Top 460 Fought Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Fought Quotes from famous people such as Joe Barton, Ricardo Salinas Pliego, Joe Arpaio, Liam Smith, James Lasdun, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

Our flag honors those who have fought to protect it, an

Our flag honors those who have fought to protect it, and is a reminder of the sacrifice of our nation’s founders and heroes. As the ultimate icon of America’s storied history, the Stars and Stripes represents the very best of this nation.
Joe Barton
Chiapas has had its problems for many centuries. The different Indian tribes that live there have always fought among themselves.
Ricardo Salinas Pliego
I have fought on the front lines to prevent illegal immigration. I know Donald Trump will stand with me and countless Americans to secure our border.
Joe Arpaio
From my point of view, I am the underdog going into this fight. I’m not saying I’m not. But I’m the underdog because I haven’t fought at that level yet against anyone of Canelo’s level.
Liam Smith
For a long period of history, you were what people said about you, and if your reputation was stained, you were in very serious trouble. People fought duels over this. Then it fades away historically.
James Lasdun
I went to college, I wrestled and I took some amateur fights. When I graduated, I wanted to start using my degree, but I figured I would start fighting professionally. Then I won 18 in a row and I fought Eddie Alvarez on pay-per-view.
Justin Gaethje
I love the city and the people here. I’ve been with them for many years and I fought alongside them.
Bob Paisley
I do not believe that civilization will be wiped out in a war fought with the atomic bomb. Perhaps two-thirds of the people of the earth will be killed.
Albert Einstein
It is true that the Thackerays have never fought elections. But we have never backed out from responsibilities.
Uddhav Thackeray
I never fought much. It just wasn’t my thing. I suppose I could, but I’ve never got into fights. Not a real one.
Nick Nolte
I fought a lot of strong guys before – big, scary guys – and I used to knock them out.
Jairzinho Rozenstruik
That’s one of the reasons I retired. To stick around, the way I was fighting, I would have to start playing it safe. I went out on my shield. That’s the way I liked it. I fought that way my whole career. I don’t want to bore people my last three or four fights.
Chuck Liddell
I believe, in my prime, I could have fought with anybody alive.
Rocky Marciano
Nobody will hold it against him if he cancels the fight with Dereck Chisora – the public aren’t interested in that fight; nobody knows who he is. It is pretty sad but shows the mindset of Wladimir Klitschko and why he will go down in history as a heavyweight who just fought the worst possible people out there.
David Haye
We don’t know who John Brown was, and in many ways, his work shaped where we are today. He was a Pennsylvanian. He was the prototypical Yankee who fought back and suffered in doing so.
James McBride
An overview of all wars since the establishment of the Bank of England in 1694 suggests that most of them would have been greatly reduced in severity, or perhaps not even fought at all, without fiat money.
G. Edward Griffin
I’m able to do motivational speaking all over the world and do so many positive things with my life because of my journey and the battles I’ve fought. Without cancer, I would have never had some of these opportunities, and I wouldn’t be the man I am today.
Daniel Jacobs
There’s no service ribbon for people who fought in Korea. We lost over 30,000 men between 1951 and 1953 – as many as we lost in 15 years in Vietnam.
Michael Cimino
When people discuss the 1960s and the great Civil Rights Era, they often speak in romantic terms as if there wasn’t immense work put in, and as if there wasn’t immense sacrifice that took place. But none of those battles were easily fought and won; there were sustained movements behind them.
Al Sharpton
It’s our country. I have a lot of pride in it and the flag and what that’s about and all the people who fought for it.
Andrew Whitworth
I had fought against the unjust restriction of immigration.
Emanuel Celler
I had never fought a guy before that I had put on a pedestal the way I did with Carlos Condit. I’ve got his walkout shirt. He’s a former champion. I’m a huge fan. I doubted myself a lot of times.
Michael Chiesa
I call myself a traditionalist, although I have fought against tradition all my life.
Philip Johnson
I have fought corruption.
Jacob Zuma
Today, as we look back on the history of our nation and take note of how far we have come as a people, we are reminded that we owe a great debt to those who fought valiantly for the freedoms that we easily take for granted.
Sam Brownback
I’ve fought the best guys in the world, and I’ve beat the best guys in the world.
Stipe Miocic
Maybe more climate activists will think about the climate change not as an international problem to be resolved in an air-conditioned meeting hall, but as a guerilla war to be fought in the streets.
Jeff Goodell
Britain and Churchill fought not solely in the name of liberty and democracy, but also with the intention of maintaining the empire, defending vital interests and remaining a great power.
David Olusoga
Being in a boy band, everyone has an opinion of all of us and what we do. There was a time I fought with that.
Ronan Keating
When I started giving talks about women’s history, one of the things that bothered me was the tendency to say, ‘Well, everybody was totally oppressed and suddenly in 1964 we rose up, got our freedom, and here we are.’ It dismisses the women who fought for rights for several hundred years of our history up to that point.
Gail Collins
I love Ruth Brown, not just her singing, but Ruth Brown has more girl power than anyone, because she fought hard against people who ripped her off and then helped other artists through the Rhythm and Blues Foundation.
Ronnie Spector
Too many people fought too hard to make sure all citize

Too many people fought too hard to make sure all citizens of all colors, races, ethnicities, genders, and abilities can vote to think that not voting somehow sends a message.
Luis Gutierrez
I think I went on a nice winning streak of about 20 fights until I fought Jorge Reyes and he stopped me in 6 rounds after I punched myself out.
Alexis Arguello
I will tell my children that Mr. Trump fought for the little guy, for the mom and pop in Erie County who lost all hope. While Mr. Trump was far from perfect, he stood by people of faith who love America.
Mercedes Schlapp
I am part of a legacy of queer black women who have fought for the freedom of black people across the globe.
Patrisse Cullors
The market’s in America, and I haven’t even fought there. So many Americans are speaking about me. So, why can’t I bring a pay-per-view to Anfield this summer? Why can’t I? That’s a dream.
Darren Till
There still is a war on women in terms of politicians in Washington and the state legislatures trying to eliminate any rights we have fought to win and that the Supreme Court has afforded us.
Gloria Allred
My grandparents were deeply affected by war, and it was obvious that the men who fought were horribly affected, as were the women who remained at home.
Andrea Riseborough
It’s common in rural Ireland to pick up a nickname that relates to an animal, bird, or a spider. Mine became ‘scorpion’ because I fought back, and scorpions are docile creatures until pushed too far.
Walter O’Brien
Every fight has been hard. Every world title I’ve won has been hard fought, and every European title I’ve won has been hard fought as well.
Katie Taylor
When we were younger, we fought, but that’s what kids do, right?
Benji Madden
Our love for the Founders leads us to abandon, and even to betray, the very principles they fought for.
H. W. Brands
It hasn’t always been a sweet ride. When I was 15, I almost hated racing in finals because I was so nervous. But as I got more experienced, I had to choose between fight and flight – and I’ve fought every time.
Adam Peaty
We cannot fight just as Dalits. I understand for centuries people have fought each other. It is not easy to bring them together. But we have done this in U.P.
The Fatherland Liberation War, which the Korean people fought against the haughty U.S. imperialists who had battened on aggression and pillage, was, in fact, a hard fight that could be likened to a bare-handed man versus brigandish robbers.
Kim Jong-un
My little brother and I, we’re just in our generation. We’re doing the best job we can do. There were champions like Mike Tyson who fought everybody, and not everybody was just as good.
Vitali Klitschko
The only important thing I have to say is that my father never fought against his country.
Zinedine Zidane
Soldiers of the American Revolution fought that 18th century war with heavy muskets. In the early 20th century, we kids fought it every Fourth of July not only with exploding powder and shimmering flares, but with all of our senses.
Paul Engle
My father was a veteran. He fought in World War II. He was a patriot. On the other hand, he had no illusions whatsoever about how Uncle Sam had mistreated him and other black soldiers.
John Edgar Wideman
Africans are on the front lines of humanitarian efforts, distributing life-saving aid in dangerous environments. Africans comprise the vast majority of peacekeepers in civil conflict on that continent. Africans for the most part lead peace negotiations for the wars being fought in Africa.
John Prendergast
The biggest shock was the first fight. I didn’t know what to expect. I fought Fujita. At that time, he was one of the most dangerous PRIDE fighters. He was a complete beast and with 130 kilograms of pure muscle.
Mirko Cro Cop
After the Civil War, when blacks fought along whites to secure freedom for all, southern states enacted Black Codes, laws that restricted the civil rights and liberties of blacks. Central to the enforcement of these laws were the stiff penalties for blacks possessing firearms.
Niger Innis
I’ve never supported this concept of going after Napster. I think the rock bands who fought this were wrong.
Michael Moore
I wasn’t a bad kid. I was a good kid. But I had gotten in a lot of fights ’cause in the neighborhood I grew up in, that wasn’t equated with bad behavior almost. I mean, we’d fought like it was another game. ‘You wanna play stick ball today?’ ‘Nah, let’s go fight.’
Tony Danza
For years I wrote newspaper columns mostly about the teams in my city. There was no cheering in the press box, and I fought to remain objective.
Skip Bayless
Black Lives Matter organizers hold the same values of America’s age-old enemies, who have always fought the ideals of our Constitution and our nation. That they have now taken on as their costume a false concern for Black America only adds to their depravity.
David A. Clarke, Jr.
I remember when Joe Calzaghe fought Jeff Lacy, and there was all this hype about Lacy being some sort of unbeatable force, and Joe absolutely hammered him.
Liam Smith
CBS fought very hard on this because it believed and believes that there’s a principle at stake here. The principle is that Dan Rather doesn’t work for the police, and that people that speak to Dan Rather understand that he’s a journalist and not a police agent.
Floyd Abrams
I should have never fought at 145.
B. J. Penn
New ideas should confront old ideas. We must refer to the example of Europe. People have fought to make Europe what it is today. Freedom is not something that is served up on a plate.
Tahar Ben Jelloun
Some people will talk about how Afghanistan has improved, but they’re really just talking about the cities. In the countryside where the war has been fought, it’s really not that much better than it was in 2001.
Anand Gopal
Gul Makai’ is a story of a brave heart and a gentle advocate of peace who fought for her right to go to school and became a global teacher.
Divya Dutta
We were brothers off the field, but there was no love l

