Top 484 The First Thing Quotes

Words matter. These are the best The First Thing Quotes from famous people such as Frankie Cosmos, George Clooney, George Ezra, Matt Cassel, Keith Thibodeaux, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

Whenever I'm really excited about a song, I want to lea

Whenever I’m really excited about a song, I want to learn it, and it becomes the first thing I play every time I pick up an instrument.
Frankie Cosmos
The first thing that I learned – and I understood it at a really young age – was that I could get a laugh. Really early. Because my mother and father are funny.
George Clooney
My first instrument was bass, and the first thing that I remember learning to play that was better than a few notes was Fleetwood Mac’s ‘The Chain.’ If you’re the guy who penned that bass riff, then you should probably be in some sort of fantasy band.
George Ezra
The first thing that came to mind when I met Tom Brady was intimidation. I’m showing up in 2005 with a guy who just came off his third Super Bowl win. So, it’s a little intimidating walking in the room with Tom Brady for the first time.
Matt Cassel
The first thing I think of when I hear the name of Lucille Ball is a Hollywood legend. I have fond memories of growing up at her house, but she was a different person off the set than she was on the set.
Keith Thibodeaux
Well the first thing I’d say is that I’m not sure exactly what I’m supposed to do to show my remorse other than to say that I’m remorseful.
Jayson Blair
Running was the first thing I discovered that I was any good at.
Julie Bowen
When Sean came to meet my parents, the first thing my dad did when he picked him up at the airport was to take him right to a shooting range. My dad was like, ‘I want to see how he shoots.’
Kemp Muhl
For me, the first thing is script. When I heard ‘Mom”s script, it really touched me and moved me. I felt really nice about the story. That’s the reason I did the movie.
The first thing I do when I wake up is cardio on an empty stomach. I’ll just drink water, or maybe I’ll have a black coffee with no sugar, and I’ll do about 25 minutes of cardio, six days a week.
Jinder Mahal
We have never met with politicians. I don’t know the first thing about how to get heard. My suspicion is that it’s to donate a lot of money.
Neil Blumenthal
Yeah, the first thing that comes to mind is not to try too hard.
Leo Kottke
Let him that is without stone among you cast the first thing he can lay his hands on.
Robert Frost
The first thing I do when I read a part is see if I can identify emotionally with a character. If I make that connection, everything else is just working on knowing their life circumstances and manifesting those through practice and research.
Joshua Leonard
What is the first thing we did when we took control of Iraq? Protect the oil fields. Remember the administration quote about how the oil would pay for the war.
Peter Schuyler
I’ll get a three-page letter and the last paragraph says ‘I know you’ll never read this, but here’s my number.’ I love to call those people because the first thing they say is, ‘Governor, I didn’t mean everything I said in the letter about you.’
Dave Heineman
The first thing my mom told me after I reached Hyderabad was that I won’t be going out on a two-wheeler.
Mithali Raj
After I saw the first thing I ever did, I got a migraine.
Claire Forlani
The first thing I ever put on the Internet was actually a beat tape, but the first thing I ever put on where I was rapping was called ‘Generation Y,’ and it was hella political.
The first thing I look forward to when I am in Delhi is to spend some time with my family. It’s always lovely coming back here and playing in front of my own people. It’s just a special place.
Virat Kohli
What do you see when you look at a representational painting? Most of the time, the first thing I see is a flat piece of canvas covered with colored patterns.
Terry Teachout
I think the first thing you should learn is how to roast a chicken. Once you can roast a chicken, you can pretty much figure out anything else. And who doesn’t like roasted chicken? It’s a classic.
Haylie Duff
I think every footballer, after 20 years playing football, the first thing that comes to your mind is to relax.
Juan Mata
Once I was finally liberated from my Kansas background, the first thing I did was get a sewing machine, because it’s 1972, and I have to look like Mick Jagger and David Bowie every single second. Taffeta jumpsuits.
Gilbert Baker
The first thing they gave me at ‘Sports Illustrated’ was a first-class air card. ‘And oh, by the way, there’s the petty cash drawer,’ they told me. ‘Take a few thousand dollars for expenses.’
Dan Jenkins
As an actor, the first thing you’re taught is, ‘Don’t look into the camera; ignore it.’
Yael Grobglas
I was constantly, always and forever, trying to perform the musical ‘Annie’ for anyone who would listen, and I have a terrible singing voice. It was the first thing that made me think I wanted to be an actress.
Sarah Paulson
Going to Europe as a budding cook opened my eyes to food in a different way. When I got to Italy, the first thing I did was put my little basil plants in the ground and watch them turn into big, healthy bushes.
Frances Mayes
If you will have a person enslaved, the first thing you must do is convince yourself that the person is subhuman. The second thing you have to do is convince your allies so you’ll have some help, and the third and probably unkindest cut of all is to convince that person that he or she is subhuman and deserves it.
Maya Angelou
The first thing I do when I get to any town is find a gym and a breakfast place, because I love breakfast.
Becky Lynch
The first thing I think about when I wake up most mornings is the fact that I’m tired. I have been tired for decades. I am tired in the morning and I am tired while becalmed in the slough of the afternoon, and I am tired in the evening, except right when I try to go to sleep.
Susan Orlean
The first thing to know about space food - it is the am

The first thing to know about space food – it is the ambiance; it is the environment. It is not the food.
John M. Grunsfeld
I feel like part of getting better at writing is knowing where to find that inspiration. Right after something happens to me, the first thing I’ll do is go write when those feelings are really, really fresh.
Troye Sivan
The first thing I did that was at all in the public eye, other than on stage, was ‘Oz,’ in which I played the head of the Aryan Brotherhood in a maximum-security prison.
J. K. Simmons
Ironically, the first thing that appealed to me about Islam was its pluralism. The fact that the Koran praises all the great prophets of the past.
Karen Armstrong
Eating is the hard part. It’s constant – you don’t ever stop from the time you wake up you eat until you go to bed. Then I wake up in the morning and the first thing I do is eat and do it all day again.
Brian Shaw
The first thing is that we’re being attacked by both the Writers Guild and the Producers Guild. Both of these groups are trying to diminish the importance and strength of the director. They’re trying to do it through both frontal and side attacks.
John Frankenheimer
It’s very difficult for me to look at politics with clear eyes. I’ll read a story in the paper and the first thing that pops into my head is, what would my dad say about that? Then I try to break out of that and think, ‘What would Said say about that,’ and then it gets complicated.
Said Sayrafiezadeh
It’s important for moms to have alone time. However, that’s the first thing that goes on a busy day. Fortunately for me, because of my job, I have to find the time to do it. At least that’s the way my mind sees it.
Cindy Crawford
If you want to oppose Trump, the first thing you should do is say, ‘I’m not going to do one thing that makes it worse.’ Because making it worse helps Trump. Part of the damage of this era is his debasement and his purposeful divisions. That’s unique in all of history.
Steve Schmidt
What I am afraid of is the first thing I was ever aware of being afraid of and what I have told my daughter countless times she need not fear: being alone in the dark. It is a small prison of emotion from which there is no escape. It is also, in its own way, a shattering revelation.
S. C. Gwynne
The first thing I remember feeling about the 2016 U.S. election was a kind of speechlessness.
Michelle Dean
When I was a kid, I built miniatures, and that was actually the first thing I did professionally in the film industry. It was a demonstrable skill that I had, so I worked as a model maker.
John Knoll
Love is so confusing – you tell a girl she looks great and what’s the first thing you do? Turn out the lights!
Robert Orben
After I did ‘Broadcast News’ and got an Academy Award nomination, the first thing I did was ‘Roe vs. Wade’ at NBC.
Holly Hunter
The first thing that any city that’s trying to create a startup community or an entrepreneurial ecosystem that’s vibrant should do is get rid of the idea that they’re trying to be like Silicon Valley.
Brad Feld
If I see something that seems out of sync with what’s already known, the first thing I do is try to find out what’s wrong with the data. Once you’ve done that, and it still seems wrong, that’s when things get interesting. It means you’ve found something new to understand.
Heidi Hammel
I wake up early in the morning and the first thing I have is almonds soaked overnight, with walnuts and raisins. Then I have one fruit – apple or pear.
Mimi Chakraborty
I so desperately hate to end these movies that the first thing I do when I’m done is write another one. Then I don’t feel sad about having to leave and everybody going away.
John Hughes
The average person in Hollywood just assumes that if you’re on a hit TV show, then that’s the first thing you’ve ever done.
Isaiah Washington
The first thing you have to do is to sequence the Neanderthal genome, and that has actually been done. The next step would be to chop this genome up into, say, 10,000 chunks and then… assemble all the chunks in a human stem cell, which would enable you to finally create a Neanderthal clone.
George M. Church
What’s the best part of a movie? I love to know what my name is. It’s just so fun. That’s the first thing I ask. It’s just fun because you have a different name in every movie.
Elle Fanning
If I ran for president, the first thing I’d do is legalize everyone who’s been here paying taxes, working, paying taxes. Mothers and fathers of kids born in the U.S. should get a green card.
Peter Stormare
I think the first thing is that if you’re going to make a game which is accessible and which draws people in, you’ve got to start from the beginning.
Peter Molyneux
The first thing my writing ever earned me wasn’t an advance on a book; it wasn’t a fee for an article or anything like that. It was, in fact, a residency at Hedgebrook Farm.
Dana Stabenow
The first thing I learned in boxing is to not get hit. That’s the art of boxing. Execute your opponent without getting hit. In sports school, we were putting our hands behind our backs and having to defend ourselves with our shoulders, by rolling, by moving round the ring, moving out feet.
Wladimir Klitschko
I think some of my previous stuff… I tend to be a bit lazy in songwriting, where I’ll just keep the first thing that comes down, and I won’t go back and revisit stuff.
Ryan Bingham
When the economy is strong, people tend to buy three things from the top of their wish list. But when things are bad, people often buy only the first thing on their list.
Satoru Iwata
People still recognize me all the time on the street. The first thing they say when they stop me is, ‘Where have you been?’ The second comment they make is always, ‘Oh, you’ve grown up.’
Macaulay Culkin
It was such a paradox for me that the only thing I know how to do is act, but that the first thing I abandoned while writing were the characters.
Bryce Dallas Howard
When you think of technology that gets people excited – long lines at stores, enthusiastic reviews in the blogosphere, passionate evangelists – the first thing to come to mind probably isn’t thermostats. Then, along came Nest.
Ryan Holmes
I guess more players lick themselves that are ever licked by an opposing team. The first thing any man has to know is how to handle himself.
Connie Mack
I'm so sick of independent films being co-opted by Holl

