Top 470 Invest Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Invest Quotes from famous people such as Mike Duke, Kirsten Green, Jameis Winston, Sallie Krawcheck, Synyster Gates, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

It's interesting: the letters I get from mayors that wa

It’s interesting: the letters I get from mayors that want Wal-Mart to look and invest in their community.
Mike Duke
We never invest in a male; we never invest in a female. We just invest in the right entrepreneur.
Kirsten Green
Any way you can invest in yourself to make you play better is a good thing.
Jameis Winston
We shouldn’t think anyone needs a Ph.D. in advanced investing in order to begin to invest.
Sallie Krawcheck
When kids invest their time and money in coming to see us, we owe it to them to give them the best night of their lives.
Synyster Gates
I’ve actually come to respect the most irritatingly challenging people I’ve worked with as really valuable in improving group decision-making and what to do and what to invest in.
Steve Jurvetson
Our society spends a lot of money on prison bars. For the sake of our kids, let’s invest in monkey bars.
Darell Hammond
I don’t think its good for the soul to invest too much of yourself in technology.
David Thewlis
We will invest in our people, quality education, job opportunity, family, neighborhood, and yes, a thing we call America.
Dan Quayle
Everything affects hip-hop. The question is, how does it affect the money that corporations are going to invest to put out different kinds of hip-hop?
A society should be judged by how it treats its children. A country that fails to invest in its children is imperilling its future.
Owen Jones
I’m sorry, but to ask an audience these days to invest three hours in a show requires your heroine be an understandable and fully rounded character.
Diane Paulus
I said the only way I would join was if I could get Amazon to invest, and I did. I knew that anything that could be sourced externally, Amazon could do better and cheaper than anyone else except Walmart. It was really obvious to me.
Julie Wainwright
Who doesn’t want to have a yacht? But I would prefer to invest my money in something else. But I love them. I just wouldn’t buy one unless I had a lot, a lot of money.
Eugenio Derbez
GE sells more than 96 percent of its products to the private sector, where America’s future must be built. But government can help business invest in our shared future.
Jeffrey R. Immelt
As the humanities and liberal arts are downsized, privatized, and commodified, higher education finds itself caught in the paradox of claiming to invest in the future of young people while offering them few intellectual, civic, and moral supports.
Henry Giroux
I’d rather invest in an entrepreneur who has failed before than one who assumes success from day one.
Kevin O’Leary
I don’t love it when people come in and say, ‘We need a woman on our board,’ or ‘Can you invest in this new shopping app because you like to shop?’ But whatever gets me in the deal.
Kirsten Green
No state can invest the kinds of dollars in infrastructure necessary on their own. They need federal help.
Bob Casey, Jr.
Home Star is a common sense idea that would create jobs and provide a boost to local economies, while helping families afford their energy bills. By encouraging homeowners to invest in energy efficiency retrofits, Home Star would create 170,000 manufacturing and construction jobs that could not be outsourced to China.
Peter Welch
I am delighted to invest in JetSynthesys and join the Board as Non-Executive Chairman. JetSynthesys aims to become the platform of choice for digital content and experience. We have invested extensively in backend technology infrastructure that is best in class in the world.
Kris Gopalakrishnan
Football is what, 15 years? I want to invest 100% of my life into the game, so when it’s all said and done, I don’t want to have regrets.
Romelu Lukaku
Investment is crucial. Because the truth is, you only get jobs and growth in the economy when people invest money, at their own risk, in setting up a business or expanding an existing business.
John Key
Especially amid the COVID-19 pandemic, which has disproportionately impacted tribal communities, we must invest in infrastructure in order to advance economic recovery and create much-needed jobs.
Sharice Davids
The number one way that we can address these long-term challenges of poverty, of education, is to invest in early childhood education.
Julian Castro
We have to reenergize our economy so it works for all Americans; invest in our schools so that all our children have the tools they need to compete and succeed in life; rebuild and enhance our infrastructure; and we must reduce carbon pollution and reverse climate change.
Ned Lamont
Our best path to economic growth and global competitiveness is to invest in our people – not to provide huge new tax breaks to special interests.
Raja Krishnamoorthi
Issues like obesity do, as you well know, have a knock-on effect to diabetes. So we all are better off if we invest early in prevention.
Jacinda Ardern
Instead of hazarding our future on the dirty fuels of the past, let’s invest in clean power that can drive this country forward. Let’s cut energy waste, make our economy the world’s most efficient, and give our workers a leg up in the global marketplace.
Frances Beinecke
Welcome to your reality check – social media is not your friend, your friends are your ‘friends’; invest in them, trust me.
Shweta Bachchan Nanda
If you invest in something a little more expensive with longevity, you’ll use it more.
Nina Garcia
Sometimes you feel like the people who invest in hate a

Sometimes you feel like the people who invest in hate are winning. Then you just want to talk about love and what it really means to love yourself.
Naomi Alderman
Those who invest in South Africa should not think they are doing us a favor; they are here for what they get out of our cheap and abundant labor, and they should know that they are buttressing one of the most vicious systems.
Desmond Tutu
For years, the Postal Service has been saddled with misguided financial requirements. Eliminating these burdens will allow us to invest in the long-term strength and stability of the Postal Service.
Alex Padilla
Google Ventures has a direct financial incentive to ensure the companies we invest in succeed.
Bill Maris
People come in. They are too gung ho. They invest too much money in things they don’t know. They lose it and then they clam up and stop investing. Then they miss the actual boom. That’s the nature of the market.
Naval Ravikant
You can only do three things with your money. You can spend it. You can invest it. Or you can give it away. And if you invest it, you’re really just getting more money to give away or buy something. How many things can you buy? So I don’t really think there’s a lot of choices.
David Rubenstein
It’s more egalitarian on the Internet – anyone can put anything up. But in terms of the money it takes to allow a band to get good, there’s less of it to invest.
Chris Martin
Photovoltaics are a great technology for certain applications, and, in fact, we invest in photovoltaic technologies. But they’re not good substitutes for grid electricity.
Vinod Khosla
When parents are confident that their children will live, they have fewer of them. They invest more in each child’s food, health and education.
Anne M. Mulcahy
I want to go further and make the UK the easiest place in the world to invest in social enterprise.
David Gauke
We don’t have any kind of sponsors. The players invest themselves. They need money. They need resources… That’s why, in sports and teams, they have sponsors – in soccer, in the NFL. Everyone has sponsors who invest and help to pay daily expenses.
Vitor Belfort
In fact, I’m very grateful that we were given that time to invest in ourselves and our craft before we were exposed to the public.
We need to intentionally invest in health, in home ownership, in entrepreneurship, in access to democracy, in economic empowerment. If we don’t do these things, we shouldn’t be surprised that racial inequality persists because inequalities compound.
Pete Buttigieg
I learnt to manage my own money, a quality which I am working on since a long while now. I invest most of my money in myself either in learning and/or travelling.
Amit Sadh
The one thing I say, I will invest in anything – I don’t care what it is – as long as it doesn’t cut across my ethical code, because at the end of the day I want to be able to live with myself. I want to feel proud of what I do.
Deborah Meaden
Enterprise zones have succeeded in attracting needed capital to our urban poverty centers. Businesses and investors that wouldn’t otherwise give these blighted areas a second glance react to the incentives and invest.
Jared Polis
Being able to invest in myself and my company, I can make more money.
NLE Choppa
For everybody in their busy lives, you need to invest in sharpening your tools, and you need to invest in longevity.
Ryan Holmes
I hope there will be some good news and some good profits, and people will realize we have a lot of outstanding executives, and a lot of companies that are doing a good job, and those are good companies to invest in.
Don Nickles
If I can afford a $1,000 apartment, I’m going to try to find a $600 apartment and save the $400 towards something I want to invest in.
Kandi Burruss
As in the Divine Right of Kings, hierarchies invest those who preside at the top of their pyramidal structure with absolute power to rule over the lesser ranks that spread down like a marble staircase to the broad foundation stones of those with no power at all.
Eugene Kennedy
I started to invest in very-early-stage companies where, even though I wasn’t the founder, I could help shape the early strategy and culture.
Aneel Bhusri
When you make movies the way I do, you invest everything you have. And you do it like a crazy maniac.
Emir Kusturica
As much as it’s sometimes hard to make choices about where you invest, it’s equally hard to make choices about where you don’t invest and what you eliminate.
Anne M. Mulcahy
We only invest in businesses that reduce labor.
Steve Jurvetson
It’s always important to invest in young talents and the talents of tomorrow.
Delphine Arnault
What audiences love with series is that they can invest in characters for such a long period of time, and it’s the same for actors. You can truly tell your story; then it’s done.
Florence Pugh
We care so much about the sport that we invest everything we have into it.
Tessa Virtue
It seems to me – particularly for these retirement-plan investors, the vast majority of whom are not particularly financially sophisticated – by far the best way is to invest in index funds.
John C. Bogle
As I have long said, smart infrastructure investments are needed to repair America’s roads and bridges, invest in rural broadband and clean energy systems, create good jobs, and secure our economic future.
Phil Scott
If we do high-speed rail, the governor has to be intelligent and invest the dollars at the ‘bookends’ – San Francisco and Los Angeles.
Kevin de Leon
People spend so much time in their cars, and it's a leg

