Top 494 Terrorism Quotes

For some, the very act of intelligence gathering seems illegitimate when applied to the crime of terrorism.
Raymond Kelly
Ukraine has been a strong partner to the United States on international initiatives and a committed ally in fighting the War on Terrorism.
Vito Fossella
Everybody’s worried about stopping terrorism. Well, there’s a really easy way: stop participating in it.
Noam Chomsky
The best way to perpetuate poverty is by spending on arms and military, and the best way to fight terrorism is by fighting the basic needs of humanity, because hunger and poverty perpetuate crime.
ร“scar Arias
We’re living in a fearful time. Since 9/11 people have become more afraid than before, because of terrorism. There’s a lot of confusion about evil, where it’s all coming from.
Charles Stanley
A central claim of the Bush administration’s foreign policy is that the spread of democracy in the Middle East is the cure for terrorism.
Timothy Garton Ash
Israel is the vanguard of the free world against the Islamic terrorism of ISIS, Hezbollah, Hamas, and Iran.
Naftali Bennett
Obviously, there’s always a battle over philosophical leanings and persuasions, but the bottom line here is that Americans need to understand that this is an ideology in jihadist terrorism that is dangerous beyond words, and we need the moderate Muslim voices to be heard here if this is to be diminished in Islam itself.
Trent Franks
Terrorism and trade cannot be the only issues on which the world unites. We must commit ourselves to a global coalition to deal with exclusion, too.
Noreena Hertz
From my experience both as DPP and previously as a human rights lawyer, I know that human rights and effective protection from terrorism are not incompatible. On the contrary, they go hand in hand.
Keir Starmer
They were unable to stand up and say: ‘Here’s our policy. It’s Unite the world against terrorism.’
Chris Matthews
Terrorism has become a festering wound. It is an enemy of humanity.
Atal Bihari Vajpayee
The fight against terrorism will not be over tomorrow or next month, or even next year. The fight will endure for years to come, and as the threat changes, so too must we adapt to these transformations.
Will Hurd
We want to promote people-to-people exchanges so that China and the United States can really join together, not just to solve the problems of China or the United States, but some of the big problems facing the entire world. From climate change to famine to even terrorism.
Gary Locke
Algeria, the second-largest country in Africa, has been dogged by terrorism. But while dangers remain, they are far outweighed by the hospitality of the people.
Carol Drinkwater
We can only move to a long-term resolution regarding terrorism and war by planting seeds of peace. We have to start with ourselves.
Peter Yarrow
If Clinton had only attacked terrorism as much as he attacks George Bush we wouldn’t be in this problem.
Dennis Miller
Lots of countries, like Israel, live with terrorism every day, and it doesn’t impact their integrity. The big threat to America is the way we react to terrorism by throwing away what everybody values about our country – a commitment to human rights. America is a great nation because we are a good nation.
Robert Kennedy, Jr.
I condemn any form of terrorism and especially the terrorism that would affect my country and me.
Karan Johar
Europe has a long and tragic history of mostly domestic terrorism.
Gijs de Vries
The real threat comes from terrorism.

