Top 470 Doctors Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Doctors Quotes from famous people such as Atul Gawande, Michelle Payne, Geraldine Ferraro, Rob Wittman, Ben Goldacre, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

The vast majority of doctors really do try to take the

The vast majority of doctors really do try to take the money out of their minds. But to provide the best possible care requires using resources in a way that keeps you viable but improves the quality of care.
Atul Gawande
For three months I was brain damaged. I couldn’t think like before and I was so scared. I didn’t know if I could go on living like that. But it helped that the doctors told me I’d get better and your brain is amazing. It can recover.
Michelle Payne
I’d call it a new version of voodoo economics, but I’m afraid that would give witch doctors a bad name.
Geraldine Ferraro
As many citizens can attest, the U.S. is a great place to get sick, but a terrible place to stay well. This requires a shift in the way both doctors and patients approach health maintenance and disease prevention.
Rob Wittman
I agree, the world would be a better place if doctors were less enthusiastic about adopting very new drugs.
Ben Goldacre
Doctors will have more lives to answer for in the next world than even we generals.
Napoleon Bonaparte
The vast majority of immigrants – regardless of the conditions of war and poverty that may wrack their home countries – come and contribute to their new home country: building our roads, caring for our homes, children, and elders, and serving as doctors, lawyers, employers, and innovators.
Pramila Jayapal
As breadwinners, providers, mentors, counselors, parents, grandmothers, teachers, doctors, nurses, and more, Black women and their invaluable contributions to Georgia and our country must be compensated.
Raphael Warnock
When I was 24, I co-founded a company called Athenahealth which built the first Web-based software and back-office service suite for doctors’ offices.
Todd Park
I was actually accepted into medical school in Italy. But then I wanted to come back and learn medicine in Germany. And while waiting, I decided to join a business school. I figured it would be useful for doctors to know some business as well!
Jochen Zeitz
I am living against all predictions. The doctors say I am a sort of witch.
Montserrat Caballe
The first time the doctors put on my prosthetic legs they made me much taller than I’d ever been. I then remember the doctor saying ‘we need to shorten this man’ and we all were in hysterics.
Alex Zanardi
The public relies on the advice of doctors and leading researchers. The public has a right to know about financial relationships between those doctors and the drug companies who make the pharmaceuticals prescribed by doctors.
Chuck Grassley
The doctors have given me a green light. They have said that my heart is significantly more efficient today than it was four months ago. And I am anxious to be the next president of the United States.
Bob Graham
Following the devastating India Ocean tsunami of 2004, I founded Chefs for Humanity, modeled after Doctors Without Borders, but comprised of chefs. There wasn’t anything out there like it, and there was a definite need for chefs to be able to offer assistance and aid.
Cat Cora
I have been on diets that were supervised by doctors, that were carefully supervised where I lost weight.
Roberta Flack
A lot of the younger Indian generation are either IT geniuses or doctors – the number of doctors I’ve seen in L.A. who are Indian is just crazy. So it is a very common thing. Or an accountant! That again is a very, very big thing.
Freida Pinto
When I was a child, doctors sent my grandmother home in a wheelchair to die. Diagnosed with end-stage heart disease, she already had so much scar tissue from bypass operations that the surgeons had essentially run out of plumbing. There was nothing more to do, they said; her life was over at 65.
Michael Greger
When it comes to our public services, decentralisation means giving power back to those on the front line – our doctors, nurses, teachers and physiotherapists, and our locally elected officials.
Charles Kennedy
I don’t think a lot of people are calling me to play doctors and lawyers, which is fine with me. I can put a suit on, but I don’t really like to.
Jason Momoa
Doctors, dressed up in one professional costume or another, have been in busy practice since the earliest records of every culture on earth. It is hard to think of a more dependable or enduring occupation, harder still to imagine any future events leading to its extinction.
Lewis Thomas
At the age of one, I was already heavier than most: doctors told my mum that she should start feeding me differently to the advice given by the health visitor. Yet I ate healthily, nothing was processed, and I was active and happy. But for whatever reason, I was on the bigger side.
Layla Moran
I think of guitar players in terms of doctors: you have the doctor for your heart, the cardiologist, then one that works on your feet, your leg. But I believe George Benson is the one that plays all over. To me, he would be the M.D. of them all.
B. B. King
Doctors, engineers, CA’s, IPS officers, MBA, are the most common careers Indian parents choose, whilst deciding for their children.
Shweta Basu Prasad
Corner one of the hundreds of doctors who specialize in autism recovery, and they’ll tell you stories of dozens of kids in their practice who no longer have autism. Ask them to speak to the press and they’ll run for the door. They know better.
Jenny McCarthy
I am fit at 88 years of age. I do yoga and also go jogging 2-3 times which has kept me fit and healthy even at this ripe age in which many people keep seeing doctors.
Milkha Singh
Basically, my problem was attributed to stress more than anything. I don’t know what that does and I guess doctors can tell you that there’s chemicals that build up in your system when you go through a lot of stress and constant stress.
Mike Ditka
To me, doctors and nurses and teachers are heroes, doing often infinitely more difficult work than the more flamboyant kind of a hero.
Pete Hamill
We’re adding a billion people every decade. We’re just spin doctors. Whatever we do is supposedly great, and yet it’s always at the expense of diversity and nature. We’re like elephants. The ecology of the elephant is more similar to human than any other.
Peter Beard
I believe that attributing flaws to medical characters makes them not just doctors but something more. It makes them people.
Jed Mercurio
A few colleagues and I began Doctors for America with a simple belief that physicians should play a leadership role in designing and running our nation’s health care system.
Vivek Murthy
My mother had a fear of doctors - other than her daught

My mother had a fear of doctors – other than her daughter marrying one.
Shelley Berkley
When I hear my friend John Boehner say that we have the best health care in the world, I don’t dispute it for a moment. If I were sick, this is the country I want to be in, with these doctors, these hospitals, and these medical professionals.
Dick Durbin
As I got older, I knew my syndrome wasn’t going away. It was a hard pill to swallow. I wanted to look like everyone else and blend in, and I couldn’t find a way to make that happen. I couldn’t blame the doctors or my parents, so I blamed myself.
Lizzie Velasquez
I’d see an old person on the street and start crying. I couldn’t understand how people could cope, knowing they only had so long left. It would be like dominoes and then the last one fell and I’m a little heap on the floor. Doctors put me on anti-depressants for a couple of years.
Gary Numan
For 30 years, which I never talked about in Hollywood, I actually worked with doctors lecturing and doing some medical intuitive counseling both in a medical setting and for the community at large.
Diane Ladd
For lots of us, disabled people are not our teachers or our doctors or our manicurists. We’re not real people. We are there to inspire.
Stella Young
I truly feel the best doctors are ones who are criticized by nurses, patients and family. They do not make excuses and learn from their mistakes.
Bernie Siegel
Part of my training was learning how to refer patients to cardiologists for heart problems, gastroenterologists for stomach issues, and rheumatologists for joint pain. Given that most physicians were trained this way, it’s no wonder that the average Medicare patient has six doctors and is on five different medications.
Mark Hyman
I look at it like this: you may only sell 20,000 to 100,000 albums. But those albums are going to be heard by future doctors, lawyers, judges, firemen, etc. Those albums are being sold to the right people that move society. They’re interested in what you have to say.
The German Doctors say that persons sensible of harmony have one sense more than others.
Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin
I want doctors to treat toward health and not treat toward disease.
David Agus
The way most doctors practice medicine right now isn’t working.
Mark Hyman
During a public health crisis, families, seniors, and veterans need to have reliable access to their doctors and caregivers.
Abigail Spanberger
I knew I was born with a heart murmur. Doctors have always monitored it, and it’s never caused any problems. Still, it’s on my mind a bit more now. Especially now that I know that heart disease is a woman’s disease and not just what Grandpa suffers from.
Peyton List
A lot of people who went to SC didn’t play ball – people who do films, lawyers and doctors, people who do things in real estate and business. There’s a lot of people that make things happen out here.
O. J. Mayo
Patients want to be seen as people. For me, the person’s life comes first; the disease is simply one aspect of it, which I can guide my patients to use as a redirection in their lives. When doctors look at their patients, however, they are trained to see only the disease.
Bernie Siegel
The Medical Society of Sedgwick County, the Kansas Hospital Association and doctors have really done some remarkable work on wellness-related issues.
Mike Pompeo
In 1979, just after I became governor, I asked Hillary to chair a rural health committee to help expand health care to isolated farm and mountain areas. They recommended to do that partly by deploying trained nurse practitioners in places with no doctors to provide primary care they were trained to provide.
William J. Clinton
If 98 out of 100 doctors tell me I’ve got a problem, I should take their advice. And if those two other doctors get paid by Big Snack Food, like certain climate deniers get paid by Big Coal, I shouldn’t take their advice.
Al Franken
I’ve gone to skin doctors and they’ll say to you, ‘We should remove this because it’s pre-cancerous,’ and I’ll say, ‘Explain pre-cancerous to me.’ I’ll listen for about twenty minutes and I’ll say excuse me, ‘Is pre-cancerous like pre-dead? So you’re saying it could turn into cancer but it’s not cancer?’
George Hamilton
Growing up, my dolls were doctors and on secret missions. I had Barbie Goes Rambo.
Zoe Saldana
I don’t know what a person does that does not have a relationship with God. When he goes to the doctor and the doctors says, ‘Hey, you’ve got less than two months to live and there’s nothing we can do for you.’ Who do they turn to when you’re given something that earth shattering?
Si Robertson
I had severe asthma when I was a child and I saw doctors growing up. Seeing someone who could not only help me medically, but also assure me that I was going to be O.K. at this really terrifying time – that’s what I wanted to do.
Leana S. Wen
In fast moving fields like cancer, where doctors tailor treatments based on evidence that’s constantly evolving, two years can be an eternity of waiting to learn about important science. For some patients, that interval can be fatal.
Scott Gottlieb
Gautham was a premature baby. I remember when doctors said that his health condition was critical, I was tense. I could afford the treatment, but a lot of commoners can’t. I believe more children’s lives can be saved if we work towards it.
Mahesh Babu
Musicians – we’re not doctors. We’re not saving people’s lives. We’re not going out and changing the world. We’re not coming up with cancer cures. We’re not any of that. They’re the real heroes of the world.
Sam Fender
When the doctors showed me an X-ray of my brain, they pointed to a black hole on the upper left side and told me that all memory from that spot was dead. I thought to myself that I hoped that’s where I kept ‘The Orange Blossom Special.’
Johnny Gimble
As a player that has played this game, I know, at the end of the day I’ve had numerous amount of surgeries, and the doctors released me at numerous amount of times to go and play. But a lot of those times didn’t mean go and play against the best in the world right now, but to get yourself ready to compete again.
Scottie Pippen
I don’t know if I would ever truly want somebody’s life in my hands. I think what these people, what doctors and nurses and public service employees do on a day-to-day basis, is unreal, and it takes a special type of person to do that – and I don’t think I’m that type of person. I’m happy to play one on TV.
Colin Donnell
Doctors have an ethical duty to follow the practices and standards of care.
Bob McDonnell
The Navy’s paid for you to go through school, and then they need doctors to go out and take care of people who are in various different parts of the world. I decided to pay back my time first as an undersea medical officer. I was stationed in Scotland.
Laurel Clark
When you're confined to a hospital bed, there aren't ma