People spend so much time in their cars, and it’s a legal way to have fun by speeding a little bit or testing yourself a little bit, and you get to invest in your car. For some people, it becomes their baby.
Jordana Brewster
When I was growing up, I was always outside. I think that’s helped me, as far as athletics go, but to improve in anything, you just have to invest time.
Beneil Dariush
It would be impossible to estimate how much time and energy we invest in trying to fix, change and deny our emotions – especially the ones that shake us at our very core, like hurt, jealousy, loneliness, shame, rage and grief.
Debbie Ford
Polychain manages a hedge fund that invests exclusively in digital assets. We invest exclusively in protocols, not companies, and we do this by investing in things made scarce through the blockchain.
Olaf Carlson-Wee
Take time to gather up the past so that you will be able to draw from your experience and invest them in the future.
Jim Rohn
I have been working for years to promote a responsible energy policy that works to increase energy efficiency and invest in alternative and renewable energy sources.
Lois Capps
The one thing we can do is invest in the quality of education, especially higher education.
Ron Kind
All sensible politicians favor growth, just as we all favor sound public finances. Both can be achieved if we rationalize spending, invest available resources wisely, and clamp down on tax evasion.
Victor Ponta
We’ve got to move beyond the idea that the public and private sectors are at odds. Government has to lay the groundwork for private equity to productively invest in things like education. It’s a partnership, not a battle.
Sebastian Pinera
Acting tough is all about developing an attitude and a persona that says, ‘Look at how great I am.’ But often, that tough exterior is meant to hide self-doubt. Mentally strong people invest more energy into working on their weaknesses rather than trying to cover them up.
Amy Morin
When people come and invest in India, they invest on a certain premise, and the fact that the very premise can change worries them a lot.
Chanda Kochhar
I realised that being a mother is similar to being an entrepreneur. You set up a system that is your family and you invest… you take risks and you actually have the most important job of rearing up the future of not just your family or an individual, but of the entire world. That is a tough and risky job.
Manushi Chhillar
The people who were supposed to invest in refineries, who understand the market, are benefiting from there being no refineries because of the fuel import business.
Aliko Dangote
I don’t think Italian football is a particularly appealing product for anyone that wants to invest unless they are Italians that understand exactly what goes on in our country and the way things are done.
Gianluca Vialli
When coffee prices fall below production costs, farmers are often forced off their land, and they lose their homes, everything. With fair trade, farmers get a fair price for their harvest with a guaranteed minimum, so they can invest in their crops.
Nell Newman
Venture funds get beaten up for not investing in important things. Okay, if you want venture funds to invest in important things, then don’t penalize or make fun of them when those important things don’t work.
Bill Maris
We’re seeing a crazy appetite for people to acquire and invest in British businesses.
Natalie Massenet
If the government can afford luxury travel for its cabinet officials, then surely we can find the resources to invest in quality education, jobs skills training, and properly fund the State Department and foreign aid programs.
Seth Moulton
We can’t have investors buying four apartments while young couples struggle to raise another 5,000 shekels for a home. I appeal to investors: Think about these young couples, and invest your money elsewhere.
Moshe Kahlon
The best thing is to invest in yourself, because it takes money to make money.
Young Dolph
Everything that’s bad for you catches on too quickly in America, because that’s the easiest thing to get people to invest in, the pursuits that are easy and destructive, the ones that bring out the least positive aspects of people.
Gil Scott-Heron
India needs better producers than screenwriters. No producer wants to invest in out-of-the way scripts.
Anurag Kashyap
Everyone has a salary. Everyone has hopes and dreams for where they can invest their money. Everyone wants to do the best they can with it, and they don’t want to be subjected to any sort of predatory lending.
Dede Gardner
I do think that people ought to have some control over their money, rather than the government, just mandating to them how they’re going to invest their money.
Saxby Chambliss
The financial crisis and the Great Recession left firms with excess capacity, reducing incentives to invest. If businesses expect slower growth to continue, that will also hold down investment.
Jerome Powell
When a population saves a lot, the funds are invested outside the country as well as inside. If the Japanese invest in the United States, it pushes their exchange rate down and makes their manufacturing more competitive.
Evan Davis
The shipping industry plays a fundamental role in boosting global trade and prosperity. Maritime leaders have rightly recognised the need to invest in more energy-efficient vessels and to apply measures like slow-steaming. But to ensure a level playing field, collective action is urgently needed across the sector.
Barry Gardiner
Just believe in the future and direction of the capability that ARM has. Go deep and build a better future, both for the company and for its contribution to the industry. That’s what I want ARM to do: invest more the future.
Masayoshi Son
I focus on consumer Internet. Sometimes it’s a working prototype; sometimes it’s an idea on a napkin. I don’t do a ton of deals a year, and I really like working with startups – it’s the only way I can invest. It fits my ADD brain.
Kevin Rose
The more entrepreneurs in the world that are getting their ideas financed, the more great companies there are going to be that we can all invest in.
Fred Wilson
My job is making sure that every child gets a good school place. If there is a particular disadvantage to a community, you invest more. Because that’s the Labour way.
Angela Rayner
It's always good to be able to identify with the charac

It’s always good to be able to identify with the characters that you’re watching and not just easily put them in the bad box or the good box. They’re real people that you care about, and you invest in their journey.
Betty Gabriel
Climate change and dependence on foreign oil are problems that won’t go away on their own. Tabling plans to deal with them doesn’t make it easier for companies to plan and invest; it makes it harder.
Christina Romer
Every dollar the government doesn’t spend, tax, or borrow is a dollar that businesses and families can spend or invest themselves.
Stephen Moore
I’d like to see the word ‘entrepreneur’ knocked off its pedestal. Being ‘entrepreneurial’ is something I look for not only in founders to invest in, but also employees to hire.
Alexis Ohanian
Great dad. Yeah, he would ask me for money on birthdays and, you know, inappropriate times. And I just wrote him off like, ‘You’re not a father.’ I just learned you cannot emotionally invest in people who are not attainable.
Drew Barrymore
We were the first country in the world to carbonise our economy and to reap the huge economic rewards that followed and it is right that we now invest some of that wealth in fully decarbonising.
Clive Lewis
When you invest in something for so long and you stop and have nothing to fill that space, it can be more of a crisis of identity.
Maya Moore
Heads know that failing to invest in good, nutritious food is a false economy and parents won’t tolerate reconstituted turkey being put back on the menu.
Jamie Oliver
You can gesture at the transnational problem of Islamist terrorism all you like, but it’s just hot air unless you invest in proper security on the ground in your own country, with the right safeguards to civil liberties.
Giles Foden
If you are wealthy enough, use part or all of your Social Security proceeds to invest in a favorite cause or two. Invest 10 percent or 100 percent of your monthly Social Security check in your favorite charity, foundation, think tank, church or synagogue, or other good cause.
Mark Skousen
We want Angolans who have fortunes abroad to be the first to invest in the country, thus demonstrating that they are true patriots.
Joao Lourenco
By lowering the barrier to create new digital currency applications, we’ll see an explosion in the number of ideas tried. We’ll invest in, partner with, or build a number of new applications in this space, including replacements for many of the services people use in finance 1.0.
Brian Armstrong
With a regular venture fund, you raise, let’s say, a billion dollars, and then over the next three or four years, you’ve got to invest that money; otherwise, the people who invested with you will say, ‘What are you doing? You’re just collecting fees on our money.’
Bill Maris
If you want to be truly successful invest in yourself to get the knowledge you need to find your unique factor. When you find it and focus on it and persevere your success will blossom.
Sydney Madwed
Everyone in our communities is better off when we bridge physical divides, invest in green space, and connect residents to all the resources and economic opportunities around them.
Raphael Warnock
The president has been a true friend of the ag industry, because he continues to invest large amounts of money at a time when savings is really the goal of the federal government to deal with the deficit.
Mike Johanns
It is not my duty to spend my money in my country, but it is what I want to do. There is nowhere else I would like to invest.
Haile Gebrselassie
So we want to change the tax system. We want it to be fair, and we want to see some tax relief because people do three things when they get a little extra money in their pocket: They save it or they spend it or they invest it.
Todd Tiahrt
I realized I don’t want anyone to control my destiny, whether it’s a network TV show or not. I would rather invest in my own projects and if they fail, they fail on their own merits, not because somebody else mangled it.
Jim Breuer
If women have an income, they will invest a higher proportion of that income in their children than men do. So you do get those societal returns very quickly.
Ann Cotton
Our rural communities are the heart of Maine, and we must invest in them – building our energy infrastructure, expanding access to broadband, and most importantly, making sure every single person has access to the health care they need.
Sara Gideon
To achieve our goals of educating bold and ambitious children, we must invest in enriching, quality early child care and learning.
Stacey Abrams
After one Olympics, if we invest in sports and say we will get a gold medal in the next Olympic, it doesn’t work like that in sports. How it works is that you provide the infrastructure, provide education about nutrition and health.
MS Dhoni
I await a project where I’d have to deeply invest my emotions in.
Song Hye-kyo
You know, in a business, you have to operate on the basis of voluntary investment by individuals in a cause. With government, there is no voluntary effort to invest capital. It’s just taken and invested. And the same accountability is not at play. The same natural forces in the economy are not at play.
Mike Lee
We make the future sustainable when we invest in the poor, not when we insist on their suffering.
Bill Gates
We’re going to continue to invest to win in the narrow-body marketplace.
Dennis Muilenburg
Foreigners don’t want to invest any more in France – and this is not working.
Karl Lagerfeld
Pension reforms, like investment advice and automatic enrollment, will strengthen the ability of Americans to save and invest for retirement.
Steve Bartlett
It is much harder for economies to prosper if they cannot sell to, buy from, invest with, and even transit their neighbors. Landlocked countries with failed or failing neighbors can lose access to the world economy.
Robert Zoellick
I still happen to think the United States is the greatest place in the world to invest.
Don Nickles
There's such a preoccupation with liquidity and such an

