Top 430 Dating Quotes

Dating Quotes: Navigating the Journey of Love and Relationships

Embracing Love: Dating Quotes for Inspiration and Reflection

Dating is an exhilarating and sometimes challenging journey filled with ups and downs, excitement and uncertainty. It is a process of discovering oneself and building connections with others. In this collection of dating quotes, we explore the intricacies of love, relationships, and the beautiful chaos that comes with them. These quotes encapsulate the joys, the struggles, and the transformative power of dating, offering insights and inspiration along the way.

Love’s Lessons: Quotes to Illuminate the Path of Dating

Allow these dating quotes to resonate with you as you navigate the world of love and relationships. Draw wisdom from the experiences of others, reflect on your own journey, and find solace in the shared experiences of love’s triumphs and challenges. May these quotes remind you to cherish the moments of connection, embrace vulnerability, and stay true to yourself throughout the dating process.

Dating is kind of hard. Like dinner or something like t

Dating is kind of hard. Like dinner or something like that. Like a forced awkward situation is very strange. Especially for me, for some reason.
Zac Efron
I love sushi. Once on Valentine’s Day, someone I was dating rocked up at the airport to pick me up with a bag of salmon because I love it so much.
Ella Eyre
I’m single, and I hate dating.
Keshia Knight Pulliam
You may hear the most beautiful things, you may hear promises, you may hear everything you want to hear but if the person you’re dating is not following up with their actions then they’re just words.
Nancy Juvonen
I didn’t have a financial need, and I wasn’t very gifted at relationships. I probably was more like what we think of boys as being: hard to pin down and wary of commitment.
Candice Bergen
No matter how love-sick a woman is, she shouldn’t take the first pill that comes along.
Joyce Brothers
I’ve said many times how big a wrestling fan I am, but all my bias aside as her husband, I’m a huge Candice LeRae fan. I was a huge Candice LeRae fan before we started dating. I was a huge Candice LeRae fan before we got married.
Johnny Gargano
In the age of social media and dating apps, so many people are able to hide behind their Instagram page or their Raya page or Facebook. And it’s like, ‘Let’s set something up! I want to meet face-to-face.’ And ‘Take Me’ was about, ‘Are you going to take me out? Do I have to be the first person to make the move?’
AJ Michalka
Dating as a single parent is tricky. My kids are usually seen less as a ‘bonus’ and more as a ‘situation.’
Stephanie Land
I’ve never dated anywhere else, so I only know L.A. dating, and I wouldn’t wish it upon my worst enemy. I’ve pulled back and taken the pressure off of myself to figure it out, because there’s so much pressure about status that dating has become this game where you pull out all your tricks.
Erin Foster
I’m in love with love and totally believe in marriage, but that’s not even on my radar right now. I am not putting energy into dating.
Selena Gomez
Do not just look at your boyfriend as just a boyfriend. Look at him as a friend, too.
Vanessa Hudgens
Dating and getting attention from boys was something that came later to me.
Rachelle Lefevre
Julianne Moore and Michael Keaton began in 1980s soap operas and 1970s sitcoms, respectively, such ancient history by show business standards that you need carbon dating to measure their careers.
Steve Erickson
A seersucker suit is one of the most iconic styles dating from the 1920s and is still a gentleman’s best bet when it’s hot and sticky.
Roger Stone
To find a prince, you gotta kiss some toads.
Foxy Brown
It’s always been my personal feeling that unless you are married, there is something that is not very dignified about talking about who you are dating.
Luke Wilson
I had to find a diet that would kick me back into dating shape, because I know that I can’t date at size 8. I have to date at size 2. And it’s just a fact of nature. Go get your injections and your chemical peels. You gotta look good to attract a man.
Patti Stanger
Going through a breakup in the middle of a pandemic/quarantine has really put a crimp on dating.
Becca Kufrin
Honestly, even if I was dating someone, I will not talk about it unless I am 100 per cent sure about it, because I am a private person.
Hina Khan
I’ve always gone out with much younger guys. But I rushed into relationships before really getting to know the person. What would come up as a warning sign within the first two weeks of dating would usually be the exact reason the relationship would end!
Carrie Ann Inaba
I was dating my first boyfriend in high school for a long time, and we broke up before prom. I hadn’t met anyone else that I really wanted to go with, and my friends have always been amazing. So I went with my friends and got a million photos with them!
Shay Mitchell
When I first got started in this whole world of online connecting, we were combating this antiquated stereotype of who used online dating, and we really set out to make it popular with millennials. What I find to be so fascinating now is, I’m seeing an inverse in that trend.
Whitney Wolfe Herd
The prevailing subtext of every dating book is that beautiful women are surpassingly obtainable, so long as you get over the intimidation that keeps you from approaching them. That’s maybe the dumbest advice ever.
Sean Evans
We all prospect, and don’t even know we’re doing it. When you start the dating process, you are actually prospecting for the person you want to marry. When you’re interviewing employees, you are prospecting for someone who will best fit your needs.
Zig Ziglar
I never did video dating.
Adam F. Goldberg
The trail of dating sites relying heavily on Facebook is littered with failures.
Sunil Nagaraj
I’ve been on so many blind dates, I should get a free dog.
Wendy Liebman
I got that experience through dating dozens of men for six years after college, getting an entry level magazine job at 21, working in the fiction department at Good Housekeeping and then working as a fashion editor there as well as writing many articles for the magazine.
Judith Krantz
A bachelor’s life is no life for a single man.
Samuel Goldwyn
Honestly, my dating life according to the tabloids is very exciting, and the most hilarious thing is that it’s nowhere near as exciting as the tabloids have ever made it out to be.
Margot Robbie
I think back to when I was in high school, to 17-year o

I think back to when I was in high school, to 17-year old Daria, who was dating guys and thought that that was the only way of life. I was very confused, and it was definitely manifesting itself in other parts of my life that were unhealthy.
Sonya Deville
In this day and age of Internet, where we have several dating sites, it is bizarre to say the audience is not ready to watch bolder themes.
Vikram Bhatt
I didn’t want to be short. I’ve tried to pretend that being a short guy didn’t matter. I tried to make up for being short by affecting a strut, by adopting the voice of a much bigger man, by spending more money than I made, by tipping double or triple at bars and restaurants, by dating tall, beautiful women.
Mickey Rooney
The sort of the most efficient way for online dating marketplace to evolve and, in fact, any marketplace to evolve is to have one really big market where people can enter and exit as they please, where people have really advanced search, sort, and filtering technology.
Sam Yagan
It’s not always the case that when you’re dating someone that the family likes you.
Shibani Dandekar
I think, at the end of the day, age is just a number. It’s like, in real life, I’ve got friends who are dating someone their age or dating someone who’s twice their age, and they’re equally in love.
Margot Robbie
My friends and the people I know understand that I’m going to ask them what they’re doing, how they’re dating, who they’re dating, where they’re going and what they’re doing. I’m constantly asking those questions and making sure I’m in touch with the customer.
Sam Yagan
Any online dating profile is about making us more human, more three-dimensional.
Matthew Hussey
When I was first divorced, I started dating younger women, and it was really exciting. But after a while I was like, ‘This is just dumb.’
Louis C. K.
In 10 years of being together – 6 while dating and 4 in marriage – my wife has never once complained about my physical or mental absence in our relationship.
Bhavish Aggarwal
I think that dating other musicians can be complicated at times. Especially when they think highly of themselves.
Nick Jonas
I hate being the heartbreaker. Hate it. If I date somebody and it doesn’t work out, it’s another nightmare for me.
John Mayer
Anything I take up or do, I have to consult Shilpa. From what I wear to who I am dating, I make her a part of everything as I have faith in her judgment.
Shamita Shetty
My views are very fluctuating. I have very contradictory takes on the subject. Dating is easier, while marriage is hard work. You see your friends having early divorces, and on the other hand, you see your parents having a successful marriage.
Kangana Ran
Good-looking individuals are treated better than homely ones in virtually every social situation, from dating to trial by jury. If everyday experience hasn’t convinced you of this, there’s research that will.
Martha Beck
I was dating a guy that was a huge wrestling fan and I’m embarrassed to say it now but I used to make fun of him for watching it.
Torrie Wilson
I’m quite sensitive to women. I saw how my sister got treated by boyfriends. I read this thing that said when you are in a relationship with a woman, imagine how you would feel if you were her father. That’s been my approach, for the most part.
Orlando Bloom
I don’t have much experience, but the few times when I would go on a date with a girl – like when I was 12 – there was a lot of sharing, and a lot of talking, and a lot of asking how I am. They thought we were dating, and I was sort of hoping to meet their brothers.
Anderson Cooper
‘Dating In The Dark’ is a unique show that is going to bring something very new to the table for the audiences. The format will make people look beyond the general dating norms of our society: who knows, maybe even reinvent them.
Nora Fatehi
Fereydun, that’s my dad’s name. My grandmother, my dad’s mom, when she was pregnant, she was dating a man from Persia, a Persian gentleman. It wasn’t his child, but he was still very supportive and said, ‘Hey, this is a great name,’ and so it stuck. So that’s what she named him.
Fred Armisen
Frankly, the reason I joined MENSA is because I was dating a guy at the time who spoke five languages and could solve a Rubik’s Cube literally with his eyes closed because it’s just an algorithm.
Ashley Rickards
Everyone in the dating business wants to know what women want – it’s the billion-dollar question. But it’s simple: put one in charge, and you find out.
Whitney Wolfe Herd
I have spent a decade of my life dating. I am thrilled about never going on another bad date for the rest of my life. I’m also so excited to learn and grow with the person I respect most in this world.
Leah Pipes
It was funny actually because that was still during the time we were dating. He would get all these calls because supposedly before we broke up, we had already broken up in the trades, in the rags or whatever.
Rosario Dawson
I’m not very good at dating.
Evan Peters
If you cry over a guy, then your friends can’t date him. It can’t even be considered.
Taylor Swift
I’m not dating anyone until I get my career where I want it to be.
Molly Qerim
I was dating girls who were actresses, and that was fun, so I took a playwriting class. But that was short-lived. That was one year. Around that time, I was seeing movies that were making me think in terms of images.
Richard Linklater
My work involves online dating, but I believe almost every behavior exhibited online has an offline corollary. Really, the medium doesn’t change human nature.
Sam Yagan
I’m a bit of a romantic, to a fault. It’s led me to some great things and also some sad things. It’s made me a better person, to keep a good spirit about dating.
Alexander Koch
Good-looking individuals are treated better than homely ones in virtually every social situation, from dating to trial by jury.
Martha Beck
I'm dating a woman now who, evidently, is unaware of it