The real threat comes from terrorism.
Francois Hollande
The Republic will not be destroyed by terrorism.
Francois Hollande
The war in Iraq has as much to do with terrorism as the administration has to do with compassion.
Julian Bond
The problem of end-to-end encryption isn’t just a terrorism issue.
Tom Cotton
I don’t know of any problems countries in Europe are facing – environment, infrastructure, markets, market development, the fifth freedom being digital freedom, border security, terrorism, migration – that can be better solved alone.
Kersti Kaljulaid
Air travel survived decades of terrorism, including attacks which resulted in the deaths of everyone on the plane. It survived 9/11. It’ll survive the next successful attack. The only real worry is that we’ll scare ourselves into making air travel so onerous that we won’t fly anymore.
Bruce Schneier
In the United States, it’s the mandate of the FBI to gather information relating to terrorism, go out and collect it, to do the interviews, to do the investigative work.
Robert Mueller
Italy remains deeply engaged in the global fight against terrorism as well as on domestic programmes against radicalisation.
Paolo Gentiloni
Terrorism is a psychological warfare. Terrorists try to manipulate us and change our behavior by creating fear, uncertainty, and division in society.
Patrick J. Kennedy
Extremists and populist movements are exploiting people’s fear of those who are not like us. We can see the consequences in the form of terrorism and racially motivated violence.
Kjell Magne Bondevik
I believe that the war against terrorism and the war against poverty in these times of turmoil go together. So you – when you fight one, you have to fight the other.
Gloria Macapagal Arroyo
The war and terrorism in the Middle East, the crisis of leadership in many of the oil-supply countries in the developing world, the crisis of global warming – all these are very clearly tied to energy.
Julia Louis-Dreyfus
The true credit for our safety and security goes to our men and women who are serving in places like Iraq and Afghanistan in the global war on terrorism.
Asa Hutchinson
I’m not frightened about terrorism. I’m frightened about the roots of what we call terrorism.
Mandy Patinkin
In an era in which war and terrorism – at home and abroad – are often based on racial, religious and ethnic differences, rediscovering the wisdom of love and compassion may help us increase our survival at a time when an increasingly divided country and world so badly need it.
Dean Ornish
When I was director of public prosecutions, from 2008 to 2013, I had a first-rate counter-terrorism team, who worked closely with the police and the security and intelligence services to defeat and disrupt terrorism.
Keir Starmer
We cannot solve the problem of terrorism by asserting our will on the world.
Armstrong Williams
Environmental pollution, terrorism, and many other global threats do not stop at borders. We all bear global responsibility and thus need a global identity to enable us to cope with them. We must learn to integrate different levels of identity in ourselves. What matters is not either/or, but both/and.
Klaus Schwab
Tunisia was not for the United States an important country in the way, let’s say, Algeria was because of its gas, because of its size, because of its struggle against terrorism that sometimes turned bloody.
Elliott Abrams
We need to keep an eye on influences from the Middle East or, let’s say, indigenous groups, that might be involved in terrorism.
Rodney Frelinghuysen
We remain vulnerable. There is no such thing as 100 percent security against terrorism.
Gijs de Vries
This issue of terrorism is as much an issue for Pakistan as it is a Western issue.
Shehbaz Sharif
Islamic law is clearly against terrorism, against any kind of deliberate killing of civilians or similar ‘collateral damage.’
Feisal Abdul Rauf
And if you want a commander in chief who will fulfill the most solemn obligation of the president to keep this nation safe, then support a candidate who has demonstrated the commitment, the judgment, the experience, the clarity of vision, to identify our enemy, to call it by its name, radical islamic terrorism.
Ted Cruz
I heard an Israeli speaking on Palestinian human rights issues, an interesting guy, and he said ‘There’s no military solution to terrorism. If there were, Israel would be the safest place in the world. But there’s no military solution.’
Bradley Whitford
Yesterday I, along with a bipartisan Congressional Delegation of lawmakers, inspected the detention facilities at Guantanamo used to house individuals detained in the War on Terrorism.
Jim Ryun
Nearly all government advice on terrorism sacrifices practical particulars for an unalarming tone. The usual guidance is to maintain a three-day supply of food and water along with a radio, flashlight, batteries and first-aid kit.
Barton Gellman
Germany stands in the fight against terrorism at France’s side, united with many, many others. I am convinced that, despite all the difficulties, we shall win this fight.
Angela Merkel
We need intelligence services to fight against terrorism, but they have to respect the principles of good relationships between allies and protect personal, confidential data.
Francois Hollande
You’re always going to have terrorism.
Abdullah II of Jordan
Stocks in the United States plunged in 2002 amid fears of war and terrorism, a weak economy, rising oil prices and dozens of corporate scandals. It was the third consecutive annual decline, the first time that has happened in 60 years.
Alex Berenson
We have to call out terrorism for what it is, and I hav

We have to call out terrorism for what it is, and I have always done that, and the Labour Party has always done that.
Keir Starmer
You can’t leave the fight against terrorism to the government because it affects us as well.
Soha Ali Khan
Another part of the global war on terrorism that Canada and the United States are working on together is in helping failed states, states like Afghanistan, where people have no voice.
Paul Cellucci
Anyone with a gun can go out and commit an act of terrorism, even without a political affiliation.
Aaron McGruder
This may sound trite, but bad things happen to good people, and when you’re facing terrorism, natural disaster, you can have every wonderful plan in place, but I am a realist.
Warren Rudman
We were in opposition to the decision to go to war. But after the war happened, it was clear that you could not sit and look-there would be a breeding ground for terrorism or a new collapsed or failed state named Iraq!
Joschka Fischer
The war on terrorism has made national security a legitimate concern, and a rising deficit, changes brought on by globalization and even the price of oil have thrown the nation’s economic health into question.
Roger Mahony