There’s such a preoccupation with liquidity and such an unwillingness to invest beyond the horizon of the next quarter and making sure that the CEOs hit their quarterly earnings.
Edmund Phelps
We know our responsibilities to our investors, and one of our challenges has always been preventing foreign investors from thinking that Indonesia is not a good place to invest.
Edwin Soeryadjaya
The market is so competitive. There are so many products that are similar. So we are forced to invest in innovative research in new products that are one or two years ahead of the market.
Barry Lam
Weston Bakeries is proud to support local children’s charities across Canada. We believe the more we invest in our kids’ futures today, the better our communities will be tomorrow.
Galen Weston
I actually don’t invest in anything that is social, mobile, deals or ad networks simply because those are areas where there are so many players and so many other smart people in the space, I feel like I don’t have a competitive advantage. So I tend to go after things that are e-commerce, like healthcare.
Aaron Patzer
Joy makes us want to invest more deeply in the people around us. It makes us want to learn more about our communities. It makes us want to be able to find ways of being able to make this a better external world for all of us.
Shawn Achor
There are many elements needed to secure economic growth. Certainly, people must be politically free to innovate, invest, build, and create things, and they must be incentivized to do so by knowing they can keep the rewards for their efforts.
Robert Zubrin
I hired a guy named David Sze to do consumer investing at Greylock. And he went on to invest in Facebook and LinkedIn. So I guess I did something right.
Aneel Bhusri
President Obama believes in a country where we invest in education, in roads and bridges, in science, and in the future so we can create new opportunities so the next kid can make it big and the kid afer that and the kid after that, that’s what President Obama believes.
Elizabeth Warren
I think that if you’ve got 5 million people that enjoy drama and invest in characters, you must take the time to not worry about your job and getting sacked and just go for it and hit it again.
Max Beesley
My wardrobe falls into two camps most of the time: either very monochromatic and tailored or really vintagey, with ’30s and ’40s-style long floral dresses. I don’t buy that much, so every time I invest in something new, it has to elevate what I have hanging in my closet.
Emily Weiss
People care for their community and will invest in their community and will look out for each other if they are challenged to do so.
Joe Kennedy III
As you may know, the Millennium Challenge Corporation, or MCC, awards grants only to countries which rule justly, promote economic freedom, and invest in their people.
Benigno Aquino III
When I first started out, I found it really hard to be rejected all the time. You invest in a casting, you prepare and get excited about it, then when I fail and don’t get it, it makes me question whether I should be a model.
Barbara Palvin
We work on our set pieces for every opponent. It’s a moment of the game that requires a lot of hard work, defensive and offensively. We try to invest our time in set pieces.
Nuno Espirito Santo
Many businesses fail because the owner wasn’t willing to invest and wasn’t educated on the difference between spending money frivolously and investing money into the business for growth, and the risks and rewards of that cash infusion.
Carol Roth
A lot of times, in our culture and our society, we put romantic love somehow on a higher plane than self-love and friendship love. You can’t do that. You have to honor and really fully invest in all these different loving relationships.
Despite global economic concerns, other nations are continuing to push forward and invest in their space capabilities. A U.S. withdrawal from the industry will only allow others to surge in their own capabilities, potentially impacting our national security and technology competitiveness in the future.
Nick Lampson
Never invest in anything that eats or needs painting.
Billy Rose
Land is a great example of how we can manage and invest in sustainable infrastructure for economic, social, and environmental gains. Its use – and misuse – is at the heart of the challenge for food, fuel, and fibre.
Paul Polman
I can’t imagine how hard it must be to invest in a community… when you don’t feel heard and when you don’t feel seen.
Clare-Hope Ashitey
The reality is institutions that invest in high growth have offices globally and talk across offices.
Danny Rimer
Forty percent of my portfolio is in the U.S. In the rest of the world, most of the places I invest in or invested in are Brazil, Russia, Germany with a little bit of Turkey, China, India, France and Israel sprinkled in there.
Fabrice Grinda
Some of the analysts were saying, Now you’re a cash cow, there’s no growth at all, pay it all out in dividends, give me it all, you can’t invest wisely.
Jim Cantalupo
The bottom line is that we have entered an age when local communities need to invest in themselves. Federal and state dollars are becoming more and more scarce for American cities. Political and civic leaders in local communities need to make a compelling case for this investment.
Mick Cornett
I will invest a lot to support handball as well as building a handball stadium.
Chey Tae-won
Our economy is creating jobs and giving businesses the conditions they need to invest and succeed.
Dennis Hastert
We can reach our potential, but to do so, we must reach within ourselves. We must summon the strength, the will, and the faith to move forward – to be bold – to invest in our future.
John Hoeven
Santander gives you a unique opportunity to invest in the U.K. economy.
Ana Patricia Botin
In order to fix Social Security, we must restructure it so that we continue to provide for our Nation’s seniors that are approaching retirement age, but allow for younger taxpayers to invest a portion of their Social Security taxes in private accounts.
Herman Cain
When I started making some paychecks, I didn’t invest in stocks and bonds – I invested in American culture.
Marty Stuart
I think we need a very, very serious effort, primarily

I think we need a very, very serious effort, primarily through tax policy to provide incentives and encouragement for people to save and invest and expand their businesses and to create more jobs. The kind of thing we did in the early Reagan years, 30 years ago. I think that’s essential.
Dick Cheney
We need to invest in technologies that amplify human capacity, not replace it.
Reid Hoffman
As more and more families decide to build their future in Connecticut, it’s vital we invest in housing.
Ned Lamont
Rather than think of it as somewhere to run from, the Bronx is somewhere to invest.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
There are only a few TV networks that really invest in production in the way that I think they should. HBO, obviously, is one of them.
James Purefoy
It’s OK to have a plan, to invest in your future – for your financial security, your love life, your personal fulfillment, and even your happiness. To have personal happiness as a stated goal doesn’t detract from it if you get there.
Karen Finerman
We will invest more into China to make sure that our brand gets more known to Chinese customers.
Gillian Tans
You know, when I sit in meetings and things are very tense and people take things extremely seriously and they invest a lot of their ego, I sometimes think to myself, ‘Come on, you know, there’s life and there’s death and there is love.’ And all of that ego business is nonsense compared to that.
Christine Lagarde
By solving housing and childcare problems, we will achieve a society where each person can properly invest in their development and realize their full potential.
Park Won-soon
If we provide the young with a strong foundation, we can leave behind a legacy substantially greater than most are able to bequeath. As for the women, the old adage that you invest in a woman, you invest in a generation, still rings true today.
Joyce Banda
Let’s be real: it’s not always the No. 1 contenders who get the title shots. It’s who they invest money in and who’s kind of a known name. In the lighter weights, just being that I fought seven title fights in a row, I think I’m that guy.
Frankie Edgar
I’d tell myself to not feel pressure about time, that every moment you invest on watching, exploring, studying and enjoying what you love to do, that all becomes part of becoming what you want to be.
People are very reluctant to invest unless they know it’s going to be a sure thing, and let’s face it: film is never a sure thing.
Julianne Moore
Business leaders who openly acknowledge people’s concerns about becoming obsolete and who invest resources in workers’ growth can help create a nation of learners – and perhaps resolve some of the political chaos that’s bubbling around us.
Carol S. Dweck
Let’s make it so the more you invest in YouTube, the better deal YouTube gets for you.
Jason Calacanis
Generosity has built America. When we fail to invest in children, we have to pay the cost.
Bob Keeshan
When businesses don’t spend and invest, they don’t hire and cannot offer better-paying jobs. Business investment and wages are two sides of the same mirror. If a company purchases five trucks rather than 10, there are five fewer trucking jobs.
Lawrence Kudlow
People don’t really buy records anymore, so record companies won’t invest in bands like us. They want cookie-cutter acts.
Curt Smith
If you want a more productive economy, you need to invest in the skills of our workforce.
Jeremy Corbyn
Networks can typically invest tens of millions of dollars in the development of a pilot. And if they put the show on the air and it fails, that’s all lost money. There’s no monetization of a broken series.
Ted Sarandos
In the last 18 months, we received much interest from parties to invest in the club or buy the club. I rejected all the options to buy the club because I did not want to give up.
Andrea Radrizzani
Don’t go and invest across the country somewhere that you don’t know. Invest in a market that you know, because there are great areas in every city.
Drew Scott
If you invest the time earlier to create structure and process around communication, planning, and goal-setting, you can prevent missteps before they occur.
Christine Tsai
When I had money, I felt pressure, whether it was to invest it or do good with it, and I couldn’t let it fizzle out. It was like I needed to prove to myself that I could look after it, only I did the opposite, but you have to take a chance in life.
Shane Filan
We need to invest in people’s lives so that they can do the jobs of the 21st century.
Ann McLane Kuster
I told them that I would sign for five years, I would sign for 10 years, I will make my career here in Ring of Honor if you guys show me that you are looking to invest in me the way that I will invest in you. And the conversation, which I thought was going well, just randomly took a real hard turn.
Tommaso Ciampa
Get rid of the preferences and the special deductions and the loopholes… and invest in getting the tax rate to a competitive level so we stop seeing companies move off shore.
Randall L. Stephenson
So, look, in order to move our country forward, we have to do the things our parents and grandparents did. They believed enough in our country to invest in our country, to create jobs, to make modern investments. And those are the things that we need to get back to with a balanced approach.
Martin O’Malley
History has proven time and again that downturns are the best time to invest in new start-ups. You get good deals and find a better environment for start-ups to grow.
Steve Jurvetson
I used to be a health-care investor a long time ago in the public markets. One thing I learned that we tried to apply here is that investing in small molecules, trying to invest in the next treatment, there’s an element of gambling to that.
Bill Maris
I love going to art galleries. The Tate Modern is one of my favourite things to do. But I don’t invest in the history of it and I don’t read up on it. I am a guy who would buy a print rather than buy an original.
James McAvoy
One way to mitigate our risk is to invest in companies

