Top 380 Painful Quotes

I had fractures in my spine that had to be repaired that came as a big surprise; nobody warned me that I might get some really severe, threatening fractures. It was painful, and I lost two inches of height, bang!
Tom Brokaw
I have a very clear vision, and I come from film, where

I have a very clear vision, and I come from film, where director is God, so if there’s a clash, it’s painful.
Lee Daniels
Awkward conversations are painful, but they’re way easier than divorce, resentment, and heartbreak.
Emily V. Gordon
I said it several times: a blow you are getting from a friend is still a blow, but more painful.
Yitzhak Shamir
As leaders, we’ve all seen the painful effects of team members not keeping pace with company growth – it’s called up-leveling, and it’s all too common when a company goes from zero to something to hopefully an IPO.
Jennifer Hyman
All humans change. Development is our life. Transition, in labor, is the most painful time. Without change, there’s no growth.
Mimi Kennedy
My parents tried to sell me. I was looking for a way to share my feelings, so I started to rap to talk about the painful experience of being a girl.
Sonita Alizadeh
Successful model? That’s a myth. The year I modeled was the most painful year of my life. Editors would always talk to you in the third person as though you were merely a piece of merchandise.
Jessica Lange
Stock market corrections, although painful at the time, are actually a very healthy part of the whole mechanism, because there are always speculative excesses that develop, particularly during the long bull market.
Ron Chernow
Pain is the mind. It’s the thoughts of the mind. Then I get rid of the thoughts, and I get in my witness, which is down in my spiritual heart. The witness that witnesses being. Then those particular thoughts that are painful – love them. I love them to death!
Ram Dass
The required cheerfulness that characterizes many of our churches produces a suffocating environment of pat, religious answers to the painful, complex questions that riddle the lives of hurting people.
Tullian Tchividjian
Getting emotional about things is a peacetime luxury. In wartime, it’s much too painful.
Edmund H. North
I sense very little appetite for green efforts to persuade people to accept a frozen or declining standard of living for the sake of the environment. Recessions remind us that economic retreat or stagnation is painful, whatever the goal.
Matt Ridley
Historically, the minority party in Congress votes against raising the debt limit, forcing the majority party to whip its members into casting politically painful votes in favor.
Peter Welch
If I criticize my country, it is indeed very painful for me. It doesn’t make me happy. But, if I see something wrong, it becomes my duty to speak up.
Naseeruddin Shah
Sometimes it feels very homophobic when people try to make their stance and their beliefs, and there’s been some very painful, ugly things that have been said… that not have always been in the essence of a heart for Christ.
Kirk Franklin
Of course, when you’re a parent, that’s your paramount concern, for your children, and there were some very credible and frightening threats, and the agency declined to provide any security, and it felt like a betrayal all over again. It was really painful.
Valerie Plame
But for me, it is when a student has died. I find the death of a young person the most difficult and painful of times. To explain it to other young people, to see a bright future snuffed out, is just awful. I am haunted by those deaths.
Donna Shalala
I have a partner, Danny Strong; he’s an incredible writer and, really, my backbone. So when we don’t see eye to eye, it’s painful.
Lee Daniels
I promise you that the time will come, if you have tattoos, that you will regret your actions. They cannot be washed off. They are permanent. Only by an expensive and painful process can they be removed. If you are tattooed, then probably for the remainder of your life you will carry it with you.
Gordon B. Hinckley
Self-exploration is very painful, but unless you do that, you will never know who you are and who you want to be.
Iris Apfel
My 20s were pretty painful.
Lauren Wasser
I cannot understand why any young man – or young woman, for that matter – would wish to undergo the painful process of disfiguring the skin with various multicolored representations of people, animals, and various symbols.
Gordon B. Hinckley
I believe in the institution of marriage. Of course being a Mormon, we believe in eternity rather than just till death do us part. If you really try hard, if you make it work, it’s blissful. But I also know a marriage that isn’t working can be painful.
Donny Osmond
I empathise with the fact that people want to look their best. A hat is all about how it makes you feel – it’s so much better than a nip and tuck, and a lot less painful.
Philip Treacy
There is only one thing more painful than learning from experience and that is not learning from experience.
Archibald MacLeish
It is painful to say that the best player you have is better off trying something new.
Peter Schmeichel
I have 16 metal screws in my right arm, from the elbow to the shoulder, and they are extremely painful at the beginning of a training camp and also when the temperature changes. I also had a surgery on my left arm and two on my hips. Those four surgeries were pivotal in my decision to retire.
Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira
Painful experiences can be the most powerful teacher.
Erik Spoelstra
I like to focus on stories that need to be told and are not told enough. When I get bit by that bug, and the story is saying, ‘You must tell me,’ I then go through a process which is often painful and arduous, and long – and joyful! – of submitting to the story until I prove a worthy enough vessel to get it out.
Danai Gurira
On Warped Tour in Boise, Idaho, I broke my tooth on the mic. I took a pretty significant chunk out of my tooth and had to have it sanded down. It wasn’t the most painful injury, but it was the most unexpected one.
Andy Biersack
Getting slapped in the face with a plastic arm to wake up is not as painful as it might look – probably more humiliating than painful really.
Simone Giertz
The process of really changing your skin is painful and

