Top 420 Finally Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Finally Quotes from famous people such as Julian Schnabel, Kurt Vonnegut, George S. Kaufman, Irwin Shaw, Ariana Grande, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

It's a great excuse and luxury, having a job and blamin

It’s a great excuse and luxury, having a job and blaming it for your inability to do your own art. When you don’t have to work, you are left with the horror of facing your own lack of imagination and your own emptiness. A devastating possibility when finally time is your own.
Julian Schnabel
The year was 2081, and everyone was finally equal.
Kurt Vonnegut
Epitaph for a dead waiter – God finally caught his eye.
George S. Kaufman
Writing is finally play, and there’s no reason why you should get paid for playing.
Irwin Shaw
To be honest, I never really considered myself to be too much of an actress. So, whenever I get the chance to do music, I’m always, like, just in it. It’s like, ‘Oh my God, I finally get to do this. I’m so happy.’
Ariana Grande
Finally, strategy must have continuity. It can’t be constantly reinvented.
Michael Porter
If you look closely, you’ll see that Marvel basically has three Thanoses. There is the 1970s Thanos appearing in the movies. This is before he got the Infinity Gauntlet. Then there are the Thanos stories I’m telling. And finally, there is the Thanos that appears in the mainstream Marvel stories.
Jim Starlin
I knew ART was was going to give me this opportunity to expand my role as a director and finally let me have a seat at the table where I could get involved in these policy discussions and producing discussions and, frankly, the financial discussions.
Diane Paulus
I know I’m late, but I’ve finally joined Facebook!
Chelsea Clinton
When I was in high school, I hid in the back seat of an old boyfriend’s car when he was out with another girl. He finally found me, but not until after he had made out with her for an hour.
Bonnie Hunt
I looked for a very long time, knowing that it had to happen, but it took me a long time to find someone with the same background and whatnot and I finally found him.
Alton Brown
To this day I don’t ever remember seeing a pet inside Moscow, I never saw anyone carrying a dog, or leading a dog. Err I finally saw a, a pet some years later in Kiev, so I thought that life must have been, different.
Ralph Boston
I started in movies in 1963, and the first big one was ‘Rosemary’s Baby’ in 1967. While you don’t notice it right away, it finally dawns on you that 80% of the time, you’re doing nothing.
Charles Grodin
It’s been hard, but I’ve finally come to the realization that it’s okay to not be perfect.
Jessica Simpson
Here in America, those who once had no hope will give their kids the chance at a life they always wanted for themselves. Here in America, generations of unfulfilled dreams will finally come to pass.
Marco Rubio
After all these years, I’m finally into soccer. The World Cup is on, and my band is an international group – they’re all around me, cheering in the hotel bars.
Art Garfunkel
Before taking up law, I studied medicine for six months and then tried my hand at fashion designing for another six months. I wanted to find something that excited me. Finally, it was law that captured my interest.
Mawra Hocane
In argument, truth always prevails finally; in politics, falsehood always.
Walter Savage Landor
During the 19th century, Britain fought two wars in unsuccessful attempts to subjugate the Afghans. When Britain finally drew a border between India and Afghanistan in 1893, Pashtun tribes in southern Afghanistan were cut off from related tribes across the border in what was then India and is now Pakistan.
Stephen Kinzer
How could you justify giving Holland twice the amount of money that you gave Belgium? Well, finally, I put it up to them. They said that they couldn’t do it; it would destroy them. I said they had to do it. And I finally got support from Hoffman on it.
W. Averell Harriman
I started in college as a business major and finally transferred to home economics and studied making clothes.
Phillip Lim
When we finally came to start work on this, the joy was it was only Joel and I, we didn’t have to answer to anybody, and we didn’t have to submit a screen play or anything like that. We just wrote it and then made it.
Andrew Lloyd Webber
I never really decided to be an actress, but I got an agent, was called back on every show I auditioned for, and finally decided I was meant to be an actress.
Shannon Tweed
I mean normally you have your agent call the other agent and all the agents talk and then finally you get a phone call and you hear some misrepresentation of what someone else had to say.
Radha Mitchell
I started my teenage years singing in churches across America, and finally wound up on a big stage.
Amy Grant
Finally, people are starting to recognize freedom and peace do have a cause, they do have a price.
Mark Foley
One of the fellows called me ‘Cyclone’ but finally shortened it to ‘Cy’ and its been that ever since.
Cy Young
When you work on a record for three years, it’s a great sense of relief when it is finally out in the world. It just feels good.
M. Ward
I ran five miles today. Then, finally, I said, ‘Here, lady… take your purse.’
Emo Philips
I think it’s amazing that I finally have this platform with Impact Wrestling to showcase what I feel like I’ve been doing, what I’ve been capable of for so many years.
Scarlett Bordeaux
It took me years of attempts and failed drafts before I finally wrote the elegies I needed to write.
Natasha Trethewey
Well, I'm in my 60s now. I finally look it, I think. Pe

Well, I’m in my 60s now. I finally look it, I think. People until I was 60 would always say they thought I looked younger, which I think, without flattering myself, I did, but I think I certainly have, as George Orwell says people do after a certain age, the face they deserve.
Christopher Hitchens
I climbed nine mountains because I love adventure, and I got addicted to that feeling and I never wanted to stop. I wanted to see what I could accomplish. I finally can say that I stood on top of the world.
Raha Moharrak
The hardest part was getting the window net hooked back. I didn’t think I was ever going to get it hooked. I finally got it hooked. If I’d known that I wouldn’t have tried to hook it.
Sterling Marlin
Hemingway was a prisoner of his style. No one can talk like the characters in Hemingway except the characters in Hemingway. His style in the wildest sense finally killed him.
William S. Burroughs
My mom beat us until she started breaking clothes hangers. Wooden clothes hangers! Once we started laughing back at her, then your spankings were through. That’s the way I was raised. So, I got to be about 13 years of age when finally she quit spanking on me. But I think that it was great way to be raised.
Doug Harvey
I’ve wrestled with reality for 35 years, and I’m happy, Doctor, I finally won out over it.
James Stewart
Every sentence has a truth waiting at the end of it and the writer learns how to know it when he finally gets there.
Don DeLillo
It was a very exciting time for me to play professional football, finally.
Jim Otto
It’s funny that there was so much disturbance about having a Catholic in the White House with Kennedy, and when we finally get a religion in the White House that’s causing a lot of conflicts, and concerns, and disturbances for a lot of people, it’s in the Bush Administration.
Roger Ebert
Twitter is the marriage of full-tilt narcissism and full-tilt voyeurism that has finally collided in 140 words.
Adam Goldberg
Finally, everything that has been part of my life, whether I wanted it to or not, has expressed itself in my dresses.
Christian Dior
Every book for me is a chapter in the long book which will finally be closed on the day of my death.
Peter Ackroyd
Finally, a good prosecutor knows that her job is to enforce the law without fear or favor. Likewise, a Supreme Court Justice must interpret the laws without fear or favor.
Amy Klobuchar
I’m overly excited to finally announce this amazing global partnership deal back home with EMI Music. I know I have mentioned doing music in the past but for legal reasons I was not in a position to release any new music.
Mel B
I tried to reject everything I knew as a TV writer when I decided to be a novelist, and the books didn’t work. Finally I realized I should go back to all the techniques I’d learned.
Robert Crais
Just like gold, which has to weather very high temperatures to achieve the sheen and shine it finally gets, so also every person has to go through struggles in his life to achieve success.
Kailash Kher
As soon as you’re locking doors, you’re narrowing your circle. And your circle gets smaller and smaller until it’s finally just yourself and your buddy and you’ve got no one to party with.
Justin Trudeau
We have finally started to notice that there is real curative value in local herbs and remedies. In fact, we are also becoming aware that there are little or no side effects to most natural remedies, and that they are often more effective than Western medicine.
Anne Wilson Schaef
It’s an amazing thing to hear they’re finally giving out a Medal of Honor to a soldier from the wars of Iraq and Afghanistan.
Tim Hetherington
When I signed with Scooter Braun and I decided to go overseas to promote my song, the only concern was how should I communicate with the public and the audience with my language. Scooter and I talked a lot about that: should we translate or not? Finally we didn’t, and I think that was a really good decision.
I always knew I had a voice and I’ve always known I could sing, but I was too shy to let it come out. I think it’s the hardest thing to do, to sing in front of people. When I finally let go and did it, I realized it’s what I’m most talented at and what I love to do the most.
Paris Hilton
If you are not happy with something, you should change it. So I went to a lot of therapy, and finally, I am able to speak up for myself: You are going to hear me roar!
Katy Perry
I think about growing up back in Philly. It was about friendship with the guys and having a distant crush on some gal. And when you finally got the nerve to take her out on a date, you went to her parents’ house with a shine on your shoes, took her to the movies, and got her home nice and early.
Frankie Avalon
I’m technologically challenged, so I finally hooked up Bluetooth in my truck so I can talk going down the road.
Kurt Busch
God bless Dad, he came to every one of my shows. I was bad, and I had horrible stage fright. My dad was so relieved – he’d say, ‘You were terrible; this kid is not going to be an actor.’ Finally, I did a play and he said, ‘Son – you were really good.’
Kirk Douglas
We’ve finally given liberals a war against fundamentalism, and they don’t want to fight it. They would except that it would put them on the same side as the United States.
Ann Coulter
‘Looper’ was so brilliant, and it took me forever to finally see it, but the way that movie ends and the message behind that is so selfless.
Hayley Williams
I believed or thought I was disoriented and the victim of a bizarre dream and I believe I paced in and out of the room and possibly into one of the other rooms. I may have re-examined her, finally believing that this was true.
Sam Sheppard
I don’t remember deciding to become a writer. You decide to become a dentist or a postman. For me, writing is like being gay. You finally admit that this is who you are, you come out and hope that no one runs away.
Mark Haddon
I was kicked out of The Stars And Stripes twice, and finally got back in.
Mort Walker
And finally, it was Deuteronomy that brought about the historical result of Josiah’s reformation.
Julius Wellhausen
I was totally absorbed in the real world, the politics,

