Top 395 Genuine Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Genuine Quotes from famous people such as William Barr, Trevor Bauer, Sayed Kashua, Woodrow Wilson, Lil Mama, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

In a pluralistic society like ours, I think the ability

In a pluralistic society like ours, I think the ability to resist hate comes from cultivating a civil society that, on the one hand, nurtures the freedom of each group to pursue their faith and distinctive way of life, while, at the same time, fostering the ties that bind us together into a genuine broader community.
William Barr
I think when people speak and they come from a place of sincerity and like caring about the situation, you know, it’s easy for people to identify that, and to hear that in the genuine nature of it.
Trevor Bauer
If there was genuine desire on the Israeli side, even without a solution, it would be possible to solve a large percentage of the problems between Israelis and Palestinians by means of simple statements from the Israelis.
Sayed Kashua
My own ideals for the university are those of a genuine democracy and serious scholarship. These two, indeed, seem to go together.
Woodrow Wilson
One of the things that makes me most happy about music is that I can look at a picture and see Da Brat, Missy, Lil Kim, Left Eye, and I know Aaliyah is a singer, but to see them all in one photo together hugging and laughing and really having genuine love for each other… I want to feel that with my hip hop sisters.
Lil Mama
We should learn to take genuine pride in a job well done and not expect praise for one simply carried out.
Gina Barreca
Any narrative, whether it’s fiction or not, you have to approach it as though it really happened to you. I think that’s the only way to get inside the characters and make the narrative work. It’s a storytelling tradition, and I think to come off as genuine then you have to really approach it that way.
Jason Isbell
My love for the female hip hop movement has always been genuine.
Lil’ Kim
It’s hard to find genuine 20s vintage in good condition, but it is out there. One tip would be to look in the 70s rails. When the first Gatsby film came out in 1974, it promoted a 20s trend, so you often find 20s style pieces, that were actually from the 70s.
Dawn O’Porter
There are genuine concerns about the status of children to be sent to Malaysia and also there are genuine concerns about the human rights record in Malaysia.
Julie Bishop
Liberals tend to stress how marvelous education is, in and of itself, and also adore it as a vessel for genuine equality. (That’s me, by the way: Hell, I think we should be spending $50 billion a year to make college education free).
Rick Perlstein
This is why universities, and civil society more generally, are so important for a democracy like ours, founded on a genuine idealism that we have a hard time holding on to. They provide a space to question whatever we are doing in the name of things we say we believe in or might believe in.
Abhijit Banerjee
Even an animal, if you show genuine affection, gradually trust develops… If you always showing bad face and beating, how can you develop friendship?
Dalai Lama
I am genuine, fun and passionate.
Erin Heatherton
At the end of the day, whatever you’re doing in the ring, you want it to look real, and genuine, and authentic.
The Undertaker
You can’t explain the feeling of singing hit songs to an audience – it’s like being a genuine sports star at the peak of their powers.
Rick Astley
The dynamic, creative present, however conditioned and restricted by the effects of prior presents, possesses genuine initiative.
Corliss Lamont
My music is genuine, and I’m talking about stuff that no one else – no one my age, anyway, in the game – is talking about. Nobody. I’m the only one really stating facts and speaking with real street knowledge.
Shy Glizzy
You want to be honest with a character and play it truthfully, and you want to be genuine with your character.
Mila Kunis
I’m a guy that appreciates spontaneity and a woman being genuine and different.
Trey Songz
I learned with ‘The Disaster Artist,’ when I was writing the book, the audience will follow you if you really try to do something different. The biggest thing is, you want to be genuine and try to surprise your audience with kind of a new direction.
Greg Sestero
Herbert Hoover was a man of genuine, fine character, but he lacked practical political sense. And he couldn’t bend and shift and change with the requirements of the time. And he was a ruined President, because he was such a, I think, stiff-backed ideologue. And I think that speaks volumes about his character.
Robert Dallek
Europe certainly needs a genuine conservative movement to combat the creeping bureaucratic collectivism that is stifling the human potential of the Continent.
Robert Zubrin
I try to tell the best story, and the story that has some heart and some genuine terror and some social commentary and some comedy and some romance and some sex and some violence.
Alan Ball
In the hyper-exploitative sector of retail and hospitality, workers are made to feel worthless – undeserving of a proper wage and genuine security.
Owen Jones
The role of a liberal arts college within a university is to be a genuine part of that university, giving and responding to the other parts.
Edward Levi
If I go into a studio and find my truth of the moment, there are a number of people in the world who can relate to what I’m saying and are going to buy into what I’m doing. Not because it’s the new thing of the moment, but because it’s genuine emotion. Its how I feel. This is how I articulate the world.
To our Palestinian neighbours, I assure you that we have a genuine intention to respect your right to live independently and in dignity. I have already said that Israel has no desire to continue to govern over you and control your fate.
Ariel Sharon
Low pay is a serious problem, and its victims need a genuine solution.
Emily Thornberry
All bad poetry springs from genuine feeling.
Oscar Wilde
I’m the prime example of it; think about it, you know. My whole career has blown up by genuine people power.
Big Narstie
Who is God? Who are we? What is our purpose? All these

Who is God? Who are we? What is our purpose? All these questions remain unanswered. I want to reach the genuine seeker of spiritual well-being. My goal is to satisfy the hunger and longing for those who are seeking the truth.
Ravi Zacharias
To understand why dictators have a problem with making peace – or at least a genuine peace – the link between the nature of a regime and its external behavior must be understood.
Natan Sharansky
I wanted a stable job, and I wanted to feel like I was grounded with my family and to have personal relationships in my life that were healing and honest and genuine.
Indya Moore
The job in Wisconsin was the first genuine offer of an academic job in a university which I received.
Stephen Cole Kleene
The important thing is having genuine regard for your audience.
Hal Sparks
People have actually figured out that Estonia is one of the few post-Communist countries that has a genuine image in people’s minds as being something.
Toomas Hendrik Ilves
I wanna be Mahershala Ali in my next life. He’s the man. He’s a really genuine guy. He’s a really great guy, one of my favorite people on this planet.
Ashton Sanders
One of the experts bought his first piece at the age of four, so they did start very young, most of them. They did it out of genuine interest but today’s kids are much more materialistic and there’s a danger, I suppose, that they might just be out to make dosh.
Michael Aspel
I come from an academic background, and I have a genuine interest in social change.
Amanda Seales
If Snowden really claims that his actions amounted to genuine civil disobedience, he should go to some English language bookstore in Moscow and get a copy of Henry David Thoreau’s ‘Civil Disobedience’.
Michael Hayden
Kids can tell if you’re being genuine or not.
I mean that the function of the police is to solve problems that have law-enforcement consequences in a way that is based on a genuine partnership with the neighborhood in both the venting of the problem and the discussion of the solution.
James Q. Wilson
It’s never too late in life to have a genuine adventure.
Robert Kurson
For me, I have to have a genuine love for something, or I feel like I look like a fraud or a fake.
Emma Willis
The dominance of short-term perspectives has led to routine decisions in the markets that sacrifice the long-term buildup of genuine value in pursuit of artificial, short-term gains.
Al Gore
I’d known that the visit would be highly scripted and that genuine interactions with citizens wouldn’t be possible, since it’s illegal for them to speak with foreigners. Still, I’d thought I’d had a unique look at North Korea, only to discover I was wrong.
Adam Johnson
Sometimes films ignore other points of view because it’s simpler to tell the story that way, but the more genuine and sympathetic you are to different points of view and situations, the more real the story is.
Ang Lee
A bank balance never mattered to me but a real and genuine person would.
Shibani Dandekar
I worked as President of House of Waris for a year and a half, and Waris is one of my favorite people. He is not only a talented designer but also a warm and genuine person and a pleasure to work with.
Aslaug Magnusdottir
Those of us who were fortunate enough to know my mother – her family and friends – knew her to be a genuine, warm and loving woman – a woman who always put her family first.