I’m so sick of independent films being co-opted by Hollywood. You’re making a project that’s small, really personal, and the first thing anyone asks in any meeting is, ‘Who’s in it?’ I’m like, ‘Are you kidding?’
Justin Lin
I have been a producer and director for many years, and I can say it’s really difficult for women, although the women in Mexico suffer as much as other women in the world. The first thing is to get respect for the work you do. Then it is about getting the money. And this respect comes little by little over the years.
Adriana Barraza
A tip that I got from my mom that really helps keep my skin fresh is to wash my face with ice water in the morning. I love it. Just splash with water – cold water. That’s the first thing I do every morning.
Khoudia Diop
Clinton’s attempt to socialize healthcare was the second most disgusting thing he did in the oval office. I can’t remember was the first thing was.
Ann Coulter
The best investment you can make is your skin. It’s really the first thing people see.
Candace Cameron Bure
It’s a mystery. That’s the first thing that interests me about the idea of God. If there is one, it’s mysterious and powerful and awesome to even consider the concept, and you have to take it seriously.
Stephen King
I saw my country first. Because, whoever gets up into space from whichever nationality, the first thing they do is they look out for their country. That is what I did. The Indian peninsula with the ocean on all three sides. And it was a beautiful sight.
Rakesh Sharma
Ted Cruz, if he’s elected president, the first thing he will do is return Don’t Ask Don’t Tell and roll back same-sex marriage laws. Which is law – hello – you can’t really take it away. It’s really terrifying the direction we’re going in now.
Martina Navratilova
Sports are my favorite. It’s the first thing I turn to every day.
Larry King
Acting was the first thing that obsessed me when I was 8-9 years old.
Deepti Naval
The first thing I hear when I wake up is the sea, which is so close to our house that its reflections from the sun dapple our bedroom ceiling.
Craig Brown
The first thing I tell women is this: They think that coding or being in any computer field is very solitary, very solemn, that you’re just set off in a cubicle somewhere and it’s not social and it’s not creative. I would tell them that it’s the furthest from the truth.
Jacky Rosen
The first thing that was intimidating was when I started rehearsing to play Riff in the London company. That first day of rehearsal, I thought, ‘Oh my God, I’m never going to learn this. I’m too slow.’
George Chakiris
It felt like the first thing, but when I first started out, I got a job adapting a book by Russell Banks called ‘Rule Of The Bone.’ I didn’t do a very good job. I didn’t really know what I was doing in general, let alone how to adapt a book.
Paul Thomas Anderson
We all have these challenges and stereotypes that exist, but you can’t let that hold you down… If that’s the first thing you think about as a black woman – the challenge that lies ahead – you are thinking in the wrong direction, in my opinion.
Tamron Hall
I got into Kiss before I got into anybody. The first thing I heard was ‘Detroit Rock City.’ I heard it in the school library, where I lived.
Brian Posehn
The first thing that’s important is to really have people believe in you. If you have that, you can do anything.
When you have two alternatives, the first thing you have to do is to look for the third that you didn’t think about, that doesn’t exist.
Shimon Peres
The first thing I would like to say is that I don’t think folk at Westminster – or for that matter at Holyrood – constitute an elite. They are representatives who are elected and who are at the service of voters who can fire them.
Michael Gove
The first thing I said to myself on 9/11 was, ‘There go our civil rights.’ I found out by comparing notes later that George Carlin and I both said that at the exact same time. That’s the first thing that popped into our head.
Penn Jillette
Usually with this genre the first thing that happens is a good fight sequence to show that you’re in good hands. So we broke that rule. I think a lot of that comes from the western audience.
Ang Lee
I believe if you come out of a movie and the first thing you say is, ‘The cinematography was beautiful,’ it’s a bad movie.
John Waters
The first thing I do every morning is go online to check the surf. If the waves are good, I’ll go surf. The beach is 10 minutes away.
Marisa Miller
The first thing I do whenever I go to Thailand is seek out the closest restaurant or stall selling mango-and-sticky rice: it’s a little hillock of glutinous rice drenched in lashings of coconut milk and served with fresh mango.
Hanya Yanagihara
The actress they’d hired had refused to appear naked in front of the camera. I didn’t like to appear naked either, but the first thing I did was take off my clothes and jump into the pool completely naked.
Victoria Abril
The first thing that happens is that you’re overwhelmed by so much attention. It’s just so unnatural. Only people who’ve been in that position can realize what it’s like. I mean, you have to be there.
Chevy Chase
I wanted to make sure that ‘Up’ wasn’t a 3D movie about a man who sails his house to South America. It’s a movie about an old man who sails his house to South America that also happens to be in 3D. So the first thing is always the story.
Pete Docter
The first thing that strikes a visitor to Paris is a taxi.
Fred Allen
I always start everything with the weather, because the weather is the first thing that I notice when I wake up in the morning.
Julia Cameron
The first thing I ever wanted to be was a lawyer, because I love arguing. But I’m very lazy. I’m intelligent, but I’m very lazy, so it seemed like a bit too much.
AJ Tracey
If you’re an entrepreneur and you’re starting a company, I think the first thing you do is you go and talk to a bunch of people. But then the next thing you probably should do is figure out if there’s a broader demand than just people you know. That’s where I think SurveyMonkey is pretty valuable to people.
Dave Goldberg
The first thing you have to do is accept that decay set

The first thing you have to do is accept that decay sets in and there’s nothing you can do about it.
Francesca Annis
I always get everyone prepared so there aren’t so many arguments on set. I have a policy that the first thing I do in the morning is go over to the trailers and discuss exactly what we’re shooting that day. It’s time-consuming, but it reduces the chances of ‘misunderstandings’ on set.
Tony Scott
I think, basically, I am an actor. Sometimes I’m an actor who’s writing and sometimes an actor who’s directing, but I think if I’m forced to fill out a form for my tax return, ‘actor’ is the first thing I write down.
Chris Eigeman
The first thing I bought that was really stylish was in 1969 when I was eleven. I saved up for a black, grey and white tie-dye grandad vest. It was too big – they weren’t catering for kids my age – and hung off me, but I loved it.
Paul Weller
The first thing I did for TV was a pilot for CBS.
Allison Anders
The first thing I remember is that my dad had a big iron Olivetti typewriter and he worked all night. He was a staffer at Punch but in the evening he wrote columns for the Evening Standard and The Times.
Giles Coren
Christina Grimie was one of my favorite people, not only because she was caring, she was humble, and she always felt like people mattered… but because the first thing she said when she met me was, ‘Oh em gee – your videos are really gross, but for some reason, I love you.’
Shane Dawson
The first thing you do when you get out to center field is put up your finger and check the wind chill factor.
Mickey Rivers
When my alarm goes off between 6 to 6:30 A.M, the first thing I do is reach for my phone. I look at Twitter to see the headlines. It’s become my news aggregator. Then I check my Instagram.
Eva Chen
The first thing I have to do to erase my French accent is think that it is actually possible, whereas for the moment, I think it’s not. I have a lot of work.
Marion Cotillard
The first thing that you need to be a draw, to be a star, is the intangible ‘It’ factor. You cannot manufacture ‘It,’ you cannot replicate ‘It.’
Jim Ross
The first thing I do every morning is make my bed. It’s a habit I’m sure my parents wish I had picked up as a teenager instead of as an adult!
Andi Dorfman
For me, the first thing I fell madly in love with when I was little, was, Gilda Radner had this live performance that she had done at the Met that was on tape, and I could rent it from Video Video in New Jersey where I lived, and so I literally would rent it every two weeks.
Jessica St. Clair
The first thing I got my mom when I got some money was a house.
DeMarcus Cousins
But somehow, I felt no inclination to be interested in it in any amateur way, let alone professional, until suddenly I became interested. And the first thing I did was to compose: not play an instrument, but to compose.
Gunther Schuller
No matter what vision one has of South Africa, the first thing that must be done is to destroy racism.
Joe Slovo
When Republicans say, ‘The first thing you do when you do deficit reduction is reduce rates,’ it would be like Democrats saying, ‘The first thing you do when you do deficit reduction is provide free Medicare at age 55.’ We’d like to do that! But it won’t bring the deficit down. That’s for sure.
Chuck Schumer
Well, the first thing I wanted to be was a carpenter. Then I wanted to be a painter and then a singer. It was when I first saw ‘Lawrence of Arabia’ that I wanted to be an actor.
Michael Pitt
As far as hip hop, I ain’t even gonna front, it was ‘Rapper’s Delight.’ That was the first thing I heard where I was like, ‘Whoa.’ You take that beat and do something over it. I started collecting records after that, old records.
I grew up in a small town in Washington State, so I wasn’t really aware of costume design as a career growing up, but I loved clothes. I remember I saved all my money, and the first thing that I bought was a white blazer, which was to the horror to my parents. But I have always had a strange connection with clothing.
Colleen Atwood
In America, the first thing people say is, ‘What do you do?’
Simon Helberg
The first thing I remember hearing was just the dance music that was in the charts when I was growing up. I don’t remember many of the names of specific tracks – they were just kind of early acid house things.
Jon Hopkins
House of Fools,’ that was the first thing I was sad that we couldn’t do any more.
Bob Mortimer
I like to enter my characters through a physical form first. The first thing I find is the regime of the character – when he wakes up tomorrow, what activities does this person engage in – that’s my entry point. Once I get that, then it becomes easy for me.
Neeraj Kabi
Knowing the strike zone is very important, but I think the first thing is knowing yourself, knowing what things you do well.
Tony Gwynn
Music was the first thing I did where I was naturally talented.
Miranda Lambert
You can trade money for other good things and that’s nice, but it’s not the first thing that matters to me. I’m a martial artist and I have other priorities.
Demian Maia
Everyone talks about the elusive thing with chemistry. If you have a romance on screen or anything, the first thing you have to do is become friends with the person. It’s not necessarily about falling in love.
Seamus Dever
The first thing I put down on paper is a storyboard, like a film director.
Anthony Browne
Several people I had conversations with were hugely influential. People who found internal inconsistency in Westboro’s ideology. It was the first thing that allowed me to recognize that Westboro was wrong.
Megan Phelps-Roper
It’s my firm intention to whop cancer into submission and I truly believe I’ve given myself the best start possible by radically overhauling my diet and by staying true to my motto, which is: Don’t worry, be happy, feel good. The first thing I did when I was diagnosed was to turn vegan.
Larry Hagman
So the first thing you need to do about conflict is to