I’m dating a woman now who, evidently, is unaware of it.
Garry Shandling
I was raised middle-class in a small town. I have all my same friends from high school. I’m close with my family. I’m dating a normal girl. So I want to feel people think I’m a man of the people. Because I feel that way.
Miles Teller
I don’t believe in casual dating. I think that’s nonsense.
I’m not traditional at all. It’s not that I’m against marriage; it just never mattered that much to me. If I was dating someone who getting married was very important to them, then absolutely. I’d have no problem. I love the idea of finding someone to be a great father figure to Jasper and to share my life with.
Georgina Bloomberg
Dating co-stars is natural. When you’re working with someone, it’s habit.
Rachel Bilson
I have an urge to communicate. I think I’m a change from what it would be like dating a normal guy who doesn’t talk too much.
Dating, like almost every other male-female interaction in present-day society, is based on outmoded and unequal social roles and expectations.
Lynn Coady
Anybody I’m dating, I don’t want them to talk about my music. I don’t talk about my music to them.
When you’re really young, dating girls, and trying to explain Kiss, they just look at you like you’re kind of crazy. I think they got so big in the Seventies and were such a phenomenon – they did the ‘Kiss Meets the Phantom of the Park’ movie, the solo records – some people only know the merchandising stuff.
Mike McCready
Hollywood is a lot like high school. Everyone was interested in what the head cheerleader was doing and what the captain of the football team was doing and if they were dating each other.
Perez Hilton
People tend to look at dating sort of like a safari – like they’re trying to land the trophy.
Henry Cloud
It took years of psychotherapy before I even considered dating. I lost weight, replaced my glasses with contact lenses and felt a lot more confident. But I find it really hard to hold down a relationship.
Anne Hegerty
After you’re dating someone for a few weeks, you often don’t become exclusive until you give yourself more time to know what a relationship could be like in the future. You can’t get too excited too quickly.
Eniola Aluko
A lot of close friends and family members have got married through online dating. I don’t think it would be wise for me to do it.
Daisy Lowe
In America, interracial dating or marriage is not something that is as accepted. Certain people feel strongly against it, in both communities. I felt it from the black community. It is so complicated. I don’t want to give it too much energy.
Jodie Turner-Smith
It’s a big responsibility dating me. Because I come with a little bit of baggage, you know?
Demi Lovato
Dating back at least as far as the Luddites of early 19th-century Britain, new technologies cause fear about the inevitable changes they bring.
Moshe Vardi
In the dating game, the world is difficult because people don’t communicate, or they communicate, but then their actions speak louder than words.
Hayley Kiyoko
There was a difference between the rock ‘n’ roll royalty, the woman who was married to or dating a rock star and the girl that hung out and just wanted sex.
Bebe Buell
Like many of you, I’ve always been slightly obsessed with vampires, dating back to the prime-time series ‘Dark Shadows,’ which I followed avidly as a kid.
Bill Condon
I was a weird teenager. My mother was actually worried because I didn’t have any interest in dating in my teenage years. I had all this desire to pursue my passions like ballet, then sailing, then music, so I didn’t have any emptiness to fill.
I’ve been dating since I was fifteen. I’m exhausted. Where is he?
Kristin Davis
I feel like there is always a rumor that I’m dating someone that I never met before. People have their judgments and ideas of who I am, and they know nothing.
Lauren London
The very phrase ‘Oscar night’ used to accelerate my pulse. For one thing – dating myself – it meant Bob Hope. He always had good, strong jokes, that faultless delivery, and always a new joke about his own films’ failure – once again – to be honored.
Dick Cavett
I used to do people’s online dating for them. I had clients in San Francisco, L.A., New York and they’d pay me $800 a month to basically make them profiles on all the best websites for the demographics for them.
Vick Hope
I stopped dating for six months a year ago. Dating requires a lot of energy and focus.
Daphne Zuniga
I urge you children to be patient with your parents. If they seem to be out of touch on such vital issues as dating, clothing styles, modern music, and use of family cars, listen to them anyway. They have the experience that you lack.
Joseph B. Wirthlin
I have a distinct memory, dating back to 1989 or so, of sitting around with my college dorm mates talking about a new term that was popping up everywhere: ‘political correctness.’
Meghan Daum
I think Jules has gotten hotter, with age. I mean you should’ve seen her when I first started dating her – not hot. I’ve told her that.
Guy Sebastian
As and when I get into a relationship, I’ll flaunt her to the world. I’m looking for a soul mate, and in any case, I’m not very much for casual dating. I’m such a simple guy away from this dating-shating business.
Suresh Raina
I’m enjoying dating. I’m single, though, I’m not in a relationship.
Matt Czuchry
I didn't write my book, 'I Don't Care About Your Band,'