Albert II, Prince of Monaco
I naturally make commercial music: it’s never been a calculated decision to make pop music. I’m a genuine pop music fan.
I miss my hair, but I feel like going out there with some fake braids wouldn’t be right. I want to be the most genuine performer I can be.
Sharon Jones
Those who indulged in the violence at Red Fort were not genuine farmers but some anti-social elements.
Amarinder Singh
Genuine good taste consists in saying much in few words, in choosing among our thoughts, in having order and arrangement in what we say, and in speaking with composure.
Francois Fenelon
I looked back at some of my earlier published stories with genuine horror and remorse. I got thinking, How many extant copies might there be, who owns them, and do they keep their doors locked?
Richard Russo
It’s so important to be genuine. People will see through you if you aren’t.
Chrissy Costanza
I think I’m just always myself, and I think that’s what’s most important to me. Just be genuine. Be authentic. Be who you are and who you were meant to be. And celebrate that. Celebrate all of that.
Alyssa Edwards
A lot of senior artists say that they support women, but they have a machine of people behind them telling them to be that way. l don’t think it’s always true and genuine.
Bibi Bourelly
The control game has just been changed. The artist has a lot more control than the label, which is special. I feel like the fans crave that. I feel like they can tell when it’s not genuine.
Jacob Whitesides
Genuine dialogue, not rhetorical bomb-throwing, leads to progress.
Mark Udall
My aim is to create a happy society with genuine friendship. Friendship between Tibetan and Chinese peoples is very essential.
Dalai Lama
I'm so genuine about what I do and how I want to do it,

I’m so genuine about what I do and how I want to do it, and I get anxiety when I’m pressured from the outside.
Jimmy John Liautaud
I’m a genuine lover of music. I’ve always watched the Grammys from home.
Tyler Oakley
I received more genuine religious stimulation in prison than in the seminary.
David Dellinger
Some comics are in it for what they can get out of it. Others are in it for a love of comedy. I think those that are in it for a genuine love of comedy find each other within the circuit and become friends.
Johnny Vegas
If human beings had genuine courage, they’d wear their costumes every day of the year, not just on Halloween.
Douglas Coupland
I adore going to a very, very fancy restaurant – as long as the spirit is genuine, like it’s their pleasure to welcome you.
Danny Meyer
Music is only special when it’s coming from a genuine place – it’s just energy trapped in a bottle.
What I got, unconsciously, from admiring Fred Astaire was that he didn’t want what he was doing to look difficult. What was difficult, in my opinion, was making it look so genuine, so effortless. I equally have tried to remain unseen on the screen.
Stanley Donen
When my kids grow up, my goal is someday, someone will come up to them and say, ‘Your dad was an amazing person.’ Not saying I was an amazing fighter but a genuine person. That’s what I strive for.
Johny Hendricks
Any attempt to redress the inequities and injustices that plague our society has to start with the reality that we will never live in a genuine meritocracy as long as the wealthy are able to protect their own interests.
Dawn Foster
What’s fun on ‘Here’s The Rub’ is how we were able to create and then thrust an original character into the world of athletes and get a uniquely genuine and fun response from the biggest names in the game.
Andrew Santino
Madonna had to break through; I knew she was going to make it big, because I could see how ambitious she was, in a very genuine and sweet way.
Indonesia can hold regular elections, but if the laws do not apply to the most powerful elements in society, then there is no rule of law and no genuine democracy. The country will never become a true democracy until it takes serious steps to end impunity.
Joshua Oppenheimer
Love is something that is genuine, delicate and involves care, passion and attention, and is entirely different to gifts, balls, jewels and circumstance.
Rege-Jean Page
I think the most important thing is to be yourself and be genuine and don’t try to tell anybody else’s story but your own. And if it comes from a genuine place, I think people can tell, and if it doesn’t, I think people can tell, and I think that eventually it shows.
The more real and genuine we are about ourselves, the more others will know that there is no shame in struggling, or feeling low, or anxious or having bad days – we all have them.
Sanam Saeed
The creative process has been a little bit of an experience, really – to try and make that work for me. The only way I know how to do that is just to remain genuine, humble, and true to everything I know already in my life.
Calum Scott
It’s important for that to exist in a society that doesn’t present you with any genuine problems.
Tom Jenkinson
Any genuine progressive should work together to stop Brexit – this is a national emergency, requiring national cooperation.
Ed Davey
My pet peeve and my goal in life is to somehow get an adjective for ‘integrity’ in the dictionary. ‘Truthful’ doesn’t really cover it, or ‘genuine.’ It should be like ‘integritus.’
Rashida Jones
Donald Trump gets it: he’s the genuine article. He’s a doer in a game usually reserved for talkers. And when Donald Trump does his talking, he doesn’t tiptoe around the thousand new rules of political correctness.
Mike Pence
I’m not trying to make beats that are better than somebody else’s. I’m trying to make beats that are genuine to me.
Ryan Lewis
People that have had genuine abduction experiences that I’ve met that seem very genuine to me, but they’re just confused about why it happened. I’ve met a lot of people like which I regard as being very genuine… but there’s a lot of crazy people out there.
Dave Davies
As an artist, what you do represents who you are. Coming from a genuine, honest place – that’s what I’m trying to do.
Gretchen Parlato
I’m not really gay, and I can’t sit here and say that I am, because that’s not real and that’s not genuine. But I also can’t sit here and say that I’m straight. This is something I’ve come to the conclusion through therapy and from being honest with myself. I am bisexual.
Shane Dawson
Those who hope to nurture genuine religiosity should first establish liberty.
Mustafa Akyol
Generosity during life is a very different thing from generosity in the hour of death; one proceeds from genuine liberality and benevolence, the other from pride or fear.
Horace Mann
You get people who come to London, sever links with where they come from, and then when they need people, there’s nobody there. To feel like you can’t go back home would be a horribly sad place to be, as is mistaking fame for genuine love and affection.
Johnny Vegas
The first test any poem must pass is no longer, ‘Is it true to nature?’ but a criterion looking in a different direction: namely, ‘Is it sincere? Is it genuine?’
M. H. Abrams
I can watch a movie and go, ‘Oh, my god, that person is acting.’ If you just listen to what the other person is saying, your response will always be genuine.
Kat Dennings
Trust takes a lifetime to build, but only a moment to destroy. When looking to build a genuine connection with a mentor, you can simply partake in shared hobbies or activities the mentee or mentor is into, exchange stories, or partake in trust-building workshops together.
Tobias Harris
My love for the female hip hop movement has always been

My love for the female hip hop movement has always been genuine.
Lil’ Kim
I think that Eric Holder has an animosity, a genuine hostility, toward local law enforcement – specifically toward white police officers. He truly believes that every white police officer is a stone-cold racist.
David A. Clarke, Jr.
We must realise that man’s nature will remain the same so long as he remains man; that civilisation is but a slight coverlet beneath which the dominant beast sleeps lightly and ever ready to awake. To preserve civilisation, we must deal scientifically with the brute element, using only genuine biological principles.
H. P. Lovecraft
Since I came out of the closet, I’ve gotten to just really be myself and feel authentic and honest and genuine. It’s just been a huge relief for me competitively.
Gus Kenworthy
Ric Flair is one of the most entertaining guys to sit down with and by entertaining I don’t mean he has catchy phrases, but that he’s been through so much and his experiences are so genuine I could listen to him talk all day.
John Cena
Be still when you have nothing to say; when genuine passion moves you, say what you’ve got to say, and say it hot.
D. H. Lawrence
I think for me, the best comedy comes from when something feels real and genuine, so even though Miranda is this wacky character, there is a real vulnerability to her that we finally get to show in ‘Haters Back Off,’ and I think that’s what makes this comedy rich and more fulfilling, at least for me.
Colleen Ballinger
I always want to stay true to who I am, and if people don’t like that, then that’s okay. I think fans appreciate when you’re genuine and honest, and that’s how I try to be through all of this.