One way to mitigate our risk is to invest in companies with understandable business models.
Andrew Tan
The increased calls on law enforcement to respond to substance abuse and mental health issues in their communities have added pressure on law enforcement and highlight the need to also invest in our health system and social services.
Cal Cunningham
My money is managed by my mother mainly. And I don’t see anyone more fit to handle it and invest it.
Jubin Nautiyal
I just think people should invest in the world. Don’t invest in fashion, but invest in the world.
Vivienne Westwood
What I invest in, while not risky for me, may be too risky for most people.
Robert Kiyosaki
I think that the strategy around FYI is really a corporate strategy, and that’s that every one of our brands that we invest in have to matter and that we need to commit to building brands and investing in those brands, or we need to get out of that business.
Nancy Dubuc
Washington, D.C., has for too long ignored the reality that if we do not invest in infrastructure in urban America we are doing so at the jeopardy of the economy.
Ted Wheeler
Mention health in most companies, and the cost of health insurance is what comes to mind, not how the company can invest to prevent further escalation in societal health care costs.
John Quelch
If people are persuaded of the need for education and the need to invest in education, they’re also persuaded of the need not to waste that investment by having low-quality education but to have high-quality education.
Gordon Brown
We’ll continue to invest in new technology because we think every woman should have the ability to be connected through her beauty knowledge, opinions, products, and routine.
Emily Weiss
We do not invest in victims, we invest in survivors.
Gayle Tzemach Lemmon
I’m interested in the hope we invest in science, and the disappointment we can feel when science flattens, or ‘explains,’ the larger mysteries of religion.
Ben Marcus
In my view, until the U.S. tax policy is revised, not just tax extenders but the reform of tax policy, it makes it very attractive for us to invest on acquisition overseas.
Louis R. Chenevert
Confident countries are willing to invest in the future.
Justin Trudeau
If you put stimulus into an economy, you know there is a time lag in terms of depending where you invest it. If it’s family transfers, it might be quick. If it’s infrastructure, it might be two, three, five years.
Sharan Burrow
So my advice is always buy essentials, like jeans, on the high street or designer if you are willing to invest. Get a pair that fit you perfectly then put together the rest of your outfit with vintage finds.
Dawn O’Porter
The only thing that scares me in the tech area is that it moves so fast that you have to be ready to invest in 20 things. Because if you just invest in one, next week, somebody has a better mousetrap, and you get taken to the cleaners.
Daymond John
If Wal-Mart invests a billion dollars and others invest $100 million, Wal-Mart is going to grow more.
Carlos Slim
My construction business represents 10 or 20 times what I’ll ever invest in football. But from the moment I bought the Chargers, I would become forever known as the owner of that NFL franchise.
Alex Spanos
For all reality TV, and all the viewers of reality TV, just be entertained. Don’t invest your feelings, your heart, your soul into reality TV. It is entertainment. And that’s all that it should be.
Shaunie O’Neal
There’s still a lot of investors wondering what to invest in. And, of course, I think entertainment looks attractive when you read the few films that make these insane amounts of money. What they don’t know is they don’t always do that.
Ridley Scott
Investors are right to demand a clear path to self-sustainability from every business they invest in, and I believe we should ask for the same from philanthropy.
Naveen Jain
Banking technology has made it simple and efficient to invest in good causes.
Mark Skousen
If eviction has these massive consequences that we all pay for, a very smart use of public funds would be to invest in legal services for folks facing eviction.
Matthew Desmond
When working men and women have secure jobs with living wages and social protection, they can invest in the economy at levels which will increase demand and help overcome the twin challenges of ageing populations and economic stagnation.
Sharan Burrow
You have to be able to invest in your own creations, to suspend your own disbelief in order to be able to write them. We all have to draw the line somewhere.
Alastair Reynolds
Ultimately, the success of America’s market economy depends on trust. This includes trust between buyers and sellers, between lenders and borrowers, and between investors and the companies in which they invest.
Amy Klobuchar
In reality, every time the government takes an additional dollar in taxes out of someone’s pocket, it’s a dollar that person will not be able to spend or invest. When government spending goes up, private spending goes down. There is no net effect. No wealth creation.
Maxime Bernier
I’m going to stash up my cash and invest in real estate. I want to be set up for the end of fighting.
Michael Chandler
Democrats like Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders want to raise taxes on the rich, saying it will solve inequality. It won’t. All that will do is significantly reduce incentives to work, save, and invest. But I say inequality is not the problem. The problem is a lack of growth.
Lawrence Kudlow
I almost never invest in ideas or plans, so you’ll need to have a company and at least a product, if not customers.
David S. Rose
I want to invest in a functional product that people ar

I want to invest in a functional product that people are using.
Dave McClure
In every investment, before I get involved or invest, I always see what the mindset of the founder, the CEO, is.
Zaza Pachulia
We’ll invest in infrastructure and productive infrastructure like railroads and ports and bridges and schools, things that will have a return, economic return or social return.
Nayib Bukele
In film, I think that you do have a little more time to invest in the character compared to television, where you are shooting from the hip and making quick choices. It is the speed of things that is the major difference – certainly in my experience.
Henry Ian Cusick
A national investment bank can invest to provide us with the foundations of shared and ecologically sustainable growth: renewing the U.K.’s energy, digital and transport infrastructure which lags woefully behind other major economies.
Jeremy Corbyn
I put together an iPhone app called TrimIt and released that in July 2011. About a month later, the private fund of the Hong Kong billionaire Li-Kashing cold emailed me and expressed an interest to invest, but they didn’t realize I was 15. They thought it was a U.K. company with a team.
Nick D’Aloisio
We all understand that freedom isn’t free. What Romney and Ryan don’t understand is that neither is opportunity. We have to invest in it.
Julian Castro
Boeing has won in the marketplace for 100 years because of innovation, and we need to continue to invest in innovation for the future. And our cash generation strength is what allows us to do that.
Dennis Muilenburg
Trust me: it’s cool to invest.
Juice Wrld
People have been scared off Bitcoin by the fact that you needed to put your money in an unregulated overseas platform that has been cut off by banks and scrutinized by the Fed. We are looking to remove the pain points and create a way to invest that is faster and more secure.
Barry Silbert
All media exist to invest our lives with artificial perceptions and arbitrary values.
Marshall McLuhan
The queen, I say, is the mother bee; it is undoubtedly complimenting her to call her a queen and invest her with regal authority, yet she is a superb creature and looks every inch a queen.
John Burroughs
I think people don’t like when you’re not confident about what you’re pitching, and they don’t want to invest in you or get behind you.
Lori Greiner
When ‘Pizza’ released, I was a nobody. Initially, we managed to get only 100 screens. But, after its success, the producers of ‘Naduvula Konjam Pakkatha Kaanom’ got 150 screens and also released the film in the U.S. Now, distributors are keen to invest in my films because they feel I have face value.
Vijay Sethupathi
The most valuable lesson I learned in dealing with the ups and downs was to invest in my employees – to do all I could for them when the times were good.
Vivek Wadhwa
I want people to understand how money works and how people invest.
Bobby Wagner
I said that if I were an industrialist or entrepreneur, I would invest in agriculture-based enterprises, for there is so much that can be done in manufacturing, in food preservation.
F. Sionil Jose
Americans are falling out of the middle class, not into it. And they deserve relief. I absolute support extending the Bush tax cuts for those who work the hardest and invest the most in our economy – the real drivers of American growth, the middle class.
Paul Tonko
One of the lessons that I grew up with was to always stay true to yourself and never let what somebody else says distract you from your goals. And so when I hear about negative and false attacks, I really don’t invest any energy in them, because I know who I am.
Michelle Obama
The biggest moment in our business is when you walk through that curtain, and if you don’t believe in yourself, the fans won’t believe in you or invest in you, and they see that.
Charlotte Flair
I’ve always been interested in beauty. I studied it when I was 16 and 17, and I know it’s a good idea to invest in something alongside my music.
Rebecca Ferguson
You’ve got to invest your own time, invest your own resources into creating a better world, not only for yourself but for the people you surround yourself with.
Austin Seferian-Jenkins
I am investing like a crazy person, mostly in internet start-ups. And I want to invest in Brazil as well, because I am Brazilian and that’s in my heart.
Eduardo Saverin
We need to invest in home-grown clean energy that will bring cheaper prices in the long run, shielding consumers from volatile international fossil fuel markets.
Ed Davey
I go outside, and I’m wearing a funky T-shirt and my hair is dirty, and people say, ‘What’s wrong with her? She needs to invest in a hairbrush.’
Kristen Stewart
I think we need to rethink a lot of business skills. In finance, for example, social impact bonds are potentially a way of providing capital for investments that save the public money in a context in which government often doesn’t invest in things that would save it money.
Nicholas Kristof
I’m sure my mum was a huge influence on my wanting to be an actress: just seeing her doing it, seeing her love it, caring about it. Invest in something, take it seriously and be so wonderful.
Hattie Morahan
The U.S. and European markets have become mature, profit margins are lower, and equipment isn’t so new. Because profits are relatively low, it limits the willingness of companies to invest in newer equipment.
Zong Qinghou
We actually tried to invest in Twitter in April 2007, right when it launched. At the time, the company was wary of having a classic, tier-one traditional venture firm involved.
Peter Fenton
My legacy is going to be in affordable health care. I am willing to invest in developing that model and the policies around it.
Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw
If I were to leave and raise a venture fund, I would have to find 10 or 100 LPs. They would all give me a bunch of money, and I would take a percentage of that to pay myself. They would expect me to invest that over the next three years, and they want that money back in seven or eight years.
Bill Maris
You have to cultivate diversity for it to work, and I f