I was totally absorbed in the real world, the politics, the history, the news, and I just couldn’t find my way into the fictional world… When I finally could return to writing the novel, it was in fits and starts.
David Guterson
There’s a certain consistency to who I am and what I do, and I think people have finally said, ‘Well, you know, I kinda get her now.’ I’ve actually had people say that to me.
Hillary Clinton
I grew up within Italian-American neighborhoods, everybody was coming into the house all the time, kids running around, that sort of stuff, so when I finally got into my own area, so to speak, to make films, I still carried on.
Martin Scorsese
When I finally held the trophy, it was just how I imagined it would be.
Gabriela Sabatini
For me, having come to study and understand some of the Bible and finally getting saved made a huge difference in me, because my wife was a big influence on that. I saw in her, when I first met her, a person’s soul at peace with everything and everybody around her.
Randy Travis
I’m working on a proper rock record, a good, old-school rock record. Finally.
Liz Phair
Being healthy is a complete lifestyle for me. It allows my brain to function at a very high degree so I can comprehend all the new things that are thrown at me. It also allows me to sleep well so that I am rested when I need to perform. Finally, being healthy will hopefully allow me to live a long and fun-filled life.
Derrick Rose
The lack of fiscal responsibility is one of the main reasons I finally left my old Party.
Lincoln Chafee
There was a girl knocking on my hotel room door all night! Finally, I let her out.
Henny Youngman
Concerned Veterans for America (CVA) has called for an audit of the Pentagon, so that we finally have some transparency and accountability in how DOD spends taxpayer dollars.
Pete Hegseth
I struggled to get into any sort of team as a kid, but I struggled along and, though it’s amazing how long it has actually taken me, I am finally in the Premiership and to play against my old mates from West Ham, the team I supported as a boy, was unbelievable.
Jimmy Bullard
There’s nothing worse than finishing your last take on a movie and thinking, ‘God! I finally nailed who this guy was!’
Jamie Campbell Bower
I want children, but at the moment the liberty I have now finally, has a far too high value.
Gabriela Sabatini
I had lived all of my youthful dreams, but I couldn’t think of many adult ones. I finally realized that we don’t have many dreams for adults because, historically, people have always died much younger than they do today.
Jack Gilbert
When I finally went to Ireland, I had to go. It was 1993. My father was finally too old to travel alone, and he asked me to take him home. When an old man asks you to take him home, you have to do it.
John Patrick Shanley
It is extremely difficult to say how long the process actually took to finally achieve my fragrance, Boudoir, because there was a lot of time waiting around for other people.
Vivienne Westwood
It’s a great, great experience to finally get the reception that you know you rightfully deserve.
Kendrick Lamar
The rarity is the sudden epiphany or single turning point showing you with dramatic clarity that your marriage is over, although that does happen. Most relationships hover on a precipice for years before one party or the other finally decides it is time to jump, and coming to the decision isn’t easy.
Laura Wasser
Right now the thing that I have learned the most is to be grateful that I have finally gotten to a point where I am being paid to make films, after eight years.
Jim McKay
Dates with actors, finally, just seemed to me evenings of shop talk. I got sick of it after a hile. So the more famous I became, the more I narrowed down my choices.
Hedy Lamarr
As you may recall, Truman was extremely unpopular when he finally left Washington in 1953, thanks largely to the Korean War. Today, however, he is thought to have been a solidly good president, a ‘Near Great’ even, in the terminology of those surveys of historians they do every now and then.
Thomas Frank
I didn’t come over with a comfy sponsor that took care of my visa and paid me a good amount of money right away. I came over here with nothing, the little bit of money that I had saved up, and it was struggle and plight to get some recognition and then finally make it to the WWE.
My high school girlfriend would ask if I finally learned how to unbutton the back of a sweater!
Breckin Meyer
To me, writing is the most fun. It’s not always fun, but finally when you make it come out the way you want, it’s then you can say, ‘It’s fun, boy.’
Elmore Leonard
Donald J. Trump has the good fortune of taking office as the economy is finally recovering from the 2008 crisis.
Joseph Stiglitz
I wanted to get into films, and my parents were against it. I convinced my mom, and finally she convinced my dad. My dad then felt, who best to launch his son than him? So he launched me, and here I am.
The impact of the black audience is expressing itself. They look to films to be more expressive of their needs, their lives. Hollywood has gotten that message – finally.
Sidney Poitier
Your life moves in patterns toward things, and things that we achieve finally are part of this mosaic. I just think that we create our own fate.
Arne Glimcher
I finally decided one day, reading science fiction magazines of the time, I could do at least as well as some of these people are doing. So I finally made a serious effort.
Fred Saberhagen
I’m predicting that we’ll finally have a computer will search my e-mail automatically and delete every message that begins with ‘thought you’d be interested,’ and then give an electrical shock to the sender to remind him or her to stop send that kind of message.
Scott Adams
When I did finally live in the Dandenongs, the mountain ash forests became an important part of my life.
Morris Gleitzman
I would say there are three important things about grap

