Words matter. These are the best Darryl Glenn Quotes, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.
Donald Trump went through the process, he earned the vote, and I am not in support of overturning the will of the voters.
I trust Colorado families and teachers way more than I trust D.C. central planners who think they know better than parents do.
The next generation is going to have to understand that Social Security is just one leg of a stool. We need to actually bring back that savings incentive, and the only way you’re going to be able to do that is if you have a job.
I tell people all the time: All I need is gas money.
I say exactly what I am going to do and how I am going to vote, and I have a 13-year record to back it up.
I believe Colorado needs representation from a conservative who has worked his way through the types of obstacles with which nearly all middle-class and lower-income people struggle.
I would say a successful campaign reflects the desire of the people who are there to support a candidate.
I run a campaign where we do not take on debt.
If your neighbor is doing something wrong, let’s call it. Let’s say this person is doing wrong, and let’s notify our law enforcement so we can actually vet that individual.
I have a track record of going out and talking to my constituents and then standing up and representing them. That’s what people want.
Better educating our college students on the risks of high student debt and helping them to find alternatives to taking out student loans would help make the difference to their financial future.
If you really want to heal our communities, more men to step it up to take care of their children. Safe neighbors happen when fathers and mothers are at home.
I’m a strong man of faith.
My life will not be defined by a single political campaign. Those will come and go. But what has driven me to run for elected office in the past still drives me today: the knowledge that heroes do walk among us with tremendous strength and power.
My experience as a county commissioner has taught me that the best ideas often come from our neighbors, church groups, and community.
We need to show the fact that when you start thinking about freedom and liberty, personal responsibility, and opportunity to achieve the American Dream, the Republican party is the best party to do that.
My life is an open book.
Ladies and gentlemen, there is evil in this world.
Here’s a fact: I absolutely understand the humiliation of being stopped for no reason other than driving while black.
If you are a black person growing up in America, chances are pretty good that you have experienced the police pulling you over in front of your mother’s house because you ‘had a headlight out.’
You have to have enough conviction to stand for something. It doesn’t matter if it’s the opposing party or your own party.
Open borders would be clear access to this country without going through a legal immigration process, and that’s exactly what Mrs. Clinton is wanting us to do.
I open my mind and allow the Holy Spirit to come in.
We have to stop the cycle of violence affecting so many of our communities. We have to love each other.
I grew up in a broken home.
I want to make sure that when we’re talking about health care, you want to make sure that women have the ability and access to health care so that they understand all the different options that are out there.
I, for one, want to see Mr. Cruz as a Supreme Court appointee.
I support the elimination and defunding of all agencies like the Education and Energy Departments because they fall outside of the framework of the Constitution.
As a kid, there was not much I could do to stop the violence in our home. When I got older, as a father, I did everything I could to raise my children with a father that loved them, protected them, and made them feel safe.
I have been going into the underserved neighborhoods and talking to people and letting them know that the conservative message does work. Conservatives need to realize that you actually have to go in there and ask for the vote.
What I’m in favor of is making sure we have security for our country and we can control access to our country.
My election results speak to my level of service.
We need to start standing up for freedom and liberty.
If you are going to stand for the rule of law, if you are going to raise your hand and support the constitution, then you need to follow the law.
I’ll absolutely be focusing in on the defense of this nation and making sure that our men and women have the proper tools, training, and equipment to do their jobs, that they have clear rules of engagement and, in the event that something happens to them, that we have a VA system that actually works.
I’m accountable to my God, and I haven’t done anything I’m embarrassed of.
I’m dedicated to healing the wounds between police and minority communities so both sides feel safe again.
I don’t look at polls. It’s about results. And every single time that people have had an opportunity to vote for me, we’ve been on top.
Islam and the Constitution are in clear conflict.
All of my life, I’ve been told no. That I was too poor, too short, too black. I enjoy it when people underestimate me.
I knew I always wanted to get involved in politics.
Michael Bennet can’t possibly understand the impact of flooding our job market with workers that aren’t citizens of this country, and when we fight, they call us racist. When did wanting to feed your family become racist?
I love being the underdog.
The one thing I’m absolutely tired of hearing is ‘Republicans reaching across the aisle.’ We need to step up and lead, ladies and gentlemen. I’m tired of reaching across the aisle.
Climate change – we can debate that until the cows come home, for lack of a better way of stating that. The bottom line is, I do not believe that man is contributing to that factor.
I’m somebody who has a military background, grew up in Colorado Springs, and has been a Colorado resident basically since I was two and a half.
Hillary Clinton is a threat to the rule of law and to our safety and security.
I grew up in a military family. My father spent 26 years in the Air Force.
I am an unapologetic Christian, constitutional conservative, pro-life, Second Amendment-loving American!
I am the Democratic Party’s absolutely worst nightmare. Why is that? Well, you see, I am a black conservative Republican running against one of the most vulnerable Democrats in America in 2016.