Top 460 Philosophy Quotes

A novel is never anything, but a philosophy put into images.
Jim Rohn
Many scientists think that philosophy has no place, so for me it’s a sad time because the role of reflection, contemplation, meditation, self inquiry, insight, intuition, imagination, creativity, free will, is in a way not given any importance, which is the domain of philosophers.
Deepak Chopra
Every day, I read books on philosophy and science fiction and human consciousness.
Tom DeLonge
It is, from another angle, an attack on requiring proof in philosophy. And it’s also the case, I guess, that my temperament is to like interesting, new, bold ideas, and to try and generate them.
Robert Nozick
We are not afraid to entrust the American people with unpleasant facts, foreign ideas, alien philosophies, and competitive values. For a nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.
John F. Kennedy
In my writing with Extreme, there are heavy themes. The cover photo has me with a gun to my neck. I am not advocating suicide. I am taking the philosophy that man is the measure of his own fate.
Gary Cherone
When I was a student, I studied philosophy and religion. I talked about being patient. Some people say I was too hopeful, too optimistic, but you have to be optimistic just in keeping with the philosophy of non-violence.
John Lewis
All the most prominent Darwinists proclaim naturalistic philosophy when they think it safe to do so.
Phillip E. Johnson
It has generally been assumed that of two opposing systems of philosophy, e.g., realism and idealism, one only can be true and one must be false; and so philosophers have been hopelessly divided on the question, which is the true one.
Morris Raphael Cohen
I am at war… with the principal personage of traditional philosophy, that abstract subject who masquerades as everyone and anyone, but is really a male subject in disguise.
Pam Gems
Philosophy is written in this grand book, the universe, which stands continually open to our gaze. But the book cannot be understood unless one first learns to comprehend the language and read the letters in which it is composed.
Galileo Galilei
The dynamic element in my philosophy, taken as a whole,

The dynamic element in my philosophy, taken as a whole, can be seen as an obstinate and untiring battle against the spirit of abstraction.
Gabriel Marcel
Olympism is a philosophy which, by blending sport with culture, seeks to create a way of life based on the joy found in effort, the educational value of good example and respect for universal ethical principles.
Juan Antonio Samaranch
What I wanted to do was to try to create a philosophy upon a completely new foundation.
Colin Wilson
Philosophy as practice does not mean its restriction to utility or applicability, that is, to what serves morality or produces serenity of soul.
Karl Jaspers
‘Dreamsongs’ allows me to show the scope of my writing – with personal commentary that puts the works in context and includes some autobiographical details intended to reveal how each piece came to be, what it represents, and how it has formed, or been informed by, my philosophy of writing.
George R. R. Martin
The vote by the Judiciary Committee reflects the fact that John Roberts is an exceptional nominee with a conservative judicial philosophy – a philosophy that represents mainstream America.
Jay Alan Sekulow
A lot of people misunderstand what is Strong Style. Hard hits? Stiff? I don’t think so. Strong Style is a kind of philosophy.
Shinsuke Nakamura
Parent hard, play hard. That’s my philosophy.
Oliver Hudson
My religious philosophy is kindness. Try to be kind. That’s something worth achieving.
Pierce Brosnan
My pitching philosophy is simple – keep the ball way from the bat.
Satchel Paige
I learned much more about acting from philosophy courses, psychology courses, history and anthropology than I ever learned in acting class.
Tim Robbins
I think philosophers can do things akin to theoretical scientists, in that, having read about empirical data, they too can think of what hypotheses and theories might account for that data. So there’s a continuity between philosophy and science in that way.
Robert Nozick
What one decides to do in crisis depends on one’s philosophy of life, and that philosophy cannot be changed by an incident. If one hasn’t any philosophy in crises, others make the decision.
Jeannette Rankin
A philosophy of freedom must set out from the experience of thinking, for it is through this experience of thinking that a human being discovers his own self, finds his bearings as an independent personality.
Rudolf Steiner
My mother used to say, If other people have a problem with you, that’s their problem. It’s not your problem. I still have that philosophy today.
Michael Michele
There is no shorter path for joining a neutral existential anthropology, according to philosophy, with the existential decision before God, according to the Bible.
Paul Ricoeur
My husband has the philosophy that if you can work a Nintendo control, you can chop an onion. So, we have our children in the kitchen. We sit down every night for dinner. We’re trying to give our kids a sense of what’s going into their bodies, and it’s also good for family time.
Debi Mazar
I always wanted to see if I could sell a movie to the public without doing any marketing because my philosophy was like, ‘Hey man, I’m reaching my audience everyday. I’m twittering with them. I’m in direct contact with them on the podcast.’
Kevin Smith
I’m someone who believes in centrist governing philosophy.
Scott McClellan
Academe, n.: An ancient school where morality and philosophy were taught. Academy, n.: A modern school where football is taught.
Ambrose Bierce
I majored in Chinese. I was never really good at Chinese but I really, really benefited from having been exposed to Asian philosophy early in my life.
Martha Beck
That my philosophy of life is, as far as possible, one of enjoyment. I’m not nihilistic.
Alexander McCall Smith
You should carefully study the Art of Reasoning, as it is what most people are very deficient in, and I know few things more disagreeable than to argue, or even converse with a man who has no idea of inductive and deductive philosophy.
William John Wills
First, philosophy concerns itself with all kinds of issues that don’t get much airtime in day-to-day life. What’s the nature of reality? Can we ever truly know anything, and if so, how? What does it mean to be a moral agent? And while we’re at it, is there any such thing as agency anyway?
Kathryn Schulz
Logic is the last scientific ingredient of Philosophy; its extraction leaves behind only a confusion of non-scientific, pseudo problems.
Rudolf Carnap
Let philosophy resolutely aim to be as scientific as possible, but let her not forget her strong kinship with literature.
Morris Raphael Cohen
Only a philosophy of eternity, in the world today, could justify non-violence.
Albert Camus
Each of my Shakespeare pieces is different to the other, but each espouses a set of philosophies common to all my theatre work.
Tim Crouch
I have two children. I have a daughter 29, and a daughter four. They are 25 years apart, so you speak about generations and I must tell you, I have a philosophy and that is every 25 years I’m going to sire another child.
Burt Ward
Whatever science and philosophy may do for mankind, the world can never outgrow its need of the simplicity that is in Christ.
Lucy Larcom
Nothing is impossible in football, and that is our idea, our philosophy.
Mauricio Pochettino
I grew up with Scientology - my parents at one point we