When you’re confined to a hospital bed, there aren’t many appointments you can make. You await visits from friends and family members. You enjoy the coconut ice cream they smuggle in. You tolerate the erratic and invasive visits of doctors and nurses, hoping that one of them will bring you closer to going home.
Josh Gondelman
People think you go to doctors for their knowledge. You don’t go to doctors for their knowledge. You go to doctors for their judgment, their instinct, what to do, how to make the right call.
Drew Pinsky
I wouldn’t be boxing if I wasn’t given the all-clear by the doctors, I wouldn’t put my family or myself through that.
Kell Brook
I believe very strongly – and I never brought this up as a player – but I put up, I feel, Hall of Fame numbers with diabetes. If I didn’t have diabetes – nobody realizes that, when I was diagnosed at 18, even the doctors didn’t know what to do about diabetes.
Ron Santo
My father was a doctor in Moravia, in the south of the country. There were a number of Jewish doctors in the hospital there, and at a certain point – almost too late, really, but in time – they were all sent overseas by their employer.
Tom Stoppard
Golf has been the sport of the social elite, with lawyers and doctors. But I have never been embarrassed by the looks I’ve been given by others. I have sometimes been looked at with condescension and it still happens now, but I know how to deal with it – I know whose opinions count.
Tommy Fleetwood
It’s kind of amazing how popular ‘Grey’s Anatomy’ is. What other show can boast such an annoyingly sincere cast of doctors, sniveling through such perfunctory love triangles?
Rob Sheffield
The great doctors all got their education off dirt pavements and poverty – not marble floors and foundations.
Martin H. Fischer
I don’t trust doctors. It’s not to say there ain’t some good ones, but on a general level, no, I wouldn’t trust ’em at all.
Keith Richards
The doctors must tell you that one of the risks of surgery is that you might die. This poor doctor was talking to an actress. It was very dramatic to me. To him, it was just a thing he had to say.
Patty Duke
If I can help it, I don’t go to modern doctors.
Glenn Danzig
We see and hear about Israelis and Palestinians only when they are defined by the global media as ‘occupiers,’ ‘terrorists,’ and ‘victims.’ But we forget that they are fathers and mothers and sons and daughters and neighbors and doctors and shop-owners and farmers and students.
Jason Alexander
Putting aside competitive interests for a new kind of collaboration, Maryland pioneered a real-time encounter notification service to alert primary care doctors when their patients are hospitalized.
Martin O’Malley
Americans need health care focused on them, not Washington. They want choices, not more mandates. They want affordable plans with ready access to local doctors and hospitals – not high-priced plans with doctors they don’t know.
Kevin Brady
The bottom line to this is, there are few doctors who have any expertise in chemical exposure.
Christopher Shays
America’s doctors, nurses and medical researchers are the best in the world, but our health care system is broken.
Mike Ferguson
Sure, just like there are bad lawyers, bad doctors and bad politicians, there are people who aren’t cut out to be teachers. But by and large, the people who are called to be teachers are passionate about the profession.
Randi Weingarten
I love the opportunity to tell stories that people should know. I think it puts what we do as actors on the level of nurses and doctors. It takes us out of this idea of entertainment into an act of service.
Renee Elise Goldsberry
Doctors are human animals. They want to be loved, they are tribal, they instinctually favor stories over scientific evidence, they make mistakes, and even small gifts make them susceptible to being biased.
Alice Dreger
I am an Addictive Personality, they say, a natural slave to passion – and many Doctors have warned me against it. I am a High-risk Patient.
Hunter S. Thompson
Doctors are just people and they can make mistakes.
I get typecast as doctors, principals, middle-management-type guys – which, when you look at me, you realize is completely against my physical characteristics. I should be an action hero. So I don’t understand what’s going on.
Brian Huskey
When I was born, I was effectively dead. Weird, I know. The doctors couldn’t get any reaction from me, so I had to be brought round, and although it seemed like I was okay, there were underlying problems.
Liam Payne
People are so afraid of authority figures and doctors are authority figures.
Martha Beck
Doctors are very popular with women.
Mikhail Varshavski
Doctors’ positions and recommendations about drugs, procedures, surgical interventions, health and nutrition are not always based on strong scientific evidence.
Joel Fuhrman
The sickle-cell got me where doctors said I couldn’t play sports, I couldn’t overexert myself.
Deep down, I do not believe that there are any really good parents out there – the same way that I do not believe there were any really good doctors in the 10th century.
Stefan Molyneux
The education of doctors is a major issue that needs to be addressed.
Tasuku Honjo
I was 19 years old, and I felt like I had the flu one day. Within 24 hours, I was in the hospital on life support, and I was given less than a 2 percent chance of living. It took five days for the doctors to find out that I had contracted bacterial meningitis.
Amy Purdy
It’s almost embarrassing how much support I have. I mean, I always tell people I feel like I’m perfectly set up to have cancer. I have great health insurance, I have a savings account. I have work lined up. I have friends and family. I have the best doctors I can get.
Tig Notaro
Getting Richard Norris his new face wasn't easy. For st

Getting Richard Norris his new face wasn’t easy. For starters, doctors needed a donor who wasn’t just a favorable blood match but also had the proper skeletal features and skin color – they calculated only a 14 percent chance they’d find one. Then there was the epic surgery that took a team of 150 people.
Jeanne Marie Laskas
Doctors are kind of this shibboleth in our society. We know what they do, and we depend on them, but we don’t know a lot about what it feels like from their side.
Edward Zwick
In any profession, whether it’s teachers or doctors or lawyers, the more we say we’re not going to evaluate those people on the merits, I think that’s when the profession goes into decline.
David Boies
We have the greatest hospitals, doctors, and medical technology in the world – we need to make them accessible to every American.
Barbara Boxer
I had a 23 per cent blockage in my micro-arteries. At first the doctors thought I needed a heart transplant, then they said I have microvascular angina, which means I will be on medication for the rest of my life.
Toni Braxton
There should be an investigation into other organizations that have been working here since 2010. For example, Doctors Without Borders had to repatriate about 17 people for misconduct which was not explained.
Jovenel Moise
The really good doctors out there are real-life heroes. Playing one on TV is a cheaper alternative and certainly satisfies what is left of my medical ambitions.
Jason O’Mara
It is good to see women doctors and lawyers and executives. I can visualize a woman president. If I were British, I would have supported Margaret Thatcher. But no benefit to anyone can come from women serving in combat.
Jim Webb
I’d never heard of colon cancer. Baseball wasn’t even important to me. I have a wife and two girls. That’s what was important. The doctors told me and all I could say was, ‘When are we going to get this thing out?’
Eric Davis
About 3 million IVF babies have been born since Louise Brown’s birth in 1978. Bizarrely, when this life-giving treatment was first considered, it was massively controversial. A storm of vitriolic protest came from many religious leaders, journalists, politicians, regrettably even other scientists and doctors.
Robert Winston
The truth is I was suffering from bipolar disorder. It went on for 18 months, during which I changed four doctors, the medication wasn’t working on me, and crazy things were happening.
Yo Yo Honey Singh
What is clear is that stalking can happen to anyone. Doctors are targeted by patients, people in the public eye are watched by obsessed fans, and ex-wives are followed by former husbands.
Amber Rudd
I was freelance proof-reading, freelance editing, creating illustrated slides for doctors’ presentations – just so I’d have enough money to take the time to write. That’s how I got by.
Celeste Ng
In the name of Hippocrates, doctors have invented the most exquisite form of torture ever known to man: survival.
Luis Bunuel
In the traditional urban novel, there is only survival or not. The suburban idea, the conformist idea, that agony can be seen to and cured by doctors or psychoanalysis or self-knowledge is nowhere to be found in the city. Talking is a way of life, but it is not a cure. Same with religion.
Jane Smiley
I wished to God the doctor had handed me a pamphlet that said, ‘Hey, sorry about the autism, but here’s a step-by-step list on what to do next.’ But doctors don’t do that. They say ‘sorry’ and move you along.
Jenny McCarthy
I don’t want to go to general medical doctors.
Jonathan Cheban
It is not unusual for children to follow the paths cut by their parents. You frequently see the children of doctors enter medicine, military members’ children enlist. In my family, we witnessed different forms of public and community service.
Neil Bush
I think we need to educate our doctors about addiction.
Matthew Perry
I always think, medically… you really have to be your advocate. You have to be able to back up everything that you’re feeling with some information and protect yourself through the world of hospitals and doctors’ offices, so the more information the better.
Lisa Edelstein
I think sports has done a disservice for a lot of black kids thinking they can only be successful through athletics and entertainment. I want them to know they can be doctors, lawyers, teachers, fireman, police officers, etc.
Charles Barkley
We like security: we like the pope to be infallible in matters of faith, and grave doctors to be so in moral questions so that we can feel reassured.
Blaise Pascal
We kind of forget because what television tends to do with these professions like lawyers and doctors and police officers, we create them on such a heroic level that you kind of forget that these are really people.
Rocky Carroll
I had been raised in the mountains of Idaho by a father who distrusted many of the institutions that people take for granted – public education, doctors and hospitals, and the government.
Tara Westover
What we have now is doctors who are actually better technically at what they’re doing in their specialty than 30 or 40 years ago, but we lost the relationship, when the doctor would look people in the eye and say, ‘I care about you. We can do this together.’
Mehmet Oz
Under Obamacare – which placed 159 federal agencies, commissions, and bureaucracies between patients and doctors – patients not only face dramatically higher health care costs, they’ve also lost the power to choose the options right for them.
Kevin Brady
The south produced statesmen and soldiers, planters and doctors and lawyers and poets, but certainly no engineers and mechanics. Let Yankees adopt such low callings.
Margaret Mitchell
For many children, it’s seeing a beloved relative ill and in pain that leads them to want to become doctors. But, for me, it was watching my grandma get better.
Michael Greger
It is all about rehab. Most doctors can make you 100 percent well physically. I would tell you that it is 25 percent about the surgery and 75 percent about the rehab.
Curt Schilling
My mental health was getting really bad in the military and so the doctors decided not to renew my contract and advised me to take a break.
Bella Poarch
What is so clearly in the national interest is everything the government is doing in its strong, one nation domestic policy agenda: more police on the streets, more doctors and nurses in our hospitals, a welcoming face to scientists and international students.
Jo Johnson
Good doctors exercise judgment. They make the call and

