds.
Richard Corliss
Toxic Shock Syndrome cost me my leg, but, years later, I have since dedicated myself to raising awareness about TSS prevention. I am comfortable in my new role as an advocate against an affliction that affects thousands.
Lauren Wasser
If you are in the job for glamour, you’re in for the shock of your life. The media is a huge shark pool.
Trisha Goddard
After we were hit on September 11, 2001, we were in a state of national shock. Less than six weeks later, on October 26 2001, the U.S.A. Patriot Act was passed by a Congress that had little chance to debate it; many said that they scarcely had time to read it.
Naomi Wolf
The thing is, when you see your old friends, you come face to face with yourself. I run into someone I’ve known for 40 or 50 years, and they’re old. And I suddenly realize I’m old. It comes as an enormous shock to me.
Polly Bergen
We moved to Gambia from Sweden when I was six years old because my dad was from there. It was definitely a culture shock.
Seinabo Sey
I think it is a shock to people to find out that MC Hammer is a super geek.
MC Hammer
My heart burnt within me with indignation and grief; we could think of nothing else. All night long we had only snatches of sleep, waking up perpetually to the sense of a great shock and grief. Every one is feeling the same. I never knew so universal a feeling.
Elizabeth Gaskell
People from Tony Stone refused to let PhotoDisc become part of the industry trade association. Then we bought PhotoDisc. There was complete shock.
Mark Getty
I was very surprised when I first started spending time in America. The culture shock was something I wasn’t prepared for. I had a lot of work to do to try to begin to understand this enormous and complex country that I thought would be an easy process.
Clare-Hope Ashitey
Free got famous fast, and it was a shock. You’re working towards it, and when you suddenly get it with bells on, it is a bit much. I don’t know how well I dealt with it.
Paul Rodgers
It’s easy to scare people. It’s easy to shock them. But making people laugh and making them feel is a big challenge.
Steve Carr
I remember all too well the premiere of Ecstasy when I watched my bare bottom bounce across the screen and my mother and father sat there in shock.
Hedy Lamarr
You want to have fun and try new things but also shock your muscles with new workouts so that you keep your body guessing and get the maximum results from your workout.
David Kirsch
For all the popularity of spiritual advisers in South Korea, it still shocks to see the leaders of huge public companies relying on fortune-tellers. A shaman may advise a struggling executive to move a building’s front entrance, tapping the widespread pungsu belief that your luck depends on the direction of your house.
Kim Young-ha
It’s actually come as quite a shock to learn just how many people don’t like me.
Phil Collins
A lot of the surreal filmmakers, like David Lynch, Alejandro Jodorowsky, or countless other underground filmmakers… Their sense of explosive images have always dominated their films. It’s a way to shock the senses, to make them open themselves.
Nicolas Winding Refn
Turning 70 was a real shock. I thought, ‘I’m on the last lap now.’
Cilla Black
I think it’s part of the responsibility of an artist to shock, to upset, to make people think differently, and to surprise people. And that’s where the good humor is, if there’s a surprise and there’s something unexpected. Something that’s not normal, not in the realm of general living expectations.
Bill Plympton
You feel it in there, pacing your heart sometimes, and it has what’s called a defibrillator. Should I suffer that arhythmia, it’s generally sudden death. And the paddles that are internal shock you back and restore your rhythm to its normal and natural state.
Victoria Gotti
I did an imitation of him to make the crew laugh. To my shock, there was Cary Grant behind me. He got very angry. I was sent all the way from RKO to David Selznick’s office and was told not to do it anymore. I thought to myself, ‘I must have been pretty good to make him that angry.’
Shirley Temple
In a world of global trade and integrated capital markets, it is natural for economic and financial shocks and policy actions to be transmitted across borders.
Jerome Powell
In the Eighties, Japanese fashion designers brought a new type of creativity; they brought something Europe didn’t have. There was a bit of a shock effect, but it probably helped the Europeans wake up to a new value.
Issey Miyake
In the first phase of shock over, say, your mortgage being called in or your job washed out, it’s essential to engage with others and share the fear, release the feelings, do fun things to take your mind off it.
Gail Sheehy
Today’s shocks are tomorrow’s conventions.
Carolyn Gold Heilbrun
If you take blue paint and yellow paint and you mix them, you get green paint. But if you take blue light and yellow light and mix them, you get white light. This is a shock to most people.
James Turrell
I’m dying to do a tiny indie and play something totally naturalistic without any sort of constraints on me. Something where I can shock everyone.
Lily James