Top 430 Convinced Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Convinced Quotes from famous people such as Jules Verne, Dave Myers, Ethan Peck, Carles Puigdemont, Nadine Gordimer, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

I repeat that the distance between the earth and her sa

I repeat that the distance between the earth and her satellite is a mere trifle, and undeserving of serious consideration. I am convinced that before twenty years are over, one-half of our earth will have paid a visit to the moon.
Jules Verne
I was convinced I had a giant brain tumour. I thought, ‘I don’t believe this. It’s like a bad episode of Brookside.’ That’s when I knew I didn’t want to die. When the chips were down I thought, ‘It’s not my time yet.’ I really wanted to live and be happy.
Dave Myers
I maybe convinced my parents to let me cut school once, but definitely, in college, I cut school a lot.
Ethan Peck
We do not want to turn our back on Spain. It’s the opposite. We are convinced that a relationship between equals will improve our relationship.
Carles Puigdemont
Power is something of which I am convinced there is no innocence this side of the womb.
Nadine Gordimer
Back in my days as a chemistry student, I used to be quite a technocrat. I was firmly convinced that scientists would have cornered God and photographed Him in color by 1951.
Kurt Vonnegut
I was convinced that the trading frequency measured a fundamental heartbeat of financial markets. Clearly it reflected the flow of information. It turns out also to be closely related to measures of liquidity.
Robert F. Engle
I went on an audition once for a show, and the feedback was to play an angry teen. My agent convinced me to try out. I was really bitter for a while, because it sucks when you don’t get good scripts after working on good quality.
Alia Shawkat
My brother and I became convinced that to buy and sell legally sheared vicuna hair was the only way to help the vicuna increase in numbers. If the animal becomes useful to society, people will take care of the animal; if it’s not useful, they will not take care.
Pier Luigi Loro Piana
When I was in Year 10 I saw a girl on ‘X Factor’ with a really great, huge afro, so I went to the hairdresser’s to get a weave and achieve the same look. She somehow convinced me to get colored extensions that were way too short, so I ended up looking like ‘Annie.’
Lolly Adefope
In the political confusion and the torrid heat, I convinced myself that Madrid was the world’s stomach and that I had been chosen for the task of restoring this digestive organ to health.
Leonora Carrington
I want my mom on ‘Scream Queens’. She could play someone who is convinced she’s Princess Leila. That could be her disease, and then as a plot twist, we could find out that she actually is Princess Leila.
Billie Lourd
I am convinced that only by applying the values of an entrepreneur to philanthropy will you ever be able to meet the needs of the greatest number of people.
Naveen Jain
In 1998, Artnet was the site that convinced me that if my writing didn’t exist online, it didn’t exist at all. It showed me criticism’s future.
Jerry Saltz
Every story I write starts with a dilemma or a theme. Once I am convinced that this is the issue that is perturbing my thoughts, I start to look for characters capable of representing it.
Siegfried Lenz
I was a disappointment to my parents before I drew my first breath. After five boys, they had been praying for a girl and were convinced their prayers would be answered. So when Dad rang the hospital from a public phone and heard about my arrival, he started kicking and punching the kiosk.
Nigel Benn
What I’ve become convinced makes a writer are the days you hate it, the days you’d rather stick those pencils in your eyes. Sometimes I almost punish myself – if I’m not going be able to write, I’m not going be able to do anything else. I just sit there and wait.
Ron Rash
My mum is bright, ambitious, well read, political and very bolshie: when my dad was conscripted into the Army and posted to Libya, she convinced some general to let her go with him. I don’t know how she managed it.
Jo Brand
I am convinced that Nigeria would have been a more highly developed country without the oil. I wished we’d never smelled the fumes of petroleum.
Wole Soyinka
Anarchists are socialists because they want the improvement of society, and they are communists because they are convinced that such a transformation of society can only result from the establishment of a commonwealth of property.
Johann Most
I hope I say this the right way, but I’m convinced that Israel will not trust other countries to do what they have to do to protect their own security.
Trent Franks
In 1948 I entered the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, undecided between studies of chemistry and physics, but my first year convinced me that physics was more interesting to me.
Burton Richter
We have convinced over one billion members of the Islamic faith that we are prejudiced against their religion, that we would deny them freedom of religion, that we want suppress their culture and invade their governments.
Theodore C. Sorensen
Let me announce, with all the strength at my command, that I am not a terrorist and I never was, expect perhaps in the beginning of my revolutionary career. And I am convinced that we cannot gain anything through those methods.
Bhagat Singh
Lepers were a common sight all over India and in every part of Calcutta, but extending help beyond dropping a coin or two into their rag-wrapped stumps was not. As a child I was convinced even touching a spot a leper had rubbed against would lead to infection.
Bharati Mukherjee
The first thing we become convinced of is that man is organized so as to be far more sensible of pain than of pleasure.
Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin
But I feel convinced, and I venture even to prophesy in this regard, that the time will come when there will also be a minister of peace in the cabinet, seated beside the ministers of war.
Fredrik Bajer
Conservative talk radio works because there are lots of conservatives who are convinced that they are not getting the whole story from the regular media.
Paul Weyrich
I think the moment you’re convinced something’s going to be good is the moment that it’s not going to be.
Josh Widdicombe
Over the years I have become convinced that we learn best – and change – from hearing stories that strike a chord within us.
John P. Kotter
Cambridge is heaven, I am convinced it is the nicest place in the world to live. As you walk round, most people look incredibly bright, as if they are probably off to win a Nobel prize.
Sophie Hannah
I'm from the old school of actors who are convinced too

I’m from the old school of actors who are convinced too much exposure on TV isn’t good for a long career.
Van Heflin
I’m so convinced that hiking helps my writing that I recently decided to offer a series of hiking-writing workshops to see if others had the same experience.
Kate Klise
I believe in what I believe, and I think after all these years I’ve heard a lot of arguments, and I’m convinced by the superiority of the arguments that are made on the conservative side. I think that’s a better way to run a society.
Charles Krauthammer
Americans, as a rule, rarely compare themselves with other countries, so convinced are we that our system is superior, that our politicians are better, that our democracy is the fairest and most robust in the world.
Anne Applebaum
I am not convinced that the U.S. is more religious than Britain. Even if more people go to church in America, I think the U.S. is a much more secular country than Britain.
Stanley Hauerwas
I was born in 1968 and grew up in my grandmother’s house in suburban Connecticut, where I was convinced a ghost named Virgil lived in the attic.
Jennifer McMahon
All of us who are convinced that our military needs all the support the government and public will provide are pleased that he will have his chance to do just that.
Alex Morrison
I was a tomboy, always fairly eccentric, and convinced I’d grow up to be an actress.
Sonia Rykiel
We are convinced that gender equality is the foundation of sustainable peace and development and that gender-based violence needs to be addressed head-on as part of the efforts to build peace.
Isabella Lovin
I feel a bit scared at times as I feel if I am not convinced about the scene, the audiences won’t be either, so I have to give my best.
Rashami Desai
I’ve always loved singing, and wanted to do musicals. Watching them as a child was what convinced me that I wanted to be a professional.
Rebbie Jackson
The rich pay more in total taxes now than ever before – ever. It’s true. Just like it’s true that when the rich are convinced they’re going to be taxed more, they spend less. And when the top few percenters don’t spend, there goes all your spending, because they account for half of all retail spending.
Neil Cavuto
I went overseas hoping to prove that all our POWs were home. I came back convinced that they were still alive.
Bo Gritz
Exercising power can do strange things to people. You can become convinced that you’re irreplaceable. You can become convinced that you’re always right. And I think the danger is the longer you stay in power, the more likely that is to happen.
Margaret MacMillan
Trump fans convinced of his strategic genius are welcome to their view, but they’re wrong.
Rick Wilson
I have become convinced that everything that is classy doesn’t go away.
Adam West
Shall we ever see the 10 million things of the universe simultaneously in order to be the all? I am convinced that to live is to travel towards the world’s end.
Ella Maillart
When I got the ‘Blue Album,’ I was 11 years old, 10 years old, and then I convinced my parents to go and get my first drum kit, which was, like, 600 bucks.
Brendon Urie
I started out in graduate school to be a fiction writer. I thought I wanted to write short stories. I started writing poems at that point only because a friend of mine dared me to write a poem. And I took the dare because I was convinced that I couldn’t write a good poem… And then it actually wasn’t so bad.
Natasha Trethewey
Manuel Pellegrini had convinced me to go with him to Manchester City. I was doing very well at Malaga, but I accepted.
Willy Caballero
It was all about flying round the world, working hard, being on the cover of Vogue, making money. It wasn’t fun. It was exhausting, but I was young and convinced I knew best.
Rachel Hunter
Being convinced one knows the whole story is the surest way to fail.
Phil Crosby
I am convinced that nobody should be afraid of peace.
Albert Reynolds
Man is firmly convinced that he is awake; in reality he is caught in a net of sleep and dreams which he has unconsciously woven himself.
Gustave Meyrink
I spent the best part of 20 years trying to stop people like Chris Waddle from playing. Now I’m convinced that good touch and loads of movement are the way forward.
Chris Kamara
Every Englishman is convinced of one thing, viz.: That to be an Englishman is to belong to the most exclusive club there is.
Ogden Nash
These ‘lone wolves,’ people like to call them, you’ve got to look at them not like a lone wolf but an individual operator who’s been convinced in their head, brainwashed, whatever, that this is the way to go. And they will carry out their assaults systematically throughout.
Marcus Luttrell
My heart has always been truly convinced that in serving the cause of America, I am fighting for the interests of France.
Marquis de Lafayette
I’m convinced that had I not changed my name, I don’t think I would have had quite the same career curve that I eventually had.
Ben Kingsley
When ‘Pune-52’ was offered to me, I liked the script, but I wasn’t convinced about the kissing and other intimate scenes. I tried talking to the director, but things didn’t work out.
Amruta Khanvilkar
I was convinced in middle school that I invented tight-rolling your pants, because I would get hand-me-downs from my brothers, and of course they were bell-bottoms from the ’70s. So I would fold and fold over the bells. I like to think I started the trend. But I didn’t.
Patrick Wilson
A manager can have a great idea but if the players don'