Good doctors exercise judgment. They make the call and – right or wrong – live with the consequences and learn from them. The redefined M.D. is flawed, but comfortable inside their own skin.
Brian Goldman
The poorest parts of the world are by and large the places in which one can best view the worst of medicine and not because doctors in these countries have different ideas about what constitutes modern medicine. It’s the system and its limitations that are to blame.
Paul Farmer
I get stopped in the street now and asked, What do I know you from?’ My first reaction is to say All Creatures’ and they say no. I say Doctors’ and they say That’s it’ because they are so young. I have no complaints.
Christopher Timothy
I came from an intellectual family. Most were doctors, preachers, teachers, businessmen. My grandfather was a small businessman. His father was an abolitionist doctor, and his father was an immigrant from Germany.
Pete Seeger
Just a few years ago, at the age of 22, I learned I had an aggressive form of leukemia. I needed intensive chemotherapy and a bone marrow transplant to save my life. Back then, my doctors told me that I had a 35 percent chance of surviving my transplant.
Suleika Jaouad
If doctors just spent more time with their patients so they felt more reassured, that might help.
Irving Kirsch
I was really so excited when it came back on air and I saw all three of the actors who played ‘Doctor Who’ in the new version and they’ve all been absolutely brilliant in their own special way, as all the Doctors always are.
Sophie Aldred
I always loved that tragic look, the bigger-than-life women. They always have those big glasses and scarfs on, and doctors and nurses always around them. You felt sorry for them, but they had their lips together, no matter what was happening to them. They always looked like movie stars.
Most people, even most doctors, learn that the placenta is a nice, tight seal that prevents anything in the mother’s body from invading the fetus, and vice-versa. That’s mostly true. But the placenta doesn’t seal off the baby perfectly, and every so often, something slips across.
Sam Kean
Without true medical liability reform, our doctors will continue to leave, and young doctors coming out of medical school $100,000 to $200,000 in debt will not be able to afford such onerous costs.
Jim Gerlach
Doctors have a really big fear of looking unprofessional. I’ve always said that if you’re a professional person, you’ll never come off looking unprofessional, whether it’s social media or something else.
Mikhail Varshavski
I am lucky: I have fantastic doctors and a fantastic dentist.
Anna Deavere Smith
Politicians aren’t leading us. Nurses are. Doctors are. Teachers are. Activists are.
Cori Bush
A lot of my friends are doctors, and the difference between me and them is there’s no musical emergencies to pull me away from dinner. ‘I need the chords for that song right now!’ No, it can wait.
David Bryan
There was no question of ever sending us to Jewish schools… They wanted us out there. They wanted us to be lawyers and doctors. They wanted us out of the religious thing, apart from that ethnic bonding.
Howard Jacobson
In architecture, you arrive so late. I look at doctors, lawyers I know, and they’re all buying boats and bailing out at 62. My career is just getting started.
Thom Mayne
Traveling gave me the opportunity to reinvent myself. You can imagine my excitement when, one year after my bone marrow transplant and two years after my cancer diagnosis, my doctors gave me permission to take my first big trip since cancer. Freedom, finally!
Suleika Jaouad
When other boys dreamt of going to the moon or becoming doctors, I wanted to be a designer.
Olivier Theyskens
What is problematic about Obamacare is that it is killing millions of jobs in this country and has killed millions of jobs. It has forced millions of people into part time work. It has caused millions of people to lose their insurance, to lose their doctors, and to face skyrocketing insurance premiums. That is unacceptable.
Ted Cruz
In America especially, if you’re Chinese and you work at a restaurant, there’s a certain connotation among the Chinese immigrant community: It’s the first generation that opens restaurants as a way to survive. You open to support your family so your kids can become doctors and lawyers.
Lulu Wang
When I was growing up, I only saw really brown people on ‘The Cosby Show,’ and they were rich, and their parents were doctors. It wasn’t like my home.
India Arie
Michael had a very low pain tolerance, and his fear of pain was incredible. And I think that doctors took advantage of him that way.
Debbie Rowe
We would like doctors to listen, but the fact is, we better be ready to be able to talk to them. You’re going to have to be an active participant in that conversation, so I’d say the American people are going to need ways of stepping up to the conversation.
Anna Deavere Smith
Amazon is certainly not a perfect company. However, doctors, teachers, engineers, journalists, politicians, and labor unions are also on a continuum of consciousness, and none are perfect either. It is easy to judge and find fault with any company if that is what one’s ideological biases wish to see.
John Mackey
The history books will remember the Chinese doctors who sounded the alarm about COVID-19.
Erin O’Toole
Doctors tell me I have the body of a thirty year old. I know I have the brain of a fifteen year old. If you’ve got both, you can play baseball.
Pete Rose
What I did when I identified Mike Webster’s thing, I showed it to other doctors. We all agreed that this was something new, but we had to give it a name. This was not dementia pugilistica. Maybe we could have called it dementia footballitica!
Bennet Omalu
Put your idol worship on firemen or a schoolteacher or a rescue worker or a first-aid worker or Doctors Without Borders. I love those guys. Those are your heroes.
Jason Jones
How the hell can you change gender in the rural areas? I am a woman. We don’t have good doctors; we are not rich to do such procedures.
Caster Semenya
Making it easier for people to connect with their doctors or medical advisors is a goal that we should strive to attain.
Ned Lamont
Giving birth was the most amazing thing I’ve ever done. I’d been living in a Third World country, and I said, ‘I’m going to just squat behind a tree.’ I basically did that but in a chair in my living room. I didn’t want a sterile hospital room. I didn’t want doctors. I had a midwife.
Carolyn Murphy
People spending more of their own money on routine heal

People spending more of their own money on routine health care would make the system more competitive and transparent and restore the confidence between the patients and the doctors without government rationing.
Ben Carson
Though moral axioms to guide the conduct of the practitioner have existed since the beginnings of the profession of healing, Western doctors are most likely to view the Hippocratic Oath of approximately two-and-a-half millennia ago as the first codified set of statements to which they can look for guidance.
Sherwin B. Nuland
I used to have terrible acne on my face: red, splotchy discoloration. And mucus – I was constantly blowing my nose. Then one day, this woman sits down next to me on a bus, and says, ‘You’re lactose-intolerant.’ It all cleared up in three days. That changed my life. Doctors couldn’t figure it out.
Woody Harrelson
The first stage had been all over before the doctors even knew they were dealing with a new sickness; it was the direct reaction to the bombardment of the body, at the moment when the bomb went off, by neutrons, beta particles, and gamma rays.
John Hersey
Doctors have told me I have a high pain threshold, but I can only know what I feel. I think I’m good at minimising the pain and being indifferent to it.
Johnny Knoxville
Once we as doctors are entrusted with the well-being of our patients and their children, it is our duty to take action, to be selfless, and fulfill our obligation to the service of others. I did so willingly, and it brought me great joy throughout my professional career. However, I always had a desire to do more.
Phil Gingrey
I wanted to show people that doctors are humans, too. It’s important for us to be around other people – that way, we can understand our patients better rather than just walking into a room, barking orders, and walking out.
Mikhail Varshavski
I took action to allow Montanans to participate in direct primary care agreements with doctors and authorized the use of health care sharing ministries, both of which provide alternatives for more affordable health care.
Matt Rosendale
People are forced to become doctors or engineers today. It makes no sense to force children to study something they are not interested in. I believe each one should be encouraged to follow their dreams.
Pranitha Subhash
My father and mother were both doctors, yes.
Jay Chandrasekhar
When you hear ‘From the Other Side,’ it’s like being on an operating table. Suddenly, you’re on the ceiling looking down at the doctors who are fighting for you. Are you gonna get a second chance or not?
King Diamond
Who shall decide when doctors disagree, And soundest casuists doubt, like you and me?
Alexander Pope
Why did they go to Hollywood? Because they could get access to the American financial sector. The Jews were neither authorized to be bankers or doctors nor lawyers or professors. That’s why they concentrated on something new: cinema.
Jean-Luc Godard
My family are not sporty – they are all doctors or lawyers.
Marion Bartoli
You wouldn’t go to a hospital, you wouldn’t go to a law firm where the doctors and lawyers were not retained on merit: where they all had tenure regardless of competence. Parents feel the same way about schools that they send their children to.
David Boies
I’m from a family of doctors, and I think they really wanted me to be a doctor. I even sort of assumed I would be a doctor.
Kumail Nanjiani
Years ago I was diagnosed with a condition, and my doctors prescribed human growth hormone and testosterone for its treatment. Under medical supervision, I have continued to use both medications.
Sylvester Stallone
Smartphones can relay patients’ data to hospital computers in a continuous stream. Doctors can alter treatment regimens remotely, instead of making patients come in for a visit.
Charles C. Mann
Unfortunately, the health care bill commonly referred to as ObamaCare is making it more difficult for employers to provide insurance to their employees. It limits individuals’ ability to pick their own doctors and, over time, decreases the quality of care we provide in this country.
Jeff Duncan
When I got cleared by doctors and was coronavirus-free, one of the first things I did was get to marching in Boston. I wanted to join the people out there doing all they could to speak out against injustice and hatred and police brutality – folks looking to ensure the future of our country is better than its past.
Marcus Smart
As a little boy of 3 or 4, I became lame. Something was wrong with my right leg. There are pictures of me being pulled around in a little wagon. The doctors didn’t know what to do. So my nanny took me to the miraculous Madonna at Sacro Monte in Varese, the priest blessed me, and I walked.
Gian Carlo Menotti
The doctors misdiagnosed me at first – they told me I had a pinched nerve. But my situation was getting worse. The tumor was cutting off the circulation in my nerves. And in two weeks’ time, I was left paralyzed. I went from a cane to crutches to a walker to a wheelchair.
Daniel Jacobs
Before I was elected to Congress, I worked in a courtroom. For years, I defended doctors and hospitals, and for years, I sued them on behalf of people who were victims of medical malpractice.
Dick Durbin
Before I started chemotherapy treatments, I wrote down the best advice from doctors, family, friends, books, and survivors and created an ‘Owner’s Manual’ to help me take care of myself. It would remind me that cancer is doable.
Regina Brett
At medical centers such as the Cleveland Clinic and Kaiser Permanente, teams of doctors and nurses provide coordinated care while working for salary instead of getting paid for every procedure.
Matthew Heineman
I’m just really, really thankful. I’m thankful to the doctors; I’m thankful to the family that donated the kidney.
Natalie Cole
Women are smart enough and strong enough to make their own health care decisions and should be able to make these decisions in private, consulting with their doctors and families as they choose.
Maggie Hassan
By 2020 the U.S. will be short 91,000 doctors. There’s no way we can educate enough doctors to make up that shortfall, and other countries are far worse off.
Peter Diamandis
Athletes, like everyone else, at times take supplements but just have to consult your doctors and work on that. It’s a process, but it’s achievable… It’s my job to be healthy.
Venus Williams
My parents are doctors, both my sisters are doctors, so I figured I’d just be a doctor too. Sometime in my junior year, I had this sudden realization that maybe that wasn’t for me. I was sort of lost at sea.
Ben Silbermann
There were symptoms that I saw, and though I went to many doctors and had many tests, no one diagnosed MS.
Teri Garr
The Indian diaspora is not a capital-accumulating diasp