We were brothers off the field, but there was no love lost on it. We fought like cats and dogs. Wes was always trying to strike me out, and meantime, I was always trying to hit a home run off him.
Rick Ferrell
It is true that the battle for secularism must be fought in the hearts and minds of people, but how does one reach out to the hearts and minds in a fascist state?
Prashant Bhushan
I remember when I fought Kevin Randleman, I was so wary about him taking me down, I figured it if he takes me down, was going to be so hard for me to get back up because he’s just so good at ground and pound and keeping you on your back and it takes so much energy to get back up.
Quinton Jackson
Oh man, I would love to fight Evander Holyfield. I don’t think any of the other great heavyweights fought four times – that’s history in itself.
Riddick Bowe
I remember the first time I fought somebody with a name and that was Tito Ortiz. I didn’t start fighting until like the second round because I was like, ‘Oh my God, that’s Tito Ortiz. That’s Tito Ortiz from TV. Look how big his head is, damn.’
Rashad Evans
Americans should be ashamed of how aflutter they get about Downton Abbey – it’s unpatriotic. I seem to remember we fought a revolution so as not to put up with this nonsense, where notions of station are so unforgiving that upper and lower echelons are practically different species.
Steve Erickson
I just hate the idea of being well known. I know that is almost impossible if you’re an actor who has done okay, but I’ve always fought against it.
Michael Gambon
I’m a brown-skinned Indian immigrant, low-caste untouchable – I don’t know how many labels you want to put on me – who’s fought all his life.
Shiva Ayyadurai
We’re going to go back to the drawing board and see what we can correct. But at the end of the day, we fought Manny Pacquiao in a chess match, we did well and what doesn’t kill us will make us stronger.
Jessie Vargas
I’d always fought against presenting radio really, because my father was a radio DJ in Australia. He’s just recently retired. And I kind of didn’t want to follow in his footsteps. But I suppose, as we all find as we become older, to some extent we do all become our parents.
Jarvis Cocker
You don’t attack the grunts of Vietnam; you blame the theory behind the war. Nobody who fought in that war was at fault. It was the war itself that was at fault. It’s the same thing with psychotherapy.
James Hillman
I fought for years and spent a fortune fighting and never got anywhere.
David Friedman
When I think about our HBCUs, I think of icons like my mentor Jim Clyburn, a South Carolina State graduate, who fought against discrimination and segregation, and continues to champion for civil rights and equality.
Jaime Harrison
My heart was bursting with pride the night I fought Steve Robinson in Wales, and I made the champion look like the challenger.
Naseem Hamed
My soul existed in an African vessel hundreds of years ago as the leader of a tribe, and my tribe fought for honor.
Matt Hardy
I fought violently for the autonomy of architecture. It’s a very passive, weak profession where people deliver a service. You want a blue door, you get a blue door. You want it to look neo-Spanish, you get neo-Spanish. Architecture with any authenticity represents resistance. Resistance is a good thing.
Thom Mayne
My parents used to fight a lot, and I think they fought a lot at night, and they would turn the television up to hide the sound of their fighting.
Chuck Palahniuk
We know now that in modern warfare, fought on any considerable scale, there can be no possible economic gain for any side. Win or lose, there is nothing but waste and destruction.
Lester B. Pearson
I fought Miguel Cotto in Madison Square Garden on the eve of the Puerto Rican Day parade – it was like fighting the devil in Hell.
Paulie Malignaggi
I’ve been on cruise control with my opponents, even though I fought some very good champions, undefeated champions.
Mikey Garcia
The fans, man, the fans have a little different way of thinking. They really applaud the spirit of fighters, and that put a huge influence on the type of energy I fought with, rather than if I won or lost. America’s a real win-or-lose culture, where with the Japanese, fighting with spirit is enough.
Eddie Alvarez
I’ve had many fights, but this is the biggest stage I’ve ever fought in. The UFC is the best.
Stephen Thompson
I owe my career to J.J. Abrams. He fought for me.
David Anders
Pay-Per-View is run by drama. It is. It’s true. I’ve done the research for myself. You look at Jon Jones. When Jon Jones fought Machida, probably did about $200,000, $300,000. When he fought Cormier, they made, like, $875,000.
Demetrious Johnson
These fallen heroes represent the character of a nation who has a long history of patriotism and honor – and a nation who has fought many battles to keep our country free from threats of terror.
Michael N. Castle
For Americans of the Greatest Generation that fought World War II and of the Silent Generation that came of age in the 1950s, the great moral and ideological cause was the Cold War. It gave purpose and clarity to our politics and foreign policy, and our lives.
Pat Buchanan
You don’t have to have fought in a war to love peace.
Geraldine Ferraro
Few remember that the battle of Rorke’s Drift was fought on the same day that the British Army suffered its most humiliating defeat at nearby Isandlwana.
Saul David
My father fought on the side of the Central Powers, as a soldier in the Imperial and Royal Austro-Hungarian Army, my maternal grandfather fought in the British Army, on different sides, and both were so traumatized by the experience that they never talked about it.
Michael Korda
I fight, and have fought, for political freedom, for justice and for fairness and freedom of speech.
Teresa Heinz
Jack Buck fought through Europe during World War II.
Joe Buck
The United States is a constitutional republic, and the

The United States is a constitutional republic, and the Founding Fathers fought to ensure that the mob couldn’t undermine it.
Kayleigh McEnany
I fought doing dance music as a solo artist for a long time. I always thought there was a ceiling with it.
Becky Hill
I would have loved to have fought 15-rounders, because I always come on strong at the end.
Carl Froch
War is usually fought over diminishing resources, particulary those that we perceive to be extremely valuable.
Dennis Weaver
That title, is one of the things I fought for. A lot of people said ‘But it’s stupid, and it’s the title of a comedy movie, and people won’t take it seriously,’ and I’m sure there are some people who still don’t. But for the most part, people do see that we really have a quality show.
Joss Whedon
I want to be remembered as just basically somebody who fought with a lot of passion.
Urijah Faber
The mobilisation which Bush has been able to perform since 11 September 2001 has to be fought – at least by Americans – in the name of a wise, honourable and democratic patriotism.
Todd Gitlin
When women were excluded from New Deal programs, Eleanor Roosevelt fought to include them. Roosevelt was among a handful of leaders who realized the U.S. economy would not escape the depths of recession without the full contributions of women.
Lael Brainard
To pursue your dreams, to have them come true, to have made a difference, to have changed society, to have fought against powerful forces… that’s a life well-spent.
Hugh Hefner
I believe in the value of life. I have fought for that value. I am the only candidate to carry a right to life bill, protecting unborn victims and ensuring that all life should be protected.
Ryan Zinke
We must secure our borders and restore the rule of law, and more than anyone running, Ted Cruz has fought to make this nation secure while protecting our constitutional rights.
Sam Graves
The first generation of the young people of our revolution took up arms following Comrade Kim Il Sung and fought the bloody anti-Japanese struggle, thus achieving the historic cause of national liberation.
Kim Jong-un
But the battles against loneliness that I fought when I was 16 are very different from those I fought when I was 27, and those are very different from the ones I fight at 44.
Tom Hanks
Habit is necessary; it is the habit of having habits, of turning a trail into a rut, that must be incessantly fought against if one is to remain alive.
Edith Wharton
If it is right for men to fight for their freedom, and God knows what the human race would be like today if men had not, since time began, fought for their freedom, then it is right for women to fight for their freedom and the freedom of the children they bear.
Emmeline Pankhurst
I don’t shoot guns. I don’t know how to do that. I grew Upstate New York, so I fought with my fists.
Jimmy Fallon
I fought for MPs to have the right to vote on article 50 not because I was against Brexit, but because I was, and remain passionately, an advocate of parliamentary sovereignty.
Gina Miller
I’ve fought physical disability and was cured because of naturopathy and yoga.
Sangram Singh
My father Ted fought in North Africa, Italy, and Germany during World War II. My grandfather survived the horrors of the trenches in World War I. I truly believe that one of the E.U.’s greatest achievements is that it has kept its members out of conflict in Europe.
Richard Branson
During the worst days of apartheid, we turned to the church for hope and courage as we fought a righteous struggle for a democratic, non-racial, non-sexist, just, and prosperous South Africa.
Cyril Ramaphosa
This one, even though it called for San Francisco, I think they wanted to initially shoot part of the film up here, you know get the exteriors and then go back to L.A. We really fought to get it up here and I think Paramount was really pleased.
Philip Kaufman
I’ve fought hard and now I’m weary to the bone.
Michael Landon
I’m a very happy, content member of David Cameron’s team. I fought very hard to get my friend elected as leader of the Conservative party, then elected as the prime minister of this country, and I’m very happy being part of that team that is bringing change to this country.
George Osborne
In fact, when I fought the 1996 election, being Mufti Mohammad Sayeed’s daughter, it has its own plus and minus, so I told my father, ‘please don’t come for campaigning with me’.
Mehbooba Mufti
I’m sick of people who supported Trump saying, ‘Get over it. You lost.’ That’s not how America works. We get to critique him the same way they constantly fought Obama. As long as I have a platform, I will continue to speak up because it’s my responsibility.
Stan Van Gundy
I’m not going all the way; I’m going to be the best fighter that’s ever fought in MMA. That’s what I truly believe.
Darren Till
The first time I fought Undertaker. I remember watching him walk down and having this chill. You know that feeling when you’re almost getting into a car accident? It felt like that continuously for 10 minutes. That was a moment.
Bray Wyatt
There have been times I’ve fought just to fight.
Julio Cesar Chavez Sr.
One of the first production deals I signed, the guy wanted my name to be Minaj and I fought him tooth and nail. But he convinced me. I’ve always hated it.
Nicki Minaj
In Vietnam, America fought one whose communism was driven by an underlying nationalism, the desire to live free of the West. Whatever one may think of this, here was an enemy that truly wanted to live, that insisted on territory and sovereignty.
Shelby Steele
Wars may be fought with weapons, but they are won by men. It is the spirit of men who follow and of the man who leads that gains the victory.
George S. Patton
I always fought against vulgarity, double meaning dialo