A manager can have a great idea but if the players don’t understand it, or don’t follow you, your idea doesn’t have much use. On the other side, you can have a bad idea, but if the players are convinced it, and you transmit it well, it can work.
I used to work as a tour guide for Americans. I’m convinced that even after four weeks on the road they had no idea where they had been. They were in a bubble.
Greg Wise
I am not very convinced with having a signature dish. The whole point of being a chef is going to a new place, adapting and curating a new menu as per the culture and community.
Ranveer Brar
Every year of my life I grow more convinced that it is wisest and best to fix our attention on the beautiful and the good, and dwell as little as possible on the evil and the false.
Richard Cecil
No one has yet convinced me a dollar stranded overseas is better than a dollar brought back home here to America for any reasons. So, if a company needs it, whether it’s to do research, buy another business in America, grow jobs or try to become more financially strong, that is good for the United States.
Kevin Brady
But I was very, very lucky, and it was a wake up call as far as motorbikes are concerned. I never flirted with death on the bike, but now I’m totally convinced they’re death machines.
Liam Neeson
I have a philosophy. I was convinced of it, and by winning trophies in four countries, I proved the philosophy worked.
Louis van Gaal
I wondered had I really oversold the Hubble. I have to admit that, since, I have been convinced that I didn’t.
Nancy Roman
Humanist thinkers such as Rousseau convinced us that our own feelings and desires were the ultimate source of meaning and that our free will was, therefore, the highest authority of all.
Yuval Noah Harari
I’ll always understand the Schadenfreude aspect to short-selling. I get that no one will always like it. I’m also convinced to the deepest part of my bones that short-selling plays the role of real-time financial watchdog. It’s one of the few checks and balances in the market.
James Chanos
The more I study religions the more I am convinced that man never worshipped anything but himself.
Richard Burton
I am strongly convinced that the people or society is the best and the most unerring critic.
Vissarion Belinsky
Most apocalyptic fiction makes it very clear that it’s the end of the world. But ‘Bird Box’ hasn’t convinced me of that. Is ‘Bird Box’ instead a suburban neurotic nightmare? I don’t think so. But it’s fun to consider.
Josh Malerman
I’m increasingly convinced that there is an ongoing attempt of ethnic replacement of one people with another people. This is not emergency migration but organised migration that aims at replacing the Italian people with other people, Italian workers with other workers.
Matteo Salvini
During the Clinton administration, engagement, backed by the threat of force, convinced Pyongyang to freeze its dangerous nuclear program and put a moratorium on the production of long-range missiles.
Antony Blinken
I am convinced that my dark-horse candidacy helped pave the way for women and members of underserved communities to seek political office.
Deborah K. Ross
All through the years since World War II, the Japanese people have, I am convinced, made strenuous efforts to preserve and promote world peace, contributing to the progress and prosperity of mankind.
Eisaku Sato
I was the weirdest kid: I wanted to see the police file – in grade school! I was convinced I could crack the case if I just had that file.
Alafair Burke
I think it’s all about confidence and having a regular run in the team. The rest takes care of itself; a footballer never forgets how to play football, and I’m convinced that game time, matches, was all I needed because, ultimately, no one forgets how to score goals.
Radamel Falcao
Whatever the name of their favorite team or whatever city I’m in, everybody is completely convinced that I hate not any other team, just their team.
Cris Collinsworth
From the first I became convinced that what I must look for was lead dust and lead fumes, that men were poisoned by breathing poisoned air, not by handling their food with unwashed hands.
Alice Hamilton
We convinced him quickly that the possibility of war was absolutely nil and continued our festivity. On the next day we were ordered to take the field.
Manfred von Richthofen
At the time I finished high school, I was determined to study biology, deeply convinced to eventually be a researcher.
Christiane Nusslein-Volhard
I grew up believing my sister was from the planet Neptune and had been sent down to Earth to kill me. I believed this because my sister Emily convinced me of it when I was a toddler. I think she’d seen Invasion of the Body Snatchers and her imagination ran away with her. There’s a part of me that still believes it.
Zooey Deschanel
As the father of eight children, I’m quite convinced that each individual arrives here with their own unique personality. We are intended here from an invisible held of infinite potentiality. That which has no form, has no boundaries – it’s the I that’s in the ever-changing body.
Wayne Dyer
I don’t believe my house was haunted. I think I had an overactive imagination, and I was so convinced that those around me became convinced, too.
Ryan Gosling
It’s going to sound terribly glib and cliched but the more I learn about animals, the more convinced I am that almost all the fears we have about them are unfounded.
Steve Backshall
There will be people who don’t like you or aren’t convinced. I’d rather let my work talk than justify in words.
Sidharth Malhotra
I am firmly convinced that you have to create a fantastic atmosphere during a tournament.
Frank de Boer
Whether the family goes on a spiritual basis or not, the alcoholic member has to if he would recover. The others must be convinced of his new status beyond the shadow of a doubt. Seeing is believing to most families who have lived with a drinker.
William Griffith Wilson
I am convinced that we are in a terminal process.
E. P. Thompson
I am convinced that there are universal currents of Div