I didn’t write my book, ‘I Don’t Care About Your Band,’ in order to give women a brand-new set of dating rules they need to feel terrible about not abiding. I wrote my book to make the women who read it feel good about themselves, and a little more entitled to be treated well by the guys they go out with.
Julie Klausner
People say, ‘Just say who you’re dating. Then people will stop being so ravenous about it.’ It’s like, No they won’t! They’ll ask for specifics.
Kristen Stewart
I always felt that, for me, as a woman, I always had to wait around. In all other arenas, I was ambitious and a go-getter, but when it came to dating, I wasn’t supposed to go after what I wanted.
Whitney Wolfe Herd
When you are young, do not get involved in steady dating. When you reach an age where you think of marriage, then is the time to become so involved.
Gordon B. Hinckley
As far as the men who are running for president are concerned, they aren’t even people I would date.
Nora Ephron
I think in order to really create something special, it has to be built on some foundation. And I think friendship is a good foundation you could always tap back on if you don’t agree. So for me, it’s not dating, it’s more so friendship.
I can’t imagine dating someone famous. I try to stay away from that as much as I can.
Dylan Penn
I still have a crush on Johnny Depp, and I literally only started dating my husband because he looked like Johnny Depp – and he knows that. We’ve been together for twelve years, and he still looks like Johnny Depp.
Eliza Coupe
That’s the dating world. You just keep losing. Everyone does.
Riki Lindhome
I’ve never tried to pass myself off as anything more than a comedian who wrote a dating book.
Greg Behrendt
If we made the ‘Batman’ games more realistic, you’d have to be Bruce Wayne for half the game, counting his money and dating supermodels.
Paul Dini
Someone who’ll bring some normalcy into my life and help me stay in touch with reality. That is something I’m curious about. There are so many actors who are married to people from non-film backgrounds, and their marriages are successful. I’m tired of dating actresses.
Shahid Kapoor
I like to think I’ll just be walking down the street one day and stop and meet someone, like, ‘Oh my God, you’re awesome,’ and then we start dating.
Laura Prepon
I was tired of a system where women waited around for men to send them a message or ask them out. With Bumble – first a dating app, now a social network that helps you make empowering connections in love, life, and business – women had to make the first move, or the match was void.
Whitney Wolfe Herd
Being a drag superstar, traveling the world and touring, it really is not as glamorous as you’d think it is. There’s lots of airport drama and bags and buses and hotels. Dating and having a social life are impossible.
Violet Chachki
Years later I would hear my father say the divorce had left him dating his children. That still meant picking us up every Sunday for a matinee and, if he had the money, an early dinner somewhere.
Andre Dubus III
I went through child abuse, and I also went through abuse with dating a couple of boyfriends in high school. I also have gone through a divorce.
Cheryl Burke
I don’t have dating tips.
Bill Keller
I’m typically single. I’m the girl who – I call it girl-next-door-itis – the hot guy is friends with and gets all his relationship advice from but never considers dating.
Taylor Swift
Just about every young model and actress is dating somebody in the entertainment field, because these are the people you meet. You’re not going to very easily meet a normal person in this line of work.
Bebe Buell
I’ve always been fascinated by memory and I remember Jonah, when we first started dating, was working on something involving memory. It was early on in our relationship and I was like, damn it, I wanted to do a movie on memory. That was ‘Memento.’
Lisa Joy
But I am not a serial dater or anything like that. Maybe when lockdown is over, I can do speed dating for weeks on end!
Gethin Jones
I like the idea of dating, but I’m not dating anyone exclusively, particularly right now. It’s hard to be in a relationship unless you’re ready to go public with it. So it’s a lot easier for me to not be in a relationship. I really don’t want that part of my life to be tabloid fodder.
Cory Monteith
I get to be the nosiest friend or acquaintance that anyone has because it’s – my job is to ask you about your dating life all the time.
Sam Yagan
We were intrigued by the fact that we had so much actual behavior among people on our dating site, OKCupid.
Sam Yagan
People do struggle to meet a partner in the 21st Century with online dating and people not really being who they seem to be.
Anna Richardson
If you can lie, you can act, and if you can lie to crazy girlfriends, you can act under pressure.
Joe Rogan
I’m way too famous and rich to be on a dating app, but if I get very desperate by the time I’m 60, I’ll go on Tinder. Or I’ll go on ‘Millionaire Matchmaker’; I’ll call Patti Stanger.
Lisa Lampanelli
No matter how liberal or modern a family is, there will always be resistance when someone discloses that they are dating someone.
Gautham Menon
Are we solving the world’s problems by allowing women to make the first move on a dating app? No. But I do believe we are helping to change some very archaic norms.
Whitney Wolfe Herd
I think dating apps are keeping us apart.
Karamo Brown
Coy Wire played in the NFL for 9 years and is now a mot

Coy Wire played in the NFL for 9 years and is now a motivational speaker and has a book out called ‘Change Your Mind.’ He is an amazing person with such positive energy! When Kroy and I first met and started dating, there weren’t a whole lot of people that supported us, but Coy always did.
Kim Zolciak-Biermann
People think Selena and The Weeknd are dating for publicity, and that’s not how things works. These are real human beings. They don’t just date to get more famous. They’re already the most famous artists!
Madison Beer
Tinder makes it obvious that I’m not alone in being single and that there are plenty of single parents looking for a partner. A date not having the potential I’d hoped for is no longer a tragedy, and suddenly dating is fun again. I no longer feel pressured. I trust that someone, eventually, will like me for me.
Stephanie Land
I don’t actually watch that much TV, but I was obsessed with ‘Dawson’s Creek’ growing up. And ‘Freaks and Geeks.’ And ‘8 Simple Rules for Dating My Teenage Daughter.’
Anya Taylor-Joy
I do bits about dating but mainly about what I did and how incompetent I am, not any genuine people writing to me.
James Veitch
Nothing defines humans better than their willingness to do irrational things in the pursuit of phenomenally unlikely payoffs. This is the principle behind lotteries, dating, and religion.
Scott Adams
I’m very heterosexual, so dating women is something I’m not ashamed of. But my love life is not as exciting as it is reported to be.
Ranbir Kapoor
It’s not that I find it hard to meet girls – they do come up and chat me up from time to time. Sometimes I’m interested, I tend not to go for the prettier ones. I prefer the quirkier types.
Rupert Grint
I had a crazy life for a teenager. I lived in New Jersey, but I’d go to Vermont for three weeks, join a commune, take pictures with the guy I was dating, come back home, and post photos.
I love ‘Threepenny Opera’; I was exposed to it as a little kid because my parents, my mom and my dad, had bonded, when they were dating, over ‘Threepenny Opera’ and introduced it to me, a child, who could barely understand it. But I immediately gravitated even from that early age.
Sasha Velour
I was bullied. I was a bit of a geek. Good-looking guys were off-limits. I didn’t start dating until I was 18.
Michelle Ryan
I’m not interested in serial dating; I’d honestly rather be single.
Tamsin Egerton
Kathie Lee and I were working together on our ‘Live’ morning show when she started dating Frank. I always loved trying to get her to tell me about her new romance, and it wasn’t long before we were watching them take their vows in front of close friends in Southhampton.
Regis Philbin
It was just that we had this phenomenal honeymoon relationship that just kept on going.
James Levine
I’m very happy to be part of a generation where you don’t have to say that you’re gay. It’s just like, ‘I’m dating a dude,’ or, ‘I’m dating a girl,’ and I love it. I think it’s a great time.
Keke Palmer
Halloween might be a time that’s renowned for ghosts, but we no longer experience ghosts only on Halloween. In our dating lives, we are now used to being ‘ghosted’ the whole year round.
Matthew Hussey
Mum left school at 15, and after a few years of modelling and dating jazz musicians, was married by 21 to my father, Mike Taylor, a journalist on the ‘Daily Mirror.’ They had my brother and me pretty quickly and had split up by the time I was two. I don’t really have any memories of them as a couple.
Natascha McElhone
As much of a privilege as it is to pass, it’s painful. You have to compartmentalize your life. That’s awkward. Dating can be horrible.
Trace Lysette
Dating shows should exist for people who aren’t straight. They’re out there, there aren’t enough of them. Whether you try and squeeze a format that already works into something else. I don’t know.’
Olly Alexander
The best companies in the world have all had predecessors. ‘YouTube’ was a dating site. You always have to evolve into something else.
Kevin Systrom
I have no dating life.
Sara Sampaio
Women are like cars: we all want a Ferrari, sometimes want a pickup truck, and end up with a station wagon.
Tim Allen
I’m very open to dating and finding a guy.
Kristin Cavallari
I ain’t scared to do another dating show, but I ain’t really trying to. I want to do a talk show or something. I’ve done enough dating on television. I’m ready to spread my wings, and go down other avenues.
Flavor Flav
Dating in Los Angeles can be hard, which makes it all the better when you meet a really nice guy.
Lauren Conrad
I remembered, like, when ‘Not When My Daughter’ came out, I’m serious, I think dating for Iranian men became a lot harder. Dude’s name, Shahrokh – became Tony. Mehsud became Mike.
Maz Jobrani
People usually spend the first two months playing themselves up, not really being themselves. You waste those two months – and then they tell you, ‘You’re not who I was dating the first month!’
Manny Montana
I’ve had a little bad, bad media luck the new year. Well, apparently I’m dating Bill Clinton, which makes me nervous. I didn’t know, though.
Julie Bowen
It’s a common misunderstanding, that when a bisexual person is dating someone of the opposite sex that they are now straight, or if they are dating someone of the same sex they are now gay.
Courtney Act
I fantasize about going back to high school with the knowledge I have now. I would shine. I would have a good time, I would have a girlfriend. I think that’s where a lot of my pain comes from. I think I never had any teenage years to go back to.
Spalding Gray
Google is not my friend. I’ve been way too open in my career. Google has killed any shot I have on the dating apps.
Jim Norton
Wells Fargo's internal review only covers unauthorized

