Top 50 Drill Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Drill Quotes from famous people such as Debby Ryan, John Bishop, Bill O’Reilly, Jenny Zhang, Leonard Woolf, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

I went through a few phases of finding myself: I dabble

I went through a few phases of finding myself: I dabbled in musical theater, chess club, dance troupe, splatter-painting, school mascot (go Wildcats), babysitter, photojournalist, drill team girl, emo kid – and not one of them defined me, but every single one will always play a part in who I am.
Debby Ryan
I’m the type of bloke who gets a flatpack cabinet from Ikea, puts it together without reading the instructions, then gets the drill out because the holes are in the wrong place.
John Bishop
The oil companies are regulated by the federal government. They can’t drill on land nor in American waters without permission from the feds. Many Republicans want to drill baby drill but what’s the point if all the oil goes to China? Increased production obviously doesn’t mean lower prices for us.
Bill O’Reilly
My mother had two unshakable beliefs that she tried to drill into me. The first was that I had to study and work twice as hard as my white peers if I wanted to survive in America, and the second was that it was delusional and dangerous to believe I possessed the same freedom white people had to pursue my dreams.
Jenny Zhang
The grinding of the intellect is for most people as painful as a dentist’s drill.
Leonard Woolf
You know, I was a regular on the Friday afternoon drill squad. Um, which… The year after I left school, I went back and thanked the sergeant major because I was so fit.
John Newcombe
We all use something – you can’t drill holes with your fingers. Whether it’s a knife, a needle, or a machine, we all need the help of a device.
Jonathan Ive
I love pressure. I don’t know why, but I love the pressure of, ‘oh it’s third-and-five’ or it’s the two-minute drill and someone has to make a play. I’m that guy.
Mohamed Sanu
Soledad Barrio is clearly a master – of thrilling steps and passionate movement. She stalks, she circles, she struts, she snaps her head – her feet drill the stage.
Robert Gottlieb
I often attribute my screenwriting to journalism because they drill in the who, what, when, where and why – but we really need to land on that why. That’s what I’ve been exploring in my writing for many years and trying to get better at.
Mara Brock Akil
In my almost ten years in the House of Representatives, I have voted consistently to allow companies to drill for oil and natural gas in environmentally friendly ways.
Virgil Goode
In 1972, Texaco Oil Company, in partnership with PetroEcuador, the state-run oil company of Ecuador, began to drill for oil in the jungles of the Ecuadorian Amazon.
Peter Coyote
To be able to get a young player to perform a drill or execute a phase of play – that’s satisfying. I get happy and think he’s learned, and that’s what I enjoy.
Harry Kewell
Yes, I love Chicago in many ways, but I’m definitely not trying to fit, you know, the drill Chicago rapper.
If we drill the hell out of everything, including protected public lands and fragile regions like the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, America can emerge as an ‘energy superpower.’
Jeff Goodell
We get a lot of raps as Americans for being small-minded, but in fact, when you really drill down to the core of the culture, there’s an enormous amount of compassion and forgiveness and support.
Bartlett Sher
If you looked at the sound pattern of an old-fashioned record, it would be very spikey. But nowadays, there’s no spikes – everything looks like a brick, so the quiet bits become louder. It’s actually damaging because it’s like listening to a drill.
Stephen Morris
Why would even I say we can’t stop drilling in the Gulf? Because we have no alternatives. Whether or not we drill in the Gulf, or in Alaska, we will continue to wring the last out of anyplace else.
Carl Safina
You get frustrated because you’re so competitive and you want to win every drill.
Mitchell Trubisky
If you manage to stop the timber industry from cutting this forest, they’ll cut that forest. If you stop oil drilling here, they’ll go drill there.
Woody Harrelson
We thrust our fingers into our ears to stop its moan; but it was no good; the cry cut like a drill into our heads, dragging minutes into hours, hours into years. We withered and grew old between those cries.
Ernst Toller
I was trained in seismic prospecting. We’d drill a deep hole and put dynamite in the bottom and blow it up remotely, which would give you a cross-sectional picture of the subsurface, which tells you where to drill.
George Saunders
I may have a little bit of a talent for music, but I’ve learnt to tap into my own self when I write. When I put the drill bit inside my heart, sometimes I come up with something light and frothy, sometimes with something deep and painful, but it’s great to connect with the audience.
Neil Diamond
I think one of the things that I picked up from Nigeria is the constant pressure to be excellent. Parents drill in this responsibility towards family, but also a responsibility toward making sure your family name is heralded.
Life leaps like a geyser for those who drill through the rock of inertia.
Alexis Carrel
The drill instructor must have total and complete control. Mindless obedience is what he’s after.
R. Lee Ermey
I think what has allowed me to be successful is that I can absorb more information than most and drill down to the key business elements of that information and make faster decisions. And of course, I truly try to enjoy every minute of my life. I can never understand why anyone wouldn’t.
Mark Cuban
We have this culture of financialization. People think they need to make money with their savings rather with their own business. So you end up with dentists who are more traders than dentists. A dentist should drill teeth and use whatever he does in the stock market for entertainment.
Nassim Nicholas Taleb
You work hard and you drill daily all the habits that you need to win at basketball and you’re going to create a winning culture.
Frank Vogel
Drill everything, mine everything, roll back regulations, tweak the science, expedite permits. Sound familiar? The Republicans offer up more 19th-Century solutions to our 21st-Century energy problems.
Jeff Goodell
You know the fairy-tale drill, especially from the Disney versions: the heroines endure awful stuff in rites of passage that lead to a joyous resolution of, usually, marriage to a prince. ‘Into the Woods’ follows that template, then asks, ‘What happens after Happy Ever After?’
Richard Corliss
Even though I disagree with many of the changes, when I