I am convinced that there are universal currents of Divine Thought vibrating the ether everywhere and that any who can feel these vibrations is inspired.
Richard Wagner
I’d seen the movie ‘Paranormal Activity’ and was convinced for weeks that it was real.
Lauren Stamile
Without a notion of the transcendental, human beings would, indeed, be animals; however, only fools can be convinced of it, and only degenerates need such a conviction.
Franz Grillparzer
It’s hard to tell whether the ship or airplane – they’re all the same, I’m convinced – is male or female; it may shift back and forth.
John C. Hawkes
My cousin Simon Bor, the champion of Los Angeles, convinced me to concentrate on running.
Martin Lel
After spending my pre-teen years as the singer in a bluegrass band, I convinced my parents to let me drop out of high school and start homeschool, so I could take a job singing in the country show at Dolly Parton’s theme park, Dollywood.
Carly Pearce
I didn’t even think that I could be competing for a gold medal; I was convinced I’d compete for a silver medal.
Sunisa Lee
After the fall of dictator Nicolae Ceausescu, Romanians were crazed with happiness. People who never met each other before hugged each other in the streets – convinced that tomorrow things would look different. Then came the many disappointments.
Octavian Paler
The Argentine government is convinced of Mrs. Malcorra’s conditions and capacities that will allow her to amply carry out the functions of the role of Secretary General of the United Nations.
Mauricio Macri
I am convinced that there are few, if any, American people that could even start believing or understanding what living in a socialist country does to a person.
Yngwie Malmsteen
For years, as a seller of real estate and star of reality TV, Donald Trump made a living wooing customers and viewers. His selling skills were good enough that he even convinced voters to elect him as president in spite of his near-total lack of qualifications.
Max Boot
For if enough people were really convinced that growth should be halted, and if they acted on that conviction, then billions of others might be deprived of any realistic hope of gaining the opportunities now enjoyed by the more fortunate.
Herman Kahn
I believe so much in the power of performance I don’t want to convince people. I want them to experience it and come away convinced on their own.
Marina Abramovic
Martha Stewart convinced me to have a business. She sometimes takes a very personal interest, and she kept saying, ‘You have to open your own business,’ and gave me chances. She took my cakes on ‘The Oprah Winfrey Show.’ I met a lot of people through her.
Ron Ben-Israel
I am convinced that great ideas that are powerfully presented can change a mind in five minutes.
Dennis Prager
The French are overwhelmingly convinced that the euro is a burden. Returning to an adapted national currency will create millions of jobs and give us back our freedom.
Marine Le Pen
As an actress, I should be playing my parts with conviction; otherwise, the audience won’t be convinced.
Shruti Haasan
I knew the ribosome was going to be the focus of Nobel prizes. It stands at the crossroads of biology, between the gene and what comes out of the gene. But I had convinced myself I was not going to be a winner.
Venkatraman Ramakrishnan
I got to learn from the American audience. Hearing what it is they’re not getting. These are audiences, 35 to 40, an older demographic that controls seven to 10 trillion dollars. And the producers and distributors have convinced themselves this group doesn’t go to the movies.
Peter Riegert
The only way a first-time filmmaker could have convinced or can convince a producer is if he has a fantastic script.
Aditya Dhar
And I am convinced that a single focus on preserving the purchasing power of the dollar, in effect, guarding against inflation or deflation, actually creates a solid foundation for the greatest job growth and the strongest economy that America can have.
Kevin Brady
Action itself, so long as I am convinced that it is right action, gives me satisfaction.
Jawaharlal Nehru
I love London. I feel at ease there; I can push my trolley in the supermarket without being bothered. If I want to go to a club, a cinema, or have a walk, I am free – free to live my life as I wish. I have talked about it with some players, and I am convinced that we are in one of the best countries.
Patrick Vieira
I converted to Christianity because I was convinced by Jesus Christ as a character, as a personality. I loved him, his wisdom, his love, his unconditional love.
Mosab Hassan Yousef
What the war did was give me the opportunity of three years of continuous reading, and it was in the course of reading that I became convinced that I should become an economist.
Douglass North
I’ve convinced myself I’m something special. When you do that, man, you’re dangerous, especially when you have the athleticism and work ethic to back it up.
Jon Jones
I was living in New York City and flat broke. My next door neighbor was an actor and he always seemed to be having more fun than I was. He convinced me to give acting a shot, but because of my shyness I was sure it would be a lost cause.
Joe Flanigan
See, I believe that it is not true that different races and nations are alike. I’m profoundly convinced that that’s a total lie. I think people are different. Sardinians, for example, have stubby little fingers. Bosnians have short necks.
Orson Welles
From spending my decades thinking about behavior and the biological influences on it, I’m convinced by now free will is what we call the biology that hasn’t been discovered yet. It’s just another way of stating that we’re biological organisms determined by the physical laws of the universe.
Robert Sapolsky
I was known for being quite… ruthless at ABB. I drove hard targets, pushed my people. But I was always fair. Once I was convinced of someone, I let them handle things themselves. But if you kept doing badly, there was no place for you.
Dinesh Paliwal
I am now convinced that theoretical physics is actually philosophy.
Max Born
The more films and TV shows I spoil for myself, the mor

The more films and TV shows I spoil for myself, the more I am convinced that truly interesting stories can’t be ruined – the plot thickens with the viewing like a rich sauce.
Jenna Wortham
In France, for instance, one magazine writer was convinced that On The Road had been a huge influence on Lost Souls and was crushed to learn that I hadn’t read the one until after I’d written the other.
Poppy Z. Brite
I am amazed at radio DJ’s today. I am firmly convinced that AM on my radio stands for Absolute Moron. I will not begin to tell you what FM stands for.
Jasper Carrott
For a long time all I wanted for Christmas were books about outdoor survival. I was convinced that the woods were calling me. I camped a lot, I took classes. At 18, I told myself if I don’t live in the woods by myself by the time I’m 25, I have failed.
Chris Evans
I’m convinced there’s a small room in the attic of the Foreign Office where future diplomats are taught to stammer.
Peter Ustinov
When I was a kid, I thought I was going to be an architect, because when I was 12 years old I had a guidance counselor that convinced me that that was the best career choice for me.
Al Yankovic
The first movie I saw where it convinced me I could be an actor was ‘Mean Streets,’ so whenever I see Robert De Niro and he says, ‘Hi, Denis,’ it’s still a really big deal.
Denis Leary
But if I can be convinced and then through the work that we do together, the orchestra can really be convinced of the big sweep of that communication that the piece suggests, then the audience will get it and it will be a good experience for all of us.
Michael Tilson Thomas
I’m more convinced than when I accepted this job that we can create a viable Ford Motor Co. that makes cars and trucks that people really do prefer. And we can make them using minimum resources and minimum time and be competitive with our competition.
Alan Mulally
We will work to modify and remove some European parameters, but regarding the euro, I remain convinced that the single currency is destined to end: not because I want it but because the facts, common sense, and the real economy dictate it.
Matteo Salvini
The more I have read the Bible and studied the life of Jesus, the more I have become convinced that Christianity spreads best not through force but through fascination.
Shane Claiborne
Therefore, I feel convinced that any political picture can be changed to suit the needs of the powers that be.
Thor Heyerdahl
I disagreed with my teachers on pretty much everything, including what grades I was going to get at A-level. I was sure I’d pass, they were convinced I’d fail.
David Olusoga
I grew up playing the piano, but you know, as a rebellious child, I convinced myself that I hated it.
Aimee Osbourne
I’m convinced that there’s a new way to define capitalism, and that the definition should include three ingredients – that we love our work, that we are building a traditionally successful business, and that we are having some positive impact in the world, whether it’s local or global.
Biz Stone
Germany stands in the fight against terrorism at France’s side, united with many, many others. I am convinced that, despite all the difficulties, we shall win this fight.
Angela Merkel
We love to be athletic, but at the same time, we love to entertain. So my sister was actually looking to play pro soccer in Italy, and I convinced her. I said, ‘Please, there’s this thing called WWE Diva Search. I really want to go. I think we can do this.’ And sure enough, they gave my sister and me a shot.
Brie Bella
I’m thoroughly convinced that people want info-tainment.
Cris Collinsworth
Once you permit those who are convinced of their own superior rightness to censor and silence and suppress those who hold contrary opinions, just at that moment the citadel has been surrendered.
Archibald MacLeish
Whenever I start a new book, I think, ‘This is the most interesting subject of all time. It’s sad, I’ll never enjoy writing another book as much as I enjoy this one.’ Every time, I’m convinced. And then I change my mind when I start the next book.
Gretchen Rubin
I am convinced now that virtually every destructive behavior and addiction I battled off and on for years was rooted in my (well-earned) insecurity.
Beth Moore
Over time, with my matches, I convinced both the fans and the coaches that my style was the best for me, and they understood who I am, and that is who I am today.
I wrote poems. That is my work. I am convinced… I believe that what I wrote will be useful to people not only now but in future generations.
Joseph Brodsky
I’ve done a lot of Shakespeare onstage, and I’m not convinced that the Earl of Oxford was the author of all those works, but I am convinced that the Stratfordian William Shakespeare was not. My feeling is that it was an amalgamation of many writers, in the same way that most films are a collaborative endeavor.
Rhys Ifans
I am convinced that it is the light and the way.
George C. Williams
A lot of people criticised me when I opted to leave Italy for Russia. However, I’m convinced that I made the right decision to leave Inter.
Samuel Eto’o
I’m convinced you can combine this with reporting integrity and accuracy.
Jack Brickhouse
I am totally convinced the Christian faith is the most coherent worldview around.
Ravi Zacharias
I’m convinced being a tennis analyst is the easiest job in the world.
Andy Roddick
I believe that sooner or later we’re going to have to deal with Saddam Hussein, because of his general reputation, because of what I’m convinced he’s done with regard to terrorism and the support thereof. But I’m not at all sure I believe that it has to be right now.
Lawrence Eagleburger
I am convinced that the modular structure of the Mir will be the main trend in manned orbital stations development in the next century.
Valentina Tereshkova
I soon became convinced... that all the theorizing woul