I always fought against vulgarity, double meaning dialogues and wearing la’dies’ clothes.
The Republican Party, which John McCain led as our nominee in 2008, is going to become irrelevant if we become the party of intolerance and hate. The party founded by Abraham Lincoln was a party that fought slavery and intolerance at every level.
Ed Rollins
That first loss in the UFC was a tough one. I hadn’t fought in a year, and you start again, different organisation, different scenario, and it all plays into it.
Mark Hunt
I fought a boxer who everybody said I couldn’t beat – Sugar Ray Leonard. They said he was faster than me. That he was the best of the best. And I beat him.
Roberto Duran
Wars should be fought with words, not bombs, not weapons. And calm words. I think that wars should be fought over a chessboard and a cup of something to drink.
Mattie Stepanek
Only he can understand what a farm is, what a country is, who shall have sacrificed part of himself to his farm or country, fought to save it, struggled to make it beautiful. Only then will the love of farm or country fill his heart.
Antoine de Saint-Exupery
I’ve fought very hard against populism throughout my political career. I’m very happy that Greece now has a moderate, results-oriented, non-populist government.
Kyriakos Mitsotakis
It is interesting that Nehru fought and kept saying that if you break India into languages, there is no end to it.
Shekhar Kapur
I’ve fought a couple different places in the world. I love America, I’m American, but I have to say that American fans are the worst. I have to say it. They can get mad at me. I said it, and it’s something they can work on.
Quinton Jackson
Robert Whittaker is definitely a different fighter from when I fought him last. His takedown defense is ridiculous – ridiculous – and his cardio is out there. Like, the guy does not get tired.
Stephen Thompson
Think about all the great boxers who have fought here, starting with Muhammad Ali. And as well as all that, I believe I will be the first boxer from Liverpool to appear at the Garden.
Rocky Fielding
My mum fought for feminism in her day so instilled in me the importance of equality. She taught me so much about women.
Chris Evans
I grew up in a rough neighborhood, so I fought a lot. Even when I was wrestling, if I lost a match, I always thought, That guy would never beat me in a fight.
Chris Weidman
When I fought in the amateurs and fought New York guys, they had a different swag, a different style, and maybe they didn’t take a liking to Texas fighters to begin with.
Jermell Charlo
I’m not ambitious. I don’t want to get anywhere, I don’t want anything more. I sometimes think that for me that is the real freedom, that I don’t want anything. I don’t want money or prizes. I want people to know that a war is going to be fought.
Arundhati Roy
My dad was a Communist Party member who fought for his country.
Tim Roth
I’ve been in the States and fought before. When I’m in that changing room, I’ll feel as if I’ve been in that situation before. Obviously I’m going to have to deal on the biggest stage, and it’s the Dallas Cowboys Stadium, but it doesn’t faze me.
Liam Smith
Subconsciously – I didn’t know it then, I realize it today when I know a little bit more about the mind and the brain – I fought like I didn’t deserve to live.
Jake LaMotta
The great Chinese classics have always said that it’s better not to fight; that the clever man achieves his ends without violence; that a battle delayed is better than a battle fought.
John Keegan
When I hear people say Patrice never had someone to fight him for his place, I think they have bad memories. They forget very quickly how I got to become Manchester United’s left-back. I fought with two great players in Gabriel Heinze and Mikael Silvestre.
Patrice Evra
I have fought with ‘Rampage’ Jackson and I took him down easily. Honestly, I scored six takedowns effortlessly. I have fought Ryan Bader and I took him down too.
Glover Teixeira
Britain fought the second world war with men and money partly drawn from the empire and that, after the defence of the home islands, the survival of the empire was a fundamental war aim.
David Olusoga
Mubarak came to power as a hero who fought bravely in Egypt’s wars and headed the nation’s air force.
Ahmed Zewail
We know what the Dixie flag represents and its heritage; the Civil War was fought over States rights.
Gary Rossington
I fought some guy who looked like Steven Seagal, some aikido guy or something. The fight’s not even on my record, I don’t remember his name. My dad was there at the fight and he said he blinked and he missed the fight, so I think I finished him fast or something. I forgot all about that fight.
Quinton Jackson
I don’t have fights with actors. In absolute honesty, I’ve never fought with any actor ever.
Baz Luhrmann
I go, and I lobby for seniors on the Hill in Washington, D.C., and I’ve fought to have the Older Americans Act reauthorized, so I believe that my voice has been used for a lot of good.
Michael Kelly
If the Tories and Lib Dems fought together, they’d keep their ministerial offices and limousines, and continue to do the right things for the U.K. But too many backbenchers in both parties yearn for Opposition, preferring hallucinogenic ideological purity and political irrelevance to the mucky reality of governing.
Michael Portillo
When everybody fought Anderson Silva in the past, they were terrified of him. Absolutely terrified. That’s part of the reason why he was so successful.
Michael Bisping
When I first started, especially because I got the Critics’ Choice before I’d released an album, there was a lot of scrutiny on what my character was, what my background was, what colour my hair was. I fought quite hard for the music to overtake the personality aspect.
Florence Welch
It doesn’t matter how much experience Jayson Velez has, whether he fought for a world title or not. I’m going to see how he fights, and I’ll know what to do.
Ryan Garcia
Why is it that the very people who have fought so hard