I grew up with Scientology – my parents at one point were clerical. It’s a pragmatic philosophy, not merely a belief system. Yeah, it’s had media exposure because certain luminaries do Scientology, but millions of people do it who are not celebrities. It’s not a threat or some cult.
Giovanni Ribisi
There is no philosophy without the art of ignoring objections.
Joseph de Maistre
Oddly enough, my favorite genre is not fiction. I’m attracted by primary sources that are relevant to historical questions of interest to me, by famous old books on philosophy or theology that I want to see with my own eyes, by essays on contemporary science, by the literatures of antiquity.
Marilynne Robinson
We are not abandoning our convictions, our philosophy or traditions, nor do we urge anyone to abandon theirs.
Mikhail Gorbachev
Isn’t that an odd philosophy for a vampire?
Chelsea Quinn Yarbro
When Keats says: ‘Axioms in philosophy are not axioms until they are proved upon our pulses’, what he means is that we don’t necessarily believe what a poem is saying if it comes out and tells us in an absolutely head-on, in-your-face way; we only believe it to be true if we feel it to be true.
Andrew Motion
For scholars and laymen alike it is not philosophy but active experience in mathematics itself that can alone answer the question: What is mathematics?
Richard Courant
Beauty is the only thing that time cannot harm. Philosophies fall away like sand, creeds follow one another, but what is beautiful is a joy for all seasons, a possession for all eternity.
Oscar Wilde
Philosophy is nothing but discretion.
John Selden
We account the Scriptures of God to be the most sublime philosophy.
Isaac Newton
There is no religion in which everyday life is not considered a prison; there is no philosophy or ideology that does not think that we live in alienation.
Eugene Ionesco
I study a lot of philosophy. I want to be an example of how to enjoy this success, and that’s exactly what I’ve done. I’ve enjoyed every moment.
Flip Wilson
The war was the end of an era, in art as well. And we were trying to create a new philosophy.
Douglas Sirk
I’ve always had a philosophy that position doesn’t define power. Impact defines power. What impact are you making on people? What impact are you making on business?
Mindy Grossman
‘I know this is going to end bad, but I’m going to pretend it’s going to end good.’ My life’s philosophy.
Johnny Knoxville
Every single university student should study philosophy. You need to lead the examined life and question your beliefs. If you don’t learn critical thinking, then political debate degenerates into a contest of slogans.
Martha Nussbaum