I soon became convinced… that all the theorizing would be empty brain exercise and therefore a waste of time unless one first ascertained what the population of the universe really consists of.
Fritz Zwicky
I’m convinced I can be a good coach.
Frank de Boer
But I am convinced that those Jews who stand aside today with a malicious smile and with their hands in their trousers’ pockets will also want to dwell in our beautiful home.
Theodor Herzl
No man ever believes that the Bible means what it says: He is always convinced that it says what he means.
George Bernard Shaw
I am a Jew, and I’m convinced that Israel is the homeland.
Neil Sedaka
You better be very convinced, very sure, before you pull your plug or someone else’s plug, that you know what’s on the other side of the gravestone.
Joni Eareckson Tada
The hate and scorn showered on us Negro officers by our fellow Americans convinced me that there was no sense in my dying for a world ruled by them. I made up my mind that if I got through this war I would study law and use my time fighting for men who could not strike back.
Charles Hamilton Houston
I really have become convinced that nuclear fusion is our energy future. It’s so powerful. I mean, it is the power of the stars. If we could bring that down to the laboratory and to the power plant on Earth, that would be an incredible thing.
Taylor Wilson
Most men, I am convinced, have an unmistakable feeling at the final moment of significant choice that they are making a free decision, that they can really decide which one of two or more roads to follow.
Corliss Lamont
Rationally, I was convinced that the universe without God made no sense, but that simply was not the same as believing. But I also knew that I could not argue myself, or be argued, into faith.
Henry Grunwald
Steven Spielberg’s name was all over ‘Poltergeist,’ and ‘E.T.’ was out the same year, which every single parent took their child to. So despite ‘Poltergeist’ being a horror movie, I convinced my parents to let me see it. It was terrifying. I guess this says a lot about me as a six-year-old, because I loved it.
Pedro Pascal
Evolution is true, it happens, it is the way the world is, and we too are one of its products. This does not mean that evolution does not have metaphysical implications; I remain convinced that this is the case.
Simon Conway Morris
I was convinced that acting was for fools. I was on the stage when I was eight with my father, he was playing one of those Greek blind guys that sees things and warns people, whilst I was in a blue skirt. I think there were 5,000 people in the theatre, it was ridiculous.
Rutger Hauer
If you are not around when Africa truly gets going, it would be much like the sceptics who stood on the sidelines in the 1990s convinced that China was going nowhere. How wrong they were.
Yemi Osinbajo
The average customer comes into McDonald’s three to four times a month, and I’m absolutely convinced that can fit in very comfortably into a balanced diet.
Steve Easterbrook
I love Stephen Colbert and Jon Stewart because they’re bringing irony back into American humor, which is a delicious treat. The entire Colbert persona of being extreme right-wing when he’s not at all is highly amusing. He does it so well, but sometimes a little too well. My wife is convinced he’s completely that way.
John Lydon
Playing Lord Ram is a once in a lifetime opportunity and, thankfully, people were convinced with my interpretation of the divine character all those years ago.
Gurmeet Choudhary
Life’s greatest happiness is to be convinced we are loved.
Victor Hugo
India is and will remain an important strategic growth market for the Volkswagen Group. We are convinced that VW will take on a key role in the Indian automobile market in the long-term.
Martin Winterkorn
It might be a slow process reaching to the top but I am patient. I don’t want to get into something that I am not completely convinced about.
Uday Chopra
I’d much rather have 15 people arguing about something than 15 people splitting into two camps, each side convinced it’s right and not talking to the other.
Linus Torvalds
The more she rejected us the more convinced I was that she was another version of the real Molly, her disdain for authority, her scepticism that she had to do what the white man told her because it was good for her… She is Molly.
Phillip Noyce
Religion has convinced us that there’s something else entirely other than concerns about suffering. There’s concerns about what God wants, there’s concerns about what’s going to happen in the afterlife.
Sam Harris
If you ask a filmmaker to analyse his own film, it would take three or four years to do that, honestly. Because when you make a film, you have to be convinced about it. You are married to that film for a year.
Mani Ratnam
We are among the handful of countries that has difficulty distinguishing juveniles from adults where crime is concerned. We are convinced that if a child commits an adult crime, that kid is magically transformed into an adult. Consequently, we try juveniles as adults.
Greg Boyle
Geologists are rapidly becoming convinced that the mammals spread from their central Asian point of origin largely because of great variations in climate.
Ellsworth Huntington
Yet, I am convinced that there is a need for high quality software, and the time will come when it will be recognized that it is worth investing effort in its development and in using a careful, structured approach based on safe, structured languages.
Niklaus Wirth
My parents know how passionate I’ve always been about acting. I convinced them this was something that I was going to put my heart and soul into.
Alexander Ludwig
It does not require great learning to be a Christian and be convinced of the truth of the Bible. It requires only an honest heart and a willingness to obey God.
Albert Barnes
Judge Afiuni has suffered enough. She has been subject to acts of violence and humiliations to undermine her human dignity. I am convinced that she must be set free.
Noam Chomsky
The young give us hope because young people are certain their best days still lie ahead – which explains why they’re absolutely convinced they can change the world for the better.
Paul Polman
At 28 years old, seven years out of college, I was so c

At 28 years old, seven years out of college, I was so convinced that my voice outed me as a fag that I had stopped speaking to people I didn’t know.
Marlon James
I am personally convinced – and I think the Greek people share this belief in a fundamental way – that we can achieve fiscal consolidation more effectively and we can restore competitiveness in a more fundamental and permanent way within the euro area than outside.
Lucas Papademos
I was fortunate to have had a lively, happy childhood, but somewhere along the way I convinced myself I wasn’t wanted anywhere or by anyone if I wasn’t thin.
Lucy Davis
Dad was convinced always that I was going to be a road sweeper.
Peter Sellers
My father was convinced, I think rightly, that if he stayed in Russia, he would have trouble with Lenin.
Leonid Hurwicz
I’m convinced I got signed because of who I am. And it makes me sad.
Jeff Buckley
I am convinced that in order for you, as a patient, to be protected, it has to be transparent, evidence-based, objective information. Not self-serving information. Not pharma-driven information. Not ad-driven information. It is transparent, objective, evidence-based information.
Patrick Soon-Shiong
I want to see us remain convinced that software matters in the future.
Satya Nadella
I had a husband who, I’m convinced, was an undiagnosed manic depressive. He didn’t treat me as if I had a brain – I was just this beautiful little doll he could show off.
Britt Ekland
I’ve become convinced that Los Angeles is going to become the next contemporary art capital – no other city has more contemporary gallery space than Los Angeles. We’ve come into our own, finally.
Eli Broad
I’m hungry in the ways that every artist is, but I also have this extra layer. I’ve done a lot of things that were consciously not for money, but because I’m so convinced I’m going to die in my mid-30s, I’m like, ‘That’s not what’s important. Doing cool stuff and having that legacy is what’s important.’
Chris Gethard
There was something special about watching a manager and umpire both convinced they were totally right, but knowing that one had to be wrong. As an ump, those moments made my job fun, and getting ‘nose-to-nose’ was part of my job description.
Doug Harvey
Let one persuade many, and he becomes confirmed and convinced, and cares for no better evidence.
Chauncey Wright
We are convinced that Turkey would be a useful member of the European Union.
Martti Ahtisaari
I got my first relaxer when I was nine years old. This was in the ’90s, and I convinced my mom to let me perm my hair so I could wear a French roll with the crimps in the front.
Teyonah Parris
If you would attract good fortune, you must get rid of doubt. As long as that stands between you and your ambition, it will be a bar that will cut you off. You must have faith. No man can make a fortune while he is convinced that he can’t.
Orison Swett Marden
The most extreme among the Brexiters are convinced they can ride the chaos and deploy the ‘shock doctrine’ to remake the nation in their ideological image.
David Olusoga
Companies with aspirations to be larger publishers – Kabam, Kixeye, even Zynga – are moving aggressively off the Facebook platform to mobile and the open Web. Publishers aren’t convinced that the costs of being on Facebook are worth it.
Mitch Lasky
Conservatives, please. Let’s not duplicate the manias of the Left as we figure out how to deal with Mr. Obama. He is not exactly the anti-Christ, although a disturbing number of people on the Right are convinced he is.
David Horowitz
There was a time when a man was so convinced that the world was round that he was determined to prove it.
Ernest Holmes
After I finished my degree in Mass Communication in Manipal, I enrolled for a cinematography course in Pune Film Institute. That is when Nandini Reddy, the director of ‘Ala Modalaindi,’ convinced me to act.
Nithya Menen
I’m still convinced that – I’m sorry to say – the body of evidence shows that the planet is warming up. And it’s warming up at a certain rate that has never been seen before in the history of the planet. We have to take that seriously.
Julie Payette
My very close friend, Aisha Ahmed… everyone is convinced that I am dating her.
Rohit Saraf
It is when I am convinced about my character that I can do justice to that role.
Dulquer Salmaan
Quite simply, without UKIP, there would not have been a referendum. I am convinced that the ‘we want our country back, we want our borders back’ message that we took across the country on an open-top double decker energised non-voters to back Brexit.
Nigel Farage
I’ve always wanted to take up work that my heart is convinced about. And I shall continue to do so.
Sakshi Tanwar
When I have been told that my films remind people of Ozu, I have never been too convinced.
Hirokazu Kore-eda
I am convinced that China needs to be a strong trading partner with the United States long term.
Chris Chocola
I have observed and taken part in some mental health first aid training, and I have met many mental health first aiders, and I am convinced that even a few hours’ training can make a real difference.
Luciana Berger
My mom convinced me to audition for ‘The X Factor.’ And I just said, ‘O.K., let me see what it’s about. $5 million? Might as well try.’ I tried out, and it worked out. I got through top seven out of 200,000, so I’m proud.
I’m convinced that sending people to Mars is so expensive that if you go once and bring the people back and then go again and bring the people back, we’re eventually going to run out of money. But what if we send people the first time and they don’t come back? What if they stay there?
Buzz Aldrin
One of the first production deals I signed, the guy wan