Why is it that the very people who have fought so hard and so long for the simple entitlement to love whom they choose to love are the very ones denied that right by those who routinely take their vows for granted?
John Ridley
I did it the hard way, I fought everyone I could and I would not have it any other way.
Carl Froch
On one hand, my gender has never been an issue. The issue has always been what’s on the page. But the reality is, an awful lot of women fought an awful lot of battles to get me to that place.
Laeta Kalogridis
That something that I fought so hard for throughout the beginning of my career is I didn’t want to pancake my skin a lighter color to fit into the… ballet. I wanted to be myself. I didn’t want to have to wear makeup that made my nose look thinner.
Misty Copeland
When I fought with Michael Johnson, when I took his arm for the kimura, I can break it, but I go very slowly, be careful, because I don’t want to give him injury.
Khabib Nurmagomedov
You don’t always win your battles, but it’s good to know you fought.
John Greenleaf Whittier
I’ve been in there with, to me, some top-tier guys, and so has Trout. You can’t take that away from him at all. He’s fought all of the top guys, everybody.
Jermell Charlo
All my life I have fought corruption.
A. K. Antony
For my training camp against George Groves my main sparring partner was a 6ft 7inch cruiserweight who fought nothing like George. It was just wrong. Wrong preparation. I was as fit as could be, but strategically I didn’t prepare right.
Chris Eubank Jr.
Little things about the Pilgrims surprised me. For instance, the fact that the first duel in America was fought at Plymouth by two teenaged boys over a girl. The life the Pilgrims led in Holland before coming to America also surprised me.
Ann Rinaldi
I fought Swanson when I was injured and I shouldn’t have but I wanted to.
Charles Oliveira
I fought for the rule of law in America.
Joe Sestak
We have fought and cried. But I think, over time, one falls, learns, grows, and moves on. Shah Rukh and I have had our share of highs and lows.
Juhi Chawla
When I fought Holmes, I feel I was a better fighter than he was. I was just so caught up in what was written about the fight – I got caught up in that whole thing.
Gerry Cooney
The true object of war fought for God should always be peace.
Hamza Yusuf
Blue is the male principle, stern and spiritual. Yellow the female principle, gentle, cheerful and sensual. Red is matter, brutal and heavy and always the colour which must be fought and vanquished by the other two.
Franz Marc
I love America for the freedom and equality it promises all of its citizens, the battles it has fought and won in defense of those values, and the peace and prosperity we enjoy.
Jack Schlossberg
I have fought for open immigration which is something I disagree with Nigel Farage on.
Claire Fox
I grew up in a strongly socialist family. While I was at school, I worked in party politics and with organizations like the Anti-Nazi League. Everywhere I saw it, I fought prejudice.
Saffron Burrows
As soon as I got out of law school, I went to inner city Newark, New Jersey, to become a housing rights lawyer, because people fought for my housing rights, I was going to pay it forward by fighting for others.
Cory Booker
I’m definitely very excited to see Cormier fight Brock Lesnar. I think Daniel Cormier wins the fight. He’s just too fast. I feel like, when I fought him, he was quicker than me with certain combinations. I can only imagine he’s going to be a lot quicker than Brock Lesnar.
Jon Jones
The guys I lost to always challenged the title, because they were, like, title eliminators. I lost to Alexander Gustafsson and Anthony Johnson and they fought for the belt. Then I won fights against really tough guys.
Glover Teixeira
If you are conscious and really want change in this world, and you don’t vote, then what was all the fighting for? All the things our parents and our parents’ parents fought for?
Brian Tyree Henry
I fought a long battle for Punjab but it could not succeed because the intentions of the people along with whom I was fighting were not clean.
Gurpreet Ghuggi
My father was an immigrant who literally walked across Europe to get out of Russia. He fought in World War I. He was wounded in action. My father was a great success even though he never had money. He was a very determined man, a great role model.
Arlen Specter
There’s a lot of people that fought for their country and that’s not something to be taken lightly. They gave their life, everything they had, they gave their lives, to give us what we have. That’s why I’m so passionate about my beliefs – because someone died.
Luke Scott
The Iraq war was fought by one-half of one percent of us. And unless we were part of that small group or had a relative who was, we went about our lives as usual most of the time: no draft, no new taxes, no changes. Not so for the small group who fought the war and their families.
Bob Schieffer
I fought every kind of boxer.
Julio Cesar Chavez Sr.
I’m in business to make money. However, I’m a mayor who fought for a living wage. And I believe healthcare should be a right.
Wayne Messam
The older kids, if they wanted something from you, whether it was cash or sports equipment, they would just take it. My older brothers used to say, ‘If someone tries to take something from you, never give it to them.’ So we fought all the time.
Gennady Golovkin
When you try to find funding for a VVA function, it doesn’t seem like it’s any trouble at all. People come out of the woodwork with their money to help out because we went over and fought a war.
R. Lee Ermey
There is something about military history that fascinat

There is something about military history that fascinates me. You find that many battles have been lost by people with very good military background when they fought battles in a battleground they didn’t understand. I have seen that in business, too. You have to look at a marketplace like a battle-ground.
David Cheriton
We should be doing everything we can to make it as convenient as possible for eligible Americans to cast a ballot. People fought and died for the right to vote.
Jason Kander
McCain fought in Vietnam – I think that he has enough civilian blood on his hands.
Vladimir Putin
Gosh, I think faith is a wonderful thing. And I even think religion’s a wonderful thing. I know a lot of people want to say, ‘Religion’s the only reason that man has had any trouble at all,’ but you know what? World War I and World War II were not fought because of religious reasons.
Kelsey Grammer
People can say what they want to say, but at the end of the day, I can look at myself in the mirror. I know how hard I fought. I know how many storylines I pitched. I know how hard I worked in the ring.
Michelle McCool
Racism must be fought – there are no two ways about it.
Marine Le Pen
I’m scared of any fighter I’ve ever fought because they are some dangerous people to be dealing with.
Nick Diaz
I’ve been in many street fights. I fought street fights for my friends to protect them.
Andy Ruiz Jr.
With a record of 75 fights and 6 losses, some of the losses were very questionable including Brian Nielsen when we fought in Denmark. I knew I won but they didn’t give me that fight.
Larry Holmes
Progressives, in a way, are the new conservatives. We want to conserve what we fought to build.
Al Franken
I fight guys that no one has ever heard of; I fought guys who are legends, like Frankie Edgar.
Urijah Faber
In 1968, I fought and won the world middleweight karate championship by defeating the world’s top fighters. I then held that title until 1974, when I retired undefeated.
Chuck Norris
I think the only thing that happened when I fought Jim Miller is that I was a just kid, he had way more experience. I was winning the fight, landing punches and trying to get 10 submissions at the same time, and Jim Miller went for one attack only, a kneebar, and got it. His experience made the difference.
Charles Oliveira
I can say now: all the combatants who participated in the fight for freedom in South America came to Algeria; it’s from there that all those who fought left. We trained them, we arranged for the weapons to reach them, we created networks.
Ahmed Ben Bella
I try to search for roles where the character is not dependent on how she looks, but it is hard because I didn’t know anyone in this industry, so I started as an extra and fought.
Amber Heard
Terrorist groups and their extremist state sponsors cannot be fought with kid gloves and flowery words of persuasion. As the U.S. has displayed in Afghanistan and in Iraq, only a vigilant and determined campaign of confrontation can deter and obstruct them.
Ehud Olmert
Exxon fought claims resulting from the Exxon Valdez spill in court for 20 years. Alabama could have suffered the same fate. What would be the benefit to the state or its coastal counties in delaying indefinitely the receipt of monies that we need sooner rather than later?
Luther Strange
Latino patriots have served and fought in every war. They are artists, dancers, singers, poets and journalists, teachers and scientists. More and more Latinos are becoming entrepreneurs and businesspeople, contributing to the wealth and economic well-being of the nation.
Bob Menendez
The Open Access Movement has fought valiantly to ensure that scientists do not sign their copyrights away but instead ensure their work is published on the Internet, under terms that allow anyone to access it.
Aaron Swartz
We fought like heck for every player and every advantage, but we knew we were part of something bigger than ourselves. To me, that is what baseball is all about. I hope it is always what baseball is all about.
Pat Gillick
I knew ‘Like Crazy’ would be good, I just knew it, and that’s why I fought so hard to be on it.
Charlie Bewley
We went to church twice a week. My parents were employed in ministry; we prayed before dinner. We rollerbladed in the summer. We were allowed to watch the ‘Simpsons.’ I fought with my younger brother over Legos.
Daniel Mallory Ortberg
When we fought for freedom, for the establishment of a Jewish state, we didn’t send a questionnaire to the Jewish nation asking if it wanted a Jewish state.
Yitzhak Shamir
I don’t see any holy wars being fought in the name of Satan.
Glenn Danzig
We can’t afford to compromise on anything we have fought for – abortion is legal in our country, and I will do everything in my power to stand up for the rights of women and all people to choose when and how they build a family.
Deb Haaland
In 1595, by order of the Privy Council, the English armed services abandoned the longbow and fought with muskets for the next two centuries and more. Nobody is sure why.
Edmund Morgan
I’ve fought in London. I’ve fought in Los Angeles. I’ve fought in New York.
Gervonta Davis
It is as a free French woman who has been able to enjoy, her whole life, the very precious freedoms fought for long and hard by our mothers and grandmothers, that I want to warn about a new form of social, human, and moral regression imposed on us by the migrant crisis.
Marine Le Pen
All of my political career, I’ve fought for the taxpayers.
Tom Price
Madison Square Garden has held some of the best fights of all time. Many legendary fighters have fought there. Being able to fight there is an honor.
Ryan Garcia
Look at the guys I’ve fought. Anderson Silva. Lyoto Machida. Vitor Belfort. All those guys are much quicker than Luke Rockhold and I did just fine.
Chris Weidman
I fought passionately to remain in the E.U., and I warn