The Indian diaspora is not a capital-accumulating diaspora. The Indian diaspora is doctors, lawyers, professors. Or newspaper sellers. They are basically trade- or profession-oriented, and so they’re not major investors in their home country.
Jairam Ramesh
There are doctors who help people who have done bad things; there are lawyers who defend bad people. I don’t think it’s unique to my profession.
Sean Spicer
Doctors didn’t know if I would survive. The cancer was too big to operate on, so they blitzed it with chemotherapy and radiotherapy.
Viv Albertine
You know what the doctors call me? ‘The Cancer Warrior.’
Dick Dale
Some people think that doctors and nurses can put scrambled eggs back in the shell.
Cass Canfield
Have a hand in your own treatment. I have nothing but praise for our doctors, but I think they could help us better, and we can help them if we work together.
Mary Ann Mobley
When I was teaching Latin in girls’ schools before I became a writer, I didn’t much like it if parents would come in and say, ‘We’ll have less of the Ovid and Virgil and more of the grammar, please.’ After all, I was the one in charge. That’s how I feel about doctors. You should trust them to do their job properly.
Maeve Binchy
Her mother was a Christian Scientist who didn’t believe in calling doctors. So when my mother caught whooping cough as a baby, stopped breathing and turned blue, her mother revived her by spanking her on the bottom. She saw life itself as a gift and saw her own survival as precious and a matter of chance.
Sean Hepburn Ferrer
We wouldn’t think of going to our doctor and saying ‘Treat me the way doctors treated people in the 19th Century,’ and yet that’s what we’re demanding in food production.
Nina Fedoroff
You may not win the Super Bowl. Your kids may not go on to be doctors and lawyers and everything may not go perfectly. That doesn’t mean it was a bad plan or the wrong thing. It’s just like a football season. Everything’s not going to go perfect.
Tony Dungy
Many different relationships among patients, doctors, and drugs are possible and desirable. As in so many other areas of life, the Internet encourages experimentation. Questionnaire-based pharmacies operate between the traditional prescription and over-the-counter models.
Virginia Postrel
Another benefit of going to Cornell is that 90 percent of your friends are doctors.
Ato Essandoh
I would encourage all women to get mammograms when their doctors tell them to.
Camille Grammer
All my kids will train in martial arts; it’s a requirement. Do I want them to fight professionally? Hell no. If they ever step into a cage, I’ll cry. I would rather my daughter and sons be doctors and lawyers or wear a suit to work and use their brain and after work go train at the gym and spar hard.
Frank Mir
The expectation was I would get married and become a mother and settle down. We didn’t have any role models. We saw teachers and doctors and nurses, but I’m not a teacher, and there was no possibility of being a doctor or a nurse. I had to work and find my own way.
Alexis Wright
Doctors have limited time to listen to your story, but you must make sure they understand why you’re there. Don’t just say that you have chest pain – explain when it started, what you were doing, and how it felt. Write down key elements. Practice until you can tell it in 30 seconds or less.
Leana S. Wen
I always made a point of telling the doctors I was sane, and asking to be released, but the more I endeavored to assure them of my sanity, the more they doubted it.
Nellie Bly
I’m strongly for a patient Bill of Rights. Decisions ought to be made by doctors, not accountants.
Chuck Schumer
The best doctors and medicine in the world can’t save you if you don’t do what you’re supposed to do.
Magic Johnson
Yes, the concept that blunt-force trauma of the head causes brain damage is a generally accepted principle of medicine. That is why I was so appalled by the NFL doctors who were denying my work.
Bennet Omalu
It never ceases to amaze me. I’ll be in a bank and I think the person staring at me is going to say, ‘I saw you in ‘Flying Doctors,’ or whatever. But instead they say, ‘You’re from ‘The Sound of Music.’
Nicholas Hammond
I think one of the terrible things today is that people have this deathly fear of food: fear of eggs, say, or fear of butter. Most doctors feel that you can have a little bit of everything.
Julia Child
In our short walks we passed the kitchen where food was prepared for the nurses and doctors. There we got glimpses of melons and grapes and all kinds of fruits, beautiful white bread and nice meats, and the hungry feeling would be increased tenfold.
Nellie Bly
Doctors are fantastic, but they err on the side of caution. But you can push yourself. You’re not going to die from pain.
Tony McCoy
I remain terrified of the capacity of the media, the capacity of spin doctors, here and abroad, particularly the United States media, to perpetuate false lies, perpetuate lies.
John le Carre
As a player you don’t want to hurt someone and you don’t want to see someone leave the ice with the doctors.
Alexander Ovechkin
I know from my constituency what is going on. Doctors that are told, begged, by mothers, ‘Please don’t write down that my child as asthma. Please lie and say it’s bronchitis, because if you write down asthma, when my child turns 18 or 20 and has to get his or her own insurance, it will be a pre-existing condition.’
Barbara Boxer
I grew up in the U.K., and my parents are both doctors.
Mona Eltahawy
Doctors and hospitals should be paid for keeping their patients well. Paying them for doing more tests and surgeries creates bad incentives.
Richard Thaler
The fact that doctors tend to treat people as individuals, guided by the need to ensure patient confidentiality, can reinforce this pattern of seeing the changes and challenges aging brings on through our heads and our bodies, rather than as a shared experience.
Chuck Norris
Both my parents are doctors, but I’m passionate about dance and have always wanted to act since I was a child.
Radhika Apte
Before the 20th century, the ulcer was not a respectabl

