Top 50 Insurance Companies Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Insurance Companies Quotes from famous people such as Mark Cuban, Suzanne Fields, Ron Wyden, Andrew Weil, Anthony Goldbloom, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

When someone has to go to the hospital because they don

When someone has to go to the hospital because they don’t have insurance – and by the way, I think the insurance companies should be out of the mix altogether – but when someone needs health care, and they don’t have the ability to pay for it, in our communities, we end up paying for it one way or the other.
Mark Cuban
Fully 57 percent of American college students are women. Life insurance companies sell more policies to women than to men. As women continue to draw on experience and education, they’re accelerating their numbers in upper management, too.
Suzanne Fields
It took a little over a decade to build a coalition strong enough to beat the insurance companies, but in 1990, then Senator Tom Daschle and I passed a law regulating the private market for supplemental Medicare insurance policies.
Ron Wyden
Insurance companies, whether private or government owned, must be compelled to pay for health-promoting measures. In turn, this will encourage physicians to offer such treatments in earnest.
Andrew Weil
If competition for Kaggle’s top talent becomes fierce enough among banks, insurance companies, hedge funds – we hope the world’s best data scientists will earn more than $50 million per year, just like the world’s best hedge fund managers.
Anthony Goldbloom
Insurance companies don’t make anything.
James Dyson
I’ve spent my career fighting the worst practices of insurance companies.
Kathleen Sebelius
Here’s where the insurance companies really fail us. They over-pay hospitals, specialists and drug companies and then raise premiums to cover the costs. Further, when they pay hospitals 115% of what it should cost to care for a patient, they are paying for inefficiency that can be dangerous.
Alex Gibney
A Land Valuation Tax is a levy on the value of the land unimproved by buildings or other enhancement. The method is already used by insurance companies each year when they calculate your home insurance premium – they separate the cost of a total rebuild of the property from the value of the land itself.
Barry Gardiner
Health care is a human right, but Bevin doesn’t understand that. He wants to let insurance companies deny care for people with pre-existing conditions, slashing coverage for chronic disease management, mental health services, maternity care and prescription drugs.
Andy Beshear
We took the insurance companies out of the driver’s seat.
John Salazar
Life insurance became popular only when insurance companies stopped emphasizing it as a good investment and sold it instead as a symbolic commitment by fathers to the future well-being of their families.
James Surowiecki
RelayRides and WhipCar, AirBnB, Roomorama and One Fine Stay are all stellar examples of how new, access-based offers entice and provoke insurance companies and banks to re-think risk, value, customers and deal terms.
Lisa Gansky
Before Medicare, nearly half of American seniors were forced to go without coverage because insurance companies were reluctant to insure them – making the chances of having health insurance as a senior the same as getting tails on a coin flip.
John B. Larson
Women tend to need the healthcare system more because we bear children. Insurance companies – not all of them, but many of them – ‘gender-rate.’ Women may pay 40% more for their health insurance than men do.
Gloria Steinem
We have to do a better job of putting some rules on the insurance companies.
Amy Klobuchar
I will never turn Medicare into a voucher. No American should ever have to spend their golden years at the mercy of insurance companies. They should retire with the care and dignity they have earned.
Barack Obama
You know we’re going to control the insurance companies.
Joe Biden
Today more than 20,000 communities participate in the National Flood Insurance Program. More than 90 insurance companies sell and service flood service insurance. There are more than four million policies covering the total of $800 billion.
Gary Miller
The ‘find it, fix it ‘model of medicine doesn’t work any more. The U.S. healthcare system is bankrupting the country, bankrolling the insurance companies and exhausting healthcare staff. And despite all that, we are ranked 50th in the world for life expectancy.
Jon Kabat-Zinn
New Yorkers have been fortunate to have Andrew Cuomo as our Attorney General – protecting working New Yorkers against the banks, insurance companies and big corporations.
Eric Schneiderman
Nobody likes insurance companies, especially health insurance companies.
P. J. O’Rourke
A lot of insurance companies don’t protect transgender people because they think it’s medically unnecessary, but we deserve to be covered, and this is life-saving treatment.
Jazz Jennings
Bonds as an asset class will always be needed, and not just by insurance companies and pension funds but by aging boomers.
Bill Gross
I really have aproblem with the fact that insurance companies don’t see infertility as a medical condition requiring coverage. I do want there to be some pressure on the insurance companies.
Martie Maguire
Actually lowering the cost of insurance would be accomplished by such things as making it harder for lawyers to win frivolous lawsuits against insurance companies.
Thomas Sowell
Some people trust an insurance company over the government, while others trust the government over insurance companies.
Jared Polis
Even before the expansion of slave labor in the South and into the West, slavery was already an important source of northern profit, as was the already exploding slave trade in the Caribbean and South America. Banks capitalized the slave trade, and insurance companies underwrote it.
Greg Grandin
Instead of forcing everyone to buy health insurance, Congress should pass a law protecting the uninsured from being charged more than the insurance companies are for a given service.
Robert Zubrin
And I’ll tell you, honestly, folks that I talk to, the 2.5 million breast cancer survivors in America, that I am one of, understand that we’re done with insurance companies dropping us or denying us coverage because of – because we have a preexisting condition.
Debbie Wasserman Schultz
The insurance companies aren’t covering that. Should Monsanto be liable for these losses? Should the state government? Who’s going to cover the losses? The fact is, here’s an industry with no long-term liability in place.
Jeremy Rifkin
Insurance companies as they exist today are going to be