Grace VanderWaal
A lot of people do comedy about India, but they’re not from India. It’s a Kwik-E-Mart perspective. I want to provide a genuine view and maybe one on how we see the West.
Vir Das
The Y2K bug is a genuine technical concern, consuming the energies of many specialists. But the prophecies of doom represent a broader worldview using the bug as a news hook. In this vision, the good society is a stable society, undisrupted by innovation, ambition or outside influences.
Virginia Postrel
When most people think of Woodrow Wilson, they see a dour minister’s son who never cracked a smile, where in fact he was a man of genuine joy and great sadness.
A. Scott Berg
For our country and people, October 10 is a meaningful revolutionary holiday when they celebrate the birth anniversary of the genuine vanguard of the revolution, its militant General Staff, which has taken responsibility for their destiny and leads them.
Kim Jong-un
Out of the thousands who are known or who want to be known as poets, maybe one or two are genuine and the rest are fakes, hanging around the sacred precincts, trying to look like the real thing.
Leonard Cohen
That’s why fame freaks me out in a lot of ways – because how genuine of a connection can you have when you’re a commodity, and a conversation with you means bragging rights? That’s terrifying to me.
Mary Lambert
Defining yourself by your taste is easier than defining yourself by any genuine stance on something.
Noah Baumbach
One person alone can’t do anything as important as bringing genuine democracy to a country.
Aung San Suu Kyi
My genuine passion for dance was born watching Ballet Rambert perform Christopher Bruce’s harrowing ‘Ghost Dances.’
Robert Rinder
The appalling crackdown that we witnessed in Hama and other Syrian cities on 30 and 31 July only erode the regime’s legitimacy and increase resentment. In the absence of an end to the senseless violence and a genuine process of political reform, we will continue to pursue further EU sanctions.
William Hague
Financial institutions, the corporate world and civil society – all must uphold high standards of probity in their working. Only a genuine partnership between the Government and its people can bring about positive change to create a just society.
Pratibha Patil
I don’t think that you can fake warmth. You can fake lust, jealousy, anger; those are all quite easy. But actual, genuine warmth? I don’t think you can fake it.
Keira Knightley
The lawyer has not reached the height of his vocation who does not find therein… scope for a peculiar but genuine artistic function.
Frederick Pollock
But I think there’s a genuine joy, too, a sense that no matter what, even if my stomach’s growling, I’m going to dance. That’s what I want to leave people with at the end of the play. After all this, people still know how to live.
Jessica Hagedorn
Genuine tragedies in the world are not conflicts between right and wrong. They are conflicts between two rights.
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
Generally I always take genuine criticism. It’s part of football.
Philipp Lahm
How much energy is wasted in Italy in trying to write the novel that obeys all the rules. The energy might have been useful to provide us with more modest, more genuine things, that had less pretensions: short stories, memoirs, notes, testimonials, or at any rate, books that are open, without a preconceived plan.
Italo Calvino
Trump was able to convey – oddly enough a message from a billionaire who lives in Manhattan – a genuine concern for people who felt kind of left off, who felt offended by all the political correctness they see around them.
Mitch McConnell
To diminish the cases in which the assistance of others is felt absolutely necessary is the only genuine road to independence.
William Godwin
My concern is how we learn to be genuine human beings.
Lloyd Alexander
Juice was my bro. He believed in me early and was always genuine. We toured the world together. Some of my favorite memories was just traveling to different cities. Big bro a legend and I’m forever grateful for him giving me the opportunity to tour with him.
Lil Mosey
A beautiful homily, a genuine sermon, must begin with the first proclamation, with the proclamation of salvation. There is nothing more solid, deep and sure than this proclamation.
Pope Francis
If someone is genuine, compassionate and kind, that is a turn-on. A sense of humor is a huge turn on, and that goes hand in hand with intelligence.
Jennifer Nettles
There's a method to the madness in filmmaking, where ev

There’s a method to the madness in filmmaking, where everything’s very specifically laid out, the shots and what they need – but there also can be a freedom to allowing the actors to find genuine moments.
Alexandra Daddario
Astonishingly powerful and poignant, ‘Gravity’ is the rarest of rares: a space survival film informed by a genuine reverence for the awe-inspiring cosmos we inhabit.
Nick Sagan
It’s good to have genuine people around you, who are there for you when you need them.
Varun Sharma
People thrive on genuine connections – not with machines, but with each other. You don’t want a robot taking care of your baby; an ailing elder needs to be loved, to be listened to, fed, and sung to. This is one job category that people are – and will continue to be – best at.
Oren Etzioni
I’m genuine, and I think people can see that when they watch.
Kevin Owens
I think I’ve been inspired by Chris and his ability to be raw and genuine and admit flaws and let it be whatever it is. That’s something I’m trying to do, too, is just be real… That way ends up being very healing with people.
Taya Kyle
We started making content because we wanted to see it, and so our content ended up being genuine.
Burnie Burns
Women empowerment is, after all, a dream, a vision of Rajivji. It is a genuine vision. We now have so many women in Panchayats.
Sonia Gandhi
Sometimes it is hard to sing and dance at the same time, but I would rather be off and be real and genuine about it to my fans.
I think it took me a while to convince Nashville that what I do is genuine and my heart’s in the right place, and I love country music.
Keith Urban
It’s a genuine dilemma for governments, deciding how much information to share in this threat-filled era.
David Ignatius
I try to become a singer. The guitar has always been abused with distortion units and funny sorts of effects, but when you don’t do that and just let the genuine sound come through, there’s a whole magic there.
Jeff Beck
Leadership that exploits and sacrifices young people on the altar of its goals is nothing more than raw, demonic power. Genuine leadership is found in ceaseless efforts to foster young people, to pave the way forward for them.
Daisaku Ikeda
Yes, there is some evidence that migration can slightly depress wages at the bottom end of the labour market, but that’s an argument for a genuine living wage, for ensuring all workers are employed on the same terms and conditions, and for extending unionisation.
Owen Jones
Gaga the person is much like Gaga the celebrity. She is very sweet, loyal, and funny with her fans, and she is very sweet, loyal, and funny with her friends. On stage, she is over-the-top, ridiculous, dirty, and genuine on stage, and she is very over-the-top, ridiculous, dirty, and genuine with her friends.
Justin Tranter
I wanted to try and trace the genuine origins of ‘Johnny’ and how he so successfully staged this takeover of ‘Michael Pennington.’ ‘Johnny’ is a contradiction to who I am as a person. I’m not very good at confrontation, I have a tendency to internalise and to carry things around.
Johnny Vegas
I’m one of the happiest people I know. I truly am. And it’s genuine.
Rita Moreno
The U.K. needs a system for family migration underpinned by three simple principles. One: that those who come here should do so on the basis of a genuine relationship. Two: that migrants should be able to pay their way. And three: that they are able to integrate into British society.
Theresa May
One of the things I most admire about America is they have created a genuine melting pot society, a country of opportunity; you can be of any religion, colour, ethnicity, persuasion and make it to the top of your chosen field. And that’s something I admire about America and hope they continue with.
David Cameron
Almost all human beings have the capacity for empathy. Everyone has the potential to be at least troubled, or feel genuine anguish, about the suffering of other human beings.
Owen Jones
I feel bound to respect Ronald Reagan, as every American should – not least because he chose a career of public service when he could have made a lot more money doing something else, and not least because he took genuine risks for peace.
Rick Perlstein
A leader must be a good listener. He must be willing to take counsel. He must show a genuine concern and love for those under his stewardship.
James E. Faust
There is no African, myself included, who does not appreciate the help of the wider world, but we do question whether aid is genuine or given in the spirit of affirming one’s cultural superiority.
Uzodinma Iweala
How genuine is my capacity for love if there is no one for me to love, to laugh with, to treat tenderly, to be trusted by?
