Top 50 Prostate Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Prostate Quotes from famous people such as Len Dawson, Matthew Walker, Chuka Umunna, Joel Fuhrman, Mandy Patinkin, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

Granted, prostate exams aren't the most enjoyable thing

Granted, prostate exams aren’t the most enjoyable things in the world, but they only last about 10 seconds. It’s well worth it. Just think of the possible consequences if you don’t get it done.
Len Dawson
People dramatically underestimate how much sleep is linked to all the diseases killing us. We know a lack of sleep is linked to numerous forms of cancer – bowel, prostate, breast cancer.
Matthew Walker
I want to make sure that all GPs, not only in my constituency but across the U.K., help to raise awareness of the increased risk of prostate cancer in black men and have the knowledge to initiate these important conversations with the community.
Chuka Umunna
We can reduce these cancer rates – breast cancer, prostate cancer, colon cancer – by 90 percent or more by people adopting what I call a nutritrarian diet.
Joel Fuhrman
It’s very frightening when you’re told you have any form of the c-word, but because of early detection, they caught it before it had hardly begun. I’m completely cured and will go on to have a wonderful, fruitful life. I’ll never die of prostate cancer.
Mandy Patinkin
Prostate cancer has taken a lot from me. First it took my grandfather and then my dad.
Ben Miller
Broccoli is incredible. It can prevent DNA damage and metastatic cancer spread; activate defences against pathogens and pollutants; help to prevent lymphoma; boost the enzymes that detox your liver; target breast cancer stem cells; and reduce the risk of prostate cancer progression.
Michael Greger
People dramatically underestimate how much sleep is linked to all the diseases killing us. We know a lack of sleep is linked to numerous forms of cancer – bowel, prostate, breast cancer.
Matthew Walker
Unfortunately, with men’s health, we don’t talk about it enough, and prostate cancer gets lost in the conversation.
Eric McCormack
It’s an irony that with the physical decline of age comes more mental wellbeing. It’s life’s cruel trick. You’ve settled down as a person, you feel happier with who you are, and then you get a massive swollen prostate and have to go for a test every two weeks. It’s life’s way of saying the struggle isn’t over.
Greg Davies
My father’s death from prostate cancer in 1993 was tragic. He never complained about pain. He was a fighter. By the time he was ready to die he wasn’t able to die in the way that he wanted to, which seemed an outrage to me.
Zoe Wanamaker
I have heard of people dying from prostate cancer, and they are the unlucky ones, the people who didn’t know they had got it, and it went on the rampage.
Ian Mckellen
Lifestyle changes may slow, stop, or even reverse the progression of early-stage prostate cancer.
Dean Ornish
An Asian way of eating and living may help prevent and even reverse the progression of coronary heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, obesity, prostate cancer and breast cancer. Incorporate more fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, soy products and fish in your diet. Eat at home more with your family and friends.
Dean Ornish
If I could turn back the clock, magically deleting my prostate cancer, the surgery I needed and its complications, would I do so? It seems an odd question. But I find it surprisingly hard to answer.
George Monbiot
After I had prostate cancer, I had something which was misdiagnosed which led to a load of back operations.
Andrew Lloyd Webber
After I had prostate cancer, I had something which was misdiagnosed which led to a load of back operations.
Andrew Lloyd Webber
I was in Vietnam, and I was exposed to Agent Orange. And there’s a high relationship between people that were exposed to Agent Orange and the kind of lymphoma that I had. The prostate cancer was genetic in my family. My father had prostate cancer, my – three of my four uncles had prostate cancer.
Hamilton Jordan
I have heard of people dying from prostate cancer, and they are the unlucky ones, the people who didn’t know they had got it, and it went on the rampage.
Ian Mckellen
My girlfriend’s dad runs the Prostate Centre on Wimpole St. in London, and he’s chairman of Prostate U.K., which I think is the second-largest prostate cancer charity in Britain.
Christian Cooke
I have charity work that I do. I started my own charity, the Friends of the Prostate, and I’m also working on awareness of the deviated septum. I do this because not many people are interested in it. There’s also Save the Funnel-web – they’re dying out.
Barry Humphries
As a supporter of the Prostate Cancer Foundation and their Home Run Challenge program, I am extremely grateful for the valuable partnerships and relationships built with Major League Baseball and our affiliates.
Joe Torre
My father’s death from prostate cancer in 1993 was tragic. He never complained about pain. He was a fighter. By the time he was ready to die he wasn’t able to die in the way that he wanted to, which seemed an outrage to me.
Zoe Wanamaker
It’s very frightening when you’re told you have any form of the c-word, but because of early detection, they caught it before it had hardly begun. I’m completely cured and will go on to have a wonderful, fruitful life. I’ll never die of prostate cancer.
Mandy Patinkin
One big part of Movember is raising awareness for men’s health. A lot of people gotten involved found out members of their extended families had had prostate cancer.
Emily Calandrelli
It’s an irony that with the physical decline of age comes more mental wellbeing. It’s life’s cruel trick. You’ve settled down as a person, you feel happier with who you are, and then you get a massive swollen prostate and have to go for a test every two weeks. It’s life’s way of saying the struggle isn’t over.
Greg Davies
Men need to be aware of the health of their bodies, as well – prostate cancer and breast cancer are almost on the same level. It’s fascinating to me that the correlation between the two is almost the same – people don’t talk about it so much, but they are almost equal in numbers.
Olivia Newton-John
The moment the doctor said he wanted to do a biopsy, in my heart I thought I’d probably got it. But I also know a lot of people who have also had prostate cancer, so I had a reasonably good idea what to expect.
Andrew Lloyd Webber
I have got prostate cancer, and I have to keep monitoring that. It’s no problem, it’s under control and I’m very cool about it, but other people are dying from it.
Ian Mckellen
I am living proof that if you catch prostate cancer early, it can be reduced to a temporary inconvenience, and you can go back to a normal life.
Norman Schwarzkopf
I had prostate cancer that, for me, was debilitating. I didn’t touch a guitar for two years, but when I realized I was seeing the light at the end of the recovery tunnel and was going to live pain-free, I realized again that it was a fun little instrument to play.
Ronnie Montrose
I have four things to be concerned about: prostate canc