So the first thing you need to do about conflict is to prevent it, and the best way of preventing it is by dealing with the question of poverty.
James Wolfensohn
The best sequels throughout time keep what you really like about the first thing, but they aren’t afraid to do their own thing for the next season and kind of grow, in a way.
Joe Keery
Well, that was certainly – to me, until we could film in Charles’ room, I didn’t even want to bother filming anything else. And in fact, I did hold off and that was the first thing we filmed.
Terry Zwigoff
The first thing I heard when I got in the business – not from my mentor – was, ‘Bulls make money, bears make money, and pigs get slaughtered.’ I’m here to tell you I was a pig. And I strongly believe the only way to make long-term returns in our business that are superior is by being a pig.
Stanley Druckenmiller
I was inspired to become an actor from theater I’d seen, so I assumed I’d do a lot of theater. But when I left Guidhall, the first thing I did was a short film – I played the main character. And I loved it. I love working on camera. I love the smallness of it and the detail and the routine of it.
Chloe Pirrie
If I go and buy a coffee, and somebody asks me what I do, I’ll say, ‘I find asteroids.’ And the first thing they always do is make a Bruce Willis joke, or they are going to bring up Armageddon.
Carrie Nugent
When we go, as a first responder, when we go into a community that’s been hit with a hurricane, or some other natural disaster, the first thing we do is try to make sure the electric grid is back up and running in order to provide the drinking water for those communities.
Andrew R. Wheeler
So the first thing I do when I get out of bed, I will check my phone real quick because I live in Korea, but my stuff is split between L.A. and Korea.
Eric Nam
Becoming a mother really put me in touch with not just my mortality but also my baby’s mortality. You spent nine months working on this thing, and it’s finally there, and the first thing you think about is, ‘I don’t want my child to die.’
Zoe Buckman
Before moving onto the next thing, make sure you continue to nurture the first thing. Get a good team around you because it’s difficult to do multiple things on your own.
Kandi Burruss
‘Sleepy Hollow’ was really the first thing I’d done that gave me the opportunity in the modern age to build an authentic relationship with an audience that was a lot more like what happens in theater.
Orlando Jones
The first thing women in the industry get asked about is boyfriends.
Perrie Edwards
I worked a lot on ‘Conan’ as an actor, and when I moved to New York, a lot of my friends were on the first staff of that show. I started doing bit parts, which was the first thing I’d done on camera in front of a live audience.
H. Jon Benjamin
I think the first thing that goes through my mind, when I think about corporate tax, is that we need to think about where we set the rate on a global basis, and make sure that the U.S. is competitive.
Doug McMillon
Yes, I was about seven when I started sewing. We were taught at school, and the first thing I made was a gathered skirt.
Esme Young
Almost the first thing you see after entering the Houdini exhibition at the Jewish Museum is a large-screen film of Harry Houdini hanging by his ankles upside-down from a tall building, high over a sea of men in fedoras, and thrashing his way out of a straitjacket.
Robert Gottlieb
The first thing I pack for meets is my makeup bag!
Tori Bowie
The first thing you see in my hallway is a large 18th-century bust of Milton, who stares at me as I watch TV and reminds me of the grave and committed role of the poet. Although he was blind, Milton had one of the most unswerving gazes of all English poets.
Tony Harrison
Schools, the first thing they cut is music programs. They don’t realize how important music is to kids.
Steven Tyler
A horse, you know, they can’t say, ‘Hi? How are you? I’m so-and-so,’ you know? So they communicate through typically smelling or, you know, just body language. And when a horse approaches another horse, the first thing they do is they smell noses.
Brady Jandreau
I never realized how similar that I am to Tom Brady. mean, the obvious physical appearance would be the first thing. The fact that he’s married to a supermodel? Hello? Yeah, I’m also married to a supermodel.
Rex Ryan
The first thing I do after I wake up is a morning meditation. It’s just as I awake and before I open my eyes. It’s where I’m feeding my gratitude and the love in my heart and opening my heart. A good morning meditation is key. It lasts about 10 to 15 minutes. Then I get out of bed.
Tony Gonzalez
The first thing I do after work is take off my TV makeup with a gentle cleanser. I also try to exfoliate twice a week. Waking up with dull, flaky skin is no way to start the day.
Natalie Morales
The first thing that I put in my apartment was a piano. I bought one for $50, and it was a lifesaver because I just went home and played and played… I’m sure I annoyed everyone on the same floor.
Katherine Langford
The first thing that put me on the map was my Sherlock Holmes novel.
Nicholas Meyer
The first thing you always do is seek out the best people that you can find for your organization. If you find the best people, you can basically go anywhere you want to go because they will take you there.
Keith Kellogg
The blues scale was the first thing I learned. It’s just a pentatonic scale with a flat seventh and a few notes that sound cool when you bend them. And because people have amalgamated the blues into this rock-blues scale, if you’re using it, you better sound like a real authentic blues player.
Steve Vai
In times of life crisis, whether wild fires or smoldering stress, the first thing I do is go back to basics… am I eating right, am I getting enough sleep, am I getting some physical and mental exercise everyday.
Edward Albert
The fact that the immigration issue was the first thing Trump took aim at was a good thing for me, because it’s what I spent my life working on. It became a place to see what we’ve become as a country, and how overreach can actually serve to bring those of us on the Left and Democrats together.
Pramila Jayapal
It’s not like I’m an Internet geek or anything – I’m of an age where the Internet is not the first thing I think of when I need to find something out.
Sean Lock
He had written my mother once that he wanted her to be the first thing he saw every morning and the last thing he ever saw. And that’s how it turned out.
Ron Reagan
The first thing out of Fidel Castro's mouth to me, he l

The first thing out of Fidel Castro’s mouth to me, he looked me right in the eye and said, ‘You’re a man of great courage.’
Jesse Ventura
Every time I have played against Everton, whether it was home or away, straight away the first thing that comes to mind when you see the fans is passion.
Fabian Delph
The first thing I ever heard about Barack Obama was that he had a white mother and a black father. Interestingly, the person who informed me of this spoke only matter-of-factly, with no hint of the gossip’s wicked delight.
Shelby Steele
I wasn’t trying to be famous when I started making music. I mean, that wasn’t the first thing I wanted.
Dallas is an extraordinary place in it’s own right. The first thing about Dallas that you can’t get away from, particularly when I arrived, you’ve got no idea of the heat in this place. It’s over 100 degrees, and with that the humidity is ridiculous. I mean, people don’t live here, armadillos live here.
Chris Vance
I did a job. I completed my Matric and my Bachelors. I did a marketing job. I worked as a bus hostess. I did a lot of jobs; I struggled a lot. I got out from there. The first thing I did when I got out of Darul Aman was my Matric. Then I did my Bachelors privately; I kept doing it.
Qandeel Baloch
There are so many people, FIFA or whatever, that can do something against this. They should wake up and do it. If there is a racism, those people should be banned from the stadium forever. They should not even enter the stadium anymore. Never again. That’s the first thing they can do.
Kevin-Prince Boateng
I’ve been writing since I was sixteen. At first, I wrote mostly short stories and poetry. The first thing I ever had published was a poem about a football game. It was printed in my local newspaper.
Jerry Spinelli
At the time I just was like, I can’t believe I am on the show, and the first thing I have to do is an entire song and dance routine for the whole cast of ‘Mad Men.’
Jessica Pare
When I did ‘Think Like A Man’, I would run into people who were acting like it was the first thing I’d ever done. I was at the premiere of ‘Think Like A Man,’ and people were coming up to me, like, ‘Man, you’re going to get work after this, bruh.’
Romany Malco
Michael died five years ago this January, and the first thing that really struck me about the script was the part about her peeling off from the funeral and just getting into a rowboat and having a real kind of cry where nobody was.
Judi Dench
Blues was my first love. It was the first thing where I said, ‘Oh man, this is the stuff.’ It just sounded so raw and honest, gut-bucket honest. From then I started rebelling.
Carlos Santana
When the Khmer Rouge reached Phnom Penh, the first thing they did was to evacuate the population. Then they took over. The point of a revolution is to bring justice to the people, so even if you don’t have proof of sabotage, you manufacture it.
Rithy Panh
The first thing that stuck in the minds of the disciples was not the empty tomb, but rather the empty grave clothes – undisturbed in form and position.
Josh McDowell
The first thing the Chinese ask you when they meet you is: ‘How much money do you make?’ It’s a legitimate question to ask in China.
Rosemary Mahoney
North Korea was pretty insane. Like the first thing my mom taught me was don’t even whisper, the birds and mice could hear me. She told me the most dangerous thing that I had in my body was my tongue.
Park Yeon-mi
I wanted to do something heroic if I was going to be on TV. And the first thing that appeals to me once I have decided I don’t want to be the bad guy is to find things that are not black and white.
Kevin Bacon
The first thing I do every day when I wake up is thank God for letting me make it through the night and giving me another day of life – just because sometimes I wake up, and I cannot believe I’m doing what I’m doing. I just thank Him. I don’t know how I deserve it, but it’s completely because of Him.
Lauren Alaina
The first thing I do when I start a role is I look to see where we’re similar. What do you get for nothing, you know?
Jonathan Majors
I had really bad grades in high school and didn’t want to go to college, and my dad said, ‘Why don’t you move to L.A. or New York and pursue music? You’ve always been good at it.’ It was the first thing that made sense to me and… It was the right move.
Mark Foster
Sometimes when you really try to be earnest, everything disappears. If you really try to make a romantic movie, the first thing that goes out the window is the romance or real passion. It suddenly becomes cute-ville or cozy-ville. It’s another world other than life.
Bill Pullman
Every company that comes into the office for appropriations, the first thing I ask is how many jobs are you going to bring to the 5th District that are not already there.
Virgil Goode
When I got to the NBA, I got a Macbook, and the first thing I did was buy Logic.
JaVale McGee
The first thing I do before I get out of bed is reach for my phone and open Instagram.
Anastasia Soare
I changed from ‘Zoo Kid’ to ‘King Krule’ mainly because I didn’t want to be called a ‘Kid’ when I was 20, so I just thought I’d get rid of that alias and change it now while I’m younger. I wanted to change it quick. and ‘King Krule’ was the first thing that came into my head.
King Krule
The first thing I do in the morning is prepare fresh juice. I have 15 different recipes, which I drink for 15 days consecutively. Then I repeat the recipes from the beginning for the next 15 days of the month. My juices include fruit, vegetables, leafy greens, and even grains.
Izabel Goulart
The first thing I do when I wake up is take a cup of tea, a cup of coffee, and vitamins, and then I look at my dogs. I have three dogs, Rosa, Toto, and Mimmo, all Labradors.
Stefano Gabbana
When I think about ‘Since U Been Gone,’ I think the first thing that comes to mind is ‘Livin’ On A Prayer’ – they’re kind of like sisters, a little bit. And ‘Call Me Maybe’ was so wildly original, and so quirky, and so satisfying.
Bonnie McKee
In 1980, I moved to Chicago, and I recorded demo tapes for my friends’ bands, and in 1981, the first Big Black record – the first thing I did that was an actual record.
Steve Albini
As women, we’re busy. We’re under stress and under pressure, and the expectations are so high for us, so the first thing to go is self-care.
Tessa Virtue
When I was growing up, the first thing I wanted to be was a cowboy. That lasted till I was about ten. Then I wanted to be a baseball player. Preferably shortstop for the New York Yankees.
Jerry Spinelli
'Sleepless' was the first thing that came out and reall

