Words matter. These are the best Political Issues Quotes from famous people such as Jaime Harrison, Reza Aslan, Jessye Norman, Warren Farrell, Sixto Rodriguez, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.
I know what it’s like to lose your home. I know what it’s like to be hungry. I know what it’s like to lose a family member because of a lack of health care. So all of these things aren’t just political issues for me. All of these things are personal to me.
Many poets in Iran have learned to speak almost a secret language, where political issues are talked about in allegorical ways.
There has never been a time when I was not committed to, involved in, or caring of, the social and political issues of my world.
The Myth of Male Power dealt much more with the political issues, the legal issues, sexual harassment, date rape, women who kill, and those issues were very much more interfaced with the agendas of feminism.
There are beautiful songs people write about love and dancing. But it’s political issues that should be addressed.
I’m very committed to anti-racism and gender equality – political issues, but not party political.
Since the inauguration of Mr. Lee Myung-bak, I was very much disappointed with his politics and policies. Not only in economics, but also in many social and political issues, he made many mistakes.
I think where political issues invade moral situations, spiritual leaders have to speak out.
A strong case can be made for religious leaders to speak out on political issues.
It’s true that it’s within the realm of cultural politics that young people tend to work through political issues, which I think is good, although it’s not going to solve the problems.
In our age there is no such thing as ‘keeping out of politics.’ All issues are political issues, and politics itself is a mass of lies, evasions, folly, hatred and schizophrenia.
So the same cultural and political issues that divided us in 1968 are still dividing us.
There has been a strong tradition in this country that it is not the function of the military to educate the public on political issues.
Me talking about political issues on a social platform was kind of an accident. It’s something that’s a part of my everyday – it’s super central to who I am as a person.
Religion and morality are critical to how students think about politics and form opinions on political issues.
If you look at U.S. history through religious history, there is very much a motif that shows the importance religion has played in the U.S. We’re a very religious country and it affects the way we look at various political issues.
I am honored to serve on the Board of Visitors for Georgetown University’s School of Foreign Service. Being the first board member from Latin America, I hope to provide insight into the economical, social and political issues facing the region, and continue to grow and strengthen this prestigious institution.
People on a spiritual path – personal growth, spiritual practice, recovery, yoga and so forth – are the last people who should be sitting out the social and political issues of our day.
Through the years, I had became involved with social and political issues, such as racial discrimination.
I have a very strong political outlook, and that is something I’d like to take more responsibility for in my life. I don’t believe in utilising certain aspects of the power I have with celebrity to push that forward, but I would like to make some films that address some of those political issues.
I would like to never ever think about any political issues.
Ezra Pound was a crackpot on social and political issues, but he knew what he was talking about in matters of the written language.
Most comics point out what everyone else is thinking but hadn’t thought of verbalizing. I guess, in a way, that makes most comics seers. It just depends in what category – some choose to be the seers of relationships, some are seers of racial issues, and some are seers of political issues.
People can believe pretty much whatever they want to believe about moral and political issues, as long as some other people near them believe it, so you have to focus on indirect methods to change what people want to believe.
I have no political issues that I need to seek central authorities’ advice on.
Science fiction should not be dismissed as escapism. It is a profound vehicle for talking about social and political issues.
One of the top political issues of the day is how to combat young people not being active anymore.
As an adult, I’ve always found the stereotype that Jews are liberal a curious one; my parents’ circle was predominantly conservative, not just on Israel but on most political issues. Most of all, they were intensely (and this is a word I remember repeating in my own angry adolescent dialogues with myself) tribal.
Weve always been encouraged to talk about political issues. Weve been taught to look outside of our own lives. Ive always had that fire in my belly.
I’m very passionate about political issues, but I also think that listening to people who disagree is extremely important, and I try to build that into my teaching, sometimes by co-teaching with rightwing colleagues.
A public role endures for the literary high-command, as sages and seers, speaking out on social and political issues.
I grew up in a family in which political issues were often discussed, and debated intensely.
You have not fully expressed your power as a voter until you have scientific literacy in topics that matter for future political issues.
I have a lot of stands on a lot of political issues. I’m very big on campaign finance reform. I still think most Americans aren’t aware of how the dumping of big corporate dollars and private donor dollars has totally corrupted the political system and taken it away from them.
Every once in a while an issue comes up where I have to make a statement. I can’t totally avoid all political issues, but I try my best to minimize them. When I do make a statement, I try to be fairly neutral.
Riots born out of political issues aren’t the same as those born out of personal greed.
To begin with, I’ve always known that I was a little bit different. And, I have a lot of relatives who own farms. I grew up in the American South where political issues and issues of justice were at the forefront. What I do now is a combination of all these factors.
I like that Ben & Jerry’s is willing to speak out about social and political issues that aren’t always safe – but are the right thing to do.
The venerable Robert E. Lee has taken some vicious hits, as dishonest or misinformed advocates among political interest groups and in academia attempt to twist yesterday’s America into a fantasy that might better service the political issues of today.
It’s not a passion of mine to follow politics. When I deal with political issues in my songs, I just say stuff that’s current, only as a songwriter.
I always think the Democratic Party is and should be a broad tent that welcomes people from all political issues.
My great desire has been to remove from the political arena a question of this kind that is calculated to prevent us getting a verdict upon the important political issues that separate the two parties in this country.
Because most journalists are secular, they can be gullible in looking to the religious right as arbiters of biblical interpretation, especially as it relates to hot-button cultural and political issues.
But the issue of sexual harassment is not the end of it. There are other issues – political issues, gender issues – that people need to be educated about.