I would say there are three important things about graphene. It’s two-dimensional, which is the best possible number for studying fundamental physics. The second thing is the quality of graphene, which stems from its extremely strong carbon-carbon bonds. And finally, the system is also metallic.
Andre Geim
When I finally retire, I just want to go away so no one has to listen to me.
Steve Martin
In general, I’m pretty shy and nervous about a lot of things. For me to get on stage for the first time took so many times at an open mic before I finally got on stage and did it.
Tyler Hilton
And I think that when I finally decided to let go and let God and allow that to happen, I became a lot more successful than I could have done if I had planned it all myself.
Clay Aiken
Growing up, I was such a picky eater. I’m finally starting to expand.
Mike Trout
We finally understand in general terms how a cell is organized, how its specialized organs function in a well integrated manner to insure its survival and replication.
George Emil Palade
For years I exercised to be thinner, and I never got the results I wanted. When I finally started working out to be healthier, I saw a transformation. I’ve even quit weighing myself so I don’t obsess over the numbers.
Judy Reyes
Several hard-core Star Wars fans who had tickets for the first showing actually said that when the movie finally began, they started crying. Mainly because they realized that it’s 22 years later, and they still haven’t lost their virginity.
Conan O’Brien
I admit it: I had fun watching right-wingers go wild as health reform finally became law.
Paul Krugman
I got told so many times I needed a manager. For a long time I resisted, and I finally got one so I can pay my mortgage, and it helped me from becoming a homeless person.
Cat Power
It was physically difficult, adjusting to wheelchair life, but I remember a great relief and happiness that I was finally getting somewhere, finding musicians to work with that were sympathetic.
Robert Wyatt
The understanding of art depends finally upon one’s willingness to extend one’s humanity and one’s knowledge of human life.
Ralph Ellison
Of course, like all organic processes, there is an ebb and a flow to writing. One does not exist without the other. The writer needs to be vigilant in protecting both, confident in the knowledge that the village will be there when we choose, finally, to open the door.
Lisa Unger
I went on countless auditions. I begged my parents until I finally was allowed to be in a theatrical play when I was 13. It was the most important thing in my life.
Kate Hudson
I was 23 when I learned how to cook; I grew up around the same time. It was precisely then that Thanksgiving started to mean something more. Growing up, Christmas was always about me, and eventually you, when I finally started to enjoy the giving part. But Thanksgiving is always about us.
Rosecrans Baldwin
I suppose I’d always been attracted to commitment-phobes because some part of me felt unlovable. It was a lot easier to fall for a guy who I knew, on some level, wouldn’t fall in love with me. There was nothing to risk. The real risk would be to finally be vulnerable to love.
Laura Fraser
When it sort of finally sets in that you’re not going to be doing that anymore… it’s disappointing.
Will Arnett
Well, I realized finally that all of the hard work paid off.
David Naughton
It’s such a lovely feeling to be in love, to marry the person you love and finally to be with that person. I feel the romance should never go out of any marriage. Even after one has had kids, etc. Love never ends, na?
Riteish Deshmukh
It took me a long time to realise that I was a girl as a teenager. At that point I never really believed it. I looked like a boy for a long time. Now, finally, I feel like a woman.
Kristen Stewart
Finding the right person can be so hard that often, when a person finally finds someone she or he is comfortable with, she or he just makes it work.
Chirlane McCray
I’ve found great solace in finally taking care of myself and others.
Nile Rodgers
Do I think I can take 20 carries now? Well, I think finally last week and this is week was probably the first time I could probably say, yeah, I could take 20 carries and go do some damage.
Shaun Alexander
Clare Fischer was a major influence on my harmonic concept. He and Bill Evans, and Ravel and Gil Evans, finally. You know, that’s where it really came from. Almost all of the harmony that I play can be traced to one of those four people and whoever their influences were.
Herbie Hancock
Then I was actually meant to be going home but for some reason I decided to extend for a week. Then on the final day by extension, finally an audition came through, and it was ‘Into the Badlands’.
Oliver Stark
I finally reached the conclusion that mathematics was the study I was best fitted to follow, though I did not clearly see in what way I should turn the subject to account.
Simon Newcomb
Most important, though, I had to wait until I found the perfect traveling/eating/drinking/napping companion. And I did finally find him, two years ago – my Brazilian-born, French-speaking, wine-worshipping, tripe-consuming, uncomplaining traveler of a sweetheart.
Elizabeth Gilbert
They’ve finally comes up with the perfect office computer. If it makes a mistake, it blames another computer.
Milton Berle
We went out for six weeks a year. We first started in Mexico and we did that for so many years that we finally said we’ve got to explore and start going globally. And then we started going all over the world.
Gavin MacLeod
I was so anxious for it to be my turn, for the manager to read the letter from my mum. I waited and waited for it. The manager had spoken to the mothers of every player in the team; he’d been reading a message before every game for months, and finally my turn had come.
Philippe Coutinho
Finally Germany’s attack on Russia seemed to confirm that Russia was not shirking and was prepared to carry out a foreign policy with the risk of war with Germany.
Klaus Fuchs
I think finally good writing gets out there, and people

I think finally good writing gets out there, and people like it, and bad writing doesn’t. Well, no. Bad writing does get out there ’cause some people like it.
Robert B. Parker
For the past few years, I’ve been more selective than I have any right to be, but I think that’s finally starting to work in my favor. I think I get way too much credit for making what people consider to be smart choices, but it’s only because I made a decision to stop worrying about making money.
Lizzy Caplan
Economy forced me to become a vegetarian, but I finally starting liking it.
A. P. J. Abdul Kalam
I finally felt that I came into my own when I went on the stage.
Lauren Bacall
Finally I’m becoming stupider no more.
Paul Erdos
Prior to going to college, I had a pretty strong accent, and that was one of the things I had to work on a lot. I went to North Carolina School of the Arts; my speech teacher… that was one of the things we really had to work on over the years, and thankfully I think it finally worked.
Chris Parnell
We finally sat down and asked ourselves how much of our lives we wanted to give everybody. We had just given a little too much, and it started to become a burden.
Brian Austin Green
Drag Race’ was, like, my outlet and finally being able to see myself in television and that was through Manila Luzon, who was a ‘Drag Race’ contestant. Manila was the first Asian queer person that I ever saw on mainstream media and ‘Drag Race’ really did that for me.
Bretman Rock
When I got out of high school, I thought, ‘I’ll take a year or two off and play the clubs, get this out of my system, and then go to med school.’ More than 40 years later, I figure it’s finally time to write about this crazy journey that’s taken me around the world and back.
Gregg Allman
There’s always an element of fear that you need to work a lot until people get sick and tired of you or finally figure out that you’re a fraud after all!
Ben Stiller
I’ve always had a compassion for characters in novels – the sense that they are, whatever they might think, living in a world that has a shape they don’t know and can’t finally alter.
John Crowley
Seeing is no longer believing. The very notion of truth has been put into crisis. In a world bloated with images, we are finally learning that photographs do indeed lie.
Barbara Kruger
Almost all of your life is lived by the seat of your pants, one unexpected event crashing into another, with no pattern or reason, and then you finally reach a point, around my age, where you spend more time than ever looking back. Why did this happen? Look where that led? You see the shape of things.
Ron Perlman
When I finally put my guitar in the case the last time, I want to be remembered just as a singer, not as a country singer or pops singer – just a singer.
Eddy Arnold
I would like to express the thoughts of a man who, having finally penetrated the partitions and ceilings of little countries, little coteries, little sects, rises above all these categories and finds himself a child and citizen of the Earth.
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
What I finally did in 1995 was I said, I’m going to get out of this town and I’m going to go out West.
Bruce Babbitt
I’m finally looking older and inviting my wrinkles.
John Stamos
When I went to the Victorian College of the Arts in Melbourne to study drama, I felt I’d finally found my place in life.
Elizabeth Debicki
On one of my birthdays, I wanted to go to a disco, but Daddy refused permission. But when I insisted he finally took the entire family to the disco for five minutes.
Aishwarya R. Dhanush
Your senses are reeling all the time. Finally you find something to write and the very next day you go out and see something else which totally contradicts what you’ve written and every conclusion you’ve come to.
Charles Dance
I do this a lot with names. I’ll start with a name, and then for some reason he won’t talk much, or he’s older than I pictured him just because of a name I give him. So then I finally get the right name, and I can’t shut the guy up. This always happens. There’s always a character who gives me trouble that way.
Elmore Leonard
I’m the bad guy on the rest of Jennifer Love Hewitt’s ‘The Client List,’ I’m the bad guy in Renny Harlin’s ‘Hercules 3D,’ and I’m a movie star – finally – on Showtime’s new series ‘Ray Donovan.’ But most importantly, I’m about to be a daddy, so I’m expecting some ‘Dark Circles’ for real.
Johnathon Schaech
In the beginning I used to make one terrible play a game. Then I got so I’d make one a week and finally I’d pull a bad one about once a month. Now, I’m trying to keep it down to one a season.
Lou Gehrig
After its defeat in the Second World War, Japan, unlike Germany, failed to show true contrition or give a fulsome apology, though it showered its neighbours, including China, with generous economic assistance. Only in 1995 did it finally offer an apology, but this was of the most limited and formulaic kind.
Martin Jacques
The day will come – and it is not far off – when the legacy of Lincoln will finally be fulfilled at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, when a black man or woman will sit in the Oval Office. When that day comes, the most remarkable thing about it will be how naturally it occurs.
George H. W. Bush
I could have made a fortune in cheeseburgers, but I finally chose politics.
Francois Hollande
Once you make a studio 700 million dollars or so, or whatever the insane number is, then they finally seem to trust you, no matter how off-the-wall your project is.
Shia LaBeouf
People wanted more advice. So I finally thought I could totally put this advice into a book.
Kevin Smith
I wrote several articles criticizing psychoanalysis, but the analysts weren’t listening to my objections. So I finally quit after practicing it for six years.
Albert Ellis
When you finally accept that it’s OK not to have answers and it’s OK not to be perfect, you realize that feeling confused is a normal part of what it is to be a human being.
Winona Ryder
Finally, I do not believe that we should punish American families who have worked diligently to provide for themselves and want to pass along their success to their children and grandchildren.
Howard Coble
If the response you finally receive from me is 'thanks