I have four things to be concerned about: prostate cancer, pancreatic cancer, melanoma and breast cancer. The rest of my life I have to be very much aware and conscious and do all of the early detection.
Mathew Knowles
If I could turn back the clock, magically deleting my prostate cancer, the surgery I needed and its complications, would I do so? It seems an odd question. But I find it surprisingly hard to answer.
George Monbiot
‘Early stages’ is when the cancer is completely contained within the prostate. If it is detected when the cancer is entirely in the gland, the chance for full recovery is at its highest.
Len Dawson
My friend’s granddad died of prostate cancer and it had a profound effect on me. So when I was presented with the opportunity to speak out, I had to take it. This is a life threatening issue for men; it happens every day. The more you know, the better your chances are of dealing with it if the worst were to happen.
Tristan Wilds
Ignoring prostate cancer won’t beat it.
Chuka Umunna
We can reduce these cancer rates – breast cancer, prostate cancer, colon cancer – by 90 percent or more by people adopting what I call a nutritrarian diet.
Joel Fuhrman
I have charity work that I do. I started my own charity, the Friends of the Prostate, and I’m also working on awareness of the deviated septum. I do this because not many people are interested in it. There’s also Save the Funnel-web – they’re dying out.
Barry Humphries
Major League Baseball has prostate awareness for two weeks leading up to Father’s Day, and I want to get involved in that.
Steve Garvey
I have got prostate cancer, and I have to keep monitoring that. It’s no problem, it’s under control and I’m very cool about it, but other people are dying from it.
Ian Mckellen
My girlfriend’s dad runs the Prostate Centre on Wimpole St. in London, and he’s chairman of Prostate U.K., which I think is the second-largest prostate cancer charity in Britain.
Christian Cooke
People now don’t die from prostate cancer, breast cancer, and some of the other things.
Chris Collins
As a supporter of the Prostate Cancer Foundation and their Home Run Challenge program, I am extremely grateful for the valuable partnerships and relationships built with Major League Baseball and our affiliates.
Joe Torre
Prostate cancer has taken a lot from me. First it took my grandfather and then my dad.
Ben Miller
When you are diagnosed with prostate cancer, your condition is ranked on the Gleason Score, which measures its level of aggression. Mine is graded at seven out of 10. But this doesn’t tell me where I stand in general.
George Monbiot
‘Early stages’ is when the cancer is completely contained within the prostate. If it is detected when the cancer is entirely in the gland, the chance for full recovery is at its highest.
Len Dawson
There’s a saying in my business that there are two kinds of coaches – those who have been fired and those who haven’t been fired yet. That’s kind of like prostate cancer. Every man will have it if he lives long enough.
Bobby Bowden
Lifestyle changes may slow, stop, or even reverse the progression of early-stage prostate cancer.
Dean Ornish
An Asian way of eating and living may help prevent and even reverse the progression of coronary heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, obesity, prostate cancer and breast cancer. Incorporate more fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, soy products and fish in your diet. Eat at home more with your family and friends.
Dean Ornish
I am living proof that if you catch prostate cancer early, it can be reduced to a temporary inconvenience, and you can go back to a normal life.
Norman Schwarzkopf