Top 44 Sasha Velour Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Sasha Velour Quotes, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

My favorite thing about drag is taking one idea and fli

My favorite thing about drag is taking one idea and flipping it on its head entirely.
Sasha Velour
The inspiration of my drag is the history of drag, the long tradition of drag queens being at the forefront of queer activism. That informs my drag style, and in a sense, that is the direction we need to go in the future.
Sasha Velour
When it comes to drag, my favorite thing we can do is kind of push against the beauty standards of magazines. We don’t need to look like supermodels. That what really makes drag special and makes it unique and makes it queer.
Sasha Velour
The cities that I go to where I can tell that they have a lot of different types of drag, I tell them that they remind me of Brooklyn, and I mean that as the highest compliment in the entire world.
Sasha Velour
It’s important in drag to challenge things and present your own vision.
Sasha Velour
I’ve learned that I am a complete workaholic and that no amount of sleeplessness or exhaustion will keep me from taking on new or ambitious projects. That is both a good quality and a terrible one, I think.
Sasha Velour
Drag resists conservatism in the most basic way possible, and also in the most effective way possible, because it’s improper when it comes to looks, which is everything in conservative systems.
Sasha Velour
No matter what you’re doing, whether it’s a makeup tutorial or an interview or a lip sync, performance is the essence of drag. It is gender performance. Being able to produce a performance is what a superstar has to do.
Sasha Velour
A superstar doesn’t just use the spotlight for themselves.
Sasha Velour
Just in my experience as a drag queen, I’ve been able to connect with queer people around the world – and to see them connecting with each other over a shared love of drag!
Sasha Velour
When I started doing drag, I always put together multimedia elements for live performance.
Sasha Velour
I want to be an ambassador of Brooklyn.
Sasha Velour
We still live in a country where there’s disproportionate violence faced by our community, especially trans people and trans people of color. I think activism within the queer community continues to need to focus on those issues first.
Sasha Velour
People are so serious about ourselves, and drag suggests that maybe it’s all just a bunch of ideas, and we can be a little bit more flexible with them.
Sasha Velour
I think sometimes you have to imagine a fantasy world in which we are represented and visible the way we should be.
Sasha Velour
I discovered that my drag really does speak to people on an emotional level. I also discovered that people are sometimes put off by an intellectual approach to drag.
Sasha Velour
It’s so beautiful that drag is able to speak to so many different types of people.
Sasha Velour
I love being kind of reserved and serious and then having these explosions of passion when it comes time to perform.
Sasha Velour
I love hearing the same songs over and over again – as long as queens challenge themselves to come up with new ways of performing them.
Sasha Velour
I love that drag is political. For me, one of the reasons I started doing drag was reading about how in the past, drag performers were able to organize the queer community and move us forward.
Sasha Velour
I’ve always tried to twist the ideas of beauty that are maybe considered to be ugly by the mainstream. I was already kind of toying with that when it comes to baldness, which came from a discussion with my mother about how to be considered a beautiful woman if you’re bald.
Sasha Velour
There’s so many more themes of drag than just fierceness.
Sasha Velour
The political nature of ‘Threepenny Opera’ is immediately visible. I just think that that’s not always a part of acceptable and fun entertainment that we’re exposed to – that political side.
Sasha Velour
I want to do something that is not just a pastiche of drag that’s come before but is really authentically me. I try to tune out all the drag that’s out there and tap into the drag that I was doing when I was a little kid – when I didn’t even know the word ‘queer’ or that gay people were out there.
Sasha Velour
Drag should push the limits of what is considered fashionable or beautiful.
Sasha Velour
I like a little Barbra Streisand!
Sasha Velour
I hope that people look at Brooklyn as kind of a drag utopia, because that’s what it’s been in my experience – all genders and bodies and ages doing drag.
Sasha Velour
Drag, at its core, is about honoring yourself and your own unique way of being a gendered, queer person. Your own unique way of using fashion to express yourself.
Sasha Velour
I think Bianca Del Rio should be in politics.
Sasha Velour
I want to do performance that inspires people to be true to themselves and has tangible impact on the community. Not just because I want to be a role model – I just think it’s the best way to honor the tradition of drag.
Sasha Velour
I love biting off way more than I can chew, and that’s a great motivator because it forces me to rise to the occasion.
Sasha Velour
I'm an only child; I'm a very private person.

I’m an only child; I’m a very private person.
Sasha Velour
Trans women, trans men, AFAB – which is assigned female at birth – and non-binary performers, but especially trans women of color, have been doing drag for literal centuries and deserve to be equally represented and celebrated alongside cis men.
Sasha Velour
As a drag performer, my identity exists in music, art, and fashion, not in any one ‘language’ of gender or ‘appearance.’
Sasha Velour
‘Drag Race’ has made a lot more people into fans of drag, and that’s allowed local communities to grow and flourish, but it’s up to individual queens to share the spotlight with their communities. I definitely want to be one of the people who does that.
Sasha Velour
For me, my greatest weakness is also my greatest strength: I’m a complete overthinker about everything.
Sasha Velour
When I was in high school, I used to beg my teachers to let me create films and plays instead of writing essays. I think they were at least happy I was excited about school.
Sasha Velour
My own experience of gender has been about a lot of fluidity. In drag, I like to combine aspects of masculinity and femininity and rewrite the rules for those.
Sasha Velour
I find inspiration in the movies I’ve loved, especially all films ever made about Dracula.
Sasha Velour
I’d like to see drag really cultivate its political roots.
Sasha Velour
There are no limits to what kind of bodies, which types of people, which genders, or what races can do amazing drag, and I think the audience is clamoring fighting with each other more and more to see drag represented as fully as it possibly can be.
Sasha Velour
To costume yourself in the way that you fantasize, to make that a reality, and then to go right into the universe looking like an exceptional being takes a lot of courage.
Sasha Velour
Even if I hadn’t won ‘Drag Race,’ even if I’d never been on, I’d still be working my tail off, creating live shows, magazines, videos, anything I possibly could!
Sasha Velour
For a while, my favorite movie was ‘Vertigo.’ Everything in that movie was captivating to me.
Sasha Velour