Hugh Prather
Kids are more genuine. When they come up and want to talk to you, they don’t have an agenda. It’s more endearing and less piercing to your aura.
Alan Cumming
Simperium seems like a genuine utility for our own apps, and for other people as a service. And Simplenote, as a product, I love, and it’s just darn handy.
Matt Mullenweg
When I sit down and try to write lyrics first – I’ve definitely done that in the past – but most of the time, they come off as a put-on, or less genuine than you would think. I’m the kind of guy that if I overthink a sentiment or I overthink a statement, it’s weird.
Ty Segall
We don’t live in a society that has genuine equality, and every woman we know has experienced that.
Sara Sheridan
We will deploy our men and women in uniform only where there is a need, and where their presence can make a genuine difference in ensuring public safety and an easing of the humanitarian concerns at our southern border.
Michelle Lujan Grisham
I am very happy in Munich and my family is totally settled – and now I have a son who is a genuine Bavarian.
Franck Ribery
I have huge respect for the musical aptitude and intellect of listeners in India. They appreciate genuine, quality music.
Sid Sriram
Kill Rock Stars allowed me to put out a real genuine ro

Kill Rock Stars allowed me to put out a real genuine rock ‘n’ roll record.
Ronnie Spector
The true secret of happiness lies in taking a genuine interest in all the details of daily life.
William Morris
Those who do not cherish affection for their parents, spouses and children and for their homes, villages and workplaces cannot love their country and fellow people; they can never become genuine patriots.
Kim Jong-un
The only true and lasting inspiration for life is genuine love for God, and submitted gratitude that I get to be a part of the redemptive quest.
John Ortberg
Stay positive and happy. Work hard and don’t give up hope. Be open to criticism and keep learning. Surround yourself with happy, warm and genuine people.
Tena Desae
The team at ASCAP is a genuine family, and I am proud to be part of an organization that is home to so many legendary songwriters and composers.
I try to be as genuine and authentic as possible.
Joe Wicks
Russia has demonstrated it is not committed to genuine partnership with the United States.
Will Hurd
I think hearing kids my age miss out on genuine connections already because they text so much, and then they feel awkward when they are face to face with someone.
Millicent Simmonds
Mr. Obama’s call to support genuine democracy has implications for the kinds of elections the international community promotes and endorses.
Tzipi Livni
Issues to do with disability, mental health and not being neurotypical often affect many genuine teenagers but are rarely reflected in the fiction they read.
Tansy Rayner Roberts
You write because you have an idea in your mind that feels so genuine, so important, so true. And yet, by the time this idea passes through the different filters of your mind, and into your hand, and onto the page or computer screen – it becomes distorted, and it’s been diminished.
Khaled Hosseini
I love basketball. I love football. And to me, I think that’s a dimension that you don’t see with a lot of female leads, especially. I have a genuine love for it, and I always thought it was very interesting to show that side of me.
Cristela Alonzo
I know how I want to operate as an artist. And that is by having an honest, genuine dialogue about this kind of screwed up journey I’ve had that I’m so thankful for.
Mary Lambert
Too many developers still treat cultural strategies as a fig leaf to get planning permission, rather than make a thoughtful, genuine commitment to the cultural life of their areas.
Munira Mirza
The true revolutionary is guided by a great feeling of love. It is impossible to think of a genuine revolutionary lacking this quality.
Che Guevara
When anyone recognizes you on the street, they are always very nice and genuine and excited to meet you.
Sam Heughan
Genuine and true love is so rare that when you encounter it in any form, it’s a wonderful thing, to be utterly cherished in whatever form it takes.
Gwendoline Christie
I think George just nailed the whole thing, the whole time period, the whole look and feel of what that newsroom was like. I did a lot of research for the role and believe me, it’s all pretty genuine, down to the very last cigarette butt.
David Strathairn
I believe the U.S. already understands and will understand more and more that only a strong Russia will respond to the genuine interests of the United States.
Vladimir Putin
Like everything genuine, its inner life guarantees its truth. All works of art created by truthful minds without regard for the work’s conventional exterior remain genuine for all times.
Franz Marc
American men do have genuine reasons for anxiety. The traditional jobs that many men have filled are disappearing, thanks to automation and outsourcing. The jobs that remain require, in most cases, higher education, which is increasingly difficult for non-affluent families to afford.
Martha Nussbaum
The only secret behind why SidNaaz is still a thing is because it is genuine. We shared a pure relationship. I think people connect to that. The way he adored and showered love on me, I really felt nice about it. We both had same sort of feelings for each other. It was very cute.
Shehnaaz Gill
Often it seems that there are writers who are their best selves on the page. That Seamus Heaney was as genuine and deeply admirable in person as in his poems was to me a gift, then as now.
Natasha Trethewey
It is ridiculous to think we can erase racism in South Africa, but through theater there can be a genuine attempt to move on with our lives and build a better country.
John Kani
I am not interested in anything that doesn’t have a genuine heart to it. You’ve got to have soul in the hole. If that isn’t there, I don’t see the point.
Nick Cave
The intellectually sophisticated person is indifferent to all genuine individuality, because relationships and reactions result from it which cannot be exhausted with logical operations.
Georg Simmel
It’s a great feeling to have genuine friends who I have known since high school. It’s kind of rare, actually, and I love it.
Karrueche Tran
The people in Indiana are so kind and so genuine.
Michael Horse
I’ve never seen myself as a pop singer. I grew up listening to gospel, soul and rock. My approach to pop is that, when I was doing my album, I wanted to have raw, genuine lyrics, but wanted it to be easy to process.
Tori Kelly
Winter is always the hardest period for rough sleepers because of the climate and the post-Christmas dip in generosity towards anyone begging. And there’s a genuine risk to life for anyone having to sleep out as temperatures plummet.
Dawn Foster
It's difficult to find a genuine weakness that makes yo

It’s difficult to find a genuine weakness that makes you appear competent. For instance, telling your interviewer that your weakness is working so hard that you have trouble prioritizing your family life is a little too cliche and comes across as disingenuous.
Travis Bradberry
Failure is authentic, and because it’s authentic, it’s real and genuine, and because of that, it’s a pure state of being.
Douglas Coupland
I think glamour has a genuine appeal, has a genuine value. I’m not against glamour. But there’s a kind of wonder in the stuff that gets edited away in the cords of life.
Virginia Postrel
For me, I prefer to work on my own. I feel like I can tap into a more genuine place, and I feel like my best stuff comes from writing on my own in my own zone.
If you don’t like somebody, just be genuine about it. You don’t have to be anything else.
Nadine Coyle
Our study showed that the false memory and the genuine memory are based on very similar, almost identical, brain mechanisms. It is difficult for the false memory bearer to distinguish between them.
Susumu Tonegawa
That’s so rare in the world of TV or film to have a genuine friendship turn into something that people watch, that people relate to. That’s so unique.
Carrie Brownstein
The first thing that comes to your head is probably the only thing you should say. If you have to sit down and spend ten minutes trying to have something genuine, it may not be all that genuine.
Tyler Childers
When I think of the person that I thought was Bill Clinton, I think he had genuine remorse. When I think of the person that I now see is 100 percent politician, I think he’s sorry he got caught.
Monica Lewinsky
If an essay has a ‘motive,’ it is linked more to happenstance and opportunity than to the driven will. A genuine essay is not a doctrinaire tract or a propaganda effort or a broadside.
Cynthia Ozick
I think, a lot of times, people think they know what they want, but what they really want is something that’s genuine.
Benji Madden
I want nice songs. I don’t want to worry about where I have to place songs on a playlist. I’m looking to make genuine, great songs and put them together into albums.
Rex Orange County
My genuine belief is that if we can get through the eurozone crisis from a political point of view, we’ve got a lot of engines that can drive our economy, that will restore confidence and get us moving on.
Enda Kenny
He greatly valued his possessions, chiefly because they were his, and derived genuine pleasure from contemplating a painting, a statuette, a rare lace curtain – no matter what – after he had bought it and placed it among his household gods.