Before the 20th century, the ulcer was not a respectable disease. Doctors would say, ‘You’re under a lot of stress.’ Nineteenth-century Europe and America had all these crazy health spas and quack treatments.
Barry Marshall
There’s a network of top doctors that normal people don’t know about.
Jonathan Cheban
Many people who did not die right away came down with nausea, headache, diarrhea, malaise, and fever, which lasted several days. Doctors could not be certain whether some of these symptoms were the result of radiation or nervous shock.
John Hersey
The Founding Fathers: A bunch of old white guys who are making it nearly impossible for modern government to pick our doctors, teach our children, correct our diets, and save our money.
Mike Gallagher
I was going to do medicine at Edinburgh University – when I was three weeks old I nearly died, but they did an operation and I survived. It was a huge thing for my family – I was the first-born – and doctors were heroes, so I wanted to join them.
Gavin Esler
A few months before my dad died, his eyes had started to go, and his skin was turning green. When he finally went to hospital, he was diagnosed with late-stage pancreatic cancer. None of us kids knew why the old man ignored the doctors and refused their help, but none of us were surprised, either.
Mark Hunt
My parents came under a provision where the government was specially looking for doctors, because the Vietnam war was happening and many doctors were overseas.
Asha Rangappa
People and organizations other than doctors increasingly are assuming power to decide which medications to prescribe or procedures to undertake. More and more, decisions about personal healthcare are no longer made by the treating physicians in consultation with their patients, and based on the doctors’ expertise.
Bob Barr
The mobile phone… is a tool for those whose professions require a fast response, such as doctors or plumbers.
Umberto Eco
Doctors are human animals. They want to be loved, they are tribal, they instinctually favor stories over scientific evidence, they make mistakes, and even small gifts make them susceptible to being biased. If we took doctors seriously as human animals, we might hurt them – and they might hurt us – a lot less.
Alice Dreger
I really like my doctors. Some of them I love. I trust them.
Nancy Grace
The doctors say it dates back to a film where I had these huge prosthetic breasts because my character was breast-feeding. The weight of them, and of the baby, did my back in.
Anna Friel
Traditional doctors say I’m a mystic. I don’t deny it.
Bernie Siegel
There are a lot of health care providers in this country who have a very deep sense of service and compassion for the suffering of others, who are motivated to go to West Africa despite the risks of infection and death. And doctors and nurses face those risks every day regardless of their setting.
Kent Brantly
I was joking with my mom that all Jewish mothers now will want their kids to be filmmakers instead of doctors. Because you can make one film, and suddenly you’re directing a ‘Jurassic Park’ movie.
Colin Trevorrow
During the day, I was a doctor. At night, you know, I was a comic. And it was really just to let off some steam. It just became my golf, you know, in many ways. Most doctors have golf as a hobby. Mine was doing comedy.
Ken Jeong
There are two classes of women in Soviet Russia. There is the professional class, which has taken the place of the nobility and includes government officials, artists, doctors, composers and writers as well as former members of the old nobility whose sympathy is with the Soviets, and also the peasant class.
Elsa Schiaparelli
No one ever said, ‘Be a doctor.’ But because so many members of my extended family – aunts, uncles – were doctors, there was this expectation that I’d probably be a physician.
Elizabeth Blackburn
Most allopathic doctors think practitioners of alternative medicine are all quacks. They’re not. Often they’re sharp people who think differently about disease.
Mehmet Oz
I think that the difference between ‘The Sopranos’ and the shows that came before it was that it was really personal. There had been a lot of dramas, a lot of really good ones, a lot of really bad ones, but they were always franchise shows about cops, or doctors, or lawyers. They weren’t about the writer himself.
David Chase
We are a family of professionals, especially doctors. Thanks to my father, I got exposed to a whole lot of things. I call him a Renaissance man.
Lillete Dubey
ISIS may be a perversion of Islam, but Islamic it is, just as Christian beliefs about the sanctity of the unborn child explain why some Christian fundamentalists attack abortion clinics and doctors.
Peter Bergen
If you think the Obama White House and Ben Rhodes lying to the American people about Iran – and laughing about it – was bad, just wait until Hillary Clinton’s spin doctors get hold of the media.
Wayne LaPierre
Working with the doctors is a fascinating two-way process. I am interested in what they suggest about why I’m the way I am. But if they could make me ‘normal’, I wouldn’t want that. I’ve been like this for so long, it’s what makes me .
Daniel Tammet
In the Eighties, I was everywhere. It was hard, because you didn’t see much of your children. I missed out on that. People make sacrifices – doctors, long-distance lorry drivers – and that was mine. I wasn’t left money, I had to go out and earn it.
Shakin’ Stevens
Health has always been my first priority. If it’s something that is going to make it worse, or if I’m not cleared by the doctors, then, you know, I won’t step on the field.
Deshaun Watson
Most people are squeamish about saying how much they earn, but in medicine the situation seems especially fraught. Doctors aren’t supposed to be in it for the money, and the more concerned a doctor seems to be about making money the more suspicious people become about the care being provided.
Atul Gawande
We don’t have a business model for health care in this country, We just have a business model for care. The way doctors and hospitals get paid is something bad has got to happen. It’s a pure reactive model.
Neal Patterson
Asian people are very practical and come from a conservative world. The parents want their kids to be doctors and lawyers. There are casting calls for Asian children, but once the parents find out the children might miss school, they’re opposed to it.
B. D. Wong
My first memory – at about four – was of numbers. The doctors who study me think a combination of mild autism and seizures I had when I was three have made me experience numbers the way I do.
Daniel Tammet
When we faced a possibility here in New York of chemical and biological attack, three days after September 11, I called in all of the experts, academic experts, Nobel Prize laureates, and doctors who had dealt with anthrax, doctors who had dealt with various forms of chemical and biological attack.
Rudy Giuliani
I've watched people quit YouTube to become doctors.

I’ve watched people quit YouTube to become doctors.
Hank Green
My mother begged doctors to end her life. She was beyond the physical ability to swallow enough of the weak morphine pills she had around her. When she knew she was dying I promised to make sure she could go at a time of her choosing, but it was impossible. I couldn’t help.
Polly Toynbee
Connecticut’s doctors, nurses, and other public health workers have worked tirelessly through unthinkably long hours while putting their own safety at risk.
Ned Lamont
As a physician, I know many doctors want to utilize new technology, but they find the cost prohibitive.
Nathan Deal
My parents gave me life, but the doctors gave me life again.
Phan Thi Kim Phuc
I got the bill for my surgery. Now I know what those doctors were wearing masks for.
James H. Boren
I have a sense of urgency, of time. I am a woman and am always running between work, doctors’ appointments, school meetings, filling up the fridge, then going back to work. Like everyone who combines professional and family life, I am always doing several things at the same time.
Segolene Royal
I am one of four girls and was inspired by my father to dream big. Some girls want to be doctors, but I wanted to run a company.
Denise Morrison
I’m sure there were concussions galore back when we played, but the doctors would just say, ‘Shake it off,’ or something like that… or ‘Come on, you got to be tough… get back in there.’ I see so many guys who played pro football in their 50s now who are so debilitated from having played it.
Marv Levy
My mother is a fighter. After she battled polio and learned to walk again, the doctors told her she would be a cripple her entire life. Instead of accepting defeat, she refused this fate and went on to become the West African Women’s Singles tennis champion in college.
Uzo Aduba
All across the country, the Women’s March inspired doctors and teachers and mothers to become activists and organizers and, yes, candidates for office.
Cecile Richards
Doctors will prescribe medicines for a particular disease but, as a side effect, those medications will work to prevent dozens of others.
David Andrew Sinclair
Pay-for-procedure or fee-for-service reimbursement rewards doctors and hospitals for volume – not keeping patients healthy or being efficiency. Pay-for-Performance is clearly one tool that can change the incentives to reward quality.
Ron Wyden
There’s a great deal of suspicion and misunderstanding about IT among practicing doctors. One hears things like, ‘I don’t want to be turned into a data entry clerk, and I don’t want some machine between me and my patients.’
Mitch Kapor
In the past, much power and responsibility over life and death was concentrated in the hands of doctors. Now, this ethical burden is increasingly shared by the builders of AI software.
Oren Etzioni
I believe doctors and scientists who say that disruption of our immune system by negative energy makes you prone to diseases of which cancer is one. That is a medical fact.
Noel Edmonds
All my adult life, I have lived with Labour lies about tax cuts. Their cry is always the same. Tax cuts are impossible in a civilised society. They mean less revenue for the state, which means sacked teachers, unemployed doctors, fewer nurses. I am amazed anyone still takes such arrant twaddle seriously.
John Redwood
Money has transformed every watchdog, every independent authority. Medical doctors are increasingly gulled by the lobbying of pharmaceutical salesmen.
Thomas Frank
I just want people to know they are the masters of their own fortune and misfortune. A lot of us think that doctors and drugs are going to control and help us, but the reality is we’re our own best doctor.
Dan Hill
I’ve had six different doctors say that I had to take the stress, the pressure out of my life.
Paula White
It is kind of a cliche that many Indian parents, especially in the U.S., want their kids to become doctors or engineers. But my parents encouraged me to turn to music when they found that I had the passion and talent.
Sid Sriram
Never have we stolen the intelligences of other peoples. On the contrary, in Cuba we have trained tens of thousands of doctors and other top-level professionals, for free, in order to send them back to their own countries.
Fidel Castro
I think modern societies have to ask a very basic question: What strategies buy the most health for people? Doctors can do so many marvelous things now. They can keep a corpse alive, almost.
Richard Lamm
I’ve realised that doctors can only help change a certain number of patients, but a Minister of Health can really change things.
Leo Varadkar
When you put your trust in doctors who are the ones who are supposed to help you and you don’t sense that they are sure of themselves, it is tough.
Juan Martin del Potro
Using medicine in the service of cosmesis is generally bad for patients, bad for doctors, and bad for democracy. The only exceptions are when we know the intervention will actually reduce suffering, as with a primary cleft lip repair.
Alice Dreger
My family, especially the ones that came to America, second generation, they’re predominantly lawyers, doctors, accountants… they went to college basically, graduated, masters programs and PhD’s… all of that good stuff.
Beneil Dariush
My dad instilled in me to naturally question all authority. I don’t follow anything blindly. That’s religion, cops, doctors, schools, you name it.
Juliette Lewis
Allopathic doctors used to laugh condescendingly at those who posited that psychological, emotional and spiritual factors were important contributors to the sickness as well as healing of the body.
Marianne Williamson
Fighters today are much bigger, stronger and quicker and not only that but referees, judges and doctors back then were very strict and if your head got busted up the fight would be stopped.
Larry Holmes
If the country has invested in the training of doctors or nurses or midwives for that matter, people are beginning to say, ‘Should we not ask them to serve a number of years in the country who invested in their training?’ I think this is now coming to be an interesting discussion.
Margaret Chan
Residents of my district continue to stress to me that