I fought passionately to remain in the E.U., and I warned of the economic risks if we left the E.U.
George Osborne
It is a wonderful honor to receive the Audubon Medal from the National Audubon Society, which for more than a century has fought tirelessly to protect and preserve our natural resources and environment for future generations.
Louis Bacon
We fought a revolution to free ourselves from arbitrary power and the whims of a monarch.
Zephyr Teachout
I’ve fought court battles over my inventions before.
James Dyson
Parents don’t reveal how often they have bitten their tongue, fought back the tears, or been too tired to take off their clothes after a day of childcare. The parent loves, but they do not expect the favour to be returned in any significant way.
Alain de Botton
Kell Brook has a lot of heart. He showed it against Golovkin and when he came over here to the States and fought Shawn Porter. He’s a real warrior in the ring.
Errol Spence Jr.
When I was harassed and discriminated against, I fought as hard as I could – because I hadn’t gone through all of that, I hadn’t worked so hard my entire life, just to have someone take it away from me.
Susan Fowler
For a really long time in my life, I fought against how I look. Because I was raised Catholic in school, where everyone had to wear a suit and tie. I hated everything that stood for. And I realized when I walked down the street, everyone would see the guy I hated and not the guy I was.
Kurt Braunohler
When I first fought in the U.S., the size of the crowd was something I was not used to seeing, but you get used to it.
Jose Aldo
The battle of life is, in most cases, fought uphill; and to win it without a struggle were perhaps to win it without honor. If there were no difficulties there would be no success; if there were nothing to struggle for, there would be nothing to be achieved.
Samuel Smiles
My father fought for me to play football. He never had to make me shinpads, but it was a lot of money to send to me to a soccer school. And to provide boots and things.
Luka Modric
There are wars being fought! Who cares what I’m doing on a Saturday night? I’m not even a celebrity.
Peter Dinklage
Skynyrd is a big family. We have argued, fussed, and fought.
Johnny Van Zant
Our soldiers fought in the Korean War to push back communism. As a result of their effort and the effort of our allies, South Korea is free today.
Pierre Poilievre
When I fought Nick Thompson, I wasn’t experienced enough. That was the first person that put me in a real fight. Before Nick, nobody had put me in a fight where I had to struggle.
Eddie Alvarez
I absolutely believe the past had its share of warrior women who fought like men. Whether some of these were the actual Amazons from Greek myth is another matter.
Anne Fortier
Culture is important. Wars are fought over culture. It’s not just about folks showing up and being hoity-toity. Culture is about definition.
Irvin Mayfield
I want to be able to look back and say that I stood where I was supposed to stand. I fought where I was supposed to fight, in the ring and out of the ring.
Andre Ward
Archaeologists have been digging up thousands of graves of people called Scythians by the Greeks. They turn out to be people whose women fought, hunted, rode horses, used bows and arrows, just like the men.
Adrienne Mayor
An army that fought and won a war decisively finds it even more difficult to undergo change.
Eric Shinseki
My twin sister, my cousin, and I used to write and perform plays for my family. We raided the closets for costumes and fought over parts. I’m sure I was the bossiest one.
Connie Britton
The freedom movement transformed the status of women. Women fought along with men as comrades. In the process, the shackles that had bound them fell away.
Rajiv Gandhi
May we all, as a nation of believers, fight for the achievement of America; may we make sacrifices worthy of those proud men and women who fought for us, labored for us, bled soil from the beaches of Normandy to the fields of Gettysburg for us.
Cory Booker
The American people want a balanced budget. They want Congress to stop this barbaric practice of perpetual deficit spending. It really, if you think about it, is a form of taxation without representation. We fought a war over that issue and we won that war.
Mike Lee
In the exodus out of Iraq, we’re seeing the effects of just leaving. We left before there was control of chemical weapons stockpiles, without a status-of-forces agreement. We left before the Sunni and Kurds we fought with and fought alongside with were stable, or without empowering them. We left on a political rhetoric.
Ryan Zinke
When I played Bobby Fischer, my opponent fought against organizations – the television producers and the match organizers. But he never fought against me personally. I lost to Bobby before the match because he was already stronger than I. He won normally.
Boris Spassky
Our Prophet was a radical too- he fought against the injustices of his community and challenged the feudal order of his society, so they called him a radical. So what? We should be proud of that!
Abu Bakar Bashir
The main thing for all of us was having a ballad, a slower song. Finally, they get to hear more of a vulnerable side to us! We didn’t really have that in ‘Reflection,’ and that’s something we all fought for.
Ally Brooke
I could never understand the herd mentality. I have always fought to do things my way and have stuck to that.
Every time I fought at home, I gave my fans a knockout. I spoiled my fan base in Cincinnati.
Adrien Broner
Generally speaking, ROH championship matches are hard fought and grueling, and the fans are really into it. The ROH Championship means a lot to me for those reasons.
Adam Cole
I've fought a lot of guys with power. It takes more tha

I’ve fought a lot of guys with power. It takes more than power to win a fight.
Danny Garcia
I’ve fought guys that I like. When you’re fighting a guy that you don’t like, you have to be able to separate certain aspects of it.
Tim Kennedy
My father was a Republican and my mother was a Democrat. In Michigan, we always fought about sports, not politics.
Elissa Slotkin
We will not support returning Fannie and Freddie to the role they played before conservatorship, where they fought to take market share from private competitors while enjoying the privilege of government support.
Timothy Geithner
The point of pride is to go out and celebrate life, including the lives of those who fought for us to get where we are.
Bob the Drag Queen
Because I became a refugee in Macau during 1941, we had this war in Hong Kong, I fought for the government as an air raid warden for 15 days. Our government surrendered, Hong Kong Government surrendered, so I took a junk and came to Macau in 16 hours and I was a refugee, so that’s why I was so much indebted to Macau.
Stanley Ho
I fought K-1 at heavyweight.
Gegard Mousasi
In the State House, we fought to protect reproductive freedom for all Mainers – I’ll continue to fight for patients and providers in the Senate.
Sara Gideon
I really fought to make my character not a stereotype. I play a soap star with dyed blonde hair.
Sadie Frost
The Irish fought the Italians until they started marrying them. And then they both fought the Jews until they started marrying them.
Pete Hamill
Plus-size girls are now doing beauty campaigns and hair campaigns and so many different things that for so long we fought for and wanted.
Denise Bidot
Politics is no longer being fought on traditional political lines.
Luciana Berger
The seminal right of the modern civil rights movement was the right to vote. My father fought so diligently for it. Certainly Congressman John Lewis and many others, Hosea Williams, fought for it as well.
Martin Luther King III
The war being fought in Afghanistan and Iraq is bringing about a fundamental change to the environment that has given rise and power to the extremists who export terrorism.
Craig L. Thomas
I’ve experienced success, I’ve experienced failure, I’ve been a world champion, I’ve fought all over the world; I think I’ve experienced enough that I won’t get in front of a million people and get gunshy.
Eddie Alvarez
The first time I fought Mike Chandler, I was thinking about money way too much. I was thinking about the end of my contract. My focus was way off. I didn’t believe in the people that were guiding me.
Eddie Alvarez
I fought tooth and nail: I didn’t want to learn Hebrew. My Bar Mitzvah came around, and I didn’t want to read the Torah portion. I look back with a lot of chagrin about how I behaved.
Jesse Andrews
Obviously all of us have thought about Vietnam, particularly in my generation in Australia that were part of conscription and fought there. Our friends came back, forever changed. So there were a lot of questions.
Phillip Noyce
As there is oppression of the majority such oppression will be fought with increasing hatred.
Bram Fischer
As your Senator, I always fought the fight for those who could not fight for themselves, and I believe the results speak for themselves.
Orrin Hatch
The U.S. government has in recent years fought what it termed wars against AIDs, drug abuse, poverty, illiteracy and terrorism. Each of those wars has budgets, legislation, offices, officials, letterhead – everything necessary in a bureaucracy to tell you something is real.
Bruce Jackson
I’m not going to criticise Nick Boles because he fought off cancer.
Mark Francois
I’m scared of any fighter I’ve ever fought because they are some dangerous people to be dealing with. That’s also where the anxiety comes from.
Nate Diaz
I’ve said it before: Barack Obama is really the president Richard Nixon always wanted to be. You know, he’s been allowed to act unilaterally in a way that we’ve fought for decades.
Jonathan Turley
My mother said I was a clingy kid until I was about four. I also remember that from the age of eight she and I fought almost every day.
Amy Tan
We ask the great masses of India to be patient a short time longer, while the cause of freedom is being fought out, not because we want to delay, but because the hard facts of war make a complete change impossible at the moment.
Stafford Cripps
During my six years with them Dr Garnet Davey (subsequently Research Director) constantly supported me and, I have no doubt, fought many battles on my behalf to keep the initially controversial programme going.
James Black
The people who founded America, who fought for its freedom, did not look to anyone else to get them out of their troubles. They took matters into their own hands and answered only to God and their peers. In today’s world, sacrifice and hardship are not in the everyday language, and instant gratification is foremost.
Ann Rinaldi
A lot of guys who I fought, they beat guys who were No. 1 contenders, and that’s why I fought them.
Tito Ortiz
A few weeks ago we were reminded that other peoples – in particular the United States of America – fought so that we Germans could live in liberty. That we should never forget.
Horst Koehler
I used to box a bit, and once fought as an amateur welterweight.
Alexander Hanson
My father was a Marine who fought in the Pacific in WW