You have to cultivate diversity for it to work, and I feel the ‘Great Comet’ didn’t take the time to cultivate it. They didn’t want to invest in it.
Okieriete Onaodowan
The fact of the matter is that instead of going around the world and haranguing countries for engaging with China, the West should be encouraging its own businesses to trade and invest in these regions.
Dambisa Moyo
First thing we’re going to do with the benefits of tax reform is we’re going to invest in innovation. We’re going to invest in capital, new product lines. It’s going to create more manufacturing jobs and our shareholders are going to benefit, too. We’re going to improve dividends, share repurchase.
Dennis Muilenburg
You don’t service a big, fun premise comedy and then shoot yourself in the foot with too much irony. You need the audience to invest in the fun and the warmth and generally care about the characters.
Shawn Levy
Take the time to shop for yourself and cook. All of this is an investment in yourself, and if you’re not going to invest time and money in what you put in your body, then what are you going to spend money on? It’s kind of the most important thing.
Joe Bastianich
The best thing women in tech can do is to invest in other women.
Christine Tsai
It is right that people and businesses retain as much of their own money as possible so that they have the freedom to innovate and invest in the future.
Liz Truss
Invest in people who will take care of you when you’re old.
Douglas Rushkoff
People be saying, ‘Watch – when she gets some money, she’s going to get a Gucci purse.’ But I don’t think that’s my style. I like finding random stuff and random brands. Maybe one day when I’m sophisticated and older I might settle down and invest in a nice leather handbag.
Politically speaking, it’s always easier to shell out money for a disaster that has already happened, with clearly identifiable victims, than to invest money in protecting against something that may or may not happen in the future.
James Surowiecki
Never invest emergency savings in the stock market.
Suze Orman
All of these young people have some kind of potential in them. And if we don’t invest in them as a nation, regardless of where they come from or what color they are, if we don’t invest in them, we lose.
Michelle Obama
Instead of locking people up and throwing away the key, it’s important to invest in them and show them another way – show them what they can do, instead of telling them what they can’t do. Because by investing in youth, we’re investing into the future of this great nation of the United States of America.
Q’orianka Kilcher
Increased government spending can provide a temporary stimulus to demand and output but in the longer run higher levels of government spending crowd out private investment or require higher taxes that weaken growth by reducing incentives to save, invest, innovate, and work.
Martin Feldstein
Companies in Silicon Valley invest a lot in understanding their users and what drives user engagement.
Pierre Omidyar
Shareholder activism is not a privilege – it is a right and a responsibility. When we invest in a company, we own part of that company and we are partly responsible for how that company progresses. If we believe there is something going wrong with the company, then we, as shareholders, must become active and vocal.
Mark Mobius
I think when you invest a lot, you earn your rewards.
Ralph Hasenhuttl
Every other year, I was the new boy. I found that the only way to survive was to embrace it, make a little fortress on the outside and to pretend to blend in but not to invest too much because you’ll be somewhere else next year.
Padgett Powell
I know there are those in the community who, rather than have us invest more in policing, even for community policing, instead want us to disinvest in the police department. We need a police department. We are going to have a police department.
Betsy Hodges
Invest more in policing, not less.
Francis X. Suarez
Chuck away all of those unsightly wire hangers that damage your clothes, and invest in some thicker wooden ones and some padded fabric ones for your more delicate pieces.
Dawn O’Porter
Business creates jobs; government does not. Government creates a whole slew of jobs each time a new program or scheme is implemented, but always at the expense of the taxpayer. Small businesses invest in new businesses, which results in more jobs.
Ralph Norman
When leaders throughout an organization take an active, genuine interest in the people they manage, when they invest real time to understand employees at a fundamental level, they create a climate for greater morale, loyalty, and, yes, growth.
Patrick Lencioni
What’s the word to describe the thing that all of us are trying to do, which is to found or work for or invest in a company that is the winner of all winners?
Aileen Lee
For people who invest in bitcoin, the allure is precisely that: It’s not backed by a central government. So it’s not manipulatable by central government.
Francis X. Suarez
Being able to invest in my community and invest in areas that people might not really know about and monuments that people might not know about in their own backyard is a great opportunity.
Jordan Fisher
You know, my degrees are in computer engineering. I spent a lot of time in the tech industry. And I like to say that I don’t invest in tech because I spent time in it. And I saw firsthand that the durability of technology moats is many times an oxymoron.
Mohnish Pabrai
Getting a traditional pharmaceutical to the market can cost a billion dollars or more. Newer, more tailored and targeted drugs called biologics are even more complex and expensive. Simple economics dictates that companies and venture funds will invest more in products that can generate a sufficient return.
David Mixner
I am urging Americans to be more careful about the kinds of media we support with our consumer spending. We’ve got to invest less in the media that glorifies violence and more in entertainment that lifts up the values of love, compassion, and the best in human nature.
Bernice King
As long as we continue to invest in good content that increases excitement about and understanding of science, we’re on the right side of this fight, and I have no problem at all stealing from the toolbox of the clickbaiters.
Hank Green
Broadband, wireless, and technology services have become a vibrant sector of our national economy with the potential to both empower and invest in our communities.
Eduardo Bhatia
We must invest in our nation's transportation infrastru