Wells Fargo’s internal review only covers unauthorized accounts dating back to 2011. News reports and court documents suggest these problems might have existed long before then. The 2013 ‘Los Angeles Times’ articles led to the L.A. city attorney’s office investigation into Wells Fargo’s sales practices.
Richard Shelby
I’ve been dating since I was fifteen. I’m exhausted. Where is he?
Kristin Davis
Trade protectionism has an American lineage dating back to the Founders; that lineage is distinct from white nationalism.
Heather Mac Donald
Everything I buy is vintage and smells funny. Maybe that’s why I don’t have a boyfriend.
Lucy Liu
Smart women love smart men more than smart men love smart women.
Natalie Portman
There are some guys you definitely would not want dating your sister – especially hockey players.
Patrick Kane
During my initial days of modeling, I started dating men much older than my age who would pamper me silly with expensive gifts.
Sherlyn Chopra
I’m not old-fashioned when it comes to dating, but there’s something nice about a guy pulling out a girl’s chair and opening the door for her, even if it’s just in the beginning.
Lauren Conrad
I run a dating site, but I will gladly tell someone, ‘Do not date someone if it’s not right.’ And don’t settle. This settling thing is insane. I’ve literally had to force friends out of relationships because they want to be married by a certain age, so they just date these guys that are not right for them.
Whitney Wolfe Herd
There are lots of variables that come into play in the industry, like attending parties and dating actors. When you don’t indulge in all this, you tend to get affected in some way.
Priyanshu Chatterjee
I’ve been dating younger men since my 20s, When I was 29, I dated someone 21… younger men are just more fun. I like their energy. I’ve always been kind of young for my age.
Dana Delany
If I’ve been dating someone for, say, five months, and she cheats on me, I don’t think it would be worth it. I’m not committed enough to the situation to give her a second chance.
Avan Jogia
Dating can be painful, can be great, can be confusing, can be weird, but I don’t do it online because I’m not really an online person.
Jonathan Groff
If you keep dating and keep out there, you keep a higher level of hope, and also, your skills at doing it improve because you’re doing it more often, and you are bringing less anxiety to the table.
Joanna Coles
All my freakouts have been pretty private and directed at family pets and/or people I have been dating for too short a time to freak out at in that way.
Lena Dunham
I was dating this guy and we would spend all day text messaging each other. And he thought that he could tell that he liked me more because he actually spelt the word ‘YOU’ and I just put the letter ‘U’.
Kelly Osbourne
I have a lot of boyfriends, I want you to write that. Every country I visit, I have a different boyfriend. And I kiss them all.
Anna Kournikova
When a girl is single, everyone wants to find out who she is dating.
Ankita Lokhande
After a number of years dating, we decided we were good partners.
Melinda Gates
Anyone who has to have the word ‘charming’ in their name probably isn’t – just take a look at any dating site where men use ‘prince charming’ in their description.
Sarah Pinborough
Everybody dates these days. Like you get to know someone before you end up getting married, committing for a lifetime relationship. So dating is cool, date as much as you want, get to know the person.
Vaani Kapoor
Women always try to see the one good part of The Weird Guy because the dating landscape is so bleak. Women will say, ‘He’s very odd, but he likes to cook. He’s creepy, but he makes good pancakes!’
Zoe Lister-Jones
The best dating advice I can give is… are you going in it for marriage, or are you going in it for just a date? You’ve got to be open about it right away, because the other person could be in it for marriage, but you’re not.
Kendra Wilkinson
This is what I hate about dating – when you just don’t know where you stand. I’m pretty honest, I’ll say, ‘Hey I don’t know what’s going on,’ but I don’t like the game of it. Like, do we like each other? Great, well let’s explore that.
Hannah Brown
Some black women hug me and walk away. A lot of black men talk about dating white women and how they’ve been there, too. People open up about their racial experiences. I feel like I’m a walking therapy session. It’s quite intense. But it means a lot to people.
Daniel Kaluuya
The fact that we have 7 days of the week can be traced to the Babylonian and Jewish civilisations, with the first documented reference dating to 600BC.
Simon Singh
I grew up between the two world wars and received a rather solid general education, the kind middle class children enjoyed in a country whose educational system had its roots dating back to the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy.
George Andrew Olah
I have a Tinder account. Now I’ve done Bumble, and I’ve tried this other one, and the way I justified it is that… because I’m on TV, I shouldn’t be eliminated from participating in what’s going on in the world. But people are always like, ‘I can’t believe you’re on a dating app!’
Eric Stonestreet
It’s a really deep and layered psychological situation – making music with someone – if they’re trying to make something real and personal. It’s almost like dating: you allow yourself to be consumed by the other – not in a bad way, but in a way that happens in nature.
I have very little experience with dating websites. My feeling toward dating websites is what most people’s is: If it works, great. If you’re serious and legitimate about it and know what you’re looking for, then from what I hear, it’s definitely effective.
Nev Schulman
I dated dozens of young men, had fun with all, made commitments to none.
Gene Tierney
In my own relationships, I know that I should break up

In my own relationships, I know that I should break up with someone who doesn’t encourage me to be strong and make my own choices and do what’s best in my life, so if you’re dating someone who doesn’t want you to be the best person you can be, you shouldn’t be dating them.
Veronica Roth
I love being a single mom. But it’s definitely different when you’re dating.
Brooke Burns
Dating is hard enough in the light, so I can’t wait to see what unfolds when the lights are off!
Sarah Harding
I personally have always hated dating. I was never vulnerable or insecure in any part of my life, but I would become that way with a guy because they have control, according to society, when it comes to dating.
Whitney Wolfe Herd
I just felt like women love musicians, so I thought that we should become musicians. It’ll help my dating life.
Jonathan Scott
The funniest thing is I never understood why actors were so shady about who they’re dating. Then I realized the things you say get printed and the people you’re involved with read them. That’s what’s tricky. Nothing goes unnoticed. I don’t want to get myself in trouble!
Emily Meade
I guess there are all these women with a big secret – they’re hiding men they are ashamed of. They come up to me and say: ‘I’ve been dating this guy for six months in secret but none of my friends know. I can’t give him up even though he’s embarrassing.’
Hannah Simone
I think feminism’s a bit misinterpreted. It was about casting off all gender roles. There’s nothing wrong with a man holding a door open for a girl. But we sort of threw away all the rules, so everybody’s confused. And dating becomes a sloppy, uncomfortable, unpleasant thing.
Zosia Mamet
I always hated high-school shows and high-school movies, because they were always about the cool kids. It was always about dating and sex, and all the popular kids, and the good-looking kids. And the nerds were super-nerdy cartoons, with tape on their glasses. I never saw ‘my people’ portrayed accurately.
Paul Feig
For a long time, I had a crazy girl dating habit.
Eli Roth
Rumors about me? Calista Flockhart, Pam Anderson, and Matt Damon. That’s who I’m dating.
Ben Affleck
I don’t know why anyone would want to ask an actor for dating advice. We are not the poster children for healthy relationships.
Ginnifer Goodwin
Are you kidding? I’m a terrible cook, but John is a really great one. Literally, I never cook. The whole time we were dating, I prepared two officially romantic meals. Both of them were such disasters that he begs me never to go into the kitchen again.
Rebecca Romijn
I knew a ton of actors and was friends with them, but I never dated actresses. I tried to date ‘normal’ people because the Hollywood dating rule is ‘one star per couple’ because it’s quite a challenge to match the egos of two actors.
Zach Galligan
If you’re in the music to move to Hollywood and be in ‘People’ magazine dating an actress or dating some Hollywood celebrity, are you into it for that side of it? Are you in it to be a millionaire? Or are you in it because you love it and you like playing music and you like going on tour?
Chad Gilbert
I write about what I know: teenage dating, overly charged sexuality, all the things that make you uncomfortable.
Bo Burnham
My very close friend, Aisha Ahmed… everyone is convinced that I am dating her.
Rohit Saraf
I haven’t been brought down because people are focused on who I’m dating, what I’m eating, or what handbag is the best handbag – that’s so cheap to me. But if others want to open up about their personal lives, that is their choice. It’s not for me to judge.
Garrett Clayton
I’m not cynical about marriage or romance. I enjoyed being married. And although being single was fun for a while, there was always the risk of dating someone who’d owned a lunch box with my picture on it.
Shaun Cassidy
I always wanted so much glamour in my life, so I have always been obsessed with class, and from dating a few people who were from old money and a few from new money in my 20s, I just sort of became obsessed with this idea of clueless rich people.
Natasha Leggero
I came out to my parents when I was a junior in college. And it was pretty fine. They were more concerned with why I wasn’t dating anyone. But now I’m 36, and I still don’t date anyone.
Billy Eichner
At the time that I knew them, they were not living together. They began dating again after their divorce, so I didn’t really see fighting.
Kato Kaelin
When I was a boy, I took over the shed at the bottom of the garden and displayed fossils and potsherds and coins in it and proudly called it my ‘museum’. I charged people to come in, and my most prized possession was a Saracen shield dating from the Crusades.
Kevin Crossley-Holland
Dating is a numbers game. What we try to promise is good first dates. Once that first date happens, it’s really up to you.
Sam Yagan
The first time I was pregnant, Kanye and I were dating, and I was just being introduced to the world of fashion. I wanted to work with a bunch of different stylists, and when you work with a new stylist, everyone wants to possess your look.
Kim Kardashian
No way will I put my family and my life on the TV or be involved with something like a dating show or any type of reality show.
Donovan McNabb
I need a life outside of soccer. So I very much welcome, you know, new love interests and dating and friends and family.
Hope Solo
I’ve surfed the Web and the whole dating connection. I find that pretty fascinating, but no real leads.
Taylor Hicks
I suppose I was a little bit of what would be called today a nerd. I didn’t have girlfriends, and really I wasn’t a very social boy.
Charles Kuralt
The Google algorithm was a significant development. I’ve had thank-you emails from people whose lives have been saved by information on a medical website or who have found the love of their life on a dating website.
Tim Berners-Lee
For me, being a public persona, I was always wondering, ‘Was a man dating me for who I was? Was there an agenda? Did he want to be seen with me? Am I arm candy?’
Gina Neely
It's always been like this since the beginning of time.