If the response you finally receive from me is ‘thanks but no thanks’, then please accept at face value that I would really not be the right investor for you. You’ve got to trust me on this, and in this case take ‘no’ for an answer.
David S. Rose
Till the time I found a creative outlet, I was trying to be extra creative at business, which would always put me in a situation of conflict with other stakeholders. The moment I started writing, my creative impulses were finally channelised.
Ashwin Sanghi
When for so long you can’t get a job for reasons that seem specious, you you finally do have it, you are constantly afraid of losing it.
Jessica Savitch
The future is finally something that we can now put into focus.
Lou Gramm
Most people grow up dreaming of going to Hollywood and some of them work and work and work and finally end up in Hollywood.
Elizabeth McGovern
Finally, gentleman, from the considerations above mentioned, as I cannot consistently with my own honor, nor with utility to my country, considering the manner in which Business is transacted here, remain any longer in this chair, I now resign it.
Henry Laurens
No man for any considerable period can wear one face to himself and another to the multitude, without finally getting bewildered as to which may be the true.
Nathaniel Hawthorne
I did a lot of musicals when I was young and finally went to drama school to try and get away from doing musicals… and of course the first thing that happened when I got out is I got offered a musical. And then when I got to the Royal Shakespeare Company, which was my next job, I ended up doing a bloody musical!
Stephen Moyer
Jews were asked when life begins. For them it’s when they finally graduate medical school.
Evan Sayet
I had one particular handbag disaster when I couldn’t get into it, and when I finally did, it flew over the red carpet and was caught by 200 lenses. Not a great moment.
Erin O’Connor
I’ve been angst-ridden all my life, but finally I’m in a place where things don’t matter so much.
Kate Dickie
It is true practically if not altogether without exception that the changes studied by any science tend to equilibrate or neutralize the forces which bring them about, and finally to come to rest.
Frank Knight
I think the first 10 years of my daughter’s life were my mother’s happiest, because she could finally have carefree time with a kid.
Imelda Staunton
Their mothers had finally caught up to them and been proven right. There were consequences after all but they were the consequences to things you didn’t even know you’d done.
Margaret Atwood
I am happy to have now as Danny finally a more difficult role, in which I can shoot and fight.
James MacArthur
The career of a writer is comparable to that of a woman of easy virtue. You write first for pleasure, later for the pleasure of others and finally for money.
Marcel Achard
There is pretty much nothing more fear-inducing for a Bachelor than finally making it to hometown dates.
Chris Harrison
Sci-fi always runs out a little bit ahead of reality, right? Automatic doors in ‘Star Trek,’ stuff like that. It all happened, didn’t it, finally?
Natalie Dormer
When I did make the decision to focus on acting, I think my mother was just relieved for me that I had finally started to focus.
Daniel Day-Lewis
It’s really comforting for me and Jeff, at least, that after 12 years we finally feel we’ve reached a place where we can be more honest, real and loving with each other. And we’re finally in a band that we know is good, and deserves the credit it’s getting.
Stone Gossard
I’m a gentleman, if nothing else. It’s taken me years to become one, but finally I have a sense of propriety.
Eric Stoltz
In the midst of applying for American citizenship, of finally attempting to get my presidents in a row, I felt it incumbent upon myself to explore the national psyche in every way.
Hamish Bowles
Though force can protect in emergency, only justice, fairness, consideration and cooperation can finally lead men to the dawn of eternal peace.
Dwight D. Eisenhower
I finally figured out what my crime was. I lived. Big mistake.
Patty Hearst
If we didn’t want to upset anyone, we would make films about sewing, but even that could be dangerous. But I think finally, in a film, it is how the balance is and the feelings are. But I think there has to be those contrasts and strong things within a film for the total experience.
David Lynch
How I found out is, I landed in Des Moines from a plane ride back from the Rob Zombie tour. I was, like, ‘Okay, cool, I’m home. I can finally get some rest.’ Once I landed, I turned my phone on, and my manager rang, and I’m, like, ‘Oh, what?’ He said, ‘Paul Gray just died.’
Joey Jordison
There was a phase when I would just loaf around, doing nothing. It had put my mom under a lot of stress. I knew her stress stemmed from her love for me, yet I never paid attention to her feelings. When it finally hit me that my idleness was taking a toll on her, I was genuinely sad and depressed.
Farhan Akhtar
I just wrapped ‘Eclipse’ yesterday and the last scene we shot is probably my favorite thus far. I finally got to tell my story, in a very gentle yet elaborate way.
Nikki Reed
There were eleven publishers in New York City, and when it was all over, I think it went down to four or five, and then finally just the three of them, the Big Three.
Dan DeCarlo
I slowly started to drift back into music again. I finally got the call from John… about getting the band back together again. It was so out of the blue. I almost thought that the moment had passed.
Roger Andrew Taylor
What a lovely surprise to finally discover how unlonely being alone can be.
Ellen Burstyn
I kind of came to the conclusion after I did finally ge

I kind of came to the conclusion after I did finally get married that love and relationships are just a series of horrific losses with hopefully one win.
Justin Halpern
When liberals finally grasped the strength of popular feeling about the family, they cried to appropriate the rhetoric and symbolism of family values for their own purposes.
Christopher Lasch
Truth, they say, is but too often in difficulties, but is never finally suppressed.
A lot of the fun lies in trying to penetrate the mystery; and this is best done by saying over the lines to yourself again and again, till they pass through the stage of sounding like nonsense, and finally return to a full sense that had at first escaped notice.
Anthony Hecht
You can know that the final show is coming up, and prepare yourself for it mentally, but when it finally occurs, it’s like a dream. You stand there feeling the love the audience has for you, and you think, ‘Is this really going to end?
Phil Lynott
Since my childhood, I used to tell my parents to keep a tab on their health as if I was a doctor. Now I am officially one, and I hope my parents will finally take me seriously!
Sai Pallavi
I’ve finally become an old guy.
Anton Corbijn
I finally realized that yeah I did want to be an actor and it wasn’t out of habit, but I needed to grow up for myself and then kind of re-enter the industry with a sound understanding of what my sensibilities and my values are as a relatively formed human being.
Claire Danes
Although the French were very friendly and helpful. On one location we were to film at the top of the Eiffel Tower but we couldn’t, as it was so misty with four inches of snow on the ground. We couldn’t see a thing but we finally got it done.
Lalla Ward
It was about 5 years after I was baptized before the pull of sin finally stopped.
Phil Robertson
We finally found out the technique of separating and getting information about where every train would be at any moment. Of course, I went over budget many times, because – as you go along – some things improved, and you get better ideas.
John Hench
This is love: to fly toward a secret sky, to cause a hundred veils to fall each moment. First to let go of life. Finally, to take a step without feet.
‘The Hobbit’ was one of the first biggish books I ever read. I remember vividly the ‘riddles in the dark’ passage, and it meant a lot to me to finally get to play it after all these years.
Andy Serkis
It is my opinion that everything must be based on a simple idea. And it is my opinion that this idea, once we have finally discovered it, will be so compelling, so beautiful, that we will say to one another, yes, how could it have been any different.
John Archibald Wheeler
I’d asked around 10 or 15 people for suggestions. Finally one lady friend asked the right question, ‘Well, what do you love most?’ That’s how I started painting money.
Andy Warhol
So finally I came up with a thing that felt really pure, and I’m Christian, so when I hear about death I have a lot of hope because I believe in Jesus and life after death, and John 3:16.
Victoria Jackson
The satisfaction you get when you finally beat your dad is amazing, that rush of adrenaline.
Lee Westwood
I feel like since I was 27, I was calling myself 30. And then, when it happened, it was like, ‘I’m finally here now. This is it.
Autre Ne Veut
It was probably right after I made my comeback – after retiring post-2008 Olympics – when I finally felt more at ease with my body. Being away from the sport helped put things in perspective.
Alicia Sacramone
The first time I applied for a U.S. visa, I was rejected. I continued to apply again and again over the course of two years and finally received my visa on the ninth try.
Eric Yuan
We have a positive vision of the future founded on the belief that the gap between the promise and reality of America can one day be finally closed. We believe that.
Barbara Jordan
Being pregnant finally helped me understand what my true relationship was with my body – meaning that it wasn’t put on this earth to look good in a swimsuit.
Amy Adams
There’s absolutely no way you can feel the freedom to embarrass and humiliate yourself unless you have finally recognized that your identity is in someone other than yourself.
Tullian Tchividjian
Old forms of government finally grow so oppressive that they must be thrown off even at the risk of reigns of terror.
Herbert Spencer
It’s neat to have finally reached a point where I can accept what I was and what I am.
Janis Ian
It was in 2003 that I realised there was no choice but to have dialysis treatment – by the time of the World Cup that year, I could barely walk. A year later, I finally had a kidney transplant.
Jonah Lomu
There are four stages in a marriage. First there’s the affair, then the marriage, then children and finally the fourth stage, without which you cannot know a woman, the divorce.
Norman Mailer
You can only avoid responsibility for so long. The catalyst ended up being the law coming down and finally saying, ‘You guys suspended judgement and that’s fine, because we’re not.’
Rosario Dawson
What matters here are the works – finally without them his life would be uninteresting. What matters, that is, are the astonishing things that he left behind. If we can get the life in relation to the works, then it can take off.
Stephen Greenblatt
I’ve spent most of my life trying to wear a persona that didn’t quite fit and when I started writing books, it was like finally becoming the right person.
Meg Rosoff
Meat consumption is a part of our evolutionary heritage; meat production has been a major component of modern food systems. Carnivory should remain, within limits, an important component of a civilization that finally must learn how to maintain the integrity of its only biosphere.
Vaclav Smil
The Earth reminded us of a Christmas tree ornament hang