We must invest in our nation’s transportation infrastructure.
Dan Lipinski
If you have access and don’t have the talent to back it up, people won’t invest their money in you. Having said that, I do believe nepotism exists and it exists in all industries, not just Bollywood.
Ananya Panday
As the head of the public company, you can’t say you can’t sell, because then you’re telling your shareholders that your own personal feelings about your assets are more important than their money. And they won’t invest with you if you do that.
James L. Dolan
When women are paid for their work and have control over how the money gets spent, they invest much more of their income than men do in their families’ education and health.
Arancha Gonzalez
We need to improve our public transportation and invest in physical infrastructure changes so that people can safely choose alternatives to driving like walking, riding a bike or even, yes, electric scooters.
London Breed
Financing is tough, and you really have to work hard in the businesses you invest in.
Greg Brenneman
You can’t invest in natural gas on a daily basis. It’s too volatile. But if you think of natural gas as a long-term holding, then you push your profit horizon out. A long-term time horizon would be at least two years.
T. Boone Pickens
In pharma or in information, you have to invest for three or four years, and then you start seeing returns.
Ajay Piramal
The only thing that I know for sure is that the people who invest in the U.K., those investors, believe strongly that the ramifications of a hard Brexit are very bad, and they believe that a recession will take place in the U.K., and that would clearly be negative for banks of the U.K.
Steve Eisman
I believe investors should invest for the long run, so I don’t buy and sell. I usually maintain the classic index of global equities, diversified U.S. and global and emerging markets, and when the risk is larger, I diminish the amount in global equities and put more into liquid assets – but very irregularly.
Nouriel Roubini
In 2010 – after raising capital to launch Forerunner Ventures – we aimed to invest in companies targeting digitally savvy customers looking to be delighted by experiences and founded by visionary leaders committed to leveraging data and quantifying the results.
Kirsten Green
Taiwan must find its own way. We have been emphasizing too much the manufacturing business. We have to become more high-tech, more innovative, and provide more value. We can’t always insist on the value of low-cost production. We have to invest more in R&D to get high-value business.
Barry Lam
I do crazy amounts of research. I want this stuff to ‘work,’ so to speak. I need to be, at least to me, believable – because if I feel – if I cannot invest some element of verisimilitude, the reader is absolutely not going to buy in.
Greg Rucka
I invest in things for the long term and have a long horizon and the flexibility.
Jerry Yang
We have to get out of the mindset that, ‘If I invest $1 in crop insurance, I want to make sure I get a $1.10 or plus out of that.’
Sonny Perdue
People invest in businesses that they believe have the leadership, mission and team to grow and operate profitably.
Robert Kiyosaki
Innovation requires resources to invest, and you can see many companies pulling back and going into an intense protective mode in a major extended period of financial distress.
Peter Senge
We need a solution for European football. You need to help smaller clubs in European competitions get the right distribution of money so they can invest in coaches and attract talent for the level they can play at.
Edwin van der Sar
You can’t keep doing the same things and expecting the same results. So as you get older, you should get wiser. You learn to invest. You learn what to invest in. Then you start having kids and life changes.
Countries should think of Haiti not as a place where to do charity but a place where to invest and do business. And doing business in Haiti means poverty reduction.
Laurent Lamothe
The next generation of luxury consumers are much more socially conscious, and they look to invest in brands that see the world the way they do.
Elaine Welteroth
You don’t make a movie by yourself; you certainly don’t make a TV show by yourself. You invest people in their work. You make people feel comfortable in their jobs; you keep people talking.
Vince Gilligan
I chose to invest everything in my own private companies.
Ronnie Screwvala
I want to invest time in creating moments for myself.
Look: invest in what you understand, what’s foreseeably going to offer real value and returns, not necessarily what’s trendy.
Donald Trump, Jr.
I want to open businesses, invest in different things, and put more time into modeling and acting.
Lil Mosey
I can’t tell you the amount we plan to invest in new acquisitions because that will depend on the opportunities that become available to us.
Mohamed Bin Issa Al Jaber
When you don’t spend or invest in the future, you can’t always get away with it.
Jay-Jay Okocha
Once-in-a-generation weather events are now becoming a regular occurrence. Whether it be public safety power shutoffs or electric system failures due to extreme weather events, we must invest in grid resilience and modernization in order to keep the power on in impacted communities.
Alex Padilla
I made money. What am I gonna invest in? Stocks? No. I’m going to invest in music.
Melissa Auf der Maur
I know things like a 20% corporate tax rate will allow us to be more competitive in the global marketplace. That’s what our competitors enjoy today around the world. And when we’re more competitive, we win in the marketplace, and that allows us to invest and grow for the future.
Dennis Muilenburg
Recessions are the best time to start a company. Compan

Recessions are the best time to start a company. Companies fail. Others hold back capital. If you are willing to do the preparation and work, it is the best time to invest in yourself and start a business.
Mark Cuban
I would like to invest more of my brain space in understanding the history of my city, because whenever I learn about the history of Detroit, it’s always so fascinating, from a little kind of beaver-trading post to the place where automobiles were manufactured.
Keegan-Michael Key
To those who say Britain cannot afford to invest in infrastructure, I say we cannot afford not to invest in our future.
Philip Hammond
My private financial situation is such that I don’t need to worry about my investments. I don’t have much to invest.
Wolfgang Schauble
If you bore them to death and say, this hurts me more than it hurts you, #A, they’re not going to believe it, and #B, they’re going to invest their time in other things anyway.
Robert Sternberg
The single most important thing we can do today to ensure a strong, successful future for Wisconsin is invest in our kids early – because what we do now will determine what kind of state Wisconsin will be 10, 20, even 50 years from now.
Jim Doyle
One rule we have at my house is, be proud of what we invest in.
Chris Sacca
The electric grid powers the lives of all Americans – we need to invest in the research to ensure our constituents, companies, and defense installations have electricity when they need it most.
Conor Lamb
I am a terrible chef; I’m not a good cook. I don’t have the talent, the patience, the desire even to cook the way these great artists that I meet around the world cook, and I’m very, very happy to support them. I invest in restaurants because I love them so much.
Philip Rosenthal
The research indicates that when we women invest, we women do tend to be more patient, take a longer-term perspective and as a result of it, tend to be better investors than men. But the messages we get are that investing is sort of ‘the guys’ world.’
Sallie Krawcheck
The better side of Wall Street is when it is acting as an efficient mechanism of capital formation and capital flow, which helps businesses invest.
Anthony Scaramucci
Companies that continue to innovate and invest in research and development are the kinds of high-tech job creators we want working with North Carolina.
Roy Cooper
Inter’s infrastructure is a shame, to be honest. That such a prestigious club does not find a way to invest in its infrastructure is disappointing.
Xherdan Shaqiri
Our industry has invested so much money in technology that perhaps it’s time to invest in talent, in people.
Christiane Amanpour
In these difficult financial times for so many of our districts, as our local leaders strive to balance their budgets by cutting services, we would be irresponsible not to invest in the arts.
Louise Slaughter
The strange thing about being an actor is it’s almost a little dangerous to invest in an idea. I think once you invest in the idea of where someone is going, then you’re not fully open to being able to play the opposite of that if that’s what the character is going to do.
Keiko Agena
Investors like to invest based on traction, so it’s always better to raise money when you’ve got more traction than less.
Michael Seibel
Low rents mean families have more resources to improve their quality of life and invest in the next generation, facilitating upward mobility.
Carrie Lam
Why not invest in the future of music, instead of building fortresses to preserve its past?
David Byrne
It’s a struggle every day to get people to invest financially in portrayals of women that aren’t satisfying to straight white men.
Jill Soloway
If you want to invest in early-stage technologies, putting a timeframe on it does behold you to Silicon Valley economics. You’ve got a certain time period where you have to make the money. And you have to invest that money whether you find good companies or not.
Bill Maris
When the tax law changes and people are allowed to choose where their hard earned money goes, then do-gooders can opt to have their money go wherever they see fit. I would rather keep mine and invest and donate with greater efficiency.
Lisa Kennedy Montgomery
Governments should end the extreme concentration of wealth in order to end poverty. This means tackling tax dodging but also increasing taxes on wealth and high incomes to ensure a more level playing field and generate the billions of dollars needed to invest in healthcare, education, and job creation.
Winnie Byanyima
Any time an investment company has to spend heavily on advertising, it’s probably a bad business in which to invest.
Robert Kiyosaki
Growth means creating the right conditions for the private sector – farmers and firms – to invest and do business.
Hilary Benn
Learn to invest in the best quality you can afford and wear pieces in different ways.
Michael Kors
We must invest in infrastructure development and rebuilding communities to create jobs.
Carol Moseley Braun
I would not invest in any shoe that is too trendy.
Rachel Roy
The more you know about your country, your people, you invest better in your craft.
Ayushmann Khurrana
The most important thing for Africa is that whoever wants to invest in our countries should start in manufacturing.
Yemi Osinbajo
The success that Americans are said to worship is success of a specific sort: accomplished not through hard work, primarily, but through the ingenious angle, the big break. Sit down at a lunch counter, stand back up a star. Invest in a new issue and watch it soar. Split a single atom, win a war.
Walter Kirn
Keynesian modelling relies on marginal propensity to co

