Top 404 Computers Quotes

The most compelling reason for most people to buy a computer for the home will be to link it to a nationwide communications network. We’re just in the beginning stages of what will be a truly remarkable breakthrough for most people – as remarkable as the telephone.
Steve Jobs
Google did a great job hacking the Web to create search – and then monetizing search with advertising. And Apple did a great job humanizing hardware and software so that formerly daunting computers and applications could become consumer-friendly devices – even a lifestyle brand.
Douglas Rushkoff
I wish people would turn off their computers, go outside, talk to people, touch people, lick people, enjoy each other’s company and smell each other on the rump.
Tre Cool
When I write a song, I always start on acoustic guitar, because that’s a good test of a song, when it’s really open and bare. You can often mislead yourself if you start with computers and samples and programming because you can disguise a bad song.
Martin Gore
Technology ventures can succeed with very little investment, unlike many other industries. A lot of the big Internet players like Google or Yahoo were started by a couple of guys with computers. Microsoft was started in Bill Gates’ garage.
Jonathan Raymond
Not only have computers changed the way we think, they’ve also discovered what makes humans think – or think we’re thinking. At least enough to predict and even influence it.
Douglas Rushkoff
VR as a display technology, as it’s miniaturized and made comfortable and mainstream, will be a replacement for all other forms of display technology, input and output. So for anybody who works with computers all day, this is going to be our future.
Tim Sweeney
I think computers are the ultimate writing tool. I’m a very slow writer, so I appreciate it every day.
Sherry Turkle
I do a lot of work on computers, but I am so practiced in drawing that I can draw it full size, and you can take the measurements off my drawings. It’s like drafting, but it’s a work of art – a really beautiful drawing.
Charles Pollock
Keep in mind that there are computers, that do touch things up. Like when I got a hold of the poster for ‘Gold Diggers,’ I said: ‘Hey, wait a minute! Those aren’t my teeth!’
Anna Chlumsky
The reason why Apple computers have worked so well over time is that, unlike Microsoft, they don’t bend over backward to be compatible with every piece of hardware or software in the digital universe. To code or create for Apple, you follow Apple’s rules. If you’re even allowed to.
Douglas Rushkoff
I’m a computer guy, and one of the things I did with the good fortune that ‘Presumed Innocent’ brought me was to buy one of the very first laptop computers. It weighed about eight and a half pounds, by the way.
Scott Turow
I don’t know anything about computers.
Adam Carolla
How did the economy produce all these amazing things that we have around us – computers and cell phones and so on? There were a bunch of ideas, and the good ones grew and prospered. And the bad ones were pretty ruthlessly weeded out.
Tim Harford
Technology has forever changed the world we live in. We’re online, in one way or another, all day long. Our phones and computers have become reflections of our personalities, our interests, and our identities. They hold much that is important to us.
James Comey
There is a real danger that computers will develop intelligence and take over. We urgently need to develop direct connections to the brain so that computers can add to human intelligence rather than be in opposition.
Stephen Hawking
A smartphone is a computer – it’s not built using a computer – the job it does is the job of being a computer. So, everything we say about computers, that the software you run should be free – you should insist on that – applies to smart phones just the same. And likewise to those tablets.
Richard Stallman
Ignorance breeds antipathy. Until I got to know how com