My father was a Marine who fought in the Pacific in WW II. He was a very tough guy, but after the war, he lived his life in a quiet and reserved manner because he had nothing to prove. I know now that he internalized his war experience.
George Pelecanos
The ‘Cold War’ impinged on the daily lives of Americans. The wars after 11 September 2001 have been fought without the general American population having to make any sacrifices. It goes on, and so do we.
Stanley Hauerwas
Women have fought so long and hard for our rights and equality, and now all our attention is put on being a size 0.
The Chinese leadership hoped that the world would soon forget the Tiananmen Square massacre. Our job in Congress is to ensure that we never forget those who lost their lives in Tiananmen Square that day or the pro-democracy cause for which they fought.
Tom Lantos
Some campaigns are not worth waging if you can’t win; others have to be fought on grounds of principle regardless of the chances for success.
Patricia Ireland
I want to collect more records from terrorists, but less records from innocent Americans. The Fourth Amendment was what we fought the Revolution over! John Adams said it was the spark that led to our war for independence, and I’m proud of standing for the Bill of Rights, and I will continue to stand for the Bill of Rights.
Rand Paul
I ain’t a 16-fight novice who has only fought at British title level.
Tony Bellew
You couldn’t find two people more different than my mother and I. There are a thousand things about me that she fought against.
Isabel Allende
I’m in control of my musical career, which means more than awards and record sales. And that freedom is exactly what my dad fought for, too.
Shooter Jennings
Every single discussion I have with a first AD, or producers, is time of day. I can’t begin to tell you how many times I’ve fought for early-morning calls. The light is 90 percent of our job; we as humans respond to light and where it is at different times of day and not only in positive ways.
Greig Fraser
I went out there, and I fought Anderson Silva, and you know what? I got a big W, and that’s massive for my career going forward.
Daniel Cormier
2020 has been a difficult year for all of us. The gun at hand was to symbolize that bigger battles need to be fought and the difficulties of 2020 have made us stronger and united as a community to face 2021 with a bang.
Jubin Nautiyal
We’re the party that has fought for Medicare. We’re the party that has fought for Social Security. The Republicans have tried to privatize Social Security and voucherize Medicare.
Tom Perez
With or without knockouts, every single one of my opponents has always felt my power. I am confident with my power, I know that as soon as I hit them they know that they’re not fighting against the likes of some other opponents they have fought in their past.
Keith Thurman
Our soldiers have nobly fought to protect freedom since our country’s birth, and have fought to protect those that could not protect themselves, even in foreign lands when called upon.
John Linder
Man is a competitive creature, and the seeds of conflict are built deep into our genes. We fought each other on the savannah and only survived against great odds by organising ourselves into groups which would have had a common purpose, giving morale and fortitude.
Robert Winston
Floyd Mayweather has fought the biggest names throughout his career and has earned the right to face whoever he chooses.
Amir Khan
My two grandfathers fought in World War II.
Ainsley Earhardt
I must try and break through the cliches about Latin America. Superpowers and other outsiders have fought over us for centuries in ways that have nothing to do with our problems. In reality we are all alone.
Gabriel Garcia Marquez
I fought probably 23 or 24 times when I was over in China, in a year.
Israel Adesanya
Some fighters don’t like to travel when they fight but I fought in Australia and I loved it.
Ryan Bader
My father literally fought his entire life to ensure the inclusion of all people because he understood that we were intertwined and connected together in humanity.
Bernice King
During the twentieth century, men fought on behalf of nationalism. Yet the wars they fought were also engendered by dislocations in world markets and by social revolution stimulated by the coming of the industrial age.
Zbigniew Brzezinski
God bless and help all the victims and patriots of 9/11, from the families of Flight 93 passengers to those who were in the Pentagon and Twin Towers as well as others who have fought and presently fight the war on terror.
Chuck Norris
I work tirelessly advocating for gun violence prevention and promoting common-sense gun laws that could spare other parents the pain of having their child taken by senseless gun violence – laws the NRA’s leadership has fought against relentlessly.
Lucy McBath
The Negro people of America… have cut our forests, tilled our fields, built our railroads, fought our battles, and in all of their trials they have manifested a simple faith, a grateful heart, a cheerful spirit, and an undivided loyalty .
Mordecai Wyatt Johnson
Have people like Kim Kardashian really fought their way to the top on their own? Or is that just the brand they want us to see. I don’t buy it. I think we flourish by working together.
Katie Piper
People get on a show and they fought tooth and nail. Almost 95% of the actors out there want to be on a television series. Then as soon as they get onto one, no, no, I want to be a movie star. This television series stuff, no, no no.
Victoria Pratt
I have all my life fought against prejudice, having been subjected to it myself.
John Galliano
As a martial arts promoter and as a fan of martial arts, you go, ‘What would happen if this guy fought this guy?’
Scott Coker
We must fight for peace bravely as we fought in war.
Lal Bahadur Shastri
Freedom is never more than one generation away from ext

Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same.
Ronald Reagan
Zizou was very good to me as he was a professional, and I did everything for him; I ran, I fought, I played injured. Practically, I gave everything for Zidane.
But I think what happened was that Clinton knew how to fight back. And the way he fought back was on the issues – being tough in staying on the things that mattered to people in their lives.
Paul Begala
I’ve always fought the best guys.
Dustin Poirier
I have been a part of several shows, however this is the first time I am hosting a crime reality show. ‘Savdhaan India’ is a unique show that showcases how ordinary people have fought crime and stood up for their rights.
Hiten Tejwani
Whenever in future wars the battle is fought, armored troops will play the decisive role.
Heinz Guderian
I believe in American exceptionalism. As a Navy SEAL, I fought so that I would never have to see my president bow to anyone.
Ryan Zinke
I wasn’t born to be champion – I fought to be champion.
Becky Lynch
Nobody knows this, but my hero is Che Guevara. Why? Because he was magic. He was a hero. Che resisted. He fought against the system.
Ko Wen-je
I know some ‘thugs,’ and they know I’m the furthest thing from a thug. I’ve fought that my whole life, just coming from where I’m coming from.
Richard Sherman
It turns out one of my ancestors fought in the Continental Army, so I was inducted into the Sons of the American Revolution.
Henry Louis Gates
Strike against war, for without you no battles can be fought!
Helen Keller
We fought during ‘The Wall,’ which was an album Waters wrote, based on his family story, we clashed long before that, during the period of the Dark Side and ‘Wish You Were Here.’ Actually, we never got along.
Rick Wright
I do not want to be associated with those that are willing to support undermining the basic human rights that socialists have fought and sacrificed themselves to secure and protect over generations.
John McDonnell
People say McGregor is tall and all that. He’s as tall as I am, or maybe even shorter. He might have a longer reach, but I’ve fought Nate Diaz and Cerrone, who had reach advantage, and fought Anthony Pettis and Ben Henderson.
Rafael dos Anjos
Listen, Bruce Lee fought out of anger. That’s why they call it the ‘Fists of Fury.’ Michael Jackson danced with fury. I do stand up out of fury. I’m not mad at anybody. I’m not mad at any human being because I’m a human being.
Tracy Morgan
My boyfriend and I are not good at fighting. We’re better than we were when we started dating – two breakups and three years ago – but it’s never come naturally to either of us. I have often wished we fought like I imagine Pink and Carey Hart fight.
Nikki Glaser
I think everyone deserves their place in this sport, and Bisping has been around, and he’s fought hard and deserves to be the champion.
Anderson Silva
Our memories are the keys to our past and everything we’ve ever worked for, fought for, and dreamed of.
Natalya Neidhart
I never went through an easy fight. Every fight has been hard fought.
Katie Taylor
The freedoms of religion, thought and speech are all fundamental rights Canadians not only enjoy, we have fought for them at home and abroad. We know that a vibrant democracy means that on some issues, Canadians will understandably have different views.
Erin O’Toole
The movie style of fighting is completely exaggerated with over-the-top movements. You’d get completely hammered if you fought like that in a real fight situation.
Jason Statham
The sanctity of our battlefields, monuments, and veterans institutions is of utmost importance to preserve military history and pay respect to those who fought.
Henry Waxman
I fought fire with oil.
Dalton Trumbo
Is democracy about living in fear? Is that what our forefathers fought the British for?
Vikram Bhatt
If we fought like the old days, with no time limit, it would be better to work. We only have five minutes to work per round so it’s complicated, especially because everybody knows that my ground game is good.
Demian Maia
The three toughest fighters I fought were Sugar Ray Robinson, Sugar Ray Robinson, and Sugar Ray Robinson.
Jake LaMotta
Nate Diaz is a tough opponent. I’ve fought him.
Rafael dos Anjos
I’m too busy with entertainment to think about anything else. No one knows this sport better than I do. I’ve been a fan of this sport since UFC 1 in Denver. I’ve followed this sport, I’ve been obsessed with this sport, I’ve trained with the best of the best, and I’ve fought the best of the best.
Brendan Schaub
What was accomplished in ‘Band of Brothers’ was incredible, from the writing and producing to the performances of the actors who honored all those men that fought bravely and gave the ultimate sacrifice for the freedoms we enjoy today.
Jon Seda
When I first fought in K-1, I knocked out a guy in two minutes.
Artem Lobov
I speak not for myself but for those without voice... t