Keynesian modelling relies on marginal propensity to consume and marginal propensity to invest. The idea that if we give more money to the poor, they have a propensity to consume that’s much higher than the wealthy, though I wish they would talk to my wife about that; she seems to have a propensity to consume.
Myron Scholes
Invest in a couple of really good things – a great, classic coat; a good pair of shoes; and a timeless bag – then fill in the gaps with lower-priced pieces.
Nina Garcia
Folks, you’re the reason that the automobile industry is back. Whether it was the wage freezes, the plant closures, folks, you sacrificed to keep your companies open. Because of your productivity, the combined auto companies have committed to invest another $23 billion in expansion in America.
Joe Biden
The benefit of this kind of outlining is that you discover a story’s flaws before you invest a lot of time writing the first draft, and it’s almost impossible to get stuck at a difficult chapter, because you’ve already done the work to push through those kinds of blocks.
Stephen R. George
A 501(c)3 can’t lobby. A 501(c)3 can’t invest in a company or build an industry. It may be that the only way to deal with climate change is to create an industry or build companies.
Larry Brilliant
Sometimes I feel like if two parents were given $100, and a child-free person was given $100, everyone would assume that the parents would invest their money wisely because they’re smart. And people like me would just go buy candy.
Jen Kirkman
I always say investors invest in lines, not dots.
Payal Kadakia
Clearly, for capitalism to work properly we must expect some upward normalisation of interest rates at some future point, to provide greater incentive for savers to save and investors to invest.
Kwasi Kwarteng
We know what happens when a woman earns money. She is far more likely than a man to spend her earnings on the health and education of her children and to invest in improving her family’s standard of living.
Leila Janah
When I’ve had money I’ve always spent it. I don’t invest. A pension? Yes, it’s called my talent.
Keith Allen
Invest in good, solid companies in good sectors.
John Layfield
It’s important that we invest in America – literally. The terrorists wanted to destroy our economy, and we can’t let our system fall apart. We also have to invest in one another.
Madeleine Albright
I expect Congress to continue to work on that, to secure the border, to invest in smart technology, and in personnel that makes a difference there.
Michelle Lujan Grisham
The Great American Outdoors Act is a significant opportunity to invest in our public lands, including treasures in the 11th District like the Great Swamp National Wildlife Refuge and Morristown National Historical Park.
Mikie Sherrill
I can’t impress enough upon people that if you tell an honest story that people relate to and people believe and invest in, you can do anything.
Paul Feig
It’s nice to see people invest in what you do as an artist and sing the songs back at you and feel something. You get to feel something more than what you were feeling when you made the record.
Chris Stapleton
The more time we invest imitating others, the less that’s available to discover and be ourselves.
LZ Granderson
Learn to invest in investments where you can achieve an honest, legal advantage over other investors. When it comes to investing, why play on a level field?
Robert Kiyosaki
Let’s put our workers first, boost skills training and invest in growth sectors like agritech and advanced manufacturing.
Andy Beshear
If I was a wealthy foreigner I wouldn’t want to invest in Italy because there are so many uncertainties, all the scandals related to corruption and match-fixing.
Gianluca Vialli
We need a reasonable price where producers will not start nagging. At a reasonable price, we can invest to produce more oil.
Abdallah Salem el-Badri
You only have one vessel. And the more we invest in our bodies, the better we feel about ourselves.
Wayne Messam
On the back end, software programming tools and Internet-based services make it easy to launch new global software-powered start-ups in many industries – without the need to invest in new infrastructure and train new employees.
Marc Andreessen
Diversify, because that helps reduce risk. And you can diversify outside the United States. Some people would never invest in Europe – I think that’s a mistake.
Robert J. Shiller
A strong sense of purpose drives businesses to take the long view and invest for growth.
Punit Renjen
It’s actually a pretty basic concept: when businesses feel secure and confident, they are more likely to grow, hire, and invest. Conversely, when the economy is unstable, businesses often become much more risk averse, and in many cases, they’re forced to make undesirable cuts that affect their bottom line.
Alan Patricof
The football is different to England, but it is a very high level in China. The Chinese league is growing all the time, the owners of the teams invest a lot of care, they want to win and this makes the league very competitive.
Aaron Mooy
In a democracy, you don’t need anyone’s permission to form a new political party, publish a politically charged article, or organize a ‘tea party.’ And in open markets, individuals are free to buy and invest as they see fit.
Gary Hamel
You’ve got to invest in the world, you’ve got to read, you’ve got to go to art galleries, you’ve got to find out the names of plants. You’ve got to start to love the world and know about the whole genius of the human race. We’re amazing people.
Vivienne Westwood
The more you invest in your health, the less you have to cover up it all up!
Hilaria Baldwin
We invest in real estate, equity shares, etc. My father takes care of it and my wife helps too.
Ajinkya Rahane
Countries with fiscal space should invest in physical a

Countries with fiscal space should invest in physical and social infrastructure to raise potential growth.
Gita Gopinath
You build a program; culture is what makes it go. You have to invest in that culture every single day, and that’s my big-picture focus.
Mike McCarthy
I’m smart with my money, I invest conservatively. I don’t mind paying top-dollar, but I don’t want to get ripped off.
Kim Cattrall
I think nowadays it’s important to have the support of a group of people who are ready to invest time and effort in your music and vision.
Alice Merton
I wouldn’t ask other people to invest in my race if I wasn’t willing to invest in it myself.
Jared Polis
We like to invest in market leaders.
J. B. Pritzker
A greater tax deduction for students is not a handout. On the contrary, it helps those who are willing to meet the challenges of higher education to invest in our collective future.
Charles B. Rangel
Receipts’ was meaning, I’m going in. I’m gonna invest in everything that I want, and that is more to myself, and my business, to make it be exactly what I want.
References help you to start but what’s after that? If you can’t prove yourself, if the audience doesn’t accept you, you stand no chance. When I started off my father told me ‘remember if you can’t prove yourself no one will invest crores on you.’
Sunny Singh
As far as oligarchs who acquire sports team abroad, and invest money abroad, I wouldn’t treat this phenomenon as something bad.
Vladimir Putin
We need to invest in healthcare, in education, in the sciences. And in so doing, we will tackle one of the most intractable problems we face, which is gross wealth inequality. We can’t fight climate change without dealing with inequality in our countries and between our countries.
Naomi Klein
We need to take bold action to invest in infrastructure projects to spur our economy and ensure that we are protecting good paying jobs.
Conor Lamb
I’ve spent my entire life working to invest in human beings and human communities, to help them move down the path of economic development.
Jim Yong Kim
In order to invest in our future, we must ensure that we appropriately protect programs that provide skills, services, and education for middle-class Americans rather than providing tax breaks for large corporations.
John F. Tierney
We need to invest in telecommunication infrastructure with redundancies to combat denial of service attacks.
Brianna Wu
For every $1 billion we invest in public transportation, we create 30,000 jobs, save thousands of dollars a year for each commuter, and dramatically cut greenhouse gas emissions.
Bernie Sanders
It makes sense to invest in new work. It’s almost like having a research department in a scientific laboratory. You have to try things out. You’ll make some bad mistakes. Some things will fail but at least you’ll energise the organisation.
Gavin Bryars
I’ve never tasted a store-bought tortilla that compares in texture or flavor with one made by hand, so I’m happy to invest some time. It’s worth it just to see a friend take her first bite and understand, finally, that a flour tortilla is meant to be an essential component, not just a lackluster wrapper.
Samin Nosrat
More reforms will give more impetus to German industries to invest in India. German companies want to be treated on par with Indian companies, and creation of an equitable market is crucial for investments.
Angela Merkel
There is a reason companies raise money from investors, which is to invest in growth.
Bhavish Aggarwal
Where are the jobs going to come from? Small business, manufacturing and clean energy. Where’s the money to finance them? The banks and the corporations in America today have lots of money that they can invest right now.
William J. Clinton
I don’t want people to spend their nights worrying about getting hit by asteroids. But I do want them to encourage their political leaders to invest in the insurance, which will allow us to prevent it from happening.
Rusty Schweickart
I invested in many companies, and I’m happy this one worked. This is capitalism. You invest in stock, it goes up, it goes down. You know, if you don’t like capitalism, you don’t like making money with stock, move to Cuba or China.
Terry McAuliffe
I have 60 people working for me in my studio. That’s luxury if you ask me. I just dream. Tell those people that I want a certain thing. Those people will then invest days, and sometimes months, in bringing that idea to life. What more could you ask for? That’s luxury for me.
Marcel Wanders
People change jobs much more often, and therefore, companies, on average, invest less in employee development.
Andrew Ng
Because of the experience of a long-running series like ‘Offspring,’ the beauty of that was that I was working on that so rigorously for seven to eight years that I got to a point where I literally had to clock off at the end of the day and go and invest in my family and my own life.
Asher Keddie
We started out as actors. When we were coming out of high school, we didn’t want to be struggling actors, and – I remember the conversation – we were like, ‘Let’s invest in real estate!’
Jonathan Scott
When we connect our communities with pedestrian and bike trails, we provide a pathway for residents to enjoy local green spaces and invest in small businesses.
Raphael Warnock
As long as we’re united, and as long as we continue to organize, invest, and lead with our values, we’ll be unstoppable.
Tom Perez
We know the costs of failure. There is now no excuse for government – at any level – not to invest in a safer, fairer future for our cities.
Eric Adams
Over and over, nature shows that it’s a really tough adversary. That’s why it’s important that we invest in laboratories, disease detectives, research, mosquito control, the public health system around the world to find, stop, track, prevent health threats.
Tom Frieden
If we expect to continue our leadership in the global e