‘Sleepless’ was the first thing that came out and really gained a lot of traction online.
The first thing I remember writing was a poem – about a princess who sat on a hill and sang all day – when I was eight.
Ruth Jones
When a lot of people wake up in the morning and put on their underwear, the first thing they feel that day is terrible about themselves. When you see that your body is not what other people want, it can be really devastating. I have so many friends that I grew up with who have had serious eating disorders.
Rain Dove
I’m probably going to be ashamed to say this… It was a Sir Mix-a-Lot album. I think I was 12, 13. I had just enough money for the ‘My Posse’s on Broadway’ single, so I bought that single. That was the first thing I bought with my own money.
Rick Famuyiwa
The first thing successful people do is view failure as a positive signal to success.
Brendon Burchard
The first thing you need in order to make a business viable is to preserve a cash flow. I made sure I didn’t have any financial backing or support.
Rei Kawakubo
Yeah, I had gay friends. The first thing I realized was that everybody’s different, and it becomes obvious that all of the gay stereotypes are ridiculous.
Bruce Springsteen
The first thing that I see in a woman are her eyes. Sorry, it sounds shallow, but eyes say a lot about a person.
Ali Fazal
The first thing that happens to someone with a mental illness, in the throes of it, is that they lose all their self-esteem. They don’t think they fit in.
Margaret Trudeau
My dad gave me this advice: ‘Make what you want to do for the rest of your life the first thing you do in the day and then worry about hanging out with friends.’
Connor McDavid
People say I am stuck in childhood, but it’s not that. I remember seeing a Matisse retrospective, and you could see he started out one way, and then he tried something different, and then he seemed to spend his whole life trying to get back to the first thing.
Tim Burton
Let’s face it, you get home from work and what’s the first thing that comes off? It’s your bra, isn’t it? You don’t even take the clothes off. You actually sort of pull it out one of the sleeves and then fling it off. You’re free.
Denise Lewis
When I came out of the conservatory, the first thing I did was to go see Thelonious Monk.
Cecil Taylor
Military is a great place for a jock. That’s the first thing they test you, they test you physically. If you can run, if you can do the pushups, it’s not as hard a transition. If you can’t do that, you’re going to have a problem because they’re going to really work it out of you or work it into you.
Ice T
The first thing you’ve got to remember is that it’s your clients’ money you’re spending.
Richard Morris Hunt
Whenever I am sent a new book on the lively arts, the first thing I do is look for myself in the index.
Julie Burchill
A big moment for me was when I did a play that was a new adaptation of Dostojevskij’s ‘Crime and Punishment,’ and I played Raskolnikov. It was actually the first thing I did when I got out of acting school.
Joel Kinnaman
The problem with the West is that they start with political reform going towards democracy. If you want to go towards democracy, the first thing is to involve the people in decision making, not to make it.
Bashar al-Assad
The first thing that matters: I am a child of the eighties. I grew up in a neon wonderland of talking horses, compassionate bears, hair that didn’t move in a stiff wind, and the constant threat of nuclear war.
Seanan McGuire
The first thing that Black Lives Matter had to do was remind people that racism existed in this country because when we had Obama, people thought we were post-racial. That was the debate. Is racism over? And very quickly, we understood that it was not over.
Patrisse Cullors
The difficult thing is that vulnerability is the first thing I look for in you and the last thing I’m willing to show you. In you, it’s courage and daring. In me, it’s weakness.
Brene Brown
Well, the first thing is that truth and power for me form an antithesis, an antagonism, which will hardly ever be resolved. I can define in fact, can simplify the history of human society, the evolution of human society, as a contest between power and freedom.
Wole Soyinka
When I wake up in the morning, the first thing I look at is the checking account report from the day before. I love checking accounts. I dream about them.
John Stumpf
It’s interesting to note that when something like a virus tries to poison us, the first thing our bodies do is heat up. We burn away the infection. Maybe that’s what Earth is doing to us.
Simon Toyne
Some guys get on the road, the first thing they do is look for the nearest golf course. I look for a gym.
Shannon Sharpe
I will never forget the day David Bowie passed away. I will actually never forget that day because I woke up in the middle of the night and it was the first thing on my phone. I had to lay there. It was almost like everything stopped.
Chloe Kohanski
When I was in college, the first thing we did in acting class was to observe an animal at the zoo and become that animal. So I picked a wallaby.
Claire Coffee
That’s the first thing that came easy in basketball, beating people down the court, getting into people. Using God’s gifts.
Jordan Clarkson
I think the first thing I did when I was a kid was a Maxwell House Coffee commercial with George Strait. And I did a Wrangler Jeans commercial, and then ‘The Patriot’ came to town.
Philip Winchester
Trump has actually been tougher on Ukraine than President Obama was. The first thing he did was put sanctions on Russia as it relates to the Ukraine.
Abby Huntsman
What happens is people go, ‘I want to play the guitar,’ and the first thing they do is hit Google: ‘How can I play this?’ and the next thing you know, you’ve learned all these tricks, but you’ve never learned how to play rhythm guitar with a groove.
Steve Lukather
Almost the first thing Obama did in the White House was

Almost the first thing Obama did in the White House was to return the bust of Winston Churchill to the British embassy. That suggests a major re-ordering of things. It’ll be fascinating to see what happens from now on. It was a genuine break with the recent past – perhaps to re-connect with the past past.
Amanda Foreman
With every character, the first thing I want to feel is empathy.
Jonathan Groff
When I started stand-up, the first thing I did was to take an improv class.
J. B. Smoove
You can Google me, and I’m pretty sure the first thing that comes up is ‘gay,’ so that’s out there, and I’m proud of that.
Dave Rubin
The first thing you should do with an actor is not sign a contract with him. Take him to dinner. And take him for a walk afterwards.
Elia Kazan
When you walk into those situations that have a lot of conflict in them, the first thing to do is to be present enough to allow the other person to speak first. You’re not giving power away; you’re actually allowing them to feel seen and understood.
Amy Cuddy
I come from the south, so you’re useless, and you’re a bit pathetic. That’s the first thing that the northerners think of you. You’re also from the city, so you are used to having your cappuccinos and your luxuries and getting your chicken from a plastic packet.
Ruth Wilson
When I started binge-watching TV, when that became a thing due to Netflix a few years ago, the first thing I watched was ‘Lost.’ It was summer break from grad school, and I watched it all in a row, like as many hours a day as I could, as though I were clocking in at a job.
Alexandra Kleeman
The first thing anyone can do, about any issue, is get informed.
Adora Svitak
When I attack a role, be it TV, film or stage, the first thing I say is, I don’t want to know anything. If it’s good I don’t want to hear it; if it’s bad I don’t want to hear it. The only thing either thing can do is distract me. I like to stay focused.
Cicely Tyson
When I was really young, I busted my nose when I was racing. The first thing my dad asked me was: ‘Are you OK?’ I said, ‘Can you fix the car for tomorrow?’ And I won the race the next day.
Lewis Hamilton
The first thing I do when I’m shopping is touch everything to see if it’s itchy. I remember my mom used to put me in the itchiest clothes ever, and I was traumatized by it, so I won’t wear anything itchy now.
Kourtney Kardashian
The first thing I do in the editing room is the ‘radio edit,’ where you listen to the dialogue and don’t even look at the visuals. The rhythm, the music of the comedy, has to work.
Jay Chandrasekhar
If you stop loving someone, did you ever love them? If you say you’re committed and later you’re not committed, well, was the first thing commitment? You see what I mean? This kind of thing has always interested me.
Tim O’Brien
They say that pace is the first thing to go, but my game was never based on pace. It was about strength and power and withstanding challenges and getting in the right position.
Mark Hughes
My mother says I didn’t open my eyes for eight days after I was born, but when I did, the first thing I saw was an engagement ring. I was hooked.
Elizabeth Taylor
The first thing to be said about ‘Prague Winter,’ former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright’s new book, is that she very wisely chooses to confront early on in it her apparent surprise at learning late in life that she was born Jewish.
Michael Korda
I remember the first thing I ever tried was the ‘eating food for your blood type’ diet. It didn’t work for me. It left me fatigued and constantly tired.
Hannah Bronfman
When you get traded, the first thing you have to do is self-reflect and think about how you can get better. It has only helped me become a better player and think the game through.
Ray Allen
When you get older, the first thing that starts to go is reflexes, and reflexes are important for any person, especially an athlete – to react to something in a time when something is going on, and you can’t be a second or two behind.
Bernard Hopkins
There’s acting, and then there’s auditioning; mastering auditioning is sort of the first thing an actor really needs to nail down when he or she wants to get a part.
Teddy Sears
Sound is the first thing that we tune into.
Lee Konitz
The first thing I did on my diet was take the batteries out of the remote control and make myself get up and change the channel. That’s probably the hardest exercise I did.
Stephen Furst
If I was prime minister for a day the first thing I would do would be to close the border. Then we could work out how many people we’ve got here. Then you get people out who have committed crimes and you look at others who shouldn’t be here. Nobody knows how many people we’ve got here.
Noel Edmonds
After college, I knew I wanted to work in comedy, so the first thing I did was go to where the comedy was. I moved from Charlottesville to Chicago, because that’s where The Second City and Improv Olympics are. You have to go wherever you need to go to study what interests you.
Tina Fey
As I tell my children, the first thing is always health. Get sleep, don’t party, don’t do drugs or drink. If your body is right, then you will be right, and if your body is wrong, you will be wrong. Live like a Buddhist monk!
Colm Wilkinson
I don’t have the energy or the mental security to get involved with all that. I think it’s a good idea to be able to disappear into the story, so that the first thing the audience sees isn’t you, but the part.
Jeremy Northam
For me, the first thing is to tell a good story.
Lynn Nottage
I worked on trying to get to Mexico, which was the first thing that I really wanted to do, but a couple of my girlfriends thought that I should learn how to wrestle before I go to Mexico, so I should try out in Japan. That is how I kind of got over there in Japan.
Laurel Van Ness
The first thing you realise very quickly when you decide to do an acoustic version of an electric song is your solo either becomes either very truncated, very different, or non-existent, because even if you play a clean solo, it’s different with the Kryptonite… with the acoustic.
Joe Bonamassa
The first thing I learned was the theme from Peter Gunn.
Pat Metheny
The first thing to recognize not just about Afghanistan

