Top 510 Scientists Quotes

We must accept what science tells us, that man was born from the earth. But, more logical than the scientists who lecture us, we must carry this lesson to its conclusion: that is to say, accept that man was born entirely from the world – not only his flesh and bones but his incredible power of thought.
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
Scientists appear most often in horror movies. Through childlike curiosity or God-defying hubris, they unleash destructive forces they can’t control – ‘Forbidden Planet’s Monsters of the Id.
Virginia Postrel
Public enthusiasm for new advances is a key ingredient in influencing policy-makers to stimulate follow-up work with suitable funding, and it can be achieved far faster now that interested non-specialists can explore new research autonomously and can also be appealed to directly by scientists.
Aubrey de Grey
We must nurture creative scientists in an environment that encourages interactions and collaborations across different fields, and support research free from weighty bureaucracies.
Ahmed Zewail
Science changes, and it’s odd to me that scientists say, ‘Never be skeptical,’ because it was in the mid-’70s when they were saying we’re sunk because we’re going to have global climate cooling.
Matt Mead
So much of the bitterness that the term ‘McCarthyism’ evokes refers to the probe begun in New Jersey in the summer of 1953 – both in the laboratories of Fort Monmouth and in the surrounding communities of Red Bank and Belmar, where some of the best scientists and engineers in America worked.
David Oshinsky
If I was a research scientist, I’d want people to say, ‘You know what, he’s a great research scientist, that Ricky Gervais. He’s really good, really good.’ You know, I’d go to award ceremonies for research scientists and go, ‘Yeah, I really worked hard, yeah.’ It’s brilliant.
Ricky Gervais
No doubt it is true that science cannot study God, but it hardly follows that God had to keep a safe distance from everything that scientists want to study.
Phillip E. Johnson
The most important thing about global warming is this. Whether humans are responsible for the bulk of climate change is going to be left to the scientists, but it’s all of our responsibility to leave this planet in better shape for the future generations than we found it.
Mike Huckabee
That was the first major social sciences conference at which social scientists from all cultures wanted to reach a consensus on whether we can continue to pursue a national course in the social sciences or whether we need a cosmopolitan path that also connects us in a new way.
Ulrich Beck
If competition for Kaggle’s top talent becomes fierce enough among banks, insurance companies, hedge funds – we hope the world’s best data scientists will earn more than $50 million per year, just like the world’s best hedge fund managers.
Anthony Goldbloom
Scientists are supposed to study animals in a totally objective fashion, similar to the way we inspect a rock or measure the circumference of a tree trunk. Emotions are not to interfere with the assessment. The animal-rights movement capitalizes on this perception, depicting scientists as devoid of compassion.
Frans de Waal
I love storytelling, I love being a visual person, and it just made perfect sense to be an underwater photographer and explore the ocean and work with scientists.
Brian Skerry
Scientists will say we can’t blame global warming for any single event. In a sense that’s right, but the fact that the frequency and intensity of these events is increasing you can blame on global warming.
James Hansen
Many science-fiction writers, such as Gregory Benford, are working scientists. Many others, such as Joe Haldeman, have advanced degrees in science. Others, like me, have backgrounds in science and technology journalism.
Robert J. Sawyer
I think Yandex is something in between two different cultures. One originated from the old Soviet culture of the scientific institute. It was a free atmosphere of scientists, maybe too free because nobody cared about making money. Another origin is something close to what you usually see in California startups.
Arkady Volozh
Scientists say that 2 degrees is the furthest we can push the planet before it turns on us. Much like a sorority girl you keep hazing and hazing until she has no choice but to report you to the national chapter.
Desi Lydic
Some scientists believe climate change is the cause of unprecedented melting of the North Pole, and that effects these very uncertain weather patterns. I think we should listen to those scientists and experts.
Dalai Lama
The lives of those such as Charles Darwin and Albert Einstein are plainly of interest in their own right, as well as for the light they shed on the way these great scientists worked. But are ‘routine’ scientists as fascinating as their science? Here I have my doubts.
Martin Rees
As a scientist, of course, we have to believe there is no supernatural. There are only natural entities in the universe. And those are the things that we study as natural scientists.