It’s always been like this since the beginning of time. You interact with one female or somebody that people will think you’ll cute with and everybody either assumes that you’re dating or they want you date. It’s just how it all works.
David Dobrik
I don’t understand the whole dating thing. I know right off the bat if I’m interested in someone, and I don’t want them to waste their money on me and take me out to eat if I know I’m not interested in that person.
Britney Spears
The whole thing about dating was the scariest thing in the world. And I would tell my friends, ‘I’m never going to find anyone. Where am I going to find someone? By now, I’m 59 years old. Where do you meet men?’ It was really funny. So I just focused on myself.
Tina Knowles
A bachelor never quite gets over the idea that he is a thing of beauty and a boy forever.
Helen Rowland
It’s really weird when people scrutinize every little thing about you and talk about your outfits and your weight and who you’re dating… and there’s absolutely nothing you can do about it.
Mischa Barton
I change my mind so much I need two boyfriends and a girlfriend.
There were dozens of dating apps when Bumble came on the scene, but they weren’t able to attract critical mass in a young professional group.
Whitney Wolfe Herd
I left my husband and I thought ‘I’m never dating ever again.’
Lady Colin Campbell
Is Amazon truly the best online buying experience? Absolutely not. Is eBay the best platform for auction? Probably not. Are dating sites like really a reflection of the way people date? Probably not.
Danny Rimer
The learned are not agreed as to the time when the Gospel of John was written; some dating it as early as the year 68, others as late as the year 98; but it is generally conceded to have been written after all the others.
Simon Greenleaf
Everybody knows now that Marie Lightfoot, the true crime writer, is dating Franklin DeWeese, the state attorney of Howard County, Florida. They know I’m a white woman; they know he’s a black man. That’s not news anymore.
Nancy Pickard
Once you’re dating already, then you go to dinner. But I’ve never been on like a, ‘I’m getting dressed up for a date. Pick you up at 7.’
Camila Morrone
Since doing ‘Dating in the Dark’ and getting engaged, I’ve become the top agony aunt to all my friends. It’s brilliant.
Sarah Harding
It’s ironic, really. Guys should be excited that I got Kristen Bell. If Brad Pitt gets Kristen Bell, it’s like, ‘Well, of course he did.’ With me, it should be, ‘Oh good, a normal-looking guy got her. Maybe I’ll get me a Kristen Bell.’ But guys hate my guts for always dating women I have no right to be with.
Dax Shepard
My wife and I got engaged in New Hampshire at this lake house that her family’s had forever, and it’s on Lake Winnipesaukee. And so we went there every summer as we were dating.
Jimmy Fallon
I have 20,000 girlfriends, all around the world.
Justin Timberlake
Look at the Prius. It’s a nerd car. Yeah, you’re being environmentally friendly, but your dating life is gonna suck.
I’ve spoken to over 10,000 guys in my career, so I know what they think when it comes to dating.
Matthew Hussey
We are constantly protecting the male ego, and it’s a disservice to men. If a man has any sensitivity or intelligence, he wants to get the straight scoop from his girlfriend.
Betty Dodson
My boyfriend and I are not good at fighting. We’re better than we were when we started dating – two breakups and three years ago – but it’s never come naturally to either of us. I have often wished we fought like I imagine Pink and Carey Hart fight.
Nikki Glaser
There are big parts of my life that I don’t share. I don’t share myself eating dinner with my family. I don’t talk about who I’m dating. That’s private; that’s me.
Ansel Elgort
I have no wisdom to share on dating.
Rachel Dratch
Save a boyfriend for a rainy day – and another, in case it doesn’t rain.
Mae West
When my parents were dating, they were very poor, so my dad couldn’t take my mom out. They would go to the grocery store and pick out funny looking vegetables. When I grew up, we’d still go and find the ones with personality.
Parker Posey
Both the guys in Nightwish and I have experiences with previous band breakups and all emotions that come with it. It’s almost like dating.
Floor Jansen
I go out to dinner occasionally and that’s the sum of my dating life.
Sophie Dahl
I just thank God my husband and I found each other before the advent of social media. I can’t imagine dating someone and seeing what they’re doing on their Facebook page. And people breaking up with each other over texts now? We had to break up with each other face to face back then.
Jen Lancaster
There are hundreds of millions of people on dating apps every day, but apparently, no such apps cater solely to sports fans.
Rich Eisen
I had looked at dating sites and niche communities like BlackPlanet, AsianAvenue, and MiGente, as well as Friendster, and I thought, ‘They’re thinking way too small.’
Tom Anderson
I’m not waiting for Mr Right. I’d be open to dating, but I’m happy not. I’m not on Tinder or anything.
Tamzin Outhwaite
I’m not really on dating apps. I used to be when I was younger. I’d rather meet people in real life.
Noah Centineo
I heard on public radio recently, there's a thing calle