The Earth reminded us of a Christmas tree ornament hanging in the blackness of space. As we got farther and farther away it diminished in size. Finally it shrank to the size of a marble, the most beautiful marble you can imagine.
James Irwin
There has always been something less than wholesome about New Labour. But Blair for a long time had an easy ride. There was the whopping majority. There was the relief that the Tories were finally gone. There was the grand hyperbole.
Martin Jacques
When finally I mustered the courage to tell a novelist friend that I was talking to editors about a biography, her reply was, ‘Oh, that’s okay. That’s not a real book.’
Stacy Schiff
Finally having the freedom to speak is a really liberating feeling.
Gareth Gates
My only dream is to get old and finally have time to read all the books that I’m collecting.
Gianni Versace
Under the Obama administration, TSA has been operating without an administrator for a year and a half. After the president’s first two choices failed to meet expectations, a new administrator, John Pistole, was finally approved on Friday. Unfortunately, it will be the fifth administrator in eight years.
John Mica
I’ve always said this and finally I had a chance to demonstrate it: The moderator should be seen little and heard even less. It is up to the candidates to ask the follow-up questions and challenge one another.
Jim Lehrer
The world gets older, without getting either better or worse and so does literature. But I do think that the drab current phenomenon that passes for literary studies in the university will finally provide its own corrective.
Harold Bloom
I finally did work out a very good relationship with my father, but it was rough growing up. We had a lot of conflict, and I think it surfaced in many of my works.
Ira Levin
Indeed, for almost 10 years, Moscow had to carry on a war unsupportable by the government, a conflict that brought about the demoralization and finally the breakup of the Soviet empire.
Zbigniew Brzezinski
The problem with my mother is that she didn’t go to the doctor. And I think by the time she started to show symptoms that something might not be right, and finally went to the doctor, she was so close to her death that she couldn’t get the care she had needed. Her big issue was not going to the doctor.
Andie MacDowell
From the time I was a kid, I was crazy about anything having to do with the West. I’d look at all of these photos of Montana, and they all seemed so magical and majestic. I just wanted to go west, and I finally did it when I was barely 21. I went off to volunteer at a Navajo reservation in New Mexico.
Michael Keaton
For someone like me who, as a kid, walked to school muttering little political speeches to myself, it was irresistible to finally get a chance at political life for real. When the people of Etobicoke-Lakeshore elected me their MP, it changed me forever.
Michael Ignatieff
We started seven years ago and finally released our first vintage in March. It’s an ’07 vintage from Walla Walla, which is my old hometown. It also happens to be a world-class wine region that’s just exploding on the scene right now.
Drew Bledsoe
The personal Michael is indescribable. He’s magnanimous. He truly is in every way. Had it not been for all the media stuff, I would have stayed married to him forever unless he finally got tired of me.
Debbie Rowe
Finally we shall place the Sun himself at the center of the Universe.
Nicolaus Copernicus
Through every moment on stage for the first time, I felt like I was finally right where I belonged.
Peter Gallagher
Many a man has finally succeeded only because he has failed after repeated efforts. If he had never met defeat he would never have known any great victory.
Orison Swett Marden
On television, you have an intimate moment with the camera. In theater, you are making something live with people there. My brain doesn’t understand that you don’t get another take ever. I’m finally learning on TV that you can do something over if you make a mistake.
Kirsten Vangsness
And that’s where I’m finally at today – my life is about being with my family. This is what’s important.
Aron Ralston
Compassion is sometimes the fatal capacity for feeling what it is like to live inside somebody else’s skin. It is the knowledge that there can never really be any peace and joy for me until there is peace and joy finally for you too.
Frederick Buechner
When the space shuttle’s engines cut off, and you’re finally in space, in orbit, weightless… I remember unstrapping from my seat, floating over to the window, and that’s when I got my first view of Earth. Just a spectacular view, and a chance to see our planet as a planet.
Sally Ride
When I found the music of Monk I finally found music that fit that horn. Every one of his tunes fit it perfectly.
Steve Lacy
I made my entire first tape using Beats headphones – the studio headphones and halfway through the second one, because I finally started making a home studio. But I record and make all my beats with the Beats headphones.
In 1949 – my father stayed on in Shanghai after the war. But in 1949, the Communists took over the whole of China, and in fact, my father was caught by the Communists in Shanghai. And he was there for about a year until he was finally able to get out.
J. G. Ballard
I accept that speculation, cheerful or otherwise, about the private life is something public figures must expect, but I am lucky enough to continue to enjoy the love and support of Victoria and my children, Claudia and Freddy, and to finally be at ease with myself.
Crispin Blunt
The Beatles had some juice when it came to distortion, but Clapton was finally able to break through those early studio engineers’ fear of overloading. He defined the sound that guitarists spend the rest of their lives trying to get.
Joe Perry
I feel like, as musicians, we need to fight the Spotify thing. I feel that in some ways what’s happening in the mainstream is the last gasp of the old industry. Once that does finally die, which it will, something else will happen.
Thom Yorke
I could finally quit my job as a bartender and stop dreaming that I might be Superman and know that I was. Then I started thinking about how cool it was.
Brandon Routh
I’m at a place in my life right now where I’m very happy, very content. I’m finally OK with the idea of who I love, who I want to be with.
Sheryl Swoopes
I really liked one girl and asked her out 22 times, but she always said no. Finally I sang to her, and she said she’d go out with me.
Liam Payne
Finally, treat domestic energy production as the econom