Kate Chopin
You have the right to kill me, but you don’t have the right to judge me. That’s life. There’s nobility in that. There’s focus. It’s genuine. It’s crystal and it’s pure and it’s available to everybody, so just shut your traps and put down your McDonalds, your vaccines, your Us Weekly, your TMZ and the rest of it.
Charlie Sheen
If I like a person, I don’t have any mask/filter. I will open up a lot. I had hurt myself in the past because a couple of persons took advantage of me. I realised that they are not genuine people. Since then, I take time to open myself up for new people.
Varun Tej
If I’m going to be using social media, it has to be in a genuine way.
Sarah Jeffery
I’m genuine and people can believe what I say.
The Paris climate agreement may be a harbinger of the spirit and mindset needed to sustain genuine global cooperation.
Joseph Stiglitz
Above all, I’m very genuine with my music. I would never sing about something that I can’t stand for.
Snoh Aalegra
Nevertheless, I resist cynicism and continue to believe in the possibilities for genuine democracy.
William Greider
Caroline’ represents the handful of women I’ve met in my life that I would put genuine effort in.
Children, like animals, and believe me, that’s a compliment in my world, feel the difference. They know where the truth lies. They can feel it in a minute if someone is genuine.
Sean Hepburn Ferrer
I will say that there are genuine and serious concerns about what Hillary Clinton did before the Benghazi attacks, during them, and after them. I think her extremely careless handling of classified information, to use FBI Director Jim Comey’s term, disqualifies her from being president.
Tom Cotton
If you cultivate a relationship in a genuine, thoughtful way, people will be more inclined to want to help you even though they don’t have to help you.
Douglas Conant
I never want to be one of those artists who feels untouchable and extraordinary. I have to be genuine.
I am interviewing people with a spirit of genuine interest and compassion, and therefore, the general tone of the site is one of genuine interest and compassion. The moment that culture changes, ‘Humans of New York’ is no longer viable.
Brandon Stanton
A genuine man goes to the roots. To be a radical is no more than that: to go to the roots.
Jose Marti
There are so many different ways to lead. The most important thing is to be genuine. To have people around you trust you, trust in what you stand for and who you are. And I think that if people watch you day in and day out and believe in your motives and they believe that you set a high standard for yourself.
Steve Nash
One can only guess the amount of magic mushrooms a sane person would have to consume to believe that a frisbee constituted a genuine threat to roughly 3,000 police officers.
Mark Thomas
The genuine priest always feels something higher than compassion.
Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel
Not everybody who opts for surrogacy is doing that to s

Not everybody who opts for surrogacy is doing that to save their figure. People have genuine problems.
Kashmira Shah
I think when you’re telling a story from inside of you that’s genuine, people connect with it.
Britney Spears is a big influence. Huge. I think people thought I was joking about that for a long time. But when I was a teenager, there was a genuine connection with this sweet girl who also had this very sexual side that people didn’t really want to accept.
Marina and the Diamonds
I value kindness in myself and others. I try to remain super-vigilant about my targets and make extra sure that my sometimes barbed comments are deserved and in response to genuine malefaction.
David Rakoff
A lot of times in coaching, that’s more than half the battle, to get people that are willing to buy in because they trust you and understand that you’re genuine in your motivations.
Duncan Robinson
The end comes when we no longer talk with ourselves. It is the end of genuine thinking and the beginning of the final loneliness.
Edward Gibbon
I make a genuine distinction between loneliness and aloneness. I know what each is like. There are times I’m lonely. But there are also many times when I need to be alone, when I don’t want the feeling of someone else in the house other than the cats.
Edward Bryant
I’ve experienced, in general, in New York, people cut to the chase a little more, and they’re a little bit more straightforward. In L.A. I’ve experienced more wishy-washiness. I will say, though, that the people that are actually from L.A. – like, born and raised in L.A. – are the real nice and genuine people.
Kether Donohue
There’s a lot of distrust of the United States, and I certainly see that. But at the same time, everything that I’ve seen is that the U.S. is a genuine force for good in the world.
Dara Khosrowshahi
Now I’m 18, I’m about to turn 19 – I’ll get a script for, like, a college frat boy type, and if I’d never gone to school, I wouldn’t really have anything genuine to draw from.
Skyler Gisondo
The characters in ‘Be Near Me’ come from a genuine place, a Britain that is more than one country and more than one ideal.
Andrew O’Hagan
Genuine poetry can communicate before it is understood.
T. S. Eliot
I design for the use of a building and the place and for the people who use it… the reputation for arrogance comes because when work is offered to me, I look whether I can find a genuine interest in quality.
Peter Zumthor
You’ve got some very powerful countries: Poland, the United Kingdom, Sweden and others who have a genuine desire to see the euro zone straighten itself out. It’s good for all of us, whether you’re in the euro zone or not, to make sure that it doesn’t lead to a fracturing.
Nick Clegg
I suppose I’ve always had a very genuine curiosity about religion. I loved the atmosphere of churches, the ethos; I adored Evensong.
Richard Coles
I do not conceive of any reality at all as without genuine unity.
Gottfried Leibniz
You need to believe in yourself and what you do. Be tenacious and genuine.
Christian Louboutin
In a world where distrust of Wall Street has never been higher, we’re holding ourselves to a different standard. We also know that if we don’t stay really genuine to that, it’s very easy for this to sound incredibly disingenuous.
Baiju Bhatt
My confidence wavers between being genuine and being insecure.
Bob Saget
Between now and then and I just felt it was ready and it was a long enough period gone by. I obviously didn’t want to hurt anybody, you know. It was done out of a genuine memorial or tribute whatever you want to call it.
Jack Bruce
You want to be honest with a character and play it truthfully, and you want to be genuine with your character.
Mila Kunis
I have quite a strong sense of wanting to sort of, wanting to help others. I’m not claiming I’m a saint, but I have a genuine, genuine belief in trying to help others.
John Key
Some prescient American collectors, including Vicki and Kent Logan and Mera and Donald Rubell, began collecting Chinese art before 2000 with a genuine passion, but as the auction prices exploded everyone was beating a path to the galleries and artist studios in China. It became the ‘China thing.’
Arne Glimcher
The only kind of dignity which is genuine is that which is not diminished by the indifference of others.
Dag Hammarskjold
There’s things you can say about me, but here’s what you can’t say about me: that I’m not being genuine.
Leah Remini
No genuine choice is ever simply a matter of the arbitrary exercise of will. Take your choice of lunch today. You can’t decide to want anything, but what you want will at least in part be a result of a series of other choices and judgments you’ve made in your life to date.
Julian Baggini
I’m definitely someone who’s really picky about who I work with and how I want things to go, because I have a high standard of integrity for my music. I want it to be genuine.
Natalie Prass
If men and women are to understand each other, to enter into each other’s nature with mutual sympathy, and to become capable of genuine comradeship, the foundation must be laid in youth.
Havelock Ellis
The genuine artist is never ‘true to life.’ He sees what is real, but not as we are normally aware of it. We do not go storming through life like actors in a play. Art is never real life.
Wallace Stevens
When somebody comes across as authentic and genuine and sweet, people just want to spend time with that person.
Pete Holmes
Act so that the effects of your actions are compatible with the permanence of genuine human life.
Hans Jonas
I envy Muslims their practice of regular and genuine pr

I envy Muslims their practice of regular and genuine prayer. It’s a beautiful practice that enriches their daily lives.
Jay Parini
Without imagination, there can be no genuine ardor in any pursuit or for any acquisition, and without imagination, there can be no genuine morality, no profound feeling of other men’s sorrow, no ardent and persevering anxiety for their interests.
William Godwin
I try to be as real and honest about everything and very genuine with people and say, ‘Listen, I’m a Christian, and I’m not perfect. I screw up every day, but I think that’s what grace is all about.’