Residents of my district continue to stress to me that they want health care decisions to be made by patients and doctors, not by the government and insurance companies.
Tim Walberg
I hated to see tabloids with my pictures where I looked so plump. I visited so many doctors, clinics, hit the gym, hired an expensive trainer but nothing worked. I went into an acute depression. Its then that somebody advised me to take up Yoga.
Tanushree Dutta
As economists have often pointed out, we pay doctors for quantity, not quality. As they point out less often, we also pay them as individuals, rather than as members of a team working together for their patients. Both practices have made for serious problems.
Atul Gawande
The first thing I do in the morning is take my vitamins. I don’t want to say which vitamins; I don’t think you should push what you believe in. Doctors should do that, not fashion designers.
L’Wren Scott
Doctors, dentists and nurses commonly take out malpractice insurance to pay for lawsuits. The trend has expanded to include hairdressers, accountants, vets, sports umpires and members of the clergy, all fearful of being sued for wrongful action or advice.
Gavin Esler
I was forced to lie to my father by doctors and relatives. I made that choice and agreed with them, and I will never, ever get over it. If I hear a lie in my life with my children, with my wife, my work, my audiences, I want to annihilate myself, vaporize myself, and wipe myself off the face of the earth.
Mandy Patinkin
I have my hormones balanced. Most doctors are giving women synthetic hormones, which just eliminate the symptoms, but it’s doing nothing to actually replace the hormones you have lost. Without our hormones we die.
Suzanne Somers
Medical physicists work in cooperation with doctors. A few medical physicists devote their time to research and teaching. A few get involved with administrative duties.
John Cameron
I began to see during the civil war, in that part of the states of Missouri and Kansas where the doctors were shut out, the children did not die.
Andrew Taylor Still
If you’re getting different prescriptions from different doctors, there has to be some sort of check and balance in there somewhere.
Nikki Sixx
My parents believed in the importance of education, but beyond that they were pretty relaxed. My brother and I weren’t expected to become lawyers or doctors. As long as we were settled and happy, we could do what we liked.
Dominique Crenn
There is survival behavior, and doctors need to learn from patients who do not die when they are supposed to, instead of saying, ‘You’re doing very well, so keep doing whatever you are doing.’ They should be asking what their patient is doing and pass the information to other patients.
Bernie Siegel
As a Christian Scientist, I don’t go to doctors and get diagnoses.
Henry Paulson
My father was a doctor. I’ve never been very warm towards doctors.
Nigel Hawthorne
Canada sets aside 36 percent of their visas for people with skills they think their country needs. We set aside six percent. We educate the doctors, and then don’t give ’em a green card.
Michael Bloomberg
I can see the gravity of this pandemic as my parents are doctors. This is not only a health crisis and we need to be on humanitarian grounds. It gives me immense satisfaction to help people who are in need and it is a very basic thing that I can do in these tough times.
Pranitha Subhash
I ate while I was taking chemo. The doctors didn’t know. I really didn’t get any nausea. I didn’t have side effects. I would be drained for a day and a half.
Eric Davis
My parents always told my sister and me that if we wanted to, we could be doctors and lawyers, like my father and his brothers, like some of their women friends. Denise and I had art in our sights, though.
Margo Jefferson
Eighty percent of what doctors do, tech can do at a fraction of the cost – especially your rural doctor in India.
Vinod Khosla
At the time I was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease, my doctors told me that I had an incurable illness and they didn’t know much about it.
Mary Ann Mobley
I would welcome processes that eliminate the need for doctors. We bottle-neck things around doctors, and it’s not a good way of doing things.
Thomas Frey
Whether it’s by helping us search for health-related information, connecting us with doctors through online portals, or enabling us to store and retrieve our medical records online, the Internet is starting to show the promise it has to transform the way people interact with and improve their own health and wellness.
Dean Ornish
As doctors, we are not trained to communicate and understand the power of our words as they relate to a patient’s ability and desire to survive.
Bernie Siegel
It takes a village to run the Big Man – a village of doctors.
Clarence Clemons
Do we really want Washington administrators coming between us and our doctors?
Foster Friess
There are some people who’re all doctors. Is it genetic?
Aida Turturro
Doctors and nurses, with their training and their experiences, they would be able to detect unusual patterns of disease. That’s why we say it is important for every country to have a proper surveillance system. The function of the surveillance system is to detect unusual patterns of diseases.
Margaret Chan
Stan Hansen was a different ballgame. I broke my neck wrestling him in Madison Square Garden. I spent a month in the hospital and for a while it was touch and go because the doctors told me I came within a millimeter of being paralyzed from the neck down.
Bruno Sammartino
The media are obsessed with spin doctors and with portraying them as a bad thing, yet seem addicted to our medicine.
Alastair Campbell
All sorts of computer errors are now turning up. You’d be surprised to know the number of doctors who claim they are treating pregnant men.
Isaac Asimov
The growing professional disciplines of medical ethics and bioethics have had a profound impact on researchers, bedside doctors, associations of physicians, and government.
Sherwin B. Nuland
Vets do what doctors used to - diagnose the injury or t

Vets do what doctors used to – diagnose the injury or the condition, patch it up as best they can and remind you that these things happen and that in life we are also in the midst of death.
Jane Smiley
I only worked theater jobs, but they were all really silly when I first graduated. I was a line monitor at ‘Spamalot,’ which means I got there at 8 A.M. and told people how much the tickets were for standing room. I was an NYU Medical School fake patient, to teach doctors how to talk to patients.
Lauren Worsham
I often make a joke of my parents, because I come from a Nigerian background and there’s a stereotype in the Nigerian community that all of us are going to be doctors and lawyers, and that’s just how it is. But upon reflection, my parents were always really supportive of me doing music.
There were never any doctors in my family. But my grandparents and my mother had a strong social conscience that was formative.
Robert Winston
It is a different genre – a show about something other than doctors, lawyers and cops. Teachers are something completely different. I think it makes for very interesting television.
Chi McBride
An intense temperament has convinced me to teach not only from books but from what I have learned from experience. So I try to impress upon young doctors and graduate students that tumultuousness, if coupled to discipline and a cool mind, is not such a bad sort of thing.
Kay Redfield Jamison
When I took the Hippocratic oath and was effectively ‘sworn in’ as a doctor, I took the same vow that doctors have taken for generations. Patient autonomy is core to this oath.
Ami Bera
I was very lucky because hanging out at a golf course was much better than being on the streets. Golf taught me a great deal. I grew up surrounded by people who were professionals – lawyers, doctors, engineers. Around them, I learned how to behave, speak, eat, dress. I had nothing at home. The club was my home.
Angel Cabrera
I’m a terrible patient, and I find that doctors can be very condescending.
Sherry Stringfield
Every Monday, we’re asked to undertake jump tests to check the conditions of our muscles. There’s nothing you can hide. Once a week, they do urine tests, and your body fat percentage is tested regularly. The doctors cover all bases.
Granit Xhaka
Most of the doctors in the Tunisian administration, especially those in country districts, contracted typhus and approximately one third of them died of it.
Charles Jules Henry Nicole
I always say ‘Knocked Up’ opened the doors, and ‘Hangover’ just burst it wide open. To this day, it’s still surreal. And my wife’s a doctor. All our friends are doctors – our close friends. And it’s just that I have an odd job now. I think I’m like a doctor who had a detour, and I just have an odd job.
Ken Jeong
The kindness that’s been shown to me, by doctors as well as my family and my friends, it’s really saved my life.
Lady Gaga
The doctors realized in retrospect that even though most of these dead had also suffered from burns and blast effects, they had absorbed enough radiation to kill them. The rays simply destroyed body cells – caused their nuclei to degenerate and broke their walls.
John Hersey
There are definitions of morbid obesity. Doctors define it.
Jane Velez-Mitchell
As the earth spins through space, a view from above the North Pole would encompass most of the wealth of the world – most of its food, productive machines, doctors, engineers and teachers. A view from the opposite pole would encompass most of the world’s poor.
Barry Commoner
America is facing a looming shortage of doctors, nurses, and physicians’ assistants.
John Barrasso
Often doctors didn’t even tell you what was wrong with you. They just treated you, and sent you home.
Rebecca Skloot
I’m the daughter of two Indian immigrant doctors, and I have an older sister and younger brother, and none of us have pursued medicine as a career. We’re all over the artistic side of things.
Aarti Mann
We sometimes think that the best doctors are the ones who have the most specialized knowledge or the fanciest degrees, but in fact, study upon study, including one published in the ‘New England Journal of Medicine,’ show that the best doctors are the ones who also know how to connect with their patients.
Shawn Achor
‘The Cosby Show’ – no one thought there’s doctors and lawyers who are married and live in brownstones! Back then no one would have thought we would have an African-American president. They would have laughed in your face.
Keshia Knight Pulliam
2014 was a terrible year for me. I got a lot of help from psychiatrists, doctors, and my family, but also from group therapy. I met people from so many different backgrounds, and we were all able to relate to each other. It felt like a real community, and I stole that concept for Gurls Talk.
Adwoa Aboah
It’s actually very beautiful when you can’t conceive on your own, you can actually go to the doctors and with science you can create a child.
Tamar Braxton
My bones are as hard as a rock. Every time I have a biopsy, the doctors are doing hand exercises a week, ten days out.
Don Baylor
That all-too-common gap – between where the doctors, facilities and resources are based and where the individuals suffering from HIV live – had to be closed. This is what the Health Extension Program (HEP) was created to do.
Tedros Adhanom
Up until 35 I had a slightly skewed world view. I honestly believed everybody in the world wanted to make abstract paintings, and people only became lawyers and doctors and brokers and things because they couldn’t make abstract paintings.
Frank Stella
Since the pharmaceuticals don’t make any money and they control the doctors. If the doctors don’t make any money then all hell breaks loose. In communities like LA and New York they are using a lot of the youth for a test sight.
Afrika Bambaataa
Going to the doctors – for me that was quite brave, taking that first step. That was a bit scary, saying that I wanted to go on anti-depressants.
I’ve decided to listen to my doctors and get the procedure I need on my knee. USA Basketball said I had to do what was best for me. They want me to be obviously as healthy as possible so I can continue to play this game at a high level.
Dwyane Wade
Mind-body medicine should not be an ‘alternative,’ nor should complementary and integrative medicine be something doctors are not exposed to during their training.
Bernie Siegel
I hurt my knee, and that messed up my running, and boy did that ever just have a cascade effect. I’ve gained about thirty pounds that my doctors have screamed at me about. I’ve got to get that off, and I know that.
Mike Huckabee
When my doctors said I would never walk, I didn't belie