One of the first production deals I signed, the guy wanted my name to be Minaj and I fought him tooth and nail. But he convinced me. I’ve always hated it.
Nicki Minaj
I’m not convinced that creative people have mentors because that’s what makes them different; they just do their own thing. If anyone had tried to tell me how to go about something, I’d have run a mile. But I have certainly had a few influences in my life.
Vic Reeves
We rich people have been falsely persuaded by our schooling and the affirmation of society, and have convinced ourselves, that we are the main job creators. It’s simply not true.
Nick Hanauer
I’m convinced that we can shape a different future for this country as it relates to mental health and as it relates to suicide.
David Satcher
In some weird, warped way, I’m actually convinced that if I got mugged, I could probably take out the guy.
Katee Sackhoff
I support the view that free trade in goods and services is a win-win situation. I’m not so convinced that free flows of capital without restriction is a win-win situation.
Lee Kuan Yew
My girlfriend at the time convinced me to send these songs to Cavity Search. When they wanted to put out my record I was totally shocked.
Elliott Smith
I’m a Communist, fully convinced and dedicated to my cause.
Italo Calvino
I am convinced that anyone can accomplish anything.
Julie Payette
Cable made the Food Network possible. It was invented in 1993 by Reese Schoenfeld, a co-founder of CNN, who was convinced that its natural audience was women – millions of them.
Bill Buford
I guess, over time, I had convinced myself that I could imagine what it would be like to lose a son or daughter. You try to imagine it so that you can write the right kind of letters or form the right words to try to comfort. But you can’t even come close. It is unimaginable.
John F. Kelly
I am not convinced that lack of encryption is the primary problem. The problem with the Internet is that it is meant for communications among non-friends.
Whitfield Diffie
In the city, I wake bolt upright in the small hours, convinced that intruders are marauding through our apartment despite Swiss bank-style security arrangements.
Mariella Frostrup
Personality is essential. It is in every work of art. When someone walks on stage for a performance and has charisma, everyone is convinced that he has personality. I find that charisma is merely a form of showmanship. Movie stars usually have it. A politician has to have it.
Lukas Foss
I shall work with Congress, civil society groups and local government executives who are convinced that charter changes are needed to enable the country to surmount the unprecedented challenges of the 21st century.
Gloria Macapagal Arroyo
My reputation was built on hostility. I had no friends and some very virulent enemies in the old-guard art scene when I began. They threw their heavy artillery against me. They were convinced I was perverting the public taste.
Betty Parsons
I think it’s true of a lot of teenagers that you’re convinced that life is happening somewhere else.
Greta Gerwig
Leadership appears to be the art of getting others to want to do something you are convinced should be done.
Vance Packard
As a little kid, I was convinced that I was a guy.
Ruby Rose
Executives are convinced that a rapper has a certain lifespan as far as being a hot emcee. When you start to approach your 30s, pretty much stereotypically it’s over.
Too Short
I like to stay within the context of the character’s background. If he’s a cop, I have to make sure the audience is convinced that this person, a cop, can do only so much without a gun.
Donnie Yen
I was convinced there as only one actor to play Templeton the Rat, and that was Tony Randall.
Joseph Barbera
I am convinced that it is not the fear of death, of our lives ending that haunts our sleep so much as the fear… that as far as the world is concerned, we might as well never have lived.
Harold Kushner
I’m sorry, I’m absolutely convinced that there is at the moment no realistic prospect for very much hope in human affairs.
George Steiner
I am convinced after more than 50 years in the field of motivation that anyone who wants to learn to look at life and/or their circumstances in a positive light can do so.
Zig Ziglar
I am convinced that no one is fully educated without a full grounding in the arts.
Edward Albee
I wear black skinny-fit jeans – I can’t get away from them. It’s funny because I wore baggy jeans for ages, then one day my friend convinced me to try on a skinny pair and I thought they were great.
Shaun White
I convinced my parents to let me see an agent, but because I had been taught never to speak to strangers, I was so quiet during the interview, they said to bring me back when I was older.
Jason Fuchs
I’m really not convinced I want to be a manager at all. Managers are just wide open to abuse.
Mark Noble
I was a ballet dancer growing up and that’s what I was convinced I would be.
Candice Swanepoel
Words can never adequately convey the incredible impact of our attitudes toward life. The longer I live the more convinced I become that life is 10 percent what happens to us and 90 percent how we respond to it.
Charles R. Swindoll
As an actor, when you are called upon to do a job, you

As an actor, when you are called upon to do a job, you are oftentimes convinced you can’t do it. You say to yourself ‘I don’t have the talent for this; they are going to figure out I’m a fraud.’ And then you watch how the others do it, and fake your confidence.
Erich Bergen
I was always a very good student, 3.98 GPA… But once I found out I only had to take math and science for two years, I didn’t take them junior or senior year. And I convinced my high school to give me actual credits for doing professional shows in Minneapolis… as work-study.
Laura Osnes
As a writer, I’m convinced that encouraging children to write fiction, to hook into that marvelous machine called the imagination, has to be good for everyone.
Rodman Philbrick
An intense temperament has convinced me to teach not only from books but from what I have learned from experience. So I try to impress upon young doctors and graduate students that tumultuousness, if coupled to discipline and a cool mind, is not such a bad sort of thing.
Kay Redfield Jamison
People have been convinced that growth for growth’s sake is a good thing.
Tom Scholz
Nobody is convinced that Johnny Depp goes to Walmart dressed as Sweeney Todd, but everyone expects us to.
Andy Biersack
I found wrestling when I was 11 years old. About two years later, I convinced my mom to let me rent my first UFC tape. I was fascinated by the sport.
Michael Chiesa
I am convinced that in the upcoming chapter of the struggle, I can be more useful to the inevitable change that will soon come to Cuba, to Cuba’s freedom, as a private citizen dedicated to helping the heroes within Cuba.
Lincoln Diaz-Balart
The more I have studied Lincoln, the more I have followed his thought processes, the more I am convinced that he understood leadership better than any other American president.
David Herbert Donald
I’m not convinced about marriage. Divorce is so easy, and that fact that gay people are not allowed to marry takes much of the meaning out of it. Committing yourself to one person is sacred.
Natalie Portman
We know too much, and are convinced of too little. Our literature is a substitute for religion, and so is our religion.
T. S. Eliot
Hulk Hogan convinced me that WrestleMania was where my goals needed to be at.
Salesforce’s Chatter is what convinced me that the company understood what is going on in the enterprise; this was the biggest attraction for me. I saw that Salesforce understands social.
J.P. Rangaswami
My breadth of football experience, my injury history, and my all-or-nothing goal to become one of the best linebackers in the NFL, combined with all I’d been learning about the game’s neurological effects on the brain, convinced me I’d be wise in choosing another career.
Chris Borland
I am convinced by my style of play, so I take risks without much hesitation.
Manuel Neuer
I’m serenely convinced that we are heading into what will amount to a ‘time out’ from technological progress as we know it.
James Howard Kunstler
I have met people on the subway who have told me the most profound stories, and I am convinced we all have something to teach each other if we just slow down long enough to hear the message.
Amanda de Cadenet
Since being in India, I am more convinced than ever before that the method of nonviolent resistance is the most potent weapon available to oppressed people in their struggle for justice and human dignity.
Martin Luther King, Jr.
I’m convinced that the infantry is the group in the army which gives more and gets less than anybody else.
Bill Mauldin
I am sufficiently convinced already that the members of a profession know their own calling better than anyone else can know it.
Asa Gray
When a script shows two individuals attracted to each other, why can’t they kiss on screen? As far as the scene is honest, not meant to titillate the masses, and, most importantly, I am convinced about it, I am okay with it.
Aditi Rao Hydari
I’m convinced that no one can amount to a damn in the arts if he becomes sweetly reasonable, seeing all sides of a picture, forgiving all sins.
Kurt Vonnegut
You’re not gonna do what we do better than we do it. Even if you’re doing what we do, you’re not gonna do it better. I’m absolutely convinced of that.
John Calipari
My feeling is unless they’ve somebody lined up and they are convinced he is going to be better than Brian, I think their decision has been made in haste.
Mark Lawrenson
While the crash only took place six months ago, I am convinced we have now passed the worst, and with continued unity of effort, we shall rapidly recover. There is one certainty of the future of a people of the resources, intelligence and character of the people of the United States – that is, prosperity.
Herbert Hoover
Most people I’ve talked to are convinced that they’re not getting valuable information from news media anymore. I’m not talking about tinfoil-hatters either, these are intelligent people who believe their news media has failed them.
Drew Curtis
I thought I was learning about show business. The more painful it was, the more important I thought the experience must be. Hating it, I convinced myself it must be invaluable.
Judy Holliday
I mean, I did plays in high school, but I was convinced you couldn’t make a living doing it.
Adam Driver
I was a baseball guy. Mom wouldn’t let me play football when I was little because she was scared I’d get hurt. So, I finally convinced her to let me play in 7th grade.
Calvin Johnson
Every time that I write a novel I am convinced for at least two years that it is the last one, because a novel is like a child. It takes two years after its birth. You have to take care of it. It starts walking, and then speaking.
Umberto Eco
Convinced that the attachment of colonies to the metropolis, depends infinitely more upon moral and religious feeling, than political arrangement, or even commercial advantage, I cannot but lament that more is not done to instill it into the minds of the people.
John Strachan
Society is now less convinced of the absolute accuracy