Insurance companies as they exist today are going to be eliminated.
Neal Patterson
We shouldn’t be bailing out insurance companies under ObamaCare.
Steve Scalise
When I was in the Senate, I worked to pass Women’s Health and Wellness Act, which bars insurance companies from discriminating against the health care needs of women.
Eric Schneiderman
Here in America we so are for family values, yet insurance companies do not cover all fertility procedures.
Cindy Margolis
Obamacare is socialism? Nope – as insurance companies vie to sell new policies, competition within private industry is growing rapidly, with the number of participating insurers growing by 26 percent between 2014 and 2015, and the number of products they offer growing by 66 percent.
Kurt Eichenwald
What the insurance companies have done is to reverse the business so that the public at large insures the insurance companies.
Gerry Spence
The fear is that if the dollar falls below 50% of the currency basket held by commercial and central banks and insurance companies, there may be a democratization of the way currencies are priced.
Porter Stansberry
It’s very easy for trusted companies to mislead naive customers, and life insurance companies are trusted.
Daniel Kahneman
The place where we don’t agree is on whether there should be some restraint on insurance companies and whether they should be allowed to run wild. We believe there should be some restraint; some on the other side don’t think so.
David Axelrod
We might accept pit bulls personally, but America still doesn’t accept them institutionally, where it counts; indeed, apartment complexes and insurance companies are arrayed in force against them.
Tom Junod
The secretary actually already has a good deal of authority within the confines of the Affordable Care Act. Step one really is a question of whether or not HHS will continue to reimburse insurance companies for cost-sharing expenses.
Kathleen Sebelius
Traditional consumer banking will come under extreme pressure as its central deposit-taking and lending functions are challenged by online savings vehicles, crowdfunding, and loan syndicating by such nontraditional competitors as insurance companies, pension and hedge funds.
James P. Gorman
A publicly run health care program could compete with private insurance companies, which have a record of overcharging and underperforming.
Adam Cohen
We need a significant amount of market stability, not for the insurance companies, but to ensure patients can get access to the care they want.
Tom Price
Insurance companies can no longer refuse to cover Americans with pre-existing conditions. That’s what change looks like.
Kathleen Sebelius
When I was 23, 24, I started covering hedge funds – a lot of this was luck – when no one else did. This was before hedge funds were the prettiest girl in school: this was pre-nose job and treadmill for hedge funds, when nobody talked to them – back then, it was just all about insurance companies and money managers.
Stephanie Ruhle
Obama is telling the insurance companies, as a dictator would, what they can and can’t do or what they must or must not do.
Rush Limbaugh
When President Obama passed health care reform, it was personal! And when Governor Romney says he would repeal Obamacare and put insurance companies back in charge of a woman’s health, that’s personal too.
Debbie Wasserman Schultz
Discussions of health care in the U.S. usually focus on insurance companies, but, whatever their problems, they’re not the main driver of health-care inflation: providers are.
James Surowiecki