The first thing to recognize not just about Afghanistan but about any poor undeveloped country is that as big as it looks on the map, it’s much bigger when you’re there.
Robert D. Kaplan
What’s the first thing I do when I wake up in the morning? Wish I hadn’t.
With what we were doing in ECW, the first thing you had to overcome was the fear of getting hurt.
Shane Douglas
Women just never think their lips are big enough, even when they are really big. The first thing I always hear from women when they sit down with me is, ‘I need to fill my lips.’ It’s almost crazy how many women say that to me.
Huda Kattan
I think the first thing we should do is abolish the income tax.
Subramanian Swamy
Everyone associates Hyderabad with biryani, so when I say I was born here, the first thing people ask is – ‘When will you make Hyderabadi khana for us?’ Whenever I make biryani, my friends come over.
Aditi Rao Hydari
I think the Civil Rights Movement changed that trajectory for me. The first thing I did was leave school. I was suspended for my participation in Movement demonstrations in my hometown, December, 1961.
Bernice Johnson Reagon
Growing up in Ireland, when my family received important news, good or bad, we would boil water and make tea. It was the first thing I did when my father died in 1984. This ritual allowed me a moment to take in the enormity of what had happened.
Roma Downey
It’s funny because I think everybody when they see me, the first thing they say is, ‘Man, you could have been a heck of a basketball player.’ My response is, ‘I have a heck of a life.’ Basketball is such a minute thing in the big picture. I almost passed away at 21 years old.
Jay Williams
Every day, I wake up, and the first thing I think of is my kids.
Nikki Sixx
The first thing we become convinced of is that man is organized so as to be far more sensible of pain than of pleasure.
Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin
But when I lived as a monk, solitude is often spoken of as a strength. And so the first thing I’d recommend is finding one thing that you can do every single day that brings you joy. It may be reading a book you love. It may be looking at a beautiful piece of art.
Jay Shetty
The first thing that we wanted to make clear is that nobody has to trust anybody. We don’t take people’s trust for Telegram for granted.
Pavel Durov
It’s important for moms to have alone time. However, that’s the first thing that goes on a busy day. Fortunately for me, because of my job, I have to find the time to do it. At least that’s the way my mind sees it. I have to exercise to be able to fit the clothes and book the jobs.
Cindy Crawford
In 1964, when Lee Iacocca said, ‘Shelby, I want you to make a sports car out of the Mustang,’ the first thing I said was, ‘Lee, you can’t make a race horse out of a mule. I don’t want to do it.’ He said, ‘I didn’t ask you to make it; you work for me.’
Carroll Shelby
The first thing you see when you walk into a store is color.
Mickey Drexler
Oh, I’m a great believer in the power of the pause. Radio is a bit brasher now. My style was slower. I just used to go in, open the microphone and say the first thing that came into my head.
Terry Wogan
I mean the first thing you think about when you hear the Cowboys is that star, ‘America’s Team,’ and all of that. It’s a great franchise.
Amari Cooper
The first thing I think about when somebody says you’re going to be the first Muslim is celebrate this moment.
Rashida Tlaib
Looking at Donna Jordan, ‘top model’ was not the first thing that popped into your mind.
Patti D’Arbanville
You have to be aware of your own shortcomings. The main thing I try not to do is lose my temper. Doing live interviews on television, you learn not to say the first thing that comes into your head.
Terry Wogan
Desire is the first thing a modern dancer should have. Skill can be developed. But if you don’t have desire as a modern dancer, forget it.
Twyla Tharp
The first thing I learned was the ‘St Louis Blues’ when I was eight. Both my grandmothers, my mother and uncle played the piano. This was post-war Britain, and they played boogie woogie and blues, which was the underground music of the time.
Jools Holland
Usually, the first thing I do when I wake up is I start working, so I often won’t start the day by reading anything because I like to minimize my ‘commute’ as much as possible. I wake up, open my laptop and start working in bed.
Daniel Mallory Ortberg
I think anybody who works with Malcolm, the first thing they go, ‘Holy cow! I’m working with Theo!’ because that was part of my childhood.
Teams that come up, as soon as they realise they’re in big trouble the first thing they do is change the manger.
Steve Nicol
The first thing I heard was spiritual music, which was imbedded. The second thing I heard was swing. And shortly, along with that, I began to hear the blues. And then I began to hear Latin music. Each one left its mark.
Chuck Berry
My eyes opened, and the first thing I thought of when I could put thoughts together was I want to be in show business. Never wanted anything else. I used to sneak in the costume room at my nursery school and smell the costumes.
Joan Rivers
I was six years old and I had major back surgery and that paralyzed me for three months. When my back got fixed the first thing the doctor said was no contact sports and no trampolines.
The first thing one must remember about film is that it is a young medium. And it is essential for every responsible artist to cultivate the ground that has been left fallow.
Orson Welles
The first thing that’s really important to understand, just when approaching the topic of transgender people, is that the sex you’re assigned with at birth is not the same as your gender identity.
Nicole Maines
The first thing I do is I check my emails and my texts.

The first thing I do is I check my emails and my texts. I guess I shouldn’t feel guilty about it at this point; it’s kind of the norm. Sometimes I’ll bounce around Twitter. And if I have time, I’ll catch up on the news, usually on ‘Huffington Post’ or ‘Salon.’
Randall Park
The first thing to make clear is that scientists, freely making their own choice of problems and pursuing them in the light of their own personal judgment, are in fact co-operating as members of a closely knit organization.
Michael Polanyi
Everyone takes a bad selfie – the first thing is to know that.
Sabrina Carpenter
The first thing that attracts me to any script is the writing. If I find myself becoming lost in a good yarn, then I feel certain that others will, too.
Anne-Marie Duff
When you’re doing something for the first time, you don’t know it’s going to work. You spend seven or eight years working on something, and then it’s copied. I have to be honest: the first thing I can think, all those weekends that I could have at home with my family but didn’t. I think it’s theft, and it’s lazy.
Jonathan Ive
When I decided that I will become a music director, the first thing I wanted to do was to make songs for Vishesh Films as I used to love their musicals. I had eight to ten songs which I had made only for them and fortunately ‘Sun Raha Hai’ from that list was liked by them and it actually opened doors for me.
Ankit Tiwari
The first thing I bought when I was 14 and started working was a crystal bear. I thought it was so glamorous and sparkly.
Carole Radziwill
The first thing I do when I walk into a hotel is find the gym, and if they don’t have a gym, I start looking for a handhold where I can do my pull-ups. Sometimes if a shower curtain rod is sturdy enough, I’ll do them there.
Dean Karnazes
Any time you get a new running back, whether it’s a rookie or hasn’t played a lot, that’s the first thing you test, is their pass protection. That’s big.
John Madden
When you have a cute outfit on and your makeup looks amazing, the first thing people comment on is your image. When you don’t wear makeup, you hear things like, ‘Oh wow, you look tired,’ or, ‘You’re so brave for not wearing makeup!’
Colbie Caillat
The first thing that I ever made was a documentary that I shot… in downtown L.A. about a group of homeless people.
Pamela Adlon
If you give a hacker a new toy, the first thing he’ll do is take it apart to figure out how it works.
Jamie Zawinski
The first thing I do is take Polaroids of the sitter – 10 or 12 color Polaroids and eight or 10 black-and whites.
Chuck Close
I feel like I’m the kind of guy that would have kids before getting married. The first thing would be kids.
The Weeknd
I think the first thing that my sons will tell you, that I never tried to be their coach. And I didn’t give them as much advice as some people might think, being a former player myself and a former quarterback. If they asked, I gave them my opinion.
Archie Manning
They say the first thing to go is your legs, then it’s your reflexes, then it’s your friends.
Kris Kristofferson
We’ve noted that the Clinton camp was the first to get it out there, trying to say there was something untoward about the speech Melania Trump gave. It’s just another example, as far as we’re concerned, that when Hillary Clinton is threatened by a female, the first thing she does is try to destroy the person.
Paul Manafort
Whenever I went to L.A. the first thing people said in the meeting, no matter what it was about, was how much they loved ‘Peakys.’ So Hollywood was really going for it which is always a good start. Also Snoop Dogg is a big fan.
Steven Knight
If we are really anxious not to have nuclear weapons in Iran, the first thing is to call an international conference on abolishing all nuclear weapons, including Israeli nuclear weapons.
Bruce Kent
Being a black artist, the first thing people want to talk about is your blackness, the importance of your blackness, and your black presence.
Toyin Odutola
When I was a young actor, in my first apartment, the first thing I bought was a Steinway piano. There was no bed at first. I slept on the floor.
Maximilian Schell
I did a commercial when I was, like, 5 or 6 years old for… what was it called?… Cabbage Patch Kids! That was the first thing I ever did. Little bit embarrassing.
Logan Lerman
The first thing I do when I get home is take my shoes off and go barefoot.
Jessica Mauboy
As an actor, the first thing you learn in drama school is you never judge.
Jason Clarke
So the first thing that I thought about was, ‘How is this car going to handle?’ But then after I’d been driving with it and practicing with it and I accomplished that, then I just kind of sat back.
Seann William Scott
I have always loved cashmere and knitwear is the first thing I’m drawn to when shopping – even if I don’t need any.
Claudia Schiffer
In the past, when venture-funded startups told their investors they’d found a profitable business model, the first thing VCs would do is to start looking for an ‘operating exec’ – usually an MBA who would act as the designated ‘adult’ and take over the transition from Search to Build.
Steve Blank
The first thing I control is the cost by not shooting for many days. It is not control, but somebody has to drive the whole thing. If I shoot unnecessary things, it will raise cost.
Shoojit Sircar
The first thing to improve society is not banning abortion, but making sure that everyone who had a child is in the best position to be able to rear it.
Caitlin Moran
I picture my books as movies when I get stuck, and when I’m working on a new idea, the first thing I do is hit theaters to work out pacing and mood.
Maggie Stiefvater
I always find the first thing that really bothers me when I start a screenplay is, I have to find a different form. You can’t follow the form of the novel. It’s a different thing completely. It’s impossible. You just somehow have to find a structure for the whole thing. You have to crack that.
Ruth Prawer Jhabvala
If I got $300 million from the California Lottery, the

