Top 50 Jenny Slate Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Jenny Slate Quotes, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

That was something that I learned: It's actually okay i

That was something that I learned: It’s actually okay if the way that I do my best is when I’m treated well.
Jenny Slate
I really like working. I can’t think of a job I didn’t like. I was in an Alvin and the Chipmunks movie, which is not my idea of folk art; but I really enjoyed making it, and everyone was really nice.
Jenny Slate
I always thought that farts were funny, and I always thought that they were mine to talk about because they came out of my body.
Jenny Slate
I loved pretending to be a middle-aged Jewish woman. I just wanted to do what I saw Gilda Radner and Carol Burnett doing. But I’m not a particularly good impressionist. It was never my strong suit.
Jenny Slate
I love waking up in the morning. It makes me feel really excited.
Jenny Slate
Women love to be asked more about their clothes than their work. We’re dolls; we made a wish to become alive.
Jenny Slate
I never noticed my voice. I did become aware as a little kid at camp that I liked doing accents. We’d do plays and skits, and I realized I loved speaking in voices that weren’t my own.
Jenny Slate
I had some friends that went to this hypnotist to stop smoking, and I kind of love things that seem magical. And I liked that it was in Santa Monica, and I had to go near the ocean to get my brain washed out or whatever. So I went there. And I went on a Thursday, and I got hypnotized.
Jenny Slate
‘Obvious Child,’ the short, had a nice life online and a great festival run, but the short and the feature still stand apart from everything else I’ve done. I play a woman who you might meet in life. My other work is much more heightened.
Jenny Slate
I wanted to be in New York because I wanted to be on ‘SNL.’ I spent a lot of time wanting to be on ‘Saturday Night Live’ as a kid. That’s what I wanted.
Jenny Slate
It looks like I’m just gonna keep getting really, really happy and sad and embarrassed and excited and disappointed for the rest of my life, so let’s just do that.
Jenny Slate
People want to see comedies where characters aren’t sacrificed for the jokes.
Jenny Slate
For some reason, I never watched Lifetime but just discovered it. I was like, ‘Oh, it’s all rom-coms!’
Jenny Slate
I’ve always wanted to play a normal woman, and I think I have been offered these parts where I play a kook because I’m not the idea of what a normal woman is.
Jenny Slate
You don’t have to be in the brightest, shiniest state of being an individual to feel like you’re exceptional.
Jenny Slate
You are not waiting for your life to start. It’s going on right now.
Jenny Slate
I’ve become very interested in the ways things can change even with someone you’ve known for many years and you’ve committed to for life. How drastic can you damage things in the way you speak to someone?
Jenny Slate
I think it’s important to not just speak to like-minded people.
Jenny Slate
I sometimes think my earnestness is confused for stupidity, but it shouldn’t be.
Jenny Slate
‘Saturday Night Live’ will always be this amazing, powerful behemoth, but it’s also not the only thing happening in comedy anymore.
Jenny Slate
I tend to watch things that aren’t really the genre of my own work.
Jenny Slate
I want to write a studio movie, but probably one that’s for me to be in.
Jenny Slate
There’s a whole thing now in the entertainment industry that’s like, ‘You need to write for yourself. Those are the people that are really valuable.’ And it’s just like, ‘I don’t want to! I just want to act!’
Jenny Slate
My baseline function is I’m usually really happy and optimistic. I think I really genuinely like being alive, and I’ve got a spring in my step – that’s what I’ve been like all my life.
Jenny Slate
I feel nervous when the script is set in stone, and I feel nervous when I feel the script is written for mass consumption because I don’t see myself that way.
Jenny Slate
I think, in general, finding the right time to have a baby is pretty scary.
Jenny Slate
I know sometimes my Twitter feed is intense, but I take it as a friendly void to scream into. I don’t have another way to be.
Jenny Slate
I didn’t hit puberty until I was, like, 17, so I love to talk about that.
Jenny Slate
I feel a lot of life in me and a lot of creative energy, and I think it’s better suited somewhere it can run free.
Jenny Slate
There is something to grace and deportment, but you determine that for yourself. That’s something you own.
Jenny Slate
I like any film where the female characters are complex and have a functioning imperfection.
Jenny Slate
Don't use a pick-up line.

Don’t use a pick-up line.
Jenny Slate
A woman who is not ready to have a baby making it work is not a happy ending to me. It’s a personal nightmare.
Jenny Slate
I like to wear dresses and skirts when I go onstage because the attitude that I have is, ‘I’m so excited to introduce myself to you.’ And I want to be wearing what I’d be wearing to a date or a dinner party.
Jenny Slate
I think that there have been a lot of fear-based assertions that feminism is about aggression, and that is incorrect and untrue. Feminism is about equality; that’s what it’s about.
Jenny Slate
I have things I say over and over again, for sure, but I’ve never wanted to make an album or really go on the road. I don’t want any traction. I just want to be able to express myself and to feel love.
Jenny Slate
I do think that character types trend. As a female comedian, the parts that come my way are often terrible women.
Jenny Slate
I’m tired of someone being called ‘quirky’ because they tripped or got a stain on their shirt. It’s like a beautiful blonde lady who’s quirky because she has bedhead, or she’s quirky because she sometimes says the wrong, cute thing. I like it when women are quirky as human beings.
Jenny Slate
I couldn’t wait to be an adult woman, and I’m glad I felt that way as a kid because, when I grew up, I realised I live in a world where the female form is really disrespected, and society is often trying to wrestle the female form into a shape that looks more like a young boy.
Jenny Slate
We love rom-coms, but it’s getting to where we don’t identify with any of the women in them.
Jenny Slate
I feel I have to be totally cemented in my position, all: ‘You can’t tell me what to do with my body’, but there is another part of me that is, you know, myself: vulnerable, with lots of doubts.
Jenny Slate
I don’t know exactly what’s next. But I do know now that it’s something rather than nothing.
Jenny Slate
I’m usually a fairly harsh critic. It depends. I tend to really not watch my work, because I just feel uncomfortable, and I can be highly critical.
Jenny Slate
I think of my gender as a part of my complex humanity.
Jenny Slate
Don’t think twice. If it’s a character that you feel compelled to play and story that you feel needs to be told, don’t think twice.
Jenny Slate
I guess some people want to be performers because they want to be famous.
Jenny Slate
I think that, unfortunately, people who are maybe threatened by feminism think that it’s about setting your bra on fire and being aggressive, and I think that’s really wrong and really dangerous.
Jenny Slate
If I’m going to have baked goods in the morning, the rule is that I have to make them myself.
Jenny Slate
I think sometimes in comedy the characters are often sacrificed for the joke, and it’s more important for it to be funny than for there to be love.
Jenny Slate
A lot of people think that I’m one of the women from ‘Broad City’ – and I’m just not.
Jenny Slate