I heard on public radio recently, there’s a thing called Weed Dating. Singles get together in a garden and weed and then they take turns, they keep matching up with other people. Two people will weed down one row and switch over with two other people. It’s in Vermont. I don’t think I’d be very good at Weed Dating.
Roy Blount, Jr.
My philosophy of dating is to just fart right away.
Jenny McCarthy
It’s incredibly tough dating multiple women and trying to have them enjoy the experience.
Nick Viall
If you are dating someone in New York City, and they invite you over to watch a movie, they don’t really want to watch a movie.
Chris Gethard
There isn’t a way to depict the gay community without at least mentioning the existence of online dating apps like Grindr.
Andrew Keenan-Bolger
The day Tarek and I officially started dating, which was October 9, 2006, we moved in together.
Christina Anstead
You’re talking to someone who has been married to various people for the last 40 years of her life. Dating is not really something familiar. I’ve never really been a dater.
Stockard Channing
Today, at age 24, when my peers are dating, marrying and having children of their own, my cancer treatments are causing internal and external changes in my body that leave me feeling confused, vulnerable, frustrated – and verifiably unsexy.
Suleika Jaouad
I’m the one who’s dating the craft-service guy instead of the producer. Plus, if a producer is going to date a hot young thing, I’m probably not the first person on their list – the weird, quirky, funny girl.
Whitney Cummings
I’ve been dating since I was 15 years old, and I just don’t seem to do it well.
Harvey Fierstein
Practically all the relationships I know are based on a foundation of lies and mutually accepted delusion.
Kim Cattrall
It’s a hard business this dating business! Love is complicated!
Scarlett Moffatt
My father’s family were Italian ice cream men, and the knowledge was passed on, so I ran an ice cream van while I was dating my wife.
Chris Rea
It is not a shocker to me that a film went out of my hands, not because I was not credible, but because I was not so-and-so’s daughter or sister or dating so-and-so.
Taapsee Pannu
I think probably – I think, you know, when you’re first dating somebody, if they’re just not that physical with you, if they don’t want to make concrete plans with you, you know, if they’re sort of ambiguous about where everything is going, I think that’s a pretty good sign that they’re not into you.
Greg Behrendt
I can’t wait for my little sisters to start dating, because it will really be fun to pick on their boyfriends.
David Gallagher
I want to start dating the man that I’m gonna marry. I want to start having some fun with someone that I know I’m gonna be with. I don’t play any games. I’m too old for that. I’ve been there; I’ve been around the block.
LisaRaye McCoy-Misick
You don’t need to know who I’m dating. You don’t need to know what I’m doing. I’m fine with everybody not knowing that.
Eva Longoria
When you’re thinking about building your own online dating profile, especially on OkCupid, you should go through the same steps you’re thinking about when you’re going out to meet someone new. You want to put your best foot forward.
Sam Yagan
In Indonesia, where I am from, the Dutch-imposed Civil Code dating back to the colonial 1870s prevailed until the 1974 Law on Marriage granted married women greater rights, including the ability to open individual bank accounts.
Sri Mulyani Indrawati
I like the bad-boy types. Generally the guy I’m attracted to is the guy in the club with all the tattoos and nail polish. He’s usually the lead singer in a punk band and plays guitar. But my serious boyfriends are relatively clean-cut, nice guys. So it’s strange.
Megan Fox
I think the good thing about ‘Take Me Out’, which is kind of a compliment to us really, is that when it started doing well round about the second series and people started getting into it, all of a sudden every time you turned over a channel there’s a new dating show on.
Paddy McGuinness
Personally, I don’t like a girlfriend to have a husband. If she’ll fool her husband, I figure she’ll fool me.
Orson Welles
Wine comes in at the mouth And love comes in at the eye; That’s all we shall know for truth Before we grow old and die.
William Butler Yeats
I used to be a real prince charming if I went on a date with a girl. But then I’d get to where I was likely to have a stroke from the stress of keeping up my act. I’ve since learned the key to a good date is to pay attention on her.
Matthew Perry
It’s tough to be 68 and dating. I’ve given it up now.
Ian McLagan
Everything I buy is vintage and smells funny. Maybe that’s why I don’t have a boyfriend.
Lucy Liu
I don’t have the best dating track record.
Lauren Conrad
Early on, when my wife and I were dating, we went to the grocery store, and I told her that sometimes I just buy birthday cakes, and I eat them. And she said: ‘Really? I do, too.’
Tom Cotton
I am a young girl, and I am open to dating, but at the risk of sounding cliched, I really don’t have the time for it.
Bhumi Pednekar
Women were very, very good at ‘Pong’. It was part of the dating scene. The number of people who told me they met their wife or husband playing ‘Pong’ was huge. They were shoulder to shoulder, talking and playing. It was body contact and verbal contact.
Nolan Bushnell
I'm a fabulous date, I make sure I look good, I like he

I’m a fabulous date, I make sure I look good, I like hearing what a guy has to say and I make sure the evening is a real laugh. I like to laugh.
Eva Longoria
Honestly, I think dating is hard. Period.
Sevyn Streeter
Mahesh lays down most of the rules. Even when I was dating him for four years prior to our marriage, he didn’t want our relationship to be out in the open.
Namrata Shirodkar
On numerous different occasions I have had people tell me that I am only booked because of my dad, because of who I was dating, or any other exceptions other than my hard work, so in my mind I wanted to put in the extra hours in the ring.
Tessa Blanchard
I know some people who’ve gotten tattoos that they probably shouldn’t have, like the name of somebody they were dating, and that never ends well.
Nikki Sixx
So my favorite online dating website is OkCupid, not least because it was started by a group of mathematicians.
Hannah Fry
My original inspiration was my mom: a few years after the death of my dad, she started dating one my teachers!
Meg Cabot
I truly believe that what we’re seeing with online dating is very similar to what happened with the Myspace-Facebook era, where Myspace was once this place for online connecting for a very select group of young people. And then Facebook kind of hit at this moment where it was acceptable for everybody to do it.
Whitney Wolfe Herd
I started my blog back in 2009 because every Internet business and marketing seminar I watched at the time told me I had to. I had been trying to get a business started selling dating and life advice and was struggling.
Mark Manson
I’m dating myself by saying this, but I was the test audience for ‘Space Invaders.’ I remember when that was the first game that wasn’t a pinball game. I spent a lot of money on ‘Space Invaders,’ in the form of quarters, of course.
John C. Reilly
When men I have dated over the years whined about, ‘Oh, you make no time for me’ – see ya! I just dumped them. I don’t need that pressure in my life.
Rachael Ray
So if I was dating somebody now and the relationship didn’t work out, I’d take that as failing.
Gavin DeGraw
I’m not great at dating, but I need to do it to relax.
Lena Dunham
I’m a fixer, unfortunately. I’m like, ‘Oh, I can fix you.’ But it’s not just guys I’m dating anymore. It’s this entire legion of young girls who tell me they need me to maintain any sort of sanity or peace.
I took my wife to a really expensive hotel in Dubai. This was when we were first dating, so I wanted to impress her. I had scallops, and after that, I went to the bathroom to be sick. I realised I had just paid £300 or £400 on scallops just to throw it up. My wife and I then talked about it; I knew I had a problem.
Andrew Flintoff
I think if I could have a boyfriend like my brothers I’d be really happy. But without the brother thing.
Patricia Velasquez
The term ‘alpha female’ originated in my field of animal behavior, but has acquired new meaning. It refers to women who are in charge, for example, by flirting and dating on their own terms. It is also used maliciously for a loud-mouthed, controlling woman who has no patience with deviating opinions.
Frans de Waal
You can draw inspiration from anything. If you’re a good storyteller, you can take a dirty look somebody gives you, or if a guy you used to have flirtations with starts dating a new girl, or somebody you’re casually talking to says something that makes you so mad – you can create an entire scenario around that.
Taylor Swift
Kindness is really important to me in finding my own prince – so are patience and a sense of humor. Without those qualities he’s no Prince Charming!
Anne Hathaway
I have run from a lot of relationships in favor of being alone. And I tend to find men who use their money and status as a dating tool to be unattractive.
Erin Foster
If you’re dating the quarterback and then you go out with the hockey player, you just go to the hockey games. I don’t think I’ll still go to the football games.
Nicolle Wallace
Growing up, dating seemed pretty straightforward: If someone was interested in getting to know you on a romantic level, they approached, exchanged info, and proceeded to communicate with you in a consistent fashion between outings of various natures.
Amanda Seales
Your goal in an online dating profile and in your first message to somebody is to strike up a conversation.
Sam Yagan
Which is, I’m an optimist that two people can be together to work out their conflicts. And that commitment, I think, might be what love is, because they both grow from their relationship.
Garry Shandling
Courtship is to marriage, as a very witty prologue to a very dull play.
William Congreve
I started dating JD Samson from Le Tigre, and suddenly I was listening to more up-tempo music and old dance music, like ESG and Gang of Four, and I thought, ‘Wow. This is fun.’
As far as dating is concerned, I’m not a casual dating person.
Divyanka Tripathi
Is there a doctor in the house? My parents want me to marry you.
Wendy Liebman
It’s weird to have people so interested in your personal life. It’s a part of the business that grosses me out. I’m always bummed out for people who just happen to be dating a celebrity, and they’re also famous, and they can’t live their life.
Andy Samberg
In dating, the question is how many Tinder knockoffs are we going to have, and are any of them going to take off?
Sam Yagan
Insider trading by hedge funds has a long and distinguished history, dating to the days when people didn’t know that there was such a thing as a hedge fund.
Gary Weiss
I was a late starter on the romantic front. I didn't st