If I got $300 million from the California Lottery, the first thing I would do is buy the rights to ‘Firefly’, make it on my own, and distribute it on the Internet.
Nathan Fillion
The first thing I thought when I finished Ernest Cline’s ‘Ready Player One’ was, ‘My God, it’s the grown-up’s ‘Harry Potter.” Now this is from a mega ‘HP’ fan, so I mean business, here.
Rebecca Serle
If I went to work in a factory the first thing I’d do is join a union.
Franklin D. Roosevelt
I wish I trusted people more. But when I meet someone, the first thing is, ‘What does this person want?’ And I put up a defense mechanism. But I’ve always been that way.
Derek Jeter
The first thing I do after I wake up is switch on the music player and the last thing I do before going to sleep is stop it.
Sanjay Leela Bhansali
There is a very big difference between writing for children and writing for young adults. The first thing I would say is that ‘Young Adult’ does not mean ‘Older Children’, it really does mean young but adult, and the category should be seen as a subset of adult literature, not of children’s books.
Garth Nix
Whenever a dope artist comes out of nowhere, the first thing you do is try and compare it to stuff until you realise that that artist is just them, and eventually those comparisons will stop.
Bryson Tiller
The first thing that strikes a person when it comes to Southern film industries is the hard work, professionalism and the punctuality that people religiously adhere to.
Abhimanyu Singh
I can be at my house sitting there making music alone, and every single time I’ve ever done that the first thing I do when I’m done, no matter if it’s 4 in the morning… I literally just pick up my phone and I call someone.
Benny Blanco
The first thing I do each morning is get out of bed and give my dog, Audrey, a hug. She’s a Jack Russell. I think having an animal is a wonderful thing, particularly dogs. They are great levelers, there’s no nonsense with them, and they just want simple affection.
Donatella Versace
I grew up with a fashion-obsessed mother and an older sister, so there was a lot of fashion in my house. The first thing I remember owning was a Pierre Cardin jumpsuit when I was 9 or 10; of course I didn’t actually buy it, but I fell in love with it.
Nina Garcia
The first thing you do before you take a swing with a driver is put it down and see how it looks to your eye. If you don’t like how it looks, it’s going to be difficult to hit a good shot.
Xander Schauffele
Peace is a very poor aspiration. Unfortunately, even so-call spiritual leaders are going about saying that the ultimate goal of life is to find peace. Peace is a fundamental requirement. Why are you making it as the last thing in your life? It must be the first thing that happens to you.
Jaggi Vasudev
The first thing I wanted to be was a clown.
Adam Page
The first thing, when I got the money, I knew I would support somebody. And the person I supported was my family. Because we were really in debt with the money. And – so I gave to my father this suitcase full of money. And he couldn’t believe it. And that was something very special.
Michael Schumacher
For example, Taj Mahal is the first thing which comes to the minds of many foreigners who visit India, and how Eiffel Tower in Paris, but there is lot more to every country.
Rajiv Menon
If you try and take a cat apart to see how it works, the first thing you have on your hands is a nonworking cat.
Douglas Adams
Honor is the inner garment of the Soul; the first thing put on by it with the flesh, and the last it layeth down at its separation from it.
When I started writing, the first thing that came out was in English. I liked a few French things, but they were very overwhelming.
Thomas Mars
When Chynna was born, the first thing I said when they placed her in my arms was, ‘I’m going to have so much fun with this little girl.’ And I have. I’ve tried to guide her, make her life happy, and just let her prepare for life.
Michelle Phillips
As far as the NWA tag-team wrestling of the ’80s – and I know you’re talking some heavy hitters there – the first thing people will always say is The Midnight and Rock ‘N’ Roll Express. We invented things as we went along that people had never seen. It was always different. And it was always good.
Jim Cornette
Our talent and skill as rappers is clearly the first thing you notice. I don’t know what we were thinking. We just really love rap and wanted to be rappers. Is that weird?
The first thing I do after waking up is check my phone for news. I like to make sure the world is still here and understand what happened overnight.
Mellody Hobson
Love comes to everybody in many different ways. Attraction is always the first thing, no? But love must be more than that. It must be magic.
Julio Iglesias
The first thing a kindness deserves is acceptance, the second, transmission.
George MacDonald
The first thing that I remember auditioning for was a weather commercial in Boston, and I got the job. The idea of the commercial was that you ought to watch the weather in the morning so that you know what’s gonna come later in the day.
Casey Affleck
Shoes are the first thing I notice on a man. I like classic styles – not too square, not too pointy, not too fashiony. There’s a fine line between too much and too little effort.
Margherita Missoni
People look at me weird because I’m a Howard Stern fan, but he’s very misunderstood. It’s the first thing I do when I get in my car at a tournament – just pray that I get Howard 100 on Sirius or XM.
Keegan Bradley
The first thing I did when my career started moving was to buy a small house.
Freddie Prinze, Jr.
I think you have a social responsibility as the villain, which is pretty different from the hero’s responsibility. If you have any kind of a social or political conscience at all, the first thing you want to do is make malevolence recognizable to people, almost as a kind of teaching aid.
Peter Coyote
In taking stock of ourselves, we should not forget that fear plays a large part in the drama of failure. That is the first thing to be dropped. Fear is a mental deficiency susceptible of correction, if taken in hand before it gains an ascendency over us. Fear comes with the thought of failure.
Douglas Fairbanks
China's cinema has been rising for some time; it has mo

China’s cinema has been rising for some time; it has more exposure, so my chances of becoming internationally known are better. But the first thing I have to do is learn English. If I can grasp the language, then perhaps I can think about the U.S.
Zhang Ziyi
My first love was singing. It was the first thing that really felt like it was a part of me. It’s just in my blood. And acting came sort of out of singing because I did a lot of musical theater.
Evan Rachel Wood
The first thing I have done for the Tejas is that their capacity to annually produce eight aircraft has now been increased to 16. I have doubled it. For which we have given enough support, we have told them that if they need additional space for testing and trials, we are willing to give it.
Nirmala Sitharaman
The first thing I’ll do if I want to look really crappy is, I don’t wear any makeup at all.
Michael Caine
For all adults who haven’t had a very rosy childhood, the first thing they will tell you is that they want to give their child everything that they did not have. That’s something that has stuck with me.
Samantha Akkineni
The first thing you must know as an actor or director is the space you will inhabit. See the architecture; imagine where things can happen in space.
Robert Wilson
I guess Twitter is the first thing that has been attractive to me as social media. I never felt the least draw to Facebook or MySpace. I’ve been involved anonymously in some tiny listservs, mainly in my ceaseless quest for random novelty, and sometimes while doing something that more closely resembles research.
William Gibson
There were times when the first thing we’d talk about in the morning was ‘Stella,’ and the last thing we’d talk about at night was ‘Stella.’
Ruth Jones
Pubs would be number one. And black cabs and cabbies – moody cabbies always crack me up. And the other thing I love is the parks: the parks around London don’t get enough airtime – I think they’re sensational, and when spring hits, the first thing I’ll do is go to the park.
Poppy Delevingne
The first thing I went out for was ‘The Sopranos’ and I got it, so that’s how it happened. I hate to say it like that because I wait for calls now.
Vanessa Ferlito
With Yele Haiti, the first thing was I’m proud of the organization and the work that the organization has done, and in the future hope to continue doing.
Wyclef Jean
I think the first thing I consider is whether I like the script. Once that is done, the next thing I look for is my part in the movie. Many a times you come across good offers, but the part they are offering might not be challenging. So, I don’t take up that film.
Rani Mukerji
When any calamity has been suffered the first thing to be remembered is, how much has been escaped.
Samuel Johnson
Isn’t Googling someone the first thing everyone does?! They meet someone new and Google them!
Hilarie Burton
My parents were working in a hospital in Memphis. But I didn’t live there for any length of time that I remember. The first thing I remember is the town in Mississippi that I live in now, Charleston.
Morgan Freeman
Obviously, there’s more to aesthetic appearance than just race, but that is going to be the first thing that someone notices when they look at a picture.
Sam Yagan
When they asked me what charity I wanted to play for on ‘Who Wants to be a Millionaire?’ the first thing that came to my mind was that this would be a great opportunity to let people know about TOPSoccer.
Julie Foudy
Everywhere I go in America, when they learn I’m from France, the first thing they ask me is if I’m a huge Jerry Lewis fan. I’ve never been able to figure that out.
Gad Elmaleh
As an old reporter, we have a few secrets, and the first thing is we try the phone book.
Andy Rooney
As far as acting, I just went in and just started training. It was the first thing I did right when I retired. I just went in and found class, and found people, found the right coaches that could sort of just train me along.
Nnamdi Asomugha
The first thing that is not obvious to people is global warming is a less-than-1% effect. It’s like being shortchanged at the bank by a penny every dollar. Over a long period of time with lots of transactions, that piles up.
Nathan Myhrvold
The first thing I wanted to be growing up was a solicitor, because all the people around me needed solicitors! But I never really followed it up. Then I wanted to be a dessert chef because I liked the presentation.
When anarchy is declared, the first thing we do, let’s kill all the anarchists.
Craig Bruce
Don’t get caught up in the ‘look’ thing. Sometimes, we as men and women, the first thing that attracts us to someone is their physical appearance, and that’s not always a good thing because what’s good on the outside is not always good on the inside.
Keith Sweat
The first thing I look at is, ‘Is the entrepreneur going after really big problems, to the extent that it feels scary when they talk about it?’ You wonder if the idea is possible. I have seen that a lot of times, people go after small problems, and that’s a sign that they are not confident.
Sachin Bansal
When peaceful reunification comes, the first thing I want to do is to take my 90-year-old mother and go to her home town.
Moon Jae-in
I know when I go and see a writer, the first thing I think to myself is, ‘Are they the character in the book?’ You just can’t help it; it’s the way people are.
Irvine Welsh
When you’re a chef, you graze. You never get a chance to sit down and eat. They don’t actually sit down and eat before you cook. So when I finish work, the first thing I’ll do, and especially when I’m in New York, I’ll go for a run. And I’ll run 10 or 15k on my – and I run to gain my appetite.
Gordon Ramsay
The first thing in my oath is to uphold and protect the U.S. Constitution.
Ken Cuccinelli
Shoot, if you need any added motivation, the first thing is you have to be a pro to play this game and finish it right.
Philip Rivers
The first thing I learned is that campaigns are about money. I had this romantic idea that campaigns were about law and debates and so forth, which is just not true. It’s about money.
Michael Seibel
Everybody talks about tariffs as the first thing. Tarif