Finally, treat domestic energy production as the economic necessity it is and the job creator it can be. Drill, and frack, and lease, and license, unleash in every way the jobs potential in the enormous energy resources we have been denying ourselves.
Mitch Daniels
I grew up conservative because my mum was a conservative, and when I finally realized what conservatives were, I changed my mind immediately. As children, we tend to copy our parents.
Elton John
Growing up, my dad owned a restaurant in Washington, DC, and food was something I was passionate about. But when I finally got into it, I felt like it was so late in the game; that’s why I worked seven days a week at Craft and Mercer Kitchen. I wanted to see how far I could take it.
David Chang
I’ve become convinced that Los Angeles is going to become the next contemporary art capital – no other city has more contemporary gallery space than Los Angeles. We’ve come into our own, finally.
Eli Broad
I eventually became an actor, starting with doing stand-up comedy in New York and then theater wherever they would let me. Finally, I moved out here to Los Angeles and got on a show.
Nolan North
I was just sitting in Target, just getting over my cold. I blew my nose and I see these people looking at me and kind of whispering and pointing. Finally, I went, ‘Is everything okay? Did I do something wrong? Do I have a booger on my face and no one’s telling me?’ I’m just not used to it.
Atticus Shaffer
At the start of my two years at Juventus, I had big plans for the club, but it turned out that the Intertoto Cup was the only medal in my desk drawer when finally they told me to pack my bags. We started the first season really well, and Conte was so important for me.
Carlo Ancelotti
You do what you can for as long as you can, and when you finally can’t, you do the next best thing. You back up but you don’t give up.
Chuck Yeager
Wonder was the grace of the country. Any action could be justified by that: the wonder it was rooted in. Period followed period, and finally the wonder was that things could be built so big. Bridges, skyscrapers, fortunes, all having a life first in the marketplace, still drew on the force of wonder.
George W. S. Trow
For the first five years of music and first five years of acting, I don’t remember it because I was running to where I was going. Finally I was like, ‘Man, I missed everything.’ So I just stopped, and I started looking around.
Christian Kane
I finally decided if I was going to make a living, I was gonna have to come to New York.
Mose Allison
I was surprised when I finally moved to Boston and the East Coast, to discover that there weren’t that many vibraphone players around. And I was the only one playing with four mallets.
Gary Burton
I have a general sense of mission, and I intuitively know when something is influencing that mission. I think this is what I’m supposed to be doing. Doors keep opening. In the end, it’s the best use of my skills. I’ve finally consented to the idea that I’m an artist.
Abigail Washburn
I was fortunate enough to be one of those stories where I was scouted on the street by somebody and actually refused to go to the agency, and was approached on different occasions and finally kind of caved and said, ‘OK, I’ll try it and see what happens.’
Evangeline Lilly
For me, I guess the main motivation is the satisfaction of finally understanding some tricky mathematical concept or phenomenon and then explaining it to others.
Terence Tao
I’ve admired Anthony Hopkins for so long, and when I finally got to meet him in person, I became totally immobile and speechless! I stood there looking at him and couldn’t say a word.
Bryce Dallas Howard
The nice thing about New York is that you’re finally able to wear those winter clothes that have been sitting in your closet in mothballs.
Kyle MacLachlan
Fortunately, in the place where I went out, they had set up a little previously a fence which prevented me finally from smashing against trees. I went out with a broken leg only. A small price to be paid at the time for an accident of this kind.
Jacky Ickx
I don’t think thin brows will make a comeback; women have finally seen how much more beautiful their look can be with a properly shaped eyebrow.
Anastasia Soare
But by reading them again and again finally I was able to grasp the essential part. What emotion, enthusiasm, enlightenment and confidence they communicated to me! I wept for joy.
Ho Chi Minh
I’d been trying for all of the eight years we’d been married to have a child, and finally I did.
Marie Windsor
A lot of people making a lot of money, billion, billions of dollars accumulating. Why are they coming for, finally, for philanthropy? Why the need for accumulating money, then doing philanthropy? What if one decided to start philanthropy from the day one?
Arunachalam Muruganantham
Robespierre, however, was not the type of leader finally destined to emerge from the Revolution.
Irving Babbitt
I finally learned to love myself by dressing up as Geri Halliwell.
Matt Lucas
Thought is more important than art. To revere art and have no understanding of the process that forces it into existence, is finally not even to understand what art is.
Amiri Baraka
There is no word for feeling nostalgic about the future, but that’s what a parent’s tears often are, a nostalgia for something that has not yet occurred. They are the pain of hope, the helplessness of hope, and finally, the surrender to hope.
Michael Ian Black
It ended up being a very good thing, because they finally started writing for the character, and I realized that you have to go to work with a purpose. I learned from the experience and then moved on.
Matthew Ashford
Ah, mastery… what a profoundly satisfying feeling when one finally gets on top of a new set of skills… and then sees the light under the new door those skills can open, even as another door is closing.
Gail Sheehy
The older I’ve got, the easier I’ve found it to accept myself. I think I’ve finally learnt not to beat myself up so much.
Jimmy Nail
This circulating medium has a natural tendency to lessen by degrees the value and the use of money, and finally to render it powerless; and consequently to sweep away all the crushing masses of fraud, iniquity, cruelty, corruption and imposition that are built upon it.
Josiah Warren
Finally, I am encouraged to note that the Security Council issued a statement today expressing its concern about the massive humanitarian crisis in Darfur and calling on all parties to the conflict to protect civilians and reach a ceasefire.
Jan Egeland
Never stop paying attention to things. Never make your

Never stop paying attention to things. Never make your mind up finally. Do not hold beliefs.
A. S. Byatt
And I have finally realized that, you know, it’s not a given that my lifespan will accommodate my writing aspirations. It could be that it would take me 12 more books at six years each to get it – which means I would have to live to be 126. Which I fully intend to do, of course.
George Saunders
I had a lot of those fake friends. You just have to realize it’s happening. You can’t get caught up in the ‘Oh, my God, they want to be my friend, finally’ aspect.
Grace VanderWaal
After about 20 years of marriage, I’m finally starting to scratch the surface of what women want. And I think the answer lies somewhere between conversation and chocolate.
Mel Gibson
I was obsessed with ‘The Velvet Rope’ for a year straight, letting Janet Jackson’s confessional lyrics lull me to sleep and comfort me when I felt lost. I felt that the album was the vehicle onto which Janet finally expressed her full self.
Janet Mock
I’ve been living with the minor second all my life and I finally found a way to handle it.
Morton Feldman
The belief that the good in American society will finally win out… I don’t believe any more.
Elia Kazan
History is a facsimile of events held together by finally biographical information.
Robert Smithson
I have always been making art from an early age but for nearly forty years did computer programming to earn a living. I bought a house and put my wife and three children through college. Now that diversion is over so I can finally paint full time.
Mike Thompson
What calmed me down finally was when my girlfriend got pregnant.
Johnny Knoxville
The cities and mansions that people dream of are those in which they finally live.
Lewis Mumford
Today I trust my instinct, I trust myself. Finally.
Isabelle Adjani
When I finally gave up any hope of doing anything representative of the American family, I actually seemed to have tapped into other people’s weirdness in that way.
Jonathan Franzen
I finally realized the happy medium, ‘honey blonde’ was the correct color and line for me.
Ann Sothern
Tequila. Straight. There’s a real polite drink. You keep drinking until you finally take one more and it just won’t go down. Then you know you’ve reached your limit.
Lee Marvin
The Muslims wanted to reign over the whole of Mostar, then gain ground to the sea and finally create an Islamic state. That is what our Croatians defend themselves against.
Franjo Tudjman
I’m finally watching ‘Mad Men.’ As a child of the ’60s, I can’t believe how old everything looks! I am the age of baby Eugene.
Laurie Halse Anderson
I have like 250 letters that I have to whittle it down to 150. Only then do you have the whole overview of a book. When it was finally edited, at least my take was, everybody’s lying. You know?
Don Novello
Somewhere along the line, I realized that I liked telling stories, and I decided that I would try writing. Ten years later, I finally got a book published. It was hard. I had no skills. I knew nothing about the business of getting published. So I had to keep working at it.
Janet Evanovich
There’s so many people that dislike you all the time, so when somebody loves anything that you do, you go ‘Yes! Finally!’ Even if it means the dyn-o-mite thing.
Jimmie Walker
Though, with the ascendancy of Louis, the political power of the nobles finally came to an end, France remained, in the whole complexion of her social life, completely aristocratic.
Lytton Strachey
I find that I have about six bloggable ideas a day. I also find that writing twice as long a post doesn’t increase communication, it usually decreases it. And finally, I found that people get antsy if there are unread posts in their queue.
Seth Godin
The guy who finally pulled the trigger on Osama bin Laden is not patting himself on the back. He’s giving as much credit to his teammates who got him to that position.
Howard E. Wasdin
In ‘Saami,’ I take a poor dhobi’s son for admission to a private school. The principal refuses for various reasons and finally he points to the boy’s bare body. Immediately, I tear the furnishings off the office chair to convert them into clothes for the boy.
The black situation has changed. They finally realized they’re Americans.
Leslie Fiedler
May I say, finally, that I have no illusions of grandeur; quite to the contrary, I am very humble in my knowledge that through forty years of my life my life has been an open book of service to my fellow architects and for the public good.
Ralph Thomas Walker
Roosevelt was determined to stop Stalin from taking over Eastern Europe. He thought they finally had an agreement on Poland. Before Roosevelt died, he realized that Stalin had broken his agreement.
W. Averell Harriman
Finally, the House is working to require a comprehensive federal review of IRS regulations with a follow-up report to Congress on possible actions to reduce the tax paperwork burden imposed on small businesses.
Mike Simpson
After many of years of getting cast in sweet, angelic roles, I’m finally getting to play closer to my real life as a horrible person.
Justin Kirk
People often think that losing your job is one of the worst things that can happen to someone. And, in some cases, that might be true. But for me, unemployment can be the time and the motivation to finally go after my goals.
Homaro Cantu
I’ve always wanted to work with Blair, and finally the timing was right. I have a tremendous amount of respect for him. I think he’s a hugely underrated actor in Hollywood.
Tyler Perry
I pondered what I should do and wasn't sure. Then it ju