I speak not for myself but for those without voice… those who have fought for their rights… their right to live in peace, their right to be treated with dignity, their right to equality of opportunity, their right to be educated.
Malala Yousafzai
I grew up with a deep belief that wherever our troops fought, they were on the side of the angels.
Jane Fonda
I’ve already fought my share. God gave me a rich, eventful career, and I thank God for everything, but I’m done fighting.
Fedor Emelianenko
I think the age of the modern media campaign has created a new icon, the celebrity-in-chief. Political elections have become wars fought by candidates with opposing values.
Noah Hawley
We were thus led to organize ourselves, as men who had fought the war together, in order to support those statesmen who had truly understood the lessons of that World War, thus attempting to prevent its recurrence.
Rene Cassin
For goodness’ sakes, back in 2006, when we were about to lose the battle in Iraq, thank goodness our patriots fought in the Anbar province and Fallujah and turned that thing around.
Phil Gingrey
My greatest enemy is reality. I have fought it successfully for thirty years.
Margaret Anderson
I fought COVID double bilateral pneumonia – both lungs – and kidney failure in my house.
When I started, athletes fought for honor, respect, philosophy.
Jose Aldo
I left hurt because I think I fought hard to create a great history at Barcelona. I left with 23 titles in eight years.
Dani Alves
Tolerance, diversity, and inclusion are not political opinions. They are non-negotiable human rights – hard fought and secured in America.
Andy Dunn
Along with all those books about Lincoln, Obama might read some biographies of Napoleon. The general who established the Legion d’Honneur understood that people fought as much for medals as for morals.
Tina Brown
I grew up in an environment where being polite was taken as a weakness. So I just fought everybody.
Nipsey Hussle
Since the 1950s, Movement Conservatives have fought the fair examination of their ideas. They embrace a worldview in which a few wealthy men control the economy and dominate society. This idea repels most Americans.
Heather Cox Richardson
I’m the type of fighter who has never made an excuse. I fought with a broken rib, broken leg.
Demetrious Johnson
People say they start from the bottom. If you want to see someone who’s started from the bottom, go and look at my career. My first 10 fights, I think I paid for them myself. I’ve fought three times in one month.
Dillian Whyte
I see myself as a fighter, a gladiator. I have always fought my own battles.
Rituparna Sengupta
It has always been my understanding that the brave men and women who fought and died for our country did so to ensure that we could live in a fair and free society, which includes the right to speak out in protest.
Eric Reid
I’ve fought tactical fights in a gym, but never in a fight before.
Tommy Morrison
Any of the shows I’ve ever fought on, they always want to have me back because I always have the fight of the night performance.
Artem Lobov
It’s disrespectful to the older generation to have long hair. They fought in two world wars; they didn’t fight for us to grow our hair and look like girls.
Bernard Sumner
For me, growing up as an activist under an oppressive dictatorship in Uganda, the U.N. was a friend to those of us who fought our way to freedom, as it was for the millions who joined decolonization struggles in the African continent.
Winnie Byanyima
I’m a very loyal person and I allowed myself to be defined as somebody who was doing Gordon’s bidding. I should have fought back harder to define myself at an earlier stage.
Ed Balls
What bin Laden had hoped to achieve in Afghanistan in the post-9/11 period, which was to drag the United States into a protracted guerrilla war like the one he had fought against the Soviets, never happened. Instead, that protracted guerrilla war is now playing out in Iraq, in the heart of the Middle East.
Peter Bergen
I fought really hard to win a seat in Congress, and everybody else did, too.
Steve Scalise
I have always fought against being gender specific. I just don’t like being identified as female: I’m a person.
Toyah Willcox
I lost my first professional fight, but came back and won fights until I fought for the world title.
Glover Teixeira
There’s never been a southpaw fighter to make it five rounds with me. These are championship fights, and most of them can’t even make it out of the normal rounds. Fought Chael Sonnen, TKOed him in round one. Fought Vitor Belfort. He made it to round four when I ended up submitting him.
Jon Jones
The fact that religion plays such a part in how people vote troubles me, troubles me as a minister’s daughter. Because I always felt that the separation of church and state was what our forefathers and foremothers really fought for.
Tori Amos
I’ve fought to close the gender and racial pay gap for a very long time. One piece of advice I like to give whenever I’m speaking on the subject: if you want equal pay, join a union! I’ve never seen a union contract that pays women 79 cents to a man’s dollar.
Jan Schakowsky
‘Into the Blizzard’ follows the author as he traces the footsteps of the Newfoundland Regiment during the First World War: where they trained in Scotland, where they fought in Gallipoli and where they died at the Battle of the Somme in France.
Michael Winter
I have fought my own battle with depression, and it was

I have fought my own battle with depression, and it was important for me to bring a little awareness about it for others.
Deepika Padukone
If I fought like I was looking for a place in history, it would ruin me as a person. I don’t think history is worth selling my soul.
Roy Jones Jr.
Why something in the public interest such as television news can be fought over, like a chain of hamburger stands, eludes me.
Jimmy Breslin
I always took a fight; I always took everybody. I fought everybody.
Nate Diaz
I’ve always fought for my country, in my own way, showing that Filipinos are a strong people and can do anything that they put their minds to.
Manny Pacquiao
I’ve even fought with a broken hand, against Brian Magee.
Carl Froch
I have lived under totalitarian Communism, so I prize freedom as much as anyone and have long fought for freedom of conscience and speech.
Os Guinness
I think the reason we fought so hard during this campaign, whether it was my father and the work that he put into it, whether it was the rest of our family and the efforts that we put into it – and you know those efforts well – it’s because we’d do anything for this country.
Donald Trump, Jr.
We first fought… in the name of religion, then Communism, and now in the name of drugs and terrorism. Our excuses for global domination always change.
Serj Tankian
I fought for this country.
I believe very strongly that staying in is the right answer for Britain. And I haven’t pulled my punches, I’ve fought this campaign the only way I know how, which is to lead from the front, to be clear about what I believe, to be clear about what the consequences are.
David Cameron
No one is the same after I fought them – Hearns, Duran, Leonard. All of them.
Marvin Hagler
The IOC have decided Russia will pay them £50 million, and that is their punishment for 40 years of duping the world and going against every single clean athlete on earth. The IOC has fought a spectacular fraud with more fraud.
Bryan Fogel
I’m so American that I had grandfathers who actually fought a battle against each other.
Betty Parsons
She doesn’t understand the concept of Roman numerals. She thought we just fought in world war eleven.
Joan Rivers
I do not like the Confederate flag. It excludes me, profoundly. And if many good people fought honorably to defend it, I still experience the sight of it as a little racial aggression against me.
Shelby Steele
Each generation in this country gets the responsibility of being the ambassadors for this American democracy that our parents and grandparents fought, bled, and died for.
Sheldon Whitehouse
I started off as a model and struggled for some time until I got a break as an actress. I was too stubborn to let go and was sure I was in the right place at the right time. I just fought and I think that’s how I am where I am today.
Natasha Henstridge
We believe firmly that Communism internally and externally can and must be fought without resort to the Communist tactics of the suppression of all individual freedom.
Emanuel Celler
My mother fought cancer for almost a decade and died at 56. She held out long enough to meet the first of her grandchildren and to hold them in her arms. But my other children will never have the chance to know her and experience how loving and gracious she was.
Angelina Jolie
I’ve always done my best inside the Octagon, fought the best there is, and win or lose, I’ve done my best in my fights.
Junior dos Santos
The issue which has swept down the centuries and which will have to be fought sooner or later is the people versus the banks.
John Dalberg-Acton
I fought as an infantry Marine on one of the Vietnam War’s harshest battlefields. After leaving the Marine Corps, I studied law and found a fulfilling career as an author and journalist. But again and again, I came back to the personal fulfillment that can only come from public service.
Jim Webb
Brits, Indians, Frenchmen and Belgians fought side by side in the trenches of the Somme and on the fields of Ypres.
Ed Davey
I am strongly pro-life, and have fought to protect the rights of the unborn my entire career. I will continue to fight for this cause because I value the sanctity of all human life.
Rob Bishop
America has fought five wars since 1945 and has gained its objectives in only one of them, the Gulf War.
Henry Kissinger
When economist William Beveridge dreamed up the postwar welfare state he wanted to fight five ‘giant evils’ – want, disease, ignorance, squalor and idleness. Fast forward 65 years and it seems the last New Labour government grew an Unfair State that fuelled – not fought – one of those evils: idleness.
Jeremy Kyle
I haven’t fought with crystal-clear vision my whole life.
Jermall Charlo
Vietnam was the first war ever fought without any censorship. Without censorship, things can get terribly confused in the public mind.
William Westmoreland
I like fighting clean. I’ve always fought clean, and I want to fight clean people. I want to fight fair.
Luke Rockhold
My dad never decided what he wanted to do; at times he fought in the army, was a teacher, a boxer, a light engineer, and a then a publican. My mum was a traditional housewife and mother. They showed my brother and I unconditional love.
Anthony Browne
We have fought this fight as long, and as well as we kn