I was a late starter on the romantic front. I didn’t start dating until I was in my 30s.
Geri Halliwell
I think audiences can relate to the guys I’m playing, those large-and-in-charge idiots. Or maybe I just make them feel better about who they are, or who they’re dating.
Rob Riggle
Let me tell you, NBA free agency is wild. It’s like an even worse version of speed dating.
Jared Dudley
I don’t think I’m misunderstood, but there is definitely a certain side of me that the press focuses on – my body, my hair, or who I’m dating – which has never really served me as an actor. It’s served me in the commercial world, making money as a model, but the media perception has really hindered my acting career.
Kelly Brook
Evolution is unobservable. It’s based on blind faith in a few dry bones and on unreliable dating systems in which the gullible trust. Kids should be allowed to make up their own minds about this issue, and not be censored to ‘one side is all we will let you hear.’
Ray Comfort
I’ve got mates who have got married through meeting on Internet dating sites, so it really can work out – even if sometimes it does go disastrously wrong.
Sheridan Smith
I’m opening up my heart to the idea of dating. It’s funny – my friends would always come to me for romantic advice. I know nothing, and things have changed since I was dating in high school! I’m really trying hard to spend this time working on myself.
Olivia Wilde
My own experience of dating cis-hetero men has really been a challenge, because of the stigma they have to endure for attempting to love us.
Trace Lysette
I’m not interested in dating. I like being with my own best friend, me. Certain women, particularly older women, cannot believe I like going to a social event by myself. But I do.
Gloria Allred
If I talk to a woman for more than five minutes I can tell you exactly whether she’s an Aidan girl or a Mr. Big girl. Aidan girls are more interested in nurturing relationships and building a nest while Mr. Big girls are more about show and having fun.
Michael Patrick King
I’m a South Asian female that talks about relationships and periods and dating and all these things.
Lilly Singh
Comedy helped me out in my teenage years. It saw me through puberty and helped me to deal with dating.
Rhys Darby
Dating, to people, can mean completely different things.
Jay Ellis
One can’t plan marriage or dating.
Koena Mitra
I’ve gotten a lot more disciplined since dating Sue.
Megan Rapinoe
I’m representing the single women out there, dating around, trying to find the right guy who respects you and appreciates you. Maybe I’ll settle down somewhere. Gotta keep looking.
Madchen Amick
Thank God I never got in a fight. All of the jock dudes hated me, but all of their girlfriends thought I was nice so they wouldn’t touch me. It was infuriating to them.
Mark Hoppus
I can literally count on one and a half hands how many people in WWE treated me the same pre-Mark and post-Mark. Michelle McCool didn’t change, I’m still me. There were a ton of people that found out I was dating Mark and was like, ‘Oh, I better change my tune and be super nice.’
Michelle McCool
When I started ‘DailyGrace,’ I was dating a 26-year-old guy I thought was the funniest person in the world. My creation process every day was imagining him watching my videos and wondering, ‘Will he laugh at this?’ But somehow that’s turned into an audience that’s mostly 15-year-old girls.
Grace Helbig
I date older men, and I date younger men. I have no rules about that.
Mary Frann
Jon has always been the romantic. He started dating before I did. I was more awkward and nervous in front of girls in high school.
Drew Scott
When you’re setting up your dating profile, choose the photos according to who you are today. A variety of recent shots that are a true representation of your character.
Whitney Wolfe Herd
I’m dating a very high-maintenance career.
Aimee Garcia
I started dating older men, and I would fall in love with them. I thought they could teach me about life.
Daphne Zuniga
My parents were very strict with me when it came to boys and dating.
Kim Zolciak-Biermann
Even though many couples are choosing to marry later in life, our laws haven’t been updated to address dating partner abuse.
Gabrielle Giffords
I was inspired by the men who walked on the moon. It really was my inspiration, I think, you know, as a kid of 9 years old – I know I’m dating myself, but – I thought, ‘What a cool job!’
Peggy Whitson
Some women flirt more with what they say, and some with what they do.
Anna Held
Back when I was dating, the dreaded C word was Commitment. As soon as most men found out I had a child, they ran. If I ever got close enough to say the words, ‘I love you,’ they ran faster.
Regina Brett
Sometimes people will approach me on the street and ask me very personal questions about my dating life. Fans talk to me like they know me, and it’s like, ‘You don’t know me. You know my character, but you really don’t know me.’
Lili Reinhart
It’s really helpful when you do something you don’t like. You won’t make that mistake again. It’s like dating a bunch of people who are wrong for you – you learn so much more about yourself that way.
Rooney Mara
It's easy to blame technology for what we perceive to b

It’s easy to blame technology for what we perceive to be a vast disconnect between people. We’re so wrapped up in social media, texting, online dating – in many ways, we’re addicted to our devices.
Saroo Brierley
I always felt most at home on a basketball court, dating all the way back to when I was growing up in Brooklyn.
Chris Mullin
I don’t do a lot of dating. I guess it’s kind of like everyone is always trying to set me up with somebody, so we go out and hang out at a club or somewhere. I think dates are weird.
Matt Cohen
I don’t date my girlfriend because she’s a model. I date her because I love her.
Adam Levine
My dating advice for Paris would be just to take your time.
Kathy Hilton
Is there a doctor in the house? My parents want me to marry you.
Wendy Liebman
People’s sexuality is often defined by who we’re partnered with at any given moment, which can be a frustrating limitation for me. I’ve had countless tiny ‘coming out’ moments in my life, often simply to explain to someone else that they have misjudged my sexuality based on who they saw me dating.
Stephanie Beatriz
Ideally, we date the folks who are dating for the same reason we are.
Amanda Seales
Real magic in relationships means an absence of judgment of others.
Wayne Dyer
I’m often dating people, but I don’t say it because you sort of know it won’t last long.
Graham Norton
Love was not in it for me at first. I dated guys because of the way they looked. And then I began to learn that it’s what’s inside that counts. Love to me now is understanding. It’s giving.
Crystal Waters
I shocked my parents with a lot of things, whether it was becoming an actor or when I was dating someone outside the Egyptian community or when I moved away from home before getting married.
Mena Massoud
Right now I’m pretty single… My career is my boyfriend.
Christina Aguilera
If you kiss on the first date and it’s not right, then there will be no second date. Sometimes it’s better to hold out and not kiss for a long time. I am a strong believer in kissing being very intimate, and the minute you kiss, the floodgates open for everything else.
Jennifer Lopez
I always play women I would date.
Angelina Jolie
It’s just me and my 6-month-old puppy. I am not dating anyone.
Bridget Hall
In literature as in love, we are astonished at what is chosen by others.
Andre Maurois
Honestly, Tarek and I met through work, so we worked together before we even started dating – it’s our normal.
Christina Anstead
I’ve never been speed dating! I sort of wish I had, just for the experience of it.
America Ferrera
I don’t have a type. But one thing I can say from my dating experience is that a physical attraction will only take you so far. So you definitely have to have a strong intellectual connection as well.
Jesse Metcalfe
I don’t really believe in rules, but I do like old-fashioned dating where you don’t call the guy until he calls you. I don’t think it’s like he’s got to do this and that’s the rule.
Ashley Tisdale
While actors are great and awesome, writers literally create new worlds from scratch. What is sexier than that? Personally, I don’t know why every last person out there isn’t dating a writer.
Rachel Bloom
Yeah, I think everybody has the crises of questioning themselves at some point or other in their lives. Is this where I should live? The job I should have? The girl I should be dating? Is this the friend I should have?
Chris Messina
I tried to tell them about the dating process because I’m single now and how horrible it is and how many foolish experiences I had had dating. So I was really selling him hard, but the whole time he really wanted me!
Andie MacDowell
I was so focused on advancing in my career that I didn’t have enough emotional capacity for dating.
Yvonne Orji
I always say, if a guy writes the same lead female character type over and over, we are not seeing their writing chops so much as their dating website wishlist.
Gail Simone
So most girls I date – actually, all of them – say this. Every girl I end up dating, there’s like a couple things. One, they hate me at first.
Logan Paul
I’ve never been on a dating app, so I don’t really know the difference between swiping left or right, LOL.
Chanel West Coast
My grandmother always used to wear this English perfume called Tuberose and then she died and then I dated this girl who wore the same thing. Every time I hung out with her, I could only think of my recently deceased grandmother. So sometimes a signature scent can be good and sometimes it can be bad.
Mark Ronson
I hate dates. It becomes a weird auditioning process. And I’ve never had normal dating.
Juliette Lewis
I was single for a while and dating and… I just didn’t know how to do it! I’ve always been like that: when I was 15, there was a guy I liked, and we made out, and I thought that meant he was my boyfriend.
Winona Ryder
Coming through the fire and through the storm of life w