Everybody talks about tariffs as the first thing. Tariffs are the last thing. Tariffs are part of the negotiation. The real trick is going to be increase American exports. Get rid of some of the tariff and non-tariff barriers to American exports.
Wilbur Ross
The first thing is to love your sport. Never do it to please someone else. It has to be yours.
Peggy Fleming
I think that the first thing is you should have a strategic asset allocation mix that assumes that you don’t know what the future is going to hold.
Ray Dalio
When I was six, my best friend’s parents bought him a piano. My mother noticed that every time I would go to his house, the first thing I would say to him was ‘Levester’ – His name was Levester – I said, ‘Levester, can I go play your piano?’ So, on my 7th birthday, my parents bought me a piano.
Herbie Hancock
When the Americans see someone like Steve Jobs or Mark Zuckerberg, who made billions thanks to their talent and determination, the first thing they say to themselves is, ‘I want to be like him.’ This, in many ways, is the engine that drives Western society: The desire to make it like the winners.
Yair Lapid
For research, I like to go to the location of the places in the novels. The first thing that I do is involve my senses: I notice the smells; I open the trash cans and look at what people have thrown away.
Natsuo Kirino
Music is the first thing I didn’t give up.
Andy Hurley
No one told me about boys. I had to figure it out myself. The first thing I learned was that sometimes they grow slower than women mentally.
Elena Anaya
Yeah, my drum programming especially is based on my knowledge of playing a drum kit. For the bass too, definitely. It was the first thing that I translated any sort of ideas through. It must have shaped it somehow.
Tom Jenkinson
I did a psychotherapy day once, about class, and the first thing they did was get us to talk about our names. Of course, me, being called Grayson, everybody thinks its somehow unusual and classy. No, its bang-on aspirational working class.
Grayson Perry
In order to make money the first thing is to have no need of it.
Ludovic Halevy
Enjoying phuljharis is the first thing that I can think of from my childhood Diwali days.
Ananya Panday
The first thing we ever filmed was, we had to eat off people’s plates, like we just walked over and took something. We thought we would get punched.
Joe Gatto
The first thing I tell clients is get off the couch! Just start making some small lifestyle changes such as walking to work instead of driving or taking the stairs instead of the lift. The small things you can change all add up.
Jessie Pavelka
I wrote on my website that veganism isn’t right for everyone and the first thing you have to consider is nutrition. I was saying that some use veganism as a form of eating disorder and that careful vegans replace what they cut out of their diet.
Sara Pascoe
When you go see a magic trick, the first thing you ask is, ‘How do they do that.’ That’s what I hope the kids are saying when they leave the matches.
When the Internet came along, the first thing I did was look up Wu-Tang so I could print out their symbol and glue it onto my skateboard.
Devendra Banhart
The first thing I got was a jet. And it’s the last thing I’d get rid of if I go bankrupt.
Ted Waitt
Growing up, most girls have this image of how they want their wedding to be and things like that. I had none of that except for the cake I wanted, and that’s what I got. The cake was the first thing we ordered.
Elana Meyers
It’s nice to have money, but the first thing I did with money was buy my father a snow-blower, because my job was to shovel snow, and I wasn’t there to do it any more, so I was able to buy him a blower.
Richard Gere
It was a very difficult time, 1984. ‘Happy Days’ ended. I said, ‘There’s no way I can be a producer.’ My attorney said, ‘You’ll learn.’ The first thing we sold was the ‘MacGyver’ television series. We shot 139 episodes between 1985 and 1992.
Henry Winkler
Before singing, I was acting. I was always more into acting than singing. It was the first thing I always wanted to do.
Lee Ryan
My background is in tech. I studied computer science, and was working on TechTV, so the first thing I wanted to do was see my favorite motherboard stories hit the front page; you know, like, really geeky stuff.
Kevin Rose
In Brazil, if you have a son, the first thing you give him is a football. That’s the first gift – so my dad was no different.
Diego Costa
Little by little I want to become more free and start going forward but I know that the first thing I have to do is defend.
I love stretching in the morning. It’s the first thing I do when I wake up because getting a good back-crack is so extremely satiating. I feel taller when I finally stand.
Rachel Nichols
When I first got to WWE, the head of talent relations was John Laurinaitis, who is now my father-in-law, and the first thing I thought when I saw everything that he had to do is, I thought, ‘I would never, in a million years, ever want that job. You could not pay me enough money to have that job.’
Daniel Bryan
I love social media. There are a lot of benefits, and it gives us a platform for what we want to become, but there’s always such a negative tone to it. You see a picture, and the first thing you see or think is a negative comment.
Karrueche Tran
I volunteered at a homeless shelter in preparation for ‘Being Flynn,’ and when I’m walking along the Bowery, that’s the first thing that comes to mind. That’s a nice memory.
Paul Dano
All writers know how important a good title is. It’s the first thing readers see, along with a knock-your-socks-off cover – a seductive ‘come hither’ for the story within.
Caroline Leavitt
‘Fatal Vision’ was basically the first thing I did on camera.
Gary Cole
Sometimes I get a call from my bank, and the first thin

Sometimes I get a call from my bank, and the first thing they ask is, ‘Mr. Mitnick, may I get your account number?’ And I’ll say, ‘You called me! I’m not giving you my account number!’
Kevin Mitnick
When I first started acting I was about nine years old. I had never been to audition in my life and my agent sent me out. It was just a commercial for ‘Harry Potter.’ That was the first thing I ever went out for and I got the ‘Harry Potter’ commercial which was really cool, but I didn’t play Harry Potter.
Alexander Ludwig
If I’m backed into a corner, the first thing that comes to mind is the robot from Forbidden Planet. But that could be me trying to be kitschy, cool, and cultural, because the real answer is R2D2.
Christian Slater
The first thing to understand about surveillance video in public places is that there is already a lot of it going on – though it is impossible to know how much.
Adam Cohen
When you think of Napster, you think of music. But the first thing that struck me was that this was an important case not only for the music industry but for the whole Internet.
David Boies
The first thing you put on in the morning is your lingerie, and you have to look at yourself and tell yourself that you’re beautiful, and that’s really hard to do when even a simple catalog can’t confirm that you’re wearing something appropriately or look good enough.
Rain Dove
I don’t think music is the first thing I turn to. For me, I think visual art is more the thing. Sometimes when I’ve been doing music for a while, I can’t really take any more in.
Bat for Lashes
The first thing I did as a child was draw. I wanted to make animated movies. I think Disney’s ‘Cinderella’ was the first movie I ever saw. ‘Peter Pan’ was the first movie I ever saw in the movie theater. I grew up with ‘Dumbo’ and ‘Pinocchio’ and ‘Sword in the Stone.’ Those were the movies I wanted to make.
Damien Chazelle
The first thing I do is lay out that melody and figure out how it has to hold here and then finish to land here, because you know in advance you’re going to want the melody to catch four things in the action.
Danny Elfman
Anyone who tries to make a distinction between education and entertainment doesn’t know the first thing about either.
Marshall McLuhan
When I was getting injured so much, I spoke to my family and my manager and said, ‘I need my body to recover.’ The first thing I thought was that I needed to stay upright. When I went back to Brazil to play, after a few months, my body was perfect.
Alexandre Pato
Every writer has written a spec. It’s the first thing you write, and it basically stands as a means of, ‘Here’s an example of how I tell stories.’ It’s almost like a business card.
Taylor Sheridan
The first thing I tried to write was a novel, when I took that time off in grad school. Then I didn’t finish it. I went back to school, and then I started writing nonfiction kind of by accident.
Elif Batuman
Theatre was the first thing I fell in love with.
Jason Priestley
I’ve always loved journaling as a way to clear my mind. Whether I’m traveling or at home, the first thing I do when I wake up is pull out my notebook and record positive things that have happened to me as well as uplifting thoughts.
Gloria Reuben
Debt is the fatal disease of republics, the first thing and the mightiest to undermine governments and corrupt the people.
Wendell Phillips
The first thing I said if I sat on the Iron Throne would probably be, ‘Ouch!’ It’s actually painful because it’s made of swords. But my first Royal Edict would be, ‘Somebody get rid of this damn chair!’
Eugene Simon
I know from personal experience, if a chef yelled at me in a kitchen, the first thing I’d want to do is hit them with a pot.
Tom Colicchio
I got the first thing I auditioned for – a guest role on two episodes on ‘All Saints,’ and I don’t think I had ever been that excited.
Mia Wasikowska
First we have to recognize that the cause of poverty is both structural and behavioral. And the first thing about the behavior part is that we need a moral revolution within the African American community. Look – no white racist makes you get pregnant when you are a black teenager.
Henry Louis Gates
The first thing many tourists see in Hawaii is concrete – a long dreary stretch of it through landscapes dominated by sad, cheap apartment buildings and almost entirely denuded of plant life.
Hanya Yanagihara
The first thing that comes out of my mouth is always right.
Jenna Jameson
My little sister, the first thing she said was, ‘Can we go shopping?’ I said, ‘Just because I am gay does not mean I want to go shopping!’
Scott Evans
The first thing you learn when you’re blogging is that people are one click away from leaving you. So you’ve got to get to the point, you can’t waste people’s time, you’ve got to give them some value for their limited attention span.
Alex Tabarrok
I love our daughters more than anything in the world – more than life itself. And while that may not be the first thing that some folks want to hear from an Ivy-league-educated lawyer, it is truly who I am. So for me, being Mom-in-Chief is, and always will be, job number one.
Michelle Obama
Before a shoot, I’ll watch what I eat. During the shoot, I watch what I eat. Afterwards, the first thing I do is go have a steak and French fries.
Camila Alves
I was a big fan of the show ‘Deadwood’ on HBO, which was created by David Milch. And as soon as I heard that all of those characters on Deadwood were based on real people, the first thing I did was Google everybody.
Terence Winter
All it takes to become president is money and a certain kind of power. Being president is the first thing I can shoot for, not the highest. It may come to a point where people take rock and roll musicians more seriously than they take politicians. It may eventually turn out that musicians have more credibility.
Todd Rundgren
When you’re insecure about your technique, you close yourself off. Your shoulders tighten. The first thing, you should open your body and sing. Be happy. Sing real vowels, real Italian vowels. When you’re learning a good way to sing technically, you find it’s very easy to sing well.
Marcello Giordani
I know the first thing I want to do when I come back from a loss is to get in the gym and get better.
Miesha Tate
Everything that’s going on within the peloton – there’s about ten different races going on. There is also a survival element to it – I love the fact that it’s so epic. You crash on a bike, the first thing you do is try and get back up on it. No whinging!
David Millar
I act, but I'm not necessarily an actor. Acting is just

