Top 45 Cynthia Bailey Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Cynthia Bailey Quotes, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

I love New York!

I love New York!
Cynthia Bailey
How we choose to handle situations as people is always a personal choice.
Cynthia Bailey
I love the experience and history that comes with selecting and enjoying a great bottle of wine.
Cynthia Bailey
Since my battle with fibroids, I have become a health advocate. I workout, and with the help of, I make better food choices in my daily diet.
Cynthia Bailey
As blessed as I am, I clearly was not born with the twerking gene. It’s safe to say that I won’t be winning a twerking contest anytime soon. The robot on the other hand is a different story.
Cynthia Bailey
Ladies, you know when you are really into a man, it is hard to see any red flags because you choose to ignore them. Yes, love is truly blind. Sometimes it takes an outside person to observe the situation.
Cynthia Bailey
I am naturally a nice person and will give anyone the benefit of the doubt.
Cynthia Bailey
When I rock my signature afro look, I feel like I’m channeling my inner ’70s Cynthia.
Cynthia Bailey
We all know that I am not a big fan of surprises, and for whatever reason my life seems to be full of them.
Cynthia Bailey
I’m always here for a theme party, and I love to dance.
Cynthia Bailey
I am all for a good drag out argument every now and then, but the person that talks the loudest and uses the most curse words is not necessarily the winner of the argument.
Cynthia Bailey
Everybody likes a good cocktail.
Cynthia Bailey
I will always be grateful to my parents for trusting and believing in me to find my own way and follow my dreams.
Cynthia Bailey
Any fool can talk, but not everyone can listen, receive, and process information.
Cynthia Bailey
Although we all have our individual power, we are so much more powerful together.
Cynthia Bailey
Regardless of age, no one knows our children better than we do. So with having a child comes the responsibility of making every effort to support, protect, and give them the education they need to make good life choices.
Cynthia Bailey
Being a mom is one of the most difficult, challenging, and amazing jobs that a woman can have.
Cynthia Bailey
I don’t throw the word hate around much, but I have to say that I truly hate seeing people physically fight each other. It actually makes me sick to my stomach.
Cynthia Bailey
I have to get out of the habit of jumping into relationships with new friends before I really get to know them.
Cynthia Bailey
I respect my time and others’.
Cynthia Bailey
I moved from Huntsville, Alabama to New York City right out of high school. I was alone, scared, and had very little money.
Cynthia Bailey
You have to protect your kids, but you also have to slowly allow them to grow up.
Cynthia Bailey
In life, it is important to not be afraid to put yourself out there, win or lose. It is all about the spirit of challenging yourself to be open to realizing your highest potential.
Cynthia Bailey
There is nothing wrong with having a difference of opinion, or throwing a little shade every now and then.
Cynthia Bailey
I encourage my daughter to feel comfortable coming to me about anything and everything. I am her mother, and that’s what I am here for.
Cynthia Bailey
I worked every day and lived an incredible life.
Cynthia Bailey
If you put twenty parents in a room together, they will all have different parenting styles due to how they were raised and how they choose to raise their children. To each their own!
Cynthia Bailey
It’s not always easy to take the high road when you are hurting, but in the long run at least you still have your integrity and dignity.
Cynthia Bailey
I always tell people that I was raised in Alabama, but I grew up in New York!
Cynthia Bailey
I thought it was crazy for people to eat dirt until I actually tasted it. I really liked it!
Cynthia Bailey
I am strong, confident, and fearless!
Cynthia Bailey
I am rarely late, and if I am I always call to let ever

I am rarely late, and if I am I always call to let everyone know.
Cynthia Bailey
There is nothing like getting paid to do a job that you love to do.
Cynthia Bailey
Wine is smart, sexy, and classy.
Cynthia Bailey
I love my daughter Noelle. She means the absolute world to me. I never truly understood what unconditional love meant until I gave birth to her. It’s a love like no other.
Cynthia Bailey
Raising children is not easy, and what works for one child may not work for the other.
Cynthia Bailey
I grew up in rural Alabama, and some of my older family members used to eat red clay dirt. As a kid, I was introduced to it.
Cynthia Bailey
Apparently, dirt eating is really a ‘real thing,’ and you can actually buy it in some stores and online.
Cynthia Bailey
I had Noelle when I was 32 years old, and she is my only child by birth.
Cynthia Bailey
I don’t care what the reason is, or who started what. It doesn’t matter. Physical violence should never be the answer.
Cynthia Bailey
In good times and bad times, never comprise who you are.
Cynthia Bailey
Marriage is not easy, especially when it’s a very public marriage. I know firsthand.
Cynthia Bailey
I think I would actually be offended if I was referred to as a donkey in any way. Sorry, nothing personal against donkeys!
Cynthia Bailey
There should be limits morally and legally as to how far you are willing to go to try to hurt someone and their family.
Cynthia Bailey
There are no words to describe the eternal bond that I share with my daughter. Everything in my life is more special because she is a part of my life. Noelle motivates me daily to push myself to my highest standard, and to be the best person that I can be.
Cynthia Bailey