I pondered what I should do and wasn’t sure. Then it just finally became clear.
Mary Pierce
My making it is a combination of grinding, grinding, grinding and being lucky enough to finally get a shot.
Busta Rhymes
Anyone who has ever been privileged to direct a film also knows that, although it can be like trying to write ‘War and Peace’ in a bumper car in an amusement park, when you finally get it right, there are not many joys in life that can equal the feeling.
Stanley Kubrick
It’s a little silly to finally learn how to write at this age. But I long ago realized I was secretly sincere.
Annie Dillard
I finally admitted that obesity and diabetes were part of a life-threatening legacy – and I had to deal with that reality or die.
Stephen Furst
BP has finally acknowledged what the American people have been saying for weeks: It must take responsibility for its reckless conduct, clean up the Gulf and compensate the countless victims of the disaster it caused.
Peter Welch
I think what sets this one apart is that there are two horror movie icons finally battling each other. You actually see them beat the crap out of each other instead of just terrorizing the kids in the movie.
Monica Keena
I finally learned to accept that I can’t make radio play blues any more than I could get Reagan out of the White House.
Bonnie Raitt
Finally, I found a program that’s put my troubles behind me.
Maurice Gibb
You know, it’s been President Clinton’s dream that we’ll have finally a fully integrated Europe; and the steps that NATO will take to expand to the East, that’s a commitment.
Warren Christopher
I don’t get distracted until the weight of other things left undone finally tips the balance; my mind is flooded with calls, bills, supermarkets, letters, and I have to stop and sort things out.
Sadie Jones
I’m happy to see people being fearless and finally knowing that their voices mean something and that they stand for something.
Zozibini Tunzi
Buddy Guy finally got a break and made it. And Buddy Guy deserves it.
Luther Allison
Maybe it’s our sins that give God consolation when he finally has to give us cancer.
Chuck Palahniuk
I always knew that I was called to do something. I didn’t know what, but I finally rationalized after I met Martin – and it took a lot of praying to discover this – that this was probably what God had called me to do: to marry him.
Coretta Scott King
First comes an idea. Then, characters begin to evolve out of the landscape of that idea. And then, finally, characters dominate: plot is simply a function of what these people might do or be. Everything has to flow from their personalities; otherwise it will not be emotionally engaging, or plausible.
Robert Harris
Finally, Colin Farrell showed up on my doorstep, only he wasn’t Colin Farrell – he was just this Irish kid who had read the script and wanted to do it.
Robert Towne
Tony Stark in ‘Iron Man’ helped wider audiences finally embrace the enormous talent of Robert Downey Jr.
Tom Hiddleston
I studied classical music for a long time, maybe 10 years, and I realized finally I was never going to have the hands to play that stuff.
Leon Russell
I used to live in an old historic shipyard town called Trenton, Michigan, and a month after I moved in, I started hearing this woman screaming my full name at three in the morning, every night. Finally, on the seventh or eighth night, she screamed it again, and I woke up.
Zak Bagans
In Scientology, in the Ethics Conditions, as you go down from Normal through Doubt, then you get to Enemy, and, finally, near the bottom, there is Treason.
Paul Haggis
I was in my mid 20s when email finally took off. Until then, the phone was my primary way of connecting with the people in my life.
Rainbow Rowell
I had to go through being there for people and overextended myself to finally get to a place where it was finally time to figure my stuff out. Whether that was working on my music or working on me as a person.
We get so much in the habit of wearing disguises before others that we finally appear disguised before ourselves.
Francois de La Rochefoucauld
Treat Williams and I have been friends for years. To finally get to work together was great.
Timothy Hutton
Finally, let us understand that when we stand together, we will always win. When men and women stand together for justice, we win. When black, white and Hispanic people stand together for justice, we win.
Bernie Sanders
I grew up conservative because my mum was a conservative, and when I finally realized what conservatives were, I changed my mind immediately.
Elton John
‘Donny and Marie’ was a great experience. I tried so hard to be a great talk show host but it’s all about relaxing and enjoying it. Marie and I finally figured that out. I would have liked it to continue but I’m kind of glad it’s over because of the phenomenal workload.
Donny Osmond
Microsoft’s new OS, Windows 7, may finally be a worthy successor to XP, eliminating the clutter of Vista and letting users get to what they want to use without the fuss. All this, while remaining compatible with their IT departments’ demands for scalability and custom implementations.
Douglas Rushkoff
If I tax them, in fact, I’m not taxing the capitalists, I am taxing the people who have saved, trusted. It was very controversial, those sorts of things. But finally, it worked out.
Shimon Peres
I don’t think people really understood what I did. And you know, in my book, ‘A Helluva High Note’ deals with my back story, that I was a songwriter, that I spent years trying to hone my craft and being rejected and then finally becoming a successful songwriter, record executive and publisher.
Kara DioGuardi
I'm not sure if I could bear to go on an aeroplane agai

I’m not sure if I could bear to go on an aeroplane again. It’s not my concern for the welfare of the planet. It’s not even the long check-in times and queuing. No, it’s the humiliation of the security process that has finally done it for me.
Tom Hodgkinson
My history in show business spans over a quarter of a century, and I have seen many people in the industry struggle with coming out, only to find much more success after they finally did.
Margaret Cho
I don’t understand executives that pit women against each other, the fact that they brought in ‘Body of Proof,’ Dana Delaney is a friend of mine, and the two of us were just rolling our eyes, it’s like, of course, you finally have two great female leads and you’re going to put us on against each other.
Julianna Margulies
To stand up to worldwide competition, we need a very strong set-up at home that produces athletes right from the beginner’s level and has the sustained back-up for the same athlete to finally go and win an Olympic medal.
Abhinav Bindra
I very much hope that the United States will finally… realise that they can no longer act as the prosecutor, the judge, and the executioner in every part of the world and that they need to cooperate to resolve issues.
Sergei Lavrov
There is overwhelming bipartisan support outside of Washington that we need to finally secure our borders, enforce our laws, and stop the problem of illegal immigration.
Ted Cruz
Writers know that sometimes things are there in the drawer for decades before they finally come out and you are capable of writing about them.
Gunter Grass
I am a legal immigrant whose parents went from Russia to China to Chile to finally reach the United States and thereby give me a chance to have a better life. I served six years in the U.S. Army Reserve, went to college, have a successful career and have dedicated my life to being a good citizen.
Mike Medavoy
As a kid, I said, ‘I want to write for movies.’ When I finally had that opportunity it was like I was able to exhale. ‘Wow, I’m finally doing this for real.’
Cliff Burton
The spirit, like the body, can be strengthened and developed by frequent exercise. Just as the body, if neglected, grows weaker and finally impotent, so the spirit perishes if untended.
Wassily Kandinsky
It was always a dream as I was growing up. I would watch movies, mostly American movies, and be so engrossed in those stories, all I wanted to do was be there. I wanted to be part of that romance or that fantasy or be that warrior or that struggling soul who finally makes it good.
Gerard Butler
We are finally entering an exciting time in medicine where we have the technology to custom-tailor treatment and preventive protocols just as we’d custom-tailor a suit or designer gown to one’s individual body. But it all begins with you. You have to know yourself in a manner that you’ve probably never done before.
David Agus
We must take away the government’s credit card. With limits on both tax revenue and borrowing, the Federal government would finally be forced to get serious about spending cuts.
Alan Keyes
I remember feeling proud as I cast my first vote in Chicago in the 1972 presidential election – President Richard Nixon versus Senator George McGovern. Finally, I could participate. There was so much at stake.
Richard Edelman
Maybe that’s some of the reason I feel so good today. Maybe I finally realised that it’s just a game.
David Duval
If there are nine guys auditioning and they’re all gorgeous, I have an advantage, because gorgeous guys are a dime a dozen. But if they need someone else – like a goofy guy with bad hair who is just okay – then that’s me. And finally, the other 2 percent who audition are geniuses that I could never touch.
Tom Hanks
If a firm hasn’t hired a single female partner in its history, I don’t think it will finally happen by accident.
Aileen Lee
So finally, I can feel a sort of pride in all my family – Mum, Lynn, Corin, Tasha, my cousin Gemma – because, I think how wonderful that this troop of gypsies can carry on telling stories.
Joely Richardson
Lorne finally said, Do the Blues Brothers thing. The response was amazing. People went nuts.
Steve Cropper
There comes a point, in any kind of, whether it’s in your family discussions or business or whatever, where you finally have to get over the making of the points and now let’s see if we can find common ground.
Jon Kyl
So, Mexico, Brazil, they wanted their national culture to be ‘blackish’ – really brown, a beautiful brown blend. And finally, I discovered that in each of these societies the people at the bottom are the darkest skinned with the most African features.
Henry Louis Gates
Crushes start out as that teenage phenomenon, life-affirming and cute, but as you wander into adulthood, they seem to end up more painful, harrowing, and uncertain, especially if you have just come out of the relationship you thought would finally, maybe, maybe be the one that stuck.
Lauren Mayberry
Algeria was therefore only the beginning of something that was in development: this is why I say that it’s the global capitalist system that finally reacted against us.
Ahmed Ben Bella
When I finally decided that my only hope was to go to college, I took an acting class, and once I walked onstage, I just knew I was home.
Ernie Hudson
I finally returned to Iran in 1979, when I got my degree in English and American literature, and stayed for 18 years in the Islamic republic.
Azar Nafisi
I really loved to sing all the time, and I was constantly entertaining. Finally, my dad saw an article in the local newspaper in Phoenix, and it was for a children’s theater, an audition for ‘Snow White and the Seven Dwarves.’
Kimiko Glenn
I think my playing has been orchestral throughout the years, and this is another way of expressing that. But I primarily see it as the ultimate accomplishment of a musician. Composing makes me feel like I’ve finally gotten all the way up the ladder as a musician.
Tony Williams
I never try to convey a message, I just want to tell a story. Why that story in particular? I have no idea, but I have learned to surrender to the muse. I become obsessed with a theme or with certain stories; they haunt me for years, and finally, I write them.
Isabel Allende
I don’t watch scripted television, and I finally figured out why. It’s my line of work, you know? It’s what I do.
Leslie Jordan
Finally my dream came true in that there was a possibility that I could travel to the International Space Station. I’ve gone through the medicals and the training and now I’m officially, by the Russian Space Federation, a cosmonaut in training.
Sarah Brightman
It’s very liberating when you finally realize it’s impossible to make everyone like you.
John Mayer
I often have the impression that the book I've just fin