When my doctors said I would never walk, I didn’t believe them. I knew I wasn’t meant to spend my life in a chair.
Victoria Arlen
I studied the sciences up until going to college, and I was either going to do medicine or drama. I chose drama, but I come from a whole line of doctors.
Elizabeth Henstridge
I was something of a surprise to my parents. My mum, Margaret, was 42 when she had me and had been told she couldn’t have children. So when she went to the doctors, they thought she had an ovarian cyst. And it was me!
Dave Myers
We go through life, we need food, we need water and we need doctors. You have those three things, you’re ahead of the game.
Haim Saban
I don’t believe in technological determinism, especially not in biology and medicine. We have strong laws to keep doctors from monkeying around with humans that will remain in place. It’s simply not true that everything that is technologically possible gets done.
Freeman Dyson
I have been given a lot of roles that are downtrodden, mammy-ish. A lot of lawyers or doctors who have names but absolutely no lives. You’re going to get your three or four scenes; you’re not going to be able to show what you can do.
Viola Davis
The CDC has always been an example of unbiased and thorough medical research, both in America and around the world, and we must continue to provide the doctors and experts at the CDC the resources they need to help solve and prevent public health crises.
Lucy McBath
I found collaborating with congenial doctors about problems that physicists could help solve was very satisfying. I also like educating anybody who would listen!
John Cameron
For more than a decade, Novartis spent hundreds of millions of dollars on so-called speaker programs, including speaking fees, exorbitant meals, and top-shelf alcohol that were nothing more than bribes to get doctors across the country to prescribe Novartis’s drugs.
Audrey Strauss
There is nothing private about delivering a child with doctors and nurses surrounding you.
Shweta Menon
In the bubble decade, making money as an end in itself boomed as a calling among students at elite universities like Harvard, siphoning off gifted undergraduates who might otherwise have been scientists, teachers, doctors, entrepreneurs, artists or inventors.
Frank Rich
Women’s rights are nothing but a part of the bigger picture, which is human rights. Women are trusted with the lives of their kids, even serve as teachers and doctors, but they aren’t trusted with their own lives.
Manal al-Sharif
There is a shortage of doctors, and the American Medical Association is aiming to keep it that way.
Barry Ritholtz
I had gained a greater appreciation of hearing the concerns of woman, doctors, and so many others.
Jesse Jackson
There are no doctors in my family, and I’ve joked about this, that my dad got the doctor daughter he always wanted. But I would make a terrible doctor – I hate the sight of blood!
Camilla Luddington
Whatever you thought of his politics, Ronald Reagan was a great man, a courageous man. He took an assassin’s bullet and joked to the doctors as they desperately worked to save his life.
Christopher Buckley
Irregular contact with doctors means many men fail to receive any preventive care for potentially life-threatening conditions. In addition, when men do seek care, embarrassment can often prevent them from openly discussing health concerns with their physicians.
Mike Crapo
I am a medium. In the same way, doctors are mediums to bring treatment.
T. B. Joshua
We know who are the best doctors, which doctors are performing well. Why are we not giving this know-how to our customers?
Thomas Buberl
Three of my children are medical doctors, they know at least a hundred times as much about your body as my grandfather knew, but they don’t know much more about soul than he did.
John Templeton
I have decided to give up competition. I cannot train properly for the Tour de France which I had hoped to ride for the last time as apotheosis to my career. Doctors are forbidding me to ride anymore in high level competition and I bow to them.
Eddy Merckx
Nineteen percent of doctors say that they’d be able to give their patients a lethal injection. But they also went on to say that the patient would have to be really, really behind on payments.
Jay Leno
Look, I just read out loud for a living. Most of my friends are doctors or lawyers, people I went to university with, they’re on the train at 7 A.M. and don’t get home until 7 P.M. They work bloody hard, and they’re allowed to be overwhelmed. I don’t think I’m allowed, really.
Claudia Winkleman
Back in the day, I was the first non-recovering doctor working in recovery. People would say, ‘You can’t do that! We need recovering guys in this.’ But usually recovering doctors have a lot of baggage and so there’s a certain amount of liability with a recovering doctor. But of course it can be ideal.
Drew Pinsky
When you sit players in front of doctors and surgeons, they use big, fancy words, and sometimes players get lost. It’s hard to digest. But when you’ve been there and you can break it down into ‘football language,’ they can understand it better.
Harry Kewell
The teachers teach the children that are going to take care of us. These are our future leaders, doctors, lawyers. So, they need to have everything in their arsenal to teach these kids.
Lil Jon
My knee was torn up. I tore every ligament in my knee. It was a very, very bad injury. I had to do what the doctors told me to do, and I did that. The next year, I came back and led the league in rushing.
Gale Sayers
The doctors, whether based in Brussels or Paris, draw the same conclusions and write the same prescriptions.
Emmanuel Macron
Obamacare has burdened New York families with unaffordable premiums, rendered some insurance plans unusable because of high deductibles, and caused people to lose their doctors.
Dan Donovan
I love all insider memoirs. It doesn’t matter whether it’s truck-drivers or doctors. I think everybody likes to go backstage, find out what people think and what they talk about and what specialised job they have.
David Mamet
I get e-mail from all over the world, and from lawyers and doctors and whoever – plumbers and drywall hangers.
Ron White
I have a whole slew of doctors. I can count eight in my

I have a whole slew of doctors. I can count eight in my phone right now – eight different doctors, all for different parts of my body. I have specialists.
Johnny Knoxville
If you look at American medical fiction written by doctors, like ‘The House of God’ by Samuel Shem and ‘The Blood of Strangers’ by Frank Huyler, both have themes of cynicism and dysfunction running through them that you won’t find in ‘ER.’ You find it in ‘Scrubs,’ but because that’s a comedy, it gets away with it.
Jed Mercurio
Doctors look after me. But, basically, I look after myself. I don’t overeat. I don’t develop a big paunch. I do a little bit of exercise. At the same time, I believe that if you don’t work, you will decay. The decay process is through not using your faculties – not using your brain, not using your body.
Mahathir Mohamad
When we did ‘Thirtysomething,’ television was either about doctors, lawyers, or cops.
Edward Zwick
According to its doctors, my one intransigent desire is to have been a Confederate general, and because I could not or would not become anything else, I set up for poet and beg an to invent fictions about the personal ambitions that my society has no use for.
Allen Tate
The DREAMers who are in my state are some of the most ambitious, creative, going to be productive businesspeople and doctors. That’s why I’m proud of being the first governor to make sure the DREAMers get access to college education.
Jay Inslee
Both my parents are doctors, so from the time I was a child, I wanted to do medicine.
Riaad Moosa
Unlike many other illnesses, what I find profoundly empowering about addressing loneliness is that the ultimate solution to loneliness lies in each of us. We can be the medicine that each other needs. We can be the solution other people crave. We are all doctors and we are all healers.
Vivek Murthy
Growing up in a family of doctors, I wanted to be a brain surgeon for a while. But ultimately, I get most excited about creating things, which is why I decided to become an entrepreneur.
Alexa Von Tobel
America’s health care system provides some of the finest doctors and more access to vital medications than any country in the world. And yet, our system has been faltering for many years with the increased cost of health care.
Paul Gillmor
In fact, both my parents were doctors but I was a duffer.
Chunky Pandey
But I enjoyed getting sick, I didn’t mind it at all. So in that short amount of time, I did actually go from 121 right back up to 180, which is way too fast obviously. And that resulted in some doctors visits to get things sorted out.
Christian Bale
Team doctors’ jobs those days were to keep you on the field.
Merlin Olsen
We want the NHS to be able to recruit the doctors and nurses it needs. And we want British businesses to be free to hire the best workers from anywhere in the world.
Ed Davey
The great secret of doctors, known only to their wives, but still hidden from the public, is that most things get better by themselves; most things, in fact, are better in the morning.
Lewis Thomas
My doctors warned me repeatedly that if you don’t stay positive, you don’t do well.
Vince Flynn
If white people need colleges to furnish teachers, ministers, lawyers, and doctors, do black people need nothing of the sort?
W. E. B. Du Bois
I had just finished playing a doctor in Doctors’ and I had had to tell somebody that they had cancer. In that moment I thought, He’s doing what I did!’ We sat down and he said, I’m sorry, Mr. Timothy, but I’ve got bad news.’ I thought, Oh!’ He told me that they had found cancerous cells, but not a lot.
Christopher Timothy
Consider radiology. Technology is going to reduce the use of those machines because doctors aren’t going to need to send patients two or three times for radiology. They’re going to have access to what the previous specialist took. There’s also going to be devices that are coming out that are much less costly.
Bruce Broussard
The doctors told me my hearing would get worse if I continued swimming, but I loved the water so much, I just couldn’t stop.
Gertrude Ederle
I think that the general public understands that its own doctors are human, fallible, and flawed.
Jed Mercurio
I’ve been fortunate to be treated by excellent doctors at world-class hospitals. In the last year alone, my insurance has covered over a million dollars in medical expenses, including a bone marrow transplant and 10 hospitalizations amounting to a combined five months of inpatient care.
Suleika Jaouad
Oh there are lots of doctors and medical professionals out there who buy my devices at whole sale price.
Alex Chiu
My early memories of ‘Who’ are clouded by time and confused by repeats and reissues. I have no direct recollection of the first two Doctors and none at all of the first season of the Pertwee era. By the last two seasons of the Third Doctor, I was properly hooked.
Alastair Reynolds
The doctors x-rayed my head and found nothing.
Dizzy Dean
When the doctors came they said she had died of heart disease – of joy that kills.
Kate Chopin
I voted against H.R. 4712, the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, which is nothing more than a shameless attempt to intimidate doctors, spread misinformation about abortion, and decrease women’s access to healthcare.
Seth Moulton
Optimism is not inherently a superior way of viewing the world. Certainly doctors will say it might be better for one’s physical health to be an optimist. But, morally speaking it may not be appropriate in certain circumstances.
Todd Solondz
Bayern fulfilled every wish, no matter what Guardiola wanted: the players, the coaches, and even the doctors. He caused much disturbance off the field. But he is one of the best coaches on the planet.
Lothar Matthaus
My grandmothers on both sides chose not to go to doctors and passed away. We were entrenched in the Christian Science faith.
Myles Kennedy
My father said writing was a nice hobby. He strongly encouraged my brother and me to become doctors.
Tess Gerritsen
There's a great metaphor that one of my doctors uses: I

