Top 465 Worth Quotes

Feelings of worth can flourish only in an atmosphere where individual differences are appreciated, mistakes are tolerated, communication is open, and rules are flexible – the kind of atmosphere that is found in a nurturing family.
Virginia Satir
Women are often worried about how they look, and that’s not superficial. We know that our appearance has nothing to do with how smart, creative, or hardworking we are, but it plays powerfully into what society decides we are worth.
Cameron Russell
Losing a game is heartbreaking. Losing your sense of excellence or worth is a tragedy.
Joe Paterno
I never really had that father figure to look up to. I think that’s the reason I’m so ambitious. I felt like I wasn’t appreciated as a child so I wanted to prove my worth as an adult, as an actor.
Jesse Metcalfe
The most audacious thing I could possibly state in this day and age is that life is worth living. It’s worth being bashed against. It’s worth getting scarred by. It’s worth pouring yourself over every one of its coals.
Jeff Buckley
When somebody has convinced you that you’re not worth anything to anybody anymore, and they spend a lot of time doing it, you start believing it yourself.
Ric Flair
No member of our generation who wasn’t a Communist or a dropout in the thirties is worth a damn.
Lyndon B. Johnson
Thousands of years ago, humans domesticated every possible large wild mammal species fulfilling all those criteria and worth domesticating, with the result that there have been no valuable additions of domestic animals in recent times, despite the efforts of modern science.
Jared Diamond
There is no pleasure worth forgoing just for an extra three years in the geriatric ward.
John Mortimer
Your worth consists in what you are and not in what you have.
Thomas A. Edison
If an idea’s worth having once, it’s worth having twice.
Tom Stoppard
I first decided to file a defamation case of Rs 50 Crore against Tanushree Dutta, but then I realized her value is nothing in the country so I chose 25 paisa as the defamation amount. That’s all is her worth.
Rakhi Sawant
Know your worth! People always act like they’re doing more for you than you’re doing for them.
Kanye West
It is the fine excesses of life that make it worth living.
Richard Le Gallienne
Anything well written with good language and clarity and honesty is worth doing. It comes out of the same tradition as Shakespeare.
Michael Moriarty
If patience is worth anything, it must endure to the end of time. And a living faith will last in the midst of the blackest storm.
Mahatma Gandhi
A picture is worth a thousand words.
Most of us really aren’t horribly unique. There are 6 billion of us. Put ’em all in one room and very few would stand out as individuals. So maybe we ought to think of worth in terms of our ability to get along as a part of nature, rather than being the lords over nature.
Herbert A. Simon
It’s kind of a crazy thing to decide that you’re going to be worth tens and tens and tens of millions of dollars and set out to do that. It doesn’t suit everybody.
Felix Dennis
I wrote and produced millions and millions of selling records, so my publishing company alone was worth millions of dollars. I didn’t have to work anymore in life because when the rappers started sampling… I’m the most sampled artist in history.
Rick James
Universities used to prepare young adults for the real world. I dare say the graduates today go in without a clue and graduate without a clue. It’s time to acknowledge the college degree is not worth what it was in the past. Times are changing, and so is the way we prepare our youth to survive in a competitive world.
Dale Archer
One of my top tips for aspiring entrepreneurs: Tell eve