If we expect to continue our leadership in the global economy, we must invest in a long-term transportation plan -f or both highways and transit programs. Too many of our roads, bridges, and railways have fallen into disrepair.
Sherrod Brown
I think one should definitely invest, not all the money in one go but keep some and invest the rest as and when required.
Gautam Rode
Sometimes my mistake has been hesitancy about acting on the decisions I’ve made. When’s the best time to invest? It’s today, not tomorrow.
Charles Schwab
If I want to make a product that is appealing to consumers, like a piece of clothing or a video game, that’s fad driven. Some companies do it, and I don’t know how they do it, but it’s generally a bad place to invest.
Steve Jurvetson
Somehow, there is this feeling that women require remedial financial education, and so everything must be dumbed down. The reality is that we all need a lot more education, but guys just go ahead and invest anyway.
Sallie Krawcheck
The way we’re really going to grow the economy is to invest in people, to invest in innovation, to have the federal government put money in the kind of research that will create the new high-technology, biotechnology industries that will create the millions of new jobs.
Joe Lieberman
Sometimes you invest in things that don’t make money yet, but you want to make them better.
Diana Taurasi
I know it may come off cheesy, but if somebody’s going to invest hundreds of thousands of dollars, even more into you, you want to make sure you can return that; you want to make sure they feel good about their investment.
Ari Lennox
Hillary Clinton understands that we have to invest in education and jobs for our young people, not more jails or incarceration.
Bernie Sanders
Know your worth and please don’t invest in toxic people or relationships, because any bond that requires servicing is not worth your time.
Masaba Gupta
My philosophy is whatever you do, you’ve got to invest in yourself. If you don’t, there are a lot of people out there who will get the job because they’re more prepared than you.
Karl Urban
Budgets reflect our priorities, who we are as a nation, what we’re going to put first, and emphasize and invest.
Brad Schneider
The single best time to invest is at a young age because the dollar in the market today will likely be worth 10 to 50 times that much, after inflation, by the time you reach age 65.
Stephen Moore
We need to invest in a way that makes sure we’ve got the workforce we need in the future.
Jeanne Shaheen
Investors are always biased to invest in things they themselves understand. So venture capitalists like Uber because they like driving in black town cars. They don’t like Airbnb because they like staying in five-star hotels, not sleeping on people’s couches.
Peter Thiel
The government needs to invest in raising digital fluency of its citizenry.
Julie Sweet
So if you want a really effective criminal justice strategy, you don’t build bigger prisons, you invest money in young kids – and you accept that it’s going to take years to work through, but it’s a more effective strategy.
Keir Starmer
One of the best predictors of policy around is Thomas Ferguson’s investment theory of politics, as he calls it – very outstanding political economist – which essentially – I mean, to say it in a sentence, he describes elections as occasions in which groups of investors coalesce and invest to control the state.
Noam Chomsky
I’m the ninth CEO of IBM. Every one of my predecessors has steered through a technological shift, and every one left the company in a better position than the person before them and prepared this company with a very strong balance sheet to allow it to continue to invest for the next shift.
Ginni Rometty
I became an environmentalist at 16 when I threw a fundraiser for Rainforest Action Network. At 27 I helped save the last unprotected ancient redwoods in California. In my 30s I advocated renewables and successfully helped persuade the Obama administration to invest $90 billion into them.
Michael Shellenberger
We must be willing to courageously invest in our city.
Alan Autry
I think the United States is the greatest country in the world to invest in.
Steve Mnuchin
Income is now more concentrated in the hands of the rich. Those well-off households tend to save and invest higher proportions of their earnings than middle-class or low-income families do.
Annie Lowrey
Prior to the 2008 recession, many financial institutions were engaging in ‘proprietary lending,’ where a bank would invest funds for its own gain instead of earning revenue through commission by trading on behalf of clients.
Seth Moulton
I don’t rely on off-shore tax havens, and I don’t want to invest in stocks and shares as we have seen how volatile that game has been since the financial crash.
Sol Campbell
We will continue to invest in high-growth areas… with a particular focus on digital, cloud, and security services.
Pierre Nanterme
Our economic model allows us to invest a disproportionate amount in our food costs. We have a very efficient system: customers go through a single line, the people who serve you are the ones who make the food, and our menu board is not cluttered.
Steve Ells
You work on a play or movie, you have the whole script, so you’re constructing a performance based on the bible that you have. In TV, you don’t, so to actually invest in that and let that be the exciting part is terrifying and certainly leaves room for mistakes, looking back.
Cory Michael Smith
My first objective is to invest, and if I have anything spare, then I spend.
Shiv Khera
I invest in funds myself even though I run my own fund for my daughters.
Jim Cramer
True leaders don’t invest in buildings. Jesus never built a building. They invest in people. Why? Because success without a successor is failure. So your legacy should not be in buildings, programs, or projects; your legacy must be in people.
Myles Munroe
Young people: marry simply, start your life, and party

Young people: marry simply, start your life, and party later. Think of how much babysitting for your future colicky baby you could buy with that wedding budget. Think of how much marriage therapy you could buy. Invest in your marriage, not your wedding.
Glennon Doyle Melton
Look, I think the worst case scenario is obvious. I think first of all it doesn’t work for very long. It’s an unstable government that raises taxes and destroys the image we’re building for Canada as a strong place to invest.
Stephen Harper
I think that the United States is the greatest country in the world to invest in.
Steve Mnuchin
I told myself after my football career was over that if I ever started making good money again, I would invest it wisely.
John Layfield
There is not enough funding for basic sciences in India. We have to invest in a big way, and I am pushing that idea.
A. P. J. Abdul Kalam
Small companies need capital to invest, expand, and create jobs. And the economy needs a healthy small business community to bolster and sustain its recovery.
Sam Graves
When people say they can’t find African-American startups to invest in, it just sounds a little crazy to me.
Expanding Massachusetts’ developing gaming industry to include wagering on professional sports is an opportunity for Massachusetts to invest in local aid while remaining competitive with many other states pursuing similar regulations.
Charlie Baker
We can improve the military at less cost and with increased capability. It’s not acceptable to keep investing in structure when we would be wiser to invest in dominating the new warfare domain of cyberspace.
Joe Sestak
With bikes, it is absolutely the case that you will get what you pay for. Invest in quality so it will endure wear and tear.
Patrick Dempsey
Invest in decent cookware. One $80 skillet is better than a $100 13-piece set that has nine things you don’t need.
Chris Morocco
I remain as committed as ever to working across party lines with anyone who believes we must invest in the future of our economy by revitalizing our transportation infrastructure, ensuring every child is getting a world class education, and spurring research and development of new technologies.
Jim Himes
The millionaires and billionaires who chose to invest in Australia are actually those who most help the poor and our young. This secret needs to be spread widely.
Gina Rinehart
The earlier you invest, the higher that attrition rate is because it’s compounded. We have a more scientific method of investment.
Dave McClure
Instead of investing our resources in locking people up, let’s invest more of those resources in our fellow citizens so they don’t end up in the system to begin with. And if they do, they can get back on their feet.
John Legend
With new oil and gas discoveries, Africa’s energy exporters will have to invest in defence capability and work with other Indian Ocean powers to ensure security of sea lanes.
Sanjaya Baru
I think the number one safe haven where people put their money is to invest in yourself first.
Hill Harper
This is an appropriate role for the federal government – to invest in basic research.
Todd Young
The Chinese are welcome to invest in industries in Malaysia. But just as we would not welcome mass immigration of Indians or Pakistanis or Europeans or Africans into Malaysia, we have to adopt the same stance on Chinese immigration into Malaysia.
Mahathir Mohamad
Americans are our greatest national resource and we need to invest in them through infrastructure, education, and a competitive tax system that rewards initiative and innovation while punishing irresponsible and destructive behavior.
Francis X. Suarez
As governor of Washington, I’ve seen firsthand what’s possible when you invest in clean energy – reducing carbon pollution and supporting family-wage jobs that are growing twice as fast as those in any other industry.
Jay Inslee
I invest in black-led startups not because of a sense of charity. I make those investments because of the basic principle of supply and demand and the reality that black entrepreneurs typically lack the network to have their deals become bid up and overvalued.
Troy Carter
I have learned that nothing is certain except for the need to have strong risk management, a lot of cash, the willingness to invest even when the future is unclear, and great people.
Jeffrey R. Immelt
We will invest heavily in safety and security… preserve the environment… make progress on biodiversity and economic progress.
Jair Bolsonaro
It’s upsetting to me that you have to be a millionaire to invest in your friend’s start-up.
Fred Wilson
If we invest in researching and developing energy technology, we’ll do some real good in the long run, rather than just making ourselves feel good today. But climate change is not the only challenge of the 21st century, and for many other global problems we have low-cost, durable solutions.
Bjorn Lomborg
Latin America’s economies are organized in a way that concentrates wealth in a few hands but then leaves it untaxed, depriving governments of the resources needed to invest in their citizens’ human capital.
Denise Dresser
I’m a conservative businesswoman in a way because I try not to invest too much to the point that if things go bad, I’d lose a lot.
Pia Wurtzbach
Charter laws do something really important. They give educators the freedom and flexibility that they need to attain results. But we also have to invest a lot in the leadership pipeline to take advantage of that freedom and flexibility.
Wendy Kopp
I think it’s really important for artists in general to invest in themselves. And I view my schoolwork as something I’m investing in for me. And I’m my own product as an actor. There’s a kind of career that I want, and I feel like I’m making choices to obtain that.
Sarah Gadon
My number-one recommendation is to invest in people. Humans that are well trained are the inputs into this discovery process. And there’s big opportunities still, I think, to do a better job of investing in people.
Paul Romer
White people who voted for Trump decided to invest in a

White people who voted for Trump decided to invest in a president who underwrites white supremacy in the guise of populism.
Patrisse Cullors
We need to invest dramatically in green energy, making solar panels so cheap that everybody wants them. Nobody wanted to buy a computer in 1950, but once they got cheap, everyone bought them.
Bjorn Lomborg
You have to get out there and compete. You have to work hard. People aren’t just going to come knocking on your door and say, ‘Please let me invest $1 billion in your back yard.’ You need to be able to go and match the pitch and close the deal.
Katie McGinty
As the property market is very steep right now I think people should invest their capital in a mix of equity and debt instruments, through reputed mutual funds and maybe some in gold and silver. Regular savings are very very important.
Anupriya Goenka
We’re guided by consumer data, and it helps give us the confidence to invest where the consumer is going.
Steve Easterbrook