I act, but I’m not necessarily an actor. Acting is just the first thing people see when they look at me. So I’d like to do more things.
Noah Centineo
The first thing I do when I come to work, I say hello to my dogs and give them one biscuit each. The butler takes them out to the park and drops them off at the office, so they are there waiting for me. They are very popular in the studio. They play all the time. They run around, up and down, left and right.
Stefano Gabbana
I’ve been talking to certain wrestlers on the phone lately, and certain female wrestlers that were huge stars ten years ago, and the first thing I ask them is ‘do you still want to work?’ Do they want to talk, or do they want to wrestle or do something else in the business?
Hulk Hogan
My mom would take me to restaurants, and the first thing I’d ask for would be a pen and a napkin, and I’d sketch shoes and shoes and shoes.
Alexander Wang
Usually when I go to a place for the first time, unless there’s something historical or spectacular that nature has to offer, the first thing I like to do is see what’s on the minds of the people.
Patti Smith
The first thing that comes to the mind when you are touring South Africa is bouncy wickets. But that is no surety of what kind of pitch you would get in the game.
Bhuvneshwar Kumar
It’s very much like opera singers. They do the same thing. The first thing in the morning and the last thing at night, the thing they think about is their voice and how to take care of it.
Johnny Mathis
The first thing I did was give up sweet tea because I drank so much. I’d start drinking at lunchtime and wouldn’t set it down until I went to bed. When you calculate how much empty calories and how much sugar I was consuming, it was staggering. So I haven’t had a glass of sweet tea in three years.
Paula Deen
The first thing I think, I was building computers, I started to build a computer when I was 17 or 18 at home, an IBM compatible computer, and then I started to sell computers, and when I sold a computer to a company called Ligo I think, and they were selling systems which became blockbuster.
Peter Jones
When you look at all of the problems that are streaming and flowing over that border, the first thing we have to do is secure it. Job number one.
Matt Rosendale
When I’m 65 and still performing every week, I’d like people to say, ‘You know, when that guy was a kid, he made these weird, crazy videos?’ And they’ll have to go look for them – rather than it being the first thing they know about me.
Tom Green
Like most people, I have this sort of love-hate relationship with Pittsburgh. This is my home, and at times I miss it and find it tremendously exciting, and other times I want to catch the first thing out that has wheels.
August Wilson
I like writing a lot more than I used to. I used to find it scary but now I’ve got used to it once it gets going. I used to find it hard to start. Fear of the blank page. The first thing you write down won’t bear any relation to what’s in your head and that’s always disappointing.
Victoria Wood
The first thing I do when I get up, I have breakfast.
Karl Lagerfeld
There are comics in L.A. doing impressions, and the first thing they do is hunch over and then start to do this bad Rick Moranis voice I do as well when I really get going. It’s pretty horrible.
Al Madrigal
The first thing I do when I come home is check the refrigerator for cats because I’m convinced that if one dies, my husband will hide it in there because I don’t cook and so I won’t see it. I do drink Cokes, though, so technically he should hide the corpse in the oven. And now I need to start checking the oven.
Jenny Lawson
I wake up and meditate for 20 minutes. The first thing I do when I wake up is say, ‘Thank you.’
Mandy Ingber
It became my first passion, the first thing I really fell in love with. I joined the Ralph Robinson Ballet company, and then went to New York and became a dancer. I thought I’d die before I did anything else.
Lawrence Bender
If I score a goal on the road, I come home, and that’s probably the first thing I’m doing, pullin’ up the laptop and watching. Can’t watch it in front of the teammates, or else I’ll get made fun of.
Patrick Kane
The first thing one notices about Jill Abramson is her short stature. The second is her intensity.
Gail Sheehy
The first thing Ravi Babu asked when we met was, did I watch horror movies? I told him it took me years to get over Ram Gopal Varma’s ‘Raat!’
Harshvardhan Rane
Thinking of the dismissal by Leicester, the first thing that comes to mind is a sense of surprise even more than of bitterness.
Claudio Ranieri
The first thing I ask when I’m offered a part is, Who’s the director? which is something they never understand in Los Angeles.
Swoosie Kurtz
The sad thing is that I feel so boring because ‘Twilight’ is literally how every conversation I have these days begins – whether it’s someone I’m meeting for the first time or someone I just haven’t seen in a while. The first thing I want to say to them is, ‘It’s insane! And, as a person, I can’t do anything!’
Kristen Stewart
A cheat day for me, the first thing that I crave, I’ll eat. That’s my rule. So if I wake up and I want pancakes, I’m gonna eat pancakes. If I want a cheeseburger for lunch or for dinner, I’m gonna eat it. If I want fries, I’m gonna eat the fries.
Hailey Baldwin
When ‘Hung’ got canceled, I was available for pilot season, and ‘Arrow’ was the first thing I auditioned for. It wasn’t the first script that came to me, but it was my first audition.
Stephen Amell
I usually wake up around 9, and the first thing I do is make myself a cup of tea. I drink a lot of tea – green tea, white tea, and all kinds of herbal teas.
Andreja Pejic
The first thing I’ll do if elected is demand a recount.
Kinky Friedman
The first thing we need allies to do is listen. Come to us with a willingness to grow and evolve. You’re going to make mistakes, and that’s fine, but be willing to listen and grow from those mistakes. I think that’s the most important trait an ally can have.
Sarah McBride
You wonder, how could socialists, true socialists work with Islamists? Because if those Islamists take over, the first thing they’re going to do is kill the socialists.
Louie Gohmert
The first thing I do when I wake up in the morning is push my dog off of me. He likes to sleep on top of me. I think it’s because I’m warm and breathing.
Andrew Yang
I've said for many, many years, as long as I can ever r

I’ve said for many, many years, as long as I can ever remember, when I’m asked, ‘Hey, what do you look for first in a quarterback?’ The first thing I look for is accuracy, because the rest of it doesn’t matter.
Troy Aikman
Soloing was pretty easy for me because it was probably the first thing I’ve ever done.
Angus Young
For those looking outside-in, it’s not fair – or accurate – to assign someone an identity based off the first thing that we see.
Patrisse Cullors
The first thing people say to me when they meet me is, ‘You’re so much skinner in person.’ You have to live up to these standards that are so unrealistic. I try to tune it out.
Gail Simmons
The first thing that bothers me after any celebrity death happens is that my phone starts buzzing for a bite.
Anubhav Sinha
The first thing I do when I book a fight is I go to the Internet and I print out a picture of the guy and put it on my refrigerator.
Chris Weidman
I had a great start in television; the first thing I did was an episode of ‘Performance’ called ‘The Entertainer’ with Michael Gambon playing Archie Rice.
Helen McCrory
When I got out of college and signed a contract to play pro football in the USFL, the first thing I bought was a Remington 1100 shotgun and a Remington .30-06.
Jim Kelly
I think if a girl is easy to talk to then that’s the first thing I look for. It’s great when you meet a girl and three hours later you’re like, ‘Oh my gosh, we’ve been talking for three hours, what happened to the time?’
Zac Efron
The first thing I ever sold online was stolen.
Sophia Amoruso
‘The West Wing’ was really important for me for a lot of reasons. It was the first thing I did when I got out to Los Angeles. I’d just finished school, and I was so naive.
Claire Coffee
The first thing the secretary types is the boss.
Donald Trump
I think any time an offense struggles with developing a rhythm, struggles with scoring points, I think the first thing you have to examine is the quarterback.
Brock Osweiler
When I get out of bed in the morning, I literally say a prayer. The first thing I do is thank God that I got through the night.
Shannon Bream
What’s the first thing I remember about the University of New Brunswick? That’s easy. The year before I had gone to Mount St. Vincent in Halifax, which was an all girls’ school. That didn’t really work out for me. But at UNB, there were six or seven men for every woman, which suited me just fine.
Anne Murray
In designing the scenery and costumes for any of Shakespeare’s plays, the first thing the artist has to settle is the best date for the drama. This should be determined by the general spirit of the play more than by any actual historical references which may occur in it.
Oscar Wilde
In a musical, I believe that choreographers are under a great deal of pressure. There’s not always the freedom to do what you want to do, because if it ends up being too long the dance breaks are the first thing that will go, because you can’t make the story shorter.
Arlene Phillips
The first thing is to be patient, which is probably the hardest thing to do. Don’t worry if blokes are whacking you out of the park because you still have the opportunity to get him out next ball, even if it’s not the same ball.
Shane Warne
For me, family has always been more important than football. The most important thing for me is that my parents and my brother are fine. That is the first thing on my mind when I wake up every day.
Romelu Lukaku