Even though I disagree with many of the changes, when I see the privates graduate at the end of the day, when they walk off that drill field at the end of the ceremony, they are still fine privates; outstanding, well motivated privates.
R. Lee Ermey
I show up in a playoff game, I have my sideline sheet. I can’t even spit plays out, I get so excited. I mean, you get nervous. These are critical, do-or-die situations. Third down and 1, Red Zone, what do I call? Two minute drill? Are we going to go no huddle? These are decisions that you wrestle with.
Jon Gruden
I’m sort of an optimist, a high energy type of enthusiastic guy. Someone that tries to be genuine with the players, I’m not a guy that’s going to come in and be a drill sergeant.
Frank Vogel
My dad… was in the military, a drill sergeant, when he was a preacher. You know how some Christians really get into church and become very radical? Imagine him as a radical and a drill sergeant. It was intense.
Ro James
Drill instructors worked seven days a week, fifteen to seventeen hours a day in many cases, with no time off in between platoons.
R. Lee Ermey
William McKinley Oswald was my high school football coach. He was a great coach and had a profound influence on my life. But I think he could have learned his method of motivating players from an army drill sergeant.
Joseph B. Wirthlin
I think we should drill up in Alaska.
Joe Barton
For the life of me, I can’t understand why BP couldn’t go in at the ocean floor, maybe 10 feet lateral to the – around the periphery, drill a few holes, and put a little ammonium nitrate, some dynamite, in those holes and detonate that dynamite and seal that – seal that leak. And seal it permanently.
Phil Gingrey
It would be nice if we didn’t have to drill for oil in the gulf. We have this shallow continental shelf on the west coast of Florida, and it would be a real disaster if we had a major oil spill there. It would be wonderful if we could find some other source of energy.
Eugenie Clark
I couldn’t not play a Les Paul guitar. Les always used to point to my Strat and say, ‘Why do you have that piece of crap around your neck?’ I’d say, ‘Yours are too heavy. I had to drill holes in it.’
Jeff Beck
I am seeing youts getting off the street. They talk about drill and its influence and how it’s bad blah, blah, blah, but all I’m seeing is it’s getting youts off the streets.
Happiness is your dentist telling you it won’t hurt and then having him catch his hand in the drill.
Johnny Carson
I personally developed the Academy training program. All our training is based on solid educational principles. We present the material in four training formats: lecture, demonstration, drill, and implementation.
Jim Evans
I want to build a machine that can drill wells for water. With this problem of water in many places in Africa, we need to find a solution for how you can dig wells so you can be pumping water from deeper places.
William Kamkwamba
No one will pay you for planning an expedition at first: you have to work in pubs at weekends so you can pay the gas bills. I joined the Territorial Army, which paid me when I turned up to drill nights, and so did my wife.
Ranulph Fiennes
The combination of landing the biggest interview of my career and having a drill in my back reminds me that God only gives us what we can handle and that it helps to have a good sense of humor when we run smack into the absurdity of life.
Robin Roberts
When you drill down, blockchains are really a shared version of reality everyone agrees on. So whether it’s a fully immersive VR experience, augmented reality, or even Bitcoin or Ethereum in the physical world as a shared ledger for our ‘real world,’ we’ll increasingly trust blockchains as our basis for reality.
Fred Ehrsam
Walking in stop-motion animation is probably the most difficult thing you can do… The way that they have these puppets connect to the set is they actually drill a hole in the set, and they put a threaded rod up through that hole and screw it into the bottom of their foot, and that keeps them in place.
Duke Johnson
When you think about a drill sergeant, a drill sergeant expects you to perform your best, and if you don’t, they’re going to stay on you until you do.
Jen Lancaster