Greg Graffin
America’s popular heroes have seldom been its great thinkers, and even less its scientists. The success of TV’s ‘Big Bang Theory,’ which seems to give the lie to this claim, is more the exception that proves the rule.
Seth Shostak
In my research, I’ve interviewed a lot of people who never fit in, who are what you might call ‘different’: scientists, artists, thinkers. And if you drop down deep into their work and who they are, there is a tremendous amount of self-acceptance.
Brene Brown
Before the Human Genome Project, most scientists assume

Before the Human Genome Project, most scientists assumed, based on our complex brains and behaviors, that humans must have around 100,000 genes; some estimates went as high as 150,000.
Sam Kean
Getting a team of scientists on Mars could be transformative.
John M. Grunsfeld
The thing is that quite a few of my books have ended up as they are because of conversations I’ve had over the years with forensic scientists.
Val McDermid
Not all SF or fantasy has to inspire new scientists and engineers.
David Brin
I think that cognitive scientists would support the view that our visual system does not directly represent what is out there in the world and that our brain constructs a lot of the imagery that we believe we are seeing.
Galen Rowell
And yet I would not freely exchange my science for those of my fellow laureates. They are forever confined in their professional discussions to the small numbers of their fellow scientists.
George Stigler
Individual scientists cannot do much on their own. Heads of nations, corporates, and economic giants should recognise the criticality of it.
Sheldon Lee Glashow
Right now, I am doing the reverse of molecular gastronomy. I’m working with scientists to find ingredients and produce that are proven to be good for you.
Joel Robuchon
Children are just little scientists.
Jamie Hyneman
Darwin and his successors taught us how our biosphere evolved, and thereby transformed our conception of humanity’s place in nature. In the twenty-first century, space scientists are setting Darwin in a grander cosmic context – probing the origins of Earth, stars, atoms and the universe itself.
Martin Rees
I don’t know how you overcome the dearth of scientists in the government positions.
Nina Fedoroff
Scientists have discovered that, as we age, our brains act like computers with fuller and fuller hard drives. So when we’re trying to recall a fact or a word or a name, it takes us longer, because – to put it scientifically – our brains hold a lot of ‘stuff.’
Faith Salie
As scientists, we need to not be afraid of the truth.
Henry Markram
Global warming is real. It is happening today. It is being charted by our satellites. It is being charted by our scientists. It is being charted by those of us in this body, and I think the real key is if we are ready to admit that fact and take the action to make the necessary conversion.
Dianne Feinstein
The vast majority of terrestrial species are in fact microbes, and scientists have only begun scratching the surface of the microbial realm. It is entirely possible that examples of life as we don’t know it have so far been overlooked.
Paul Davies
Junk DNA – or, as scientists call it nowadays, noncoding DNA – remains a mystery: No one knows how much of it is essential for life.
Sam Kean
I realized, year of the tiger was 1974, which was the year my father passed away when I was a kid… My family, at that point, were Christian Scientists. So basically, this woman Mary Baker Eddy started this in the 1800s, and the premise is that you don’t go to doctors. You believe that God is gonna heal you.
Myles Kennedy
Despite the value of open data, most labs make no systematic effort to share data with other scientists.
Michael Nielsen
The first thing to make clear is that scientists, freely making their own choice of problems and pursuing them in the light of their own personal judgment, are in fact co-operating as members of a closely knit organization.
Michael Polanyi
The amygdala plays a crucial role in processing fear, and minus her two amygdalae, S.M. became unflappable. Studies of her are actually a hoot to read, since they basically consist of scientists concocting ever-more-elaborate ways of trying to scare her.
Sam Kean
Some dreamers demand that scientists only discover things that can be used for good.
John Polanyi
Perhaps scientists will eventually discover that we are all clockwork bunnies, and our experience of volition is an electro-chemical illusion.
Lionel Shriver
Month after month, Wizard Academy equips people who want to make a difference. This is why journalists and scientists and artists and educators and business owners and advertising professionals and ministers are attracted to our little school.
Roy H. Williams
Science fiction rarely is about scientists doing real science, in its slowness, its vagueness, the sort of tedious quality of getting out there and digging amongst rocks and then trying to convince people that what you’re seeing justifies the conclusions you’re making.
Kim Stanley Robinson