Top 383 Injustice Quotes

The greatest injustice in the world is to bring a child into the world, and not be able to offer it peace.
Nafisa Joseph
We would, however, perform an injustice to the bourgeois women’s rights movement if we would regard it as solely motivated by economics. No, this movement also contains a more profound spiritual and moral aspect.
Clara Zetkin
In that first blow to the deaf walls of those who have everything, the blood of our people, our blood, ran generously to wash away injustice. To live, we die. Our dead once again walked the way of truth. Our hope was fertilized with mud and blood.
Subcomandante Marcos
What we badly need in this country is a National Truth

What we badly need in this country is a National Truth and Reconciliation Commission, like what we’ve seen in other nations that have tried to turn the page on injustice.
Jamaal Bowman
The appalling racial injustice inherent in the Trayvon Martin tragedy reminds us that there is still much to do.
Martin Luther King III
The gifts that one receives for giving are so immeasurable that it is almost an injustice to accept them.
Rod McKuen
Where you see wrong or inequality or injustice, speak out, because this is your country. This is your democracy. Make it. Protect it. Pass it on.
Thurgood Marshall
Books can capture injustices in a way that stays with you and makes you want to do something about them. That’s why they are so powerful.
Malala Yousafzai
It’s easier, as a white person, to be silent about racial injustice. It’s easier. On paper. But it’s not easier on the whole, because injustice affects all of us, whether we know it or not, whether we acknowledge it or not.
Job’s forthright indictment of the injustice of this world is surely right. The ways of the world are weird and much more unpredictable than either scientists or theologians generally make things look.
Walter Kaufmann
My work always presents problems in our society. Those problems may be anything from injustice to freedom, and everything related to humanity.
Okky Madasari
We need to start talking about inequality again; we need to start talking about the inequities and unfairnesses and the injustices of an excessively divided society, divided by wealth, by opportunity, by outcome, by assets and so forth.
Tony Judt
Honest people, mistakenly believing in the justice of their cause, are led to support injustice.
Elihu Root
No matter where you’re born or what country you’re from, you connect with ‘This is America.’ It speaks to people; it connects right to your soul. It calls out injustice, celebrates life, and reunites us all at the same time.
Ludwig Goransson
There is no excuse for inaction in the face of economic injustice.
Jagmeet Singh
I see myself as a person who is pushing back and fighting against oppression in all its forms, centering racial and economic injustice very explicitly.
Jamaal Bowman
The moment that justice must be paid for by the victim of injustice it becomes itself injustice.
Benjamin Tucker
It is so important for people to speak out if they see any injustices.
Leigh-Anne Pinnock
Sacrifice is putting country before party and principles before politics. It is not defending the indefensible, protecting the powerful, or staying silent in the face of injustice just because you’d like to keep your job.
S.E. Cupp
I am not the least bit surprised that injustice persists. I’m also not surprised that resistance to injustice persists.
Tom Morello
I’m against having a Fed. It’s socialism in its worst form. But until the Fed is gotten rid of, the only economic variable the poor have to counteract the injustices of the Fed is the minimum wage law.
Max Keiser
I don’t think I am doing any injustice to my fans by not being accessible socially.
Akshaye Khanna
Internet outrage can seem mindless, but it rarely is. To make that assumption is dismissive. There’s something beneath the outrage – an unwillingness to be silent in the face of ignorance, hatred or injustice. Outrage may not always be productive, but it is far better than silence.
Roxane Gay
We’ve grown accustomed to injustice in Russia. People are constantly being arrested unlawfully.
Alexei Navalny
I don’t mind expressing my opinions and speaking out against injustice. I would be doing this even if I wasn’t a writer. I grew up in a household that believed in social justice. I have always understood myself as having an obligation to stand on the side of the silenced, the oppressed, and the mistreated.
Tayari Jones
Except among those whose education has been in the minimalist style, it is understood that hasty moral judgments about the past are a form of injustice.
Jacques Barzun
The credit reporting system suffers from inaccuracy and often from outright injustice.
Eric Schneiderman
All the miseries and evils which men suffer from vice, crime, ambition, injustice, oppression, slavery and war, proceed from their despising or neglecting the precepts contained in the Bible.
Noah Webster
Being a Deol for me is to be honest; walking with my head held high and never having to bow in front of injustice.
Abhay Deol
I had the good fortune to be able to right an injustice that I thought was being heaped on young people by lowering the voting age, where you had young people that were old enough to die in Vietnam but not old enough to vote for their members of Congress that sent them there.
Birch Bayh
I can’t tone it down. I’m being me, and I’m being myself, and I’d be doing myself an injustice, and I’d be doing an injustice to those kids who don’t feel like they’re comfortable to be themselves.
Adam Rippon
I submit that an individual who breaks a law that conscience tells him is unjust, and who willingly accepts the penalty of imprisonment in order to arouse the conscience of the community over its injustice, is in reality expressing the highest respect for law.
Martin Luther King, Jr.
We will change things if people stand up for what they believe in against injustice and death to save themselves and the future of America – and the world.
David Hogg
I hate injustice, and I can’t help but speak against it. But I don’t want to get involved in politics.
Serj Tankian
But I can tell you what your folly and injustice will c

But I can tell you what your folly and injustice will compel us to do. It will compel us to be free from your domination, and more self-reliant than we have been.
John H. Reagan
The time has come for President Obama to formally rescind his order to close the detention facility at Guantanamo Bay and end his irresponsible allegations of injustices at the facility, which operates in a framework that respects the rule of law, keeps terrorists off American soil, and bolsters our national security.
Jason Chaffetz
The international community is pushing things forward in Bosnia… but it is doing it at expense of the Muslim people. I feel it as an injustice, these are the things that I cannot live with.
Alija Izetbegovic
My father’s approach to the most brutal and unambiguous social injustices during the civil rights struggle was rooted in nonviolence as a morally and tactically correct response.
Martin Luther King III
In my shows, I always try to incorporate music because it’s the most natural way to set a tone. So if I want to do a show about depression, I use the opera. If I want to do a show about greed, I use spoken word. If I want to do a show about the injustice that’s taking place in the world, I might play Sam Cooke.
Kerby Jean-Raymond
I seek truth over a lie; I seek justice over injustice; I seek righteousness over the rewards of evildoers, and I love Allah more than I love the state.
H. Rap Brown
Injustice is censured because the censures are afraid of suffering, and not from any fear which they have of doing injustice.
It would be doing me great injustice to think that I have any feeling of indifference to my country; I have more reason than anyone to feel, every day of my life, the value of the blood which flows in my veins, and it is only from prudence that at times I abstain from showing how proud I am of it.
Marie Antoinette
The injustices endured by black Americans at the hands of their own government have no parallel in our history, not only during the period of slavery but also in the Jim Crow era that followed.
Jim Webb
Passivity is the same as defending injustice.
Deepak Chopra
When you pollute a river, it’s a supreme injustice to those who are downstream and those who live in the river who are not human beings.
Paul Hawken