Tim Tebow
My dad was always genuine with the fans and said, ‘You must appreciate every single one of them,’ and I always did. I always tried to make time for every autograph or every picture. What’s an autograph? It’s the simplest thing in the world.
Bret Hart
If you want to know the taste of a pear, you must change the pear by eating it yourself. If you want to know the theory and methods of revolution, you must take part in revolution. All genuine knowledge originates in direct experience.
Mao Zedong
To kill a relative of whom you are tired is something. But to inherit his property afterwards, that is genuine pleasure.
Honore de Balzac
I don’t think the North Korean leadership is interested in a genuine deal to end their WMD programs or their stranglehold on the North Korean people.
Lee Hyeon-seo
Until you separate the speculative behaviour of the financial sector from the real economy and the financing of the real economy, then we are not going to see the kind of stability or the capacity to drive genuine, income-led growth as opposed to debt-fuelled, speculative behaviour.
Sharan Burrow
I have two great examples of a father. My dad is honestly my hero and sets the bar high for how a man should treat a woman. My stepmother is a caring, genuine and supportive woman. My mom is a spunky strong woman with a huge heart. And my sister is just a pure angel. There is a lot of love in my family.
Kaitlyn Bristowe
Antonio Stradivari of Cremona, Italy, made about 1,200 violins, half of which still survive. After his death in 1737, factories churned out hundreds of thousands of copies. And every day, people bring violins with Stradivarius labels to appraisers, thinking they have bought the genuine article for a song.
Daniel Pearl
Genuine cosmopolitanism is a rare thing. It requires comfort with real difference, with forms of life that are truly exotic relative to one’s own.
Ross Douthat
I made the decision to turn pro, and I remember what Ali said to me: ‘Get Angelo Dundee. He’s the right complexion with the right connection.’ He knew boxing. Our relationship was so genuine, so sincere.
Sugar Ray Leonard
Americans care a lot about authenticity, rightly so. Every election is a quest for the genuine article. This is precisely what makes the long con of American politics such a rich and mystifying study.
Ben Fountain
There is a very genuine belief that without diversity of thought, companies can’t innovate.
Julie Sweet
People can smell when things aren’t genuine.
Doja Cat
All emotion is involuntary when genuine.
Mark Twain
Fake news is cheap to produce. Genuine journalism is expensive.
Toomas Hendrik Ilves
I wear crop tops and stuff, but I genuinely like that style, so it’s just has to be genuine. Once you start getting to that world where you’re using sexuality to try to propel something, you’re losing the moment. You’ve lost; people are not focusing on that anymore.
I think the most important part of anyone creating videos or creating anything is just being genuine and having it be true to what you want to do and who you are.
David Dobrik
For whatever reason, I’ve always been interested in those types of things – leadership books and different ways to connect with people in a real, authentic, genuine type of way.
Sean McVay
My guiding principles in life are to be honest, genuine, thoughtful and caring.
Prince William
I can make a record with six-part string arrangements and the best musicians in the world and have it be not genuine. I’d rather make a genuine record that I truly stand behind and have it fall where it may.
Julien Baker
I’ve come to learn that the determined and gifted and genuine sociopath has far more power to deceive than we realize.
Walter Kirn
Kids are the most genuine thing to me: everything they say and do, they mean it.
Paul Pierce
I’m genuine and I’m available. I want people to be at their best. I want them to love and be loved to their fullest ability. My friends call me their relationship nanny, so we have a good time working through problems. Now, I don’t claim to be an expert, but I am a woman who has been through everything.
Niecy Nash
Equality legislation, and audits on gender pay gaps, ethnicity and disability, – within companies and public authorities – all aim to stamp out the informal transfer of power through social networks, in favour of appointment through genuine merit.
Dawn Foster
I know many Catholics love God with all their heart. I have genuine respect for anyone who truly has given their life to Christ. We read about Mother Teresa and what a wonderful example she was.
Bill McCartney
The more one does and sees and feels, the more one is able to do, and the more genuine may be one’s appreciation of fundamental things like home, and love, and understanding companionship.
Amelia Earhart
You’ve got to be genuine and not try and be someone else – but be a better you all the time.
Owen Farrell
The best way to begin genuine bipartisanship to make America stronger is to work together on the real crises facing our country, not to manufacture an artificial crisis to serve a special interest agenda out of touch with the needs of Americans.
John F. Kerry
I’ve been wrestling for many years; I’ve accomplished a lot – but I take pride in being genuine, honest, and down-to-earth. Those are the qualities I really respect about myself, so I’m really pleased when I see that the energy that I want to exude is well received.
Rob Van Dam
The English countryside, its growth and its destruction

The English countryside, its growth and its destruction, is a genuine and tragic theme.
E. M. Forster
If anything, the genuine human struggles in ‘Sicko’ raise questions about our society that run much deeper than what passes for political discourse today. Why does such a rich nation let people suffer and die without health care?
Ari Melber
I see musicians like Bonnie Raitt and Emmylou Harris as more than just musical icons: they are planets, with a gravitational pull – from how they flip their hair just-so when they bow, right down to their hearty backstage banter. It takes decades to learn the innuendos of being gracious and genuine all at once.
Grace Potter
When people meet me, I hope that they say this: ‘This is a guy who, number one, loves the Lord, but he also loves people, and he wants to make a difference in people’s life. And he wants to help everyone he comes in contact with, and he is genuine, he is real, and he cares about people.’
Tim Tebow
I think being genuine, and being authentic, is a big part of leadership.
Brian Flores
There is no doubt our earth is warming and our seas rising – or that humankind is the cause. There is no evidence to refute this – or any genuine scientific counterargument in the climate change debate.
Bill Shorten
There is no reason inherent in the real resources available to us why we cannot move rapidly within the next two or three years to a state of genuine full employment.
William Vickrey
I like to be in the now, now. Sometimes musicians have to wait for me to be genuine with it. As an actor, I don’t have that luxury. You have to make it legit when they say ‘action.’
Jill Scott
There are certain players, certain leaders where, genuine and authentic, their message is going to resonate different than a coach.
Sean McVay
There is nothing like Southern hospitality. It’s such a beautiful and genuine thing.
Abigail Spencer
It’s all being true to yourself, being genuine and being the most authentic version of yourself that you can be. I think that can lead to a really happy and joyous life.
Stephanie Labbe
For me to work with someone, I have to know who I’m working with so I can learn how to deal with each other and try to help each other. At the end of the day, it really just comes down to building a genuine relationship. I think that’s a very important factor in business.
Ski Mask the Slump God
CNN wants me to tell the news in a way that seems genuine and authentic. They don’t want me to be Ron Burgundy.
Jake Tapper
Some people have interpreted the title of the show – ‘Love’ – as ironic. For me, it’s sincere. The idea that we have to agree with love is a genuine statement about love.
Paul Rust
I would much prefer that they take me as I am, that way the experience is genuine between the both of us.
George Duke
In a band with humor, it’s easy to be a caricature, especially when you’ve been around as long as we have. But we sing those songs as genuine as we can, always from the heart. When we do the fish sounds in ‘Rock Lobster,’ Cindy and I are pouring our hearts out.
Kate Pierson
We need true free thinkers, people who really say what they feel and have good, genuine intentions.
It’s amazing to be nominated for the Brits’ Critics’ Choice Award 2016. It’s such a significant award that highlights the importance of new music, so it’s a genuine honour to have been nominated alongside some other incredible new acts from the U.K.
Jack Garratt
The music is really about sharing an experience. That’s why we call it Stay Human. It’s like we’re sharing this genuine human exchange.
Jon Batiste
When you cry, you don’t look very attractive; you look snotty and blotchy. People seem to manage to cry quite prettily these days, and to me, that smacks of not being very genuine.
Jo Brand
It’s hard to be a good doctor if you don’t think about the social circumstances of who you’re treating. There are many Tory doctors, but I think it’s difficult to be a doctor and a genuine right-winger.
