Top 45 Luther Strange Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Luther Strange Quotes, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

We have a failing Medicaid system, and you know who tha

We have a failing Medicaid system, and you know who that’s going to hurt in the end are the most vulnerable in people in our society.
Luther Strange
Short of the passage of a Constitutional Amendment protecting marriage as between one man and one woman, the U.S. Supreme Court has the final say.
Luther Strange
I feel very comfortable being compared to Sen. Sessions.
Luther Strange
The Obama administration demonstrated time and again a disturbing willingness to bypass the separation of powers and disregard Congress as a Constitutional watchdog.
Luther Strange
I am confident that Jeff Sessions will do his part to restore the delicate balance between the states and the federal government that the Founders envisioned.
Luther Strange
The Obamacare law has failed.
Luther Strange
Alabama has a history of safeguarding our freedom of religion.
Luther Strange
Climate change is not an excuse for the EPA to ignore the bounds of law and issue illegal regulations that will cost jobs, shutter industries, and have little to no positive impact on the environment.
Luther Strange
As attorney general, I don’t get to pick and choose the laws I like and don’t like.
Luther Strange
No one is arguing that the entire Voting Rights Act is unconstitutional. Section 2 is the most important part of the act. It gives people the right to challenge discriminatory laws in court. It applies to the entire nation. It is constitutional, and it will continue to protect all Americans.
Luther Strange
If the federal government believes free contraception is vital, then surely it can find another way to implement it than by forcing family businesses and religious broadcasters and others to violate their religious beliefs.
Luther Strange
I have the best job in politics in Alabama. As the attorney general, I just go to work every day and think of a way to sue the Obama Administration. If you don’t think that is fun, that is a full-time job.
Luther Strange
We have neglected our aerospace program, and I am detecting a lot of bipartisan support to continue that mission.
Luther Strange
I have the utmost confidence in Sen. Sessions, now General Sessions.
Luther Strange
The federal, state, and local governments are involved in virtually every aspect of business.
Luther Strange
I’ve always been supportive of President Trump and his agenda, and that’s what people in the state that I talk to care about.
Luther Strange
When I was attorney general, we had the strongest public integrity unit in the country.
Luther Strange
I pledge to the people of Alabama to continue the same level of leadership as Jeff Sessions in consistently fighting to protect and advance the conservative values we all care about.
Luther Strange
Our farmers feed the world. They are up before dawn and work till well after sunset. They face any number of challenges they can’t control, from too much rain to not enough, from disease to insect infestations.
Luther Strange
Exxon fought claims resulting from the Exxon Valdez spill in court for 20 years. Alabama could have suffered the same fate. What would be the benefit to the state or its coastal counties in delaying indefinitely the receipt of monies that we need sooner rather than later?
Luther Strange
I’ve got that hands-on experience with federal judges and how important it is to have judges like Neil Gorsuch, who will take a rule-of-law approach to the decision-making process. I think he’s eminently qualified.
Luther Strange
If the federal government can mandate what we have to spend our own money on, then the federal government can make us buy something even if we are morally opposed to paying for it.
Luther Strange
You can’t erase history.
Luther Strange
We learn from history. That’s what it’s all about.
Luther Strange
George Wallace is gone; Bull Connor is dead. He’s not coming back.
Luther Strange
BP cannot undo a settlement it negotiated and signed just to avoid its consequences.
Luther Strange
As Attorney General of Alabama, I have never hesitated to stand up to the EPA before when it was wrong.
Luther Strange
The people of Alabama are fed up. They are tired of politicians who lie to them, and they are sick of elected officials who’ve been in Washington so long they’ve forgotten why they ran in the first place.
Luther Strange
Shame on Congressman Brooks for his lack of faith in President Trump’s and Attorney General Sessions’ commitment to work together to make America great again.
Luther Strange
I have been fighting – and winning – against Obama-era experiments with illegal amnesty.
Luther Strange
Daily fantasy sports operators claim that they operate legally under Alabama law. However, paid daily fantasy sports contests are, in fact, illegal gambling under Alabama law.
Luther Strange
It's frustrating when people question your integrity.

It’s frustrating when people question your integrity.
Luther Strange
Climate change is not an excuse to give the federal government ever more power over private property and state resources.
Luther Strange
It’s really important if you’re in politics to have a loyal friend.
Luther Strange
Almost every day, you see an article in the papers about someone violating a campaign finance law.
Luther Strange
When my good friend Jeff Sessions endorsed Donald Trump, that was good enough for me.
Luther Strange
Sen. Sessions’ commitment to public service is nearly unparalleled in Alabama history, and his departure from the Senate leaves tremendous shoes to fill.
Luther Strange
The fault always lies in the candidate or the head coach or the guy holding the ball.
Luther Strange
If I have to filibuster on the Senate floor, I’ll even read the King James Bible until the wall is funded.
Luther Strange
We rely on the rule of law. I think we’ve lost touch with that concept in Washington.
Luther Strange
A corporation cannot make a campaign contribution to a candidate for federal office.
Luther Strange
I’m not backing down on immigration. I’m not backing down on the wall.
Luther Strange
Alabama and other states had a terrible record in terms of depriving people of their right to vote, making it difficult for them to vote, discriminating against people.
Luther Strange
When President Trump and I arrived in Washington, there was a new sense that the crisis of illegal immigration would now be taken seriously.
Luther Strange
I am very pleased with President Trump’s selection of Judge Neil Gorsuch as his first appointee to the U.S. Supreme Court.
Luther Strange