There’s a great metaphor that one of my doctors uses: If a fish is swimming in a dirty tank and it gets sick, do you take it to the vet and amputate the fin? No, you clean the water. So, I cleaned up my system. By eating organic raw greens, nuts and healthy fats, I am flooding my body with enzymes, vitamins and oxygen.
Kris Carr
In this case they’re doctors. But having passion for your work and to take risks in order to better human kind. That’s a pretty big theme. It’s pretty inspiring.
Mary Stuart Masterson
What I’ve been telling people is that the doctors are gaining on cancer very rapidly. It’s almost become a chronic disease, like diabetes – something you can treat. It doesn’t go away, and you’re not well in the sense of being over it, but you go on and live your life.
Molly Ivins
Most doctors want to keep their success rates high, so they’d rather deal with someone who is younger, who has healthier eggs and more of them.
For most of the millions of people who watch TED videos at the office, it’s a middlebrow diversion and a source of factoids to use on your friends. Except TED thinks it’s changing the world, like if ‘This American Life’ suddenly mistook itself for Doctors Without Borders.
Alex Pareene
Many doctors are stuck in the idea that addiction is a choice, and they don’t treat that.
David Sheff
As climate change moves from a model of the future to the reality of the present, health care systems across the country are facing a difficult set of questions. What are doctors supposed to do when wildfires, rising floodwater or other natural disasters threaten their ability to provide care for patients?
Tatiana Schlossberg
As most doctors will tell you, cleansing is ridiculous. You know what’s been around longer than that state-of-the-art juicer? Your kidneys. And your liver. Still, the cleanse has recalibrated my definition of a splurge.
Sloane Crosley
When I meet people who say – which they do all of the time – ‘I must just tell you, my great aunt had cancer of the elbow and the doctors gave her 10 seconds to live, but last I heard she was climbing Mount Everest,’ and so forth, I switch off quite early.
Christopher Hitchens
Individuals need accurate information in cancer prevention and guidance tailored to their specific medical history. They will not get it unless our medical doctors and other health professionals are adequately trained.
Margaret Cuomo
America has the best doctors, the best nurses, the best hospitals, the best medical technology, the best medical breakthrough medicines in the world. There is absolutely no reason we should not have in this country the best health care in the world.
Bill Frist
What patients seek is not scientific knowledge that doctors hide, but existential authenticity each person must find on her own… the angst of facing mortality has no remedy in probability.
Paul Kalanithi
Despite the disreputable company it keeps, bismuth is harmless. In fact, it’s medicinal: Doctors prescribe it to soothe ulcers, and it’s the ‘bis’ in hot-pink Pepto-Bismol. Overall, it seems like the most out-of-place element on the periodic table, a gentleman among scoundrels.
Sam Kean
I was 13 when I developed the classic symptoms of a person who gets diabetes: a lot of weight loss, a tremendous thirst, and blurry eyesight. My mom took me to the hospital, and the doctors took some blood tests. My blood sugar was so high that they knew right away.
Bobby Clarke
The doctors told me I could never have kids, but God blessed me anyway.
Tionne Watkins
I’m a spokesperson, and advocate of awareness. So when anything comes up on our bodies – if it’s skin cancer or a bump or something we’re not certain of – we need to see our doctors.
Camille Grammer
The most powerful people in my town were the doctors and the lawyers. I didn’t really have any experience dealing with really powerful people until I started practicing law.
Megyn Kelly
Well, now, and there’s – for every dollar the federal government spends, there’s real people on the other side, and so when we talk about reductions that are going to affect providers, that’s going to affect hospitals and doctors and others.
Franklin Raines
When you think about accountants, who would want to be an accountant? But, what would we do without accountants? Whether it’s soldiers or garbage men or doctors, everyone has the thing that they love.
Fred Willard
When ‘The Cosby Show’ came out, and everyone was up in arms about ‘The Cosby Show’ and that it was reflecting a world that didn’t exist – but I knew black doctors. And I knew black lawyers. And I knew families that, you know, had a mother and a father and kids that were well-behaved.
Gina Prince-Bythewood
As I got older, my life become a whirlwind of homework and responsibilities. The hospital became my retreat, a place to gather my thoughts and focus on my health. The nurses are my friends as well as my caretakers. The doctors are my parents as well as my physicians.
Claire Wineland
I never took banned substances, but I have been courted by doctors who wanted to improve my blood in the laboratory. My mother always put them on a flight.
Alberto Tomba
I did a show called ‘Wonderland’ a few years back, and I was fortunate enough to spend a full-on two weeks – I’m talking 13-15 hours a day – with the doctors and patients at Bellevue in New York. That served me well for ‘Durham County.’
Michelle Forbes
When donors visited the Black Panther Party, they came and saw our real programs, a real clinic, with real doctors and medics, giving service to people.
Bobby Seale
But I think doctors have always been either honest or dishonest.
Leonard Baskin
Close to a billion people – one-eighth of the world’s population – still live in hunger. Each year 2 million children die through malnutrition. This is happening at a time when doctors in Britain are warning of the spread of obesity. We are eating too much while others starve.
Jonathan Sacks
Socially, in most groups I tempered my conversations on my approach to health because those who entrusted their lives to allopathic, ‘standard of care’ Western doctors might not want to entertain the idea that they might have made the wrong choice or that their way wasn’t the best way.
Suzanne Somers
Medicare is immune from the competitive pressures that force private insurers to pay attention to what patients and doctors want.
Virginia Postrel
I’m human, we all are – all doctors are – and grieving is a natural part of medicine. As a doctor, grieving is a natural part of medicine. If you deny that, again, you’d get into this trap of curing and victory. I think grief is very important.
Siddhartha Mukherjee
I really feel that if it wasn’t for the accident, I’d still be fighting. I would have handled some of these fighters. I would have made sure that the doctors would have declared me physically sound; and after that, I would have trained.
Roberto Duran
My biggest fear in writing ‘Gossip Girl’ was that the characters would sound like stereotypical rich, air-headed heiresses. These were my friends. They were smart and multifaceted. They had interests and passions. They wanted to become lawyers and doctors and writers and filmmakers.
Cecily von Ziegesar
The doctors said I might not be able to walk again. Tod

The doctors said I might not be able to walk again. Today, I can almost run, but back then, I couldn’t even stand up. I was bed-ridden. If I wanted to turn over in bed, I had to move my legs with my hands. I was in and out of the hospital for months.
Joey Jordison
In the summer of 2007, Roger Goodell, the new NFL commissioner, convened a meeting in Chicago for the first league-wide concussion summit. All thirty-two teams were ordered to send doctors and trainers to the meeting.
Jeanne Marie Laskas
I don’t know why people question the academic training of an athlete. Fifty percent of the doctors in this country graduated in the bottom half of their classes.
Al McGuire
I have two doctors, my left leg and my right.
G. M. Trevelyan
Business leaders, social justice groups, farmers and ranchers, doctors and nurses and people from all walks of life are concerned about the climate threat.
Frances Beinecke
By training and keeping doctors in underserved areas, we’re working toward a goal of increasing access to quality health care for more of our communities.
Chris Gibson
The other thing is that doctors test only the most common estrogen level. There are three kinds of estrogen in a woman but they don’t test the other two because they are so rare; mine was the third kind of estrogen.
Marie Osmond
My father has fought to protect people from predatory pharmaceutical companies and to make sure drug payments and kickbacks to doctors are disclosed.
Josh Rosen
The thing you see in survivors is that they express feelings – I won’t say some of the things they tell their doctors, when doctors tell them they’re going to die in six months. Boy, do they let the doctor know how they feel about that statement.
Bernie Siegel
Before we are footballers or fans, we are ordinary members of society. We are doctors, lawyers, milkmen, postmen, unemployed people, students… So why are they called racist football fans? Are they just racist for the 90 minutes of a match, when the other six days a week they’re not?
John Barnes
Instituting equal pay is especially important because families in our country increasingly rely on women’s wages to make ends meet. When women bring home less money each day, it means they have less for the everyday needs of their families – groceries, rent, child care, and doctors’ visits.
Jan Schakowsky
We’re trying to make sure that financial advisers act like lawyers and doctors. When you go to a lawyer or doctor, they have an obligation to put your best interests first. Financial advisers don’t.
Tom Perez
Drug company payments to doctors are a small part of a much larger strategy by Big Pharma to clean our pockets.
Robert Reich
I had a home birth because I really believe in the body’s natural ability to give birth. The medical profession has kind of warped women’s minds into thinking we don’t know how to birth and we need doctors and epidurals and Pitocin.
Sarah Shahi
Among doctors in general, I think more than half support what I’m doing.
Jack Kevorkian
I like when my man is worldly, knows the finer things in life, is well traveled, educated. It’s important to me that he’s able to talk to all types of people, from doctors to dishwashers.
Kiana Tom
In all modesty, we must admit that governments are not always the best doctors when it comes to diagnosing economic ailments and prescribing the right treatment.
Kim Campbell
Midwives and doctors play a crucial role preventing unnecessary maternal deaths. They educate women about nutrition, health and family planning. And they step in when complications arise.
Liya Kebede
If you explain to a patient what can be done and what might be the downsides, let the patient choose; don’t have ethicists, priests, or doctors say you may or may not have replacement cells.
John Gurdon
The homeless often lose trust in people: in the hospital doctors, who had no choice but to discharge them back on to the streets, and in the family members from whom they have become estranged. Their past use of the NHS can make it difficult to patch together a full medical history.
Ed Davey
I am concerned about the plight of the working poor… If doctors are not paid for seeing those patients, doctors will not go to rural Alabama because you can’t expect a doctor to go to rural Alabama and lose money.
Robert J. Bentley
We cannot generalise anything in life. We cannot say media people are like this, film people are like this, or doctors are like this.
Poonam Dhillon
Doctors cannot afford to provide care at the rate of reimbursement that Medicare insists that they accept.
Nan Hayworth
If they take their children to doctors, they believe they are putting their faith in man instead of in God.
Bob Bartlett
Uninsured care happens in this country, and here’s the problem. It’s not properly accounted for. The people who pay for uninsured care at the moment are the hospitals and the doctors and all of the medical providers.
John Fleming
Dentists, doctors, surveyors from Latvia wanted to come to England, do anything to get away from the Soviet regime.
Guy Martin
Drugs are in every walk of life – doctors, lawyers, preachers, the guy who works for IBM, teenagers on the street, teenagers in school.
Smokey Robinson
More than half of the complaints that patients bring to their doctors are emotional in origin. Most often, they include troubled or absent connections with loved ones.
Robert J. Waldinger
Pamela Anderson Lee released a statement confirming that she has had her breast implants removed. Doctors say that Pamela is doing fine and that her old implants are now dating Charlie Sheen.
Conan O’Brien
Doctors didn’t know what to do with me.
Darrell Hammond
It is something that is called MDS. It is a rare blood disorder that affects the bone marrow. I’m going to beat this. My doctors say it and my faith says it.
Robin Roberts
We can trust our doctors to be professional, to ministe

We can trust our doctors to be professional, to minister equally to their patients without regard to their political or religious beliefs. But we can no longer trust our professors to do the same.
David Horowitz
I had a few fibroids removed, and they left me with a Grand Canyon of scar tissue in my uterus. The doctors weren’t sure I’d be able to reproduce. I was prepared for a rough road, and then out of nowhere we conceived.
Holly Marie Combs
I took anatomy classes. I went to medical libraries and talked to doctors and nutritionists. I did the whole thing before using myself as a human guinea pig.
Marilu Henner
A lot of people don’t realize how severe a concussion injury is. You have to listen to the doctors. You have to be really careful about them.
Bret Hart
I don’t think you should rely on medicine. I think you should rely upon herbal doctors, acupuncture, and doctors outside the medical world, with different kinds and forms of treatment.
Engelbert Humperdinck