I often have the impression that the book I’ve just finished isn’t satisfied: that it rejects me because I haven’t successfully completed it. Because there is no going back, I’m forced to begin a new book so I can finally complete the previous one.
Patrick Modiano
My husband has always been my biggest supporter, and my mother has finally joined the cheerleading team now that her friends have been telling her that they like my work as well.
Twinkle Khanna
I’ve decided that the political context is such that the only way reform will finally come about in the Russian military is that the deterioration goes beyond the point to which these old generals can stand up there and resist it.
William Odom
I’ve been singing since I was 12. And I think that all the information is finally starting to chill out. And I don’t have to be fancy. I can just kind of do things and simplify things and try to be the best singer I can be.
Justin Vernon
Conscience is our unerring judge until we finally stifle it.
Honore de Balzac
Halfway through any work, one is often tempted to go off on a tangent. Once you have yielded, you will be tempted to yield again and again… Finally, you would only produce something hybrid.
Barbara Hepworth
So the animal finally performs in that situation only the fitting act.
Edward Thorndike
I think the industry finally gets it. They’ve lost the connection with the American public, and they’ve got to rebuild the trust with the American public.
Billy Tauzin
I do not know what the spirit of a philosopher could more wish to be than a good dancer. For the dance is his ideal, also his fine art, finally also the only kind of piety he knows, his ‘divine service.’
Friedrich Nietzsche
Finally, the ecological health of the Mississippi River and its economic importance to the many people that make their living or seek their recreation is based on a healthy river system.
Ron Kind
I played a million different sports when I was growing up. I started when I was probably five or six, and we’d just go from activity to activity to activity. I think, finally, my parents just realized that we were missing something in our lives. They realized that it was time for us as a family to start going to church.
Sam Bradford
There is no doubt that I, also, had long been aware of the problem, i.e. producing X-ray interferences, before the inherent difficulties had finally been surmounted.
Max von Laue
I struggled with self-esteem issues as a young girl, and it was not until my gymnastics career was completed in 2000 that I realized my accomplishments would not have been possible without my type of body, and I finally started to appreciate and celebrate myself.
Dominique Dawes
Someday, when I manage to finally figure out how to take care of myself, then I’ll consider taking care of someone else.
Marilyn Manson
Deep down, I reckon the sweetest moment will come when it’s finally all over. When, at last, I know that I can stop fighting. Of course it’ll also be a little sad. The sweetest moments, y’know, always come with just a little sadness.
Evander Holyfield
I had a vague idea of the song’s impact in the ’60s, but that was tempered by the hate mail and threats I was receiving. It was only about ten years ago, when I finally put it back in my show because so many people were asking for it, that I understood ‘Society’s Child’ real impact.
Janis Ian
Upon graduation, I hit a wall. All of my good friends from UCLA were taking on jobs they were passionate about, and I felt left behind. It took a bit of soul searching, but in the end, I finally had the guts to pursue acting.
Karen Fukuhara
Yeah, well, I finally stopped smoking for good.
Liam Neeson
To finally get that call from the doctor that you’re pregnant and you’re having a baby…. It was just another world.
Giuliana Rancic
It’s taken a while, but I’ve finally grown up and got my head around the fact that the healthier the food you eat is and the more exercise you do, the lighter you’ll be. It really is that simple.
Martine McCutcheon
Parkinson’s is very hard to diagnose. So when I finally went to a neurologist, and he said, ‘Oh, you have Parkinson’s disease,’ I was completely shocked.
Linda Ronstadt
Finally, as the digestive canal is a complex system, a series of separate chemical laboratories, I cut the connections between them in order to investigate the course of phenomena in each particular laboratory; thus I resolved the digestive canal into several separate parts.
Ivan Pavlov
If technology has finally caught up with individual liberty, why would anyone who loves freedom want to rethink that?
Matt Drudge
But when I’m losing a few matches, suddenly ‘It’s his fault’, ‘He doesn’t want to practice’, ‘He doesn’t need it’, ‘He doesn’t care’. And when everything goes well, there are people coming behind the stone, saying, ‘Oh, my God, he’s back finally, and I was there to help him out’.
Marat Safin
We are living in a time when American popular music is finally being recognized as one of our most successful exports. The demand is huge.
Billy Joel
It’s the good loser who finally loses out.
Kin Hubbard
I’m unique for a suspense author in that I don’t have a specialty background. A lot of suspense writers used to be lawyers or crime beat reporters. I didn’t even know a cop when I started out. I finally figured out that I could visit prisons – I just had to be willing to make the phone calls.
Lisa Gardner
It was improv that really helped me start coming up with recipes and just believe in my instincts. That’s why the first recipe I made up was ‘I Ain’t Chicken Chicken’ because I finally felt bold and fearless in the kitchen, which was an entirely new feeling for me.
Aarti Sequeira
I think it was 1987 – something like that – or ’86, and I thought, ‘When you go equity and you’re gonna get paid, you’ll finally be able to make a living.’ But it was not to be so. I always bartended and waited tables so I ended up not doing theater for about a year because nobody would hire me.
Denis O’Hare
I took classes taught by an elderly woman who wrote children’s stories. She was polite about the science fiction and fantasy that I kept handing in, but she finally asked in exasperation, ‘Can’t you write anything normal?’
Octavia E. Butler
For a long time, I resisted seeing ‘The Sound of Music,’ but when I finally did, I cried.
Michael Learned
I feel like I'm finally learning how to use Twitter, an

I feel like I’m finally learning how to use Twitter, and Tweetbot has been a huge part of that. The interface is awesome, and it lets me easily manage two accounts at once.
Evan Spiegel
I’m at the heaviest I’ve ever been in my life now and it took me being the heaviest to finally love myself.
Tess Holliday
Ryan finally came to my rescue. He’d thought working together in Paper Moon would help us bond.
Tatum O’Neal
And then she finally said yes. And we have been married, I want you to know, for 51 years.
Val Guest
I’m happy that I’m finally getting some lines in my face. I always looked too young for the kind of roles I wanted. It was constraining. My face didn’t fit my innards until I reached 40.
Sam Rockwell
When I earnt my first money, I went to a shop and bought jeans and a top. But then I wore them both for such a long time that finally my model agency said, ‘You should buy something else!’ I was saving the money because it was the first time I’d ever had any.
Olga Kurylenko
I’d distract myself until finally it was a combination of things. The show was over and I had time on my hands. I had taken time and played and just relaxed.
Paul Reiser
I loved my time in Congress, but people who spend all of their time planning to run for office have very few useful skills to deploy when they finally get there.
John Sununu
I finally moved out of my parent’s house. It was only fair to let my sister have her own room.
Kate Winslet
From solar to electric cars, from geothermal to reconfiguring the grid, the scale of investment needed in green technologies in order to meet whatever agreements on emissions reductions are finally agreed will be immense.
Noreena Hertz
Because of the nature of King Arthur and the resonance he has, not only with within the U.K., but right around the world, I have found it a huge honour to play the part. I will look back on it very fondly and be very proud to have been King Arthur when I finally hang up the chain mail!
Bradley James
First you forget names, then you forget faces. Next you forget to pull your zipper up and finally, you forget to pull it down.
George Burns
You think about all the years that a USA volleyball team has been in the Olympics and have tried and have fallen short. Then to feel like you’re pushing for something and you’re trying to find that edge and then you finally do it, it’s like, Whoa, it worked!’
Jordan Larson
I’ve now returned to the business again because I finally realised that I really enjoy the creative process.
Gil Gerard
I really felt like I finally made it. Having your first fake pregnancy rumor. It was really awesome. I feel like it’s part of what happens in this business, but that’s a real one. That’s a cool one to get.
Lea Michele
If people can finally recognize you on radio without being told who it is, that’s what you aim for.
Johnny Marr
One should always look to the end of everything, how it will finally come out. For the god has shown blessedness to many only to overturn them utterly in the end.