Robert Winston
The virtual choir would never replace live music or a real choir, but the same sort of focus and intent and esprit de corps is evident in both, and at the end of the day it seems to me a genuine artistic expression.
Eric Whitacre
The belief that all genuine education comes about through experience does not mean that all experiences are genuinely or equally educative.
John Dewey
Real education is about genuine understanding and the ability to figure things out on your own; not about making sure every 7th grader has memorized all the facts some bureaucrats have put in the 7th grade curriculum.
Aaron Swartz
When it comes to China, there are genuine giants that need to be conquered and dragons to tame. Protecting intellectual property rights and leveling the playing field for international trade are serious matters that must be resolved. But that will happen through honest negotiation.
Neil Bush
These seem to me so ambiguous, so vague, so easily misunderstood in comparison to genuine music, which fills the soul with a thousand things better than words.
Felix Mendelssohn
I just need to find a guy who is nice to me and I want to be nice to. It’s that simple. A genuine partnership. The two of you against the world.
Andi Dorfman
I’m a Kiwi country boy, approachable, genuine, never getting too far ahead of myself, a straightforward kind of bloke.
Beauden Barrett
I do want love. Genuine love.
Jill Scott
Ultimately a genuine leader is not a searcher for consensus but a molder of consensus.
Lloyd Banks
If smart technology can transform 3-D from a crude novelty to a genuine visual enhancement, why shouldn’t a sophisticated odor synthesizer follow a similar path?
Charles Platt
I think NASCAR and racing have been around for a long t

I think NASCAR and racing have been around for a long time. I certainly enjoy it, and there’s a lot of connects to people. People drive to work every day, and there’s a lot of genuine connection there. If people are interested in seeing that, building into that, I’m proud of what I’m a part of.
Chase Elliott
AOC understands how to be famous. It’s got to be natural. It’s genuine.
Dan Crenshaw
The essence of Hinduism is the same essence of all true religions: Bhakti or pure love for God and genuine compassion for all beings.
Radhanath Swami
Well they’re very, very genuine concerns at present as to the status of the 800 people who are to be sent by Australia to Malaysia. There’s concern about the status of asylum seekers in Malaysia generally, but there’s concern about the status of the 800 to be sent.
Julie Bishop
Almost the first thing Obama did in the White House was to return the bust of Winston Churchill to the British embassy. That suggests a major re-ordering of things. It’ll be fascinating to see what happens from now on. It was a genuine break with the recent past – perhaps to re-connect with the past past.
Amanda Foreman
The more deeply connected you are with the people that you’re working with, the better the work and the character, and then, I think, that really translates to life. It will help you in life to be more grounded and genuine.
Cameron Mathison
One Saturday in 1984, I walked into my first AA meeting. I went regularly for six years and only stopped when I came to realize my underlying problem was not genuine alcoholism, but depression.
Jack Dee
People want to see you be genuine.
Nina Turner
I just like stuff that’s raw, itself, real and genuine. I think that’s the way art should be. That’s the kind of stuff that people can connect to more.
Kali Uchis
I’m sort of an optimist, a high energy type of enthusiastic guy. Someone that tries to be genuine with the players, I’m not a guy that’s going to come in and be a drill sergeant.
Frank Vogel
When I go out and I see the genuine appreciation from the people, that’s a big thing for me.
Yami Gautam
An essay is a thing of the imagination. If there is information in an essay, it is by-the-by, and if there is an opinion, one need not trust it for the long run. A genuine essay rarely has an educational, polemical, or sociopolitical use; it is the movement of a free mind at play.
Cynthia Ozick
We all lose when bullying and personal attacks become a substitute for genuine conversation and principled disagreement.
Alicia Garza
I do hope President Trump’s calls for bipartisanship are genuine, and I also hope he takes the actions needed to unify the country.
Jeff Van Drew
People often ask whether Obama passes the ‘kishka test:’ whether he likes Israel special, not in the same way he likes Taiwan or South Korea? Does he? I think the kishka test was decided when he visited Israel. I think the reaction there was emotional and genuine.
Michael Oren
If your response to a problem or scandal isn’t genuine, followers will sense it. And remember, by saying nothing, you’re saying something.
Judy Smith
I do bits about dating but mainly about what I did and how incompetent I am, not any genuine people writing to me.
James Veitch
The majority of autists – as well as their parents – seem to be genuine victims of environmental stress.
Nikolaas Tinbergen
When I went to Australia, I had this feeling, like, ‘Wow, this is really a different country.’ I think that feeling of genuine foreignness, that this is a very different culture, which is increasingly rare in our globalised world.
Naomi Klein
I’ve been in this business long enough to recognize genuine talent.
Sajid Nadiadwala
It’s a fact that if Hillary Clinton is elected, the country’s chance to have a Supreme Court that values the Constitution – and the genuine liberty and self-government for which millions have died – is gone. Not for four years, or eight, but forever.
Eric Metaxas
I don’t believe in hopping from one social issue to the next to be a part of the movement for a moment. Anything I’m involved in is something that I would die for. I can’t support things that don’t feel genuine.
Machine Gun Kelly
Watergate showed more strengths in our system than weaknesses… The whole country did take part in quite a genuine sense in passing judgment on Richard Nixon.
Archibald Cox
It’s time to wake up to the reality that ignoring the genuine concerns of the ‘fringe,’ until it becomes the majority, is patently ridiculous. That the scapegoating of alternative opinions doesn’t work.
Margarita Simonyan
Having a profile means you have to be cautious of who you let into your world, as you don’t know if they’re being genuine or not, but it’s more that it can be a strain on your relationships.
Jesse Metcalfe
Genuine talent does shine through but, in my experience, ambition will get you much further than pure talent.
Alexander Armstrong
I had played ‘Mortal Kombat’ back I arcades in London, and I loved it. I came to the movies as a genuine fan of the intellectual property, and I think that counts for a lot.
Paul W. S. Anderson
Experts on romance say for a happy marriage there has to be more than a passionate love. For a lasting union, they insist, there must be a genuine liking for each other. Which, in my book, is a good definition for friendship.
Marilyn Monroe
I’m not handled. I’m not crafted by slick, high-priced consultants. I’m a real person, a genuine person, a struggling person in Connecticut.
Lee Whitnum
You seem to think that the only genuine existence evil can have is conscious existence – that no one is evil unless he admits it to himself. I disagree.
Gene Wolfe
Based on the role’s requirement whether it needs genuine portrayal or going over the top, I understand the whole process and deliver the performance.
Supriya Pathak
Pakistan has assured that it would not allow its territ

Pakistan has assured that it would not allow its territory to be used against India for any acts of terror. India must also reciprocate and address our concerns which are very genuine. Dialogue is the only way forward. Absence of dialogue leads to tension.
Asif Ali Zardari
There’s been a vacuum with movies that people can relate to. There’s been a paucity of dramas that people can relate to. I think audiences are clamoring to connect – particularly after 9/11 – with things that are genuine and real and I think documentaries are filling that need.
George Hickenlooper
Society can take two roads – the road to genuine prosperity, or the road to artificial stimulus. The first results in a permanent higher standard of living for all; the latter creates an inflationary boom that cannot last.
Mark Skousen
As a stand up, and often in acting, there is no place for the most intense feelings. Rage, genuine sorrow, naked hope… These things don’t fit on a comedy stage and if you act you’ll get to express them once in a while. Music is a place for the intensely personal.
Hal Sparks
Old is authentic. Old is genuine. Old is valuable.
Billy Graham
For me, it’s very easy to write a horror movie that’s just a succession of scary sequences, but it’s hard to find horror movies that have a genuine theme to them that are really exploring some aspect of our psychology and our fears.
Ehren Kruger
If you can’t relax during your interview, then nothing you do to prepare will matter. Being yourself is essential to the selection process, and interviewers will feel it if you’re too nervous. Showing fear or anxiety appears weak compared to a relaxed smile and genuine confidence.