Society is now less convinced of the absolute accuracy of the criminal justice system.
Tom Price
I used to wear bandanas around my head and beaded necklaces that I had made myself. This was my ‘cool’ outfit that I was convinced would bring me attention.
Lucy DeVito
I’m convinced the question of development is mainly an issue of governance and leadership.
Augustin Matata Ponyo
I am quite convinced now… that the actual training of drawing cartoons – which is, of course, my style – led to my producing Spot. Cartoons must be very simple and have as few words as possible, and so, too, must the ‘Spot’ books.
Eric Hill
I’m absolutely convinced that the threat we face now, the idea of a terrorist in the middle of one of our cities with a nuclear weapon, is very real and that we have to use extraordinary measures to deal with it.
Dick Cheney
I am convinced that dealing intelligently with the press is of the greatest importance to the success and effectiveness of a humanitarian mission.
Alvin Adams
I am convinced, the way one plays chess always reflects the player’s personality. If something defines his character, then it will also define his way of playing.
Vladimir Kramnik
Taking even one therapy session is just one step in the right direction to getting help and getting better, so I think it’s great. I love it. I’ve convinced a lot of my friends to get into therapy, and they’ve given it a shot. Sometimes it’s not for everybody at that time.
Tyler Posey
Corruption is… the result of a decadent political regime. We are absolutely convinced that this evil is the main cause of social and economic inequality, and also that corruption is to blame for the violence in our country.
Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador
I was convinced I’d hate Twitter – but I’ve come to like it very much. I use it mostly to keep in touch with friends and colleagues I wish I could see more often – I sometimes feel a little isolated living in Yorkshire, and it’s nice to have the contact.
Joanne Harris
Sir Rodin convinced my parents to have me committed; they are all in Paris to arrange it.
Camille Claudel
I can never do something that I am not 100 per cent convinced about.
Sayani Gupta
I’m absolutely convinced that the very small global warming we are experiencing is the result of natural causes. It’s a cyclical phenomenon in the history of the Earth. The role of man is very small, almost negligible.
Vaclav Klaus
Mainstream media has convinced people that black people aren’t relatable. So when a Jewish person comes up to me and is all, ‘Oh man, I love that one scene from Episode 3, I watch it over and over again,’ I’m so happy. Because that’s what I want.
Issa Rae
I was convinced that the only thing I wanted to do ever – was write novels.
J. K. Rowling
And I wasn’t convinced that I was the most talented person in the world.
Debbie Harry
I don’t think that people in power can be convinced by words or articles. They will never give it up by choice.
Nawal El Saadawi
I have never seen a ghost. But yes, I believe because I know too many people who have had experiences. When I lived in Notting Hill, I shared a flat with a mate who was convinced that there was a presence in our house.
Marsha Thomason
You put on this set of goggles, and within seconds, your brain is convinced you’re now in a different, virtual environment. You’re somewhere else, and that somewhere else may be a video game, it may be in a real-time movie, a museum exhibit, or a medical surgical training app.
Brendan Iribe
But I do know this: that the two and a half years that I’ve been at HUD, I am absolutely convinced that some of the best workers in the world are in Federal Government.
Alphonso Jackson
I’m convinced that probably everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. It’s just one more reason to always try to be kind.
Yolanda Hadid
The physiologist who succeeds in penetrating deeper and deeper into the digestive canal becomes convinced that it consists of a number of chemical laboratories equipped with various mechanical devices.
Ivan Pavlov
Can you say that in 20 years people would still use the iPhone? Maybe not. Maybe we’d have a new product or something more innovative. What I can say today is that, in 20 years, I’m quite convinced that people will still drink Dom Perignon.
Bernard Arnault
I am convinced that the Obama administration and Clinton Dynasty would rather hail the Communist Manifesto than the Declaration of Independence this Fourth of July. And there’s more than enough proof to show how they have been slow-cooking our Founders’ republic into a red-star state like China.
Chuck Norris
In 2000 I was really close to sign for Real Madrid. I was in Belgium, playing the European Championship. I even took a picture with the Real Madrid shirt because all the parties thought that it was a done deal. But Wenger called me several times and convinced me to sign for Arsenal instead.
Robert Pires
Fairy tales were important to me. Aren’t they for any kid? My sister says I spent a good five years of my youth convinced I would grow up to be a princess.
Susannah Grant
Environmentalists should like fracking for its relative cleanliness. But they don’t. They have made a bugaboo out of the chemicals in fracking fluids, which supposedly can leach into groundwater sources. I’m convinced they’re dead wrong. Ultimately, good technology with a cost advantage will win out over paranoia.
Kenneth Fisher
When I told people in Dubai that I am going to leave my job here and head to Mumbai, they were convinced that I will not survive in the dust, grime, pollution.
Kubra Sait
Some days, I’ll tell you that everything in life was meant to be and that there is an order to the universe. Other days, I’m convinced it’s all a combination of luck and opportunity.
Taylor Jenkins Reid
When I was really young, I was convinced I wanted to be a visual artist. I would paint and draw and make crafts.
Alessia Cara
My father was convinced that America was the greatest place in the world. I’m afraid I didn’t have the family I would have dreamed of.
William Klein
Us reaching the moon convinced Gorbachev and other lead

