Top 44 Cory Barlog Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Cory Barlog Quotes, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

Find your own way into your story. Find your own way in

Find your own way into your story. Find your own way into your game.
Cory Barlog
I wanted to experiment with more deliberate combat but I never wanted to lose that DNA of what ‘God of War’ is.
Cory Barlog
I’m trying to be better for my son. And regretting every moment that I’m not spending with him.
Cory Barlog
Puzzles are always a difficult thing, I don’t think I’ve played any games where the puzzles are perfectly contextualised, unless the entire game is a puzzle game built upon that concept.
Cory Barlog
Drama comes from characters changing. If characters stay the same and nothing changes, there’s really nothing to look at.
Cory Barlog
Games change by the different creatives that get involved and say, ‘I have this crazy idea.’
Cory Barlog
I want games to have their own identity.
Cory Barlog
Play the way you want to play. I want to give as much power back over to the player as possible. That’s where games are leaning: give me the tools, let me do what I want to do with it. Let me solve the problem the way I want to solve it – experience the combat the way I want to experience it.
Cory Barlog
I don’t think I’ve ever worked on anything that wasn’t way bigger than we expected. That’s all the way back to working on fighting games at Paradox. Everything seems to balloon when more and more people get involved.
Cory Barlog
Initially I took the job because I thought it would be really easy. I was like, I’ll take the paycheck because I want to do my own movie. That didn’t work out. In the first two weeks I fell in love with Kratos from an animation perspective; I’d never been able to do anything like this.
Cory Barlog
Despite what many say or think, the PS2 is here to stay. I know that Microsoft dropped the Xbox like a bad habit but PS2 still has more staying power.
Cory Barlog
At its root, ‘God of War’ was always the promise of adventure.
Cory Barlog
It is the adage of any creative thing; it looks terrible, it is an ugly baby, until the very last second.
Cory Barlog
It’s better to do something really really well and thorough, than I think to have a surface level version of a lot of different things.
Cory Barlog
God of War’ was a 40-60 person team. It was a lot of very different, very passionate, very crazy people.
Cory Barlog
Every creator has to follow what they believe. That’s the message I would love for every single executive to get, to clearly understand, and every single producer out there.
Cory Barlog
Having a kid motivates you to really take stock of yourself and how much of yourself you want to be reflected back in the actions of your kid.
Cory Barlog
Any sort of major change we want to make in our life is hard. Change is not easy and true change takes time and takes thousands, millions probably, of failures along that path and that’s the interesting thing.
Cory Barlog
As a writer, you understand how hard it is to build up backstory for characters, so you can have impactful moments. You have to build toward something and then pay it off.
Cory Barlog
But I think it shortsells any idea when you say there’s a similar part to something else, like ‘aw man, ‘The Avengers’ is ripping off ‘Batman.’ You’ve got people running around in outfits.’ Of course, there are outfitted people and there’s superhero stuff, but it’s not just ripping off ‘Batman.’
Cory Barlog
I don’t really want to make casual games or games with no sort of story backbone or character backbone.
Cory Barlog
Resident Evil 4′ truly changed the way I look at making games.
Cory Barlog
The dynamics of storytelling are very important. To just be serious and morose all the time would be not very enjoyable.
Cory Barlog
I used to animate. I started in animation, and you’d end every day with at least one substantive contribution.
Cory Barlog
Superman’ was created at a time when we needed some idealistic, perfect person to aspire to, which is why he is so flawless.
Cory Barlog
I had a very specific idea of the personal nature of the story I wanted to tell, really changing the image and the perception of Kratos.
Cory Barlog
I’m very – I love talking about games, I love talking about movies and TV shows and love what I do at work. But after work, I don’t want to talk to anybody. I’m super private. I stay home.
Cory Barlog
God of War’ is traditionally known for these cinematic, pull back cameras, which I think are fantastic.
Cory Barlog
Do not make decisions for your kid. It’s not going to turn out well.
Cory Barlog
There’s nothing new, even ‘new’ is inspired by something. We’re all, either consciously or unconsciously, we’re inspired.
Cory Barlog
Working with George Miller was an education. It was eight college degrees in character development and directing all at once.
Cory Barlog
Picking just one game above all is nearly impossible fo

Picking just one game above all is nearly impossible for me, but if I had to, it would be ‘Metal Gear Solid.’ I remember being completely blown away with the story, the mechanics and the overall presentation on my first playthrough.
Cory Barlog
Competition doesn’t drive me. It’s not to say that competition is bad, it’s not to say that competitive games are bad because I love that those that exist, but it’s not my thing.
Cory Barlog
Strength comes in so many forms. Not just the physical strength, but to understand the emotional strength. To have emotional vulnerability, to show that’s not a weakness.
Cory Barlog
I had this idea that I didn’t want to have kids until my career was at the right point, until we have a house, until we have savings of at least this much … None of that came true. It just happened.
Cory Barlog
Throughout my life, I’ve seen that everybody has had something to teach me and, strangely, it’s always something relevant to what I’m going through at that point.
Cory Barlog
I think the best thing you can do with a ‘Superman’ game is to kind of explore the psychology of what it would be like to be a person who slowly begins to realize that he can’t save everybody.
Cory Barlog
I enjoy flawed heroes that actually struggle, you know, with their own sort of path and are not really aware that they reach that level of being a hero.
Cory Barlog
The Resident Evil’ series. Not only are they great games, but the creators’ willingness to reinvent the game every so often is something I think positively affects our industry.
Cory Barlog
The vocabulary of film is camera cuts, it’s how they communicate. But games are different. We don’t really need to do that. We do it because it’s a language that we’re familiar with.
Cory Barlog
A game director, in my mind, is somebody who makes everybody on the team miserable for the duration of the project.
Cory Barlog
I don’t want to work on any games that don’t have some kind of story component because that is the draw for me.
Cory Barlog
If something evokes a strong emotional reaction in me, I need to push myself in that direction.
Cory Barlog
I love movies.
Cory Barlog