We have fought this fight as long, and as well as we know how. We have been defeated. For us as a Christian people, there is now but one course to pursue. We must accept the situation.
Robert E. Lee
I will never forget the debt we owe to those who have fought to keep America safe.
Tom Udall
Civil war? What does that mean? Is there any foreign war? Isn’t every war fought between men, between brothers?
Victor Hugo
I fought with integrity and heart and determination like no fighter has ever done.
Tito Ortiz
Well, when you think of Dale Earnhardt, you think of determination. You think of grit. Just a blue-collar, working-class guy that got out there and fought for the checkered flag and fought hard for it. And I got so much out of him. He inspired me.
Michael Waltrip
To honor the legacy of veterans and the democratic principles they fought for, I am glad that I introduced the Korean War Veterans Recognition Act which was enacted in 2009.
Charles B. Rangel
In 2001, terrorism was fought in a completely different way.
Corey Hawkins
I like to keep a high pace, violent fight. I don’t like to waste time, and I don’t like to go to the judges. I feel like I’ve fought long enough where I can adapt to just about any situation.
Eddie Alvarez
I admire people who have fought for change: Martin Luther King Jr., Harriet Tubman, Abraham Lincoln. I’m dead serious when I say that – those are my heroes. I also like Ben Affleck.
Ryan Garcia
My second pro fight, I fought on the Joe Calzaghe and Bernard Hopkins undercard.
Jermell Charlo
I fought tall fighters, short fighters, strong fighters, slow fighters, sluggers and boxers. It was either learn or get knocked off.
Sugar Ray Leonard
Holly Holm – before she fought Ronda, the fights were never that great. It was like, ‘Yeah, she’s screwed against Ronda!’ Well, what they were doing is they were kind of playing opossum, just waiting for the big shot.
Brendan Schaub
The magnificent army that fought in Desert Storm is a great army, and it still is a magnificent army today. But it was one we designed for the Cold War, and the Cold War has been over for ten years now.
Eric Shinseki
Today there are people trying to take away rights that our mothers, grandmothers and great-grandmothers fought for: our right to vote, our right to choose, affordable quality education, equal pay, access to health care. We the people can’t let that happen.
Kerry Washington
I fought all my life to be at Real Madrid, to try to be in the starting XI.
Alvaro Morata
Wilder has taken the hardest fights, out of any heavyweight in the world. He’s fought the most difficult fighters, in my opinion.
Luke Campbell
My grandfather was a great advocate of Scottish art at a time when Scottish artists struggled to be taken seriously. They were not highly regarded, but he fought for them, befriended them, and championed them.
Michael Portillo
At the end of the day, who at my age can say that they fought somebody that fought Muhammad Ali?
William Regal
When I fought in The Ultimate Fighter Finale, I had microfracture surgery, and that’s usually eight month’s recovery turnaround. I had to fight three months after that, and I fought three months after that. And I had to train through that with that.
Kamaru Usman
I knew from history that war comes with frightening regularity, often fought over the same ground and similar causes as previous conflicts.
Stanley A. McChrystal
Makers of empire, they have fought for bigger things than crowns and higher seats than thrones.
Herbert Kaufman
Ukippers are the kinds of fools who haven’t noticed they’re sleep-walking towards fascism. Many UKIP candidates are of the age when their parents fought in the Second World War.
Robert Webb
‘Glory’ pays tribute to honorable men who faced unimaginable discrimination even as they fought to preserve basic human rights.
Bonnie Hammer
I never fought for money. I had a good career and legacy as featherweight champion.
Jose Aldo
I will be completely honest: when I fought in Manchester, they were very cruel to me. One fan actually spat directly in my face, and he was lucky enough where it hit my mouth.
Matt Riddle
We need to remind ourselves of the kind of society of which we have dreamed for so long, for which we have fought, and for which so many lost their lives.
Cyril Ramaphosa
Mum told me stories about her time in the Women’s Royal Navy, and about her dad, who had died before I was born – he’d been sent to Australia as a child, then joined the Australian Army in the First World War and fought at Gallipoli.
Tony Bradman
Every player wants to be at Real Madrid, of course. I fought my entire life to be at the club, but only in the starting line-up.
Alvaro Morata
Throughout my career I’ve fought for the rights of women as full and equal members of society.
Kirsten Gillibrand
There doesn’t need to be hatred after a fight, because it’s all said and done. I’m cool with a lot of my opponents in the UFC. There’s people I’ve fought who were my friends in kickboxing tournaments and after we were still cool.
Israel Adesanya
Both grandfathers fought in different wars. My mother’s father fought in World War II, and then my father’s father fought in Korea. And they’re both these country boys, one from rural Tennessee and one from rural Louisiana – and they never went back home.
Dee Rees
Thank goodness we don't live in medieval times, when pe

Thank goodness we don’t live in medieval times, when people fought wars over ideas.
Wojciech Jaruzelski
It is the function of the Navy to carry the war to the enemy so that it is not fought on U.S. soil.
Chester W. Nimitz
I love to come home and work on one of my other jobs. Just to remember that the floors gotta be mopped, and that everything isn’t centered around what you fought about in Washington last week.
Chellie Pingree
I know that every good and excellent thing in the world stands moment by moment on the razor-edge of danger and must be fought for.
Thornton Wilder
I just want to fight and be remembered as the best, who fought everyone and beat them. Then the money, the numbers, the records, they all chase me.
Israel Adesanya
I want to fight Cormier, that’s been a fight I’ve been trying to get forever. I can go in there and take him down. I can threaten him in ways he hasn’t been threatened. I don’t think he’s fought a wrestler like me.
Ryan Bader
Derbies are always well fought and with lots of fouls and interruptions.
Sergio Busquets
If you look at Joshua’s six opponents before he fought for the world title, Wilder’s six opponents before the world title, Tyson’s six opponents. The guys I fought and the guys they fought, it’s the difference between night and day.
Dillian Whyte
Europeans fought for shorter workdays, more vacation time, family leave, and all these kinds of things. Those haven’t been priorities in America: it’s been about money. You see, in the countries that fought for time, they cook more often; they have less obesity. There are real benefits to having time.
Michael Pollan
Hollywood always wanted me to be pretty, but I fought for realism.
Bette Davis
Black women fought for the right to vote during the suffrage movement and fought again during the civil rights movement. The rote narrative in the press of the civil rights movement is truncated with the briefest of histories of men like Martin Luther King Jr., Jesse Jackson, or John Lewis.
Anthea Butler
I thought I fought a really good Orlando Salido. I never let him get into his fight. I knew what I needed to do against him and I think that was the difference. I was able to control the fight.
Mikey Garcia
During the 19th century, Britain fought two wars in unsuccessful attempts to subjugate the Afghans. When Britain finally drew a border between India and Afghanistan in 1893, Pashtun tribes in southern Afghanistan were cut off from related tribes across the border in what was then India and is now Pakistan.
Stephen Kinzer
I think for people that have supported the women’s game for a long time, I think they understand the struggles that we have continually faced and that we’ve continually fought back against.
Tobin Heath
I lived in a bubble: my whole entire military career where I thought that everything was perfect. And I thought that every time we went overseas and we fought for this country, we were doing it because we were trying to get other people a sliver of the greatness that we have here in the United States of America.
Richard Ojeda
California is among several states that already have fought their way out from under partisan gerrymandering by taking line-drawing authority away from the Legislature.
Eric Swalwell
If I hadn’t fought back, I might have been Gidget forever.
Sally Field
I think that the very fact that CBS fought and fought and fought in Texas, in New York.
Floyd Abrams
It’s good when you get to travel and see different places. I went with Alexander Povetkin, who fought Anthony Joshua, to Russia and stayed in Moscow for a bit.
Daniel Dubois
If someone thinks that education, health, infrastructure all are different sectors and issues and they ought to be fought independently, then they are mistaken. There is an underlying pattern in the process. And that is bad governance.
Arvind Kejriwal
I would like, before I die, to see the changes I’ve always fought for being made. If not, my life will have been worth nothing.
Brigitte Bardot
I fought a long time ago in Canada, I fought a Croatian guy, I don’t remember his name, but there I had a size advantage. At the end, I explained to him about cutting weight. He didn’t know about weight-cutting, so I explained to him, and I was bigger than him at that time.
Gegard Mousasi
Voltaire made up his mind to destroy the superstition of his time. He fought with every weapon that genius could devise or use. He was the greatest of all caricaturists, and he used this wonderful gift without mercy.
Robert Green Ingersoll
I’ve always been supportive of the right of Israel as a state, and I’ve always fought against anti-Semitism, even in my own community.
Harry Belafonte
I wanted to have no ribs. I wore what was called a waist-nipper in those days. My mother made it. It’s a piece of rubber band I wore around to hold my rib cage in. I don’t know why I always loved that. I guess I was a glutton for punishment. I think I was born one of those people who loved swords and fought in armor.
Debbie Reynolds
I never went to war, but I served alongside some real heroes and grew deeply loyal to the service of those who fought and died. To me, as you might guess, the United States flag and National Anthem represent solemn reverence to combat veterans, the fallen and their families.
Michael Caputo