Us reaching the moon convinced Gorbachev and other leaders that the Soviet Union couldn’t compete with the U.S., so they revised their agenda. But people have short memories.
Buzz Aldrin
I wanted to quit the industry when I was eighteen and finish ’70s’, finish my contract on the show and go to college because I was pretty convinced that after ’70s’ and after being on a show for eight years that I would be very much pigeonholed for something specific that I didn’t want to be a part of anymore.
Mila Kunis
I’m convinced from what I know of Vernon Bundy that his testimony was truthful.
Jim Garrison
I remember during ‘Devdas,’ people told me that they had seen ‘Devdas’ before, so what would be so different about this one. But I was convinced with the subject, and that is what drove me.
Sanjay Leela Bhansali
I am more convinced than ever that a lively two party system is essential to our democracy.
Stockwell Day
I am convinced that this approach, a mainstream Democratic approach, commands the strong support of the American people, and presents a sharp and compassionate contrast to the Republican abortion position which offers no real hope or commitment to mother or child.
Robert Casey
I am convinced that if you serve great value, people will come to you.
Eric Ripert
I did what any good full-time working mother would do and left my screaming toddler with my husband for three weeks and convinced Comedy Central to send me on an international work vacation.
Desi Lydic
Even though I am sympathetic to newspapers, I am not entirely convinced by the newspapers’ claim that Google News violates fair use standards in posting snippets from news articles on its site.
Glenn Kelman
Bobby Lee’s actions and his dealings with Bob Arum have convinced me that I am not being treated fairly by Bobby Lee.
Julio Cesar Chavez Sr.
It might surprise people to know that the person who convinced me to write the third memoir – ‘The Hardcore Diaries’ – was actually Vince McMahon.
Mick Foley
In the 1960s, I was convinced that the world was extremely mentally ill.
I knew a gentleman who was 65 who had a consulting firm outside of Kansas City, Mo. I convinced him to sell me the business, which did auditing and reviewing of freight bill charges, for nothing down. It was a step out of working in this bureaucratic setting of corporate America and going out on my own in 1984.
David Steward
Well, I am now convinced there is no kind of fear or anxiety anyone has to live with.
Ricky Williams
I am convinced that policies meant to reduce alleged carbon dioxide-induced global warming will be destructive.
Christopher Monckton
I am convinced that the norm in Russia should become a family with three children.
Vladimir Putin
Pixar’s short films convinced Disney that if the company could produce memorable characters within five minutes, then the confidence was there in creating a feature film with those abilities in story and character development.
John Lasseter
I am convinced that if you win one trophy, then the rest will follow.
Jan Vertonghen
Every Christian must be convinced of his fundamental and vital duty of bearing witness to the truth in which he believes and the grace that has transformed him.
Pope John XXIII
Nobody has ever convinced me that ancient aliens have visited Earth. Not even close.
Dan Brown
Don’t be afraid to convince yourself that your business is incredible, but don’t expect others to be convinced without solid data to back it up. Ideas can be a worth a lot, but they are usually not. Execution is everything.
Palmer Luckey
I am convinced that we need a stronger Europe that acts in a common agreement on the most crucial issues. For me these are safety, defense, innovation and the aim to maintain our well being.
Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer
We are convinced of the huge potential that still lies ahead and particularly in The Economist’s ability to seize the many development opportunities linked to the digitisation of the media industry.
John Elkann
I don’t do any work that I am not very convinced about. That has always been my stand.
Rhea Chakraborty
I understand that some people might think differently, but my duty is to take confidence from playing well. And I’m convinced that with my attitude and ability, everything will go back to being the way it was before. That’s what we all want. The Madrid fans and me.
Iker Casillas
I am convinced that material things can contribute a lot to making one’s life pleasant, but, basically, if you do not have very good friends and relatives who matter to you, life will be really empty and sad and material things cease to be important.
David Rockefeller
Here’s the perversity of Wall Street’s psychology: The more Wall Street is convinced that Washington will act rationally and raise the debt ceiling, most likely at the 11th hour, the less pressure there will be on lawmakers to reach an agreement. That will make it more likely a deal isn’t reached.
Andrew Ross Sorkin
I’m really convinced that our descendants a century or two from now will look back at us with the same pity that we have toward the people in the field of science two centuries ago.
John Templeton
I was invited to a dinner party by an ex, and I was convinced that he wanted to rekindle our relationship. I prohibited my friends from coming with me because I didn’t want to make it awkward for them when he professed his love to me.
Chrissie Fit
I always enjoyed singing but I was never convinced that I had a big voice like that, that was distinctive, I just thought I can sing in the choir.
Jenny Ryan
The Republicans ought to be nowhere near trying to help Obama save his bacon. But they don’t think that’s what they’re doing, I’m convinced. You talk about trauma and the need for therapy, I really think that the Republicans have been genuinely psychologically traumatized by decades of media criticism.
Rush Limbaugh
I remain convinced that the most valuable use of time f

I remain convinced that the most valuable use of time for a newly published author is to write a second book that’s even better than the first, and a third that’s better than the second, and on and on.
Suzanne Brockmann
After two years at UCLA, I decided to leave. I was convinced that no amount of education would help a black man get a job.
Jackie Robinson
When I get out across the country and listen to people, the resentment that I see and the frustration that I see is that we have a generation of people who are fairly convinced that their kids are not going to have a better quality of life or a better future than they will.
Justin Trudeau
I remain convinced of the compelling case for connected care.
Frans van Houten
I am absolutely convinced that the E.U. will still be around. I am convinced the U.K. will be sitting at that table and not negotiating an exit, but being there to stay.
Mark Rutte
I am firmly convinced that, in future years, China and India will join hands in playing a more active role in maintaining peace and stability in the region and the world at large and make due contribution to the cause of human progress and development.
Li Peng
When I came to Barca, I know some people doubted me. They weren’t totally convinced. But, and I’ve said this before, that never really bothers me.
I’m convinced that if we don’t define ourselves, other people will do it for us, and inaccurately.
Hasan M. Elahi
We are long before we are convinced that happiness is never to be found, and each believes it possessed by others, to keep alive the hope of obtaining it for himself.
Samuel Johnson
I am convinced that 100 years from now, people will talk about Elliott Carter as one of the most important figures in the second half of 20th-century music.
Daniel Barenboim
In the past, Britons were scathing about the cruelties of the old Roman empire and the excesses of Catholic empire builders such as the Spanish and the French. They convinced themselves that their empire was different and benign because it rested on sea power and trade rather than on armies.
Linda Colley
Some members of the Vienna Philharmonic convinced me to try Bruckner, which I have never done before. And that was interesting to me to have this experience with this orchestra, which knows the repertoire very well, and to be confronted with this knowledge, and to learn from them.
Pierre Boulez
I’m not convinced that Nixon would have survived in office if he’d burned the tapes, but I do believe he would have served out his presidency if he’d never made them in the first place.
Thomas Mallon
A box-office number is good for a producer and the industry to keep the turnover game on, but as an actor, I give importance to script. I will turn down a script, even if it guarantees Rs. 100 crore, when I’m not convinced with it.
Naga Chaitanya
I remain convinced that I can be a true universalist only when I am a better Jew.
Theodore Bikel
We all recognize that Colorado and our nation have a long and storied tradition of gun ownership for hunting, outdoor recreation and self-defense. However, I am not convinced that combat weapons are necessarily part of that heritage.
Mark Udall
My wife’s biggest fear is air pollution, living in London as we do. She’s convinced that’s the big problem. And my own is sink holes and the inevitability of us all, at some point, collapsing into a sink hole and never being seen again.
Jon Richardson
If it is true that the great missionaries of the 16th century were convinced that one who was not baptized was lost – and that explains their missionary commitment – in the Catholic Church after the Second Vatican Council, that conviction was definitely abandoned.
Pope Benedict XVI
Having a mother who had been an aeronautical engineer convinced me that more things should be open to women.
Elizabeth Moon
I was undeterred by the danger of traveling as a single American woman through Taliban-governed land. I believed in the stories I wanted to tell, the stories I felt were underreported, and I was convinced that that belief would keep me alive.
Lynsey Addario
In 1787, many Americans were convinced that the ‘perpetual union’ they had created in winning independence was collapsing. Six years earlier, in the Articles of Confederation, the thirteen state governments had surrendered extensive powers to a congress of delegates from each state legislature.
Edmund Morgan
We have to say now we think the character of the party has changed so far it will take something very exceptional, something really out of the ordinary line to make us be convinced there’s a chance of winning back the party.
Shirley Williams
We do not exist for ourselves alone, and it is only when we are fully convinced of this fact that we begin to love ourselves properly and thus also love others.
Thomas Merton
I was really scared of the devil growing up: I was convinced I was going to be possessed.
Perfume Genius
I am very convinced that I did not contract Ebola in the isolation unit, because our process is so safe.
Kent Brantly
Israel is much more effective when the Israelis are convinced that we are on the moral high ground: that we are acting not just out of might, but also out of right.
Ehud Barak
I am convinced that our movement will be more demoralized and weakened by blind and uncritical admiration than by frank admission of past mistakes.
Marie Louise
I’m not convinced that abstinence-only education works.
Barbara Delinsky
I can say that we are very clear in our mind about the responsibility of the national soldiers for the break with civilisation that was the Shoah. We are firmly convinced that this is something that will have to be handed over to generations to come… so we don’t see any reason to change our view of history.
Angela Merkel
I’m usually convinced that what I’m working on is a total disaster.
Claire Tomalin
I didn’t feel like I had as many fans as the other girls. It was a strange feeling. I never thought that it was because I was the darkest member of the band. I felt overlooked. So I did everything to make myself more noticed, convinced I wasn’t good enough.
Leigh-Anne Pinnock
Kathy Dewar, my high-school English teacher, introduced