Ignorance breeds antipathy. Until I got to know how computers worked, I didn’t want anything to do with them. I said, ‘Well, why do I need them? I write letters.’ Which I still do.
Viggo Mortensen
Everyone has this perception that the bloggers, they say horrible things about you and they hide behind their computers where you can’t see them.
L’Wren Scott
My mother worked for Confederation of Indian Industry, and Aptech Computers.
Tahir Raj Bhasin
I want people to come to me open and vulnerable. When they come to the gallery, they have to leave their watches, their computers, their Blackberrys, iPads, iPhones, because we are so incredibly used to technology, and I wanted to remove that.
Marina Abramovic
Techno-humanism aims to amplify the power of humans, creating cyborgs and connecting humans to computers, but it still sees human interests and desires as the highest authority in the universe.
Yuval Noah Harari
Science fiction has done a really good job of scaring us into thinking that computers shouldn’t get too smart, because as soon as they get really smart, they’re going to take over the world and kill us, or something like that. But why would they do that?
Luis von Ahn
We’ve been working now with computers and education for 30 years, computers in developing countries for 20 years, and trying to make low-cost machines for 10 years. This is not a sudden turn down the road.
Nicholas Negroponte
We went from a world where almost nobody knew anything about computers to a world where almost all of us are computer geeks for a huge fraction of our day. And I’d like to see that happen with the digital world of biological molecules, too.
George M. Church
In short, software is eating the world.
Marc Andreessen
Computers allow us to squeeze the most out of everything, whether it’s Google looking up things, so I guess that tends to make us a little lazy about reading books and doing things the hard way to understand how those things work.
Buzz Aldrin
Using social media to hurt and destroy is callous, acted out by cowards hiding behind computers. My advice is to ignore negativity. Focus on the love around.
Martin Garrix
Computers used to petrify me before I figured it was just a matter of getting used to them.
Raveena Tandon
I’m projecting somewhere between 100 million and 200 million computers on the Net by the end of December 2000, and about 300 million users by that same time.
Vint Cerf
After a semester or so, my infatuation with computers burnt out as quickly as it had begun.
Eric Allin Cornell
Future generations will know there’s nothing mystical about wetware because by 2100, Moore’s law will have given us tiny quantum computers powerful enough to upload a human soul.
Frank Tipler
The most used program in computers and education is PowerPoint. What are you learning about the nature of the medium by knowing how do to a great PowerPoint presentation? Nothing. It certainly doesn’t teach you how to think critically about living in a culture of simulation.
Sherry Turkle
Would you go into a CD store and steal a CD? It’s the same thing, people going into the computers and loggin’ on and stealing our music.
Britney Spears
Well, my wife always says to me, and I think it’s true, it’s very difficult for us to understand the Elizabethan understanding and enjoyment and perception of form as it is to say… it would be for them to understand computers or going to the moon or something.
Mark Rylance
In high school, I used to teach guitar and fix computers by the hour. I was looking for some way to make some cash, so I actually learned how to play guitar in order to try to teach it.
Jon Oringer
As a child, I did what any normal kid who grew up without any electricity would do – I spent countless hours working on a computer wired to my parents’ car battery… and learned how to code. This natural passion for computers lead me into the Internet market during the late 1990s and early 2000s.
Ryan Holmes
Open-source encyclopedias such as Wikipedia and search engines such as Google and Bing, which people can tap into anytime and anywhere via computers and smart phones, put a world of knowledge at our fingertips at a lower cost than ever before.
Naveen Jain
I thought of computers as very low class. I thought of myself as a pure mathematician and was interested in partial differential equations and topology and things like that.
Whitfield Diffie
We can do things that we never could before. Stop-motion lets you build tiny little worlds, and computers make that world even more believable.
Nick Park
Computers ought to help people find their own best path through lots of textual information.
Mitch Kapor
Coding is like writing, and we live in a time of the new industrial revolution. What’s happened is that maybe everybody knows how to use computers, like they know how to read, but they don’t know how to write.
Susan Wojcicki
I think computer viruses should count as life. I think it says something about human nature that the only form of life we have created so far is purely destructive. We’ve created life in our own image.
Stephen Hawking
I get hired to hack into computers now and sometimes it’s actually easier than it was years ago.
Kevin Mitnick
One thing about computers and iPhones is they’re making people mentally lazy.
Jose Feliciano
Obviously, our children, who have been playing with their computers since the age of five or six, don’t have quite the same brain as those who were brought up on wooden or metal toys, whose brains are certainly atrophied by comparison.
Claude Vorilhon
When I grew up we had gym at school, two or three dance classes after school, ice skating lessons, and all sorts of sports at our finger tips. We weren’t glued to computers because they didn’t exist, so being active was all we knew.
Lisa Loeb
Instead of the cashier and ticket-ripper of the movie theater, the block chain consists of thousands of computers that can process digital tickets, money, and many other fiduciary objects in digital form. Think of thousands of robots wearing green eye shades, all checking each other’s accounting.
Nick Szabo
At home, we're listening to TV or playing with our comp

At home, we’re listening to TV or playing with our computers, so our entertaining is rusting. We don’t know how to be good hosts and guests in business situations.
Letitia Baldrige