Travis Bradberry
Popular music is one endless love song that, I suspect, the basically solitary Ella Fitzgerald approached much as the basically solitary Marianne Moore approached poetry: reading it with a certain contempt for it, Moore said, you could find a place in it for the genuine.
Margo Jefferson
Support for charities takes many forms. Some people give their money, some their spare time. I give my name and my voice. We give what we can to make a difference to the people and issues that matter to us. But what’s most important, especially for celebrities, is giving our genuine commitment.
David Harewood
I’ve always been very open and very honest with my fans. I want them to know that I’m genuine, and I am who I am, and I’m not faking it for the camera.
Colleen Ballinger
It’s so refreshing when I walk in and see a bunch of Asian actresses all competing for the same role because it makes me feel like I have a genuine shot.
Lana Condor
I don’t ever see myself retiring totally from music, because I have a genuine love and passion for it.
Dr. Dre
There is only one secure foundation: a genuine, deep relationship with Jesus Christ, which will carry you through any and all turmoil. No matter what storms are raging all around, you’ll stand firm if you stand on His love.
Charles Stanley
You come across those real, genuine friendships so rarely in your life and they are so precious, you know the people who really have your back, who love you unconditionally and aren’t your family. You don’t stumble across those people very often.
Jane Fallon
I’m laid back, I’m genuine, I’m easy to get along with.
In the modern world, there’s a real genuine fear of loss of individuality, and I think the undead speak to that. I also think the idea of the dead coming back to life, and this unstoppable foe that just keeps coming and coming but rather slowly just chases you, is a real primal fear.
Paul W. S. Anderson
Scandinavia was awash with Maoism in the ’70s. Sweden had Maoist groups with a combined membership and periphery of several thousand members, but it was Norway where Maoism became a genuine popular force and hegemonic in the culture.
Tariq Ali
Praise is good. Some people over-praise, though. Genuine appreciation is rare to come by.
Raashi Khanna
I don’t think I could have a genuine relationship with someone who didn’t love to travel and appreciate new foods. Traveling is a big part of my life, and I want to share that with the people close to me.
Candice Accola
I think Putin’s popularity was genuine when he first came to power. He was seen as a welcome relief from the Yeltsin era.
Masha Gessen
A beautiful homily, a genuine sermon, must begin with the first proclamation, with the proclamation of salvation. There is nothing more solid, deep and sure than this proclamation.
Pope Francis
It is only through such real-life daily struggles and challenges that a genuine sensitivity to human rights can be inculcated. This is a truth that is not limited to school education: it applies to all of us.
Daisaku Ikeda
Once serious political dialogue has begun, the international community can assume that we have achieved genuine progress along the road to real democratisation.
Aung San Suu Kyi
I’m genuine! I’ve not got some dark, shadowy corporation behind me pulling the strings.
Leadership that exploits and sacrifices young people on the altar of its goals is nothing more than raw, demonic power. Genuine leadership is found in ceaseless efforts to foster young people, to pave the way forward for them.
Daisaku Ikeda
No matter what the outcome is, as long as you pray to Him and be genuine – because He knows when you’re genuine and when you’re not – and maintain the faith, I think things will turn around for you. I know things will turn around for you. And ultimately, you will always be victorious when it’s all said and done.
Marquise Goodwin
So many times, genuine health workers and genuine NGO folks are really just trying to help other humans in whatever capacity they can. But they are perceived as being CIA, and therefore, it blocks their effectiveness.
Valerie Plame
A true leader has to have a genuine open-door policy so that his people are not afraid to approach him for any reason.
Harold S. Geneen
As an MP, I could hardly meet my constituents’ genuine needs as the funds at an MP’s disposal are meagre.
Genuine solutions that could help heal divisions in society have been ignored.
Kemi Badenoch
Facebook has become the richest and most powerful publisher in history by replacing editors with algorithms – shattering the public square into millions of personalised news feeds, shifting entire societies away from the open terrain of genuine debate and argument while they make billions from our valued attention.
Katharine Viner
Usyk is less of a puncher than Lomachenko but comes wit

Usyk is less of a puncher than Lomachenko but comes with just as high a work rate, so Usyk has to take some to give some to be exciting, whereas Lomachenko has genuine power, and he can stop fighters with that power.
Tony Bellew
I’d like to talk about free markets. Information in the computer age is the last genuine free market left on earth except those free markets where indigenous people are still surviving. And that’s basically becoming limited.
Russell Means
The short form, speed, and consistency of communication by Trump beat Clinton’s nuanced, detailed, and long-form communication. Trump came across as more genuine, Clinton as less than transparent. Trump engaged directly with his community; Clinton spoke through the media in a careful and less frequent manner.
Richard Edelman
In my case what happened next in 1999 was that I fell apart over that back nine. When I saw I was in genuine contention that year I felt like throwing up. That remains probably the most nervous I’ve ever been on a golf course.
Lee Westwood
I have a very clear, genuine vision about what political work should be, what politics and politicians should contribute to the nation.
Suresh Gopi
I speak plainly, I don’t beat around the bush, and I’m just genuine.
Ben Askren
Most years, if you were to ask me how much I make, the genuine answer is that I have no clue. I usually find out the answer to that question once a year, at tax time, when my accountant tells me.
Simon Sinek
Archer has a loose-limbed approach in a run-up that is not very long. He gets into a good position at the crease and releases the ball late from a very high action. He snaps the ball down at genuine pace. He has rhythm to his bowling.
Jonathan Agnew
What the world needs is people with integrity, people with genuine thoughts and intentions.
Navya Nair
There’s that stigma about New Yorkers, how they’re so mean, but in my experience it was quite the opposite. People were very genuine and very nice, even on the subway.
Taylor Kitsch
I love Buffalo. The people here are wonderful, genuine; they look you straight in the eye.
Ian Gillan
Decades of anti-migrant rhetoric in parliament and the press has resulted in few voters having realistic ideas of the genuine level of migration, on both a national level and in their local community.
Dawn Foster
The American experiment with representative democracy has been a great success, but we need to realize that it needs to be a genuine representative democracy where ordinary people have a vote, have a voice in choosing the candidates who represent them.
Richard Painter
When you’re true to yourself – not the audience that reads about me in the newspaper or sees a clip someplace, but the audience that actually comes and watches, just like Oprah – they get to know you and they sense something genuine.
Glenn Beck
But today, I feel the genuine warmth, the affection, and although I may joke about it, I am touched.
Perry Como
If you take ‘Agni Natchathiram,’ it is about two half-brothers and their emotions and those are genuine, which can be made into a very hard-hitting film just that it can be presented in an entertaining fashion. Similarly with ‘OK Kanmani,’ it is a genuine film; it is not a flippant film just for commercial purposes.
Mani Ratnam
I am a fraud. I have cobbled together my personality from hundreds of little bits. I am simultaneously the most genuine and the most artificial person you will ever meet.
Sebastian Horsley
It is not astonishing that there are many journalists who have become human failures and worthless men. Rather, it is astonishing that, despite all this, this very stratum includes such a great number of valuable and quite genuine men, a fact that outsiders would not so easily guess.
Max Weber
We genuinely believe to this day that it was an honest genuine mistake and we never imagined the punishment would be eight months. The precedent dictated that it was unlikely to be that. We don’t regret he played for that period.
David Gill
Honestly, trolls don’t affect me anymore. In fact, I want to use social media for the benefit of my genuine followers – I pick up one or two tweets and use my sense of humour to entertain them.
Taapsee Pannu
I want to see genuine talent rewarded.
George Osborne
Now that we are used to globalisation it’s hard to imagine a time when the countries behind the iron curtain were largely obscured from the western gaze. The Soviet bloc was a genuine mystery. Such was the dehumanisation of the Soviets that Sting could wonder in song if ‘the Russians love their children too.’
Mark Fisher
As I grew older, I realized that it was much better to insist on the genuine forms of nature, for simplicity is the greatest adornment of art.
Albrecht Durer