Kathy Dewar, my high-school English teacher, introduced me to journalism. From the moment I wrote my first article for the student paper, I convinced myself that having my name in print – writing in English, interviewing Americans – validated my presence here.
Jose Antonio Vargas
I am convinced that success is not measured by what you get out of life, but by what you give back.
Jerry Moran
As soon as the legitimate Lebanese government is convinced that the conditions have ripened and that Lebanon is able to maintain stability on its own… Then, the Syrian forces will return to their homeland.
Bashar al-Assad
Writing, I’m convinced, should be a subversive activity – frowned on by the authorities – and not one cooed over and praised beyond common sense by some teacher.
Dan Simmons
Tactically, I know how to play on one side even though I remain convinced that I can play better through the middle.
Samir Nasri
In my teenage years I was put off the idea of a career in flying, because I’d convinced myself that you had to be a boffin with degrees in maths and physics, which were my weakest subjects.
Bruce Dickinson
The most important thing is to write material that YOU think is funny. If you don’t think it’s funny, but you’re convinced that other people will think it is, well they won’t.
Mo Rocca
For nearly a century, the South made itself believe that Negroes and white people were really communicating. So convinced of this were the white Southerners that they almost made the nation believe that they, and only they, knew the mind of the Southern Negro.
Benjamin E. Mays
I think the inception of my interest in arts was when I was around 9 or 10 and I started dancing. I was really convinced that I was going to go to New York and be onstage in ‘A Chorus Line.’
Robin Wright
I am convinced that God wanted me to be a baseball player.
Roberto Clemente
We, the Social Democrats, are convinced that capitalism needs to be tamed a second time. The first time we achieved that in Germany for many decades with the social market economy. That is no longer enough. Now we need to do it in Europe and even globally.
Sigmar Gabriel
If you’re convinced that you face bad options, then by all means take the least bad.
Michael Ledeen
I’m a big fan of ‘National Geographic’, the magazine and the channel. Anything to do with the natural world. For years, when I was younger, I was convinced I would be a nature photographer, but that didn’t pan out.
Tom Weston-Jones
I am convinced that living in an enclave shapes the personality, and living alone shapes the personality too.
Mary Douglas
If I am convinced with the storyline and get an opportunity to play a powerful role, I would.
Navya Nair
Let me tell you what changed my mind: it was when Donald Trump picked Mike Pence to be his running mate. I was convinced that Donald Trump knew exactly what he was doing, and he knew that was rounded out the ticket in many ways.
Bill Flores
I didn’t want to put out ‘The Unseen’ because I thought I would be criticized. I thought everyone would think the sped-up vocals were a gimmick. I had to be convinced to put it out.
The one thing I’m convinced George W. Bush is good at is bipartisanship. It’s clearly something he enjoys personally.
Tucker Carlson
I’ve become convinced that nostalgia is a fundamentally unhealthy modality. When you see it, it’s usually attached to something else that’s really, seriously bad. I don’t traffic in nostalgia. We’re becoming a global culture.
William Gibson
I’m convinced we go to school at the wrong time. I’d have been delighted, aged 12, to get out into the world and earn some money doing something menial.
Victoria Coren Mitchell
I am a soldier, convinced that I am acting on behalf of soldiers.
Siegfried Sassoon
I am convinced that people with such wounds will be quite ready to co-operate in a safe and painless experiment in the interests of humanity as a whole.
Robert Barany
I am convinced the prophets of doom have to be taken seriously.
Maurice Strong
Entrepreneurship is all about an idea that creates differentiated business value to one’s customers. You must be able to convince your customers about the benefits that association with you or your products will give them. People are ready to pay if they are convinced about your services or products.
N. R. Narayana Murthy
I’m not convinced I have fans.
David Berman
I’m now convinced that all arthritis, most coronary artery disease, acne, eczema, and the autoimmune diseases are all caused or worsened by lectins.
Steven Gundry
In high school I had sex with girls quite a few times. They were straight women who I convinced to jump in the sack with me.
Portia de Rossi
I really became convinced I wanted to tell the story of the real-life model for the Degas sculpture ‘Little Dancer Aged 14,’ which was unveiled in 1881, the Belle Epoque.
Cathy Marie Buchanan
That’s why I can’t listen to a whole record of Adele’s. She has the most amazing voice, but people must have convinced her they just want to hear love songs.
Lukas Forchhammer
Although the most acute judges of the witches and even the witches themselves, were convinced of the guilt of witchery, the guilt nevertheless was non-existent. It is thus with all guilt.
Friedrich Nietzsche
As I travel across Illinois and talk with people, and as others reach out to my office desperate for help, I am becoming convinced that, despite their rhetoric, many lenders have no interest in actually helping their customers.
Lisa Madigan
In my early 20s, connecting with fiction was a difficul

In my early 20s, connecting with fiction was a difficult process. There seemed to be little rhyme or reason to what was meaningful, what convinced, and what made sense.
Sarah Hall
I will do a dance number only if I’m convinced about how the director would present me. I’d do something only if the script demands.
Koena Mitra
Out of sheer respect for the people I look up to in the industry, I do say ‘yes’ to projects at times. It helps me learn a lot. Also, if I am playing a small role in a good, content-driven film, I say yes to it. But there have been times when I said ‘no’ to films because I was not convinced with the content.
Everybody is a True Believer. Everybody has a little nugget they’re convinced of that is the opposite of the nugget on the other side. And they’re convinced it’s fact.
Jane Haddam
Would not obeying to my mother’s warnings, who is at least 25 years older than me, be returning to the past? And rebelling against her would mean ruining my mother’s, who, I am convinced that, is a virtuous high woman, heart and evaluations. I do not find this right, either.
Mustafa Kemal Ataturk
I’m truly convinced that by living up to the values we stand for, we can serve as a moral inspiration for others, just as we’ve been morally inspired by those who came before us.
Joshua Wong
I was convinced I was worth less than my straight peers. I was at best inauthentic, and the longer I went without amending that dishonesty, the more ashamed I felt.
James McGreevey
I’m convinced that Sanford and Son shows middle-class America a lot of what they need to know.
Redd Foxx
When I was a really young child, I felt like I could see fairies. I was convinced there were fairies in my grandmother’s garden.
Noel Fielding
A person who doubts himself is like a man who would enlist in the ranks of his enemies and bear arms against himself. He makes his failure certain by himself being the first person to be convinced of it.
Alexandre Dumas
I’m totally convinced that the battleground of banking is not the front office. The battleground is the back end.
Sergio Ermotti
The kids I talk to are convinced their generation will make the best music. And the greatest artists have yet to be discovered. I walk around with that thought every day.
L.A. Reid
To be successful in your life, you have to be convinced in your own mind that you have the ability to accomplish your goals.
Dennis DeYoung
If you want to be fully convinced of the abominations of slavery, go on a southern plantation, and call yourself a negro trader. Then there will be no concealment; and you will see and hear things that will seem to you impossible among human beings with immortal souls.
Harriet Ann Jacobs
The ideal of all Kosovo is membership in the E.U. and a permanent friendship with the United States. I believe and I am convinced our dreams will come true.
Atifete Jahjaga
You can only get really unpopular decisions through if the electorate is convinced of the value of the environment. That’s what natural history programmes should be for.
David Attenborough
Mark Hughes convinced me to come to Stoke, he has helped me and showed his trust in me from the beginning.
Bojan Krkic
This is the Italian national team; there’s no need to give caps away. If the coach calls up certain players, it’s because he’s convinced they can give a big hand, and that’s why I’m here.
Fabio Quagliarella
I guess for my skin, I clean it and moisturize and try to drink water. How boring is this though? I’m convinced that it comes from within. If you’re happy and healthy, it shows.
Olivia Wilde
When I realized I can actually lift and drop someone, I was convinced I have become stronger.
Wamiqa Gabbi
There’s no wobble in Bush. If anything, the opposite. Right after hello, the next words out of his mouth are: I’ve never been more convinced that the decisions I made are the right decisions.
Rich Lowry
I never take up a case until I am convinced that the person is guilty.
Subramanian Swamy
Early experiences convinced me that animals can and do have quite distinct personalities.
Chuck Jones
We’re going to have to find a way to serve our constituents and our taxpayers better and quicker and more accurately with fewer workers. I’m convinced we can do it and we don’t have a choice.
Kevin Brady
I am not convinced the Clean Air Act was ever intended to regulate or classify as a dangerous pollutant something as basic and ubiquitous in our atmosphere as carbon dioxide.
Jim Webb
I am convinced the next major attack against the United States may well be conducted by people with Asian or African faces, not the ones that many Americans are alert to.
George Tenet
I am ultimately convinced that people must first be told that so and so is great ,and then, after a period of given time, they come to believe it for themselves.
Eva Hesse