The process of really changing your skin is painful and difficult and endless. Anyone who tells you otherwise is lying.
Mark Getty
I can say that I had a particularly painful teenage-hood.
Kat Dennings
Painful emotions show you what prevents you from creating harmony, cooperation, sharing and reverence for life.
Gary Zukav
What happened in the past that was painful has a great deal to do with what we are today, but revisiting this painful past can contribute little or nothing to what we need to do now.
William Glasser
There’s nothing more painful than writing.
Paul Haggis
You can turn painful situations around through laughter. If you can find humor in anything, even poverty, you can survive it.
Bill Cosby
What I needed most was to love and to be loved, eager to be caught. Happily I wrapped those painful bonds around me; and sure enough, I would be lashed with the red-hot pokers or jealousy, by suspicions and fear, by burst of anger and quarrels.
Saint Augustine
I remember going to a music company and while I was sitting there I saw Panchamda. He saw me and hid from me – because he had come there asking for work. That was the most painful moment of my life – that one of the greatest composers, a living legend, was looking for work.
Anu Malik
We all have our painful pasts we have to get through.
Valerie Bertinelli
Mood disorders are terribly painful illnesses, and they are isolating illnesses. And they make people feel terrible about themselves when, in fact, they can be treated.
Kay Redfield Jamison
Next to ingratitude the most painful thing to bear is gratitude.
Henry Ward Beecher
There’s a natural separation that kids have to go through with their parents, but then when you put that on top of actually having a career, it gets even more painful.
Adrianne Lenker
Simple questions can be profound, and answering them requires us to make stark and honest – and sometimes painful – self-assessments.
Frances Hesselbein
The economics of theater are painful. I still think that the theater community should be looking much more rigorously at how to let the playwright keep the money they make.
Theresa Rebeck
Social media, for me, is just a thorn in my side. It’s painful. For us in crisis, it has totally changed the way we do business. It’s a big, big game changer.
Judy Smith
‘Cube’ was the first big science fiction film I was a part of. It was a fantastic directorial debut by one of my oldest friends Vincenzo Natali and it remains one of my most painful and uncomfortable roles. It’s also one of my favorites.
David Hewlett
For me as an American, the most painful aspect of this is that I believe that that administration has taken the events of 9/11 and has manipulated the grief of the country and I think that’s reprehensible.
Dustin Hoffman
I hated it when people tried to force me out when I wasn’t ready. It was very painful, and it actually pushed me away from doing so.
Ricky Martin
I remember the bad times as a succession of painful emotional snapshots: Me walking into the library at 24 Sussex, seeing my mother in tears, and hearing her talk about leaving while my father stood facing her, stern and ashen.
Justin Trudeau
When you get a bad review, you hate the writer. It’s very painful; whoever says the opposite lies. It’s humiliating. Sometimes it comes from an honest place, but most times, it comes from a desire to trash someone.
Thomas Vinterberg
When anti-choice men talk about abortion, you get the feeling they really have no idea what they’re talking about – they haven’t done even the slightest bit of research about how hard the choice really is and how painful the experience really is.
Sarah Cooper
I had a C-section, and I found it fascinating. I didn’t find it a sacrifice, and I didn’t find it a painful experience. I found it a fascinating miracle of what a body can do.
Angelina Jolie
Ronald Reagan, of course, was a Republican governor of California who went through a painful defeat in the 1976 presidential race before winning four years later.
Michael Medved