One of my top tips for aspiring entrepreneurs: Tell everyone you know about your idea. This runs contrary to the instinct that most people have, because they’re afraid someone is going to ‘steal my ideal.’ Ideas alone are worth very little; it’s in the execution and market feedback that companies are made.
Aaron Patzer
But in answer to your question about the conspiracy angle, I think that any historian worth his salt, and this is where I fault Stephen Ambrose and a lot of these guys who attack me – not all of life is a result of conspiracy by any means! Accident occurs alongside conspiracy.
Oliver Stone
The world is a fine place and worth the fighting for and I hate very much to leave it.
Ernest Hemingway
Real worth requires no interpreter: its everyday deeds form its emblem.
Nicolas Chamfort
Women take so long to get ready, but when they get out of the bathroom, they look smokin’ hot. That’s the struggle of men throughout history, waiting by the door. The wait is so worth it. Always.
Andy Grammer
Honor bespeaks worth. Confidence begets trust. Service brings satisfaction. Cooperation proves the quality of leadership.
James Cash Penney
The only things worth learning are the things you learn after you know it all.
Harry S Truman
If I could explain it to the average person, it wouldn’t have been worth the Nobel Prize.
Richard P. Feynman
I have yet to find a man worth his salt in any direction who did not think of himself first and foremost.
George Jean Nathan
No woman ever lived who could compete with a man on an equal basis – even a 55-year-old man. There’s a lot of talk about Women’s Lib. They feel they’re worth as much as the guys, but they can’t play a lick if they can’t beat a 55-year-old guy.
Bobby Riggs
I know from personal experience how fear and low self worth can cripple one’s ability to succeed in life. But with a little support, caring and inspiration, miracles can happen.
Richard Hatch
I think it would help tremendously to have a senator that knows where jobs come from, that knows how to create them, that knows how to bring them back and, importantly, knows what it means to manage billions of dollars’ worth of expenses and cut billions of dollars’ worth of expenses.
Carly Fiorina
No distance of place or lapse of time can lessen the friendship of those who are thoroughly persuaded of each other’s worth.
Robert Southey
The main issue was deciding what to play: Should it be old Ramones material or new material? I had about three albums worth of new material, but I knew that people would rather hear the Ramones songs.
Dee Dee Ramone
If I have any lasting worth, it will be because I have tried to make people remember what the Earth is meant to look like.
Mary Oliver
A successful person isn’t necessarily better than her less successful peers at solving problems; her pattern-recognition facilities have just learned what problems are worth solving.
Ray Kurzweil
What a year to live in! Worth all other times ever known in our history or any other.
Thomas Starr King
One day I was asked to pick up $50,000 worth of gold chains for Mr. T. For real!
Stacey Snider
I grew up in Texas, but that was 20 years ago. Last year, in Fort Worth, they had hail the size of softballs. We’re seeing more and more powerful storms, of all types, almost on a biblical level.
Bill Paxton
Jealous, adj. Unduly concerned about the preservation of that which can be lost only if not worth keeping.
Ambrose Bierce
One man with a head on his shoulders is worth a dozen without.
Elizabeth I
Some of the most famous books are the least worth reading. Their fame was due to their having done something that needed to be doing in their day. The work is done and the virtue of the book has expired.
We cannot allow our fears and our disappointments to lead us into silence and into inaction. Because this country that God has blessed us with, it is worth fighting for.
Marco Rubio
Having the benefit to our society, not only here in the United States but throughout the world with the amount of invention you get from having a space program, is well worth the risk that an individual like myself has to take by flying in the vehicle.
Mark Kelly
You know why divorces are so expensive? They’re worth it.
Willie Nelson
Far and away the best prize that life has to offer is the chance to work hard at work worth doing.
Theodore Roosevelt
Follow your passion. Nothing – not wealth, success, accolades or fame – is worth spending a lifetime doing things you don’t enjoy.
Jonathan Sacks
If they’re willing to pay you what you think you’re worth for it, that’s why an actor goes to work. A lot of times they want to pay you a lot for a picture you don’t want to do.
Kurt Russell
The public library system of the United States is worth preserving.
Henry Rollins
If it ain’t fun, it ain’t worth doing.
Clive Cussler
To go to the synagogue with one’s father on the Passover eve – is there in the world a greater pleasure than that? What is it worth to be dressed in new clothes from head to foot, and to show off before one’s friends? Then the prayers themselves – the first Festival evening prayer and blessing.
Sholom Aleichem
You may get skinned knees and elbows, but it's worth it

You may get skinned knees and elbows, but it’s worth it if you score a spectacular goal.
Mia Hamm
A new gadget that lasts only five minutes is worth more than an immortal work that bores everyone.
Francis Picabia
Action is greater than writing. A good man is a nobler object of contemplation than a great author. There are but two things worth living for: to do what is worthy of being written; and to write what is worthy of being read.
Ross Perot
Today’s developer is a poor substitute for the committed entrepreneur of the last century for whom the work of architecture represented a chance to celebrate the worth of his enterprise.
Arthur Erickson
There is good in everything; it’s just how you choose to look at it. Everything that’s worth it has a price. For me to be a model – I had to leave my family. Do you think I liked that? No! There are sacrifices. Life is meant to be a challenge, because challenges are what make you grow.
Gisele Bundchen
My whole goal is to keep my spirit intact. If that doesn’t happen, none of this is worth it.
By the time a bartender knows what drink a man will have before he orders, there is little else about him worth knowing.
Don Marquis
I gave my life to become the person I am right now. Was it worth it?
Richard Bach