Coming through the fire and through the storm of life with a strong man, my fiance Ashanti, whom I’ve been dating for eight months and two wonderful children beside me, I’m just so happy that I have been able to maintain my integrity and get to where I am today with the right energy around me.
Angie Stone
I met Adrienne Bailon a bit over two years ago, we worked together and became friends. Our circles connected and we remained good friends. From a friendship, as two single adults we have very recently begun to explore a dating relationship.
Israel Houghton
Never let a fool kiss you, or a kiss fool you.
Joey Adams
My perfect guy wears converse, is totally laid back, and doesn’t worry about being cool.
Selena Gomez
After my mother passed away, I felt as though I would never have a relationship as strong as the one that I had had with her. Then, after a lot of ups and downs, I started dating again – but I realised pretty quickly that I was never going to write cheesy love songs.
Amber Mark
We sold OkCupid to Match in January of 2011. In September of 2012, I became CEO of all of Match, which is the operating segment of IAC that contains all of the dating properties.
Sam Yagan
You know, I had my mother and my father convincing me that he would be going back to Hollywood and he’d be back with the actresses and dating them and that he wasn’t serious about me at all. So I had him saying one thing to me and my parents telling me something else.
Priscilla Presley
I also like men who like dogs. I couldn’t date a man who doesn’t like my dog.
Kristin Davis
I don’t believe in casual dating; I would rather be in a proper relationship.
Vaani Kapoor
I wouldn’t mind telling my five good friends that I’m dating, but I don’t want my loose connections to know.
Sunil Nagaraj
Dating a creative pushes me to think outside the box.
Hannah Bronfman
For me, I’ve learned if I want a very stable, normal relationship, where I’ll be like, ‘Okay, this is nice, I know what’s going to happen in a month,’ it’s probably better to date outside the industry. But you can’t help who you fall for. It’s our dating pool.
Camila Cabello
I’ve been in plenty of situations where someone I’m dating had more time for a console than me.
Josie Maran
When you’re dating a rock star, it’s not about commitment and marriage.
Sonja Morgan
Good night, good night! Parting is such sweet sorrow, that I shall say good night till it be morrow.
William Shakespeare
No one knew me until I met my wife Lulu. Lulu’s mother used to ask, Which one is Maurice? For six months she thought Lulu was dating Barry.
Maurice Gibb
Sometimes we put so much effort into things we’re doing, like dating or wedding planning, that we don’t stop to think about whether or not we even want the results of that effort.
Emily V. Gordon
I don’t need to make an announcement about who I’m dating. It’s up to me to decide when and what I want to share about my personal life, and it is up to the audience to decide how they look at it.
Shibani Dandekar
Dating is pretty hard, since I’m always on the road.
Stella Maxwell
I honestly believe there is nothing more important in a person’s life than love and I want to show women how to have fun and get the best out of dating.
Matthew Hussey
Humans have continued to evolve quite a lot over the past ten thousand years, and certainly over 100 thousand. Sure, our biology affects our behavior. But it’s unlikely that humans’ early evolution is deeply relevant to contemporary psychological questions about dating or the willpower to complete a dissertation.
Annalee Newitz
Ever since the infamous quiz show scandals of the 1950s, the feds had insisted that TV game shows be honest – or that at least they didn’t cheat. So as a ‘Dating Game’ bachelor, I didn’t know what I was going to be asked. The other bachelors and I were required to concoct our answers in real time.
Seth Shostak
I don’t really comment on my personal life because I feel like any comment at all is opening up a whole can of worms. I’d just rather not talk about who I’m dating.
Josh Hartnett
Relationships in general make people a bit nervous. It’s about trust. Do I trust you enough to go there?
Neil LaBute
‘Christian Mingle’ is about a young, modern, single woman. She’s trying to achieve it all – a successful career, amazing friends, and finding Mr. Right. She stumbles into the world of online dating looking for an instant ‘soul mate solution,’ but ultimately ends up taking a personal journey transforming her life.
Corbin Bernsen
Everybody’s got baggage, and not just the classic, ‘Oh I have so much baggage,’ but everyone comes with so much context, and you’re not just dating a person: you’re dating all their context, too. Part of relationships is negotiating each other’s context.
Emily V. Gordon
When I left Tinder, I had no intention of getting back into the dating industry. What I ultimately wanted to do was start this contagious complimentary social network, where kindness was at the helm.
Whitney Wolfe Herd
My family had a lot to do with ‘My Infamous Life.’ They were the inspiration behind me starting to write. I had an interesting family life dating way back, and they did a lot in their lifetime.
First and foremost when you’re doing comedy, you gotta be relevant and applicable to the times that you’re living in. When you try and just do comedy about who is dating who and lifestyle jokes, it gets tiring after a while. It’s hard to be funny in that realm.
Adam McKay
I highly suggest marriage to all my friends who are dating.
Jerry O’Connell
We don’t do ‘dating’ in Sweden.
Caroline Winberg
If you're a sports fan you realize that when you meet s

If you’re a sports fan you realize that when you meet somebody, like a girlfriend, they kind of have to root for your team. They don’t have a choice.
Jimmy Fallon
My mom is going to kill me for talking about sleeping with people. But I don’t want to put myself in the position where I’m in a monogamous relationship right now. I’m not dating just one person. ‘Sex and the City’ changed everything for me because those girls would sleep with so many people.
Lindsay Lohan
For a long time, I have been wanting to write a book for singles that would help them in the dating process and in getting ready for marriage. Most of my writing, I’ve written to couples who are already married, because I’ve been doing marriage counseling for 35 years.
Gary Chapman
I’m Canadian. The only difference between dating American and Canadian guys is whether you’ll be watching football or hockey. I have no preference.
Serinda Swan
If there hadn’t been women we’d still be squatting in a cave eating raw meat, because we made civilization in order to impress our girlfriends.
Orson Welles
My husband, after two weeks of dating, asked me, if our relationship were to work out, would I be OK with our first boy being named Ace.
Jennie Finch
There’s nothing wrong with taking yourself out of the dating pool. You don’t need to be in a relationship because that’s what society expects of you or because your grandmother thinks you need to be married by a certain date. Those days are over. Instead, take a step back and say, ‘I’m OK alone.’
Whitney Wolfe Herd
A great time in my life was being totally single and actively not dating. Just saying, ‘I’m gonna not be in a relationship. I’m gonna not date.’ That was a super fun, awesome time.
Michaela Watkins
I don’t really talk about my personal life. It’s a strange and funny and weird thing. Sometimes you have a conversation with someone and the paparazzi snaps a picture of you and people decide you’re dating. If I try to answer everything people say, I would be up all night.
Tracee Ellis Ross
I must have been yearning for some Jewish content beyond my genetic makeup because soon after my 21st birthday, I noticed I was no longer dating WASPs.
Susan Isaacs
I’m doin’ something different. I mean, I talk a little bit about race and interracial dating, but it’s not the heart of my act. I just try to do what I think is funny; there’s no huge message or through line.
Hannibal Buress
Pamela Anderson Lee released a statement confirming that she has had her breast implants removed. Doctors say that Pamela is doing fine and that her old implants are now dating Charlie Sheen.
Conan O’Brien
I’m a one-woman guy, so dating multiple women was hard.
Nick Viall
Facebook and pictures on the Internet have created such a different way of dating. It’s not necessarily good because an obsessive quality can develop in people.
Alexander Koch
It’s horrible dating with Mama Mai! She is nosy. When I was a kid she would be the first one eavesdropping on my phone calls: ‘Hello? Who you call for? Huh?’
Jeannie Mai
I don’t have a girlfriend. But I do know a woman who’d be mad at me for saying that.
Mitch Hedberg
Love is like a virus. It can happen to anybody at any time.
Maya Angelou
When it comes to dating, I’m straightforward and traditional with a twist.
Luke Pasqualino
Celebrities say they date other celebrities because they have the same job. But I think they just like dating famous people. Celebrities attract each other, like cattle.
Jason Lee
Wedding dress shopping is basically like dating. You pick the one based on how you feel.
Brooke Baldwin
When someone is good, but it doesn’t seem like their world will collapse if they don’t get the part, it’s more appealing. It’s like dating someone: You don’t want someone who’s too into you.
Steve Carell
With the release of her fourth album, ‘Red,’ in 2012 and a handful of highly publicized romances, Taylor was criticized by the press and other entertainers for such sinful acts as dating people and writing songs about it, gaining a reputation as boy-crazy and love-ridden.
Tavi Gevinson
A lot of people – boys – look at me differently. They think that if they date me, they are gay because they are dating another boy. In instances like this, I feel almost excluded, if that’s the right word. I feel like I’m being put on a different shelf.
Jazz Jennings
It is an extra dividend when you like the girl you’ve fallen in love with.
Clark Gable
Dating means hope.
Stephanie Land
I wouldn’t tell you anything about anybody I cared about because it becomes entertainment for other people, and it sort of just cheapens everything in your life. I would never tell you if I was dating anybody.
Kristen Stewart
Sometimes when people start dating a hot piece, they take on some of their boo’s characteristics unintentionally.
Phoebe Robinson

In conclusion, dating is a profound and transformative experience that offers a glimpse into the complexities of love and relationships. These dating quotes serve as a reminder to embrace the journey, learn from both the joys and the challenges, and remain open to the possibilities that love brings. May they inspire you to approach dating with authenticity, curiosity, and an open heart. Remember, dating is not just about finding the right partner; it is also about discovering yourself and growing in the process.